>>987590 It's like xcom, but a little bit different For one, there are no %hit chances, it's all cone-based It doesn't matter if you're behind "full cover" if your body is significantly exposed And you can stand in the open if the stuff between you and the enemy is positioned so it blocks line of sight enough, cause they'll just hit the junk between them and you Overwatch is cone-based too, not 360
In reality, all but the hardest difficulty in xcom lies to you about the hitchance, it's actually significantly higher than it says
I met some friendly crust punks on the train.
eu3 had really wonky % it had chance rolls on any things, but most alien were colonists and merchants 1) 95% and 45% had around same success chance, the game seemed to reset your % after 50 for somereason 2)however, if with merchants, you paused the game and spam clicked to send merchants, normally imposdible, then the % would work as intended, say w 80% 4/5 would succeed but if you sent them 1 by one, you got 2/5 or 3/5 success this was consistent 3)colonialism truly had a bug on thr % as 99% was not 99% you could send dozens and keep failing there also was no spam glitch with colonialists in the end, it seemed like the game capped at 50% chance, and reset you at 51% to 1% i recall tesring this and getting vetter results st 40-50 than 50-60
sounds like vanity tripcode thing but for cryprot address
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea literally the same thing just trying different private keys until one fits
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't know if it can be so easily hardware accelerated depends on which crypto, they tend to have different private->public key derivation functions. but usually based on elliptic curves i think
>>987663 i am spectacular i watched some anime today and exercised a lot and i'm tired but feeling good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>987666 that might be hard to grind out but you could buy peniscommander .eth for the tidy sum of $5 plus god knows how much in gas fees probably at least $100
why would a pen be commander
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pen be quick pen be free pen jump over bottom surgery
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>987667 i just hit the gym before thtis so im also feeling good my life is still stunlocked by the various tasks that have piled up around my latent ADD but at least i worked out
>>987668 this is a gpu based vanity ETH adress generator
oh hey I also got back from the gym recently im currently chilling in the bath oh firgot the link https://github.com/johguse/profanity
>>987671 gotta take the wins where you can i was supposed to make a phone call today but i didnt but i also worked three more hours than usual so its probably fine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>987672 nice im using a different crypto tho for this purpose heh but that might be nice if i need another non hardware wallet address when it comes to ETH tho you really can just use .eth ENS names instead of raw addresses >>987676 its a pepSecret
Wait, I just had a fantastic idea. ToN, you handle phones for a living. You should call this potential client for me tomorrow and schedule me an appointment with them.
not that i'd do it, cause it'd cost me just 5€ to make the call from here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
definitely don't pay me to do it the call's not happening and if it does the entire transcript goes "huh? what? sorry could you repeat that? let me turn off my airpods"
the international pricing is amusing as hell considering the times I could whatsup call for free anyone anywhere but if I call their number through the normal calling instant international fees
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just get google voice GOD
or that
phone pricing is so stuck in the past globally
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea monopoly abuse as usual
whats ur favorite monopoly piece I like the battleship
I change 2-4 a year spring and autumn are the most reliable times, but if I remember I also do winter and summer, but if there isn't a proper winter or a proper summer, I don't bother
Generally it's promethazine cough syrup with sprite or some other soda It's really good If I didn't get sober when I did, I definitely would have made lean my DoC Lean was better than percs
when i was detoxing and sick in the grand canyon, moon and jan brought me to the clinic after i almost passed out and they gave me a ton of promethazine with codeine it was so good i was sippin for the rest of that trip they were just like "you have a respiratory infection, do you want this?" and i was like absolutely as i was being dragged out by moon and jan, i was like "hahaha they gave me so much" and they were trying to shut me up
i remember i don't remember who made the posts, but the car posts of "we are lost, mat is trippiong in the backseat and the night is coming" or something
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think we only got lost when we were on the way back from the grand canyon i was unconscious for most of that i woke up and threw up into a bag and threw it out the window but i wasnt high yet bc i didnt want to throw up and waste my lean
My guess it is a containment zone for neo, in somekinda containment zone maybe just for him
huh nice hivemind
that they kept just in case they need him again, him having proven to be a very good system anomaly
and I guess the young morpheus and trinity are clones or something, since boith are actually dead
the only thing that I hope they don't do, is the rumoured "the real world was also just another matrix" cause, i mean it could be interesting, but most likely it will be a quite boring twist
Also, there is a very big chance that in the matrix, there are matrix movies and ... THomas Anderson was the main star of them so we have essentially keanu reeves playing himself
that is the "back into the matrix" line from the trailer as in even in the movies the character is going to act in matrix 4
>>987787 In a freeze frame catch in the trailer for Ressurections you can see a projector playing the original Matrix out on to a white wall So it's not really a big chance but an actual thing
BLAG Linux and GNU, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Fedora.
Dragora, an independent GNU/Linux distribution based on concepts of simplicity.
Dynebolic, a GNU/Linux distribution with special emphasis on audio and video editing.
gNewSense, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian and Ubuntu, with sponsorship from the FSF.
Musix, a GNU+Linux distribution based on Knoppix, with special emphasis on audio production.
Parabola GNU/Linux, a distribution based on Arch that prioritizes simple package and system management.
Trisquel, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that's oriented toward small enterprises, domestic users and educational centers.
Ututo XS, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Gentoo. It was the first fully free GNU/Linux system recognized by the GNU Project.
LibreWRT GNU/Linux-Libre, a distribution for computers with minimal resources, such as the Ben Nanonote, ath9k based wifi routers, and other hardware.
Venenux, a GNU/Linux distribution built around the KDE desktop.
#d10 (5)
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're gonna be a DJ
This can of creamy chicken soup from the store is vastly improved with some salt, pepper, and a hefty grating of parmesan cheese The latter two make sense but I'd have assumed there would be more salt in a store-bought can of soup
y'kno im hoping ethereum kills bitcoin and bitcoin can stop being an ecological disaster but uh we'll see its gonna be hard to stop people from mining bitcoin but if it happened, then blizzard would be helping to keep the Earth cooler in a way
>>987844 not with those current transaction prices it won't
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I regret linking that article because it was eyecancer >>987842 that's very true
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bring forward the age of global cooling
>>987849 Soon™ like actually though the freshwater from the arctic is going to fuck up the thermohalene *thermohaline
>>987861 >bottoms up isnt that just the Jack-O pose?
it's an ancient phrase that refers specifically to raising the bottom of one's glass to become the top, emptying the liquid - implicatively into one's mouth
what if the wine comes in bags though?
would you not pour it into a glass first? what kind of wretched fiend drinks bag wine from the bag
oh no I can't tell who one of these anons is
i underestimated how much wine was left in the bottle so now i'm about to drink a lot of wine with little to no justification :^)
i don't really like fruit or berry wines especially the former >grape is a fruit yeah, but in this case you usually specify "fruit wine" if it isn't made from grapes
There's a brand of plum wine out of California, Takara, which is actually white wine flavoured with Japanese plum It's not bad but I was surprised to hear it wasn't actually plum wholly Actual umeshu is really good too though
I'd prefer if you make weird brewings, you just distill it into a liquor at that point a 20-40% fruit or berry liquor is a very good dessert or an opener for a drinking night
>>987922 I would say it is a bit of an intentional misnomer, as plum wine is easier to market than plum liquer or somethign else not to mention the umeshu fruit whatever its name in english isn't even a plum really
>>987992 wow you can't just call annos retards what if sugoi comes back we have to be inclusive towards retards
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cast your screens into the sea! Destroy them!
>>987993 we probably used to be way more tired, as sedentary lifestyles were basically all but impossible before industrialization, and even for awhile afterwards only the immensely wealthy could live such laborless lives, and their wealth would solve most problems associated with such
>>987995 I already toss my car batteries there it will get too full
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the sea is a wiiiiiiiiiiiide mistress
Please do not poison our honourable mistress the ocean with car batteries
>>988001 that's true, there is probably a wealth of other factors as well, such as diet, sun exposure and things that are less clear for modern society
>>988033 it's funny, we're still not able to precisely pin down the evolutionary benefits, even though it has stolen a significant amount of mankind's time (whether you use stolen here depends on how you view it) there was a study in which people tried to breed fireflies without some genes that prevents them from doing what they need to sleep, they died a lot quicker (I meant fruitflies) (nobody would want to harm fireflies)
>>988037 keeps your brain working allows body to enter rest mode, where most cellular regeneration, as in all healing happens allows quite many of your autonomous functions to function better, including digestion allows your immunity system to work better >>988046 the only mystery is how exactly it allows brain to rest, but that is more just general mystery of the neuronball
>>988044 I think it's not clear for humans, but sleep also might serve to relieve oxidative stress, which basically kills us yeah maybe "not precisely pin down" gives too little credit, but it's still a somewhat mysterious activity given how central to the human experience it is maybe I have to read up on advancements on the biology of sleep
>>988042 what about this bastard folder where the second half ot he folder is numbered and the first half is just unix timestamps from everyone's favorite chinese cartoon webforum
>>988045 =) >>988049 that's why I said maybe I should read up on it, because in general the speed of research is crazy so it's never a bad idea >>988048 at that point, why are they named..
>>988077 it's more like if past me went through so much trouble to save those images and there's nothing to gain from deleting them then they might as well stay
You know people wouldn't really care if Sora was just in the middle of the pack The fact that he's the FINAL SMASH fighter is gonna get a lot of people tied up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf he has pikachu quick attack but with three stages?
Maybe I'll go back and play the older titles Maybe Probably not But maybe
Smash really is an amazing project when you think about it Opening the series to third-party characters with Sonic just blew the field wide open with opportunities to bring in cameos and broad participation from all over video game culture What other project brings together so much IP in wholesome combat
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
marvel vs capcom maybe? probably doesnt come close in number though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sakurai is mental im spoiled by smash its such a pleasant engine to fight in i cant even enjoy other fighting games
OtHeR fIgHtInG gAmEs? SmAsH iS a PaRtY gAmE.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
banned vanned spanned branned and janned
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
perhaps even canned
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can't believe goofy isn't in the game also, thank god goofy isn't in the game
Oh all the Kingdom Hearts ports to Switch are cloud versions? I only caught the tail end of the port announcement so I only saw that KH3 was going to be a cloud version so I was like "yeah that makes sense" If they're all cloud versions then, eh, maybe I'll just wait until I can get a PS5 to consider playing them
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>988301 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I'm gonna need my bt keyboard one sec
>>988310 sometimes its when it doesn't wrap that it gets annoying
>>988309 speaking of islam I know a weird girl who converted recently I'm pretty sure she is bipolar too I hope no one took advantage of her while she was manic and convinced her to convert
gonna get some carhartt pants so i can fit in with the laborers
maybe doing ?last40 will prevent my browser from crashing
>>988396 no it definitely looks weirder when the shirt isn't tucked in especially when i show up to a job and the other guys have their company shirts tucked in
>>988399 oh you were talking about in a prifessional environment
i don't really like wearing jeans casually though it's too hot in texas for that it's either basketball shorts, chinos or khakis, or sometimes pj pants around the house when it's chilly jeans are for work
i copped some like all situation trail hiking pants recently they're pretty comfy very different from my usual spandex-infused skinny jeans i feel weird wearing loose pants legs
as far as i'm concerned, jeans are for rugged wear situations, like work or outdoor exploration like hiking yard work or labor >>988418 hell no shorts short shorts
oh that reminds me o fuck I need workpand in a hour or so for wrkk
right now it looks like shes dancing to the beat of the song I'm listening to
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>988416 nop i thought it was getting delayed a few days tbh maybe ill try the PC version it looks pretty unfinished superficially but who knows maybe ill get used to it
when i got dinner earlier while i was placing the order i was like "wtf 3 dollars for a single cookie, that's some bullshit" so i didn't order one and then when i got there they had these cookies the size of a dinner plate u kno ur boi had 2 get 1
commit felonies for your waifu or you don't really love her
>>988501 no the real problem is that i don't have my own place, so i don't really want to buy stuff that will sit in a box for who knows how long before i finally do i'm renting a room atm and it's not like people come in my room or i have guests often, but it's probably more practical that i avoid owning too many posessions until i live somewher e with a lease signed
>>988542 >>>/watch?v=68DJCaqEpDc i dont know much about the history of industrial music but Ministry was one of the first succesful industrial bands they're from chicago too they're actually playing a show here on sunday but the tickets are more than I want to pay
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>988544 I'll add it to my shuffle list I gotta be late for work
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're so tiney
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cremate me after you
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cum on my lipsss honey boy
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
place my ashes in a vase underneath your workout bench
i have an electric kettle and a french press in my room now so when i wake up i can have coffee almost right away i just have to clean the press and refill the kettle every night before bed, when i make my lunch for work the next day progress
french press is real nice, got one a couple years ago ez coffee I make cold brew for the summer though, easy to make like a gallon at a time
i should invest in a cold brew setup although i like my hot coffee black and if i did cold brew i'd probably want to have milk or something i guess that would be fine, they sell milk by the pint i think
>>988557 before i got a french press i thought it was a meme but i love the flavor of my favorite coffee even more from a french press it isn't the same from a coffee maker anymore and it's way more convenient to maintain imo coffee makers can be bitchy little things
yeah it's hard to know what's a meme and what isn't with coffee, too many hipsters making things complicated but french press is some of the easiest, most consistent coffee you can make definitely recommend getting something with a double filter to help get more of the oil and caffiene out though, I got a nice espro and it's perfect
oh no webp here we go these are all extremely good i tend to like blonder roasts and these say medium but they're certainly further from the dark side and excepting the cinnamon one shown here, i buy the other three over anything else i had tried so many coffees and decided to buy the store brand one day out of convenience but it turned out to be better than anything else and now i rarely get anything else
>>988566 SALUT >>988563 in my experience if you're wanting to try cold brew go for some of the more full bodied, chocolately roasts I went around trying cold brew from several places before making it myself and the worst ones were all using beans that had more sour notes like a yirgacheffe colombian or traditional french roast are better imo
this stuff comes from a local roaster i might mix it with the pecan flavored stuff they sell too
they got smaller again
>>988570 arabica would be great I think I steeped 12oz in 3 quarts for 10-12 hours, then strain and mix with water at a 50/50 ratio so you end up with 6 quarts of brew
>>988583 well see rich people and architects like to have all the walls be like 50% or more made of glass but glass is fucking awful at being a wall mostly because of the sun and people's curiosity so we slap plastic films onto that glass to make the sun less evil and the curious eyes less curious
but installing safety film sucks which is why they have to pay us big moneys
my favorite jobs are the ones where offices pay us to put fancy decorative stuff on their interior glass those are usually air-conditioned and the work is more technical (which i enjoy) and it looks cool when we're done so i feel like i'm good at a thing
>>988590 my less-favorite jobs are when homeowners who keep their AC at 85 degrees for some unfathomable reason decide they want us to tint their house, and then their garage which is definitely not air conditioned and is also full of spider
or there's the offices that are still under construction and we have to wear PPE and the AC isn't in yet
>>988589 there are places in texas that arent air conditioned?
i also really like doing the jobs where we go to multi-million dollar estates and put 25$/sq.ft flims on the entirety of the west side of their house because it's all glass partially because i like the idea that they're paying us tens of thousands of dollars and partially because it feels cool to be inside of a 15 million dollar home the old ones with french panes are less fun because of the tedious nature of tinting french panes but the ungodly amounts of dosh they give us to do it make up for it and i get to feel like an artisan
>>988592 I don't think I've ever been in a house that expensive. My best friend's paren's house is probably worth four or five million and I'm in there a lot
keep in mind that the average window in a house is like two panes of 24 x 33 which is like 11 sq.ft. and those big estates usually have way bigger windows and lots more of them so at 25$ / sq.ft., one bay of windows can be like 3k$ this one we finished up recently was like a 40k$ project or something and that was just their budget for the solar protection on their windows god knows how much the windows cost
>>988595 no and no i work for a friend though, and he pays reasonably well and would do his best to help should tragedy occur so benefits are not really an issue and a union would be a pretty rude move to make
>>988644 move to austin and teach me to code and then we'll make a thing
oh wait don't do that weed isn't legal wait for that first
The rate Texas is going I don't know if weed will make it legal there before the States makes it legal period
we've almost done it already narrow vote it's bound to happen eventually >>988652 well the way the States works, that's not really possible even alcohol isn't permitted simply because the feds say so it's just that after the fed tried to ban it with a constitutional amendment, that amendment ended up getting repealed because it's a right that the states are supposed to have and some states are still really strict about it so if weed is legalized, it will almost certainly be on a state-by-state basis it's just that (like with alcohol) most states will be economically pressured to partake in the trade of it or miss out on insane amounts of revenue
i don't have it saved and i'd have to go look for it
>>988681 getting there feels vaguely uncomfortable on the cut itself but it's all skin now and I can't really feel touch where it's healing, just pressure like when you have superglue on your finger
i don't think that's the best way of looking at it it's not like every country can just will things into existence and even the countries that can, can barely get their people to go along with it >>988721 god speed catching it in between doses would make for a pretty bad time fortunately this first dose of moderna will help at least a little bit the reason i say catching it between doses is because it would make it annoying to reschedule your second dose oh well i don't know anything then that's at face value though like i just don't know enough about it to say anything
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I had Astrazeneca
I had nothing and cough in every boomers face I see
wait Samu's not just a normal user? I never considered someone working on doushio to be postin on doushio.. >>988844 that's pretty cool yeah absolutely, it makes sense from a developer s perspective I wish I could edit my messed up text edits
Doushio is entirely his sandox for testing shit he wants to do Or was, he's kind of dragging his feet on doing the rewrite he's been wanting to do for literal years What better way to test the stuff then posting it yourself