Isekai Shokudou S2 Kyoukai Senki Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Love Live! Superstar!! Selection Project Shinka no Mi - Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
For new stuff,
Kyoukai Senki is a mecha series from a Sunrise spin-off studio The promo images kinda reminds me of the classic Sunrise Gundam series
Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu is about a weak vampire who keeps dying, so he gets recruited by a vampire hunter to solve vampire crimes in modern-day Japan
Shinka no Mi is an isekai in the somewhat standard trope category of an absolute loser who gets bullied by his class until they all get isekai'd into a world where he gets a really OP sword and gets to start a life of heroics and adventure
Oh there's also a recommendation from Kirara, Muteking the Dancing Hero, although it comes at a caveat of him figuring he's "the only /moe/ who would watch this kind of thing"
i'm down for all the new shows even the ones i will inevitably drop i should at least give a try so kyoukai, shinka, vampire nosferatu i think that's it
Honestly I think it's mostly the Japanese concept of a neutral announcer's voice Kinda like how with American news stations all the newscasters all have that same kind of generic accent
Pinky Kong
It's a Congalala!
I wouldn't want to be flirted with by a gorilla, pink, female, or otherwise
Imagine getting carted by a Congalala
hy why
why did i witness what i just witnessed
A mating ritual, kind of
well this show is lookin kinda whack
and according to the credits it's mostly chinese and korean
That's not too uncommon these days A lot of studios heavily outsource to international animators
The international occupation and subjugation of Japan kinda reminds me of Code Geass a bit
Secret hideouts are pretty neat
The AI's kind of a brat But not a bad one Just bratty in that way plucky young kids are
Oh I was thinking a name like Bunyip Boomerang sounded like a very Aussie name And they're literally from the Oceania faction
the irony is that if he fights back, he is a terrorist
You can't win against military governments!
His AI kinda reminds me of a Sonic character
they're not going to be expecting this
This is a cool robot
Also one of the best things about Sunrise is they often try to stick to traditional 2D animation for their robots A lot of modern-day mecha shows use 3D CGI for their robots Which is fine, I think mechs are one of the better uses for 3D CGI But there's something t o be said about 2D animation
oh i see most mechs are operated from afar so they don't know he's in there
which one is the isekai about the guy who opens up a shop the one that i thought was going to be that slow life show from last season i'll look it up real quick
Airs in about a day and a half So we'll probably see it for Wednesday's shows
o hit has slow life in the title as well yeah i thought that show was the one that aired last season and was super disappointed because i thought it was going to be more cool this is the one that i think might be cool
It didn't quite click with me in the first few minutes but it warmed up over the episode
i tend to enjoy comedies more easily than anything else definitely my favorite genre, despite most of my favorite shows being tryhard artistic shit
Comedies work best for me when they're on either side of what's kind of extremes, either laidback comedies like most CGDCT shows or peak-absurd comedies like Asobi Asobase and Nichijou Comedies that land kind of in the middle can be a bit "lol so randum" for me without actually being funny enough to be proper absurd That's where this landed at first before shifting more towards the laidback side of the spectrum
She has horns! That's kind of a distinguishing feature!
Demonfolk in their world seem to normally suffer pretty bad discrmination though
Ah cheesecake I haven't had some in a long time
Oh that reminds me, I need to get some brown sugar
The way I'm used to cheesecake is a denser, more New York style cheesecake The fluffy souffle cheesecake that's more the Japanese style isn't one I've had too often
Man that looks like a stellar breakfast I wish I had the free time to make good breakfasts I don't have a lot of time in the mornings so my breakfasts are usually packaged breakfast bars and other things I can throw in my bag
Well I thought a show like this might have that effect on you, hah hah Shows like this are like a step above comfy All the way into cozy territory They'd be good to fall asleep to I'd bet
Living a laidback isekai life with good food is enviable