Good writing can be like that. Which is one of the reasons writing can be annoying.
Utaha is reading the Monogatari series. I'd recognized those cover spines anywhere.
She's also totally my spirit animal. If I had a partner who could put up with me just wanting to marathon a series like that, that would be nice. Would be nice.
are you sure she's your spirit animal? You usually get mad at me when I start trashing things.
The truth is I get excited when that happens. ...And then tend to swing a bit too far with that excitement. I really enjoy it but it definitely agitates all my emotions.
>The other university is fifteen minutes away Surely that can't be the right time period.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sakamichi no melody
Also turtlenecks are a god-tier top on girls. Utaha's outfit for this date in general is pretty high-level.
Yeah duh. It's kind of weird that he's walking around with absolutely no money at all though. Like even if they wanted to hide his status, at least give him a small coinpurse.
I thought they beat this lady at the end of the last episode.
The visuals of this OP are kind of all over the place. There's a bunch of stuff that you'd expect from a mahou shoujo OP but then there's a bunch of seemingly random stuff.
>This is the third time you've lost Did they lose a couple times off camera?
>>99480 yeah let's save that for another day it sucks
Unless you want to watch it really bad, we can fit it in instead of danmachi. But I think that show is kind of boring.
okay everyone is orange let's danmachi!
ok we got kabuki too no we can do it another time yeah it is boring we'll see if we drop after ep 3
From the point where my vision starts to deteriorate, "note?" begins to look like note7. It's funny to me.
I actually really liked the world of this franchise. There was just a lot of unnecessary baggage the main series got burdened down with. Maybe this series will be better.
I guess the elf got cucked too since Ais is so thirsty for Bell.
He's just jealous he can't be as OP as Ais.
>Tell the socially awkward fighter girl she has to find the words to apologize Good luck with that.
>The clothes you picked out are super weird >Including Hestia's outfit Wrecked.
They're really shoehorning Hestia in whenever they can. Though at the same time, if I remember the events of the other season correctly, it's actually within reason. That's kind of clever of them.
What's that catchphrase of yours again? She's just being tsundere!
This whole "we can actually act at school" development kind of feels like it makes everything that happened last episode kind of meaningless. It was all about "we can't act at school, what can we do to get around that". And then they resolved it all but then they went and cleared up the issue with acting at school anyway.
cocoa is the best
Hah hah that was totally Cats. I wonder if all the eyecatches are references to stage productions. I'm gonna have to keep a closer eye on them.
A cafe/bookstore combination is really endearing though. Even though the thought of getting coffee stains on the books gives me anxiety. I guess the major bookstore chain here does it with Starbucks though so I guess it works out.
Geez that teacher that becomes their club supervisor is really, really tiny.
Gochiusa had some lewd moments too though, like that episode they went to the pool. Rize and Chiya were used to sex appeal on a semi-regular basis throughout the series.
GochiUsa stuck pretty firmly to lewd undercurrents really though. I don't think it had anything as bad as micro bikinis.