i have devised a disgusting cheese mate through the Ruy Lopez White opening and I've one twice with it on // once on a /tea/ poster on turn six and just now on a multiliveboard poster on turn seven
>>860463 it's all i know i was going to have kokoro give me lessons leading up to his tourny that started today, but only ever had time for the one lesson which covered opening theory in moderate detail and basic piece devolpment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>860462 oh i'm gonna eat some patties but yea i could try?? i don't know what i'm doing still
that's okay the best way to learn is to lose anyways i can see what you're bad at and tell you if there's anything specific to tell you tell you if to tell you lol english
there's like a doushio discord or something right we can use it if you want but i'm fine either way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if there is i'm not even a member haha
lol same
this dude has shoes and knows how to use em
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
crush my balls so uh what's going on lol
well basically there's no blocking going on i mean i wasn't blocking either but that was because i'm a gorilla lemme see if i can switch it to training mode
i think i got it
noel jin naoto hibiki are the ones i know th emost about
alright so at first just block there's gonna be overheads and lows i won't do any air stuff yet
hmmm it didn't make it practice mode but it said it did
i might need to remake lobby it gives us infinite hp and options
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okie i don't even remember which buttons are strong hit
i think default controls, circle is C, which is strong
ah so typically you want to block low until you see an overhead, because overheads are usually slower and more reactable overheads can only be blolcked standing, and lows can only be blocked crouching most attacks are mids, which can always be blocked
it says "counter" whenever you hit an opponent during the startup, active, and recovery frames of their attack (so the whole attack) some of the recovery frames are not counter-hit status though
when you counterhit someones, they are stunned for 10% longer and take 10% more damage before other prorations are applied
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how do you counter?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i assume to use a super you gotta input something crazy
it's not that crazy you might be able to access it from pause menu for bullet though, you do have to enter in something intense it's 720A for her grab (requires buffering through another animation, most often overdrive or a jump) and her other distortion is like 2141236 or some shit
oh yeah so 720A is a grab it can't be blocked, but it can't hit someone in the air if they're in blockstun when you grab them, they have a chance to tech the throw but usualy they just explode if you have 2 levels of HEATING UP (the red phase shifting thing) then you can churn your butter to get 5k dmg
are you using the stick? the d-pad might feel awkward at first but it's absolutely the way to go also this game rewards clean inputs highly watch my inputs when i'm comboing it doesn't take as much practice as you might think just disciprine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i been tryin both
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is there anything i'm supposed to do while i'm bein comboed?
so the best bet is to hold A or B and no direction and then as soon as you see your character tech out of hitstun, you have a few frames to execute on whatever you should have decided to do this can be blocking, using a reversal, jumping, or mashing a button (use that last option extremely sparingly) you can also hold down and a button to emergency tech, but this is an easy way to get smacked, so i don't suggest doing that for a while when you feel it's time to learn that, you'll already know how to use it, probably
also if you don't press anything, you can manually tech (and this is the correct option sometimes) if you're holding the button, you'll tech the first frame that you can
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its so strange blockin with a direction
ii felt that way at first too you do get used to it though yeah the third hit is low there's no overheads in that string you can punish with a reversal after D the ice wolf but it's hard best bet is to wait it out
jin's 5D, sorry the ice wolf freezy thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
after D?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk where or how
you can try pressing all four buttons (or right trigger?) and then in the middle of the animation where you activate it, press it again and hold it do it right after the ice wolf is blocked
you can press it while blocking actually
if you hold it down on the second press, you do yeahhhhhh
you don't gotta let go of block for that specific one
oh god you had it TIMER
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
still unclear to me when i should press it
i'll try another one that might be better i'm gonna do a BIG STEPPY and swing my sword and then Swordyuken after it you should be able to ABCD -> ABCD (Hold) after you block my big steppy
it might be easier with a button bound to ABCD i bind right trigger, i think it might be the default does it let you access button settings?
>>860530 to be fair, I wasn't even planning on getting it I just saw some video on yt with a nerd rambling about how good and OP it was and had a ton of spare sq so i rolled on the banner
also I was wrong about a few things that I said would "be explained in x episodes" and about kiyone kiyone is only in universe, there's a similar character with that role with a different name and an entirely unrelated character named kiyone
>>860544 aw mate you're not kidding. she's a total slut for resources and only really works if you have other rare/high level party members that can work with her >>860541 muzukashii
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also I just got to the most important episode in the series which starts after a major cliffhanger and the first line gets said and its in this cringey English dub voice fuck this encode group for making the English dub the default audio track completely ruins my sense of immersion
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also marsh you will absolutely know what episode I'm on when you get to it
Getting settled into the cottage for the long haul. At least there's enough space in my room to set up my PC. Definitely tighter than what I'm accustomed to though.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>860546 have you made any more progress in tenchi?
>>860570 spread a rolled towel along the edge your arms meet the desk at maybe folded is more appropriate than rolled i roll a towel into a thick length-wise log and have it at the end of my desk as an arm cushion of sorts it's quite nice
The Internet up here is like 4.5 megabits down. 0.45 up. Honestly while it's a drag to have such shitty upload, I can deal with that fine. But the download speeds are a real drag. As soon as other people start using the Internet regularly I'm probably gonna be choking on anything I try doing.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ay yai yai
4.5 down...... oh god....
I'll see how poorly it does with streaming video later on once anime is over. Plus downloading anime will probably a be a slog. Bet I'll be downloading stuff all day long.
Oh they're going back to the underwater city next episode.
woe is me 3rd time my vack snapped this summer i keep fucking it up retardedly before it heals
Oh there's going to be a new Fable. I guess Microsoft retained the creative rights to the series and tossed Lionhead out and gave it to a new studio.
maybe it will be the first properly good one
They're making it a full reboot of the series at leat. Least, even.
getting rid of molyneux is a goid thing creative guy, but always over hypes his shit or to saymore cynically just lies and then apologises
I don't think he's really all that creative even. Like nothing even about the Fable games of the past are particularly "I can't believe no one ever thought to do this" and more "I guess it's the first time somenoe's finally done this". He's a practiced spokesperson and can sell things well but that's more of a charisma thing than creative one to me.
and my earpuds are slightly broken
>>860656 more talking about dungeon keeper and black and white, but the "i guess..." point stands there too
cheap sony puds are so random on how long they last atleast they are 7,50 a pop ofc you have to buy new ones every year or so, atleast with my use
but that would apply to any earpud with chords
and since i know the pud itself can get quite easily smashed, i see no reason to buy chordless not to mention, their batteries would prolly die in a yearnor less with my usage
I'm already starting to get some pretty clear wrist discomfort from this desk/chair set-up. The chair's too low to the ground compared to the desk so I don't have anywhere to rest my elbows. Even + Ah whoops Even pushing my keyboard back to let my arms rest as much as possible on the desk doesn't help much.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ooh that's not good hope there's a comfy cushion around
Cushions aren't the problem! This chair's all wood sure but it's not uncomfortable to sit in. And no amount of pushing the height I'm sitting at is going to fix the low armrests.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can at least get your elbows level with the keyboard tho
Yeah, that's true. I don't have a lot of vertical wiggle room either. I have maybe four fingerwidths before my knees would start knocking against the underside of the desk. I'd probably only need two or three to be well and level with the keyboard but that's already leaving me with an absolute minimum of space to use. I think the big problem is this desk is just not meant for PC use and this chair is a fucking dining room chair, not an office chair.
tape amazon packaging to the armrests build the cardboard throne
Well fortunately we've got no shortage of dining room chairs since my parents moved our house in the city's dining room setup up here too. Let's see if this one with a slightly higher seat is less of a problem.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>860725 oof good luck >>860728 sometimes i wish i could have like a tank of water that i could be productive in lmao
Might be nice but then you'd have to dry off each time you need to get out for whatever reason. Plus I don't really like getting wet.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dry off? get out??? what are these actions you speak of
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
good moofie tho
>>860731 What, live 24/7 in a tank of water? That sounds even worse!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>860729 >they already have that >it's called a bath
You guys hear about the new Nintendo leak?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Please enlighten me
One sec I gotta find another source since I found out about it on a website that kirara doesn't like me posting links to.
https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/nintendo-source-code-leak-releases-tons-of-behind-scenes-data There's been several threads on v/ about it
>>860745 Big leak of early-Nintendo source code and game libraries for their games from early consoles, along with the data for presumably canned projects like an official Pokemon MMO that would have played over the GBA. Bar an extremely limited number of niche situations these are already all games that have ROMs available for emulators and most of the leaked data is not "just hit run and play the game" so the value of it to the average gamer is limited, but for data preservationist's sake and the curiousity at looking at source code for some of these classic games, it's kind of interesting. Also likely highly illegally obtained.
pokemon mmo might be fun
A more aggressively innovating studio than Game Freak would have probably already done that a long time ago.
go, but with combat
I think more recent updates to Go do actually have PvP Pokemon battles.
ifwas nintendo, i'd also start porting the old games to phones
how are niantic even coping with the whole "try to stay home" thing since the whole core of the game is walking around hunting pokemon
Hopefully not having to, because pushing people to stay indoors is actually really bad advice for this pandemic. You're at extremely low odds of catching the virus just by walking around outside in open spaces, so really going around trying to catch Pokemon in public parks or the like is probably both a safe and healthy way to get some exercise in. Which you wouldn't be getting if you were cooped up inside.
But I dunno how Go's catching model has evolved in the past ... two or three years so maybe it's easy to catch stuff without having to move around a lot now.
yeah no AC could unironically kill my cat which is really bad because i won't be here tomorrow to monitor him ill have to leave the zazenkai tomorrow night instead of sleeping there and tommorow will be hard because i probably won't sleep tonight
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ouch ouch it's crazy how vital AC is
Whoever looked at the most humid, high-temperature parts of North America and went "Yeah, here. Let's live here."
imagine living a billion light years away and you go to hell because a loving god punished you for never hearing about this thing that happened on earth
Yeah but imagine being human and we've all been damned to Alien Hell because we haven't heard about this thing that happened on a planet tens of thousands of light years away and we never had a chance because it would still take tens of thousands of years for that information to reach us even if it could.
I played the priconn granblue collab event so I actually know more about Karyl and pals than I let on. But at the same time There was no suffering and boy howdy do I need that.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's all numbers and girl cutscenes is this even a game
>>860835 Numbers and girl cutscenes sounds like a game to me.
So I think about this every once in a while Modern displays still use scanlines t refresh Or whatever they're called It goes from top left to bottom rright But that originally came about because of the way that crts worked So why don't we have displays that just simultaneously change the all the pixels to the next ffrfframe?
>>860839 Feels like to me that it's got kind of a KanColle system in place. You assemble your team before starting and the actual battles are mostly hands-off. So the gameplay would be strategizing good team compability and maybe skill or equipment choices.
>>860866 He's probably the most important computer engineer of the past 20 years. He was one of the primary developers of x86_64 and the athlon architecture and zen
After he finished the zen project at amd he went over to intel but he recently announced that he was leaving.
Oh he was also involved in making the A4 and A5 processors for Apple.
And worked for Tesla I had some really good Jim Keller memes but I can't find them.
>>860883 No, so if she wants to get in contact with him Shouldn't she want him to turn on his phone? >>860884 I'm rewatching geminar and I completely forgot that the release I have has garbage subs. What episode did you watch last?
Late at night, when all the people are deep asleep, the only sounds that carry across the open waters of cottage country, is the haunting call of the loon.
Mother fucking auto correct asking me if I meant lion. No you dumb fuck haven't you ever heard a loon before
>>860881 i dont have enough sheeeelllllss yes i know theyre in this event shut upppp
i also need caster geeeeems
>>860914 That's such a weird mistranslation that it has to just be a typo. There's no way that's an intentional-
>>860920 I'd still be willing to believe there's a weird, roundabout explanation for this because just intentionally translating corona, a pre-existing term for sun and light, which makes sense considering the series' focus on fire, to something I assume topically unrelated, just feels way too much.
Luna was doing a 'can't say x' stream and it landed on her verbal tic and it was extremely hard for her so I dunno Maybe it just gets really ingrained in you
fun fact for a good long while our price was 200k€ simply said, the show didn't have the budget to jump from 1M mk into 1M € due that being 6x the amount
nowadays it has the same price brackets as the US one with 1M € being the grand prize
that's still twice our prize, roughly Making a "million" show in Norway is comparatively cheap
1M mk would be about 1:1 in NOKs if you use 2002 exchange rates
>>861021 have me cook for you for a bout a week if I havn't cut myself or burnt myself, your luck is incredible
>>861023 heh I did this as a fun check >does this have alcohol in it or nOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt when I still did day to day work for the gardener guy in spring >>861026 same
but for me the fun was scouting out which places used alcohol and whichd idn't
there are and the most commont ype has some kind of mixture that makes it nonstinging atleast here but those ran out so fast, so the easier to make just alcohol + vomiting stuff + water replaced them en masse
Not the case here My day old cardboard-papercuts still sting in every grocery store
Oh shit yeah hot tip You can filter out MOST of that gagging chemical by filtering it through a few slices of bread
well not like I'm gonna try it anyway But it is interesting to me that we sell "red alcohol" which is just nearly pure alcohol with a gagging chemical added to it, and thus not regulated and taxed as booze
HAHAHA >we don't recommend any of these with french bread, even if the citrus aroma is alluring. Food drinks can be found on an other shelf -the company's official twitter as 1st responder
in other news I'm basically broke But I have paid shifts coming For a miniscule amount of money once I factor in I don't get my Government Bux for those days
until my mom goes, god rest her soul, I don't have anything of value either My dad's bitch of a fiance is probably gonna have them sell off the house and move somewhere more reasonable, and then blow the money on other garbage
it fucking hurts in my soul to kinda just... wait for the day my mom goes, but it's gonna be a real big financial help
many companies here give their valuable employees bonuses int he company stock instead of payign them outright this avoids the high tax brackers and also makes the employee intrested in the company's future win win
just sounds like a garbage paris hilton type show to me
>>861093 It's not lol It's a sitcom about a hillbilly who finds crude oil on his property and becomes a millionaire And moves to beverly hills and annoys his neighbors
>>861098 I don't think it's a taboo here, it's just not like... something anyone ever mentions or talks about Not like it's wrong to, more like nobody particularly cares
's not a taboo like people would get upset over it but is more like "nonna ya bussness" also it will cause the finnish inbuilt jealousness to spill over
there is nothing finns hate more than another finn doing better than they are especially if that is their neighbour
>>861105 I don't know anyone who thinks that but I also don't really hang out with stupid people. That sounds like something that would've been spread by bosses to misinform employees like 80 or more years ago.
>>861132 Do you like the person asking enough to maybe overlook the stupidity of the rule? Alternatively, would it benefit you to comply with the asking, while not overly harming other people?
>>861135 >harming others haha nah I'm not being that serious. This is all petty nonsense
What it is is that the osrs clan recently promoted me to a moderator position and now they want to enforce a new rule kicking people from chat if they claim to be drunk or high
it's amusing more than anything although it does seem kind of Heavy Handed
Correct me if I'm wrong but you didn't really want to be in a moderator position did you? >>861142 So yeah just tell them to fuck off and take the position back if they want you to do dumb things.
>>861171 the mythology of the samurai and the cowboy grew at the same time and built off of each other as they grew ultimately this resulted in them being the same thing virtually any samurai story can be replaced with a cowboy and vice versa and the story will still make perfect sense
I should ask othet total war: warhammer players but whenever I use "gamble" function, which gives you more or less mana before battle if you give the finger to your monitor you always gain more