What are you doing here Bang Deca-Dence ended last Wednesday
Ahiru no Sora Episode 49-50 Black Clover Episode 143-145 Gibiate Episode 10-12 Koi to Producer To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 20-25 Great Pretender (subs by [Team Confidence])
ahiru 49 great pretender (what ep?) gibiate 10 producer
There should be only one episode for Great Pretender out by Team Confidencem episode fifteen. They don't quite seem to have the tenacious pace that Die Hot had for the first half of the series. But I've heard they're an improvement on the Netflix subs.
The episode of this that aired this week is the last one of the show. So I wonder if they'll end the game this episode and leave the final episode for a wrap-up or if it'll run down to the last minute.
>It's weird but I know his moves like the back of my hand And there's the fujobait
Yeah, no kidding. It's a sports anime so sure, losing the game but winning hearts is charming to a point. But it also doesn't really matter unless you actually win a bit.
The limited stamina their team has because of their small team numbers is really their biggest drawback. No amount of skill can make up for the exhaustion of playing for an hour in these kinds of intensive conditions.
The way this orange-haired kid is talking it doesn't really feel he's cut out to be a basketball player. Even the diva-est player probably understands you need to rely on your team to be the star.
How long is it going to take them to win one they should really just quit
I suspect this is the turning point in the broader series. That game they lost and burnt down their locker room after was the lowest, this is kind of a stabilizing point. And they can stop playing against teams that are brutally outside their skill range since they're starting from the base.
Wow Momoharu is going for a big fish for their advisor, asking the principal himself to supervise them.
There's still episode fifty though. Without any reasonable way to fit a game in there and the big issues kinda resolved here I wonder how they're gonna fill it.
Imagine taking so long to win a game 50 episodes and no win amazing
great pretender okay lets start
Apparently the entire second half of this is one arc. Unlike the three arcs of the first half.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
masahiro sakurai
He's not involved with this show Samurai
Poor Cynthia is just a footnote in his recap of the first half. Ah I guess she's also kicking off the recap for the third arc. I really liked this one.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>That bulge
Laurent's gang never seems to con anyone who's not a considerable ass themselves. Mafioso movie directors who moonlight as drug movers, Saudi princes that rig races, manipulative douchebag art dealers. As far as livelihoods go there's far worse options.
Honestly working in a trading firm is basically just being a legal con man.
Yeah but they're working on a bigger scam than that
Man this is some real zaibatsu shit I half expected the old warty CEO from Kaiji and Tonegawa to step out of that helicopter.
Oh no. Ohhhh no
Yep I was wondering how quickly we'd accelerate from normal trades good to ... this.
Sasuga Laurant. As per the usual he has Edamame dancing in the palm of his hand. Now he has someone already well-integrated into the company he's gonna be looking to fleece.
Oh the younger of those Saudi princes -is joining them this time aorund.
If you get too impatient there are lousy "official" subs from Netflix. People have ripped them and uploaded at least. But yeah so far I've been holding out for fansubbers.
The English sus -subs are a bit weird since the episodes aren't available outside of Japan yet, and I think the English subs were added when the episodes first dumped but then quickly retracted. So maybe the producers were only putting them in as prototype subs or something. Either way they'd probably suffice but might be a bit lousy.
I warmly await a time when we can return to not needing shows like this to fill empty space.
As far as melee weapons go for fighting monsters that can infect you with a single injury, spears are a pretty good option. They give you plenty of range and have pretty good stabbing power.
The other two stooges were somewhat understandable or at least humanized with their stories. But the fat one was just "hey government sucks I wanted to blow them up no regrets"
They haven't really done anything at all with the time travel stuff have they it's just like there and nobody has questioned it
Yeah it only really seems to serve the purpose of giving them an excuse to bring a real samurai and ninja into this monster-infested world. There's literally no explanation for why and they haven't played around with anything you'd normally expect from time travel.
When you think about it, time travel is kind of more amazing that weird zombie monsters
Pretty much. The series even diagnoses the monsters as a viral mutation so y'know, it's pretty much just biohazard bullshit a la Resident Evil or something. Time travel by comparison is even more fantastical.
Really though even with a vaccine they can somehow develop, they're still stuck in a Japan that's pretty much devoid of human population by now and is probably pretty cut off from the rest of the world because travel is kinda hard when the world is an apocalyptic hellscape. What good is it really going to do.
Yeah, they'd really need a cure that turns everyone back.
Just like with the last episode, something like katsu curry is probably unbelievably flavourful compared to the kinds of food the samurai and the ninja would eat in their normal time period. Even something like out-of-the-box curry powder.
Again, how are you going to save the whole world when you make a vaccine and you can't even get it off the island. Even crossing the waters between Japan and China or Korea by boat is going to be a lengthy challenge if you don't know how to pilot a boat.
>Once I realized that gunpowder and curry powder were similar It's kind of a silly connection but I guess he's not entirely wrong. They both rely on understanding the ratios of their component elements in order to produce a desireable outcome.
>I want to spend the rest of the time I have for you Well lucky for you, you probably don't have much left to give
I kinda expected that mook squad of the Yakuza guy to get got. But I guess they're saving up to make sure things REALLY go horribly wrong for the second-last episode next time.
Didn't expect the last ep of this to be a crazy war
And all her husbandos are going kinda edgemode Cop boy seems a bit more hardass than normal, and I think from the PV we saw that aidoru boy has gone full-on evil mode. Oh yeah here he is right here. Maybe it's just an evil twin though I could see this show doing that kind of soapy nonsense. And the professor has already revealed himself to have been a secret bad guy all along.
The only one of her husbandos who isn't kinda crazy now is CEO Sugita. I guess in the end he really was best boy.
Hades is still a total fucking chuuni loser though.
Japanese portrayls of guns are always hilarious That part was funny
I think they can be pretty realistic or reasonable at times. It takes a creator that really cares about guns to do right though. Otherwise you basically end up with the anime version of Hollywood guns.
Oh no she's been purple'd
Kinda makes her look a bit like a zombie.
They've been harping on her being the Red Queen this whole series they really should have given her a red dress there.
Look at this absolute loser in tears over losing his darkness. What a total dweeb.
Man that's kind of a downer resolution for a bunch of the characters. Cop boy is basically just now a military tool for hunting terrorists. The professor is still trying to force evolution the human race which is kinda ethically sus. The aidoru is now a prettyboy hacker Batman trying to be a superhero in the shadows. And the MC lost her cool precog superpowers and still seems to be stalked by evil entities.
kind of a weird ending but it was kind of a weird series
Probably hard to make a concrete story out of a phone game dating sim. They also probably seed stuff like the aidoru going edge and maybe actually do something with the professor being colourblind in their specific routes in the game. Well it wasn't the worst thing this series. Er this season. But probably the second-worst.