>>89847 the day has only begun and it's already started off badly with waking up really early on a day off how's yours
wait but now you have lots of free time since you woke up early you didn't waste away the day sleeping
>>89863 well i woke up late but it doesn't really matter i have nothing to do i played overwatch with my sisters for a little while and got my loot boxes for the week from the arcade and thats pretty much it i guess i'll go lay on the floor and feel like garbage >>89866 the only thing i even want is the genji skin
I had a dream that I was in love with a princess and she was getting married against her will to someone so I crashed the wedding which was surprisingly casual. A bunch of strangers started supporting me and throwing dodgeballs into the crowd at random but the badguy got away with the hime-chan. So someone was helping me sneak around to find her but then I woke up.
>>90250 okay you can be our rogue who here is good at magic though maybe rook >>90253 it all comes together you can't fool me with a simple trick like that!
>>90264 it's up to the warrior and protagonist to be the level-headed ones clearly the dick ass thief and guy that blows shit up with his mind are not all there as a given
Oh yeah Jan, are you going to be able to make it to Florida, or is that still uncertain?
>>90268 I'll be arriving at the orlando airport at about 11:50PM on May 4th, after almost 12 hours of bullshitting around in airports because the only flight available has a 3 hour layover
Oh fuck that sounds miserable. Airplaning is suffering.
I wonder if that flight that gets me in Orlando at 01:00 on May 5th is still available. At the least we could piddle around the airport together until Kirara saves us.
i lost my luggage in an airport for like an hour once but then i went back to this one place and asked if they had seen a bag and this guy was like "yeah it was abandoned so i sat down here to watch it and see if anyone came back" and he gave it back to me and there wasn't anything missing thank you airport protector-san
>>90277 Scarborough Fair playing surprised me too! Though the PV had another folksy lovely English song like it (you hear a part of it in the prologue scene in the first episode) so I was expecting some English lyric stuff. Still Scarborough Fair was a lovely surprise. I love that song in any iteration I find it in almost.
Apparently it's just an insert song though.
>>90276 Pretty much all flying I do ends up being solo. I just don't have anyone who lives near me to fly with ;_;
>>90278 When I was doing automatic check-in for my flight back from Japan this winter, I forgot my passport in the machine you check in at. They had to get on the PA system for the entire giant hall I was in to call it to my attention. Though it still took me like a minute to understand they were calling for me, hah hah.
>>90280 I always thought it would be super embarrassing to have them call you over the PA where everybody can hear how you FUCKED UP that's the part that scared me the most when i lost my stuff
i always try to get a seat by the window with nobody near me so i can get a little bit of sunlight through the window and read or listen to music in peace the last couple times i flew i was only next to two people, one of them was an elderly black man who minded his business and the other guy fell asleep for the whole flight
i don't want to make small talk with people i don't know that i'll likely never see ever again in my life
Oh the overly anime girl isn't part of the anime within the anime I thought her design was a PARODY OF ACTION ANIME BUT SHE'S UNIRONICALLY DESIGNED THAT WAY
>>90312 the lots of swords one? i think she has a neat design, a bit heavy but it's not unpleasant they are are interesting too
She's got multiple eye colors, in each eye
it must be pretty shoicking to find out that you're an anime
I got an 88 on an assignment and the professor put a note saying "It is accurate but be more comprehensive. This is exceedingly brief." What's the problem with being very brief if it's accurate?
I've been invited to hang out today by the one guy I work with that I sorta like being around And possibly another guy who quit will be there, too, and hes cool
>>90365 I hope so His gf is pretty fun too Well, judging by the like hours I was able to be around anyone last time, cause I got too fucked up and puked my guts out I'll be more careful this time though
>when you wake up feeling like crap but you do something minor and feel super accomplished and then you're excitable for the rest of the day
I hope Shuumatsu turns out to be really good If nothing else because it doesn't seem to have an agreed-upon abbreviation, so if Digibro talks about it he's gonna pronounce the whole fucking name
I followed some guys on Twitter that talk about vidya and weeb shit a lot and recently realized that they're all 5-6 years younger than me. It's a weird feeling to finally be old enough that I'm exposed to so many people younger than me; I've always been the youngest of my peer group, more or less.
I don't really know what to use the OR gates for though That one just lights up the light certain colors depending on how many of X are in the logistics system
We could have probably finished the game longa go But we haven't
Cause we're just having fun making everything work
Right now we're trying to get the oil barrels to come in a bit more >>90387 The goal is launching a satellite Which you CAN do, technically, in 2 hours
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Is there a story or something you have to finish? Or do you just finish when you're strongest?
Also you can't see them, but we have like 3-400 flying robots at all times floating around carrying shit around the base
I've been thinking of trying to set up a system to have each area where we're building stuff have a cache of our most used items so the robots don't have to go so far to give it to us when we're there, but I've not figured out exactly how I'll go about that I might end up using trains for it
I wanted to use the robots because they're so easy to just mark something and forget it, but they get stuck in a loop the way I did it
It's a really fun game, but you gotta play it with someone or you'll just get bored
Also from the screenshot it may look like a very clean build, but if you were able to zoom in you'd see that there are a lot of... solutions that clearly were done AFTER putting other stuff down City planning is neither of our specialties
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
You make a city as well? Is that where you get resources and stuff?
Well, it's just a factory But you have to manage conveyor belts and stuff for resources You can use bots, but you have a little bit less control when you do that because you can't direct them as much
A conveyor belt you can force into giving x% to this and x% to that, but the bots will just distribute stuff based on proximity, I think So a factory may end up never getting anything while another one gets everything And conveyor belts take space, which means you have to plan for them when you build the factories, even factories not using those belts cause a belt for another one may need to go through We have a lot of kinda wonky solutions because of bandwidth, too
Probably the most well planned part is the vertical line on the right of the big screenshot But even there we're now running into some issues with bandwidth, so we might need to expand to some other place, maybe
i saw a norwegian dj tonight
sounds like you had a fun filled night
yeah because then after the show which ended like 11, i had to go to work for a couple hours at 3am
Nono, it's just the conveyor belts can only transfer so much each per second So if you use more, your factories will be slower
Like we have 2 bands of iron plate going down, fully saturated at... I think 2400 a minute? We're not using more than that of iron plate, so that's fine, but the copper plate we use more than we have conveyor belt bandwidth for
Or rather, we did before We don't actually have the bandwidth for all our factories right now, it's just that a lot of them aren't working cause their product isn't used for anything So it's OK This thing makes copper wires, which we have several factory sites for around the base because they're used SO MUCH by a bunch of stuff
That thing with green stuff below it is actually grabbing directly from the copper wire line AND has its own dedicated line of copper wire, and it still sometimes goes "lol I don't have stuff I can't do nothing"
We have a lot of stuff that's kinda obselete now, too, but it still functions so we leave it Like the oil barrels we could transfer by robot because the system is big enough, but one time it wasn't and we made this LOOOOOONG conveyor belt that stretches around most of our currently explored map
I bet this is what the government feels like when people want new, better things "It's a lot of work and there's not a lot of benefit... and the old stuff still works"
Those differently colored pieces of the conveyor belt is another thing here They're actually detrimental, but it's SO much work making them all be blue It just takes so much time But the existence of ONE red piece means the bandwidth of that entire band drops from 2400 to 1600 or something
probably just gotta wait for it to break and then you replace it
unless it's military
Yeah that's basically how we do things If something isn't working as well as it should we troubleshoot it and find a way to make it always operation Which right now means we need more oil Which is difficult to get
Also this isn't even related but did you know cigarette butts aren't biodegradable? I thought they were I thought it was just, you know, cotton, rice paper and whatever tobacco is left over
But no, there's some bullshit plastic in it that doesn't break down
Why is Watari still Watari? That's not his real name Isn't it just the name he's using in Japan?
Why is he even wataru? he is british
or was that just how the nippons pronounced it?
It's just an alias
man the fights in soul society arc are fun to watch no dbz teleporting and booming that is kinda the problem of shounen, when power levels get too high, the fights become boring to follow
Oh my god he's still referred to as Kira? "You know, from the English word 'killer'" Oh man we're actually gonna get that as original audio, not a dub
yeah they should use something else than kira maybe just K or or Killah?
I think the best method of getting Kira name for an english version, would be to go to an imageboard and ask the people there since kira was an internet name
I still say our super hacker light would've been better
>>90464 >tell me light what do you think of kira? >lame name >I DON*T SEE YOU COMING UP WITH ANYTHING BETTER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
if i ws an indie director, I'd make a movie that is written by an imageboard
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
So NYT is saying that judge wasn't actually a muslim, and those who report her as muslim are actually engaging in what's essentially racism >>90476 The one found dead in the Hudson river
what judge?
Oh right that
>(Her name led to confusion about whether or not she was Muslim. Gary Spencer, a spokesman for the Court of Appeals, said she had told him that she was not.)
So in summation here, all those news articles calling her a muslim? They're treating Islam not as a belief, but a thing you just have if you are a certain race and have a certain kind of name Which I dunno, that SEEMS like it's the kind of thing that classically you would label racism? Assuming something about someone based on their name and race seems awfully racist to me, I dunno
so some media was trying to make it a race-klling? killing
Can't really say, if I had to choose 3 finnish news outlets. Yleisradio, Helsingin Sanomat and Verkkouutiset first is state funded, second is left leaning news paper our new york times essentially and last is right party owned news outlet
>>90482 Oh no I forgot to include The Hill in that http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/328591-report-body-of-countrys-first-female-muslim-judge-found-in
>>90488 Do you mostly use news outlets like those as a source for finding out about what's happening? Or would you possibly be more reliant on, say, just word-of-mouth or social media outlets like Twitter, or through some message boards perhaps And then go look more into it once you've heard something that interests you?
>>90490 Yes and no, if I find something interesting and think it is something an outlet might have a bias on or opinion on, I find other sources of the subject matter. Also I don't use any social media outside of youtube.
>>90491 Okay. Let me phrase a slightly different question now. What's your source of exposure to news? Rather than where do you go to read about it -- Where do you first come into contact with it, to know you want to go look more into it?
When you do look into other sources to find out more, do you like to get a broad spectrum of sources all from different political angles, or do you have one news source you'd find most credible that you'd go to?
I look for articles that both confirm and possibly deny the information and then after I reach "okay this is about what really happened" if I am bored, I go look for sources that spin it in interesting way
>>90495 Do you ever go to fringe news outlets to hear more extreme, polarized opinions, even possibly in conjunction with more reliable outlets? Or do you try to stay more towards the credibility side of news sources?
(unprofessionally stated: do you ever watch crazy people news -- or read, rather? even if it's just for entertainment and not a reliable source of information)
Which fringe sources are you familiar with? It doesn't have to be every one of them, just maybe the first few on the top of your head
And when I say about these news sources, it doesn't have to be a newspaper or broadcast station. It could be a youtube channel or political blog or any number of things.
I don't really memorise them verge, vox, homma forum, etc
Let me know if I'm taking up too much of your time.
Tell me about Vox. They've kind of got a format where there are several different "reporters" so to speak, right? And they each upload their own video. How would you describe the range of political opinion on the Vox channel?
More like I follow people, I guess "news analysers" who point you toward absurd content that was released. And then if that interests me enough, I go visit the site. >>90506 Vox would be "modern left-wing", as in pretend to be liberals and wanting social advancement, but at the same time wanting to censor all opposing views permanently
That's okay! That's a medium for news as well. It has to arrive to us somehow. I'm looking at the interaction between people and their news sources, so all information is useful information here. Whether you watch more or less or no news or have very limited contact, none of it's less significant. it's all useful information to me.
>>90507 Are there any videos on Vox that you find informational or entertaining?
they had some videos on like the economic situation in the slums in india and some various things like that i always found those to be really cool. they do have a select bit of stuff that's reporting but not pushing anything too hard. it's a rarity and i think they're garbo though
depends I read an article faster but I can also listen to a video and then read its sources or listen to a thing and find information that either confirms or disputes what they are caliming that happened
Thanks. What I'm doing here isn't actually research on the news. I'm doing research for myself on the conversations I might need to be asking for researching news sources. I want to have some test runs, so to speak, before I write up actual scripted questions and find out i'm not asking anything useful i'm getting pretty good information
i appreciate it TN i'll mail you a beer as your compensation
Wonder would that reach me
i wonder what would happen if i just brought an envelope full of liquid into the post office and it just said TO FINLAND on it i'd just pour the beer into a ziploc bag and stuff it in an envelope and mail it they'd be so grossed out handling it
TN, Finland
>>90518 never heard of someone doing that or alcohol being mailed in general but food gets mailed quite lot herea tleast
i can order alcohol over the internet and it's mailed to me it has to be done by somebody with a license though and that's not really like normal that's like ordering straight from wine vineyards in california and shit
Some world betterers and monopoly protectors are trying to ban internat sale of alcohol here which actually clashes with EU laws, for once the opposite of what usually happens
I was just watching Kurzgesagt's EU video last night
btw eu legislation goes like this >eu makes law/edict >member states are required to at some level work that nto their legislation but say it clashes with local constitution, that comes first
but basically law A doesn't necessarily become Law A in memberstate but Law a or Law ABC it is worked as best as possible within the local system as laid out by the EU, but not required to be passed as is
Of course that is how it is now. Dunno how it will be n the future, especially when EU has an army
How much of an inconvenience was it for you to answer those questions? If it were an actual funded study, how much would you expect to be paid to provide that kind of information and those sorts of responses? Just in the format we just did, or if it was a self-fill survey somewhere, or e-mail correspondence? what if it was twice as long and by phone? (probably would take the same amount of time but twice as much content, since talking is quicker)
not really a big one few pauses and mostly answering while I watch bleach but if this was a phone call, I'd be bit annoyed by the questions being bit too broad
>>90526 atleast a 5-20€ in food stuff or something if it was in person if it was a phone covnersation, I'd be annoyed and might tell the interviewer their questions could've been quicker and easier to answer and if it was an internet or mail one, I wouldn't prolly fill it
The EU video kurzgezagt had was neat A bit slanted, but that's obviously gonna be the case no matter who speaks about something they have an opinion about
Like I'm sure my presentation of what ancap is doesn't fit perfectly with those who hold those views, but I also think they're retarded for holding those views
>>90528 phone conversation that you volunteered for, not like a telemarketer calling you and i understand if you wouldn't volunteer in the first place, but you're helping me get some sense of what other people might expect who would volunteer for it So any information is helpful
I do actually participate in some studies like this one service mails me stuff and filling them puts me in lottery to win stuff from small gift cards to something grand like a trip to spain
the other is a phone call service that occasionally calls me about stuff, but for the love god I can't remember what were the terms of it. Basically, what I got out of it.
>>90531 Oh sick can you show me what some of those are like sometime? I could use some ideas.
I'm going to be my own first client as a market researcher, so i won't be able to do like mass email surveys. Actually i wonder how much those cost. I'm hoping to have maybe 5-10 people fill out a little pre-conversation sheet where they just use some 1-5 rating scales on a table of different concepts, and put some checkmarks next to branding concepts they recognize just one small little page, then I'll probe them for about a half hour conversation's worth of content. So it'd be like 25-35 minutes by phone, but if it's people i know like on moe or messageboards or steam, I could easily do a messenger conversation I think that it would probably take like an hour in that case, but it'd be like we were doing above where it's pretty lightweight and you can pretty much do while doing other stuff.
i'm thinking like $50 USD for that. Approximately half an hour and a quick one page survey that you'd be able to fill out in about two minutes.
I'm not saying I'd be offering it to anyone here, because i don't think i can for this topic, but would that be something appealing or would it have to be adjusted in some way? Would something like that be a motivating opportunity for $50 (or something equivalent as a gift card( or would it seem like an annoyance that you're being compensated for
I'll try to remember I did an election survey a few weeks back, it was bit tedious as the girl spoke a bit too quick.
>>90532 you add a substantial enough reward and people are motivated enough but one thing, unless doing survey for a brand NO GIFT CARDS seriously people hate them
>>90534 But i could email you an amazon gift card right now I'd have to mail you a check if it was cash And the gift cards allow for maybe 65 dollars instead of 50
Well it could work I just generally dislike gift cards and amazon doesn't really do business here I think amazon.uk would be where I'd have to get mys hit from
That's very helpful because this is something that's important too. If the motivation's not worth it, then i'm probably not going to get any useful information to write up a report.
Are there any sorts of compensation that you would find meaningful other than cash? (I can do cash, but it makes my taxes complicated and makes me waste more money)
But of course you'd prolly do stuff for americans, so I think interms of reward, asking someone from there would work better. If it was a gift card, I'd rather have something to K-stores or S-stores, since I buy my food from there It'd actually benefit me in normal life
>>90537 I don't really get the tax point here If you did a pay in money for participation study here, it would go under "gift tax" and unless you get 4000 in 3 years from one singular source, it is all tax free income.
AAAAAAAAAA I HAVE LIKE $300 laying around here and I CAN NOT LOCATE IT
>>90539 i don't really know i do know i dont have a bank account though and can't write checks out anyway if they're fine with paypal that's fine but then i can't deduct anything so i'm paying under the table, which means that 50 dollars is actually costing me like 65 dollars
Oh shit yeah I found it I'd used this for something already
why does my mom insist on giving me these damn prepaid visa s
I have a regular visa card, yaknow She has my bank account She could just transfer this Instead I'm now forced to use these things 6 times to take out like $100 each time
>>90541 I suppose something like amazon gift cards would work in general and I think in most cases it would be motivation enough but for me it wouldn't shout "hey I should participate in this study"
>>90544 Okay, now moving away from the hypotheticals and speaking for other people
What if it actually was my study and i was asking you, TN, to participate Are you more motivated to participate due to the association what form of interview would you find most communicative?
I think either a form that is simple to fill and send over on mail etc would be easy or then a voip call Also I'd most likely be less likely to participate due to association, than if you were a steranger.
Yeah, all interviews have to be confidential to reduce bias anyway I was just curious about the format really Would a live chat format, maybe just by messenger, be possible or does that seem like an annoyance?
Hahaha you'd hate it here we just NOW made it legal for normal stores to sell stronger beer than that anything above is expensive and in monopoly store
convenient stores can sell anything under 10% here, but beer doesn't show up there above 6.5% there is beer up to 15%, but you have to go to special liquor stores for stuff like that they're kind of rare
And next in line is "wine in grocery stores" also we made direct selling from breweries to customers legal too that should be fun and I think mail ordering booze was made easier too
I think it's good that we keep not-beer in the liquor store, really Prefer it this way
>>90562 I once had I think 13% beer it was weird I think beer caps at 8%a nd after that it starts to taste bad
>>90564 it's like that in tennessee in saint louis they could sell bourbon, vodka, wine, everclear, everything in the grocery store and that meant having some really cheap, shitty brands when i didn't have a job i would go up and buy the five-dollar fifth of bourbon it tasted fucking horrible but it was alcohol
I think it's pretty telling when you see a child parrot your view and that somehow reinforces it If I see a 10 year old think the same way I do, I get suspicious of my own worldview
>>90578 if kids could vote, generational influence would sway so much on social evolution the people who have and brainwash the most kids have more political power poorer families would literally less representation due to not being able to support more than one or two kids very rich people could adopt, feed, and educate hundreds of unwanted chinese babies and philanthropy would be given inherent political motivation the rich aren't the farming class of america though, and the large cities would be doubling or tripling in population with a weaning farming class population i'm sure the political majority would still notice it and use that power to make the adjustments because they're directly impacted by having the largest population to feed and having it logistically and economy difficult to do so it actually seems like it'd work out pretty well with a generation or two to stabilize
Some kinda western-centric group is rising up through Twitter, and obviously since they think the west is pretty great they're predominantly white What's INTERESTING about them is that they're stealing Black Hitler's "UHURU" shit and turning it into their own thing
Black Hitler is some black, fairly popular youtuber who is also in favor of killing the whites He\she (I legitimately don't know for sure which one) says "uhuru" as a sort of motto or slogan a lot, it's some sorta african bullshit word It's kinda like going "UBUNTU"
You know, seeing as THIS kind of thing only ever seems to come from THE WOMENS and THE CUCKED MALES, we should just remove the vote from those groups instead
>and it is not just South Africa where white males own a disproportionate amount of wealth. ... HOW IGNORANT can you be?
And also, on a much more important note, the plan of removing it for women and betamales would actually work Her system would just let me go "but I identify as a woman though" and she can't do nothing and I'll still vote MY SYSTEM doesn't recognize transgenderism as a free for all
Each time the sword hits something, both the sword and what's hit doubles And if you hit a sword with a sword you get 4 sword
maybe an arena like the blind guy had only he controls gravity inside instead
Hmm maybe "doubles attack power and the weight of opponent" would be it? I mean ther was that bald guy bankai, that got more powerful as time passed but started off as weak as shit
Things are heating up between the US and the NK And the only reason NK hasn't been fucking destroyed is China sits there like "But I want that thing to be there though, you can't just take it away"
I doubt it will go to war, though SK would suffer too uch if it did even if the war was over in a day, NK can barrage Seoul to ashes in that amount of time
fuck I keep playing around with super sharp scissors and keep stabbing or slicing myself with them when I forget I am holding them in the first place.
So I'm trying to drive and the girl whose car it was was helping me and giving directions but everybody in the back was having this heated political debate over North Korea all yelling an stuff.
Died at 87 of a heart attack About 26 years after he died the first time
What a man What a legend
>>90668 chick-fil-a? >>90669 Even death doesn't kill him
>>90670 Chick-fil-a is a chicken based fast food restaurant, I think, who openly do not support gay marriage Which BASICALLY makes them a danger to the lives of gay people Because if you don't support gay marriage, you want to HURT gays
It's jsut *just a matter of turning the world into a nice safe hugbox with no sharp edges
Like this is something I can confidently say, and KNOW I'm right This has not happened before
Not once in human fucking history has a sizeable demographic with any sort of political importance said they're AFRAID of a restaurant opening up nearby Not a single instance of this will be found, and you can scrape the whole goddamn globe
I mean you can say that, but do you legitimately believe this was ever something that happened? I don't think this one is a matter of documentation, this one's a matter of it literally not having happened before
One of the strippers walked up to me and she all overly friendly. Rubbing my arm and stuff. right up in my face she says 'so what do you do' and I'm just like 'I'm a student'
One thint that always bothered me about bleach Sure the other shinigami didn't know about his sword ability, but what about his plain basic power? I mean even that was stronger than anyone else. Or did he hide that so successfully?
I guess I'll accept that I live in a world where if I want some fun havoc causing software, I gotta make it myself like usual Sub7 was fun to dick around with at school though
>>90717 I wonder does this happen to kirara a lot?
you can download kirara's schematics?
yup ika v3(aidoru) nickname kirara is freeware now
Yeah but like The ONLY thing keeping me in windows is video games That's IT
it's not like linux is a suffering free paradise
I've only experienced a few pieces of suffering in linux And I'm confident I could fix those because unlike windows, linux isn't designed explicitly to make you suffer
Where linux has a few obstacles so you don't fuck everything up, windows holds you at gunpoint and tells you to go the other way
"I just wanna delete this file, please, nothing m-" Linux: OK but I want that admin password or no dice Windows: NO. I'll kill you
What's a 3D swastika like? Just like the image, or does it have hooks in the 3rd dimension too, so it's more like one of those tacks ninjas and stuff throw out?
Is bit amusing in hindsight in bleach's soul society arc how little Ukitake gives a fuck By far he is prolly 3rd or 4th strongest in the whole soul society, yet he never does anything like when Yoruichi naps ichigo away from byakuya, he just stands there and doesn't give a fuck
>she's a troll but the only visible feature is sharp teeth >yet people immediately knew MC and that girl were featureless normal humans upon taking a quick look at them
I have no fucking idea yet MC is in the military now, he's a regular human There's mostly not-humans around Everyone lives in sky islands cause the ground a shit, I guess?
>>90769 Not really jewish fuck I forgot the paste I would write here.. But it is just how the family names came around in germany, especially for jews who were "special category citizens". And as good amount of jews are HRE jew descendants, the names stuck
>her name is Ctholly She's definitely an ELDER HORROR
>the grils are weapons
Yeah lots of Jewish names sound German because Yiddish is based on German
I mean for all I know there might still BE a farm or area named my family name
I just don't care enough to press f6 and type it in That's the amount of effort it would take, and I'd just have to avoid the obvious corporation that uses the same name
But actually my family moved from ostrabothania to the capital region some 4 or 5 generations ago and then renamed themselves Lakeside Farm before that the family had complete different name. Well my father 's fathers side that is.
My father's mother is from karelia and a war evict with a general karelian name and so was my mother's father my mother's mother was from Tavastia region with a farmer background too and a farm name
But I am quite from everywhere, when it comes to being finnish east west and central all I lack is a northern bloodbranch
My mother's side of the family - the Ukrainian one, their name comes from being fishermen originally. Way before my great great grandfather was a leather salesman.
Must be bit weird to americans being able to trace your family like 1000 years into past and that most of the time they lived in the same region
>>90817 Nah, the point is that Luke saw how erroneous the jedi order had ebcome and had been for ages I mean, whole Anakin became Darth Vader was fueled by >you can't have a wife >>90819 He had an order, it got destroyed and he went on exile to do shit the shit being actuall discover the origins of the order
And the implications are, taht the origins are way different from just being "light and dark" side
True which is why some speculate Snoke is also a jedi or was
I doubt he is. Maybe was but I don't think he can actually Force shit. So he would have had to have lost his Force powers and gotten downgraded to just being Force-sensitive.
HE is someone who saw the rise and fall of the empire
Wasn't it the case at some point that you gotta be able to use the force to some extent to wield a lightsaber? Or is that an incorrect thing I assumed as a kid?
I think the crystal is partially force powered so I would suppose without being held by someone strong in force, it would eventuallybreak but for example Han used luke's saber to cut that thing open in Ep5
But force sensitive, doesn't mean jedi or sith necessarily it just means you could do it to some minor extend I mean practiaclly EVERYTHING is force sensitive to some extension, but only few can use it and only very special few can use it like jedi and sith do
A neato parallel would be if Snokes wants to rebuild the Jedi Order.
Snoke isn't a sith thatis confirmed >>90841 I kinda feel like it is something like this too Both Luke and Snoke want to rebuild a jedi order to server the galactic government, and their vision of jedi order is something completely new or in luke's case something old and ancient Anyhow it would be more abotu Balance in the Force than being monks denied of everything Not Light or the Dark but Light and the Dark.
No this was a problem before Disney came into the picture Even before disney SW canon has always been a muddled mess of fanon and canon intertwining to an extent that makes it impossible to know anything
>>90867 When I first watched it, I was on the plane back from Japan, after hanging out with some of my longest friends. It was a great experience and I was definitely in an emotionally energized state on that plane back. So that movie just hit me with a bunch of feelings. It was great. I actually tried to watch it three times that flight but I kept nodding off, hah hah. And then I went and watched it another several times when the ~715p rip came out a couple months back.
And now I kind of want to go see it in theatres.
>watching touching anime in public oh no I couldn't do this I get emotional and it's not a good look, you know
It didn't hit me quite as hard as Voices Of A Distant Star though I think VOADS was much better at really slamming you with an emotional 18wheeler
I'm definitely rewatching it in 1080 when and if that happens
I don't think I could watch it in the cinema though When I'm in public I fight the emotions this kind of thing causes much harder than when I'm by myself
October is when the Japanese BD releases.
I also intend to get the North American release when it comes out in the far future ;_;
I really liked how each time I had a question during the show, the show would later actually address it It was really great Like early on I went "why aren't you guys trying to meet up" and THEN
I bet there are some plot holes here and there, but I'm willing to ignore them because obviously they weren't big enough for me to think much about
Yeah there was some really tight writing in the movie.
Like if you go back and look closely there's actually a fair amount of foreshadowing and subtleties that gives weight to later bits of the movie. Plus the important themes weren't really shoved in your face but they're there and when you connect them to the overall plot it's brilliant. I love writing like that.
I didn't like the whole thing with putting in OPs in the movie though I think that was kinda off, took me out of it I'd rather they'd used that to just show them doing stuff or something, I dunno
I liked the songs. The first one really sets the tone of the movie and then it's ZEN ZEN ZENSE
Have you seen VOADS, by the way? It's like 30 minutes long, but I don't think anything will ever hit me as hard again >>90880 I didn't dislike the songs, I just didn't like them being in the form of two OPs in the movie
The thing about Zen Zen Zense's scene is there is actually a LOT of material Shinkai wrote up for that time period of the movie. Like he actually wrote a novelization of the screenplay, AND a second book which is pretty much exclusively antics from the time period that song covers. And I guess there was no way they were gonna actually cram it all in so they montage'd it to the song.
There's also a bunch of interesting smaller details in the book, like how Taki's palms get sweaty when he's lying. You can see an example of this in the Kataware Doki scene but there isn't any gravity to it. The book(s) goes into a lot of little things like this that the two of them learn about each other .