*86 - Eighty Six Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 2-6 Isekai Shokudou Episode 5-8 *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Episode 3-6 *Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 *Mieruko-chan *Mushoku Tensei Muv-Luv Alternative *Saihate no Paladin *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 6-7 *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 3-4 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru
regular bang
i'm really excited for mushoku as always and it's nice to get 86 again was it only the recap episode? has it only been two weeks? it feels like forever
Yeah, just the break last weekend for the recap episode It left off at a pretty big build up though
Big plane Seems more like a hovercraft kind of vehicle though
Did they paint it over? It was white earlier
regular bang
they painted it! good choice
I wonder if colour like that even matters when encountering the Legion I guess if their sensory mechanisms rely on light-based sensory then black might help But I feel it's not as useful against robots as it would be against people
Good dad Who was the last person to tell the kids to come back alive Probably Lena
Back on the ship The god was giving some pretty specific instructions this time
A new OP song too They've made quite a few of these for the series
regular bang
i listen to them on my way to work in the morning
regular bang
rice paddies
Kinda expected him to have an emotional reaction to the rice hah hah It has probably been like twelve years since he last had some now
regular bang
oh wow they skipped more than i expected
Shirone seems to be a mix of a lot of cultures A bit of India, a bit of Imperial China Those rivers lined with rice paddies bring to mind south China, or even separate places like Vietnam or similar SEA countries
regular bang
i'm surprised how little time there was between East Port and Shirone East port is super china-poi but shirone is kinda like india-ish or like vietnam yeah
Being an elf is suffering Even being a half-elf seems like you end up pretty long-lived
Menel really does have a face you could mistake for a girl's At least until he starts speaking
If someone's lamenting that they came -this- close to selling their body They usually don't want to hear they'd be good at it
Honestly Menel still could probably go either way, This is the kind of character who when they pull a four-episode-later twist and it turns out they were a girl all along It's kind of just a "Ah, yeah, guess that's that"
Will needs some friends! This is a dangerous world to be living in
regular bang
oh gracefeel is aoi yuuki ha
regular bang
is she oing to overwork herself? she's in literally everything recently
There's not too many voiced lines to Gracefeel though
regular bang
not for this role, but it feels like she appears in at least 3-4 shows per season recently
She's pretty consistently in a lot of stuff though Like if you go look at her yearly voice credits, she's in enough shows to hit three shows a season for pretty much the past five or six years
>>1002254 i mean she's doing a lot more than 3-4 per season on average 3-4 is the "at least " number but also that's literally exactly what i'm saying while it might seem like a minor thing, adding "though" to the end of the first sentence makes it sound like you're doing that thing again
I think if she's been doing it this long at that rate, she is probably doing it because she wants it >>1002256 That thing, is entirely in your own head It's just a way to indicate it's meant to be in disagreement with what you're saying >>1002258 Big surprise, I have my own opinions on things which are likely to be in disagreement with other people Why is that such a problem >>1002259 Again, that inferiority is entirely in your own head Different doesn't equal inferior or superior It's just difference
regular bang
>>1002257 every single post you've said in the last few minutes sounds like a counterpoint or a correction
>>1002257 because the way you do it and the fact that it makes up almost the entirety of your input makes it feel as though you think everyone elses thoughts are inferior to your own it's as if no one is allowed to think something without you making an adjustment to it you never voice any kind of agreement or approval only contention and correction
I do though The fact that you deliberately ignore it is as absurd as anything else you believe on this tangent
regular bang
i occasionally have to point out when the statements you say are in agreement but are being voiced as contradiction or difference because you seem incapable of speaking in any other manner, but that's about as close as you get
No, because you refuse to pay attention to any agreeable things I say
regular bang
i pay attention to your posts plenty in fact it's the reason i'm bothered i'd do better to ignore them instead but when you're replying to one of my posts and when you're replying to other posts are two different things, which adds somewhat to the displeasure
That is 100% in your head, nothing more I give your posts the exact same treatment I give other people's.
I wonder if Mieruko will ever get to live a normal life
regular bang
>>1002264 you're obviously more upset about it this time than you usually are that i'm calling you out on yuour bullshit
It's not bullshit though You can believe it or not, but I don't give you any special treatment I'm not trying to look down on you, or deliberately find things to disagree with you on I am a bit tired of you constantly doing this and would like for you to stop, but if it's just what's going to happen by me talking how I want to talk, then so be it
>>1002267 i've been tired of your contrarian comments and condescension for much longer than i've been voicing it though and you still do it constantly
It is really hard to tell if the spooks are an actual threat to people If they can swing a spirit axe through people and it doesn't do anything, hard to know what the threat actually is But Miko is convinced they're a danger
Hopefully it's just the baby's spirit eager to get out of there and meet its mom Miko doesn't exactly have a good track record of picking good ghosts out from the bad ones, at least at first blink
Ah, or that
This series does these little bits where the mortal and spiritual worlds blur really well
Maybe don't start facing your situation with that one
oh we switched to senpai i like senpair more than jahy i think but they're pretty close they both have somewhat similar energy for the most part
Starting with a bit of a flashback That boy she Oh she tripped I definitely thought she'd beat him
He kinda looks like the dweeby employee a t their company who's constantly trying to get a date with Sakurai
I didn't catch this last episode but the shota is voiced by Horie Yui Kind of a weird role for her She doesn't normally voice boys
That doesn't look like a high school
The over-the-shoulder side ponytail Igarashi had there was nice I like ponytails like that My hair's far too bushy to wrangle into something along those lines
Natsuki has a neat sporty style That double jacket she's got is pretty cool
Flower-viewing parties seem nice I think there's a park on the other end of the city which has enough cherry blossom trees for it to be a spectacle when they're in blood Maybe next season I should do a day trip out to see them