Found myself a software personal \\\ for making a personal wiki Gonna use it to build this setting I've got over time, and eventually try to get a game going
i trust my memory and brief notes I sometimes jot down for world building, but eventually I will have to organise it all not to mention remembering some tiny bits that get impro added during sessions
The MAIN benefit is you can make the notes link to each other, so you're reading your notes on a city, but you don't remember "who was this guy, even?" so you can just click on it and it'll take you to him Or something similar
That won't ever happen to me if I wrote something down and read it, I know what it was
i am good at reading and predicting myself
s c
well you can also use tags and just add various tags to a session note, like the name of an NPC they talked to or something, so you can get a quick refresh on relevant details about how they interacted with that guy
and the campaigns main and side I am running in the setting rn are quite contained but the eventual sequel campaign for the main one will be in the whole wide world, so for that I will need to do a lot of writing down ideas
>>984178 but really, wheni t comes to ttrpg settings, I will give one hint that I learnt while running it don't plan everything out and don't set some things in stone many interractions with the players will change stuff and sometimes having room for emergent backgrounds, history, characters and stories is optimal even if you had already soemthing written for something, be ready to change it, if something pops up that just is better/more amusing
I had this one character "Tontonius Turbo" just pop up as a joke old senile wizard/CEO, but he ended up becoming a central lore character, cause he was just so amusing
I only intend to create a world I can plop the players into, that's fleshed out enough that I can have NPCs act in a way that makes sense and lay the groundwork for running a campaign I'm not even planning an actual campaign rn, I'll handle that once I have a rough draft of the world
Turbo tech company has become the go to "this makes very little sense, how does it even work" and then a npc or player reads "made by TurboTech" and they all jsut go "naruhodo"
but yeah I mostly had >>984182 just this jotted down and drafted out in my head
so whenever a npc pops up, i can just go "so this backgroundish, this faction, this race, etc." and play it off of that
i had a lot of fun last session where I had dark elf beast handlers argue with a dwarf, who was angry that the delfs were runing out of spider mounts, as the dwarves wanted to explore the mountain ranges for minerals (not goal of the expedition of this side campaign) However, the main reason for lack of spiders, was that the fat dorfs kept breaking their backs
another fun part is coming up with tones/voices for characters and what you end up with like the delfs I just spoke normally, but then began to do a voice and an *a tone for the dorf, which made the conversation bit weird
Some NPCs are obviously going to have fleshed out notes, though Like various lords relevant to central conflicts and stuff People I can be confident any player group will probably interact with just as a result of that likely being incorporated in anything I decide to put in there
Like the city I was INTENDING to run this whole thing out of kinda sits on a lot of very rare resources, and due to reasons, a few other lords have begun trying to get a good ol' war going, for profit and glory, so the lord of this city was kinda gonna be a part of that clique, trying to ramp up antagonism to the other major political faction I've got Which is something the players would have been faced with, whether they actually follow up on it or not
I was not very creative with the world map it is just Reverse-Earth campaign takes place in Stockholm-helsinki hybrid called Holmgrad, which is split between the central city, the old city and the western port/elf-slums their main quest is to escape it, as a zombie infestation began. and yes, this campaign began during the initial 2020 quarantine, lol
I'm probably gonna run whatever campaign I start out of that city either way, cause I've got a fair bit prepared for it already But since I'm not on the clock anymore, I'm gonna be expanding what I've got prepared a lot before I start thinking about a campaign again
I had began thinking of a reverse earth setting a good while ago, mainly for amusement kinda basing it on a weird >first high magic->eventual degradation of magic -> technology starts to take over and combines with magic (this is where we live in)
The pinto bean (/ˈpɪntoʊ/) is a variety of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). In Spanish they are called judías pintas [xu.ˈdi.ˈas ˈpin.tas], literally "speckled bean" (compare pinto horse). It is the most popular bean by crop production in Northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States,[1][2] and is most often eaten whole (sometimes in broth), or mashed and then refried. Either way, it is a common filling for burritos, tostadas, or tacos in Mexican cuisine,[3] also as a side or as part of an entrée served with a side tortilla or sopaipilla in New Mexican cuisine.[4]
>>984205 nice I bought motd for the memes but it doesnt have achievements, items or even the druid face as an icon. my friend has a sealed hard copy I don't recommend going in blind but it will make a much funnier stream if you do.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how long is ur friend gonna diamond hands it
>>984210 until he dies or has to get rid of it because of unforseen circumstances either that or someone offers to trade some really good magic cards for it
dick sword
>>984207 i feel like he fucked up when he didn't discard those thoughts immediately if all he can think about is cutting his dick off that's definitely gonna come up when he's high if he can't control his thoughts sober he's doomed doomed to be dickless
or he could just not take the drugs?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hahha this is true its too ingrained now the dick basilisk cannot be avoided
>>984215 do you like tragically hip or are they boomer music?
>>984221 well anyways I got an album by them at pitchfork's record fair for $1. i opemed it up amd an official tragically hip fanclub membership card fell out. it lookdls like a credit card. I looked it up online amd found out that every copy of this album came with one.
>>984223 yo why the fuck are there two types of endianness? shouldn't one have been picked as the standard decades ago?
is that one of those things im going to have to google
don't google it just use the tags thighhighs kemonomimi on danbooru instead better use of time
>>984228 it has to do with the order in which digits in multibyte words are stored I've
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>984224 congrats you're a real fan now >>984227 little has basically won at this point i believe
>>984231 thanks, I couldn't have done it without your support
>>984231 the other two answers I got fromy cs friends were >To make life harder said the missile guidance guy and >People spit in the face of standards and legacy software will never be snuffed out. said the person whose job is ostensibly legacy software support and development
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jokes endian is not an issue anyway its a very trivial thing
now I can't remember why I looked it up oh nevermind it was because I thought "Tragically MIP might be a good name for a cover band" and then I looked up mips to see what it stood for and got distracted
men in pants
Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages whatever that is I barely know anything about computer architecture.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it means [[Stuff]]
I went to the natural history museum here the err today they have a 2500~ lb boulder of nephrite (one of the two types of jade)
shit ton of giant gemstones too cut and uncut oh and in their biophysics exhibit they had a beetle whose exoskeleton is so tough you have to drill a hole into it to mount it with a pin unfortunately I do not recall the name of it.
found it
that is legit some rpg enemy a boss or an elite first you face off against the ironclad beetles and then the elites pop up - first time as a boss/miniboss fight and eventually just as regular enemies
and then at the end stages of clearing the nest you get SATANIC ironclad beetles or something or maybe change ironclad to steelclad? Ironclad is a good nomer since it is a real vessel
actually since i need to pass the next 14 minutes, ill ask when you said you hadnt realized the game had started when you were listening in, pastagal, it made me wonder we started pretty shortly after you hopped in iirc there was a bunch of dialog scenes and puzzles rather than punching noses though
yeah but I thought you were just chatting for a while there I halfway tuned out I guess I just couldn't tell you were like, playing rather than just talking about the last session or something
gotcha it did pick up right where the last one was so i can see that Pan wanted to have a talk with an important guy who showed up while everyone was having a lunch
I also wasn't looking at the game board or whatever, so all I kinda had was the voice chat I probably should have looked at that, too, but really I don't think it'd have mattered too much
It definitely gave the place you were in a very dreamlike feeling though, like there was a gate, and through it was a hallway with paintings, and then they were in a tower with 5 doors that lead upstairs
the map may have helped but the hallway and the 5 trials were actually description only areas
yeah theyre doing a very demon-lord's castle area, and the person in question has even attacked them in a dream, so dream-like is actually very appropriate. im glad it had that vibe
Against my better judgment I watched Free Guy, and jesus christ it felt like You know those old-ass licensed shovelware games from the 90s where the only actual pull was the franchise license? That, but a movie, and it's 90% of the licenses currently in popular culture
I decided to basically scrap what I had, and just starte working on the creation of the world instead Just so I can get the various deities and stuff sorted out and generate some actual motion and whatever
It's done well profit-wise though more or less tripled their money on it Though I dunno if that's good or bad for a high budget movie, or if 100m is even considered a high budget anymore
>>984278 100m isn't particularly high budget for the genre.
if i don't use conditioner my hair is unmanageable if i use shampoo and no conditioner then my hair becomes so frizzy as to be comical like blatantly not ok i typically don't use any shampoo though, and with my last conditioner my hair would be somewhat alright but i had to use a styling product and leave-in for it to be manageable with this new conditioner i just need a little bit of leave-in
>>984330 normal isn't really the right word your hair acts in a desirable manner would be a lot better way of phrasing it it's normal for my hair to act frizzy, but not desirable
>>984327 well my hair acts normal after I shampoo it
i have very straight and thick hair it doesnt like to do anything except be straight
I have very thick and curly hair Although it's thinned a bit in recent years Mostly due to poor keep more than anything Having somewhat high-maintenance hair isn't great when you're depressed
Gee I sure love it when an Uber ride that's supposed to drop me off at 9:05 ends up doing so at 9:16 I go from being on the precipice of being late to unavoidably being late
It's pretty incredible how sorta naturally it's progressed from "mining in a lower floor to make more money" to "delving for real to get the mcguffin and become the demon lord"
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just goes to show that if you work hard enough you can move up the corporate ladder (:
True dat, no way they could have kept that quality for any shows
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
more than toku in general is better in live action there are exceptions like samurai flamenco which pays tribute to it but if you took a kamen rider show and animated it, it would probably be bad
Yeah you couldn't do it 1 to 1 you'd have to change and actually use the basically just budget limited limits of animation to your advantage
and cosnidering how say anime live adaptations usually go, the opposite most likely would happen
still karas was such a masterpiece
I miss the OVA series having months to even years to make each episode, thatj ust isn't a thing anymore
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
an animation wouldn't be able to properly capture what it is that makes kamen rider so amazing there's an energy to it that animation just can't quite get
But I think weird pacing or just kinda running out of "episodes" is a common theme of OVAs, especially original content Mnemosyne no Musume was really similiar, just kinda flying off the road in the last two episodes
I've been really liking Shiroi Suna a lot too It has a lot of sentient I can appreciate It, Sonny Boy, and Bokutachi no Remake are what I've enjoyed most, probably Although I always make a point to enjoy what I'm watching
A high school class find themselves adrift in their empty high school building in a world of absolute black, confused as to how they ended up there. More so, many of the students have manifested demonstrable super powers which defy reason and the normalcy of the world they came from The series opens asking a question, what kind of social stress comes when you mix adolescence teetering on the brink of adulthood with this sudden isolation and stress of impossible powers?
I get the show is kinda intentionally nonsensical and all, but it's hard to really be invested in any of it when every like 10 shots are wholly disconnected from the rest of the show up until that point I feel like I'm just sorta passively watching it and going "oh ok" now and then because something new was revealed that doesn't mean anything to me
I think it's more interconnected than you give it credit for The fact that you're passively watching it isn't helping you pick up on that
I guess in the finale they're gonna fight God I don't really understand why they're trying to return to "the real world" when they've already determined that's not an option, either >>984589 I'm already caught up
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what episode are you on
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why would you think they're gonna fight god then and they havent been trying to get back to the real world really unless that's in the latest episode which i havent seen but fighting god seems like it would not be thematically appropriate
I'm not even really able to put together like, a meaning behind the show, either, I feel so lost about it I assume it's like, metaphorical for coming to age or something in that vein, but I can't really put it together at all Like some of their powers make sense as a manifestation of some flaw, or whatever, but others... really don't?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like you feel about the show like those kids do about their lives
That's one way of putting it It's just very surreal to me, like there's one episode left and I still have absolutely no idea if the show's trying to say something, and if so what that is Or if it's just a TTGL type "let's ramp up the absurdity and see where it goes", but even TTGL had a pretty clear message of sorts
Like at the start I thought like "there's definitely more to these kids than what is apparent, look how chill they are a week after being completely separated from everything else and whisked away into this detached school" But then it turns out they were really just sorta normal kids who for whatever had powers of some sort A little weird sure, but they're like 14 when the show starts, so that's just what being a normal kid is And then it turns out, really, nearly every kid who ever went to that school after they graduated also got sent into the shadow realm The dog said "oh that's impossible, only kids go here, not teachers", and MC-kun was like "huh? really?" and then the show forgot about it
How did the show forget about it >>984600 There are plenty of things I still remember that I've never mentioned again
s c
Never mentioned again
Why does a thing have to be mentioned more than once to be true or relevant
I mean it could become relevant and explained in some way next episode, I don't know But if it's not, the information conveyed has literally no bearing on anything at all And it's the kind of thing that seems like it should be important, somehow
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think learning that she can't be a teacher tells us everything we need to know
Is it really any different than her being a teacher though? Like either she's an actor of unknown motivations and goals who used to be a teacher at the school, or she's that but also disguised as a teacher. There's no difference, we have absolutely no indication of why it would mean anything different for her to just be disguised as a teacher
I played it casually probably 10 years ago a tiny bit
ive beaten it with several characters but I never got into multiplayer
>>984635 >>984636 it's a meme that grew old before i finished the original video for the first time i'm not about it
melty is the only fighter i've played more than an hour that i'm not confident i'd beat everyone here at
unless you count smash i guess i don't
>>984642 have you played more than an hour of soul calibur 2?
oh man i haven't payed soul calibur 2 since the gamecube was a current gen console i have played more than an hour of it so i guess if there's a secret soul calibur 2 god here then my claim might be wrong but also maybe i'll smack you up with sophitia anyways
only person ive ever lost to in a fair match was a guy who played competitively
yeah i don't really remember anything about soul calibur except that link was super cheap in single player and kilik had a throw that would ring people out really easy
i really try to live by a philosophy where i eschew pointlessly wallowing in regret and despair but every now and then i remember actions and words i put into the world and the pangs of remorse and self-loathing ring out too strong for my body to bear it fades away quickly enough, but only ever into remission
at least i can take solace in the confidence that i've avoided such regrettable actions for a little while now
text to speech trained on meme characters it's quite good but it only is up for limited amounts of time then goes down for months while they redo the neural nets
I've gotten a lot of use out of this coffee grinder at this point, but probably the most valuable part is it got me to expand the selection of coffee I tried I try to get a different type each time I buy coffee now, cause it ends up lasting a while anyway Blue Java is the latest one and it's real good stuff
>>984846 I'm not sure who, but some old greek person once said "democracy is the dictatorship of the stupid" or something of sorts >>984842 I've looked at some of your past broadcasts and you sparked my curiosity in chibi robot, this game is peak gaming
>>984840 public display of animerch is rare as fuck here outside of cons and events
I think that's just because of the sheer number of games these days. It's more likely that you're going to get some games that aren't passion projects when you have thousands of games coming out every year. Plus Chibi Robo and a lot of their games just have someone who puts their entire heart and soul into it.
>>984852 actually that is a good point, there is a lower barrier to entry and bigger market I feel like I considered this argument at some point already and somehow forgot for some reason
>>984854 Heart is important to me so I really like Chibi Robo. It's fun to just run around and clean stuff.
my favorite movie theater is showing a bunch of things this week that I want to see but my friend bailed on me so I'm only going to see one thing on Friday I was gonna see a movie about the making of Nosferatu with fictionalized elements (starring john malkovich and willem dafoe, produced by nic cage) tomorrow friday I'm seeing The Mouth of Madness by John Carpenter Thursday they're showing Mullohand Drive and Who Framed Roger Rabbit but I couldnt find anyone to go with me sunday theyre doing a drive in showing of American Psycho god that theater is so good
>>984858 oh yeah I might go see that new nic cage movie soon like next week
I'm not going to see anything in theaters until Matrix, probably. Maybe Dune if Tilde sees it in theaters and tells me it was really good.
>>984859 *mullholland or whatever >>984861 the theater requires distancing iirc I know for some events they require proof of vaccination or a recent negative test *this theatee *theater anyways I'm excited to be excited about movies again because for a long time I've been neglecting that hobby and covid made it even worse the last movie I saw in theaters was Sonic
>>984863 to be honest, the measures are a big deterrent I don't wanna be that guy, but the theaters ought to not be surprised if less people are coming I'm living in a somewhat big metropolitan city and it is usually enforced relatively strictly and the enforcement always has that slightly off-putting authoritarian character to it
>>984864 It should deter people from going! The theaters shouldn't even be open, covid is worse than it's ever been, people are dying every day at an unprecedented rate.
>>984866 But you see, they stay open, paying employees and making no revenue. All the museums and stuff are begging the government for money. It's a bit of a dysfunctional system and sad to look at. But I do understand that the point is that people stay at home, but then they should just keep it closed and focus on the absolute necessities being available. And I know I'm exaggerating a little, but I don't understand what the point of it all is anymore. Stay safe doushio friends in any case.
>>984867 Well,. nobody really wants people to be deterred. Everyone wants everything to stay open because nobody in power cares how many people die as long as profits are still going up. Here in Florida, our "lockdown" was only one month and within three months everything was completely open again. It's all just the ruling class playing with people's lives.
>>984869 >It's all just the ruling class playing with people's lives. That's how it is for many other things too, I don't understand why people suddenly pretend to care. Confusing times to live in in any case. To play the devil's advocate, it's not unnatural to want to keep everything open, especially considering suicide rates, which iirc aren't looking too good wherever you look. It makes me curious, if something ever forces us into our homes for great lengths, will humanity kill itself or live the life of a NEET collectively. Is it even logistically possible? How many people can even be kept alive if people can't move around too much. Yeah, just rambling.
Actually, most data indicates that suicide rates went down in 2020. A lot of studies showed that there was no significant increase either.
As a psychologist, I haven't seen any worsening pathologies driven by covid either. Most people haven't from what I understand.
The real problem with mental health and the pandemic hasn't hit yet. Once the pandemic is actually over and it's safe for people to go and do stuff again without any concerns, that's when we'll see a rise in suicide rates due to trauma. It's still too early.
>>984871 >Actually, most data indicates that suicide rates went down in 2020.
Is that true? I've heard conflicting stories, so I erred on the side of them increasing, it's difficult also with so many countried. But if so, that is really fascinating. A quick glance at least tells me this is how the US side of the story looks.
You're actually a psychologist? That is really cool man. In a different life, if I hadn't chosen computers, I would be either going for psychology or neuroscience. I guess when the clinics complain about mental health problems they don't imply suicide automatically. Sorry for the schizophrenic formatting, sometimes I hit my enter key too hard.
>>984872 Well, I can only speak for within the US, but I can point to at least five or six studies that show suicide rates were reduces or had no significant change. There's more depression and stuff but not more suicidality.
Yeah, I work as a psychologist. I do therapy, psych testing, consultation, etc. When it comes to mental health, I really haven't seen too much outside of people feeling bummed out that they can't do certain things. Although I mostly work with populations that have long histories of mental health problems, so it might be different in a big city where you're going to see more people that have newly emerging difficulties just due to sheer number of people.
it's super easy not to shoot someone with a gun i guess i cant expect people to take small effortless measures to protect people though covid has certainly taught me that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's super easy for anyone to get a gun trained or not
My neighbor, the downstairs one, has been missing for like a month. Cops asked me about it maybe two weeks ago? I forget if I talked about that here. He's the one that thinks the government has weather control machines and new world order stuff. The other day someone broke into his apartment, too. Cut through his screen and broke the lock on his sliding glass door and got in. Spooky!
Well, he's still missing and now someone broke into his apartment. Weird things sure do happen.
>>984921 oh so it wasnt actually him home like you thought?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah seems like it wasn't i know there were three people when i heard people there and that they had a metal dolly so i thought maybe it was gil moving stuff? but there was trash all over his front doorstep like someone was in a rush to get out of there and his glass door's handle was broken off
who knows python
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I learned it once upon a time so probably not me
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i know a python (:
>>984926 like 8 years ago I wrote a few short python programs but also debugged a long one i dont know it though
>>984930 i'm gonna discord you a link ah actually i'l just post here what do you think of something like this i just had a decently long call with a program advisor and i'm interested in a career switch does this seem like a good way for someone without experience here to crack into it
>>984932 i hope he says venom 2 over and over in it too
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
venom 2 yo its true yeah its da second movie its groovy you could have it in the louvre-y dont be choosey (venom... 2.... venom.... 2.....)
"louvre-y" is a fucking crime i'm calling the cops
>>984944 in 2002 when that album came out in common vernacular techo *techno just meant electronic music Honestly I probably couldn't give a good definition of techno if you asked
yeah so like technically speaking, the subgenre that electronic music fans consider true techno has a somewhat limited audience but he said that line in reference to Moby and i think it was more of a catch-all directed at repetitive electronic music with
also I just rewatched the music video for that song and it still males *makes me laugh.
>>984947 I like Moby a lot but my favorite album of his is the hardcore punk one that sold really poorly
yeah and he was right only neckbears // neckbeards in their mother's basements listened to techno then
power went out tl;dr the music i think Eminem was trying to call out was definitely pretty popular back then, but the scene was
>>984950 Play came out in 1999 and went platinum in 11 countries.
wifi died w/e Eminem was wrong
the eminem show is actually one of my favorite albums from 2002
yeah he was a really good rapper at that time i mean he's probably still proficient but he doesn't exactly release inspiring stuff anymore
>>984952 sorry i dont speak autism i cant parse this
>>984957 it sold millions of copies all over the world
>>984959 this isnt the "it sold a ton therefore its good" argument, this is the "it sold millions of copies all over the woeld therefore people other than neckbeards listened to it" argument
>>984960 did you see the gran blue thing I posted?
>>984964 oh it got pushed out of the last 100 ill just repost it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't get it is it just the size of the hat
>>984966 yeah, its a reference to a scene in scary movie 3 i thought it was still funny without that context though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I was thinking about vampires are there vimpires?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
... in?
something my friend liked the idea my idea is that they only drink the blood of vim users and tend to live near campuses of schools with big cs departments >>984974 well it was really a dumb rhetorical question and I felt put on the spot by your question
hold the fuck up I'm missing like half a conversation here what do you mean "something" in response to asking what you're talking about when you asked "are there vampires"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jesse wtf r u talkin about
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
How tf do you go "I was thinking about vampires. Are there vampires?" and then say that was a rhetorical question
obviously vipires couldn't exist because no one uses vi anymore
oh nevermind my friend who does support for legacy systems uses it on machines without vim and my friend at rayhtheon has a boomer coworker who uses it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you've got a seriously /g/-poisoned brain if you think vimpires is a worthy pun
>>984982 rather than that I'm in a text thread where we make stupid puns constantly
>>984888 reporting in from Austria I was just curious of the time zones, it is pretty whacky on online communities like this one good to hear you had a fun time cycling, it's honestly a great hobby to have, cycling can even be a social event making it even better >>984934 it looks so corporate l0l I do know some python, not a data science guy however Judging from what I read all the time, most data science is more like data engineering, because wrangling input and ouput, dealing with formats and unsanitized data is still very much a problem. personally offers like these that are not very bent on communicating the concrete set of tasks you will likely be doing scare me a little if you end up taking it do tell of your experience >>985095 but it is a community on the internet
``online communities''
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
saying online communities sounds kind of corpo ngl
>>985096 yeah true, but a lot sounds corpo nowadays online community is still more palpable than terms like (((influencer)))
made some modern art not sure what it means but I'm sure someone out could write a long essay about it to make it worth the five bucks of balloons and bands I had lying around ima modern day jeff coons
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
actually postmodern I wonder if there's someone on fivver that writes lengthy dribble about shit
probably put out of business by neural networks
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well they're not perfect you could get it generated then embellish it into something sensible by editing the output yourself
ai generated bomb making guides
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
getting close to my savings goal slowly but steadily might get a loan to cover the rest just to kind get some credit if I understand how credit works
whenever you get close, inflation will just take it away like zeno's turtle paradox
>>985172 I was trying to mention to Rika that we could skip Mahouka this week and do the two last episodes of Sonny Boy but I don't think she parsed the idea very well I can probably bring it up this Thursday again and see if she's reading this time
>>985169 I like to say go hard or go home, risky is my style Literally just came home from a cycling tour, feeling pretty damn dead, it was a good tour.
I see, I guess it really was the risky kind of risky then, I'll see to it not to do it again. Personally I didn't find the nature of the image to be that different to those posted before but maybe that's just me.