The easter bunny is one crafty fucker He really upped his game this year
I've been searching all morning and i still haven't found any eggs
You must've missed the memo to buy your own dang eggs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>"I want you to meet my friends." She waves her hand, and the gas lamps in the room turn off, as the candles gutter out. A bright red light emanates from the corner of the room, as a black portal opens. Out of it step four people: a gothic girl with a lute, a large tough-looking man holding some kind of machine gun, a teenage boy with a metal arm who is holding a knife, and a small, pudgy boy with thick glasses. uh oh who are these adventures adventurers earthbound?
Fortunately it's a pretty closed up space, but yeah, messy stuff. >>933484 It's a bag of wheat you heat up to apply to sore muscles. Maybe I should have had the foresight to buy the non-wheat kind. >>933486 Minus the bare hands, but yes unfortunately.
Also why are you keeping wheat in your bathroom
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
I hate it when bags of commodities spawn in my clean zone
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
so you just killed five mice while naked and dripping wet with your bare hands?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
fookin' mental i would be traumatized if that happened to me how are you doing?
frick off and party!!!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
wow u frick im gonna pour a glass of wine and yeet it into my gullet
>>933487 I'm fine, it's just an annoying problem right now, probably brought upon by the floods. There was at least ten in my room the other night. The bathroom kind of looks like a crime scene right now.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>933490 fuck ok google how to surgically remove glass shards
i hope so when he streamed just now it sounds like he's gonna enact some kind of defense or make a statement or something didn't sound guilty but really what do i know
i mean he was just playing galgun if thats not proof then i dunno what counts
wait hold up if they get HIV of off this - isn't this kind of a really big deal oh wording if they get a good vaccine for HIV from the COVID vaccine research, isn't the easiest assumption next that this can probably be used for other stuff too? that's like textbook chapter turning point in human history if it works out, that's fantastic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>933522 it sounds like a really big deal! i hope it's not just clickbait
i mean i'm not going to take anything as fact until there's more about it but the idea is certainly powerful
>>933527 Listen, Threepwood I spend more than that on FREE games
Timezones are a magical thing People are still able to sell turnips, while I can buy them on my island
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>933531 fuckin time travelers are everywhere they got no respect for boundaries or market prices
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
playin chess after midnight with wine and earthbound OST [loss streak intensifies]
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chanSearch [iqdb](♫, 1m56s, 4.7 MB, 640x360, chess.webm)S C
>>933532 oh yeah, that too I guess last one I visited was in april 15th
I've definitely made enough bells today to be satisfied anyway Just gonna do this one last trip, and I've got 2 more batches laying around for later this week
time traveling for money in a game like animal crossing seems just sorta strange to me though The whole game is kinda meant to be a bit of a timesink, so you have something you can chip away at over a long period of time The journey, not the destination kind of game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>933534 not bad shame about the homophobia and misogyny i guess it's from another time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(proceeds to call fifty people autistic)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ur not autistic you're a neuro cutie
atypicalneuro cutie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow samsora banned rip
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i miss when pyra boobs was the drama
anime boobs... in smash?!?! and butt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
back to the lab again uh oh! back to the lab again
>>933563 yea the physio was a success i got my ROM back almost fully even though i never did the exercises i was supposed to do at home >>933562 are you talking about boneitis
that wee crops housed a family or three as long as i can remember
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I've got a ton of trees in my backyard (including a HUGE christmas tree) and we get a lot of squirrels and sparrows. It's fun to have supper while staring out of the window!
but where I actually live just right outside my window I can see a huge forest beginning that will go on for klicks with no inhabitants and a spear throw to the other direction is a huge farm
it is god damn rural and just 50 klicks from our capital fishland is just a forest and farms
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I want to become an isekai elf and live in a forest like a hobo
also lived here for quite many winters, but it still always surprises me when a good winter turns into spring it is just snap and you go from snow and frost to mud simsalabim alakazam
no wonder armies throughout history have gotten fucked over by it
coincidentally, finnish has a lot of words for bear, due to euphemisms believing that saying bear, might catch its attention and during winter, an early awakened bear is a hungry bear so people avoided saying bear and used many nicknames for it instead, of which some stuck around as synonyms for the animal
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
humans are cool
tho, most common animals have around 2-5 names anyhow, but bears shine with way more
another random finnish thing came to mind about squirrels the word money "raha" actually comes from "orava" squirrel as squirrel skins were the common currency in finland for a long time, even when coinage came around it was more common to trade squirrel skins than silver or gold
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>933602 Vampires like you won't get it We human beans hate not being able to jump off buildings and run off into the sunset
>>933604 was fhat show good i always see people post that racoon but im not a furry so indont get it
>>933607 I didn't finish it, but it was pretty fun
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I only know one bear euphimism, and it has to do with stonks
so amusingly, taking things back into the original meaning "i will pay with money" in finnish means "i will pay with squirrel skins"
more fun animal stuff in finnish taxman is called "verokarhu" lit. tax bear and word "karhuta" means to "hound someone for payment/payback"
which also would mean "to be like a bear" when conjugated from "karhu" bear
and a final tangent to add in karhutta, just one t added to it would mean "to be without a bear"
and remove the t "karhua" would mean "looking at a bear"
accusative case of bear - karhu basically
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I can't bear these bear euphimisms no more
they'll come bearing down on you eventually
also the verb bear and noun bear in english have no etymological relation to each other
oh one final one in finnish winnie the poh is "nalle puh" which just means "bear puh" nalle being a cutesy name for a bear, quite similiar to say teddybear - nallekarhu
personal fav bear word btw is "mesikämmen" - honey paw
>>933620 Nasse is our translation of Piglet, and that's pretty close And also kinda funny because "nasse" is also a derogatory term for nazi Well, I guess "nazi" is already a derogatory term, but nasse is snappier
oh and final irony I had to go look this up since I didn't know it for sue
the word "karhu" itself was one of the euphemism for bear the original word for bear having been "otso" most likely
karhu coming from "karhea" - rough/bushy referring to the fur of the animal
so yeah finns STILL don't refer to bear by its true name even now
It's possible to believe in the resurrection of christ while still being a buddhist, I think It's a bit strange, to me, but they're not inherently exclusive things
most major religions are kinda huge umbrella terms, really there's the old joke about walking into a church with 10 believers and asking what christianity is, you'll get 11 answers
well when you take in the european and middle-eastern ones you have them all share the same CORE ideology
any kind of christianity starts with "christ is god son of god and our saviour" any form of islam starts with "allah is god and mohammed his prophet"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>933646 fascinating india is like #10 in buddhism prevalence
>>933649 I think it is just environmental difference we have maybe 1000 buddhists in finland total
Doesn't all buddhism similarly start with the idea of reaching nirvana and resurrections being tied to your actions in the current life?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah most buddhists do not believe in reincarnation
>>933651 that is the religious buddhism yeah, but not the ideological or life style one say matts practices
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not even the "religious" buddhism it is a specific type of buddhist
>>933652 Huh I thought that was at the core of it all, at least as far as like, supernatural content goes The rest of it being sorta about how to get to nirvana, and what it means to be good, etc. etc.
so it's like atheist christianity, but that strain is the most common?
the reincarnation type of buddhism ironically is more close to the umbrella of hinduism, when you think about it the reincarnation and goal of ascending out of it, just take out the gods
I do consider life energy supernatural, but it's not the same thing, no It's like The difference between ghosts and deities They're both supernatural concepts, but they're different genres within it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>933659 yeah even basically just reuses hindu gods and demons
i mean buddha himself is one avatar in most types of hinduism
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ofc shakyamuni himself was a hindu so it makes sense that there are buddhists who are hindus
taoism is so weird when you think about it coming from china compare it to confusianism and well "statism" which much more reflect the chinese culture
btw I would have much more respect towards china if winnie the puh just came out and said he is Divine Emperor and has the mandate of heavens or something honest tyrants are better than dictators
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>933666 when Bodhidharma stood before the Chinese emperor, the emperor asked what merit he had attained through his buddhism Bodhidharma replied "no merit" the emperor asked "what is the ultimate teaching?" Bodhidharma replied "nothing holy, vast emptiness" the emperor was confused and said "then who stands before me?" Bodhidharma shouted "I DON'T KNOW!" and left
I think most famous of her stories is the pidgeon/sparrow one
after besieging a city, the inhabitans came to negotiate with her seeing thta she couldn't really take the city, she made a cunning (but batshit insane) plan
she said "all I need from you is one bird, swallow/pigeon/sparrow, depends on telling, basically a bird that nested on the eaves of houses, with said roofs being made out of tatch - and I will let your city go this is all I need as a tribute
the inhabitants were "huh, okay" and did as asked, since itwas a g ood deal
after getting the thousands of birds, she had her men tie a smouldering branch on each of the birds legs with a string and other stuff that would ignite fires and then let the birds go
and they all flew back into their nests and set the city on fire
and then she enjoyed the scenery while presumably laughing like the maniac she was
But I mean, if the essential bits is like, nihilist or something, I don't really see how it differs from just well, that There not being a grand point to everything isn't exactly something specific to buddhism
yeah but for example the view is very different from say nihilism, stoicism and cynicism, which have a very dour view of life and humanity at large
On a completely different note, I was randomly reminded of one of the best lines in Moomin, coming from both the book and movie "Comet in Moominland" >I didn't think a philosopher lived under our bridge"
Buddhism is nice and all, but I'm more of a Jainism kind of guy >>933692 Philosophers these days concern themselves with not the human condition, but human lifestyles instead. That's not what I'd call philosophy, that's what I'd call social science.
the piisamirotta character himself parodies philosophers too, especially modern ones full of himself thinks everyone else is an idiot is just negative about everything, including the possible apocalypse that is happening in the book, the comet hitting the moominland and is of the opinion no one but a philosopher can understand anything >>933696 >>933697 go on be open about it wear the SYMBOl with pride
Honestly, you're not a real philosopher unless you live somewhere like the depraved palace
>>933699 I think there's a misnomer that philosophers are wise, too. So many of them are just absolute idiots stealing and often misinterpreting the ideas of other philosophers. Sartre won a lot of awards for Nausea and then acted like it was all his ideas, but he stole them from Heidegger. People don't like Heidegger because he was a Nazi and therefore his ideas must be terrible, but they'll turn around and praise Sartre for having the same ideas. Sartre meanwhile was a Stalinist for a large portion of his life.
>>933700 well not everyone is truly worth their gold, especially the more modern ones but take people whose naems are still known from thousands of years ago, and you have to respect that legacy, even if you disagree
There are no great men. For every idea that remains from long ago the person who came up with it is considered great, but it's ridiculous to believe that person is responsible for that idea. How many people came up with everything Aristotle did? Or more? But weren't recorded in the history books because they didn't have the resources Aristotle did?
>>933705 even if you can't consider their ideas great, you can consider the fact they wereable to spread them great
also while I do agree that "unique people" aren't a thing, I do say great people are a thing, even if they are replacable
basically without einstein, there would have been zweibaum who made the very same theories he did later on but point is, alfred did come up with them, and he managed to get people to listen and read to his shit and that became a net positive
Wouldn't we remember the position rather than a name though, if it was their status allowing them to spread it we remember?
Yeah, but Alexander was born into being Alexander. If he had been born under different circumstances, even if he was the same in every other possible way, he wouldn't have been considered so great. So what's the point in considering him great? So many great men never are considered great because of the misfortunes of their birth.
>>933698 The thing about it is that there's two primary parts to it; The spiritual part, and the lifestyle part. I like the spiritual part, but the lifestyle part is a bit too anachronic >>933701 My favorite is uhh I don't have a favorite! How odd!
Also as for Aristotle, many people did come up with the same stuff but Aristotle is the one who spread those ideas in his cultural region our cultural region
it doesn't matter if some indian had the same ideas, if they didn't spread here
>>933710 Anachronistic how? Their ideas have persisted as they have in the form you've fallen in love with because of their "anachronistic" lifestyle. It's impossible to live those ideals in the modern world.
>>933713 Well, let's take the example of the rules surrounding eating You're not supposed to eat after sundown, and the rationalization for it (at the time) was that bugs could fall into your food and you might accidentally end up eating them because lighting wasn't good back then The lifestyle part mostly has stuff like this that doesn't really work that well or stand true in the 21st century, but you can see why it'd have made sense back when it was conceived
>>933716 Right, but you can't uphold the ideal of nonharm if you don't live as they do. They've carefully designed a way of life that lets them be true to their practice. Because if you live in the modern world, right, you need to buy clothes, and if you buy clothes, you're perpetuating the suffering of living things.
and on that note >be ton >make a god character >name him theo >name god god
>>933724 The basic idea behind it is that there's a heirarchy of living beings i.e. not all living beings have the same importance
It's decided based on how many senses the creature in question possesses
I guess you could bend it by shifting the definitions a bit
>>933725 Jain monks live really hard lives They're required to rip out all their hair and mix together all the food they eat (there should be no distinct flavor) Not to mention they aren't allowed to live in one specific place for more than a short while, and can't use vehicles either
>>933725 That's true But the alternatives aren't exactly exciting either
You either live in a forest with a cornfield or something, or you acknowledge that you simply can't live in any capacity in this world without doing unspeakable harm
>>933727 Right, it's impossible to live without causing harm. That's just the way life works. To live is to cause harm and be harmed. It's inescapable. You can reduce the harm you cause but never eliminate it. Even if I go and live at Enkyo Roshi's monastery for three months during summer Angyo, I'll be causing harm occasionally.
>>933726 None of that is hard if that's your life, though.
Now yuo see They do acknowledge the fact that you can't live without causing violence, which is why the greatest virtue in jainism is starving to death
>>933728 Maybe. It sounds awfully hard to me though. It doesn't sound very fun
>>933730 You would adapt to it quickly. The point of this kind of life is to force you to give up. Once you give up, everything is very easy. You think it's hard because you're so far from giving up.
>>933731 ARGH I JUST WANT TO LIVE A FUN NOMADIC LIFE I guess that could become 'tolerable' but I don't think it'd be fun I wanna go backpacking through mongolia and japan, and possess less than fifty things that I can carry around with me That'd be awesome
>>933734 Isn't it a bit unstable right now? My information may be a few decades old
>>933733 >possess less than 50 things >mongolia okay slave
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>933736 It's called minimalism and it's cool Get with the times, gramps
i will say about your information about siberia - you are 100% in the wrong siberia has never been stable it is rural unlawful territory, where nothing actually happens and no one cares that is when you leave the cities and mining outposts
>>933738 Sounds fucking badass I hope they let foreigners buy machine guns
>>933739 If I live a nomadic life I'll most probably have to eat out a lot of times, and doing that in the US of A would make me heckin' chonker
>>933741 >you can legally buy a battleship or a tank or an assault helicopter Wtf I'm moving to Russia
>>933742 It's trendy among tech nerds But I have personal reasons for liking it I'm not very smart so possessing less things would give me greater control over them
I am not actually sure abouit the law on guns in russia in soviet union, and many other former eastern bloc countries AMUSINGLY, they have basically full gun rights hell say inr omania you can legally buy a battleship if you want or a tank or an assault helicppter
But do you know what you can't own without huge issues ammunation
Speaking of fun historical facts about soviet union
Did you know that Pepsi, when dealing with russia had a slight issue with payment as in, they couldn't really take ruples as no one outside of soviet block accepted them, but theys till wanted to get well "value" for their exports to the country
so they traded their goods for other goods
however, another issue arose, as russia didn't excactly have much goods that were valued and also easily tradeable so... they gave pepsi ships a fuckton of ships so many war ships that at time they had after USA and USSR the most powerful WAR FLEET in the world
I don't actually know what happened to the Pepsi Fleet but yeah, fun to think about it Pepsi corp at one time had a military force powerful enough to blockade any country that wasn't USA or USSR
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>933743 Imagine getting your ship sunk by the PEPSI FLEET
I'll have to learn Icelandish first though I guess I'll start with countries that were once a part of the soviet union because they usually speak easier languages and they must be in a similar, albeit less pitiable state of disarm
eastern europe is the final place to flee to since they are immune to most bullshit plagueing nations nowadays, having already "enjoyed" plenty of it during the last century
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I'm actually a bit surprised that pepsi didn't trade their pepsi for vodka
I thought ships came with batteries included! >>933756 Now that's more like the Russia I know! >>933757 OOO I'm planning on watching that one, is it good?
also I had to look this up, cause I couldn't remember it clearly bu > accepting Stolichnaya vodka, in exchange for its syrup. The vodka exchange went well as Pepsi’s Soviet sales grew for years.
Story short >they initially traded for vodka >afghanistan happened and USA banned soviet products >pepsi got 17 war ships as payment instead now >they sold them off >next deal was soviets building oil tankers for pepsi as payment, which they leased for profit then
he's the head of the department of transportation a man who managed to lose to ted cruz in an election
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and apparently one of the first facebook users which means he was there when it was about rating women on their fuckability which is interesting considering he's homosexual
she's a really cool person, but she suffers from depression and I'm not exactly very stable either, so we're bad for each other She's still a very good friend!
>>933803 Oh okay sorry I didn't know that >>933804 When you're acting you wanna speak good English I guess She taught us how to pronounce stuff properly and how to breathe onstage too She was a pretty good teacher, too bad she got fired for being too strict >>933805 I mean stage plays are usually used by children to learn better vocabulary, so using slang wouldn't really be a good thing to do unless you want to portray a character as a ruffian
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
absolutely classism you should maul her with a trident
>>933806 y'all isn't slang any more than "I'm" is i mean if you're playing aa character that doesn't say y'all, don't say y'all but as yourself, talk how you talk fuck anyone who tells you otherwise
>>933810 I'm sure it isn't in the South! But my dramatics teacher told me that it's not really good formal English, so I wouldn't use it outside of say interactions with peers until I stopped liking how it rolled off my tongue and felt like I was tickling myself!
wtf it's not unprofessional to say y'all not at places i've worked software companies are maybe more casual than other businesses on the whole but still y'all is a nice thing to say
>>933814 I mean if you were a middle schooler and a hot teacher told you that speaking a certain word sounds unprofessional would you really continue to use it when saying "you all" instead would be just as easy
No, but when I got old enough to think for myself, I'd stop listening to people who tried to oppress me when I was a kid >>933815 Yeah, it's better to talk like a normal person
Someone trying to control the way you speak is oppression Anti-y'all sentiment is firmly rooted in classicism! They may have meant well but if someone is telling you that you shouldn't use harmless and common words, that's just silly
>>933819 Geez, it's not about classism! It's about what sounds good in a formal setting and what does not! I simply started to dislike the use of y'all after that >>933821 I get it, but if you wanna get employed by a good company you can't hep but correct your speech! I don't like it either, but the world doesn't exactly work the way I'd like it to!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>933820 that's literally classicism though "formal setting" isn't real, it's a classist idea used to create separation between "poor" behavior and "wealthy" behavior
>>933820 I work as a doctor, used to work with the FBI as a researcher, have met governors, etc. And I say y'all and ain't and shit like that. The world is not as strict as you think.
Formal settings are real In the sense that there will be some situations that require you to modify your behavior. There's nothing oppressive about that.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>933821 are you uh referring to "he following of ancient Greek or Roman principles and style in art and literature, generally associated with harmony, restraint, and adherence to recognized standards of form and craftsmanship, especially from the Renaissance to the 18th century." or classism cuz idk maybe they're the same thing when i think about it...
>>933827 As long as you're kind, respectful, and competent, people don't care if you use slang or say y'all. In fact, colleagues come to me to learn about slang because I'm hip and that's viewed as value!
Matt Mead has been governor of Wyoming for years and he wears jeans, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat to professional functions Even when I met him at the Cheyenne field office he was like that.
Real world doesn't care about highfalutin formal speech
>>933829 Being willing to change the way I speak in front of older people and teachers is the way I show respect! Of course it might not be necessary, but I do it anyways because it costs me nothing to appear more respectful!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Congratulations! You will make a fine employee.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>933834 I just want to be liked. That's the personality type I'm going for. likeable, polite dude with a sick beard and a katana
>>933831 I can see that has value. Especially when you're representing a certain group
Or in your line of work, where you need to be authentic and relate to people on a personal level.
I'm just saying that for some audiences in some situations a certain level of Formality is necessary Often as a sign of respect. and there's more to that than 'High Class bullshit'
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
and being able to put on that front can also be one form of professionalism
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>933835 walk softly and carry a thousand fold katana
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>933838 Well honestly I just speak politely to strangers out of etiquette. There's nothing wrong with using polite langauge, is there?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>933839 there is nothing wrong with bein kind to people that's the one rule
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
now, showing respect to authority and a system that probably disregards your humanity, that's a bigger subject ultimately that's up to you for me, i've never liked to conform to very much that society asks of me
Yeah, I used to think that if I just did everything I was "supposed to do" that everything would be fine and I would be liked and successful. But that was just delusion, it only ever got me walked on. Society is a joke anyway joker.jpg
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>933843 ur just jaded and bitter!! if only u had sucked more toes you'd be a doctor by now like me!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it's fucked up high school dynamics never end we gotta decentralize this screwed up world and own our own livelihoods
>>933864 Marriage is for dweebs! >>933865 Do you realize how hard it is to hide forehead tattoos? >>933867 Basically, you become ''special" friends with a girl and do stuff you wouldn't do with normal friends! You also feel mutual monkey hormone acceleration >>933870 But vampires can't have kids, what's the point of marriage?
>>933866 Yeah, but my luck in relationships is pretty bad. One time I went on a date with a girl and she had a serious allergic reaction and had to go to the hospital. Like, what's with that? Isn't it too hamfisted for a storyline?
>>933878 I just need someone to remind me that I exist and am loved! I live for hugs! >>933879 Hmm I guess that's true A zoomer like me won't really understand the point of commitment, but I guess it must feel good
[ ] The story opens in Los Angeles in the 21st century, an unspecified number of years after a worldwide economic collapse. soon... [x] The remnants of government maintain authority only in isolated compounds where they do tedious make-work that is, by and large, irrelevant to the society around them. [ ] hyperinflation has sapped the value of the US dollar to the extent that trillion dollar bills—Ed Meeses—are nearly disregarded and the quadrillion dollar note—the Gipper—is the standard "small" bill. oh yea inflation's comin' baby
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
electric skateboards are here hundreds of VCs are tryna launch the Metaverse neuro-linguistic viruses are just memes not sure about the ancient Sumerian part there's no VR guard dogs on the horizon yet...
we should start planning to launch a burb clave for gamers and vtubers of course
"Much of the world's territory has been carved up into sovereign enclaves, each run by its own big business franchise (such as "Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong", or the corporatized American Mafia), or various residential burbclaves — quasi-sovereign gated communities."
>>933896 >>933897 Want to. Saving money. Waiting for the World to get a bit less WILD.
North America got some goood Mountains
>not just getting corona Absolute not Chad
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>not being vaccinated >april 2021 i got vaccinated last month get on my level
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I don't need it since I'm neither fighting on the frontlines, nor am I a senior citizen. I'll wait until the people that need it more have gotten their dose
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this girl is kinda cute but she doesn't have the cilantro gene i pity the subhumans
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>933905 yeah like would you really want to risk passing that on to kids someday maybe?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
absolutely not fuckin DROPPED
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
Why not become an anti-natalist?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cuz if i have the chance to bring a new life into the world and they'd have a reasonably good standard of living i don't see why not i like being alive it's kinda cool maybe they won't but they don't really get to choose suckers
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and i don't buy that it's destroying the environment the marginal addition of a child isn't gonna make or break anything you know what would? becoming eco batman and assassinating the assholes who run shitty industrial plants and such
I reckon What might have been making my legs so FUCKIN ICHY might be the pre-workout powder some sort of reaction Even though I've used it for a while without a problem. But. Maybe there was some sort of delay?
I'm going to try a different brand.
every pre-workout I've used makes me feel kinda itchy I thought that's just how it works
i like the gyaru blonde but i havent watched the show
She's not really a gyaru blonde she's more of a sporty blonde Like peppy and energetic
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>933959 she isn't a gyaru at all you fucking degenerate
it says on her wiki that shes a gyaru
Her wiki is a poor choice -poor judge of character then
I mean unless everyone that wears tube socks is a gyaru
i assumed it was taken from her character card in game but
Because she is a gyaru , she can be mistaken as the type to skip school or be rebellious. However, she has very good grades and is very fun-loving and nice, but she can be a bit loud and sometimes serves as a mood-maker to her fellow idols.
shes kinda a modern gyaru tho those ones u see in the animes with the make up are from the late 80/ 80s gyarus are just fashionable and trendy i guess now with things like lots of accessories and cool socks and slang
wow ive known ton longer than ericanon has been alive
i like ryza chan shes always happy and likes going on adventures :) she was just a small time farmer until she found alchemy now she grew ip and is helping her town :)
>>934124 I used to laugh because they had it so you ask for Kerser's music from behind the counter because people would steal it so much. For reference Kerser was one of those "real lad" Australian rappers. F
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>After 16 years of asinine questions and dubious answers i feel personally attacked
A lot of my clothes are starting to get pretty ratty and/or threadbare It was always my plan to get a bunch of new clothes when I was moving into the new place I was supposed to have available to me maybe around January or so, but now here we are in April I'll still probably do that if the construction comes through finally and I can move in, in May. But I should probably do an interim pick-up of some things to tide me over the next month and a half.
>>934187 Not really Even in the past I was never keen on wearing clothes that total strangers had once owned Triply so in these quarantimes Also I don't like niche styles and unique clothes I literally just like solid colour shirts/hoodies and linen pants I don't feel any desire to dive into thrift stores to find quirky clothing
Plus I'm not poor or anything, I can buy my own clothes I'm just too lazy/busy to go shopping
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i never thrifted before until last year when i was hangin out with witch girl
actually not true my old HS bff used to take me too kinda fun to find random deals on weird articles
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should probably just buy 3 copies of the same uniqlo jeans now that i think of it
Yeah Uniqlo is one of the places I want to hit up when I go for new clothes Their stuff is hella comfy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
these EZY jeans are sick
The only jeans I wear are Levis. Aside from that I'm not particular about brands. Although I guess I prefer Nike shoes.
I think I'm gonna quit my job. I'm gonna talk to my boss tomorrow and if he doesn't do something to make my life easier I'm just gonna quit.
I wish I could quit my job But I have no marketable skills and I still don't have nearly enough savings to coast for any discernible time It kinda makes me understand why people turn to lottery
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>934199 always a good idea to negotiate he needs you also
Yeah. I'd really like to have a salary job, you know, because that makes life way easier. So if I can avoid quitting I'd like to even though the other job would let me make like twice the money. If I could get a $3000 raise (I'm $5000 below the national average for salaried therapists and have twice the training) I think that would be enough, but that's not realistic. So really if they just fix my schedule that should be okay. But I'm carrying 70% of the entire center's caseload right now. Which is totally nuts.
Maybe I'll talk to miniboss first. I've tried to get my boss to change things for a while and he usually just says he'll make it happen and then doesn't. So maybe miniboss will be excited to have a chance to do soemthing since she's new to the job. Although I still plan on getting a raise since bossman did tell me I'd be getting one lol
I'm definitely starting to get burned out, though. I've been the only full time therapist at work for four months now. Today I found myself thinking that maybe I'll just find something else to do that isn't psychology.
>>934203 Well, I'd have to work as an independent contractor for that. So I could make a ton more money, but I'd have to pay more taxes and I'd have to keep track of a lot more numbers which would complicate my life a lot. Since I have ADHD I'm not good at that kind of stuff. I could make $200/hr if I really wanted to do that. But I am happy just making enough to live somewhat comfortably on, so a tiny raise would be enough for me. Mostly, what I care about is just having fun at work.
The corporation that I work for is (I believe) a money laundering scheme at the high levels and their biggest concern is just keeping their payroll low so I don't know if I can get a good raise with them. They'd probably rather lose the hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit they're making from my center and just shut it down than they would pay me an extra 5k a year. It's a really bizarre corporation that doesn't make any sense and never acts towards a profit motivation, only towards lowering operating costs.
i get paid once per moe post
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>934206 this is so wack i dont know even where to start you're burning out accepting less than you're worth so they can exploit your labor why stay there another day? dont be scared of taxes you can pay someone to do those with all that contractor money
>>934208 Well, all I really care about is having fun. If they'll make the changes I need to reduce the load on me, I'll go back to having fun. I don't really care how much money they're making off of me personally. And the work that's like $200/hr is particularly soul crushingly boring. So I only do it when I get referrals from other clinicians who really need it done on a client. Other than that, I have to work hard to build up a case load for therapy and stuff. So there are a lot of steps that are annoying to have to do. I'm not opposed to taking those steps if it comes to that, but I like what I do now, so I'd like to keep doing what I do if I can make it work. Taxes is just another one of those things that will give me a ton of extra steps to deal with. Like, I'd have to be paying taxes quarterly most likely and after taxes, I might not even be making money for a year or two until I have it all figured out because independent contractors have to pay double the taxes that a W2 employee does.
Even until like two weeks ago when everything started getting crazy at work, I was perfectly happy! But my policy is that if a job stops being fun and I can't fix it, I'll quit.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I feel the loyalty you have for this job but it's just one job it sounds like you could be happy at any number of jobs, why stick to this one where they seemingly gaslight you into paying you less and having you do all the work?
I don't have any loyalty to this job in particular. I'm loyal to myself here. Money is not a motivator in my life so that's not really important passed having the essentials. My brain does not view money as a real thing so it can't motivate me in a major way. If I can fix things to be fun again, what would be the point in leaving? If I can't fix it, I'll leave.
Just because I'm feeling crappy right now doesn't mean I should abandon something without trying to fix my position. If I can't, I'll abandon ship, if I can, might as well keep sailing.
It's also less energy to keep a job that you're at the least kinda okay with, than go searching for/building up a new job
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
please do negotiate with them if you like the job, of course but like you pive in america you need money just to keep your health that's lookin out for yourself don't hang on to any notions that it isnt a real concern or that you fon't deserve to be paid a fair wage
Money isn't a real thing, though. I understand that it's something we have to work with and live with, but it's something that does not motivate me. There isn't a single thing I can do to change the way my brain is wired so that money will motivate me past the motivation to make enough to get my ends to meet. I don't care past that and there's really nothing I can do about that. So it's not a matter of whether I deserve it or not and it's not about being gaslighted. This is just how I've always been. It's the same reason things like grades don't motivate me. It's all just made up garbage and I can't bring myself to care about it. That's why all I'm really concerned with is whether or not I'm having fun.
And also >>934212 I just want to have fun and not really do anything that takes too much energy.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I know I've been pretty forceful about it but I urge you to someday when you have some space to reconsider this notion. think about future Kirara don't be attached to this idea, consider it carefully, where it comes from, and what good it does you
I don't really care about the future very much either! Even going to graduate school isn't something I really planned on doing. It's just something that happened.
One of the things people recommend doing while you're relatively young and have worked for a bit is trying to start your own practice
Plenty of people recommend things but that doesn't mean doing the things they recommend is smart
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
Nah like If you're motivated, I think it's a good thing to try. Running the show yourself is an experience worth having in my opinion; you end up earning a lot more than what you'd earn as an employee of a company (but of course you give up a few employee benefits too)
If you'd been paying attention to the conversation you'd notice making more money is not a concern or driving factor here though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I'm thinkin about doin consulting myself actually i don't like having a boss!
>>934226 Consulting work is really good work. It's a lot of fun.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm actually doin a smol gig for a friend in crypto it's weird workin with a friendo tho but i'm tryna be mindful of boundaries and so far it's good
i recently read the book on non violent comunication and i think that's helping me stop myself from smashing coworkers over the head with a folding chair
Consulting work is the best if you want to do your own gig. Normally businesses require appliances or an inventory which are big points of failure. Consulting work just requires a decent office and a couple of computers.
It helps if you've done a job before in consulting and have connected with (potential) clients. When it comes to consulting, what matters the most is your rep (which is why people stick to companies. Company names bring in clients)
Yeah sorry I'm a zoomer and I don't have experience outside of seeing my dad operate his business and getting advice from him. I guess I'll have something valuable to share in about 10 years
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ouch! don't take it on the chin i'm actually a giant OBAKA
I have never used tick tock I'm a computer nerd so I'm a bit more privacy-conscious than your average zoomer tik tok is programmed to fuck with your dopamine receptors, so there's that too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
triangulating ur IP (hacker voice) I'm in
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I am using a VPN. heh..
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/moe/ is also carefully engineered for dopamine reception poster beware
Goddamnit I should've never told you guys that I'm a zoomer. zoomie zoomie zoom zoom >>934245 I had a collection before it was cool >>934247 That's just the way I talk when I'm relaxed I'm an actor, remember? I know how to put on a doomer coomer shroomer facade
It was highly unnecessary, you absolutely exhude the attitude
>>934249 fortnite doesn't run on linux >>934250 I only ever played CP so that's a no from me >>934252 The TF2 community is still alive and well! Come back, we miss you!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
TF2 community servers were my roblox stout shako 2 ref
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't know it's real hard for me to go back i've tried it's not the same anymore that was a different time in my life i still do play OW from time to time tho it's different enough to give me fresh feels
Mate Just TRY and tell me this isn't the best god damn house you've ever seen in your life
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I do have flair for architectural design even if I do say so myself.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I had made an underground subway station in a snowy biome in minecraft when I was a mini zoomer. I accidentally deleted it one day, but I still miss it a lot. Months of redstone design gone with a single keypress
>>934258 I know right! I used to love making redstone flight machines. I even made a thing which could change direction mid-flight, but none of my friends could operate it so my dreams of having flying redstone machine battles were broken.
>>934260 That meme is pretty old, boomer get with the times
>>934259 Perfection don't real there is only ever IMPROVEMENT
>>934263 I'm not your average zoomer! The only thing I like is HUGE ANIME HONKERS! >>934264 Is it worth a watch if I watch stuff for characters? I don't mind it if it doesn't have a plot >>934265 What reason are you learning Japanese for?
>>934265 It's a very good finale Mashumairesh has a new song for it that absolutely slaps
You don't even have a proper floor you absolute barbarian
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
floors are for tje weak return to monke
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
don't you love the feeling of grass against your skin
Not really, no It's itchy
>>934283 can you explain your thought process while building that partial roof?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do like sitting on grass but for some reason it makes me anxious if people are around idk why probably just general people anxiety
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>934288 You can only use the workbench indoors but i couldn't be fucked building the whole thing so i just built it over the top of the workbench to trick the game.
>>934291 I like to think of myself as an artist as well as an architect. It's my canvas, where I blend practical function and self-expression to tell a story.
The deliberate asymmetry makes a point. It says something about these fragmented, disjointed times we live in.
That was really good. You could really feel the passion put into the fight. Sasuga Trigger.
I really liked how they handled the social tensions in the pre-fight part of the episode too It was super stuffy and awkward Just like how those social tensions would be in real life
the weirdest thing for me in that game is the voicelines of the ice girl qiqi the english ones yeuck
>>934451 I dunno a lot of these things seem a bit weird, sure, but as someone who's engaged with anime and stuff now for so long, I dunno Are they demonstrations of good human behaviour and opinions about people? No, but they're also not, like, severe transgressions The one about taking indigenous peoples and using them as models for monsters is probably the worst if true.
I don't want to play Genshin and I'll happily never touch it, but I think most of these things are them just trying to stir a pot that's got other ladles to use.
>>934456 oh yeah. that reminds me. gotta do my dailies.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>934457 yea some of that stuff looks like a pile-on effect i don't like the part where there's one token PoC character who's called exotic, that's pretty bad i think they've added a few more since launch at least? haven't played in months and using an indigenous dance for the enemies is really bad in these times
I guess I'll reread Rokujoma no Shinrakyusha Or whatever its called
Whoops Wrong imageboard Anyways I finished rereading an LN series I like that is on an indefinite hiatus. ;_;
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh jeez i didnt know DMX went into a coma i did hear he had a heart attack fookin' ell
They need to update My best friend uses this website to check if dmx is in jail, I was surprised they updated it for his health problems though.
Stuff like this is the best argument for Nintendo not doing hardware and focusing on game design But at the same time there's like, several extremely good arguments for them focusing on hardware as well Like the DS, 3DS, Switch, are all semi-recent to recent cases where their hardware is great They just need to shore up the other parts they're kinda stupid on
>>934471 Whoops I thought it just said "wow stop" My bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>934472 they shoulda taken their old DS chips and snuck one into the switch as a side processor like in so many of their consoles task it with the voice codecs >>934473 pretty good reaction image still for the context
I have this song stuck i n my head. >>>/watch?v=ktwlN_ocL-o >>934474 Thanks, I was going to grab a vomiting anime girl from my disgusted reaction image folder but I decided to shake things up a bit and grab something from my kornheiser folder.
Franz Ferdinand might be my favorite band from Glasgow.
After going through this whole list I can say with the utmost certainty that they are my favorite Glaswegian band.
Everyone else should feel free to chime in with theirs.
Put cardboard egg cartons over your windows They're good for blocking sound You could also get real sound proofing material for cheap on amazon and put it over your windows.
Put cardboard egg cartons in your ass
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I've already got my room semi-sound proofed in fact. I wanted the windows to be openable to get rid of dust and shit which is why noise still comes in :( >>934512 Yes, it is removable. But fixed provides better proofing I have 2 layers of windows already
>>934511 OObviously not enough. You could set up the sound proof stuff to be removable.
>>934511 I mean the sststuff you put on the windows.
>>934518 What i like about this guy is how consistent he is He's done one of those videos every week for a little while now and they're all pretty on point.
In the spider anime, it's actually a bit wonky cause the manga is the one cutting corners, while the anime is faithful to a fault The manga cuts out more or less everything related to the human side of the story, which is actually Cool and Good, because the human parts are bad on purpose
>>934526 It's been the opposite for me, since I can listen to music while reading manga. They're also easy to read on phones so you can read 'em on the go >>934527 That's rare but it does happen from time to time if the mangaka adapting it is lazy. There's also some stuff that just doesn't translate to manga and gets cut because of that. >>934528 I've tried but I usually just can't because of how broken the grammar is in translations
foxes require a lot more work than your usual pet yeah I want to keep snakes because they're cute like foxes but require less work
>>934460 as someone on the other side of the fence for the most part apparently the exotic bit was a mistranslation that actually meant more "foreign" and was about his clothes and stuff and not just skin tone
as for the hilchurl thing iunno
FormerRei@mobile Nito >>934554 Ohayo at