Earlier today Dutchfriend was like "Hitler didn't kill the Jews because they were Jews, he killed them because they were Jews and he thought Jews were all commies" And I was like "Yeah but that's still... that's still racism dude" And he was too high to see it
>You will be a shoe >im fine with this not thad bad >not just a shoe a plastic slipper >okay worse but not the worst >WORN BY AMERICA NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARM
>>100205 If you get flustered by an argument provided by someone high out of their mind, you've already lost man.
Yeah but when pol goes "The holocaust never happened, but I wish it had" my immediate reactions isn't "You know what, maybe they have a point, I'll see where this goes"
Oh yeah also this immigrant boi in Sweden raped a 14 year old girl, filmed it, and threatened to release the video. He's not gonna do time cause he has ADHD
So anyway on a completely unrelated note anyone wanna go to Sweden?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah that whole ordeal is insane
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
i'd probably accept a free trip to sweden
>>100211 That has no impact on whether I want to go to Sweden or not.
I feel like Sweden is set up in such a way that if you're brown, literally the only thing keeping you from doing evil shit is that you're not evil yourself The government is just going "Fuck it, hands off"
I should get some shoe polish and just move to Sweden
is Flint, Michigan still fucked? Or do they have waters now? >>100217
I How
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
they've gotten worse
Lead content is now within acceptable levels but still pretty bad. The situation is still also messing with the economic status of the citizens too.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>>100216 work has been done but funding is being purposefully restricted and diverted to "more important" places >>100220 also acceptable levels is relative because the government adjusted the definition of acceptable
There's also tonnes of towns like Flint throughout the States which are as bad or worse. But have never actually had any chance at fixing things because there's no limelight for them.
If a part of Norway had just been ignored and a whole county just had POISONOUS WATER, there'd be shit lit on fire, dude No way we'd just stand by and allow that
Yeah but for you a whole county is like, 15% of your population.
it's because the people that get shot by police live in areas with rampant crime, where it's legitimate dangerous for police police learn to be hypersensitive to signs of danger and act in response to that
they're biased against black people in those areas because it's natural to become so if they aren't in those areas, that bias doesn't transfer it's contextual
They don't in total sure, but there's WAY more white people though Don't they, per capita, do a lot more crime?
Violent crime anyway I assume white people make up for it by doing economic shit like cooking books, which sounds like a very unappealing soup
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
they are in jail disproportionately
mostly because the law puts you in jail for drug crime drug crimes are more likely to occur in impoverished areas impoverished areas are populated by black people fairly often
New rule, if you make more than $1million a year, you must either pay a special protection fee from the government, or the police will no longer treat you as a citizen It's voluntary You just have 0 government provided rights if you don't
OK well that's both my beers They are finally gone now
>>100261 Also I seriously doubt EEC and such parts of EU fall but the political and federal state project gone and burning but any euro country has too much at stake for Euro to just go burning up Which is why I don't think Frexit will happen.
Aside from France under Marine Le Pen's crazy delusions.
>>100271 He's unfortunately a very good lawyer. He's able to use all kinds of stupid loopholes and manipulate facts very well.
Casey Anthony killed her child and he convinced the judge that it was an accident, she was using chloroform to put the child to sleep, and accidently used too much! And Case Anthony got away with murder.
like they found casey's daughter's corpse with duct tape over her mouth and chloroform under it and they were able to prove casey was responsible for it
Any justice system where you can provably chloroform a chid and duct tape their mouth, yet walk when they turn up dead, is a justice system that doesn't count
No, that's not right. A justice system shouldn't work the way you're saying.
Even a person did it, their constitutional rights must be defended. Every element has to do their job properly for a conviction to be good. If the prosecution does a poor job, it's their fault that the charge didn't stick.
You can't just say "well they obviously did it so we should punish them", that's not justice.
If the prosecution is CAPABLE of fucking that up, the justice system is shot
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
On July 5, 2011, the jury found Casey not guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter of a child, but guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer.[14] With credit for time served, she was released on July 17, 2011. A Florida appeals court overturned two of the misdemeanor convictions on January 25, 2013.[15][16]
If that's an important part of a justice system, then there will always be cases where the prosecution screws up and fails to carry their burden even though they should. You said a minute ago that a justice system is a failure if the prosecution ever misses.
Yeah but the way I'm getting it explained it seems like this should have been an easy case where you just show the evidence that she di- FOR FUCKS SAKE HER OWN LAWYER IS SAYING IT'S MANSLAUGHTER HOW IS SHE WALKING? HER OWN DEFENSE IS MANSLAUGHTER HOW IS SHE NOT CONVICTED
I don t sit on chairs, I float slightly above them
>>100323 I mean the other possibility is that I, along with many people I know, are grandmasters in the skill of sitting in chairs. Which is a preposterous idea.
All manslaughter is aggravated anyway what the fuck you can't have premeditated manslaughter
You can drop a piano on someone's head by accident. Or do I remember things incorrectly and that's not manslaughter.
>>100337 Oh yeah I guess there's the accident part But I feel like if you're using CHLOROFORM to put a child to sleep, you're being aggressive and reckless
We have miscarriage of justice here too, sometimes, but man it's usually not letting some child murderer just walk because we charged them with the wrong kind of manslaughter
Like oops our bad, wrong word, you're free to go
>>100337 If you took every reasonable precaution to not drop the piano, I don't think you'd be found guilty of manslaughter. Unless it's a stict liability thing
I found one state statute that said the difference between aggravated manslaughter and normal manslaughter is extreme indifference to human life. That sort of thing can be tricky to prove in some situations.
>>100343 Prosecutors screw up sometimes. It sounds like the defense lawyer in this situation was also very good at what he does.
I wonder how guilty the prosecutor feels over flubbing this
I mean I can get why it's like that, but it doesn't FEEL right Rationally it makes sense and it's the price we pay for a justice system and not mob justice But man it feels wrong
>>100353 The evil of letting a bad person off is less than it is of falsely convicting and innocent. That's why we presume people to be innocent rather than guilty.
>>100367 Gee whiz it sure sucks that there's only two biomes to live in across this entire Earth.
>>100365 They pass one of those white maximum speed roadsigns right as they begin to turn 360* and drive away. Do those pop up in Europe/Russia or are they a different design.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
dichotomous thinking is a symptom of depression hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>>100407 this dude's parents are dead and he lives with his sister he's a light novel author and his sister is his LN's artist, but he doesn't know it, and neither does she but then they FIND OUT and he also wants to fuck her
the notification showed up on my phone and there was no indication that it would be lewd until i opened the notification fish saw the pornography you posted she's just a naive and pure girl you know
Who is going to take responsibility for this?
ToN did you send some kind of super lewd thing on kirara's phone? that's unwholesome indeed.
>>100483 I have. Several times. Every time, he has apologized and we've "made up" And then within days, he starts acting the same exact way for no reason whatsoever.
I'm done with it.
you should talk to him if he doesnt wanna then hes just a bitch
Speaking of unpersons, man the Black Mirror episodes with the eye-contacts be it for recording or futurefacebooking scary as fuck
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
def that was spooky as hell
And that fucking ending >mind clone spends couple billion billion years constntly tortured by being at the murder site while nonstop ever louder christmas jingle plays >guy who just witnessed murder and didn't report it got "easy sentence" by being unpersoned by entire world, with red glow on him to mark him for lynching ...
hmm what season is it I've seen s1 and 2 and season ep1 s3ep1
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
s3 i think
The video game one was bit clicheeish, but still nice
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
The one with Not!Kojima?
Yup I normally cna t really predict how shit ends in black irror, but that was like "Oh I could tell how this ends" from the oment they started the video game thing
>>100470 i specifically didn't join up at the start because i feel terrible about dropping out if i ended up having to
But seriously, I have consumed SO MUCH horror that you wouldn't believe >>100504 Yeah it was predictable but a fun episode especially post-trump election.
I think one I disliked ost was the Like society where lack of likes gave you worse standing
But then again, the society was fun, but the portrayal of the un-people in it was just too good you just couldn't like anyone except the trucker granny
>>100499 yeah that one was pretty weak worst one was the cartoon bear though
>>100512 Yeah me neither the society it portrayed was nteresting, but it just fell flat Kinda let down, since the "likes are money" was a fucking interesting idea
it was a long fucking time ago but i really liked the cereal monogamist episode i think i watched the show back in 2014 in that brain gap
Oh wait that wasn't the likes are oney I havn't even seen that episode yet
>>100515 That one was amusing how it just ended up getting worse and worse and the way too jealous husband trope kinda got justified in the end.
well that was kind of the point of it you really don't have that much jealousy inherently, but when you're actually able to see the ways in which you're being lied to, it really amplifies and escalates it probably would have been okay if she was just like "yeah I cheated" and they fought about it
I don't really give a fuck, just think less of the person if they can't also say it to my figurative face, since literally to my face is bit impossible on internet boards
>>100528 i mean, there's saying it to your face and saying it behind your back, and they're just not really comparable sometimes there's things i might want to say that just dont really need to be said to your face because it's not significant, or it would just be rude to do that in a situation where it's not rude to mention you in passing conversation to someone else
>>100523 pretty fucked up though I guess that's how most of the episodes end up, with no one in the right I'm kinda glad the show is over, I wouldn't want to keep watching because it'd get dull knowing "oh this is all horribly wrong somehow"
Yeah I marathoned it in one sitting or two yeah two so it kinda became bit "meh" feeling towards the final few episodes how predictable the general storyboard was >tech or thing >people get fucked by it >no one is in the right and most likely are fucked up the ones that didn't do that outright or avoided it were the better ones. >>100535 the reality show too in a way
I was going to burst through the s3 too, but then the next episode was somehting like "Do shit, or I publish your porn folder" and i was just really...
>>100538 that one is actually really good and it has that guy from game of thrones tyrion's sellsword friend >>100537 how bad? I was thinking of picking it up because the art looks nice
>>100540 the first four episodes are like the first 20 minutes of the game it's not like it's too slow but it's slow enough that the story probably won't go anywhere unless it's two cour
>>100540 Really? Bronn is pretty much top5 got character
yeah bronn he has a fairly large role in the episode and does a pretty solid job
sparrow, based-dwarf, eunuch, bronn and the granny those are pretty much my fav gots
THough granny and sparrow wait granny is still alive but sparrow is dead rip
tope // top tier list
the old lannister was also top tier character bit too obsessed about legacy to control people, though
But is there anyone who actually likes Cercei?
Littlefinger kinda fell off the top list after becoming way too card carrying villain post-spartaing his wife
Is not really a show i'd recommend, but you could give it a watch
>havnät recommended doc who since clara was introduced to anyone just realised this
/moe/ let's play a game Summarize the plot of a show you've heard about but never watched while others judge accuracy
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>>100556 there is a deadly neurotoxin running through your blood stream the only cure for it is hidden inside your HDDs you need to end your internt image by breaking apart your computer good luck
I still wonder about the bicycle world cycling a thing like that to power up society? Naaaaaah not possible human powered power production isn't just feasible in anyway. So it most likely is justt a thing to keep people busy
So I wonder where the power and such actually come and what kind of people really rule the world?
I didn't really think much of her, but then she has that scene where she is walking with 4 guards and tlaking to littlefinger and fingie here goes saying about information is power and she does the stupidest thing. "Guards kill him, oh wait don't. See this is power" No that is you walking around with 4 guards, cause you aren't secure in your own royal palace and LF not doing it ,s ince no one dares to kill him like that. Also, guess who actually pays those guards for that matter...
That is like going to a top position politician with a gun while he is taking a bath "this gun here, this is actual power, not all the connections, wealth and positions you hold" No it isn't. It is just you having a weapon, not power.
Also is kinda fun how the lannister plot would've kinda failed completelyt if the king had not found a boar to get himself killed by He'd come back drunk and pissd off at not getting to kill anything and then Ned comes "hey your wife has been boning his brother and your kids aren't yours" Rip lannisters
I once got a bit of a got situation in EU3 when playing with a friend I was playing with spain my monarch dies suddenly with no solid heir so I got some random noble frot he same family and a bunch of rebels because of the legitimacy and stability hit. then the monarch dies in battle, as I had been using him as general then I get some random french monarch to replace him and a succession war well I win the succession war and then the ing just kicks the bucket too and I end up in personal union under russia, which my friend had been playing and then I wound up with some female ruler from new dynasty who rules like 85 years and then the whole process repeats, with like 4 monarchs in 12 years
Tonight is the third night in a row I'm having chili for dinner. It's probably my favourite food and it's not a big deal to eat it so often in a row. But it is starting to get to the point where I'm half-heartedly wishing there was something else in the house to dine on.
It's just a bit weird! In the female world, sharing lewd material or looking at porn or something or whatever with someone sends the message that you want to bone.
I think in a guy's world sharing lewd stuff with each other is more acceptable, but even then it's not like I'd just go up to Kirara and show him lewd images.
The main DIscord I hang around in has a bot channel that can pull images directly off of the boorus. You give it a tag or two and it pulls a random image. Which means there's a good chance it's gonna be porn.
More than once I've been flipping through the messages I missed while at work while on the train to see something pretty work inappropriate. Thankfully that channel -that sub-channel is also permanently muted so I have to actively go look in it to see what I've missed.
>>100697 PAN and I invented a game to play with danbooru You take a seemingly innocuous tag and then search until you find something lewd and then you lose.
one time in college I was meeting up with a friend to go to the bars and he had a premium cable box. And I was like "oh wow I've never had one of those let's watch some porn!" So we watched 30 minutes of it and then I was like "okay that's enough let's go to the bars". I'd never seen it before so I just wanted to see what it was like, I had absolutely no lewd interest in him. Needless to say it was a frustrating experience for him.
also porn is pretty boring and the people are ugly
normal porn is gross. doujins can be hilarious.
Porn always makes me wonder what the participants lives are like
>>100770 There aren't rules, you don't have to fuck him if you watch porn with him. That's dumb. I've watched porn with chicks I didn't want to fuck before.
>>100777 I do think a lady is generally sending a message when she wants to do that sort of thing. But sometimes we wait But we all sometimes send messages we don't mean to send.
>>100754 Most snow that falls in city limits contains a fuckton of pollution you need to go to quite a wilderness to get actual "pure snow" and even then, it is pretty much bacteria filled
>>100769 She was on a season of Entourage How could she not be?
can comfortable contribute 850 a month in bills, possibly more great cook, happy to do grocery shopping, cook meals, and keep the home tidy rook's nearby but i think he has a brother or something
why would autocorrect change comfortably to comfortable comfortable is a real word
For example, I could get a good appartment for 900 at my previous place, which is bourgeoise ville € and this huge 3 room appartment is less than 700, though it is from a city foundation for cheap living
>>101200 The positioning is really touchy. I didn't watch any guides or anything so I kinda had to figure it out. The mages are more dangerous than any of the other units.
Seriously who decided to make the "battery running low" sound of these headphones to be "the devil and hundred tortured souls breathing and moaning in your ears"?
>>101205 That red mage is really scary. My first few attempts were me starting on that side of the map and that red mage killing everything. He's so dangerous you have to kill him with melee units.
>>101209 My first attempts were Ursula, Tharja, Nino, Olivia.
The team that cleared was: Lilina, Nino, Abel, Olivia.
I'm kind of surprised I bought this herbal supplement thing expecting it to be goofy woo shit per usual but it's actually giving me the described effect I guess Tibetan medicinemen actually know their shit
>>101210 Oh. That's why you were losing. Yeah. That's not a very good team to take when the scariest things are the mages in the back.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Li Li Na~
I got to 20 orbs yesterday and it gave me nothing but trash. Odin, Cherche, Donnel, and someone else that I fed to someone already. All 3 star Also Lachesis 4 star. Which I already have and don't know what to do with.
I mean just look at this shit I don't deserve this
>>101217 This gets me angry because I have been WANTING to get Henry's bitch ass so I can feed him to someone. >>101219 Ignis is FAR MORE USEFUL of a skill to transfer
>>101218 My CPU team for arena is fRobin with colorless killer Tharja with colorless killer Abel Olivia
It gets a good number of people because the mages kill Takumis and Abel eats sword users. I use a different team for the actual matches where I play though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I got Eirika to go with Ephraim from my last roll so I'm happy?
I feel like people are taking Cherche and Cecelia into Arena and I'm just getting all the wins because of it. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.
Jill is the only Wyvern Rider I care about. But Nintendo wants to screw around with FE9/10 >We'll introduce the guys from the new game before allowing you to get Nephenee I tire of this.
And I still haven't gotten Julia. I can't form the ultimate mage team at this rate.
I want Julia really badly too. Can't be helped though.
I'm not surprised to see them giving units from the new game, they're trying to hype it since it's out next month. I think there will be another big banner that introduces the female lead.
I need Julia so I can have her group up with Sophia. And then when Ilyana comes out, she joins them too. And then I'll have Team Purple Hair Mage Throw Olivia in there too.
I hope Ilyana is Blue Tome so I can have R/G/B balance
Oh neat, Thunder is blue tome, so she'll most likely be blue tome too.
I have Tharja/Lilina for red. Robin/Cecelia for green.
Usrula is the only blue I have and her power is rather low. Sometimes you want a tome user that is good at blowing stuff up instead of one of the speedy ones.
I have Reinhardt and Odin Haven't used them too much though I fed a Nino to Cecilia so she has Gronnblade now. It's great. Especially when you have Hone Cavalry +6 Speed, +18 Attack
If I had gotten one of the new characters, this wouldn't be such a problem. I'd just level them to 40 and they're already 5*. Wiping Advanced Arena would be EZ. All I've got is Cecilia at 4 and Navarre at 4 Oh, I did upgrade Sharena to 4, I should have paid attention to her and maxed her level out. too late for that now though
Im on pportunity leave Im actually t bangs friends house in penn I did like 24 shots of fireball so i ont bother you guys to much Aka i probably wont post again until i sleep cuz i know u nerds hate drunk people
But basically army life is ez Just meet physical reqs Medic stuff aint hard I do ivs with nvgs on now And in The back of evac vehicles after this trainin mission in march My units deployin to Africa But they said they got enough medics so im prob not goin Im tryin m To go to air assault school image Instead Not image
Oh, I like fireball. That stuff is really good. I don't even like cinnamon normally.
Ya this dude's fireball was Rly good I took it like a champ Then i had some grape juice as a chaser Ez stuff tbh Some hoe gave me some nudes thats how easy i took t
I dont know why but b*tches love the cupid shuffle Works every time
>>101548 the third image of the expanding brain actually happens to represent the brain of the reader if you get the joke and understand it you have the biggest brain of them all
>>101684 If knowing slightly more than I do about a crappy fanservice harem makes you feel like a big person then I'll let you chalk this one up as a win.
she's just gonna bring up the chainsaw argument again
I think I'll go check into the hospital and not have to pay a cent and on the way back home I'll stop by McDonalds and buy dinner with the free allowance the government gives me for being a full time student
It always seems weird to me when people go "I worked for a credit card company" or something Like, dude There are about 5 of them, you can just say the name of the company
>>101748 me neither but if marsh is really bad at it they other two will just happen eventually
>>101757 anyway fuck you, man. You can't decide that you know enough about my personality to judge that I'm bad at FPS games. I mean.. you're totally right. but that's beside the point.
>>101759 Hah hah, Ika will ping me even if I'm in snooze. Guy's got no sense of tact.
>>101760 well of course I can't but I can guess, and if I'm gonna guess I might as well try to use everything I know about someone it's a gamble
>The Guild 2 tutorial >court this woman your character has adored for a while >my character just walks up to her and goes "I find you appealing" Life sure was easy back in pre-technology times
I just complimented her necklace and gave her a bottle of perfume so now we're getting married I first approached this woman 5 minutes ago, in-game time
How many times can a woman make up an excuse not to spend time with you on a 1 on 1 basis before you just stop trying?
Because right now it's four. But maybe she's just a real busy person, yah know. School assignments, and sister's birthdays and having to drive your younger brother to swim practice and...
who am I kidding. she fuckin hates me.
Depends how many times you've spent together before and what kind of activities were done those times
>>101799 gimme more deets it's pretty common to be busy
Understatement of the year.
Tutorial complete
I made a drunk shitpost comment about market research on youtube a couple days ago and was telling this guy how to rename his video to boost his ratings in the youtube search algorithms are // and people are losing their shit thinking it's true
>>101806 well. I know her from work. and I always thought she was kindda cute, but it was only after I got /fit/ from all that mountain climbing and became a bit less socially retarded that I had the confidence to ask her out for coffee. and she said yes. and we hung out and talked for like an hour. and I asked her later if she wanted to hang out again, but she said she had stuff on. Then I asked again in a few days and she had stuff on. and then I saw her at work andaspdoifhalkjfhdsalkjfdh
I don't want to talk about this on /moe/ after all. goodnight, moon.
sorry marsh i think she's probably busy i find myself telling people i'm busy way more often than i thought i would and i always feel bad about it ive talked to some people and everyone feels like a terrible friend/person for how busy they always are i think being busy is just common these days
>>101808 it looks like mister metokur did a video on do5 he's not my favorite or anything but imo he's better than armored skep dick and june
here's the link but i think it's mostly just a video for posterity so it's not forgotten >>101819 yeah it does i didn't want any of it when i linked it's 20 minutes long though so i'm guessing it gets to opinions later
I don't even watch Boogie because generally I don't care about whatever it is he talks about usually I don't actually know what his thing is, though, I just don't think it's something I'm interested in
i don't really either but i still think he's awesome i only really know him through what short clips have been tossed into other people's videos
I watched his video on all of this It was pretty heavy And that's not a fattie joke
fuck me i didn't even think about it until you spoilered it
My mind is hardwired to see jokes in everything because I can't take things seriously Even with this shit, my first thought was "OK so immigration is demonetized if you talk about it, but child abuse is where the big bucks are at on youtube"
my brain processes the actual information too fast to think vertically and see the joke imats does that shit to me all the time and i'll just answer his question or respond to what he's saying for like 40 seconds before i'm like "wait he's fucking with me"
Also >the toilet overflowed I'm sorry but nobody would describe that as "he put poop everywhere" and use it as justification not to bring the kid to Disney Land He's not in control of the toilet, and he can't help if YOU feed him shit that makes his shit clog the toilet
yo nigga shit like that doesn't need reasoning it causes them frustration that's all that matters i mean, i got pushed down the stairs and got my hand cut open on the mirror for offering my mom some cereal when i was like 6 she was in a hurry and going to be late for work and i thought i'd help her by offering her my cereal so she didn't have to make her own what a dumb cunt child i was right
I know that, but we both know the real reason they didn't bring Cody is because that way she can sabotage his life more Because that's her agenda Cody and Emma are both threats to her children
and things probably aren't terrible all the time abused kids don't just hate their families and want to be away so it's super deceiving i didn't. hell i still love my mom to this day through everything i went through >>101833 It's terrible, but i'm talking about the child's perspective, meaning that the child is still able to laugh and have fun and things genuinely, which makes it look like the family's happy
No I don't agree with that It IS terrible all the time, even if they're not at all times being abusive The fact that they do this shit at all makes any time he spends with them a fucking mess for the kid How is he supposed to feel safe when at ANY time, his parents will decide he needs to BELIEVE he's about to be adopted away for being an awful child and not having enough value to them as parents?
EVERY SECOND this child is in the same building as these parents is a struggle because he has NO way to discern what he can trust and what he can't from the only two people on the planet he's hardwired to be able to trust
And you see that on him, too he's... not happy I've seen him smile like twice
There aren't happy times for this kid The rest of the kid probably enjoy their life to some degree but I'm certain the only times Cody is actually happy is when he's at school But they are his parents, so he's fucking hardwired to not want to lose them
Not to mention they have these kids thinking that parents beating their children is the alternative Of course they don't wanna be taken away
sk you jump around in your conversations a lot when i try to respond to one point, you jump to something that's not even a tangent that's okay i just wanted to explain why i am not very capable of engaging you in the conversation
I do? I mean, usually I know I have a tendency to be very floaty, but all of this seems related and relevant in my head These kids may at times seem happy, but it's not because they're happy. It's because they think they have it better than the alternative.
i mean, it's the same topic, but you seem to think very horizontally and scout around the same-level concepts i tend to think very vertically and take one idea and probe the depths of it so it's always against the conceptual grain, talking to you, even when we agree on the topic which isn't a jab at you or anything probably more just my autismos but for some reason i felt it helpful to say this but now i just feel like i'm being mean or something
No, I think I know what you mean I have a tendency to pull too far away from stuff and bring up stuff that isn't the focus, but is just a part of the bigger picture Kinda
>>101840 it's probably more stable to do it that way i lose track pretty easily i think it ends up a lot of times with people not even knowing what i'm talking about