Thread #10151
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trickster gabby drop out zesty idol jihen I think that's all?
Search [iqdb] (997 KB, 1000x773, T-RAy@土曜日東シ-37a - 一色風景.png )
anime friends?
hi yes that is all
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No Tilde I guess?
not sure s
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1000x1441, 86976メイド服電ちゃんsorahane0.png )
well let's start with Zesty I guess. oh good timing tilde ika wants to start with trickster and that's fine with me so let's trickster instead okay we're all orange let's start
lets start with trickster
I'm here. That's fine too.
this opening is not bad
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 590x1000, Saru - 学校に行こうよ.jpg )
oh yeah, I guess we're at a weird place where emo accelerator is now leading the team somehow.
emo suzaku is still being dumb
>>10168 I liked the first one better.
He got so boring they needed to add a Hanasaki 2.0.
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Why did they want that guy dead, anyway?
he murdered a little girl their daugther
huh so i guess his power doesnt work when hes protecting people well that or that guy triggered him so hard he lost his powers
Search [iqdb] (760 KB, 1238x1548, しろこ - だぜあやの!.png )
Who did? Suzaku or Accelerator?
>>10177 that evil glasses guy they were escorting
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Oh well he's dead now. okay what do you guys want to do next? Zesty?
All right let's do that.
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Zesty! okay everyone is orange let's start
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Either Brad is a madman now or she's having a bad dream.
berseria is fun
Maybe I'll play it some day.
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I'll get it when it goes on sale.
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I guess since no one can see them they can just ride around in carts and no one knows.
Slay gets along pretty well with just about anyone. Even the kind of jerkwads of the series.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/01/31 (火) 08:33 No. 10193
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 900x636, faith.jpg )
anime thread also what game is that
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/01/31 (火) 08:38 No. 10195
mirror's edge catalyst
What's it like for a normal person to see Micheal on a horse. Is it just riding invisible.
sorey is stupid
Search [iqdb] (290 KB, 800x1122, あzz@三日目東C32a - セーラームーン.jpg )
okay idol jihen? okay everyone is orange let's start!
All right.
This show is really kind of monster-of-the-week-y.
Search [iqdb] (283 KB, 507x800, 1202103まんがタイムきらら10月号ゲストgakushokutei.jpg )
The premise for this show is really weird. Why diet members?
This is just the next evolution of "Cute Girls Doing Cute Things" Idol Girls Doing Things
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I guess the beach sluts are the favorites here.
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Wow they fried those poor octopuses.
i bet they'll dissolve
It was kind of obvious wasn't it.
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Wow he didn't even hide his wrench.
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The beach sluts don't even care that everything is falling apart.
this is so du,b
Yeah really.
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I don't really get this show. It kinda feels like aikatsu, and the idol dietwoman and monster of the week stuff makes me think it might be more aimed at kids. But then there's the ecchi and the moe stuff which makes me think it's an otaku anime. Maybe they're just really shamelessly going after both groups trying to be aikatsu. Aikatsu appealed to both the little girl and otaku crowds, but most of the appeal to otaku was unintentional.
Well the ecchi is relatively lightweight too. Clothes melting has been a staple of ecchi series in Shounen Jump for years and that's aimed at a pretty young audience primarily.
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 496x700, こうじ - あかつき.jpg )
>>10229 It's also ecchi in the sense that a lot of the characters are vaguely slutty. No one was slutty at all in aikatsu. see look at this end card Aikatsu didn't have stuff like this.
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Aikatsu and some of the precure versions were girls shows that incidentally appealed to otaku. This show feels like it may be going for both demographics. okay gabby dropout?>>10232 a break is fine I think
Could I have like a three minute reprieve or so or is Squid short on time.
Okay back again. I'm poking Ika better.
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gabby im poking ika okay there's ika let's start!
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Sataniaca is so dumb she even bullies herself.
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Must be a Japanese thing.
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I'm not that nice of a person.
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
She's always fussing at gabby.
If you think you're the only one I fuss at, then you have no idea.
Well that's some real divine intervention.
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
She really is me.>>10244 I'm sure she fusses at lots of people too.
Nothing like a devil to teach you about pleasures.
Search [iqdb] (160 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
shade really is the best place on the beach
Wow she really likes the little details. Maybe she is a little like me.
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 815x711, inari3.jpg )
The subs for this are kinda spotty. A few minutes ago they translated "yes" as "no" and Gabby just said "I'll go back" not "I'll go back home".
They're really localized too. Cats and dogs is a proper line for heavy rain but they could have just said it's raining really heavily. And I think the bit about bringing a kitchen sink is a banana in the Japanese dialogue.
Oh no.
This is making me miss summer.
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Taimadou_Gakuen(…).jpg )
I really miss summer.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 720x718, tamayura2.jpg )
Super early credits.
Huh, yeah. I was thinking the episode felt short, but it was actually that short.
oh i closed the video
>Sasuga Vigne >Faith moves Mount Vigna Vigne even. But man these subs are really localized.
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
Good episode thanks for anime