Thread #90899
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Yaho, Rika-chan.
2017/04/14 (金) 22:15 No. 90903
Fry-day Fish Fry /moe/! Woo! Come on over ya'll i got the grill goin we'll cook up some catfish and prawns but also grill up some burgers whole neighborhood's welcome yall come on by
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>>90902 hello hello
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I wish there was more anime like Kimi no na wa It's hard to find good anime like it I watched 5cm/s, but I didn't like it nearly as much
>>90905 What would you say catfish's taste resembles. Is it more of a trout or salmon, or cod or haddock?>>90909 I've never had catfish Kirara that doesn't HELP.
catfish tastes like catfish
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>>90906 What's the haps?>>90908 It's hard to compare it to other stuff. It's like how people say snake tastes like chicken. It doesn't!
2017/04/14 (金) 22:17 No. 90911
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You lot are all catfish
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THE SPENCEMAN IS STILL GONNA SHOW UP AT AUBURN UNI He'll just talk on campus instead
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>>90910 Oh, not much. Just enjoying the fact that the week is over.
2017/04/14 (金) 22:18 No. 90914
>>90912 accompanied by drummers and trumpeteers in dozens
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>>90913 Wow, me too! I'm in a good mood. I'm having plumbing problems, though! That's a little stressful.
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I am burnt out from this week my transcripts today were sloppy too it's a bummer and i feel bad about it i am so burnt out on this though i want to start my transition
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>>90916 Plumbing problems? Did you get something stuck up your butt?
I kind of don't want pizza since I had it last Friday. But I also want pizza. There's also not really much else for dinner here.
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>>90918 Well, my butt is part of my body and my plumbing is not, so no! My dishwasher isn't draining water and my garbage disposal stopped working. The sink appears to have started leaking, too. I presume they're all related.
2017/04/14 (金) 22:22 No. 90921
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What do you need a dishwasher for when you have fish Huehuehuehuehuehuehue
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/14 (金) 22:23 No. 90922
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I lowered my resolution to try and combat crashes. Now w's look weird.
2017/04/14 (金) 22:24 No. 90923
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>>90920 garbage disposal those are real?
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>>90920 Everyone has plumbing. Bowels and stuff. Well, maybe robots don't have them. So stuff is broke huh? Are you going to call a plumber?
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>>90920 did you try augering it with a household auger i had a problem like that but it was roots that got into the pipes way way deep so we had to have a plumbum come out and bring the giant snake i'm talking big ass motherfucker auger like you wouldn't believe how big it was but yeah they put that through and cleared the roots
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>>90925 It would be irresponsible for me to tamper with it. If I do, future problems or mistakes would be my responsibility. >>90923 Huh? Of course.>>90924 The community has three maintenance guys that are here to fix anything that goes wrong in the houses here. I'll call them tomorrow.
2017/04/14 (金) 22:25 No. 90927
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>>90926 Have you applied drain cleaner recently?
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>>90923 Yeah Americans have these weird lawn mowers in their sinks It's weird It's very American
>>90922 it didn't help
2017/04/14 (金) 22:26 No. 90930
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>>90926 I know people who ended up having problems because they simply >oh I need to clean my drains occasionally?
2017/04/14 (金) 22:26 No. 90931
>>90928 I always wondered, where do they then dump the shit they slice up?
>>90930 It's leaking so
>>90931 Goes in a container under the sink i think
2017/04/14 (金) 22:29 No. 90934
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So some american could explain to us barbaric europeans what exactly is a garbage disposer exactly
It liquifies things that go into the sink
2017/04/14 (金) 22:30 No. 90936
so the stuff just goes into the sink and then sewers? No wonder you have rats
We don't have rats
2017/04/14 (金) 22:31 No. 90938
In general in big cities
2017/04/14 (金) 22:31 No. 90939
Not gonna say we don't have rats too, but not to the extend for example NY seems to have
You don't have a lot to the extent that New York City has though.
Do you have a city as big as NY?
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2017/04/14 (金) 22:33 No. 90943
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>>90941 Nope but there ain't a big rat problem in say London, atleast as far as I know.
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Not everyone has a garbage disposal. I don't have one for example. Kirara doesn't live in a big city and I would guess that he probably has a septic tank, not a sewer.
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when i was young i thought the term septic tank referred to the drunk tank at the police station at that time i was more familiar with the concept of going septic from liver failure than i was with the idea of sewage
>>90942 Amazing.
>>90942 When I was in Akiba there were two or three stores with audio-visual displays playing this on loop for passerbys to see.>>90949 Yeah it's an ad.
>>90944 Yeah. We don't have sewers here, really.
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>>90942 is this an ad?
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>>90946 i really want to be part of a production staff for idol groups like this that would be so much fun
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>>90945 A septic tank is probably a more pleasant place to visit.
2017/04/14 (金) 22:35 No. 90952
>>90944 Oh right those are a thing I am way too urban for my own good at times
>>90943 Actually I haven't really heard or seen how bad the rats are in either city
>>90947 for what
2017/04/14 (金) 22:36 No. 90955
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>>90953 Yeah I was just starting to think that maybe the rat thing is just legend now and stems from the past mostly I mean, just something like 150 or 200 years ago, london hadl ike 50% /had like third of the population die because of cholera
>>90951 As someone who has been in a septic tank, I don't think either is pleasant
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>>90951 oh yeah, then whenever i realized what they actually were, i just assumed they were the big tanks i'd see in people's yards around where i grew up they were propane tanks though and i kept calling them septic tanks until someone corrected me
>>90954 Computers.
>>90956 H-Happy Halloween
>>90959 Worst Halloween fucking ever And last
2017/04/14 (金) 22:37 No. 90961
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>>90956 wait waht?
>>90961 I fell into a septic tank as a child
2017/04/14 (金) 22:38 No. 90963
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Must've been an experience
It certainly was.
2017/04/14 (金) 22:39 No. 90965
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I can't even imagine the smell did you get anything serious afterwards?
Just traumatic memories of Halloween.
Trick or treat!
2017/04/14 (金) 22:39 No. 90968
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>>90966 Now all you need to do is make tricktreaters fall into your septic tank
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Having your septic tank open is not worth any number of pranks you might pull.
I didn't get any trick or treaters last year. I think only like five children live in my community.
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just have to make it one more day for pay day i really hope it's not late i'm pretty hungry
2017/04/14 (金) 22:42 No. 90972
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I got that 1 trio of Easter twiggers it was amusing
2017/04/14 (金) 22:43 No. 90973
>>90971 You really do live hand to mouth, despite howm uch work you do
it's what i gotta do to live
2017/04/14 (金) 22:44 No. 90975
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Then again you do seem to have bit more expenses than the average joe too.
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>>90970 I think trick or treating as a custom has fallen to the wayside a bit as our society has become increasingly insane and unsafe. Halloween seems to be more about getting drunk and sleeping with random people now.
2017/04/14 (金) 22:45 No. 90977
And having outrage over costumes
>>90976 Yeah, sounds about right.
I still see lots of trick or treating around here on halloween
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>>90977 Nobody cares about that shit outside of the internet and college campuses.
2017/04/14 (金) 22:47 No. 90981
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>>90980 Media and that stuff does
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>get pissed off because it's halloween and it's going to be bothersome all night >have to waste money on candy and put it in a stupid bowl and not get too into something because kids are gonna be ringing doorbell so you're even more pissed off >stupid kids ring the stupid doorbell in their stupid adorable costumes all because of some stupid kid thing for some stupid candy it's a little heartwarming
>>90981 media also cares about which celebrities are fucking but doesn't mean that many people really care about it they just like making noise
2017/04/14 (金) 22:48 No. 90984
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>>90983 True true but it seems to be a thing that happens every halloween nowadays
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Saku's yahrzeit candle on the left
burn forever
2017/04/14 (金) 22:49 No. 90987
what is ont he right that is some high intensity flame for a candle
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>>90987 That one's my shabbos candle>>90991 ???
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>>90984 Nobody really cares about what the media has to say. They've just been talking about north korea and the MOAB like it is some amazing thing the past few days.
shabadadu candle
2017/04/14 (金) 22:49 No. 90991
>>90985 also seriously Yahr Zeit?
>>90988 I fuckin hate those types of curtains they were in every apartment I lived in when I was younger and they were always a hassle
2017/04/14 (金) 22:50 No. 90994
>>90988 You swap Y with J and it becomes Year Time in german
>>90994 That's because it's Yiddish for year time>>90993 Right? I hate them
blinds I guess not curtains
2017/04/14 (金) 22:51 No. 90998
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>>90995 Oh right it is based on german But I can still find it silly
2017/04/14 (金) 22:51 No. 90999
>>90989 Hey MOAB is a big bomb and it finally got used
>neo-nazi furries what a combo
2017/04/14 (金) 22:54 No. 91002
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I wonder what their totem animal is?
>>91001 i mean it makes sense
2017/04/14 (金) 22:56 No. 91004
from being bald, to being in furry suits quite a change if you ask me
ive been listening to the your name ost like crazy
2017/04/14 (金) 22:57 No. 91006
So listening to it as usualy?
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fake news those are just photoshopped kiwifruit
2017/04/14 (金) 23:00 No. 91009
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How do you knowkiwifruit isn't photoshopped capybara?
That's not possible
2017/04/14 (金) 23:01 No. 91011
Search your feelings, you know it to be true
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>>91012 Rekt
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I want to make friends with a crow so he will tell the other crows that I'm cool and all the crows will be my friend.
2017/04/14 (金) 23:03 No. 91015
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>>91012 Colibris are cool>>91014 Do you have a problem with crows too?
Time for exercise
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>>91015 Why are you asking if I have a problem with them if I am saying I want to make friends with them?
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gonna go sleep tied tired night
2017/04/14 (金) 23:06 No. 91019
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>>91017 Just a feeling. After moving to this place about few weeks in, I noticed that I am always stalked by atleast one crow when I leave or come home. and I see them perching on the roof in dozens daily So that bit bothers me cause they weren't there when I came in and there weren't crows like that here before either, if my brother is to be trusted.
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I get along well with all animals.
it's true rika gets on well with me
2017/04/14 (金) 23:07 No. 91022
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>>91020 Also why crows? Why not magpies they are cooler
>>91021 you beast
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>>91021 cuck isn't an animal!>>91022 Crows can talk to each other.
Cuck a doodle doo
2017/04/14 (金) 23:10 No. 91026
#BURN>>91024 so do magpies and ravens for that matter and rooks
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sugo irl right now
2017/04/14 (金) 23:11 No. 91028
nah sugoi is a dog
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Sugoi is a malnourished gerbil
2017/04/14 (金) 23:13 No. 91031
I wonder what a gerbil tastes like
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Like barbarianism
2017/04/14 (金) 23:14 No. 91033
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If you go to china you gotta eat dog
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2017/04/14 (金) 23:35 No. 91035
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cat drives alligator into water.gif
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cat beats reptiles every time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/14 (金) 23:47 No. 91037
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hell I have returned
Gosh Tony I didn't know that's how you felt about us.
2017/04/14 (金) 23:55 No. 91039
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 564x1009, Sakura (847).jpg )
>>91037 You don't get out of hell you phony
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/14 (金) 23:56 No. 91040
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? ? ?
2017/04/15 (土) 00:05 No. 91042
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Kirara how do you react to your 3d model being leaked online?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:07 No. 91043
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Help me I'm leaking
2017/04/15 (土) 00:07 No. 91044
go to the bathroom you slob
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I have finished the Sacred Seals quests. I am very thankful for the exp rate increase on non-5 stars Raising my Subaki and Cecilia was effort
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I did all those quests today. Orb income seems a lot slower now. It's annoying.
I'm at 20 orbs now. Did the Hard/Lunatic Paralogues. Cecilia. 2 orbs from this morning I don't know how I got the other 7 oh, another 2 from World of Shadows Time to ROLL FOR THOSE NEW CHARACTERS
>>91042 My 3d model?
i got all garbage rolls like all complete garbage which the rate for a five star goes up the more you fail to get one and i've failed a bunch on this focus and i've got maybe like two more tries before i run out of earnable orbs
2017/04/15 (土) 00:16 No. 91050
Search [iqdb] (184 KB, 477x1080, Sakura (715).jpg )
>>91048 Your fans can now look at your pantsu
>>91049 I'm looking the same too- OH SHIT REINHARDT 4 star but that's still good because it means I can build up SP. (I will probably never 5 him though...)
2017/04/15 (土) 00:17 No. 91052
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>>91051 i five starred mine can recommend i've got him and two olwens, all five star it's a little flawed of a team but i have it anyway
>>91050 I don't understand
2017/04/15 (土) 00:17 No. 91056
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>>91055 >>91052
Clarine, Beruka, Frederick, and Odin. All 3 star Reinhardt 4. Looks like I gotta call the doctor.
2017/04/15 (土) 00:18 No. 91058
Btw how few shotswas it that took ton to get drunk? I think that should be a measurement of alcohol 1 ton
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:19 No. 91059
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tipsy or plastered
2017/04/15 (土) 00:19 No. 91060
You don't have tipsy
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2017/04/15 (土) 00:29 No. 91062
blue blob
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:33 No. 91063
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gee whiz I haven't played this in years
2017/04/15 (土) 00:33 No. 91064
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Next ya gonna use bogus
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:33 No. 91066
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How does TN feel about Koumajou Densetsu 2
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2017/04/15 (土) 00:34 No. 91068
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the what
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:34 No. 91069
>>91068 Touhouvania 2
2017/04/15 (土) 00:34 No. 91070
there was a 1?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:34 No. 91071
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Y-you actually don't know about Touhouvania? Blue help me
2017/04/15 (土) 00:34 No. 91072
Search [iqdb] (394 KB, 1035x909, Sakura (688).jpg )
See that is how I feel about it Not a fuck given in one way or another But yes I do an did know of touhovania but I havn't played any castlevania games or metroid for that matter
>surprised that someone doesn't know about an obscure boring bad weeb game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:35 No. 91074
Search [iqdb] (653 KB, 1000x562, 340be5bac1638f2029a3126a70cb8171.png )
But it's touhou and TN is literally touhounazi. The first one was good but the second one they got professional voice acting. Sawashiro voices Sakuya
2017/04/15 (土) 00:35 No. 91075
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Lol shows how much you know me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:35 No. 91076
>>91073 boring and bad aren't true.
2017/04/15 (土) 00:36 No. 91077
>>91073 >>91073 >>91073 >>91073
2017/04/15 (土) 00:36 No. 91078
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Then again what can I expect of ToN someone who wasn't forged tough and hard by the fires of r/a/dio
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:38 No. 91079
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You're all terrible. Blue please respond.
2017/04/15 (土) 00:38 No. 91080
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Blue is terriblest
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The excessive amount of skills that I have transferred to Eldigan illustrates clearly that I have no idea what the hell I want to do with him>>91079 I know of it. I haven't played it though. I'm not a big Castlevania person.>>91082 More like TeraBLESSED
2017/04/15 (土) 00:42 No. 91082
Search [iqdb] (345 KB, 783x766, Sakura (780).jpg )
See Terriblest
2017/04/15 (土) 00:42 No. 91083
>>91081 COME ONE you had one job one JOB
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:42 No. 91084
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I'm really surprised you don't know about it.
>>91083 I don't get paid enough.
2017/04/15 (土) 00:43 No. 91086
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>>91085 Well you accomplish 0 jobs so...
0 of 0 jobs accomplished
>>91087 That's 100% wow
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i really wish i could drink tonight even just some white wine or something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 00:55 No. 91090
Search [iqdb] (566 KB, 800x1067, 10b4b1204b8f23a50a8b3ad8db0551b5.jpg )
I would also like to drink
>>91091 cut open my cup look into my glass
I am looking forward to getting this to work on Eldigan. It should be fun.
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I wish I didn't waste so many characters to figure it out though
2017/04/15 (土) 01:06 No. 91096
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>>91094 So has ep1 of every anime this season aired yet?
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>>91096 hmm, probably.
2017/04/15 (土) 01:07 No. 91098
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So what are the noteworthy stuff?
More episode ones air next week.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:09 No. 91100
They should stop making anime until I have a chance to catch up.
2017/04/15 (土) 01:10 No. 91101
>>91099 but ep2s are already out
>>91101 which is completely normal
Search [iqdb] (302 KB, 960x540, 1491862145256.png )
>>91098 I like a lot of stuff this season. My favorite things are sakura quest alice to zouroku hinako note
>>91101 A bunch of stuff that aired last week on Friday are getting their episode twos today, but Sword Oratoria is getting its first episode, per example.
2017/04/15 (土) 01:12 No. 91105
Search [iqdb] (794 KB, 1228x921, __kagamine_rin_shakai_shugi_da(…).jpg )
>>91103 so note and quest are good eh that seems good do you watch the AOTS though?
There are 5+ shows that haven't started yet
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 738x1065, 1491003600217.png )
>>91105 Yes I already mentioned that I was watching Hinako Note.
I think it's a bit presumptuous to say it's AOTS.
2017/04/15 (土) 01:14 No. 91109
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Warau Salesman (…).jpg )
>>91107 lol
2017/04/15 (土) 01:14 No. 91110
>>91106 that is just weird
Search [iqdb] (267 KB, 2000x1102, 1483848117736.jpg )
>>91108 It's presumptuous to call anything AOTS at the moment.
>it works Oh man, this is great. I might not even need the weaker skill either.
>>91111 That doesn't exonerate you doing it.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:15 No. 91114
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid] Hanayamata - 04v2 [263(…).jpg )
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>>91113 Get out from up my butt I was just replying to TN.
2017/04/15 (土) 01:15 No. 91116
Search [iqdb] (292 KB, 1076x1080, Sakura (754).jpg )
>>91113 lol >>91105
>>91110 ??? It's completely normal
2017/04/15 (土) 01:16 No. 91118
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>>91117 Is it really? Hmm thinking about maybe it is now
>>91118 It has happened every season for the past 6 or 7 years at least
2017/04/15 (土) 01:16 No. 91120
Search [iqdb] (318 KB, 765x1080, Sakura (773).jpg )
So 6 or 7 years ago some shows a bunch of shows were really late t6 or 7 years ago 6 years ago was fukushima hmm
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 800x1132, a8de446ed02db1ef6c8df46a8183f7f4.png )
So I didn't know exactly how Quick Riposte works and now that I've tested it, it's even better than I thought. As long as your HP is over threshold, you get your strike but if your opponent has enough speed for a follow up, they'll do it before Quick Riposte's follow up. So it ends up being Enemy / You / Enemy Follow / You (QR) In most situations this sucks but for Eldigan and his high Def, he can deal with it most of the time. But it also means that I can use Ignis instead of Bonfire and have it trigger within that first use.
2017/04/15 (土) 01:17 No. 91122
Search [iqdb] (204 KB, 452x984, Sakura (765).jpg )
Raise your hand if you watched Cute Girls Being Immune to Radiation
I watched three episodes of it and dropped it
That show was bad >>91123
Search [iqdb] (443 KB, 1682x2568, ichigo62.jpg )
>>91121 I was thinking of putting quick riposte on slow nowi. She's +atk -spd Nowi. I'm also considering vantage for her.
2017/04/15 (土) 01:21 No. 91126
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 1928x2973, __mikko_girls_und_panzer_drawn(…).jpg )
>>91123 >>91124 YTour loss
>>91123 i watched three episodes of you and dropped it
>>91126 I disagree
good choice>>91125 vantage nowi is really scary
2017/04/15 (土) 01:21 No. 91130
Search [iqdb] (464 KB, 1000x1000, __mikko_girls_und_panzer_drawn(…).jpg )
>>91128 So what did you gain by not watching it?
time to spend on things he likes
2017/04/15 (土) 01:22 No. 91132
But he spent that time on YOU
>>91131 >>91131 >>91131
2017/04/15 (土) 01:23 No. 91136
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>>91134 >>91135 I pronounce you man and husband
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>>91125 If your Nowi is slow, then QR is probably not as great. Probably just go Triangle Adept with a weapon breaker
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:23 No. 91138
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid] Hanayamata - 05v2 [D50(…).jpg )
2017/04/15 (土) 01:24 No. 91139
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Is weird to think that in an alterante universe I actually would have the power to pronounce people married
>>91138 shoulda gone with ping pong before hanayamata
>>91140 >>91140 >>91140
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:24 No. 91142
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I need at least three moeshit shows between non-moeshit shows that's just how it's gotta be
2017/04/15 (土) 01:24 No. 91143
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Hanayamata was so shit but it had good op
ping pong is anime of the decade
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:25 No. 91145
>>91143 Get fucked mate. It's kawaii as hell.
2017/04/15 (土) 01:25 No. 91146
lol what ep you in?
Search [iqdb] (1005 KB, 2446x3482, (一般コミック・グッズ) [Koi] [ご注文はうさぎですか(…).jpg )
>>91142 did you watch coffee cuties?
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:26 No. 91148
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Gochuumon_wa_Usagi(…).jpg )
Also Windsweep is retarded
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>>91137 My plan was to go vantage and like as much attack as I can since she's +atk.
Like... drop it on Lucina and just go to fucking town. Oh man
2017/04/15 (土) 01:27 No. 91152
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We Should all go watch Onsokumaru
>>91151 >windsweep >dance >swap
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:28 No. 91154
>>91140 anyway, I've got ping pong downloaded. I'll watch it soon.
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It's good I'm sure it'll appeal to your MANLY NATURE
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>>91153 Windsweep is the kind of skill that makes me look at Fury and think 'Maybe this could work'
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:30 No. 91157
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid] Hanayamata - 05v2 [D50(…).jpg )
>>91155 Maybe. But in the meantime it's PATTO PATTO HARE YAKA NI
Or Life and Death. Oh no.
2017/04/15 (土) 01:32 No. 91159
>>91157 googling that doesn't result in the OP fail of an anime
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:32 No. 91160
Well you're a fail of a human being
2017/04/15 (土) 01:32 No. 91162
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does a fail of a human go from this
2017/04/15 (土) 01:33 No. 91163
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zo this?
I've seen lots of failures manage more than that
2017/04/15 (土) 01:33 No. 91165
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (777).jpg )
Well that is just the vodka
lots of failures are characterized by more than that
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Now I feel kinda bad because I wasted whoever I got Bonfire from on Eldigan. I think it was a dragon. Tiki or Nowi. I could have taken the Def Atk 3 instead of Bonfire.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 01:37 No. 91168
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 600x824, 29e4f0b77465b75b91e2acbba79f8377.jpg )
2017/04/15 (土) 01:37 No. 91169
>>91167 You need to be SHINY
Search [iqdb] (360 KB, 2048x1383, C9N_LHIVYAAprGJ.jpg )
I need to level Lachesis now so she can brocon over her totally cool brother. I kinda want to give her Wings of Mercy so that she can ONII-SAMA all the way over to him if he's in trouble.
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why am I roleplaying in a mobage
how did your life end up here?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 01:42 No. 91174
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 590x590, 448118a9a204e8259237f977f75ee317.jpg )
You have to self-insert before you can self insert
>>91172 life comes at you fast
Search [iqdb] (581 KB, 1345x2000, しめじなめこ - ついったー絵詰め合わせ (62258661) 22ページ.jpg )
>>91175 I guess I just have to make a Quick Riposte
Search [iqdb] (661 KB, 800x630, ぢせ - 春こいし (62312417) .jpg )
Someone please help me I am about to toss my keyboard.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 01:44 No. 91178
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damn dude that was some sick shit you just threw down
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I feel like I just offended myself.
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Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:47 No. 91182
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid] Hanayamata - 05v2 [D50(…).jpg )
/moe/ Yosakoi dance troupe when
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 01:47 No. 91183
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Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:49 No. 91184
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We'll PATTO PATTO with the best of them I believe.
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I'm a shapeshifter
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I'm a rika.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 01:56 No. 91187
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please don't take off my mask revealing dark Mou My mom invited a bunch of people to dinner in a few days Even though I was the one arranging dinner
>>91187 did you farm yoru seal yet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 01:57 No. 91190
>>91189 the one for tomorrow yeah I'm working on water weapons Might get lazy and not get the last water seal to uncap
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 01:58 No. 91191
oh right hell I need to clear through 69 I'm at chapter 51.
>>91191 wew you can skip it all and go back to read if you want
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 01:59 No. 91193
>>91192 you said like 10 est or something right
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 01:59 No. 91194
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 01:59 No. 91195
>>91188 does that mean much extra work for you?
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>>91195 It means I might not go.
>>91193 i think so i hope it doesnt take too long
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:00 No. 91198
>>91196 do you not like the other people?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 02:00 No. 91199
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 02:00 No. 91200
whoops>>91197 it'll take forever
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>>91198 I don't hate them, but they're unbearable at dinner. My aunt will burp and fart and tell stupid stories because she thinks it's hilarious. My cousin is one of those fratboy faggots and thinks it's okay to scam poor people out of money. My aunt's boyfriend is laundering money (I believe) and probably in the relationship to steal my grandmother's money. Also he thinks everything is motivated by women and that pisses me off. Once I told him I was going to Philly to pay my respects to a dead friend and he refused to believe I wasn't going there to get laid.
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I want a drink so badly
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:06 No. 91203
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>>91202 Stressed? or more stressed than usual? >>91201 that sounds pretty terrible. don't go.
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I might not. This always happens, too. Almost every time I try to do something, my family invites everyone without asking me first. I don't know why I even try!
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:09 No. 91205
It shouldn't be up to you to be the first one to always initiate everything with your family
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>>91204 Did you go eat with them tonight? Did anything zany happen?
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:14 No. 91207
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There was a moment last night where I was certain I was going to get gang bashed or at least my friend was going to be and I'd have to get involved if I didn't want to be BRANDED A COWARD
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>>91206 No, dinner is planned for Sunday. I don't know if I want to go.>>91207 You could have taken them.
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>>91208 Oh, you might not go huh?
>>91207 just do it the american way buy a gun
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:16 No. 91211
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>>91208 there are four of them and only three of us not counting women and they looked like fucking roid junkies But yeah. I could have taken them if it really came down to it. I've seen enough Fist of the North Star to know all the crucial pressure points
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>>91209 Dunno. I might pretend to be sick or something. Fish probably wouldn't care, she doesn't like group stuff anyway.
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>>91212 I have a feeling she'd rather stay home and play persona!
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>>91213 Maybe I ought to force her to go be miserable with me, then.>>91211 Are you implying women can't fight?
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>>91214 You're still opposed to her rapid decline into full on weeb, huh?
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>>91215 Her obsession with P5 limits my play time substantially. This must be punished.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:20 No. 91217
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>>91214 I dunno. Maybe a couple of those ones in the UFC
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>>91216 Sharing is caring! I think she'll finish soon at the rate she's going. I wonder what she will do then.
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>>91218 If only she'd share! I have trouble getting her to go to bed now.>>91217 Sexist!
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>>91219 I've noticed that she seems to be having trouble going to sleep. She may naturally gravitate towards real NEET hours. She's falling quickly!>>91217 Girls can fight! Instead of muscles girls use crazy.
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>>91220 She usually falls asleep before I do, though. Recently, at least.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:26 No. 91222
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Strike_Witches_Ope(…).jpg )
I mean girls can fuck guys up but that relies on the man being unwilling to fight back out of a sense of chivalry. If a man and a woman were both going at it full force, no holds bared, equal footing, I feel like it would be pretty one sided almost every time.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 02:27 No. 91223
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>If a man and a woman were both going at it full force
Leave it to ton to get off on violence
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>>91221 Oh, good. I'm wondering what she will do when she finishes. Will she just lay around bored and whining? Or will she go into Disgaea or anime?>>91222 Oh that's true, it only takes one punch for a guy to pretty much win decisively vs a girl. Most guys won't throw that punch though.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:29 No. 91226
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [mudabone] Hidamari Sketch x H(…).jpg )
>>91225 Next time you talk shit about Yuno I'll prove it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 02:29 No. 91227
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>>91224 No, I reinterpreted it in a less violent way. Just taking that part out of the original context I mean.
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>>91226 I can run faster than you.
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>>91225 Wakaranai.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:30 No. 91230
>>91228 Even when you'll lose you should at least fight with honor.
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>>91229 It's going to be amusing!>>91230 Sun tzu said it's a good idea to run away when you can't win.
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>>91231 I don't doubt you'll love it!
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:32 No. 91233
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-(…).jpg )
Well anyway if my friend and that tattooed bogan hadn't decided to hug it out instead of coming to punches, I'd probably be typing this from a hospital bed.
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>>91232 Are you not amused?>>91233 Australia is weird.
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>>91234 I dunno, it's just a thing. It's not that amusing in general.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:34 No. 91236
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game! - 09 (…).jpg )
>>91234 I can't help leading an interesting life.
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>>91235 I would have thought that you of all people would be able to appreciate something pure being painted black.>>91236 Well I am happy you weren't put in the hospital.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:36 No. 91239
So am I.
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>>91238 I don't see it as being painted black.
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>>91240 It's probably more like being painted pink or something. But it's being painted another color. I thought you would be able to appreciate something like that?
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 02:38 No. 91242
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1280x720, [Eila] Brave Witches - 06 (720(…).jpg )
I did get my feelings hurt when they made fun of my manual driving though and that's almost as bad.
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>>91241 Not when it may interfere with my life. Being painted another color isn't as amusing as watching corruption happen, either
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 512x448, chara_01_figure.png )
Plus I like her as is and don't necessarily want her to change colors.
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>Rehabilitate will heal Eldigan to full >More Quick Ripostes This is amazing.
>rehab >live to serve never die
how many bonds do you need to be rehabilitated
oh man, this map is a tragedy waiting to happen. Eldigan Solo.
>69 damage to Camilla nice
>>91249 nice
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wow they seriously gave you trash all around except for the thieves, they're both good but damn
Bottom right is Saizo, right? I think he gets Smoke Dagger. Which is really nice. I want it for my Matthew.
>>91253 same here dude pure garbo
I also find somewhat amusing that Lachesis has Spur Res. Something that Eldigan dearly needs.>>91258 How many new characters did you get I bet you got Alm you fucking high roller
I won't say my rolls
>>91257 I won't say
you pretty much said enough by saying that though
Search [iqdb] (172 KB, 1000x1000, C8khMp3V0AAR9y7.jpg )
I want the osananajimi archer I also want the Lance guy but not because I like him. I want to steal his skill.
>>91260 That's what you think
Oh yeah, we're getting to the midpoint of April. That means orbs should be rolling our way soon.
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>>91258 Wow that means they were really incredible.
They weren't incredible But every time I post my rolls someone gets upset
Too upset Honestly, if you found someone with Bonfire, I'd be upset because I want it.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 03:01 No. 91268
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game! - 03 (…).jpg )
>>91266 my mum says only boring people get bored.
People who are easily entertained are actually often boring so I think she's wrong.
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid-Taku] Gochuumon wa Usag(…).jpg )
>>91268 what's your mum say about this, bitch?
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 03:03 No. 91271
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Non Non Biyori - 07 [C8B(…).jpg )
>>91269 Nah. She's on point with this one. It's not about being easily entertained. It's about finding stimulation regardless of your surroundings or situation.
Someone being able to find stimulation in any circumstance doesn't equate to being interesting. It just means that everything is interesting to them.
I don't get bored Not because everything is interesting but because I can find interesting things to think about
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 03:06 No. 91274
>>91272 It means they can forge their own interest through creativity. So exactly this>>91273 my mum used to tell me to be more like Kirara
Your mum said some good things!
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 1000x1376, C8pN3qKUwAArYau.jpg )
>>91274 That in itself won't make you a not boring person. Although it can help.
>>91273 I have seen you say you're bored on /moe/ before though what happen
>>91277 I don't think that's true
it is
It's probably not I can't think of a single time I've been bored
multiple times you've posted grumpy anime girls and mentioned being bored
Saying something is boring is different
>>91280 maybe because those times were so boring they were unmemorable
>>91283 If something was boring enough to make me bored, that would be extremely memorable
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I'm here!
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abort mission
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/15 (土) 03:13 No. 91289
Search [iqdb] (742 KB, 900x1221, 62085929_p0.jpg )
abort THIS *grabs self*
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 03:14 No. 91290
>>91287 speaking of boring people...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/15 (土) 03:15 No. 91291
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 600x826, pokemon31.jpg )
>>91290 Do you know one?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/15 (土) 03:24 No. 91295
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sakura Quest - (…).jpg )
Simply splendid.
>>91295 is taht you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/15 (土) 03:32 No. 91299
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sakura Quest - (…).jpg )
yes also bye bye
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 1280x720, date7.jpg )
bye bye
You can really feel the Yuri Lowenthal when Eliwood speaks.
>Reinhardt doesn't get his super cool weapon until 5 star I feel far less enthusiastic about leveling him now.
i can tell you one thing he is slow as fug if you want that four hit special, go with olwen instead it's like a ton more speed and relatively low attack but with fourattack you can proc glacies every time for an extra 17 damage
Search [iqdb] (661 KB, 800x630, ぢせ - 春こいし (62312417) .jpg )
>Reinhardt has Goad Cavalry at 5 star UGHHHH. I WANT IT BUT IT'S SO MUCH EFFORT
Not effort, time lots of time
>>91304 Olwen is the other one right? The sister? I wanted his sister because she was faster but Goad Cavalry is really nice for me. I can go Eldigan, Reinhardt, Clarine, Gunter and have some nice damage Take Ward Cavalry from Eliwood and put it on Clarine
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i really really want a drink tonight i wish i could drink something tonight>>91307 yes she looks like shiki
olwen has (ward?) cavalry +4 def/res i think
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hey gurl let's go get a margarita
I know how that goes.
How do people survive the night Everyone is asleep Every where is closed Every where else is filled with everyone who wants to beat you and take your money I can't even do fun quiet stuff because my brain is dead
Bang and the sorrow 2017/04/15 (土) 06:07 No. 91315
Finally home No energy
oh no why the sorrow
Bang and the sorrow 2017/04/15 (土) 06:08 No. 91317
Old name No sorrow Only tired
it's his nickname for his penis bang and the sorrow
will you anime tonight
Bang and the sorrow 2017/04/15 (土) 06:09 No. 91320
Fuck... .
where is the anime
anime >>91322 →
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 902x1426, unnamed (3).jpg )
I'm here! I dozed off without the benefit of an alarm clock.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:08 No. 91337
>>91314 all i wanna do is bang bang bang bang and i take your money
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:18 No. 91358
>>>/watch?v=W46DRulEunw holy shit any% is dead
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Is that super fast?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:21 No. 91367
>>91363 until recently the WR was like 4 hours they managed to skip half the game making 1:30 possible, except now you have to do this godawful RNG trick right at the end of the run he got the trick first try
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:28 No. 91378
his run up to that wasn't that great though so i guess maybe someone else will do better eventually but that's gotta be demoralizing to challengers
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>>91367 Oh. THat sort of thing really is bad for speed runs being interesting. I guess it may really be dead!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:33 No. 91389
>>91387 yeah! it's like the worst situation the RNG trick has to be done literally the room before the final boss and leaves you with 1hp for the final boss
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That's going to lead to a lot of agonizing falures at the end of runs. 90 minutes is still pretty long to wager on RNG. I wonder if they will dissect what makes the RNG RNG.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:35 No. 91397
oh it's blatantly visible for the trick you have to be zero HP and hope a fairy flies into you while invincible here's the moment
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:36 No. 91399
at least you can just keep retrying though
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:37 No. 91400
oh my bad he has 3 hearts whatever not like it matters
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>>91397 I wonder if things will end with people painstakingly studying what makes fairies move the way they do. Some of the stuff in Ocarina of Time got to where they were watching how the game worked behind the scenes to make their runs better.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:40 No. 91413
>>91408 oh yeah like how old games use player input for RNG i wonder if gamecube/wii u do seems unlikely but maybs that or movement patterns for fairies yeah, that could be a thing
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There are some Super Mario 64 speed runners/content creators that watch/alter the internal workings of the game too Maybe it's different on N64 though. I saw one video where a guy did that one star in world 1 where you're supposed to use the red hat without cannons or the red hat by creating a bridge of goombas in the sky by altering the internal clock or whatever by losing his health in a certain way.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:45 No. 91424
the stuff they've done with mario 64 is nuts i saw a two-player mario 64 the other day like wtf
i like watching mario 64 sstreams
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_New_Game!_-_04_(1280x72(…).jpg )
Two player Mario 64 sounds like it would be fun. That has to be the most thoroughly digested game ever.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:51 No. 91435! it'slike the worst situationthe RNG trick has to be done literally the room before the final bossand leaves you with 1hp for the final bossßoh it's blatantly visiblefor the trick you have to be zero HP and hope a fairy flies into yowhile invinciblehere's the moment yeah like how old games use player input for RNGi wonder if gamecube/wii u doseems unlikely but maybsthat or movement patterns for fairies yeah, that could be a thingßthe stuff they've done with mario64 is nutsi saw a two-player mario 64 the other day like wtfßtwo player mario 64 aaaa stah stahp>>>/watch?v=1WNHlfhpcfQ#t=11m
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 07:55 No. 91441
was that some kind of weird replay bug, wtf
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I hope they super digest the RNG to try to mitigate some of the random. Zelda games are usually really interesting under the hood so maybe it will happen.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 08:45 No. 91536
i'm tryna right my wrongs but it's funny those same wrongs helped me write this song
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OHAYO Ohano this isn't the right thread anymore
it is?
Oh I thought everyone went to other thread
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Well it's true that it isn't F R I D A Y anymore.
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It wasn't Friday for me anymore when you made this thread
Wow what a rude girl
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>>91574 It was Friday afternoon where it mattered.
rude as always rika
tsk tsk
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>>91578 I'm simply answering rudeness with rudeness. Try to think of things from my point of view. It would be nice to be able to say something as simple as "It's Friday" without some smug European getting up in my face about the fact that it's Saturday where he lives, fully knowing that timezones are a thing.
>>91580 he simply pointed out that the phrase it's friday didn't ever affect his thought on whatever this thread was the current one or not and you had to go and be rude
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>>91582 He was getting up in my face about what day it was!
>>91584 you were getting up in his face about this being a friday thread
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It is a Friday thread.
why did you bring that up
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Because the conversation was about whether this thread is still proper.
yeah and he pointed out that your way of looking at it doesn't really work for him
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I just thought everyone had moved cause there was a post gap
wait is this gonna be a thing I thought it was just a joke
well rika is a joke
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i think you're pickign a fight for no reason
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oh no i've been caught red handed
New boku hero
are you up to date on the manga
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>>91597 Nope I'll pick it up again after this season I guess I have problems with following manga for some reason
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Ay could we just stop summarizing the basis for the story at the start of episode 16? I feel like anyone still watching has understood that super powers are common in Boku Hero and that's the plot's baseline
Like imagine if Naruto was like "In this world, there are ninjas divided into separate countries, and there are people seeking to use ninja powers to control the world" at episode 164
it's not super unreasonable to do it a the start of a new season fro newcomers
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Yeah I guess It's not like I mind, I just find it annoying I think most shows can safely assume people watching have some idea what's happening, especially in big shows like this
Bakugou is so fucking cool I swear to god
he's just always mad
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he's mad because he's grouped with people far below him!
i don't think todokori is someone he can tackle and he does acknowledge that to some extent
Yeah Todoroki is kinda his real nemesis Deku will eventually be but right now he's only able to beat him by abusing objective based rules
he never interacts with yorozuku but he did acknowledge that's she's good at some point i guess they aren't really in the same category since she's not really an offensive type
Well she did... create a cannon and blast those robots to fuck
her quirk seems like the kind that's more support oriented pure fighting todokori and bakugou fit a lot better and if it's night time tokoyami is a monster
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It's a really powerful quirk, but yeah support is probably the most suited I wonder if she could make a nuke She has to understand the things she makes, but nukes are fairly simple Also bird guy is a bit of a crap shoot The more powerful he gets, the less he's able to actually accomplish
in a later arc it works out really well for him and turns out that his night powerlevel is really hard to match
yeah, he's insanely powerful It's just that he's basically fighting his shadow at that point
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It's a moomin
they shoved the top 3 of UA last few chapter and two of their quirks one was kinda strange and suneater was cool
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You can't just fingergun your way through everything, Alien Queen
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here's suneater
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>>91619 What if he eats a bomb
Or a penny
what if he eats someone else with a quirk would he be able to use it?
what if he eats Deku
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He should first eat a snake though, so he can unhinge his jaw and eat everyone else And then he can eat a vacuum cleaner so he can just Kirby everything he's kirby, is what he actually is
endless possibilities
I'm not sure why he manifested the chicken in that scene he didn't really use it for anything
Maybe he can't control it completely
ehh, maybe he seemed to have no trouble activating the others only when he wanted to he didn't do that much though so hard to tell
well he does mention that he didn't need the wings so the control might be lacking
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Though on the other hand If you can make wings, there's rarely a reason NOT to make wings So he might have just gone "hey, it might ccome in handy, somehow"
well they might be useless wings since chickens ability to fly isn't much
maybe they are a disposable body part so he can use them as a shield
He should eat a wheel and speed around like Kirby
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This is like the only really good image in the artbook, it seems
Swatting lies in the making
Had a dream that my dad ran over my foot with a shopping cart and I couldn't get it out from under the cart But my dad didn't notice so he kept pushing the cart and couldn't hear me for some reason So I threw a bag of candy at him and hit someone else instead Then I woke up
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>tfw you hire a muslim to have some diversity and he turns out to be part of the majority of Muslims Rough, Marvel
He was a crazy motherfucker
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From what I hear, things I've not confirmed, actually a rather popular artist in some country, which is why they hired him in the first place Hold up lemme do some digging on this
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Yeah that seems to be it He also worked for DC a good while Amazed that he waited until now to go "Kill all the jews"
Well it was speecy against a Christian politician in Indonesia The phrases he used have been used to protest that person>>91643 The Qur'an verse is being used to protest that person "we can't trust this guy because Qur'an says you can't trust jews and Christians"
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There was also the koran vverse
Yeah I guess but I feel like if you think all the jews and christians should be killed, you don't really fuck around until some christian politician shows up in Indonesia The US has like 99% Christian politicians, why'd he wait when he works in the US?
Oh absolutely The guy's an extremist
>>91644 Because he only cares about Indonesia and is fucking insane
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Sounds to me like he's a pussy bitch
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Oh also Can recommend making a secondary twitter account so you can easily message yourself links to tweets which images you wanna save at home So you get the orig file It's super handy I use this for like everything I need to transfer from my phone to my PC in text form
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I have THREE Twitters
oh shit
One of them has 200 followers but it's a damedame account haha
yare yare daze
>>91654 There are people who seem to be disappointed that Bernie doesn't hate all business It's weird
I want to try Bernie Sanders ice cream
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Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 11:45 No. 91658
>>91656 what's in it?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 11:46 No. 91659
the taste of crushed hopes and dreams
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 11:47 No. 91660
My favourite
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 405x414, berniesyearnings_5eff5257af81f(…).jpg )
Not sure I think Blue has eaten it They gave massive amounts of it out for free in NYC once
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how anyone could vote against free ice cream is beyond me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 11:53 No. 91663
your mind is too fast for eyes
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 11:54 No. 91664
>>91662 it's everything wrong with politics
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:02 No. 91666
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Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:05 No. 91668
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>American >native language >61 in English
>>91665 >shows it's ugly face >they aren't even showing their faces
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:06 No. 91670
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1000x1398, 0ca94ccdff8ec365784d4ed3a3db534f.jpg )
>>91668 sounds about right tbh trust me I live in this shithole
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>>91668 The only language she done need to learn is that there good old American language.
>>91668 100 in math though That's pretty good
>>91673 a perfect score is a bit more than pretty good, isn't it?
I guess, but I dunno how hard the tests are so
I bet she CHEATED
Like if everyone's in the 90s, 100 isn't super good
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:12 No. 91678
>>91673 It's probably an autism thing.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:14 No. 91679
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Toot toot
I'm a stranger alien Mirai e
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:21 No. 91681
Search [iqdb] (893 KB, 849x1200, 73f554d7a67a84a817d07f2d89572d61.jpg )
rate this bird on a scale of 1 to perfect
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:23 No. 91683
>>91681 what's the criteria?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:23 No. 91684
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 566x800, 1e21ccb6ba8bf8413841b019734a5ed7.jpg )
>>91682 that almost feels generous coming from you, wow>>91683 Perfection
did you think id say 1
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:24 No. 91686
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Maybe Considering that Perfect is the end of the scale I was expecting you to probably go lower
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I gotta keep you on your toes Deny expectations
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:25 No. 91688
Search [iqdb] (565 KB, 914x757, 6e38a31df6db6646d04c123b38f3aea1.png )
>New 2hu game announced a few months ago >No news since pls
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:26 No. 91689
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have you guys ever really splurged on headphones? can you hear the difference in quality between a $50 pair and a $350 pair? >>91688 eventually
I always get cheap headphones I think Tilde has expensive ones.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:27 No. 91691
Search [iqdb] (606 KB, 600x960, 7ed257743f524430e8209f4cc3dc3769.jpg )
Blind bought beats headphones for 112 about two days ago. But I think she used a gift card.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:27 No. 91692
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>>91690 Yeah, that's been my WAY OF LIFE until now. But who knows, maybe we're missing out.
>>91691 ああああああああ
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:27 No. 91694
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1000x692, 6f3cb4c290d6125c87d3125035418730.jpg )
I'll just be over here with my 15 dollar ones.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:28 No. 91695
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Listen to your crappy ones then borrow Blind's report if you can hear that much of a difference
>>91692 I'll happily miss out on not spending an extra $320 on headphones
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:29 No. 91697
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:30 No. 91698
>>91696 but think of all that quality ASMR you'll miss out on
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:30 No. 91699
Search [iqdb] (529 KB, 635x900, 5a91d0ef7ab5330ce74aea9f90ce3926.png )
Blue's the ASMR geek around here. Maybe you should ask him.
Nobody is more ASMR than Kokoro over on tano
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:32 No. 91701
I don't see the appeal
Me neither
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:33 No. 91703
But maybe that's because we don't have $350 headphones it could be mindblowingly amazing
That world is not for me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:35 No. 91705
Blind says they sound like regular headphones.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:36 No. 91706
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [ANE] MM! - Ep07 [BDRip 720p x(…).jpg )
>>91705 I believe that mostly. But there has to be SOME difference, right? Or nobody would ever buy the more expensive ones. Unless it is all just marketing. >>91707 yeah but you can get shitty wireless ones for like 50, 60 bucks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:36 No. 91707
Search [iqdb] (631 KB, 760x1014, 3f692abeb1d647d4597020b5b9467208.png )
It seems the selling point for her was that they are wireless.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:37 No. 91708
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1326x1873, 9de6796e84ca4b0542c7696a43f04946.jpg )
This might be where the she-had-an-apple-gift-card part kicks in and explains stuff. Plus she's an apple nerd.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:38 No. 91709
>>91708 I mean other people.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:39 No. 91710
Search [iqdb] (291 KB, 800x711, 71c0163884eec88de15e2b9aaf008706.jpg )
Yeah, but I was just explaining this particular uh... scenario
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:39 No. 91711
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, [Chibiki]_THE_iDOLM@STER_-_16_(…).jpg )
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere they make Beats for like $15 in China
Yeah they do Most apple products are historically like that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:40 No. 91713
Search [iqdb] (3.7 MB, 2480x3508, 8b28308cb39b713a0749938f4a606b40.png )
That's the power of branding.
The power of unfettered capitalism and disregard for human lives*
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:41 No. 91715
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [BlurayDesuYo] Junketsu no Mar(…).jpg )
At least you can look trendy.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:41 No. 91716
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1024x1446, 24ef9904237344a61014093d4dd0ed11.jpg )
>>91714 And Blind gets to participate!
we all are forced to
Workers of the world, UNITE
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:42 No. 91719
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 1280x720, [DmonHiro] Girls Und Panzer 07(…).jpg )
bow down to the corporate overlords
Take their hearts
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:43 No. 91721
Search [iqdb] (825 KB, 1492x1406, b84c4bb89473f408a8424438f0532bde.jpg )
I'm going to steal your heart.
>>91721 I don't have anything to steal because I've unlocked my PERSONA
I bet the guy that invented water is pretty rich
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 12:49 No. 91724
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi-Mezashite] Hello!! Ki(…).jpg )
unless you're a total sucker you'll mix your own hydrogen and oxygen at home
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 12:49 No. 91725
Search [iqdb] (445 KB, 500x665, 5024208f518ef4b6c0ad77093e2853a6.png )
I'm in an Utsuho-loving mood. Today's going to be a good day. Because she's the best.
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 450x600, 20170414_172902.jpg )
I'm in a decent mood >>91724 Right? So many sheep out there.
ware wa nanji
Haha fuck Torino's is making drug jokes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 13:00 No. 91729
Search [iqdb] (499 KB, 563x900, 51fb1d3e8cc17bd0eb98cae48498827a.jpg )
Gotta take someone to WORK
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 13:01 No. 91730
>>91728 wow
>>91730 Never saw it comiiiiiiin
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 13:34 No. 91733
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 13:38 No. 91734
Search [iqdb] (24 KB, 640x480, (B-A)Great_Teacher_Onizuka_-_L(…).jpg )
And I didn't need Sugoi to do it.
Search [iqdb] (630 KB, 756x846, 1479485163164.png )
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 13:45 No. 91737
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Non Non Biyori - 07 [C8B(…).jpg )
Im putting the kettle on if the game pops somebody press Accept for me
What tea are we going for tonight?
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 13:49 No. 91740
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1280x720, [BlurayDesuYo] Junketsu no Mar(…).jpg )
Twinings English Breakfast just because that's what's around.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 13:51 No. 91741
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [ANE] MM! - Ep05 [BDRip 720p x(…).jpg )
Alright guys last game I spec'd in the defensive tree like a little bitch this game is FULL FORCE magic penetration.
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 459x303, 972bae2299615a5a2f0f6519dc2b188d.jpg )
Well good luck I
Have only ever played a minute of LoL after installing it once So I have no clue
I used to like Jinx fanart, Sona is alright too.
the \\ nvm
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 3264x1836, 20150724_044354.jpg )
Hey sk, were you reading up on a programming language?
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1794x2553, 9d53065ef5d6e32d4db0029321e470(…).png )
>>91747 Yeah, I'm SLOOOOOWLY going through some C++ stuff It takes a while though cause I'm bad at sticking to stuff
Hey sk, were you reading up on a programming language?
Why are you asking twice
>>91750 >>91750 >>91750
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That isn't me
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That isn't me
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
are you even you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 14:08 No. 91757
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I don't know anymore
who am I? am I unique? am I even here at all?
Youre not
Search [iqdb] (188 KB, 550x550, 1336968088108.jpg )
My hayfever already makes me feel funny enough, I don't need people simulating hallucinations for me.
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just relax
im relaxed im finally home got a lot of driving to do
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Nothing to question here.
whos that anime girl shes got a read streak in her hair but shes wearin a blue ribbon also her eyebrows are very thick ??
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 360x448, 1484241862668.jpg )
>>91766 Ask anime friends I don't actually watch anime.
her name is aikatsu
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 81x150, ame ame ame.gif )
oh ok anime sucks tbh
so do you BITCH
you cant say that word
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 606x600, 413a8ab7dbf782015d30752095335d(…).jpg )
Gotta head to the shop Need stuff
>>91772 you can't stop me>>91775 lol so wrong
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 14:17 No. 91775
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 689x1050, 002ba659be0de05b5ebc6d5c1f84f4e2.jpg )
this is the only aikatsu you need
Search [iqdb] (383 KB, 854x934, 1491110376397.png )
>>91775 she seems to be lacking
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 14:18 No. 91777
Search [iqdb] (549 KB, 730x1000, 2dbaddfd7d793050c7bae9d54c362448.jpg )
>>91774 such is the power of being a tertiary fan
>>91777 You're so BAD
yeah youre bad
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 14:19 No. 91780
Search [iqdb] (230 KB, 713x1000, 5eb80dfa79ab34eefae10b4926b8e5b7.jpg )
I'm gonna dark souls and use an AXE Oh no I have to play granblue
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 275x275, 1491107581260.png )
>>91775 What kind of Annie May grill is this one
>>91780 axe is best weapon category so
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 14:20 No. 91783
Search [iqdb] (572 KB, 717x699, 7600c2c4308b1dd6d8a40ebd202259b7.png )
>>91782 And the greatsword maybe.
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it's saturday i hope i get paid quick i want to order a submarino sandwich and some pasta im so hungry
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oh yeah i shouldve gotten paid i wonder if i got my promotion payyet I dunno how trustworthy Daily Caller is, but here's a thing
Also here Amazing
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1329x2188, 1292457599478.jpg )
i need to buy one of those little powder scales to weigh out racetams
Sean Spicy
Sean Spicer is literally a weeaboo shitposter
hahaha giraffes
omg like a giraffe is having a baby O_O thats like so unique once in a lifetime thing giraffes never have babies
Search [iqdb] (1012 KB, 1100x1553, 1491126955933.png )
My little anon you can't be serious
giraffes are basically endangered so it's kind of a thing
>>91793 wow he's cute
Search [iqdb] (646 KB, 617x960, 17757095_240967363034615_56236(…).png )
thank u
astolfo is a top tier trap
>>91796 >Facebook
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 680x960, 1490864515380.jpg )
he dun even count as a trap does he
>>91798 i got it off discord friend :)
>>91799 Yeah he does Even refers to himself as one
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iom // im gonna be checking me paypal every 20 minutes for the next eight hours until i get paid and wasting the whole day i just wanna buy a fuckin sandwich and i want some booze buy i probably won't be able to get any
>>91800 That's just Facebook for weebs and failed normies.
hi-riajuu are all failed normies
>>91803 ok? u got a problem? how about we take this to the treeline?
Ok I'll box you under the table pal
ive gotta warn u ive been watching muay thai animes!!!
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what all you niggams got goin on this weekend
hanging out with my mom for the first time in a while it cost me 800 dollars to fly one way
Search [iqdb] (719 KB, 1134x1500, 6585147.png )
havin fun
>>91810 studying papers reading waiting for repair people to come tomorrow
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what a coincidence i'll be doing at least one of those things this weekend
??? They don't own a golf cart?????
There's this life size bobba fett in this house I don't like life sized things
is it because you're small
yes but they also look like people and I dom't like those
>>91818 there might not be too many of them for long
life sized booby fett
>>91815 Trump's businesses likely don't allow you to BYOGC
>>91821 Trump's such a nigger Also >>91819 Get ready for war
oh I see I don't wanna die
I hope they call it the Easter Massacre
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1106x1106, 305ef64213386526e735d24df9a762(…).jpg )
>>91819 On one hand I don't want WW3 On the other hand, I want the NK government to burn to a crisp
>>91824 there was somebody at the store who was buying four dozen eggs and a big thing of chocolate powder
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 14:49 No. 91827
Search [iqdb] (46 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi-Mezashite] Hello!! Ki(…).jpg )
what if we just drop Easter eggs on them
>>91826 Oh no
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 800x708, 8b1375edd570a42ceedd347bfa9cca(…).jpg )
I'm gonna finish these 3 beers I've had laying around forever tonight And probably also dent this rum bottle Cause I ain't got any other mind altering substances available today
>>91829 i was worried they might be intended to make chocolate easter eggs but didn't actually know what they were
Search [iqdb] (594 KB, 540x681, tumblr_ooes83xeWv1u53c30o1_540.png )
hey my phone still has my name on
>>91833 thats // oh i get it now nevermind
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 14:51 No. 91835
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>>91835 you tried so hard and got so far but in the end it's still 13 deaths
>>91835 >team 1 >team 2 really
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 14:52 No. 91840
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>>91838 yeah that's the SICK STRATS, man. I soaked up the damage so veigar could just pump out spells. 32 assists. that's what you gotta focus on.
>>91840 i dunno it looks like lux or ahri could just 2 shot you
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 14:53 No. 91842
Yeah. It was a pretty terrible game from me actually. I probably deserved to lose. We got absolutely pounded by lux/cait in lane. BUT THAT'S THE BEST THING ABOUT SUPPORT you can feed your ass off, play like a retard and still be useful.
i'd probably recommend not playing sona but with a name like that, how can you?
I wonder if Mensch has developed schizophrenia this late in her life
>>91842 lux/cait reeeeee mages get out of my botlane
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 14:54 No. 91846
Search [iqdb] (431 KB, 1600x1700, 42452.jpg )
1 trick sona all the way to diamond that's the plan. and it's gonna work.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 14:55 No. 91847
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>>91845 Exactly. Utility sluts only.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 14:57 No. 91848
I probably will have to start playing something I can carry on but right now I'm just relearning the game. and sona is always going to have a special spot in my heart. and she's fun. Roll your face on the keyboard and win. What's not to love. >>91849 I'm 2casual. You come back to league. The Rift needs your Janna.
Search [iqdb] (225 KB, 1200x1710, 1214.jpg )
relearn dota instead i'll play that shit with you nigga
>>91848 but you can play garen instead and use only 2 buttons
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 14:58 No. 91851
Search [iqdb] (27 KB, 278x326, 1490123361453.png )
I used to be a Garen main.
>>91849 that mid janna fakeout with teemo (mfd) hiding mid for the gangbang that bitch never expected it
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 14:59 No. 91853
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>>91852 Man team /MOE/ was going places. If we only got the logistics figured out we would have broken into the pro league for sure.
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>>91853 you guys actually didn't let me on the team i only played with you two times i think i wasn't even invited ;_;
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 15:01 No. 91855
and spent the whole time bitching about how it wasn't as good as dota, I recall>ugh. you can't even deny creeps in this game. it's for fucking kids
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Oh right you weren't ever in a skype call with us were you yeah you REALLY have to hear me emote out loud to understand what i mean when i say things that are complaining usually it's layered with so many levels of irony i can't even tell it's usually mocking myself or some demographic that i'm associated with i like league alright and it is a different game but i think dota people getting snooty about it is pretty amusing i do the same thing in dota and repeatedly use league terms and people get really pissed off
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 15:04 No. 91857
>>91856 that's hilarious.
no it's not but i appreciate the pity laugh
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 15:05 No. 91859
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 561x835, 1455775695383.jpg )
well I knew you were never that serious and you made some BIG PLAYS happen with the Janna ult and at the end of the day that's all that matters.
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 15:06 No. 91860
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 2853x2034, 1455770300439.png )
Once I was playing with Bang and his friends over skype and I had been drinking quite a lot and I kept making balls-deep plays on Leona and then complaining that nobody followed through on my initiate I think they started to get the shits
Search [iqdb] (336 KB, 652x1126, 1385733870440.jpg )
>>91859 >i know you were never that serious for how little i knew the rules, i was actually being quite serious>>91862 oh i thought you meant playing serious because i play kind of goofy and have fun but i actually do that seriously, like when i was in comp dota i play the enemy really hard in games like this, and am always pushing the positional boundaries, being cheeky, and tossing off a few hits just to prod them and put them out of their comfort zone, and being cheeky enough to overstep my boundaries and make myself vulnerable for a kill just because I know they're too hesitant to jump on it that's just -my- playstyle it carried over when i played league with yall, but unfortunately i didn't know anything about the champions to understand that game's boundary zones well enough so it was pretty bad haha
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 15:08 No. 91862
>>91861 No I mean serious when you were ranting about how shitty league was
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 15:09 No. 91863
>>91837 damn
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 15:11 No. 91864
>>91861 When you don't know any of the characters' abilities just pick the blonde with big tits
janna's actually a unique character to me there's no corollary in dota there's people with tornadoes, but her lingering tornado wind-up which is like kotl's horses, but with the tornado mechanics it's a really cool concept and i love playing her there's so many cool ways that can be used strategically, and that was fun to explore i remember making a couple big saves on our carry by back-loading a tornado then running back towards the base and they chased us past it and got tornadoed and the carry survived long enough to see us lose anyway
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2017/04/15 (土) 15:16 No. 91867
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Not the pepes
Search [iqdb] (4.7 MB, 4032x3024, 20170415_112255.jpg )
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 15:28 No. 91869
Maybe taking off the defensive tree wasn't such a great idea
Please pay show up soon I'm so hungry
are you gonna eat your pay
im gonna go buy milk and probably something tasty i really want some booze but my ID is expired and i couldn't until i got paid anyway i haven't had a drink in 11 days fuck
How... How big is the area inside wall rose? Not the entire area, but the first shell
2017/04/15 (土) 16:00 No. 91874
Search [iqdb] (488 KB, 1153x869, CPAI4.jpg )
>>91873 looks relatively small here
or not actually
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1000x1414, 1e2000eee86b4efde7be82beb67c99(…).jpg )
>>91875 So uh Why does... anyone live next to the first wall? The ENTIRE first shell can't be full, there are areas in the SECOND shell where you can not see the second OR third wall And there's NOBODY living there
Bad writing
why do people live in shitty places on earth why would you want to be in florida
>>91879 No but this is like if Florida had frequent godzilla attacks, but like Texas had none and was completely unpopulated Why would you stay in Florida You can just move They're all FARMERS ANYWAY
florida does have frequent godzilla attacks
2017/04/15 (土) 16:04 No. 91882
> it is also the biggest with a radius of 480km. Between Wall Maria and the next inner wall, Wall Rose, there is 100km. >It is 380 km in radius, making it smaller than Maria, also. The distance between Wall Rose and Wall Sina is roughly 130 km. >and wall sina is 250km in radius
The story doesn't make any sense because there are people living next to the outer wall by choice That's fucking retarded
2017/04/15 (土) 16:05 No. 91884
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
I mean, the walled area seems to be pretty much the size of germany or shit
It probably IS germany, let's be fair
i doubt it's really by choice, i think the anime shows things more heavily populated and other people not willing to accept people moving in further away from walls
Search [iqdb] (398 KB, 1548x2244, c7d01529e327eca7a63396115293f3(…).jpg )
>>91886 There is no way this impoverished a population has filled that ENTIRE outer shell when the SECOND shell has areas so large you can see neither wall from them, completely without even one dude living there with his dog
marsh where you at bud
2017/04/15 (土) 16:11 No. 91889
Wait a second if the outer wall is 480km in radious and there is 130+100km to the inner most wall and then I dunno some 50km or shit tot he centre of the "circle" the wall forms It should be a lot bigger "circle" a circle with radious of 480km has about I dunno 150km diameter
the story is just a power fantasy by the author writing about his self-insert fighting the bullies that tormented him in school it's natural that it's not completely thought out he probably doesn't want to retcon the stuff from before he was accomplished and actually cared about the story>>91891 sure it does
that doesn't change anything
2017/04/15 (土) 16:13 No. 91892
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Thing should have 800km radious with the distances given
why should it be 800?
2017/04/15 (土) 16:15 No. 91894
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Forgot to add atleast since the size of the innermost enclave isn't given
>>91882 sina is the innermost with 250 in radius
2017/04/15 (土) 16:16 No. 91896
are you being retarded
2017/04/15 (土) 16:17 No. 91898
Search [iqdb] (191 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
No the show is the outermost wall has supposedly 480km radious however, with the distances given between walls 100 and 130 and about 40km calculating>>91895 from here you get a diameter of 540km
2017/04/15 (土) 16:18 No. 91900
Now, draw a circle that has a diameter larger than its radius
innermost wall radius 250 distance to next wall 130 so next wall radius 380 distance to last wall 100 so 480 radius
2017/04/15 (土) 16:19 No. 91902
wait brain pls why am I mistaking radius for the circumference
2017/04/15 (土) 16:20 No. 91903
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
But fuck poland, you have a circle size of almost turkey
hasn't poland been fucked enough
2017/04/15 (土) 16:28 No. 91905
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Why do villages have drawbridges?
what's wrong with bridges?
My question was why they have drawbridges, not bridges
2017/04/15 (土) 16:31 No. 91909
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Well why not?
yeah that seems like a strange question
Why would you have a drawbridge? What is its purpose in reality?
to keep people out?
>>91912 Bingo And how many people do you need to keep out in a world where human conflict no longer exists?
drawbridges were probably there before the wall though
>>91913 none but that's not the world they are in and even if it is things in the past could be different
>>91915 No, Sasha's flashback had a drawbridge in a new town that she hadn't seen before I.E someone made a drawbridge in a village founded AFTER Sasha was born
Well there are other human settlements And there are bad humans
>>91916 There's no war between humans in this world though
>>91919 This is SnK? The wars are between humans
>>91919 as long as there are different classes of people class war will exists until the commies win
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 650x500, 1491932795233.jpg )
2017/04/15 (土) 16:34 No. 91923
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
titans are just humans so it's a war between humans
and they literally overthrow the king in the manga so i guess that kinda counts for conflict
even ignoring that how is it conflict less when you have a secret police operating and dealing with troublesome people
Search [iqdb] (473 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20170415_124410.jpg )
Whoever did this should be executed.
it was me
no u
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 16:53 No. 91932
Search [iqdb] (973 KB, 1000x1270, 38501070f39ed1259fd459b0e82dfe20.png )
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Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 16:56 No. 91934
>>91928 heart attack waiting to happen
2017/04/15 (土) 17:00 No. 91936
>>91935 fug is this?
>>91936 persona
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 17:02 No. 91938
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 640x480, (B-A)Great_Teacher_Onizuka_-_L(…).jpg )
Lux please leave bot lane you're like the third one tonight
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 17:02 No. 91939
But nothing BEST SONA OCE can't handle
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 17:10 No. 91940
Help I can't handle it.
don't worry once you overcome it in higher elo you won't see as much
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 17:13 No. 91943
Search [iqdb] (23 KB, 500x540, 1490187168173.jpg )
It's going to be a while before I grind elo I'm still just playing blindpick
that still has hidden mmr
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 17:15 No. 91946
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Strike_Witches_Ope(…).jpg )
>>91944 it's going to be a while before I grind hidden Normal mmr because I suck dick at this game
>>91946 buy mejai every game
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 17:18 No. 91948
>just one
wtf is it dead????
Marsh-chan 2017/04/15 (土) 17:23 No. 91952
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 848x480, Sketchbook ~full color'S~ - 09(…).jpg )
well that's all the FUN my body can handle for tonight. Goodnight, /moe/.
2017/04/15 (土) 17:24 No. 91953
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>91950 I don't think it would die from that little
well if it's a finnish giraffe than sure but im not sure it's one
2017/04/15 (土) 17:25 No. 91955
yeah it does bit look like its neck might have snapped
is twitter integration the cancer that will kill moe
2017/04/15 (土) 17:27 No. 91958
>>91957 It saved moe
Search [iqdb] (2.5 MB, 4032x3024, 20170415_135811.jpg )
2017/04/15 (土) 18:00 No. 91961
>easter egg hunt so that is for real eh
Oh yeah It's big
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 18:03 No. 91963
Search [iqdb] (525 KB, 2048x1152, 20170415140330_1.jpg )
I am become death destroyer of worlds
Search [iqdb] (402 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20170415_140520.jpg )
New liberal protest headwear
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/15 (土) 18:10 No. 91965
The atk module now selects a random 5-letter uppercase alphabetic string as the BusyBox applet name for its command output delimiter (formerly “ECCHI”). this for a virus called Hajime
>>91965 wow
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 18:19 No. 91967
Search [iqdb] (422 KB, 2048x1152, 20170415141903_1.jpg )
glowing death popsicle
Is that what you call your dick
2017/04/15 (土) 18:24 No. 91969
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
So here is a question why didn't aizen show ichigo his thing when heh ad the chance? WHy risk having someone who isn't bound by his hypnosis running around?
2017/04/15 (土) 18:25 No. 91970
>>91964 what are those? they look as if they were shopped
2017/04/15 (土) 18:26 No. 91971
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>91969 Also since it is "must see it released" to work that means Aizen has been going around to random people "hey wanna see my shikai"
>>91970 Idek
2017/04/15 (土) 18:29 No. 91973
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
there should be a special chapter of aizen going around "hey wanna see my shikai?"
something something hohyoku plot device it's not hard to show the shikai when the captains are really eager to see your bankai
2017/04/15 (土) 18:31 No. 91975
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>91974 Yeah but the issue is not the captains and liutenants but all the random minor people who don't matter I mean, kinda jig is up if the captains go "aizen is deaad noooo" and then some random mook goes "umm you lot are smoking something nice, can I have some too?"
>Antisemitic Muslim claims to be secular
>>91975 is showing off his shikai really a problem can't he just realease and then go you didn't see nuffin
2017/04/15 (土) 18:35 No. 91978
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>91977 Oh right he could literally just walk and go "release" "release" "release and no one would know better but still I find that amusing too...
2017/04/15 (土) 18:35 No. 91979
>>91976 >asad putin
>>91979 >>91979 >>91979
>>91976 How can you be a secular muslim? Secularism goes against islam
>claims to be secular >>91981 You literally can't This person even has retweeted isis
Like Jesus acknowledges a non-christian government as legitimate, explicitly
those views could be non religiously motivated
2017/04/15 (土) 18:37 No. 91985
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
To emperor what is his due.
2017/04/15 (土) 18:38 No. 91987
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Christianity is just a religion, it ain't ment to govern you
>I'm secular!
2017/04/15 (土) 18:41 No. 91989
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Fun fact anti-christ is only mentioned in one of the gospels and even then iti s "anti-christs" plural
secular people aren't allowed to use religious memes how can she
2017/04/15 (土) 18:42 No. 91991
and in general means "people who oppose christianity"
i just cleaned my car my baby looks so good i still got a couple things like wipin the interior again and washing the outside and under the tires again but its lookin tite
Your baby? Did you give birth to it?
ye i live streamed it on facebook got a few thousand views (my names april btw)
2017/04/15 (土) 19:17 No. 91996
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Did you name your kid may?
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
you're early
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 1134x776, 1488260338913.jpg )
It's the weekend.
If anything you're late.
Oh, Fate/GO is getting an English text release.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 19:52 No. 92002
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1000x1398, 0ca94ccdff8ec365784d4ed3a3db534f.jpg )
A tumor that will plague the world even more.
that's a rude way to refer to okuu
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 19:53 No. 92004
Search [iqdb] (568 KB, 645x900, 03ce7f8be22ceeceaa560d953b85cb60.jpg )
Utsuho gives tumors she isn't herself one.
Okay time to go see a movie. Hopefully.
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>>92000 I slept in pretty late today. It was nice.
>>92001 sweet
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Hello Rika.
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How is Florida today?
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whas good shawty
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>>92011 It's okay. Comfy temperature outside at 81, but the humidity is killing me.
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 1200x675, 1491727020054.jpg )
It's getting warmer here too. Summer is starting up!
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>>92014 I'm sure you're happy about that.
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what are the summers like up there? i don't want any more saint louis or tennessee summers i even prefer las vegas summers to those because at least it's dry i bet maine has nice summers
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 693x693, 1449473392705.jpg )
>>92016 They can get pretty hot and humid, espeically on a year that has a heat wave. That doesn't bother me though.
you're pretty hot and humid
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 425x600, 0624.png )
it was pretty fuckin hot when i was there during the summer but that was a heat wave it was hot everywhere
>>92018 wow
Search [iqdb] (450 KB, 850x607, 1478889747431.jpg )
>>92018 That's true, yes.
i mean it in an OBSCENE way
Search [iqdb] (648 KB, 700x851, 26432276_p0.png )
I bought some chocolate and ice cream today. I've been craving sweets for a while.
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
Oh also some steak
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My sweet tooth has been acting up lately too.
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 605x700, 1477502345828.jpg )
I can't wait to snack on it. I saw that Haagen-dazs has new packaging. The new one is so nice.
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That looks like a bad idea.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 21:09 No. 92030
Search [iqdb] (631 KB, 760x1014, 3f692abeb1d647d4597020b5b9467208.png )
Just give me a good burger
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 21:09 No. 92031
fuck I want the lunch special but it's only from like 1-4.
Search [iqdb] (331 KB, 608x655, 1491115703934.png )
I want a burger, too! But I can't until Passover ends.>>92029 It looks utterly disgusting. It's absurd that people attribute shit like that to the US when it all comes from the Commonwealth!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 21:15 No. 92033
Search [iqdb] (197 KB, 1062x1500, 7cb49ae070b7f1baf8afdea972bdf881.jpg )
The lunch special from BurgerFi is a burger, fries, drink, and an onion ring thing for like 9 dollars. Whereas the burger itself is close to 7 or 8 alone without that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 21:15 No. 92034
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 800x731, 4b3552d4371977a702ca5df112688c9c.jpg )
Though I have a 50% off that will expire in early may.
I hate using coupons It makes me feel so uncomfortable
Search [iqdb] (564 KB, 709x618, 1492078768207.png )
That's weird, why?
Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 566x800, 48774869_p2.jpg )
it makes you look poor and that's BAD
Vigilante twice in a row What a game
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 640x909, 1491859457943.jpg )
>>92038 One of the keys to having money is saving money.
Search [iqdb] (319 KB, 429x637, 2426841.png )
I guess it's just one of my quirks.
a quirk to rival all for one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 21:41 No. 92043
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 1000x856, 0df1693d5ee8cfd46d36b0fb66d2533d.png )
not only do I have a 50% off but they also gave me a bogo
what's a bogo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 21:41 No. 92045
buy one get one free
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 21:41 No. 92047
people just call it bogo. Sometimes it's like "buy one get one half off" or something so just bogo
bogof kid, I'm busy
people are stupid bogoho
2017/04/15 (土) 21:44 No. 92050
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
buy one pay for three
2017/04/15 (土) 21:54 No. 92052
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Who is brett?
Who knows Holy shit though This video
>>92051 good mug, would but Buy>>92053 jesus what the fuck man
>>92054 good taste, me too
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 750x1046, blue rose.jpg )
>>92053 These are the people who can't figure out why Trump won.
>>92053 i bet maine has nice summers.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 21:57 No. 92058
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 566x800, 1e21ccb6ba8bf8413841b019734a5ed7.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 600x800, 39994256_p0.jpg )
>>92056 Isn't it ridiculous?
I can't sit and properly elevate my foot without eventually fucking up my back
>>92060 If only you could just remove your foot when not using it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 22:04 No. 92062
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 700x900, 42cb5fd70de02dc27774516893b8f3b2.jpg )
detachable foot
>>92061 that would actually be really handy I'm going to go get my feet removed and replaced with cool robo prosthetics so I can just put my feet up on the shelf when I don't need them
>>92063 gx right? I wish I had detachable parts But it'd suck if someone stole them
>>92064 >tfw you get drunk and wake up and can't find your arms
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 1133x1243, could.jpg )
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What if you detatch your riichi stick and can't find it?
Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 861x889, 4459092.jpg )
A retractable one would be the most convenient.
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 981x901, 1491860199874.jpg )
I mean it is kind of retractable already.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/15 (土) 22:14 No. 92070
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png )
Oh goodness. I had a silly idea because of that, thanks Kirara.
>>92067 have one of those little alarms you can activate from your phone like people have with keys
Search [iqdb] (178 KB, 499x600, 20170414_172925.jpg )
>>92069 No way. Even if it's at its smallest mode, it's big enough to be bothersome.
I'm tired of everyone thinking that they're better than me, /moe/
How big is big enough to be bothersome
are they wrong?
>>92073 prove you're better than them
2017/04/15 (土) 22:24 No. 92078
>>92074 clearly not your size
Search [iqdb] (447 KB, 500x700, 20139761_p0.png )
>>92074 I don't have an idea of a size range but I know that mine is annoying as hell when not in use.
quick someone post the "we were talking about penises, would you like to join?" meme
Saku's candle has been burning 25 hours now So stronk
Search [iqdb] (159 KB, 944x1300, 1482906141337.jpg )
>>92072 It already kind of has easy storage I don't think you can ask for much more.
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>>92082 You can only say that because you haven't experienced the burden of the cock.
i'm sure farm rika has
Search [iqdb] (267 KB, 2000x1102, 1483848117736.jpg )
>>92083 You don't even have to wear special support garments to deal with it. It could be a lot worse, you should be happy!
Search [iqdb] (15 KB, 258x224, moo.jpg )
good job rin
Search [iqdb] (215 KB, 550x779, 33405508_p1.jpg )
>>92085 Don't underestimate dicks. Support for them is really uncomfortable but letting them flop around sucks, too. There's no solace for the dick. Only suffering.
>>92085 they make garments for vagina support?
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 738x1065, 1491003600217.png )
>>92088 I think this may be one of those grass is greener things!
Search [iqdb] (521 KB, 788x739, 80403ac44ab0c096d4979df9b2239117.png )
That was in response to >>92078 but upload speeds once you have your data eaten by a teenager are trash
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 947x842, IMG_20170414_041948.jpg )
>>92090 Wrong! What I'm saying is that the grass is dead wherever you go! Human bodies are terrible!
2017/04/15 (土) 22:42 No. 92094
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Human v2.0 to come this year
Search [iqdb] (230 KB, 650x675, 1488446200120.jpg )
>>92093 I only have a few complaints with mine.
I can think of a complaint about that.
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>>92095 I dream of a world where our bodies need no complaints!
Search [iqdb] (225 KB, 1200x1710, 1214.jpg )
yeah bodies are fuggin garbage
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>>92099 whatsmorningwood
>>92101 the wood you chop first thing in the morning for your fireplace so it isn't cold
>>92103 based $uccubu$ $lut
Search [iqdb] (302 KB, 960x540, 1491862145256.png )
Her 3DS is pretty cute though.
Search [iqdb] (515 KB, 744x1052, 1292440214001.jpg )
>>92105 i'm not big on the white i'm not a fan of pink with white in general
I like pink with white Or rather white with pink
Search [iqdb] (536 KB, 416x234, 1492291357903.gif )
2017/04/15 (土) 23:33 No. 92109
Search [iqdb] (834 KB, 1717x2479, YRYR_106_005.png )
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This anime girl has good taste.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers -(…).jpg )
Wow, I also have good taste.
What's your favorite taste
Idk my tongue is broken
Still waiting on my pay... Fug
2017/04/16 (日) 00:00 No. 92115
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Call the debt collectors
Search [iqdb] (1004 KB, 4381x2863, 1491966872536.jpg )
Wow, 4341 arena points this week!
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 800x708, 8b1375edd570a42ceedd347bfa9cca(…).jpg )
I ended up staying and talking shit about video games and politics for like almost an hour I intended to just dip in, get my shit and dip out
was it fun
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 606x600, 413a8ab7dbf782015d30752095335d(…).jpg )
It was nice I like this guy, he's cool to hang out with formerly useful friend is way too aggressive
Bulgaria passed a law last year requiring all software used by the government to be open source
>>92120 does that include the OS on all the computers templeOS here we go
Oh, it seems its only software the government requests Like if the government wants any software developed, it's got to be open source I guess they can use already-existing closed source software
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1000x692, 509fd129e86182699af3e0ed84d1ae(…).jpg )
Oh wow this torrent I got for TPB is actually just recorded Like it's not the files It's OK quality though
>whatever custom software the government procures will be visible and accessible to everyone. After all, it’s paid by tax-payers money and they should both be able to see it and benefit from it. Basically, they're making their own version of the NSA illegal in practice
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/16 (日) 00:24 No. 92125
Search [iqdb] (284 KB, 470x747, 05bceb36f0867d49fa72d47f2d74a806.png )
2017/04/16 (日) 00:25 No. 92126
>>92124 Quite astounishing I hope we'd do the same
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/16 (日) 00:25 No. 92127
I'm amazed they got Snoop back on the show
snoop fuckin loves tpb
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 720x1200, c26ff2a75ecc8d8fe1f51d356142fe(…).jpg )
Snoop's one of my favorite celebrities And I generally dislike celebrities
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1000x1414, 1e2000eee86b4efde7be82beb67c99(…).jpg )
It's a shame the one friend I kinda sorta have nearby here only plays on console, or we ccould do like a LAN thing or something I mean I struggle to call him a friend, but I guess he is
Search [iqdb] (30s, 2.4 MB, 1280x720, 1492296505810.webm )
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 532x372, C3gzjifVUAA2G-9.jpg )
>>92132 I started watching the second season The show is so wonky
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time for super relaxation time.
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 606x600, 413a8ab7dbf782015d30752095335d(…).jpg )
Got that right Bedtime for SK now See y'all tomorrow
Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 861x889, 4459092.jpg )
Fish keeps saying I'm going to be Sojiro when I get old
2017/04/16 (日) 01:08 No. 92137
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Who sojiro?
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 470x610, noukome77.jpg )
Do you think it's because you're both tsundere.
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 413x582, 35345456_p31.jpg )
I'm not tsundere! Mou.>>92137 A P5 character.
2017/04/16 (日) 01:10 No. 92140
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Repeating a thing enough time doesn't make it true.
Search [iqdb] (3.3 MB, 1456x1878, 1492085331129.png )
>>92139 Why do you think she said it then?
Search [iqdb] (331 KB, 608x655, 1491115703934.png )
Because you convinced her of the lie that I'm tsundere! You're controlling my //// You're controlling Fish from behind the scenes!
Search [iqdb] (265 KB, 453x631, 1492147061933.png )
I didn't really convince her of anything, though. I just taught her a word.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
>>92144 A likely story. I'm sure you're behind this somehow.
Search [iqdb] (343 KB, 565x758, 1490079605829.png )
>>92145 These are all pretty funny.>>92146 Behind what?
Search [iqdb] (197 KB, 710x994, 33595500_p0.jpg )
>>92147 You know.
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 1300x887, pokemon24.jpg )
>>92148 I don't! That's why I asked!
Saku's candle has been burning like 28 hours now They're built for 24 hours Sasuga Saku
Search [iqdb] (2.5 MB, 4032x3024, 20170415_212938.jpg )
2017/04/16 (日) 01:30 No. 92153
some good candle material
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 800x600, 1294509721949.jpg )
im gonna fall
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sakura Quest - (…).jpg )
No falling.
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 360x360, 1317913110790.jpg )
where's the dev exit i can't find it
Kimi no na wa was really good in theatres. Would recommend.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokudenashi Maj(…).jpg )
Ika has been super excited about it.
2017/04/16 (日) 01:47 No. 92159
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Doesn't seem that ikamovie
I've lost count of the times I've seen it now but it was still worth it watching in theatres. Sound quality and image quality was great for it.>>92159 Squid loves sappy romance though.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/16 (日) 01:48 No. 92162
>>92161 → >>92161 → >>92161 →
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 619x720, [Commie] Cross Ange - Tenshi t(…).jpg )
i watched it twice in three days
>>92160 don't tell anyone but I also love sappy romance
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/16 (日) 01:48 No. 92166
I watched it in theaters it was good
>>92165 Don't tell anyone but I also love sappy romance