Build Divide is a near-future card game series I think Deep Insanity is about a hellworld and the people who try to survive in it. Kirara seemed to think it was pretty fun
Also though I'd kind of be down to watch some of the stuff we don't need Bang for, like Isekai Shokudou and YuYuYu They've been building up a bit and I've been wanting to watch them
takt op taishou ep 3 kimetsu 3 yuki yuuna 5 isekai restaurant 3
We could also do two episodes of Taishou since I don't know where the new content is Kimetsu TV port of Mugen Train and I know you weren't too big on rewatching the movie content
oh nooooooo i'm stupid i have 04 and 05 downloading 3, it should be super fast super super fast
ready my download speed is so fast i'm mostly limited by the number of seeders i can latch onto rather than by my own bandwidth
She's pretty loose with her money
Poverty can sure wreck havoc on your body growth Although I guess Yuzu didn't seem too poor, even if her parents sold her off Maybe she's just doomed to shortness
>I'd thought attending girls' school might have mellowed her By my understanding, girls' school does in no way help girls mellow out
Maybe he wouldn't hate you if you didn't treat him like that day after day
Drink her hand water boy!
nowadays we have gamer girl bath water back then, taishou-era men had to do with arranged wife hand water
i forgot how to spell arranged i had to use the word arraigned recently and it messed my words up
what is this demon bitch supposed to just be tsundere for her onii-chan i can't stand characters like this
>coddling was forbidden what kind of reason could there possibly be
This was the like 1910s I'm sure plenty of people believed coddling raised soft, weak children You had to raises them hard to be strong They didn't know it instead made them fragile, traumatized kids
i mean there is some kind of truth in it i guess i mean sometimes the key to a sociopath's success is their sociopathy
I wonder if this song Yuzu sings is a traditional folk song, or something written by the serie Series, even I guess my faulty key for tonight is my S key
Now she wants to monopolize his fiancee all to herself
A guy wearing a yukata with shin-high socks is kind of a funny look
Oh I bet a part of you is a pillar, boy
Poor guy His imouto isn't wrong, carrying someone with only one good hand is just asking for a tumble But this is probably dredging up his trauma and feeling helpless isn't good
On the other hand, having not one, but two rich kids to keep the house for might be what drove Yuzu to the point of being overworked anyway But it is also not good to have a single person maintaining a whole estate like that Especially one kid
Honestly restricting her chest that much and then having to do all the physical labour of the house is definitely not good for her And probably only accelerated the way she ended up here
A doctor is a perfectly respectable career Might be hard for a girl in Taishou Japan to accomplish though
I do wonder if it's meant to be a bit disconcerting That the Hero Club gets to have all these fun moments while the discount heroes we've been seeing are all suffering
2015! Feels like even that wa s eons ago
Some of these original Yuusha look a lot like our current Hero Club
Oh because one of them is alo -also a Yuuna And a Nogi but that's who wrote this account so it's to be expected
Despite the pain she seems to be immune to it as long as the counter's running Oh well there it goes though
This previous Yuuna shares the same given name but comes from a different family Or at least has a different surname But visually she does look a lot like our Yuuna
This previous Wakaba is much more hard than the one in the current time Although we saw she saw the tragedy of the Vertex attacks in person, so it's not unreasonable
That was some really good fight choreography
Oh Togo even highlighted how strange it is there's two Yuunas As expected of Togo
Make sure you exercise restraint~ Eating so close to bedtime won't digest properly
This is amusingly cute There's a great variety of peoples who show up at this restaurant
As fourteen year olds in a Medieval fantasy world, they'd probably be drinking weak beer by the time they're fourteen anyway Since it was more reliable than water
I haven't had a really good burger in a while Maybe I should see if there's anywhere nearby I can get one
Two hamburger sets is probably a lot to eat in one meal I mean two full burgers like those alone would leave me incapacitated But I guess that's the power of being kids Just absolute food vacuums
Yeah, I like how they bring back previous characters for this show Even if it's just in the background filling out the restaurants' customers
I made Japanese style curry the other day Although I used the commercial prepared curry blocks rather than prepare the seasoning myself
The green one looks like a Thai curry Which is also a personal favourite of mine Yeah hah hah it can get pretty spicy too Green Thai chicken curry is delicious
Yeah naan is great Naan with green curry or butter chicken curry is so good
I think the next time I make Japanese-style curry I'll use chicken I used beef this time and it's okay, but it was hard to cook thoroughly, and I think chicken's a better vessel for curry flavour anyway.
There's a lot of variety of curry! Curry is more a broad category of sauces or stews using spices and seasonings
Seeing the green curry really has me wanting to make some for myself But I've got dinner with family tomorrow and I still have like four bowls at least left of my Japanese curry Maybe once I get through some more of that I'll make green chicken curry