-- Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte iru Dungeon ni Deai wa Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III (DanMachi) Ikebukuro West Gate Park Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Munou na Nana Senyoku no Sigrdrifa (Double-length episode)
-- HorribleSubs Ahiru no Sora Black Clover Episode 143-146 Enen no Shouboutai
Just two additional shows today as well. Black Clover as usual (still filler), and Ikebukuro West Gate Park, which is a drama series about a bunch of boys' colour gangs in Ikebukuro. If you remember the colour gang antics from Durarara!!, it would be kind of like that except no magic and no super powers.
I've also been meaning to ask, there's a three-part OVA for Tite Kubo's Burn The Witch series. It's not really a Bleach sequel but it does take place in the same world (although in Britain not Japan). Is that something you'd be interested in watching?
There's also the direct story sequel to Inuyasha airing this season. I didn't really follow Inuyasha as a teen but I'm familiar enough with the story to probably jump in fine. If it's a show you think would be fun to watch I can start keeping track of it too, but it's not something I'd just go and watch myself like Burn The Witch.
He really liked the girls and said one of them had big Yuki Yuuna energy. I also saw some chatter about the show and I think it involves girls saving the world while fighting in old retro fighter warplanes. Which might be a bit cool in your books.
What a dweeb
Wait was that Australia.
Okay not quite. Man imagine if all these isekai characters get to go to cool fantasy worlds. And you're just stuck in magic Australia.
I know there's at least two main female characters in addition to the MC. But I'm really not familiar with this one in the slightest. Don't even think I've seen chatter about it in isekai threads.
Those two girls are being kinda weird hah hah I think they're supposed to be looking social and happy between the two of themselves but it kinda looked like they were leering at the MC.
The handprints on him are even more trippy than his head
Also the star on his crotch.
The way all his sentences cut short is kind of distracting too.
No need to look so down. Everyone who plays Fire Emblem know farmers/villagers have the highest potential!
Huh, so they get to return home each time they complete an objective. That's a bit unusual for an isekai. Though from the early stuff in the episode it seems like he doesn't want to go back.
They're all kinda dame dame in their own right.
Though at least the wind mage will probably scale up nicely as she gets stronger, and if the warrior can get over her cowardice a proper sword is actually useful. The MC so far really has the shortest stick.
Wow okay things got pretty grim pretty fast.
I mean I guess he's right that an isekai world would probably be much more exciting than anywhere in real life. But Tokyo's probably not thaaaat bad a place to be.
The tonal flip from dame dame light comedy to the serious "man we suck we're totally gonna die" was a bit sharp hah hah
>>880374 It's basically a running gag at this point
The longer this series goes on the more and more the new characters look like characters properly out of Soul Eater.
Oh no does this poor boy have the star-eyed asshole as a tulpa now. That really has to suck.
It's also fun that Viktor revealed everything to the Eighth before this since they get to play up the "we can't believe you betrayed us you traitor" act.
Wow I can't believe these sociopathic scientists would lie to Shinra like that.
As well as probably make a big stir above ground I bet. If even his Familia can barely abide him bringing a monster girl home, I feel the rest of the adventurers are gonna be absolutely incensed. Especially the ones who he's fought with in the past.
I feel like Hestia's Hestias are a bit more in focus this episode than they were all last season. Though that might be because he didn't spend much time around her during it.
I guess this new girl isn't the only monster that's been gaining sentience then. It seems like there's more monsters that are smart enough to steal weapons and armor.
I was thinking that Hestia's boobs were looking especially dangerous so they must have changed something I felt like there was less material coveringthem.
Yeah, I had a feeling like that too. Her outfit really is a silly one. Like pretty much every other outfit she's shown wearing looks better than it.
Hah hah the foxgirl just wants to pet the monster daughteru
But when are they going to get her actual clothes.
Ah. Well yeah I guess with claws like that something like this was inevitable.
Lili really HAET MONSUTA
When I first saw the promotional pictures for this season I thought the monster girl was gonna be a Drow elf or something. The pictures didn't really show off the scaly bits she's got or claws.
What a good family they all are.
>Big-ass bed >"Isn't it a bit cramped in here"
Kinda sounds like she died as a feral monster and somehow got reborn as this sentient one.
The series could maybe do with more male regular characters. The only real ones aside from Bell are blacksmith-kun and Hermes. It does kinda feel like that lizardman in the OP we just saw is male though and seems to be fighting with Bell. Maybe he recruits more of these sentient monsters that are showing up all of a sudden.
It's a harem showw more or less with males here and there
love live oksu okay lets start
I think rather than an anime original Love Live this one is kind of an adaptation of a Love Live mobage. Though it does have its own unique idol group in addition to bringing in the broader franchise for gacha pulls.
There's also a different actual anime-original Love Live that got announced a few months back that's probably still in the development stage.
tHE The red hair girl looks like a remix of honkers and the honkers remix still
By this point it feels like the franchise insists on having a red/orange-haired center girl for the aidoru groups.
Though if my information is correct the girl with the gradient green twintails is the player insert character in the mobage. She acts as manager for the player's aidoru group I think.
Though this one makes sense since it's also the plot of the mobage I'd bet. You have to give your level one players a fledgling school idol club so they can raise it as part of the gameplay.
Wow we get two aidoru performances in one episode
These are some cute illustrations for the ED I like the simple lines style.
Hah hah hah I kinda like this purple-eyed girl. She's got a lot of good expressions.