Thread #89895
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clockwork planet kiss note tsuki ga kirei
saekano is also out also we could try kenka banchou otome it doesn't seem awful
I wonder if that's actually episode one or just HorribleSubs calling it incorrectly.
huh, saekano got a second season?
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Is the filesize different from the one we've already seen?
That doesn't necessarily mean anything because this episode is from HorribleSubs, not SaenaiSubs.
the first ep was oh
wait i eed like 5 mins Clock atuski renai
kiss note is rika & ika's excellent adventure right?
saekano is new i downloaded and checked
>>89905 mostly rika's but yes
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If saekano not being on my lists is going to be a weekly occurrence I'm going to be annoyed.
>>89905 im the yandere ok
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lets start with clock to get the trash out of the way
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ika said he needed 5 minutes.
>>89910 ahhh you should have edited the actual gun menu on there with the bullets and stuff that would have been perfect
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>>89913 it works so well i bet she has a moon arcana persona
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>>89914 kaguya is a moon persona so that works out well i guess notice how the kiss note is just a regular notebook
Yeah I caught that last week.
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hello ika how long is five minutes
Seven so far.
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huh what a neat design
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If you take much longer, 4 show Rika is going to become 3 show Rika.
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i watched recreators yesterday that looks really promising it looks so good not sure about the plot i wanna try out the other new show might watch it alone clockwork ready >>89924 Kenka Banchou Otome
ok>>89920 its 3 shows
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clockwork>>89922 saenai is tonight okay let's start!
Tick tock>>89921 What other new show?
okay let's get this over with
You could just go fiddle-faddle elsewhere if you don't want to watch it, y'know.
why are the military such assholes in this show
Military tend to be assholes in a lot of anime though.
true but lets let this preventable massive earthquake happen seems kinda like an unreasonable stance
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Her gun has a really ridiculous bayonet attached to it.
japanese people don't have a very high opinion of the military being that they have no real military and the US army stationed there are generally pretty awful people
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it also seems bad in the long run to just have gears drop into a clockwork planet surely it will break even more things
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maybe the gears will just fall into place like gear magic
so i guess the author went from what if everything was a game to what if everything was a clock
Oh yeah speaking of No Game No Life, the movie it's getting is gonna be a prologue movie. Looks like it might handle the whole crazy-ass war that lead to everything becoming games.
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now everyone will think that he's in a really kinky relationship
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I like bodyguard-san
hes kakkoii
the music is good here
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Wow he's just punching robots.
The show's got a pretty good OST in general so far.
just how fucking strong is this guy
he is probably a robot himself
yeah i think he's her stand
again this does not look like a good idea
it's gear magic
Robot-chan is cute without her funny shawl/hood hat thing.
that robot is kirara maybe
Oh hey I saw me there.
>it's stagnated jinrui wa suitai shimashita
people should get kinda suspicious when all the clock masons leave the city
even the cars are gears
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Wow she really did just give up because she was told to.
Even the chocolate is gears.
she eats choco like a savage
>>89957 it's clockolate
Oh that is nice.
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Wow they'll kick you out of stores for doing stuff like that. At least do it in the changing room!
>a highly calculated plot for sexual harrassment isn't that a deito
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wow he takes all the punches like a man
huh the big bad actually got scared when a gun was pointed at him
Now she's lost it.
she knows she can kill
i hope romance happens soon i can't hold back the she wants the clock joke forever
Wa ga ma ma
but now it's ruined because you told everyone!
oh no
oh shit he took his tie off limiters released
He's working off the clock now.
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So when is protagonist-kun going to fix it?
how does she know
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this show is kinda developing slowly i expected them to meet halfway into the episode
>>89977 clock autism
>>89977 She's a clock nerd she's probably supposed to know these things. Also she was talking about RyuZU earlier this episode.
i like this ED at least
and the music is good
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rika show now? i though tsuki would be last?
no thats last brb restarting net
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>credits pop up right as the transition finishes GOD
Tsuki is probably too boring for Rika's autistic comfy tiering.
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I could go either way.
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lets do tsuki last then and saekano now then kiss note
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>>89986 I don't see how it's autistic. Do you eat your dessert before your meat? The comfy pyramid just makes perfect sense. I don't understand why people would want to go to sleep stressed out from an edgy show.
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i'm ready for the rika adventures ah saekano ok then>>89993 >>89995 MINNA PLEASE ORANJII UP
>>89989 I don't get stressed out from pretty much anything I watch.
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okok go saekano then we can do whatever
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>>89991 Well maybe I'm not the autistic one here. So we're doing saekano?
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yeah i liked this show >>89989 sometimes i eat dessert before i eat the meal sometimes i only eat dessert fuck the police>>89995 i didn't know he didn't watch this actually
What does that have to do with it? Because I'm good at not getting freaked out over fiction?
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we're doing saekano even though ika has to sit out for it? orange okay let's start
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i regret not watching s1 the designs are pretty nice
>>89998 watch s1 before s2 e2 thats your homework class dismissed
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>>89998 Watch it this week then. Catch up to us.>>90001 Just 12.
how many episodes is it maybe i can do it but i picked up majikoi again and majikoi s and majikoi a-1 and majikoi a-2
One-cour. You cak skip episode 00 if you want. Can, even.>>90001 Wow you're playing a really erotic game. What a hentai.
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im strong enough to skip through everything lewd majikoi is pretty great though i liked like every character almost
I bet you enjoy it.
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these girls are pretty vicious
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are you a bad enough dude to play h-games for the story>>90005 high school girls
Girls are pretty vicious.
>>90006 Why not both?
that was a nice set up
ME GU MI is best.
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They're both stressed because they're getting cucked by the most boring girl ever conceived.
Oh, does that mean you were brought into this world in a test tube?
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>>90011 what's wrong with a nice boring girlfriend that doesn't do anything crazy to you
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are we watching the same show didn't that girl pull a nice one on the MC having him read a line
>>90014 yeah that's the one i'm watching he got third degree burns
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is rika calling that burn master boring?
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what if i watch saekano on the side while playing majikoi im so smart
>Still using book cards
>>90016 It's fine, Rika wouldn't know boring if it fell asleep on top of her.
oh no she's pissed
Eriri was kinda biting off more than she could chew there. She kinda faltered for a moment when trying to talk down to her.
kyaaaa how romantic
class 2d way better than 3d
those are some nice casual home clothes
She's a low-effort kind of girl.
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Eriri knows how to be comfy.
sitting in that pose increases efficiency at taking it easy by 400%
i don't think that pose is comfy
wow she's digging up dirt on her vicious
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this girl is a master she's going to destroy the rest they'll die of a BROKEN HEART
i like her tick it's pretty fun
I have a habit of lapsing into that sort of thing in some frustrating situations.
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>>90030 Utaha usually unintentionally sabotages herself by trying too hard.
oh no does she have a hair color complex is she jealous of the blond
are they gonna ask each other for an autograph
>>90032 i do it too
with my right leg too i'm not sure what exactly triggers it but it happens when i sit down a lot
huh lalatina?
lewd book author since second grade?!
Probably not that sort of content. But in that sort of style.
being moved by erotic art seems a bit off?
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She doesn't just draw porn.
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>>90041 isn't this a nicely drawn piece of artwork, though?
>>90043 it is i guess but it's basically a daki cover?
It sure ain't porn though.
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>>90044 yeah it is, but even daki covers are still art! art has the power to move people in all sorts of ways!
i can imagine eroart moving only one thing
did she cover the whole thing and leave no space
D'aw they're all feeling like a team.
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Eriri and Utaha have a good relationship. They're eternal rivals. It helps them be equals that that boring girl is cucking them. Even though neither of them deserves to lose.
i have downloaded saekano s1
Omedetou nerd.
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>>90052 that's why boring-chan is going to win it's even in the title you can't break up such a beautiful friendship
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>>90056 It's been clearly broadcast from the very start that the boring girl is going to win.
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rika's preferences in relationships are a bit different lets kiss note GOGOGOGO
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>>90058 What do you mean? I like cute straight stuff the best. Is kiss note what everyone wants to do next? okay let's start
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>>90057 i don't understand why you hate her so much the other two are crazy >>90059 yeah let's
Rika just can't see things from a guy's point of fiew. View, even.
kissu noto
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>>90060 >i want to date a girl that isn't crazy why not just date dudes
oh wow
haha what the hell
>>90063 because they're crazier than girls most of the time
yeah that totally is a rika
>>90063 that's a weird thing to say to me anyways
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>>90066 That's not true at all. Anyway, Eriri and Utaha are a little crazy but high spec girls always are. He's a guy, he should challenge himself.>>90068 That's one of the reasons why I said it.
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>>90063 are you a genius what a great idea
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>>90069 i'm 100% certain there are people out there to date that aren't crazy i just haven't found them yet
haha she broke something with the kukri
i heard there was another yandere maybe its the pink one
wow that seems highly unethical
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>>90071 You'll never find a girl with high specs who isn't crazy in some way.
extremely unethical but also 100% effective it's GOOD DOCTORING
>Learning about love from Internet messageboards
totally rika
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It's probably a little safer to learn about love from the internet than it is to learn about love from the girl who pulls her sister's trash out of the dumpster every morning.
this love triangle is becoming a love tetrahedron
oh no not a student teacher relationship
she doesnt like him
oh no is it an sm relationship
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>>90085 Aren't you supposed to have a maiden's heart? Of course she likes him.
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she likes him she just wants him to take more care of himself she wants to be able to go out with him
no she said she had the ooposite right opposite* which means she HATES him
The fact that Akane is a yandere for the MC seems more common knowledge than it was at the start of the series.
>>90091 he's probably the only one who didn't know seems like he doesn't have anything knocking around inbetween the ears
oh no she's a brocon
poor sensei ;_; she probably doesnt realize she likes him
or is afraid to cause of her no fun attitude
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>>90095 she's class rep it's super dangerous for her reputation!
his appearance makes me thing of a younbg happy gintoki
happy kiss salesman majoras kiss
And iinchou is just scolding hi,
oh no is the only way to save her from the gun is to write her name in?!
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>show up to save the girl you like >she tells you to go to the meeting you're skipping
oh SHIT this music
so many observers
rip. random bystander while they're having this pleasant chat some extra is lying on the ground in the throes of exsanguination
Oh no, he attacked her with a lesbian's only weakness. A guy treating her like a normal girl.
What a wuss.
this whole thing is a trainwreck of a situation hahaha the music it's like tha piece oh it is it
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hahaha even the cops are afraid!
what a nice girl
no she's an angel
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she's pretty great
>>90116 Does this look like the face of mercy
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>>90117 she's got him good no mercy for sensei
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tsuki ga kirei i am waiting orange well rather grey i guess why is it this theme
>>90119 too fast wait for the ending song
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hayai black is still my favorite>>90122 that would be because it's penned by a shoujo manga author
That's a rather shoujo-y endcard.>>90121 Oh my, what a twist. I would have never expected such a turn of events.
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tsuki okay let's start!
is that car cgi reeeee
>>90125 is the cgi triggering you
cgi killed floops parents and the animation was really stiff he'll NEVER FORGIVE THEM
this is how he became rabbitman he was no one until he put on the mask
Wow what an understanding otou-san.
oh i liked the friendly bookstore man that gave him porn mags on the house
>kid adhering to dazai's ideology this isn't healthy
that's like taking advice from me
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sounds perfectly fine
this OP is something else
It's kind of normal.
that isn't real animation reeeee
>>90137 i just mean the section with the watercolor rotoscoping it looks kind of cool
where did she put the plush
this guy is wearing the girl's headband
Maybe in her bra.>>90141 He's also got it styled for cat ears.
he has a hairclip too this nigga F A B U L O U S
>>90142 that sounds uncomfortable
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wow male gaze
he seems to be having quite a bit of impure thoughts lately
It's just how it goes.
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he's gonna think about her winning the race while he's whacking off later
this guy should really expand his reading habbits other authors exists
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>>90149 maybe he's just thinking about it a lot since it was the last book he read
Wow he's kind of damedame when it comes to sports.
he is a book nerd to the bone but he did his best
What boy, you never scraped your hand before?
yes but please don't show it would you call this show realistic
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well in the real world there would be sand and dirt all in the wound and it would have bled further down his hand towards the fingers while he was running
i meant the portrayal of people the restaraunt bit last episode did feel as embarrassing as i'd imagine life
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>i'm so fucked up
oh they have pockets is this gonna be tatami galaxy and in the final episode he returns it
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>>90158 it does seem pretty realistic but we'll see as the show develops whether or not it becomes unnecessarily melodramatic
Oh no she's gonna lose her squishy.
>>90162 no mc-kun will rescue it for her
How embarassing.
Oh my.
now she's stressed and has nothing to squish!
commie chearleaders?
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Hazukashii yo
oh no she's gonna have a panic attack
Both her and the male heroine messed up their race.
oh no
>>90174 heroine(male)?
Wait male heroine whoops. Male MC.
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>>90176 here's a picture of a heroine(male)
;_; Girls are vicious beasts.
vicious girls
but what about the potato
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Way to go, protagonist-kun.
wow she opened up a lot there
tell her that you like her butt that will make her happy surely
>i-i really like your legs >i mean how fast you are >i mean how fast you run
He paid her back for the nice view at least.
oh yeah her line id is kinda boring just her name basically
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while she notices his minor details he's just staring at her butt!
Well she's underaged so that's a minor detail too.
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>>90193 well with how flat she is it's pretty minor
>>90195 wow?>>90196 w o w
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anyone wants to join me for Kenka Banchou Otome ah it's a short didn't notice hat oh well not much to lose
looks like a rika show
looks like a short i'll download it
i ship sensei and pink hair
Well it looks like she ships it too.
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wow sensei wants some of that boypussy.
Wow look at that tsundere.
this guy got no time for that tsun
>>90198 okay let's do this thing here>>90213 the rest are probably TOO COOL FOR SHORTS so let's just do it ready?
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thanks for anime!
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>>90211 orange yes
the premise sounds fun
things look a bit run down oh no blood
this is a girl(boy) btw
or maybe it's boy(girl) i forget what order it's supposed to be in>>90216 this is a school for DELINQUENTS
are things getting HOTBLOODED the brackets is what's the truth
>>90219 it's a boy(girl) then
this school is really colorful
maybe it's an arts chool and it's all student art projects
>>90224 yeah the martial arts
wow he doesn't even have a face
>>90226 he doesn't even have animation!
wow is this actaully a documentary
>nice to beat ya
wow she good
i guess this has potential
yeah i'm not racist against shorts or anything and this one looks pretty fun
hopefully it's just going to be 8 minutes of a cute girl beating cute boys up every week
thanks for sticking with me friendo
no problemo amigo thanks for anime