So Dune got moved back to 2021, but the date it releases on now is the date The Batman was supposed to release. So The Batman's been moved to 2022, BUT instead The Matrix 4 has been moved up to some time in 2021. This is a weird juggling of movie releases.
Joke: Abortion Broke: Late term abortion Woke: Post term abortion
Looks like they fixed most of the crash issues and bugs that came with Horizon Zero Dawn's PC release. Maybe I ought to pick it up when it goes on sale next.
I'm just happy to have another archer now, so I can bring with me the cute chef, BUT ALAS I got an upgrade item for Bennett when I was rolling for the chuuni, so now I gotta bring him instead >>880109 I fucking would if I had your UID
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
heck yeah she's cute
whose fucking house is she going into where they have a food processor, but it's in the garage?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
do I have to sit around while my food processes or can I like go
OH YOU'RE MAKING FLOUR AND STUFF Yeah you can just bounce, and go to any cooking station The cooking fires know eachother they're on a first name basis
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ok cool because that would be big suck
oh yeah that'd honestly be reason enough to drop the game tbh
make sure you're cooking with the right character, it doesn't autoselect someone for you, and xialang and a few others can net you extra dishes and stuff
fischl cold-cut combo is 55% ATK for 300 secs not as good as the five-star atk dish but way easier to get mats for
oh oh, did you do the treasure hunt without asking for hints? I think you get a special dialogue if you do (well, I think it's only for when you don't ask for hints, that is)
IKEBUKURO WEST GATE PARK I watched like, most of that live action show, and now it's anime Bless
And it's animated by Doga Kobo to boot. I
Ah whoops thanks phone
I think it's also their A-team, judging from the way Maoujou is a little bit QUALITY in the first episode.
Every year or so Doga Kobo does a show that's not Cute Girls Doing Cute Things as if to show they're not ONLY a CGDCT studio and I guess Ikebukuro is the most recent entry.
i'm only halfway through the first episode and i'm likin it when da girls showed up their antics had me grinning i was putting dishes away while listening to the show since i wasnt too engaged but then the girls showed up and started shouting and i had to stop putting my dishes away to watch and it was good
damn this show was so good hot blooded excitement with cute girls! i skipped watching this this morning because it was long and i thought it'd be shit but damn it's so good. ah, i'm so excited. i'm full of energy now
I was curious about it since it was an anime original but also a bit skeptical about it since it was an anime original. But I saw earlier it has some old-school fighter planes or at least homages to them so it piqued my interest a bit more. Seems like it would be neat to check out but fitting a double-length episode in might be haaaard. There's a lot to watch this season.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's definitely the best first episode I've seen so far. That was so good that even if all the episodes are double length, I'll fit it in somehow.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that covid shit worked out pretty nice thanks to that i was able to watch a ton of anime since i couldnt go into the office this morning
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and then one of the clients' kidneys started failing, his feet swole up like water balloons, and he missed therapy all day, so thanks to that, i was able to leave work early too what a great day
honto ni? i skipped it because the synopsis made it sound kind of crappy but i'll check it out if you say so
The manga's written by the author of Hayate the Combat Butler who is really good at just doing ... weird humour. Also the synopsis does a really poor job of illustrating the scenes it describes for you but that might be good because it's definitely best to not be spoilered on it.
If Blue remembered /moe/ existed more than once a fortnight he'd probably be here vouching for it too with me.
well i'll check it out! i feel really good lately. like i've got everything handled. i think i might be able to manage to watch more than 5 shows this season like the old days
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i even cooked two nights in a row i haven't done that in forever and i cooked saturday too and i'll cook thursday and saturday too on saturday i'm gonna make this curry recipe with apples and mushrooms and all kinds of cool stuff i wanted to make it yesterday but it takes like 2 hours and the only way i can manage that is on the weekend although it makes 10 servings and apparently freezes well!
They really laid on the yuri (lily) symbology pretty thick in the first episode hah hah.
Plus there was also the scene as she was activating her weapon for the first time and needed to prick her arm and spill her maiden blood. I sure like my SYMBOLISM
in any case I think it's supposed to be eaten with the fruit, and then you eat the hot ramen and stuff afterwards like a dip, but it's ice cream, and you're eating fruit instead of chips
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but the ice cream will melt into the ramen!
Only if you're slow! The chocolate sauce is a bit much tho
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can't appreciate your food if you eat it too quickly!
If you eat hot food slowly, you're eating wrong to begin with and it can't be helped
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, you have to take your time and eat or you won't taste your food!
i'd rather its taste start to change than to never taste any of it! you gotta take your time and appreciate the food! and everything that went into it!
I used to be one of those slow eaters, actually, but now I'm usually the first to finish my food But then again, I don't really eat for taste mostly anyway There's a reason I'm spaghetti-chan, after all
i am a naturally fast eater. my mom used to be a paramedic so she was a fast eater, and then that rubbed off on me
but now i want to appreciate and savor my food! i'm cooking it so it tastes good! my mom was a bland cook when i was growing up now i try all kinds of stuff to get all kinds of flavors i want to eat food that tastes really good! i want food that will make me go OOOH
Certain foods I just outright devour almost compulsively. Pizza in particular. Same with the kinda simple pasta I tend to make for myself that's just marinara sauce and grated cheese.
But when it's a nice meal I tend to eat it slowly. Especially if I'm eating socially I tend to eat things veeeery slowly.
it's precisely because i take amphetamines that i want to enjoy my food! i don't get hungry much so it's a joy to eat!
>>880246 i don't take adderall, i take vyvanse it's way better and yeah i can growing up on adderall i couldn't but with vyvanse i'm at a lower functional equivalent dose and i actually can eat now it's truly wonderful i usually just eat an apple for lunch, but i eat a big breakfast and a nice dinner every night!
well, I don't intend to get back on meds anyway but on meds I've never been able to eat, hungry or not hungry isn't even a factor It's like when I get out of bed, except the whole day physically repulsed by the idea of eating
>>880246 i never had problems eating on addy but i have a huge appetite to begin with
I like eating, but the steps in front of it are too much work, so usually I do not eat anything more than maybe some bread I made actual dinner today, this is the second time since I moved
I've eaten actual dinner twice in 3 months I can't be trusted on my own
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>880251 come over on thursday i'm gonna make teriyaki steak new york strips were on sale i got 2 for $10
Since we did Thanksgiving this past weekend we've got an overabundance of turkey so my mom made her turkey curry casserole for dinner tonight. It's a great way to use leftover turkey and it's super tasty.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>880254 come over on saturday then im gonna make this
no way you put in a ton of effort all the time to avoid putting in effort
>>880266 Does your grocery place not have a few options available for freezer pizzas then? Here I could get vegetarian, meat lovers, deluxe, pepperoni, on top of a couple cheese options.
>>880271 They do, but to be honest most of the ones that have MORE than just cheese tend to taste bad, or they're just... really not a lotta food
It's kind of a cost:taste:foodvalue thing >>880270 Please, it's very easy for me to not put in effort, I simply do literally anything else and in 15 minutes I'll forget I was gonna check out this minecraft world I have with a friend today, but that's kinda effort cause I don't wanna play minecraft, so I just... didn't It's not effort for me to not do something
>>880272 no way! it's human nature to put in a lot of effort. it's our natural behavior. we just trick ourselves into not putting in effort. even depression takes a lot of effort to keep up. everything we do takes effort! except for zazen, which is like, an effortless effort
You have a very different definition of effort Which may explain why you wanted to use that word rather than work, which you know means something other than you mean
things take different amounts of effort. and it's important to control the effort you put into things! if you put all your effort into maintaining negative thoughts, for example, you won't have any effort left to put into other things! effort is just when you do something with determination! that determinedness quality that you add to the thing is effort!
But I don't put effort into my depression for the most part I don't have these like, TV-show esque prevailing negative thoughts Not throughout the day I just have no energy, no motivation, and no will to change
It's mostly durign the late evening and when I go to bed there's any real energy spent on it
no will to change means you're putting effort into not changing. we all do it! you might not notice the effort you're putting into it but it's there. when you put effort into something for a long time, before you know it, you don't even see that you're doing it anymore. negative thoughts, negative beliefs, everything is maintained through effort we make determined effort to maintain it all because if we don't, it naturally changes the same is true of positive thoughts
just sounds like yhou're making it up as you go tbh
well i'm not! just because you don't notice it doesn't mean it's not true. i was like that for a long time too. i spent years putting in effort to make sure i remained miserable. i didnt notice it until i did, but the whole time, i was intentionally doing things and making choices that maintained my misery and suffering. everyone's like that, that's just how we are. we put a lot of effort into being miserable. i haven't had a single client for therapy that was different
that isn't to say that getting better is as easy as just not putting in that effort because there's a lot more to it, but to get better, you have to stop putting in effort towards things that hurt you. that's just how it is for everyone. and in the west, we're really bad at that
It doesn't make any sense to me, cause the more effort I put in to make myself not feel shitty, the harder it hits when I go to bed at night I've been feeling better during the day for like a few weeks, but at night it's rough It feels a lot more like I spend my energy to avoid feeling bad, and then I'm out of energy and I can't hold it back anymore
One of the most ironic things about being human is that the more we try to avoid feeling bad, the worse we actually feel in the long run. To feel good, you have to feel bad, too.
Today, that girl I like at work, she said she doesn't think it's fair that people get in trouble for not following the geneva convention. I think I'll back off a little bit.
>>880286 We only really have two options! Feel both good and bad, or feel nothing! And when we feel nothing, all we have is numbness, and that feels like shit in a worse way than sadness or anxiety.
Eh, numbness doesn't make me plan my own death, most of the time, at least It's bad, but it's not "I gotta end this" bad It's a different bad
>>880287 Ah, yikes. I mean maybe that's a "literally brain problems" thing she said without quite thinking it all the way through. But if not that's pretty fucking conerning.
I was giving her this look when she said it, and she was like "if someone killed my friends and i was supposed to take them prisoner, i'd probably kill them too" and she said it's not fair that we have to follow the geneva convention bc other countries don't, so i said that nobody follows the geneva convention and she started saying that in war sometimes you have to do things you wouldn't normally do and that you shouldn't get in trouble for torturing a prisoner just because you did it by yourself as opposed to torturing a prisoner because the government told you to but... you shouldn't torture prisoners, you know? even if the government tells you to
i hear a lot of fucked up shit every day but actually disliking the geneva convention really weirded me out lol
>>880288 sure but we numb ourselves when we don't know how to deal with the bad once we learn how to, even that is better than numb last sunday i cried for like half an hour and it was great. it felt so good to just be sad
Torture's a real dumb one to fixate on as far as "an eye for an eye" goes since it serves no functional purpose most of the time and basically just operates as a rationalization for someone to be inhumane and sadistic. You're not "levelling the playing field" by torturing when the enemy is already torturing, neither of you are doing anything that could be remotely construed as a benefit.
If you really want to go for revenge because someone killed your friends or whatever, I personally don't think you're going to find satisfaction but I can at least understand the desire for a macabre equality. But you're not getting that with torture.
Whether or not the Geneva Convention is effective or not doesn't mean the principles behind it are ethical and decent!
I mean, if I walk into some Afghan village and start shooting up people I think are bad guys and the people I represent have been bombing the villagers for a while, and they shoot up my buddy, like, yeah it sucks, but do I really have the right to be like "i want revenge!!" It doesn't make sense to me at all!
And torture is weird, too. It's just like, are you really such a loser that this is how you get your jollies? Get a life.
Part of the problem is there's still a pretty thorough propaganda campaign that torture can extract information from its victims, but in reality you're probably just going to coerce the victim to tell you what you already believe, if anything at all. As long as there's a "for the greater good" rationalization for something, you can convince a lot of people to do awful things. And once you get a taste of power it can often be addicting.
Eh, I spend a lot of time hanging out with war criminals. Most of my appointments right now are with war criminals! That stuff doesn't have much of an effect on me. Almost everyone feels really bad about their war crimes. Haha, I had a dude who couldn't eat ground beef because it reminded him of a guy's face that he beat in. My job is full of exciting stuff like that. I think it's really exciting to see how the horrors one commits destroys them from the inside out.
I'm not! I'm just open and accepting of anything that I hear, and I think it's all great, even the bad stuff. My method of coping isn't about desensitization.
It's all decay to me. Watching someone retch at the idea of a cookout because they beat a guy to death? It's great! Even if it's horrible what he did and I don't like it, it's all pretty great, if you ask me. The world is so fucked up, I really like it. It's that ugliness that gives the world so much beauty, you know? A client recently road raged a guy that cut him off, followed him into a parking lot, used his car to pin the guy to his own car, and told him about how many people he killed to protect him, and the guy was just like "t-thanks for your service" It's so funny, right? Even though it's bad, it gets me really excited.
this saber lesbian better be good because I'll have a low opinion of you for placing her higher than axe lesbian if she isn't
I also really like the Tonikaku OP Has a very MOGRA-y vibe to it.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I thought so too!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so she's an alien or something, right?
That was my second guess yeah. First I was thinking she was a vampire because pale skin and only showing up at night. But yeah I was thinking and the "to the moon" motif and other space stuff does make you think she's an alien.
There has to be a reason for why she's superhuman hah hah
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
And she survived that accident with no injuries!
Yeah, superhuman! I mean the Hayate manga definitely had some unreal injuries and circumstances but that series always propped them up with tsukkomi comedy and lampshading how ridiculous it was. This series strikes me more as setting up her being superhuman as a plot point rather than just a comedy bit.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, agreed i am honestly barely familiar with hayate though
It was one of the first manga I ever read, before I was really into otaku stuff. There was a magazine I had a subscription to for a while as like a pre-teen that occasionally got promo chapters of stuff Viz had licensed. Hayate was one of the series they got one from. Once it clicked to me years later when I was really getting into anime and manga that I'd seen it before I got pretty into it. I think I own like ten or twelve of the physical localized volumes. And I'm pretty sure I read all the manga.
I dunno if it would make for a great thing to go back and read if you didn't do so while it was serializing but I'm really fond of it! And that made me excited for this getting an anime.
Where is Blue I need to nag him to watch this.
Whenever I hear about Hayate I always think about how depressed Kumeta got when his former assistant (Hayate's mangaka) became so successful.
>>880335 but will steve counter pikachu will we enter a minecraft and pokemon meta
this is what sakurai wants
I don't know if that's what Sakurai wants! He probably didn't ever expect Steve to be a character in his game.
Oh no
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
So tell me, what is your favorite cat pun?
AI: Well, the best pun for me was the one he searched for the third time: “You didn’t eat all my fish, did you?” You see, the word “fish” can be replaced with the word “cats” to make the sentence read “Did you eat all my cats?”
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>880348 i dont know if steve can really deal with all of pika's shit tho the meta goes on i guess pika is weak to swords and disjoints if you're a pro who can hit such a moving target
>>880402 How does replacing the word "fish" with the word "cats" rewrite the entire sentence though!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
game and watch is pika's worst matchup by votes apparently interesting
>In her excellent book, Men Who Would Be King: An Almost Epic Tale of Moguls, Movies, and a Company Called DreamWorks, Nicole Laporte quoted an animator as noting, "It was known as the Gulag. If you failed on ‘Prince of Egypt,' you were sent to the dungeons to work on ‘Shrek.’ ”
Apparently the punishment even had a nickname - to be "Shreked."
tho if memory serves shrek had an interesting production too including the script being completely rewritten when mike whathshiface powers became the final voice actor
>>880443 Yeah, it got rewritten a few times iirc. Chris Farley was originally going to play Shrek too. The character design was sort of based on him and was altered when Meyers was hired.
It's actually a really smart trick they played. If the arena isn't going to comply with outlines you've stated for safety reasons then the band really does have a good reason to can the whole concert.
nicholas cage was initially offered the role
seriously the fuck is cage just go to guy on anything weird? there are so many what ifs had he accepted some role that he refused
Cage has had a long history with financial issues. In part he's kinda dumb and buys a lot of expensive shit. But he also had a really bad divorce that fleeced him for a big settlement and probably additional costs down the line.
So it's less that he's fine with doing whatever and more he pretty much needs as much money as his acting can provide him.
He's addicted to buying sports cars and castles.
didn't he buy a bunch of dinosaur bones
The first time I heard about him buying dumb shit was a bunch of really expensive steak knives. The man just likes spending money for some reason.
quite many seem to lose their sense of value once they get paid in millions to tens of millions
Nic Cage is also the son of a famous director (actor? I don't really know my celebrities) so it's not like he was ever born to less. He's probably always been pretty affluent.
Am I the only one who feels there's like half an episode missing between episode 7 and 8 of lovecraft country? Like, I finish 7, I start 8, and I feel like I'm missing a bunch
Yeah, we'll see where it goes. There's weird gender stuff in there that I don't really get yet. I mean, I can put it together "the white liberal woman is not the ally of the black people" kind of thing but I also don't feel like that's where the series is going completely.
I think her role is analogous. She appears with promises that she's going to help these Black people to get their place at the table, but then she abuses and manipulates them. The ones that pretty much just give in to her, she helps out and treats them like "an equal" but if they're not abiding by her rules, they're not worth keeping around unless they have a function to her like Tic. She gives Ruby all this power while manipulating her, but it's really only for Christina's gain and maybe a little bit of pity. Christina fights against these white men in power, but she does it by using other less powerful people as weapons instead of allying herself with them.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
And she doesn't want to get rid of power, she wants to be in power.
SONY did a breakdown (literally) of the PS5 today and apparently those sideplates that kinda clamshell it can be removed without any extra tools. I don't think you'd still want to run the PS5 with them removed since the empty spaces they create serve as air throughfares for cooling the machine but if they're easily removable they're also easily replaceable. Which would make for some fun customization options. Games wouldn't even have to sell an entire custom designed console to match with their big game, they could just sell you the game and have replaceable plates as a bonus in the deluxe edition. Not to mention all the bootlegs that'll inevitably get made.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That's neat. Will make it easier to clean it, too.
Someone's probably already at work designing some plates that you plug into the USB for power, and they've got like, a moving gradient of colors or something FUTUUUUURE
>>880490 Designed that way by the look of it. Removing the plates lets you get pretty much straight at the fan, as well as two holes the video even clearly states "this is where you vacuum to remove dust". There's also a niche behind the plates where you can add expandable storage to your PS5.
>>880491 Not that it's never stopped nobody but you'd probably not want light screens for plates for your PS5 hah hah I suspect they're made from a material that dissipates heat or at least doesn't hold it. If you've got lights running on your plates they're likely gonna be generating heat your PS5 isn't designed to account for. But I guess if you reaaaally want to be an LED gamer, all power to you.
The breakdown video also dismantles the PS5 past the point of consumer warranty which is neat to see. But I feel it might make viewers a bit confused since the entire video is preceeded by a "don't do this at home you void your warranty", but the first part of the video that involves removing the plates and showing how the console's stand works for both horizontal and vertical placement are clearly things users are free to do.
Also the console has a really big heatsink. Like it takes up most of the space of the inside of the console
Some quests in Genshin, you just talk to someone and the item is turned in Others, you gotta manually select it in a box And I can't find a reason for that, because only once has it been like, a choice on my end
During Xianglang's cooking thing, it made sense because I could choose one of three ingredients, but with everything else, it already tells you what to select, and highlights it for you
Like all of those things trapped in a little shield of air, that you gotta go into from above, you can just E and get in there Also he's an archer, surprisingly, I thought he'd be a book user But he's only gonna be available for like 2 more weeks or something
>>880502 I also got that wind alchemist girl she seems like a ton type
Tryna unlock Xianglang so I can get a dupe and get her first constellation A bit underleveled for this I think, but it's going OK
I like how the bird plays the straight man to the chuuni
is kancolle a gacha?
Unless they reworked it from when I was playing years back, not really, but you're still relying on random chance to get girls. You could get new ships from either drops from completing stages, with each stage having its own drop table, or by constructing a ship using resources and time, which after the time is completed it's another random roll based on some factors. It's a different model from the standardized rolling for characters you see in most gacha these days but it's still pretty gacha-poi.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's a gacha that eats your time instead of your money
Oh wow Muse Dash on sale is stupid cheap. Like 1.69 CAD >>880531 I don't think it's an expansion but a microtransaction pack or something. But the page for it doesn't really say what
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there's like a 20 dollar expansion thing right
it does for you.
Oh it's a season pass-like DLC that gives you all the song packs that have come out and will come out. I guess if you really enjoy the gameplay that's a pretty good deal.
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Suck it corona! Something finally made it out of Japan!! Yeh, let's go weeb CDs! --I am forsaken and only pull weapons in GImpact...send help...
Even if I don't roll only weapons...I've only gotten one male, then only waifus... I want fucking males damn it! Get these fucking womens away from meee!
I've got the guy with the electro wolf stand on my crew he's cool
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Lucky bitch, you got Razor. He looks fun.
I don't even have a 5star
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
"S" & "C" are cursed...the name is cursed to pull nothing from gatchas! Panic!
The locational audio in Phasmophobia is super cool. Like you can talk over walkie-talkies but otherwise you can only hear people in-game if they're realistically close enough to you to hear.
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Why do all the horror games look like shit? Phasmphobia...Dead By Daylight...7 Days to Die... All look just awful, but people still play 'em
>>880579 it's got real good elements >>880578 and don't you know some of the better ones look shit it isn't about the looks, even pixelated can be spooky as fuck if done right
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Day By Daylight has no excuse to look so damn ugly--it rakes in money still.
well dead by daylight is crap
Even just text alone can make you feel unpleasant and in distress. Human emotion isn't solely triggered by visual elements.
well multiplayer horror by almost default doesn't work phasmphobia prolly is the first one to really integrate the multiplayer experience into the game so that it strenghtens the experience >>880590 name a triple A horror game
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
I'm just saying why the hell is popular shit so damn ugly. Some have the money to fix that shit. --I won't speak on playing them solely cause I don't have friends. Among Us is a fun watch tho' compaired to the others...Day By Daylight is second place to just watch.
>>880589 The co-op element is great because it makes it fun since you're just dicking around with friends. Until the spooks start coming and then you're panicking because it's your friends that are in danger. Or you. The fact that it's also compatible with VR must be crazy too.
Among Us is even fun with randos I had a situation where I managed to avoid getting ejected and get the imposter ejected by saying "nah, wasn't me, i'm just a drunk cat"
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
I saw that alot of the time tho' that getting randos to play Among Us and not quit when they ain't the Imposter is rough.
or when they dead do the damn TASKS fuckers
I still havn't finished my tasks even once
>>880591 the kill animation, especially once polished will be horrifying in VR
The fact that the ghosts respond to you talking in their presence is hella cool too. I / >>880598 I know the game implies that's what happens, but do we know for certain it's programmed and set up to do that? Because that sounds much more complicated than it being able to detect a source of sound.
and recognise their names and some phrases too
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
>>880589 I didn't do the name a Trip-A game, so I gunno do that Dead Space I really have to say a number tho'? Everyone liked the WELCOME TO THE FAMILY, SON The Jason Game for awhile...then it blew up, and now seems to be dead...sad, it could have replaced Dead Daylight...but just tripped on it's fucking face. --shit, I'm blanking on the name...the 2 came out and blew the 1st out the water... Fuck THE EVIL WITHIN There it is! The first was fucking garbage--2 looked better...but still "I wanna be RE4" feeling something hardcore.
>>880597 it is a bit of stretch but not impossible with modern stuff there isn't enough material to go around, but it does seem to be the case that the more you shout the name, the more quicker they go into kill mode but who knows it just might be "more you shout, the more it triggers"
Yeah it would be the coolest if it was context-sensitive like that. I'm just dubious because that's a pretty complex situation to detect specific sound and be able to comprehend various vocal pitches and still understand the name as correct. Especially with the fairly diverse name pool it seems to be able to pull from. If it was a decently big studio or even a n indie team that has like one guy who's a big sound nerd who worked backwards from a personal fascination of his to develop a game, I wouldn't be surprised. But it's developed by a single person so to make a complex sound recognition system in the game just feels absolutely crazy.
>>880599 first one was way more scarier tho and the overall story was better too 2 just improved the gameplay and look by a fuckton, which is important in any experience tho
2 had that camera guy who was a damn fun villain to hate but they really didn't do much with him in the end
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
>>880602 The monster designs were on fucking point in the first! The box-head...the burtcher what the fuck he was, was fucking great. The bitch you had to burn to kill was good too. But the first moved so damn fast all the damn was like on speed. Things that kill horror...SPEED, and humor. Well..."comedy"
Once the camera died in kinda Also another end where something didn't need to happen...but it does cause need that bittersweet ending.
>>880601 unless of course a basic design already exists as a tool you can buy i mean all phones come with speech recognisition and so on recognition
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Big giant red flag for umm...what was it "Ghost Line"? The upcoming "It's SPOOOKY" game. Since they kicked out the girl that has the gifs of "It's SPOOOKY", and her monster designs are TOP TIER, TOOOP TIIIIER!.
>>880604 I might be wrong but I think smartphone speech recognisition is proprietary to the OS developer. Of course there's also software you can just get that does it too. But I also don't know how you'd get that into the game as a mechanic.
>>880606 'deed even if you can get it, it is propably a huge task to implement it into a game not to mention, how even if you do it propably 80% of the time it won't recognise anything, since people are speaking on top off each other not to mention accents etc
still I do think the game has the ghosts respond with "adult/kid" and seen it come after "how old are you" etc so either the rng for the lines is really special or there actually is some system to pick up key words
that was a fun experience sauna+swimming during pitch black darkness, only illuminated by a small lantern and the random lights eminating from other cottages on the lakeshore no star or moonlight as it was completely overcast
did end up falling when walking back from the sauna to the cottage, rolling in the underbrush and hurting my elbow, which still is sore
>>880624 From Kohmi, of course there's the classic Promise, but 月の下で逢いましょう is a really good song, too. Her THE BEST 1992-2018 album is full of great stuff.
For JUNNA, pretty much anything she did when she played Mikumo in Macross Delta is great, but as for her individual work, Vai! Ya! Vai! is a great song (and album) and コノユビトマレ is really good too.
For Perfume, I really like チョコレイト・ディスコ and Time Warp, but I'm still getting into them recently so I'm honestly not super familiar with them yet.
Also, Kohmi's Groovy! was used for Cardcaptor Sakura as an ED
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
>>880631 Thank you! I never would have remembered! Neeever... -- 1992 to 2018 is such a big line of being great. Most singers and bands can only hope for one hit CD and bum off it forever.
...need to get around to Macross--the singing is what puts me...I got ausitsm and hate singing in things I watch.
LET'S DO THE TIME WARP...AGAIN Oh nooo...linking spotfly is reflex...and /moe/ hates it...
Kohmi is really big in Japan, she's got stuff that got like 2+ million sales. She's really good! I don't think she's making new music anymore, though. I don't think she's really done anything since like 2012, other than rerecording some old stuff. Like there's a 2016 version of Promise. She's still active, though.
Hoshino Gen is really good too. Koi and Pop Virus are my favorite Gen songs.
I also like CHiCO with HoneyWorks, their song 乙女どもよ is really comfy. There's someone named Iwata Naoko that I know absolutely nothing about but found on Spotify who is good, too. Her Senbonzakura is also comfy.
>>880635 Agreed! It was featured in Kojima's Death Stranding.
that is an interesting art style somehow reminds me of some 2hu fanimes
>>880639 I think Spotfly might have tried pushing CHiCO on looks really fucking familiar seeing. And not knocking Senbonzakura...but why's everyone and their dog gotta cover it? --Ahhh, shit. It's in Death Stranding? I still havn't bought it and delivered packages.
>>880643 SB69 has some fujo in it, but also a lot of not so much fujo. It's a Sanrio project, a rhythm game, and three anime. Some of the bands in it are really good. Ueda Marie was a singer in one of them! >>>/watch?v=sNPzois2oZs
shit imma go grab it just to be disappointed most likely
>>880645 I'm fine with fujo shit and fine with rythem games--you mistake me for Marsh however with giving me a cute girlly song! With a cute girly singer!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>880656 whether there's anything there or not! If you can see it, it fails to become art!
Tony Hawk being in Smash would be an even more impossible astonishment than Steve. At least Minecraft is absurdly popular.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Tony Hawk is pretty popular. People just don't know he is.
Pretty popular, sure, but not Minecraft-popular!
I could totally see them putting something in like landing hits with your attacks to build Special meter so you can unlock the better tricks (that do more damage) when it maxes out.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they add rails and ramps to all the maps that tony can place and do tricks on
> An earlier universe existed before the Big Bang and can still be observed today, Sir Roger Penrose has said, as he received the Nobel Prize for Physics.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Sir Roger believes that ‘dead’ black holes from earlier universes or ‘aeons’ are observable now. If true, it would prove Hawking’s theories were correct.
Sir Roger shared the World Prize in physics with Prof Hawking in 1988 for their work on black holes.
Speaking from his home in Oxford, Sir Roger said: “I claim that there is observation of Hawking radiation.
“The Big Bang was not the beginning. There was something before the Big Bang and that something is what we will have in our future.
“We have a universe that expands and expands, and all mass decays away, and in this crazy theory of mine, that remote future becomes the Big Bang of another aeon.
The Quetzalcoatlus is such a mindblowing creature. When it was alive it could FLY Like look at that thing with its big-ass beak and long neck. What was the atmosphere like which it could actually fly?
Probably had a higher percentage of oxygen, bt only enough to support respiration for larger animals, not enough to male it easier for it to fly. *make it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Axolotls rock.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hear they're cool but i missed the whole glow up
Glow up? Anyways, it's a damn shame they're almost extinct in the wild but luckily there's a large captive population due to their popularity as a lab animal and pet. >>880718 Cool I guess.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like they're bein added to minecraft along with goats
The Minecraft Axolotls are pretty cute. And kinda functional too.
They become follower pets if you pick them up in a bucket (cute) and put them back down in water. At which point they'll fight to defend you from underwater mobs, which has its situational benefits because some of the more recent updates do flesh out the water environments. I'm sure some big Minecraft nerd will figure out a way to industrialize this too and use it to make more efficient Guardian farms or something.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
catchy and releaseo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i played minecraft with my bro for a while but we got as far as my like 1.0 knowledge got and then quit cuz i didnt know what to do with all the new shit
I don't think I've played since the early alpha.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how are you to progress once you have horses and nether portals and access to some biomes potions? ender stuff? go underwater?
>>880723 I've been playing a bit again lately because I've got the itch. Even when I haven't been playing though I've been following Minecraft YouTubers so I'm familiar with the game's development.
>>880725 Honestly that's the real problem of the game. Because it's like 99.9% hands-off, it's a hard game to know what to do in if you're a total foreigner to the game and haven't kept up to date with the culture of the game. I've played off and on for like ten years now so I'm familiar with the development so I know from that the content that's in the game. But it's really hard to know what the progression is if you don't have that experience. Mojang has been trying to retrofit the game to include stuff to direct you but there's just too much arcane shit that's been added to the game over the years without any thought of how to make the player understand it that it's a monumental task.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like you're supposed to be a kid and have a million hours to discover everything
like we did some treasure maps and found the heart of the sea and stuff but how are you supposed to know to fish for some shells and craft a thingy
More than that the crafting book, which I think ought to tell you the materials you'd need at least to make the Conduit, doesn't actually tell you that it's actually just part of a larger multiblock structure you need to put together to actually get the underwater benefits from building it. That's really only information you'd get from going to the wiki or already knowing about it. Which isn't good gameplay, but that's kind of just what Minecraft is. It's a bad game but an amazing sandbox.
>>880725 To more or less answer your question though, the progression flow made straightforward is probably Get diamond gear -> Enchant -> Visit the Nether to acquire Blaze Rods -> Craft Eyes of Ender -> Hunt down a Stronghold in the overworld -> Visit The End and kill the dragon -> Adventure to the outer End Islands to get Elytra and be able to fly There's a few optional things too like killing a Wither boss to get ingredients to make Beacons which will give persistent buffs in an area around them, or with the most recent Nether update going to find Ancient Debris to go down the craft path to get Netherite for the absolute strongest gear. But those are optional to "beating" Minecraft, as much as Minecraft is a game you can beat.
It's really just not a game in so far as the progression and completing objectives is a part of the game design. You can just faff about in the game doing whatever, like trading with villagers and setting up villager towns is actually a relatively elaborately designed mechanic in the more recent patches, but doing so is just meant to be fun to engage with and not really exist as an objective with the game. You can build structures and bases and find satisfaction in that, but again, a complex base with automated farms and fancy aesthetics isn't actually going to "win" you the game. Nothing you really do int -in the game aside from the beeline to killing the Ender Dragon is really an objective, and really even killing the Ender Dragon isn't really an objective because the game isn't over when you kill it since you can just make it respawn and kill it again and the world doesn't really change at all after it's been killed once. The fun you extract out of Minecraft depends pretty much entirely on your ability to create your own fun, which is probably why it's just not a good game for a lot of people.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lots of games these days are just wiki based progression tbh Toby's Lament
Discovering stuff in a lot of these newer games is just not fucking feasible if you wanna get anywhere near the 50% mark You kinda gotta use the wiki, or you're just treading water
Yeah that's part of why I quit Terraria. They kept adding more and more crafting shit. What you could do with two or three crafting stations eventually started requiring like six. And also I never forgave the game for killing my old laptop.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wanna make a game where theree is a real cost to dying you go out into the wilds and you don't know what to expect cuz it's a real advantage to know the value of information you die you lose crypto tokens or somrthing idk
Minecraft was fucking brutal like that early on, too, cause there was no crafting book or anything Even figuring out how to make a bed was like, you needed the wiki
>>880731 my bro had a good time building a base but we dtopped playin for a few reasons, one being i didnt really know what to do, another being he finally died cuz Nether and lost all his shit
>I am a cat. As yet I have no name. I’ve no idea where I was born. All I remember is that I was miaowing in a dampish dark place when, for the first time, I saw a human being. This human being, I heard afterwards, was a member of the most ferocious human species; a shosei, one of those students who, in return for board and lodging, perform small chores about the house. I hear that, on occasion, this species catches, boils, and eats us. However as at that time I lacked all knowledge of such creatures, I did not feel particularly frightened. I simply felt myself floating in the air as I was lifted up lightly on his palm. When I accustomed myself to that position, I looked at his face. This must have been the very first time that ever I set eyes on a human being. The impression of oddity, which I then received, still remains today. First of all, the face that should be decorated with hair is as bald as a kettle. Since that day I have met many a cat but never have I come across such deformity. The center of the face protrudes excessively and sometimes, from the holes in that protuberance, smoke comes out in little puffs. I was originally somewhat troubled by such exhalations for they made me choke, but I learnt only recently that it was the smoke of burnt tobacco which humans like to breathe. For a little while I sat comfortably in that creature’s palm, but things soon developed at a tremendous speed.
I always end up getting bored of minecraft before I've even done anything fun, cause like It's just so self-directed I don't have a real feeling of progression when I play minecraft
>>880736 I like to think of it as Minecraft is a game that was created first and designed second. At least for most of the early development. Honestly being bought out by Microsoft was probably a good thing in that aspect because I think they probably encouraged Mojang to start approaching new content with a bit more design and broader game concept thoughts in mind. Back when it was just them they kinda just threw in whatever content they thought would be fun to have in a sandbox. They didn't care about documenting or explaining shit because who cares? Cool shit is cool. And now they've got a game that is poorly suited to explaining systems to its players but also has like a couple dozen relatively developed systems that are just totally arcane to new players. They don't really have an easy out that doesn't involve just throwing an in-game wiki into the game.
i was so livid i was even more so afterwards when my dumb fuck imposter buddy who got caught round 1 was dropping the "what the fuck were you doing you threw" in the chat like dude you fucking killed in front of 3 people 20 seconds in i dont give a shit what you have to saw SECOND OF ALL
>>880765 Yeah but I don't have confidence in my ability to be shitposty with people I don't know but I also know being the usual is boring as fuck
hit her with the "nice shoes, wanna fuck?" it's a 100% success rate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>880770 never gotten that but i dont present as a gorl
>>880771 It's less about what could go wrong and more I literally don't know what I'm supposed to say. I can be shitposty with friends because I know them and I know how to riff off them for fun. But I don't have that with strangers! So I'm really, earnestly, just stuck without any content to work off of because when it comes to being social I really don't have the experience that I feel normal people have here.
You could give her a riddle.
>what's your favorite movie >what's your favorite band >favorite album >favorite song >favorite anime
Oops >favorite anime Huh you can't spoiler in "green" text. Anyways there's plenty of ice breakers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>880774 if you're presenting as a cis male i think you're expected to take charge of the convo
Ask her who her favorite K-on is
>>880778 I'm aware but that knowledge just makes things even worse because awareness doesn't translate into capability.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
then just shitpost at them see what sticks idk im not good at this but i think shitposting >>> small talk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is anyone watching the debat i want to know if im makin money tmrw but im at a bar
Fuck no
ask her who her favorite character from not a dog shit anime like kon is
Okay PAN I'll ask her who her favourite Vtuber is
that's not an anime, by default in correct answer
ask her her favorite fate/zero master if it's not kotomine kirei you know to dodge
But best Fate/Zero Master is WABER BERUBET
Kotomine just goes "lol okay I'll just surrender to my sociopathic desires" Waver actually has character development over the series.
waver is a shit master and doesnt get cool until he LOSES
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
waver is cool later yeah
then he stands up to gil and it's like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Ask her "wich 2hu wud u fuck?"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats goin waaaaaay too far ask her "wich ghibli wud u fuk?"
now we begin a long journey the road to STEPHANIEEEEE
find a bug and find a snak
stephanies gibe gone i dunno how yoy lost hr when we were giving her free dr*gs lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i remember nothing**
its ok it was funny
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hows ur pink nendroid
it works thats all i needed my cars broke r :/ rn
its one of those cars that turn off wheen you stop at lights i dont like them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stop and go should be reserved to EVs its so weird for ICEs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they got you pushin pencils down at the base?
right now were doing layouts which means we have to literally taake out everything wth a serial number and show it to our commander and theres a lot of medical spplies with a serial number
its ok this isnt the first time its a sign i need to UP MY GAME which is the primary thing im focused on these days
ok read a book called the art of pickups for dummies
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
more like read the classics all of them cuz then maybe i could shoot the shit with this gorl i miss books
just read harry potter boom every girl is under u now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bitches LOVE purebloods
hey girl u wanna go back to my place ad hufflepuff a little gryffindor
and by that i mean smell my nuts lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna finally read (russian depressed guy) it'll be a fuckin treat
watch the movie leon the professional
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but really the cooleg books are whatever but i gotta get back on the journey to become a better myself and theres no books for that shit just uhh the gym and grad schoool LMAO
ur best bet is to tske like 10x doses of shrooms and hve someone throw you in a forest if u live youll be abetter yourseld
North American Chinese tends to make Szechuan with a lot of vegetable and noodle content, which I'm not too excited about. That and pork is generally my least favourite meat. The flavours are nice but all the meals it's prepared with are things I don't care too much for.
i have never ordered anything but fish in sechuan place tho good old fish in szechuan pepper soup best thing ever
>>880909 Not always, but it's more North American Chinese food culture is very different from legitimate Chinese food. Chinese restaurants tend to serve what's considered Chinese food, which is more kind of an Americanized take on it.