Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 2-6 *Gyakuten Sekai no Denchi Shoujo Isekai Shokudou Episode 5-8 *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Episode 3-6 *Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. Kyoukai Senki *Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 Muv-Luv Alternative Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 6-7 *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 3-4 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru
Spaceflight was a success Wonder if the not-USSR is planning a moon landing next >>1002488 Yeah All the brass talk we've heard has implied they want to dispose of her once the flight was successful Doesn't seem too far beyond the USSR
regular bang
mission success? why do i feel like this means bad things now
regular bang
Apparently one of the USSR officials in charge of food, like historically, once visited the States to examine their food production He was absolutely fascinated by the American hamburger and the American ability to pump out mass amounts of hamburgers for cheap It was a key part of his attempts to solve the USSR's ever-constant food problems
His rank's been re-instated Maybe that gives him a chance at being an actual cosmonaut
regular bang
i get the feeling this means he won't be able to spend time with her anymore
Well it's good enough for them to be playing around You gotta be careful with injured knees though They don't heal properly pretty easily
Either they're going to have to save her from being disposed and defect to the UK Or, ah well I guess that's what I was gonna say The USSR found it better to keep her alive
regular bang
It doesn't even look all that off It's not a bad rakugaki
easygoing epiosde before they try to dispose of her next ep
It sounds like that might be potentially shelved It kinda makes sense a bit though As much of a test subject she is to them, she is a test subject they've poured a lot of time and resources into
>When spring comes, the ice will metl Melt even
There's a not-Russian ethnicity in the Arknights world which has a similar kind of saying Not that it's particularly novel or nuanced, I guess But I wonder if both these fictions are pulling it from a real-world equivalent
I shi shishi shi
Wild to think in sixty years the world population has gone from three billion to seven plus
I'll bet on it continuing to grow Even if not at the same pace Because I think that's a better outcome than whatever would cause it to drop And I'd rather be wrong than be right about something like that!
akihabara and giant robots are such a good mix this reminds me a bit of that one anime wasn't about robots just people fighting but it was very otaku poi
There's a lot of celebration of being an otaku in this show
the synner ybufirn reakky us ===== er the summer uniform really is cute the lack of the jacket allows the interesting pattern on the skirt to show through.
It's nice to see the bare skin of arms Although I think Komi wears tights year-round so her legs are still clothed
regular bang
it's a really cute summer uniform but as bang, i am a representative of the winter uniform faction
Winter sucks I want nothing to do with it We had our first flurries of the season this weekend and my soul is already withered away Where is summer I miss it
Her face her kinda reminds me of that Naruto animation that no one will let the show live down
Oh this reminds me I keep forgetting to see if there's a Blue Period episode whoops
regular bang
i don't think there was one yesterday
Yeah, I went and checked The Japanese episodes are up to episode nine but Netflix is being slow about coming out
Man her mom is nothing like her
Najimi's hair antennae always reminds me of a cockroach
regular bang
najimi i regret to inform you that you chose the wrong people to spy on
>Talking to cats How cute
regular bang
najimi is the kind of person i would never want to give my address
Najimi is also the kind of person who would figure out your address
regular bang
Najimi is everyone's childhood friend! Surely you have another friend who knows your address And who wouldn't want to help out their childhood friend
Her mom seems to be the only sociable one in the family Wonder how that feels
Oh yeah I guess these kinds of noodle shops are easy modo for Komi though Since you order through the machine
Man Indoor dining is starting to come back online here I should get ramen some time
regular bang
they aren't even eating they're just watching her eat
I guess the annoying magical girl has some things that annoy her too.
It didn't really look like a manifestation of bad luck I wonder if whatever thing set her on the road to destroying the mana crystal and the Dark Realm is trying to punish her for making buddy-buddy with the Maou and Jahy-sama now
Thanks for anime! Have a nice night
We made such good time I had to go back and make sure we watched everything