i forgot which shows i was supposed to catch up on
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Boku no Hero Academia *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 12-13 *Kaizoku Oujo Episode 7-8 Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 10-13 *Meikyuu Black Company Sonny Boy *Vanitas no Carte
oh it was definitely jahy and maybe meikyuu but i know for sure i'm behind on jahy
and that makes me a bad bang
Well Jahy-sama is pretty episodic, you could probably go back and catch the episode you missed after this one Meikyuu would probably be more plot-connected >>984321 Episode twelve is what we'd be watching next
yeah i'd be fine with watching jahy what episode of meikyuu are we on lemme check if i've seen last weeks
alright i definitely haven't seen ep11 womp womp
Most of what we'd -what we watched without you were end-of-season episodes, so you can catch up on them in your free time Er less catch up and more finish If you didn't watch episode eleven of Bokutachi no Remake, I can't remember if you were here for that or not, that's also watchable Although it should be on my list, hm
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Boku no Hero Academia *Bokutachi no Remake *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 12-13 *Kaizoku Oujo Episode 7-8 Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 10-13 *Meikyuu Black Company Sonny Boy *Vanitas no Carte
>>984323 Probably anything asterisked that's not Meikyuu
Although we could do something we just need you and I to watch and Bang could watch Meikyuu in that slot And then we could watch it tonight anyway
i'm fine with meikyuu tomorrow or what you suggested either one works for me
Either way we'd be doing one show without you If you're not up to date with Meikyuu, we only have four shows unless we watch two episodes of Kaizoku Oujo both tonight
But Rika and I don't really have any solo comfy shows tonight So doing something we don't need you for and then getting to the comfier shows like Genjitsu and Bokutachi later might be nicer for the comfy pyramid
Or I dunno you just get to watching it now and odds are you'll be done by the time Rika tabs back in to the thread
ornji orenji >>984342 yeah but then i have to stay up longer
Oh if you want to head to sleep early that's fine too
This knight lady is big Maybe it's partially her armor But I think she's also just a big lady
i would argue that souma is not completely divorced from idealism he's just very rational about pursuing his ideals or rather his rationality and preference for pragmatism is his ideal
Aw hell yeah let's all get turnt up on flower pollen
there are places in the world where humans use primates for harvesting food products, actually specifically monkeys are used in thailand and other places for harvesting coconuts, but i recall there being a few other cases it's a pretty unfun ethics zone to get into
Juna here both an admiral in his navy and the head of his secret service
I dunno if "You're more spiteful than expected" was really the best translation They could have said "You're more of a tease than expected" and it still would have been accurate And I think would've carried the sentiment better
she says "ijiwaru" so yeah teasing or bullying
But polygamy is legally and culturally acceptable in this kingdom So why does it matter if he's taking consorts
well she's from another kingdom i mean polygamy is legally and culturally acceptable in the fundie compounds of the new mexico desert but
They're also not an officially recognized nation by literally any other nation though
what about saudi arabia
I feel like while other nations frown upon their choice, they don't actively punish it either And other state diplomats don't approach the Saudi royal family acting like their polygamy is their business
the consorts part was obviously incorrect but he IS gathering together a bunch of cute girls as his entourage
To be fair it's not entirely cute girls, even if they are the majority
i wish we got more hakuya he was pretty cool whnever he was around
well that's that show i heard it did pretty well and there's plenty more material so it's not impossible we get a sequel
Oh they didn't drop the announcement at the end of the episode Thought they would Yeah this already has a season two green lit
oh winter 2022 nice that's only one season away
i like this show a lot while i wouldn't objectively score it super high, it appeals to me in a lot of very Bang ways
For a world which has working airships, surely a steam train isn't that impressive Although I would kind of like the chance to ride one
that episode was really really good also we're getting a second season
Good news, although not terribly surprising I think quite a few things lately are shows that would have been good for a two-cour airing that were shifted to a bit tentative because of the pandemic
Wonder why it was there's no other existing pictures of her mom While pictures were definitely rare in the ages before photography, even a fairly low-level noble or person of wealth could afford even a simple painting or at least sketch
If you're going to spurn a lady, maybe ensure beforehand that she doesn't have access to a frigrate armed to the teeth
so is Abel her father!?!?!?
I guess it's not impossible, but that's not really the feeling I get
that wellington cannon round is fucking massive >>984395 it sounded like he was about to ask why helena left with fena but he got cut off because anime
Man that's not even a cannon anymore it's practically a sideways artillery gun It even fired a shell rather than cannonball
fun fact
is shitan that much older than yukimaru? wow
I don't think that's Shitan, that's, uh, Kai? Ken? The one the gang were all in terror of hearing the name of last episode
Solid reasoning, Yukimaru
are those lady pirates really just gone for good holy shit
I wonder It seems like it would be difficult for any of them to survive the blast And any that would of aren't exactly in a survivable situation
I feel it was looking better an episode or two ago Maybe the occasion mussed it up
Ah uh oh
Man those arrows
now i just remembered that the japanese faction is also pretty scary and they just disobeyed pretty intensely direct orders kinda seems like the Bonito against the world
wow i think those pirate ladies are all very dead
that episode was awesome i love this show
I could see maybe their captain surviving and showing up eleventh hour to wreck Abel's shit
i feel like the sniper girl might somehow live she seemed like a character that was supposed to matter
This is something I've been wondering over a few shows recently But how common are these open-air patios you can look out at the departing planes They show up a lot in anime and manga, but as far as I've ever seen they seem like a wholly Japanese-only thing
this pink-haired time senpai is a pretty intriguing character
i hope we get tsurayuki's redemption
I think the MC's desire to go back is to try and make amends for the dreams he wrecked along the way Maybe this time he can avoid ruining Tsurayuki's dreams of writing novels
she has a handkerchief prepared
Shinoaki's artblock seems kind of resolved too
and nanako started her channel again it's just tsurayuki who is left
i'm actually wondering if his new family might make him reconsider or maybe he just intends to still marry shinoaki but what about buchou
Him and Buchou strike me as true best friends kind of material
don't go back don't go back please
He's got to back to save his boy
So it's not quite a reset back to where he started at the start of the series Oh it's roughly before Tsurayuki tried dropping out
right before their argument?
he did end up at a company that makes gacha games
It's kind of a shame that it looks like making a VN wasn't the solution to their problems Because that seemed like a lot of fun And maybe if Kyoya could work around the creatives better than trying to rein them in, it would have turned out better
Yeah he kinda has to still fix the problems he started setting up before getting yeeted back to the future Nanako seemed like an easy fix, and he kinda resolved Tsurayuki by just letting him go But Shinoaki is still kind of in a problematic state
Honestly I thought she was much younger than him
yeah same
what the hell kind of WHAT THE
This was a really weird final episode Like they had the "Our battle is only just beginning" moment right in the middle of it and then the episode kept going and going
ah i see so this is actually in a lot of ways similar to the wonder egg priority special except that it was at the end of the season so it doesn't feel like a fucking gut punch fuck you wonder egg
i'd gotten together with you know who recently and things were going really good and we just argued over something and now things aren't going really good
but he logged off angry
what should the last show be?
season 2 is apparently already confirmed?
I'm not seeing anything about that, but maybe I'm not looking in the right spots
>>984443 I'm sorry to hear that Rika I still think it seems far more trouble than it's worth These things stress you out far more than anything I've ever seen with you since I've known you
>>984443 Bang wants to sleep so we've got 100-man, Hero Academia, and Kageki Shoujo to pick from
i don't know the situation at all and am inherently going to be biased towards this sort of answer but when something isn't beneficial anymore, i tend towards removing said thing but that doesn't mean it's the best option >>984451 ah yeah removing and entire friend group is something i have experience with while i can say it was worth it now, it took a long time for it to feel that way and i do have regrets i might not have enough expertise to offer any more than condolences and wishes
I had a feeling we'd be getting back to the heroes this ep
I remember pretty early on in the series, the mangaka made a point when the question came up that the invisible girl's power wasn't explicitly invisibility More and more that seems pretty true, and it's more she refracts light Which is why she pairs so well with the guy who can launch lasers from his navel
A lot of the pro heroes seem to be ranked surprisingly Like one that seems to be a humanoid washing machine is ranked eighth, above a literal dragon lady
Something that always kind of catches me about this series is how old the setting is Like it's easy to think the Quirks and super powers are a new thing in the world's history But Quirks have been a part of the history for decades, generations Maybe even close to a century if not more The fact that Deku is the eighth generation One-For-All holder shows that
>>984461 The weird powers usually end up being kinda strong though like the man who's power is fat
>>984464 Fatgum's ranking was like fifty-something though! Not that he isn't strong But just the ranking seems kind of weird
A bit of a bridge episode this week Although I'm fairly certain we're still going on into the next season so the plot will probably pick back up at that point
Well that makes me doubt myself though Guess I'll go check
Hm, actually I'm not seeing any episodes lined up for next season But I know I saw promo material for another season of Hero Academia Maybe they need to take a season break
Well if you're still awake, I hope you can get enough rest tonight, Rika Thanks for anime! Good luck with the work week