God, Venti makes the overworld so much more comfy to travel Airlift on demand, everything behind those little airshields can be accessed without looking for a jump point
Yeah, and they don't even like, tone it down or anything so it runs like SHIT Which wouldn't be a problem for most gachas where it's like, you just click button and stuff, but this is real time MMO-like fighting And just movement is SLUGGISH
I wonder if there are any phones out there that can handle it.
I mean, mine isn't like, flagship, so it's possible It runs, but it plays like garbage I'm guessing probably one of the latest huaweis could run it fine
>>881003 Also this image bothers me because she's covering her eyes from the sun from the wrong side, and visibly only covering one eye That's not "she's a dumdum", either, this shit is fucking instinctual, you will just do it right
Like have your light source on your left and try to use your right hand, it'll just FEEL wrong to even try Like your body will fight you, because what you're doing is absurd
even if I was open to spending money on gachas, I wouldn't even consider it until I've played the game for several months, because I'm very prone to picking something up, having fun, and then burning out a few weeks later, never to touch it again
To be fair, it's basically a live-in job. You don't pay rent or utilities, but you live in the sober house so it's hard to find a sane person that will do it.
>>881025 Well, you also can't use drugs or drink at the house, sometimes will have to drug test people, stuff like that. You can work a day job while you live there, though.
That's definitely a drawback, yeah But it still seems overall pretty good
Any living situation that's free and they even pay you is gonna have some stuff associated with it that isn't ideal, after all
And for people who already don't drink or partake in the first place it's hardly a drawback. Though I don't really want to be responsible for drug testing people. That's a bit too intimate a service task for my comfort level.
Yeah, we do point-of-care cups, so you just have them pee in the cup, then you put it in a fridge at the center after labeling it. It's pretty rare that the house manager has to do it. But they breathalyze people pretty frequently.
I thought I got some good sleep last night, especially since I remembered for the first time in a while to take some melatonin before it got too late. But I've been feeling tired and lethargic pretty much since waking up. Not even breakfast and a couple cups of tea have roused me from it.
Really the main drawback of beinga sober house manager would seem to be having to throw people out if they fall off the wagon again But for most people, that doesn't seem like it'd be a real problem
As Housing Director, I'd be the one throwing people out unfortunately (for me). The house manager just sometimes supervises the residents pack their stuff and leave.
I just wish there was an easy way to find someone for this job. I had the perfect candidate but a few people have trust issues and wouldn't accept him, so we had to turn him away because being in an environment that doesn't trust him would be bad for his own sobriety.
So their mission, should they choose to accept it, is just to live in that house, get along with the residents, and do piss\breath tests now and then? And otherwise they can chill out as long as they're sober?
A lot of people have family or stuff like that. I dunno, honestly. I value my privacy too much to ever do something like it. I mean, you get a private room, but still.
I would consider it though, if this job doesn't go anywhere and stuff But by the time I get all the paperwork in order you'd have filled that position lmao
I couldn't find the group room computer today for that last group, so I had to use my own for this video I showed. At the end, I realized that I forgot to close out of discord even though I got rid of my weeb tabs and stuff.
Thank god nobody said anything to me on discord. That notification would have popped up with some fucked up shit probably.
>>881048 >ToN posts you his latest essay on why Elaina is the cutest
I DM with ToN, Pan, Blue, and Tilde a lot. I just always have myself set to away so that when I stop paying attention for a long time, nobody has any expectations of me responding even when I open Discord to play tabletop or something.
>>881053 Her personality contrasts with her armor so well. Subarashi.
She's got a bit of a relaxed personality but she also seems like a bit of a battle junkie. She was awfully excited to go toe-to-toe with that giant viper.
I'm getting pulled in like a hundred different directions today. When I ran into my boss and told him I was going to go cover up that hole in the window to stop the AC from getting out too much, he was like "you're the glue that holds this place together man" lol
When is he going to name you his son and legal successor to the throne
some fuckin genius on reddit has been betting on gamestop for half a year now and he suddenly became a millionaire today??
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy shit
Made more money than all Game Stop's actual worth
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tbf he had like 700k invested in these options but i think he made the 700k off of previous gamestop plays wat da faq
I wish I had the insane lack of common sense to get rewarded with dumb bets like that, man.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell of a bet i did watch gamestop stock for a while and just assumed they would collapse and die in the pandemic but this guy apparently did his homework and saw they were actually doin ok with the potential to bounce back that or he just yolo'd over and over and hit the jackpot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if he'll sell or just keep yoloing
If I ever suddenly made a few million dollars I'd immediately try to figure out how to convert it into safe investments that could sustain my lifestyle. I don't want a lot of money I just want enough that I don't have to worry about living. Plus it's not like I've really got ludicrous interests that need a lot of money. Just enough that I can buy games and food/utilities, and maybe travel the world every now and then.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
crazy times i feel the FOMO a lil but no fuck dat i hope dude gets out instead of tryna shoot for more
>>881080 oh yeah the new jurassic park got delayed because the staff got covid hard to make a movie right now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> Principal photography occurred in Ottawa in February 2020. timing is everything
Yeah fuck Ottawa
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol what
I dunno I'm assuming photography in Ottawa was responsible for them catching Covid-19 or something. I'm also being stupid I don't have anything against Ottawa in particular.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i was referring to the FATMAN movie that's lucky on their part its a winter movie
We don't really haaaate other cities thoughhhh I've seen more people talk about how Toronto hates on them than I've actually seen Toronto hate on them.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha yeah it's bantz
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what about new york tho
>>881090 Fuck New York I actually love New York City
>>881106 Oh that It's a store in tge Simpsons Sneed's Feed and Seed (formerly Chuck's)
For real thought it was that shit from the Lorax
And it still doesn't even make sense
>>881109 Okay so if the store is called Sneed's Feed and Seed What would it be called if it were owned by Chuck?
yeah no I get that but then why isn't chuck the word?
>>881111 Because it's a forced meme and Sneed is easier to associate with it. God I love /moe/, but it feels like people on tano are familiar with more memes I know.
Yeah I mean... most? of us now aren't really part of the /v/ sphere anymore, i think Hell, most of us never were, but even those of us who used to be have drifted away I think
hpoilerthz i have no idea what's happening there she has a midair attack?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stamina not required
Every character has a midair attack But they bugged it out so she did it sideways instead of downwards lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
btw you can do that to not take fall damage from just about any height that isn't fucking absurd or you can just drop down and deploy the glider right before impact, that works too
I hope that cat was okay. The guy's obviously fine but the cat probably dropped a good distance and was considerably spooked.
According to a reply on Twitter his neck was broken.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
twitch.tv/samuraiLALC cute game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will dine now not sure what i ought to do next in the game
I'm just following the story for now Doing dailies and world missions as they show up
>>881159 Hey Samu, is there an exploitable memory leak thing in the doushio code? Someone has been attacking the /tea/ server and eating up all the ram or something. Not sure if it's doushio or something else like nginx.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>881161 attacking the server huh maybe you ran out of physical RAM for redis
>>881162 No, it's around 600mb usually, when this person comes on (I can tell by the ban evading ips), the ram shoots up to 1gb (which is currently the max) >>881164 It's pretty close to stock. I don't think I know enough to modify the core parts of it. >>881165 Looking at htop, it was either server/server.js Or the nginx worker process.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That's crazy. Beats me man. Is /tea/ heavily modified or stock code?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well if you knew which process was taking all the ram i think we might have an answer
but like is the server process bigger than normal, or nginx?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if it's the server process then yeah some kinda memory leak i haven't the faintest clue where it would be tho
>>881168 I don't know how to tell, really. The cpu gets hit pretty hard I think? >>881171 I would if I knew how to. Yeah... >>881172 Is there something that I should do for the imager.config.DAEMON? If I look at journalctl, it tells me to set up security for it. Yes. >>881173 How would I set that up? >it's not easy to set up ;_; I don't even know what the daemon is to run. Do you have to set up a different service for it? Is that even what might be causing the issue though?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you gotta set up a monitoring system
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sudo apt install nagios
or something iddk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>881170 ohhh yeah that's hard to explain is it whining about security to you? yeah
so my setup is i have the imager running in a separate environment as a daemon and it does the thumbnailing/image processing there it's not easy to set up but basically you copy the entire doushio directory over to that second environment and then run the imager daemon there you need to specify absolute directories for the image folders so that the imager can hand off the images from its environment to the doushio process and then nginx can serve them it's finicky and undocumented
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alternatively if you're not concerned that someone might exploit your imagemagick then you don't have to do anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>881170 nah this wouldn't be causing your ram issue
>>881175 I see, it's like it eats up ram, and doesn't free it up. And then the server runs out of ram... >>881178 Yeah, but like, I'm pretty certain it's being caused by a troublemaker. >>881177 Hi
>>881180\ i seeee if you are able to watch the server's output do you see anything odd
henlo rika
>>881187 Uhhh... I'm not sure what the server's output would be, or where I could watch it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like if you stop the service, and run `node server/server.js` inside a ssh session, or a screen session inside a ssh session, then you can monitor the output in real time. or you could read the logs if you have them
>>881194 I see, checked journalctl for that, and things looked reasonably normal. Which version of node are you running? I may have an outdated one. >>881196 Would be nice if that were all it'd take, but it's just a possibility, not sure if it is what'd be the issue.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uh i think the code is kinda out of date i can push up some newer code but it's untesteed if you want to use a more recent version of node
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok uh where is that version i might have to reboot
>>881199 I haven't upgraded in a while, I'm just looking at my options at the moment from https://nodejs.org/en/download/
i can push the newer code as a separate branch if you would like to test it
>>881214 Sure, I just installed node v12.19.0 in a separate location for testing What kind of changes are they, just package versions?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohh i didn't even get the right version derp well the newer version is pushed up to github master anyway https://github.com/lalcmellkmal/doushio as usual i hope it works
>>881218 I don't think the exact version should be _that_ big of a deal. >>881220 Hmmm... I see the modernize commits from like 25 days ago. Not sure about what we're talking about right now. Is that what you're referring to though? >>881221 Ugh, merge conflicts Well, I'll have to get back to you on this then.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>881216 doushio has a native module (tripcode functionality) so the interface there has changed over time i'm not sure if my code is really compliant with modern V8
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was just explaining some stuff tangentally idk uh yeah hope that maybe helps if you run the 25 day-old code with node 12 otherwise... we need monitoring...
>>881221 As a different idea, I saw in the nginx error logs : failed (24: Too many open files) Seems like that could be it? Do you have various limits you set to nginx?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>881249 oh maybe they're starting lots of uploads concurrently? idk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or opening a lot of real-time connections
here ill help you unzips duck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
daaaad ur embarassing me in front of the other board operators
>>881254 Maybe? That seems like it could be something that eats up ram. It eventually leads to a 500 error.
heres my name in jap I need a rough estimate of how many soldiers would like to take holiday block leave (in Japan only, here or main land) CONUS leave will not be authorized. I need this t whoops wtf i copied something else whyd that paste oh well im too lazy to fix it
I think I'm trapped in the cycle of not being able to sleep then getting anxious about not being able to sleep which then makes it harder for me to sleep.
Also I have to sleep on the couch tonight because something is wrong with the circuit breaker so there's no power in my room and I always set my pphone to play music while I'm sleeping so I needed to sleep by an outlet.
samurai can u make a thing to close the mini thing after u click a link once like it extends twice but u cant un extend it that would be a very useless feature imo
Why am I, the traveller, trying to sneak out of this place? As previously established in the story, I am the only person able to literally just fucking teleport Like,a t any time I can just poof away
Oh shit there's a Pikmin 3 demo out for the Switch. Beating it unlocks some parts of the actual game (no exclusive stuff, just harder difficulties and stuff you'd unlock anyway) Really I just want to play Pikmin again.
>>881360 oh shit h shit it comes out at the end of the month? that's so exciting
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we gotta co-op that shit
Yeah hopefully I'm living somewhere at the end of the month that has sufficiently functioning Internet I know at my parent's place up north they're upgrading the Internet but they're still probably going to get weak speeds. If by some stroke of luck I'm living in the city ... and can afford Internet, I should be good.
Gonna start Genshin Impact over on the american servers to see if it's playable or if the ping is too much
It seems to work just fine, so I might actually just play on the American server so I can play with other people I know Having to start over kinda sucks, but it's not like I was at the end game or anything
From what I gather it's not hard to get to the current end-game content by aggressively playing for a week or two. Not that you should, but it shows a pretty easy metric to catch up.
An added benefit to restarting is I get to spend all my wishpoints in the good categories instead of blowing them on the garbage wishes I spent way too many primogems on the permanent roll
Ontario's going back into Phase 2 Covid-19 lockdown RIP Dumbasses couldn't figure out how to keep themselves safely quarantined
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The show is filmed in Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Gary's island of Kawaii.
>>881371 fuck time to mad max our way out of this mess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>881369 what's the permanent roll? do you mean like doing the event rolls
>>881373 The permanent roll is the one with Jean, all the way to the right My more experienced gacha buddy says you really shouldn't spend gems on it, at least not early, because even if you get a 5 star, it might just be a weapon, and 5star weapons are absurdly hard to upgrade for f2p players
There's also some other reasons, but I didn't fully understand them so I don't wanna misinform I think there was something about the temporary ones' pity points (increasing chance of 5star drop) carrying over between events, and that not being the case for the permanent one, but I'm really not sure
I finally found my good slippers again I mean they're not really "good" because they're definitely worn a bit and raggedy But they're my favourite pair. Turns out there was an extra box in my closet that someone had thrown all my old slippers and shoes into. Honestly I had just assumed they'd all been thrown out. The shoes definitely could've gone in the trash.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can't believe this game has fps lock and no button remaps
I can't believe I have to switch to controller input every time I boot the game
apparently our point of sale went down yesterday wonder what that means for today
I think I'm coming down with an ear infection. That or there's somehow a cut inside my ear that's festering.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Don't worry I don't particularly like it either.
Yup, indoor dining at restaurants and bars, movie theatres, casinos, pretty much every business is being shut down for another month-ish. I guess I don't really do anything but it would be nice to have options to at least consider.
what's the case count?
>Wedding receptions will be temporarily suspended in these regions starting Tuesday Get fucked nerds I think weddings have been responsible for multiple outbreak instances in recent weeks. I get that your marriage is important but so is NOT SPREADING HIGHLY-INFECTIOUS VIRAL DISEASES
>>881387 I think yesterday's for the province was ~950. The day's before was like ~715 I think? We were hovering around a hundred or so back in the summer so this is a bit of a sharp increase trend. So there's been pressure to get it stopped up fast before things get -real- bad.
marriage is paper reeeeeee
folks just wanna pretend rhings are normal when they're not
Finally after having my Switch for like three and a half years my Red Pikmin avatar is actually relevant to games I play.
either i find a binary installation of node for this OS or i redo the whole setup
Don't you some times just want to re-invent the whole wheel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a dangerous impulse but yeah sometimes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gonna take the board down for a bit and try a system upgrade
Don't worry /moe/ I will never forget you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh my glob we are on a slightly newer node version yuss
There are some great quality of life improvements in Pikmin 3 man. Though I dunno if they were from the original or the Switch Deluxe version. You can have Pikmin squads following each player character around independent of the other player characters -- a feature from Pikmin 2, but now you can pull up the mini-map and tell a squad and player character to autopilot to that part of the map, then switch to another squad and control that one manually. Effectively meaning you can have up to three squads moving independent of each other. Though you'd still have to recover manual control to actually do anything with the squad.
Oh wow RIP I found a game crash in the demo hah hah Guess it still needs a bit more polish.
>So we just got notified by Facebook that the photo used for our Walla Walla Onion seed is "Overtly Sexual" and therefore cannot be advertised to be sold on their platform... 😂 Can you see it?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sexy girls made of onions
>>881424 Having seen sexual innuendo fruits and vegetables before, I can't really see this one.
>>881480 It says you're lv15 and unavailable for co-op
>>881484 You make any progress figuring out where the memory leak is?
>>881485 I googled that error I saw in the logs and then added some number of file limits in various places, but I don't know if that was the issue or not. >>881487 Don't think so. >>881488 Probably a good idea. I'll look into guides on it or something at least.
>>881486 You should Unless you have ssh disabled on your virtual machine.
Oh wait it protects more than ssh. Anyways when I used to ssh into my nix machine I would always set up fail2ban Err, whenever I reinstalled the O's *OS
No sleep Gacha and coffee I gotta plow through this shit so I can catch up to where I was Hopefully I can get Venti again, I really like having him in my party, just makes a LOT of random overworld stuff less annoying
Once I catch up again, we should do co-op samsam, just to see what it's about if nothing else I dunno if it's even a worthwhile thing outside of the dungeons though
Well, from what we know of neural networks and AI, at least it'll never actually go off if a black person steals something, so there's a silver lining I guess
gonna do blackface to own the AIs
I began yo regret getting taco Bell halfway through the first soft taco. I have the other two to my roommate. *to regret
I had taco bell once and I was severely underwhelmed even that gentrified Australian Mexican chain was better
you americans and your wide selection of fast food We've got Micky Dees and Barger Kang, and that's fuckin' IT
>>881533 It's not good I wouldn't even consider it Mexican food. Until a few years ago they were legally not allowed to refer to their "beef" as meat. I think they changed the recipe.
>>881534 wow you only have the absolute worst ones
I mean we have some less international chains We've got some pizza chains, for one, one of which actually fuckin' slaps, but I don't really consider pizza "fast food"
But we don't have taco bell or kfc or any of this shit We've got burgs
>>881537 You aren't missing much without taco bell. >>881539 Yes Unfortunately taco bell and kfc are owned by the same company (yum foods, a Pepsi subsidiary)
>>881546 Once I come over to the US and meet up with kirara, I am 100% eating KFC as my first American Fast Food, and you can't stop me
fried chicken by nature is fast food, you dont need a dog shit chain resturaunt to fuck it up for you just fuck it up yourself it takes ~7 minutes to fry a piece of chicken
>>881548 I can tell that nerd to stop you. Hell I can be there myself and stop you.
He can't stop me either, I'll go feral!
He'll drive you to a fucking Publix and get you fried chicken that's a million times better.
>>881563 also just to understand how good it is living in nordics, with standards and regulations that can be annoying as fuck, but make even fast food taste okay
>>881569 Unfortunately, a lot of important regulations aren't really enforced Most of the ones on like, "you should be able to survive eating food" are kept pretty firm, but a lot of the "don't treat your animals like punching bags" regulations aren't enforced because the people who actually are supposed to keep an eye on taht shit are uh, the farmer unions themselves And... most of the farmers just flaunt those regulations, don't give a fuck
There's plenty of fast food that tastes okay or even good in North America. There's just also plenty of fast food that's garbage. If you really want to eat junk that tastes bad just because it's easy to get to, I mean, that's your own problem.
>>881571 you need to send people to learn from us the real goal isn't to catch the abusers, but to just make say farming so anal due to all bureaucracy that you'd be a complete psychopat to try it for that kinda shit and if you are then they prolly will hire you to work for them
>>881575 it's not about not having solutions, it's about having a government that doesn't give a shit to begin with
This shit comes up all the fucking time, it's like a once-every-2-years occurrence There's a big hubaloo, lots of discourse Then it dies down And FUCKING SP continues their shit >>881577 It's not really that weird Farmers have had a tight grip on this country historically They even have their own political party, SP
it's not the government who handles that it is the bureaucracy government just makes the rules and regulations or rather, passes those >>881576 that is damn weird only animal related scandals I can think of happening here from the top of my head are all in the past the greenpeace idiots releasing a lot of invasive species into our wilds and hmm horse meat being in beefpork products
Here the farmer's party became "central party" and now it is no one's party except the party members. it was Maalaisliitto - Rural/Agricultural Union and now is Keskusta - Central party and the only reliable thing about the Central party is that they are never reliable
Labour party is the party of the city dwellers who think they "represent the working class" funny how that basically happened all around in europe at around the same time?
I guess it is a natural evolution once the politicians start forming a "political class" the parties ofc become entities that serve only themselves and just give enough to their voters, that they keep getting elected
>>881585 By american standards, sure, but that's primarily because americans are absurdly ignorant when it comes to politics and view everything left of Kamala Harris as communist, everything left of Bush as liberal, and the rest as just conservative That and y'all think our most right wing parties are more left than they actually are Their actual ideology is no less cursed than the republicans and democrats, they're just operating within a political reality where you can't just openly diddle kids and get elected because you've rigged the country so only the most psychofantic motherfuckers have a vote that matters for a goddamn
It really depends on the country the whole left/right divide has become quite moot, since most parties have just become the "central party" with their ideals and policies being "what the people want to hear"
Makes it damn amusing when you then have the talking heads say "populism is evil and must be ended" etc when all the parties are basically populists and the ones who do it more openly are just honest about it
Democracy needs multiple parties and those parties must be ousted and replaced with new ones every generation pretty much that would keep the system going on as intended however, this won't happen
>>881589 As intended by who? The founding fathers?
Hell, our "democracy" wasn't intended to be for anyone but the bourg to begin with The only "intention" you can ascribe to the democratic systems of this world are explicitly anti-democratic It was never intended to work for anyone but the landed
we wrote our laws down and built upon those, removing, changing, molding and evolving as the century passed and so far it has worked as intended mostly >>881596 well you didn't we did, aside from the first few years, because we had a god damn civil war
>>881595 we didn't, wealthy, powerful individuals did it
Oh yeah, I just remembered the no politics rule. Good thing mods are asleep :^)
Anyhow we have a constitution and you can't even as a politician break it not even the president is beyond the rule of law no one is however corruption and changing the constitution, whether it comes from within or without *cough*brüssels*cough* it is becoming for the worse
well considering the federation that is EU, maybe it is not just coincidence that most European states are becoming more and more identical to each other when it comes to political pastures.
Well, it is pretty clear that a parliamentary system like that of... well, the whole fucking world more or less with a few exceptions, notably the US, functions a lot better in the favor of the working class Just, in general It's a lot less fucked up when you vote for a party, and they just get seats divvied up
Besides to balance out the system, we have the unions nowadays their task pretty much is just go "HEY" whenever the state is trying to do something shitty to the working class and it keeps them in check
>>881600 Our unions are unfortunately somewhat impotent, at least in terms of influencing the current government They'll go "hey don't sell our powerlines to the EU", and the government will go "lmao, gonna do it anyway", and so they did
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(accidentally licks an entire sheet of LSD) kitchen taste yEERRRRRRR
Things do be heating up in the Norway fandom at least Though I don't expect much to come from it, it's at least somewhat comforting to see an explicitly socialist (call us commies if you want) party start getting some traction The blue lines are the two parties currently forming the majority, I just left them in as a comparison
Aren't like, most drugs schedule 1 in the US? >>881622 Life here is 21 yeah, and the point of our prison system isn't, well mostly anyway, to squeeze blood from stones, but to rehabilitate and make criminals functioning members of society (on paper, and to be fair it works OK at what it tries to do)
>>881623 I'm jealous of your working prison system. Ours is so fucked up.
The US' prisons are fucking horrific, and it seems like the general consensus in the US is they exist specifically to be awful and fuck people up for life Y'all torture people in there and the media brings up motherfuckers going like "Yeah well they shouldn't have stolen that snickers bar in the 70s, man"
>>881625 Obama actually got the ball rolling on getting rid of for profit /private prisons but Trump reversed it.
>>881623 >>881624 the problem really is when you have the really fucked up cases who won't be rehabilitated tho sometimes they just let them go, knowing some guy will beat them to death at a snackbar line
I mean, we probably have solitary here, too, but I don't think it's used as frequently, and from what I've heard the main use is for people who would be in danger if placed with others Like Breivik, that fucker would be long dead if people got to get at him
>>881630 I remember he made some sort of formal human rights complaint that he was being treated poorly because he only got a ps2 and rayman and no other games. Or something like that.
I never looked into that to be honest, so I genuinely don't fucking know, but I'm pretty sure none of those appeals are serious from his side It does, however, put him back in the spotlight, highlight his mass murder, and he gets to talk about the jq
Breivik will be fucking extinguished the moment he gets out, he's not making it to his fucking car
He'd be dead pretty fast in US prison. Although more likely he'd have been "assassinated" by someone before trial. >>881634 Yes They're sort of big there because if you join they'll protect you And by protect you i mean they'll stop other people from giving you shit and raping you but will also probably fuck with you and rape you. Although I've heard prison rape isn't as common as it used to be.
I mean don't you have actual neo nazi gangs in the US prisons anyway?
>>881636 they get beaten here too I think there is some specific prison where we send our "problematic cases" to isolate them from the rest not to mention we anyhow have prisons for basically "regular dudes" "pro criminals" and so on
>>881638 I mean I'm not an expert but child murders are generally not treated well in prison. Combine that with the fact that people on death row have literally nothing to lose and people with sentences of life with no parole in states without capital punishment. Those are usually the kind of people who end up killing chomos.
Eh, I may be ideologically opposed to prisons, but it's not like I'd shed any tears if Breivik of all people met a suden end in there He's not exactly the reason I don't like 'em, ya know?
a double child murderer here got released after just 11 years, but then they tossed him basically into an insane asylum for life so our "short sentences" have their loop holes too
Actually, now that I think of it. How did John Wayne Gacy not get killed in prison? Well I mean by fellow inmates, he was executed. >>881647 Gay pedo serial killer, killed dozens of teenage boys and hid their bodies on his property. He was also a clown. (Not professionaly, he volunteered at children's hospitals)
>On February 15, 1983, Henry Brisbon, a fellow death row inmate known as the I-57 killer, stabbed Gacy in the upper arm with a sharpened wire as Gacy was participating in a voluntary work program. not for the lack of trying I guess
>>881645 Yea, Breivik isn't getting out either, from what I've gathered There's apparently some loopholes that can be utilized to keep him in there indefinitely I'm not happy those exist, but he's also the only person I know of where it's even come up, so
>For his last meal, Gacy ordered a bucket of KFC, a dozen fried shrimp, french fries, fresh strawberries, and a Diet Coke. oh yeah the last meals are damn interesting always
>>881650 A lot of places stopped doing it actually.
>>881649 we have the "if the person is dangerous to society" loophole to basically extend the sentences in some cases indefinitely but thoseh ave to be re... re-evaluated yearly or so, but nonetheless
You know as much as I understand rallying as an anti-death penalty protestor at executions I don't think I'd do it at the clown guys or a similiar cases, but then again I am not 100% against death penalty to begin with
well gotta commend the protestors for sticking to their principles
>>881658 I think I currently am of the opinion that it should exist, but as a very rarely used tool
I mean, our constitution allows the army, ofc during the time of war, to shoot people judged by a military tribunal, so it wouldn't be that hard to add it in
>>881660 don't listen to it you will become a illinoier
only good thing about illinois is that blues brothers was set there
you know you are a damn good blues band when you have the state police force, the chicago police force, the national guard, the neo nazies and an angry country band chasing after you
>>>/watch?v=ZWpvMm27WIM Another thing about gacy is that when m dad's friend was a kid his dad took him over to watch the police dig up gacy's yard and house. People came from all over Chicago to watch them do it. >>881663 Blues Brothers is such a good movie.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you refresh, you might find that youtube embeds have more appropriate sizes in small screens
speaking of they passed and approved the thing but I guess since none of the politicians understood the law either, none of the bureaucrats know what to do with it articles 11 and 13 that is
I make funny joke >tenshi, why do your eyes switch between blue and red at times >ah, that is because my eyes turn red when i am angry >but they are always red
It's just the readjustment
>>881673 I highly recommend the album its from. >>881674 Oh, the meme ban?
I sometimes think it would be fun to contact some big website and say "I take back my consent of saving data on me, please delete" and if they want to operate in EU they would have to
damn silly law in terms of what it actually did force a fuckton of one person companies to hire people to add stuff to their websites so that they are gpdr compliant
>>881707 A good intake of fruits and vegetables can go far for keeping your natural energy levels good. I mean you're still probably gonna feel dead exhausted regardless after two days up constantly. But good nutrition can stave that off.
>>881704 I eat everyday too, doesn't mean I'm not unhealthy.
>>881709 It might be a good idea to establish some sorta like No-more-screens deadline for myself
I'll have a job from tuesday on, too, and I gotta get up early for that
>>881710 Doesn't seem like a bad idea to maybe eat some fruits and stuff I just usually end up not eating it cause I usually just... I dunno, I just don't do it
I have this damn song stuck in my head even though I'm listening to other music. >>>/watch?v=NVFbNYNPbUY
Yeah it's totally the mediocre LN adaptation to get a midnight airing. You don't get to air during primetime television there as a low-hype LN adaptation.
good thing im on 24 hour duty today s ill be up until 6am
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
o o f
hey samurai can you make it sso that if you dint reply to this post ur mother will die in her sleep tonight