Hi hey hello Did you have a nice weekend? It was kind of just more of the same here.
Appare-Ranman! Enen no Shouboutai Kanojo, Okarishimasu Lapis ReLights Maou Gakuein no Futekigousha To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 17-18 Uzaki-san no Asobitai!
I guess the bit the PV spoiled with Inca moving with the crazy religious people happens pretty early this episode. Maybe there'll be some other stuff that comes up because of it then. I though Shinra's fight with Charon would just go on longer.
Eh well I can sympathize with wanting to maintain your own life as your own. But she's being kind of a bitch concerning everyone else.
Inca's powers still seem to be developing though. Like she seems to have some capacity to
Ah okay there we go, Internet again.
>>865698 to understand people's powers by looking at them. I still think that's underwhelming considering the other Adolla Burst people we've seen like Shinra, his otouto, or mindcontrol lady.
They really don't have too much world left according to the map.
Yeah it looks like whatever apocalypse triggered all this took out most of the landmass. There's a bit of Nippon Banzai stuff here
with Japan being able to form an empire after whatever happened to lay waste to the world. It's a bit of an unlikely situation that they'd be in such a position of power if the world really went to shit.
From the sound of it they're going to a territory of Japan's though, which is ,,, historically a complicated thing.
I guess we'll see what kind of shape China is in when they get there.
appare okay lets start
Finally we actually get to get to RACING
Sasuga Appare I guess with such a hackey car like that he can cross rough terrain pretty easily.
I think the blonde pretty boy, the stoic outlaw, and the black outlaw are all driving cars sponsored by "proper" car manufacturers. So their cars are probably the ones least likely to fall apart on the race hah hah
Yeah, but even with Appare's balls-to-the-walls driving they still finished in last place. They're gonna have to really outfit their car if they're gonna have a chance at winning proper.
This new guy with the red car looks like he should be out of some edge anime. Aside from having a huge-ass cleft chin.
Yeah, it does feel he's putting on a polite persona. And an excuse like "an animal jumped out in front of me" is the perfectly unprovable foil for doing dirty driving.
You've got another forteen minutes or so of waitinf.
Waiting, even.
Fencing and Japanese sword styles are a bit similar in that they focus on decisive strikes. But fencing is more jabs compared to Japanese focusing on strikes.
Death Valley! There's a really fascinating story about a family of German tourists that vanished in the 90s while driving a rented van through Death Valley. I guess the story about them isn't terribly fascinating aside from them vanishing without a trace, but the fascinating stuff comes from the search to discover their remains
Appare is really pretty autsy. All the things he says always sound right up that kind of alley. I guess people who end up really skilled from self-learning are often of that type though.
Kosame really spends a lot of the series being damedame.
I think this first leg was fairly short They started in LA and they've got to get to Denver, Colorado at some point, and they haven't even crossed Death Valley yet. Even just looking at a map of the region they've only covered at most like a fifth or sixth of the route.
Well I guess I get why since they're still introducing characters
It's a bit funny though. They had to hold off from catching up to the rest of the racers but it still works in their favour since the bandits blocked up the route.
If I had to guess I think they've made it somewhere around that far. Probably a little bit shorter, but they're entering Death Valley not long after leaving their current checkpoint. I can't remember where the other checkpoints are but I remember Colorado being one. And the end of the race is New York, so they've still got a long way to go!
Oh yaeh I forgot about the ridiculous end of the last episode.
Oh boy time for some MOUSE TO MOUSE
maybe she won't need to
why does she have to be his gf for him to do that i feel like he would've done that for a lot of people
Maybe this near-death experience will push him to better himself and not be such a fucking loser
>romanticizing CPR
baka it's not a kiss
>Wouldn't think anything of a kiss I dunno from what I gathered the rental program is pretty comprehensive about not doing anything too problematic for the girl. Kisses would be pretty intense for public displays of affection in Japan.
you can't hear shit underwater
they handled this specific flag event pretty poorly all around between the ferry apparnetly speeding off and how deep underwater she appeared to be the romanticizing of CPR i'll have to be given a reason to forgive this episode in the final review
Kibe still best boy
Honestly this is a pretty understandable misunderstanding for him though. She was keeping her fever underwraps and just finished physically exerting herself trying to revive him. Of course her face would be flushed.
hey when you say it like that, you make it sound like it's less healthy when you're older
>she's broke >he's her income
oh no he's losing it
Yukata are pretty high-quality lounge outfits.
Honestly while it really should be the MC's responsibility to clean up this mess, Chizuru might want to step in and do something soon. She's starting to be a little persuaded after all.
wow so now she can't announce the breakup because of this because logic
It's not really logic. It's the tonally emotionally suitable thing to do, to continue the situation here. That's not logic that's FEELINGS
That best be oolong tea they're kampai-ing
bro they're in college they already went drinking and u know they're gonna
Yeah but two people drinking a lot in private can be dangerous.
>>865840 They're young people they're gonna be horndogs.
When you jump off a boat and save a girl you do win some points.
Yeah, I was gonna say. I think even putting aside romance, it's hard to dislike someone who tries to save your life. They'd have to do it in a particularly asinine way to make you dislike it.
i don't think i agree but i probably would consider it one's duty to attempt to save another as in, if he didn't try to save her he'd be a shit i'm not saying it's wrong for her to feel things because he did but he kinda had to
Tilde if you think you can, i wanna watch konosuba tomorrow
Hm, are you going to be particularly loaded with work towards the latter half of the week this week. There's a moderately high chance I'll be back in the city around Wednesday.
>>865854 if another day would be better for you, that's fine by me i don't wanna forget though and i'm rather forgetful we'll find time, i'm sure
This stairwell is rendered in 3D CGI Kinda weird to see it rotating in the background.
Guess these two are opposite vibe friends. The blonde guy seems to yeah. Be much more impulsive and lively compared to
She's being really quiet during this conversation.
I think she was a bit entraptured by the game. She is a bit of a child at heart after all. You can totally distract her with flashy lights and fun things like games.
Hah hah these two are totally at odds. He wants to actively get them to get together and she thinks letting them come together naturally is better.
I'm not really great with choco-mint stuff. If there's too much mint it's way overbearing for me. The most mint I can take with chocolate is stuff like Girl Guides cookies or After Eights.
Wow she's really sensitive about calling it toothpaste.
She's making some reasonable arguments here but man, this passion.