if tilde is fast i can oh good i can fit two shows comfortable then i have to skidaddle
Back Arrow Boku no Hero Academia Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! SSSS.Dynazenon Vivy - Fluorite Eye's Song Episode 1-2
--Winter Leftovers Horimiya Idoly Pride Log Horizon Episode 10-12 Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 9-12 World Trigger
Okay to be quick
Nomad is the sequel to Megalo Box, that should be enough Sayonara Cramer is a sports drama about girls who want to play football written by the author of Your Lie in April Sentouin is an adaptation of an LN by the author of KonoSuba, I think it has something to do with a world already overrun by a Maou and their forces and the people fighting against them SSSS.Dynazenon is a new Trigger show that is probably not directly related to Gridman despite sharing the SSSS thing Vivy - Fluorite's Eye Song is an anime original, but that's all I've really managed to get from it at this point.
i didn't finsh megalo box i think or actually maybe i did but it wasn't memorable to me i probably didn't it's not for me i think i'm down for any of the others
>>>/@anime_jojo/1378654840499236869 Also this is more for Rika but we've finally gotten the announcement that the next JoJo part, Stone Ocean, is gonna be animated Which means JoJo is finally coming to FLORIDA
crazy to think we're this close to 1million posts on moe
well we're over cause post numbers got reset that one time
Sentouin SSSS not gridman vivy sayonara cramer Dragon, Ie wo Kau
was dragon on the list? that is a new one i saw too
Yeah Lobster got the one millionth post last time
oh i forgot that happened
>>934010 Oh yeah, Dragon came out That was one of the ones I was a bit so-so on But if you want to give it a try I'll grab it and we can see how it goes
oh actualyl the last check-up email was a year ago hmm she was fun crazy on the board she was a little less the fun kind of crazy 1 on 1 but i still miss her
Yeah I caught a few snippets of that leaking out about when she kinda drifted away At least from posting on /moe/, I don't know how long you two kept in correspondence after that
i am downloaded and ready i have to wake up at 5am and drive 2 hours away D:
sometimes it's sad thinking about the moes that are gone ;_; when one day we're the moes that are gone will there still be a moe
orange >>934022 i could well either of us could manually set one up right to just transfer the file
I'm pretty annoyed that it looks like the new Shaman King's been picked up by Netflix That means there probably won't be any reliable subs for it until they start release seasons of it I really wanted to watch it, but I don't know if I'll find anyone that's doing XDCC for Rika for it
>>934021 I have zero idea how XDCC works And more than that, I don't have upload speed here I barely have download speed!
"ware ware"
Oh yeah this might also be a bit more bawdy than KonoSuba was
this is great so far i love people being idiots and getting called out
xdcc usually has everything that nyaa has for new releases. It has netflix stuff.
>>934026 Can you see if there's any releases for the 2021 Shaman King? There's a group by the name of Setsugen-Gao that seems to have been well-received
this monocle girls has some kind of weird interest i can feel it
>>934027 is episode 64 included in that? or is that the old one [utsubyou] Shaman King - 64 [2ADA8E20].mkv is the latest release
teleporting written requests what the hell
Should only be episode one It's a new series
>>934031 Yeah that looks like it's from the original adaptation There's a new one for 2021 that's starting from the beginning , so it should only be on episode 1
>>934078 Yeah, this is a completely new story I also have no idea what's going on
pink hair man is very mysterious
this music is really great
Yeah the style really turned up for the action
I wish I had a giant robot that could turn into a mecha-dinosaur
this girl is weird
something is definitely wrong with her
She's dealing with the death of her sister I think it's a reasonable way to be
oh i must have missed something
They didn't say it specifically But there's another girl's room at her house that's a mess and basically used for storage And yeah, her dad got mad with her mom about it
oh i remember that her dad said something about cleaining a room is that the only hint?
There was also a flash as she was standing on the bridge, before pink-hair showed up, of her family standing around a corpse in a hospital morgue room But that was more or less the specific I think it was pretty easy to intuit from how her family was acting that they'd lost a daughter. I mean maybe a son, but I'm pretty sure it was a daughter.
oh yeah i might have missed that
well that was awesome, great first episode i'll see how it continues
At the moment I feel this is some time before the events we saw at the start of the episode
This little girl is very good at treating her as a person A n AI, even one that looks very humanoid like this one, probably would be hard to treat that human-ly Honestly this AI that's in the computer is more human than she is
Oh I guess it wasn't that long before the events at the start of the episode? Looks like the chaos is underway
Yeah, that's the feeling I was getting when the cube guy came crashing into her AI-dream-place Somehow they sent him back into the past to her He must be an annoying person to have freeloading in your computer brain
She really leapt into action I wonder if her AI protocol can interpret "make everyone happy" as "make sure they don't die"
Honestly she's either inherently obtuse, or her programming is a bit clunky She doesn't have very good social skills programming Which feels like a bad design for a robot that's supposed to sing for people!
He's really not a very trustworthy little program.
Yeah I don't trust him But I also think his mandate he's telling her about is accurate For the moment the mission is probably to correct history to prevent AI from evolving into the state they are where they determine human extermination is necessary
Yeah I dig it It'll be interesting to see how they get more in-depth into the things they'd need to change to prevent the massacre Once you start changing history, it's really easy for things to get out of hand
ah okay let's go ahead with soccer then sayonara cramer okay lets start
Okey dokes
Some of the character design I've seen from screencaps make this look a bit silly If you remember Your Lie In April, the main girl especially had very notable lips The anime managed to turn that into a nice style point but I think the same thing in this anime make them look a bit much
Playing ball footsie in a skirt probably isn't a good idea All that leg waving is gonna make you flash
>>934125 should be okay as long as you don't kick your thighs too high
I wonder what the meaning behind Cramer is in the title When I first saw the title I thought it was "Cray-mer", like the Seinfeld character But the Katakana spells it "ku-ra-ma"
Oh this twintails girl has Yuuki Aoi for her seiyuu I guess that means she's a regular
I like those kinda circular eyebrows though They're cute
Well talking about out-there faces
They do a weird style thing where they've got shots of people behind mesh fence here But then they have the character faces cut through the mesh in a very obvious way But only the face, so it looks really weird, like floating heads At that point why don't they just use different shots so they don't have to do that
I wonder how much will be sports and how much will be drama So far they've definitely favoured the sports side of it But judging from the author there's definitely gonna be a lot of drama involved
He's in trouble since they probalby have high stats
I dunno, their swordsman at least seems kind of a goof himself
Oh they're fucking DEAD Wow
Well my impression of the show's better than it was from the synopsis I still think it would benefit from having regular characters that aren't the dragon He's kind of a difficult main character to enjoy.
I need to see a few more episodes to see what direction they really take it in I assume he's going to meet new characters once he finds a home
There's only so much whining I can take from a dragon with anime eyes The show needs other characters to carry the load But I think this real estate elf might help with that a lot.