tILDE MAY BE DEA oh caps Tilde may be dead tonight. He mentioned he'd be away a bit.
yeah i think he's moving tonight he might be awol a couple days but i have faith he'll be back before too long if he gets set up and everything, maybe he'll be on tomorrow
I think in the manga that six month period was just a timeskip. But I've been expecting the anime will use it for filler to build space between the anime and the manga. Though we've now had a delay anyway since the anime went on hiatus and the manga still had more or less regular chapters.
Ah well anime-original or not there's still some kind of filler stuff anyway.
Well this show is a bit eh even when it's not filler It started strong in my opinion but did not stay strong for that long
It's best when there's action going on, but even then it's just your usual shounen fare. The training arcs are so-so but these chapters clearly just the author not knowing what to draw for the weekly chapter are particularly weak.
Looks like they're going back to the underwater city next episode.
Ah, hm. I might've missed episode fourteen last week. I don't really know how but it looks like I never downloaded it. And there's been three episodes of the show this season (including this one).
I would say neither of us have, unless you went and watched it yourself. Episode thirteen was the first of this new batch, then episode fourteen came out last week and we didn't watch it then. And this is episode fifteen.
Because I keep track of the shows we watch hah hah. It's totally my fault we missed it, we've been relying on me to keep track of what's to watch for years now, right? In retrospect it kinda makes sense; I felt the end of last week was kind of empty. I just didn't have a show to pin the empty space to.
This is a lousy time for me to be messing up like this though. I don't have fast speeds and can't exactly download something I missed in time to fix the error. It would take like eighty minutes to download episode fourteen.
This one was a weird concept I wonder where they're going to go with it.
I think the PV last episode hinted at other historical figures getting dragged into this fight to save humanity too. So I guess it'll be a monster-slaying series featuring samurai, ninja, and other cool Japanese tokens.
Well I expected the old guy to get grabbed before he made it back to the encampment but I guess this isn't too far off. At least he got the samurai a proper katana.
There was a mouse running around at the feet of some guys earlier in the episode. I wonder if that was the fault of the power going out. Wow this lady's really broken inside. Can't even tell that's a monster.
These regular humans really aren't very good at fighting the monsters. No wonder there's so few actually left.
Yeah, absolute garbage. We're like two and a half hours out from any major city up here, nothing but rural communities and open wilderness really. It's the absolute worst for me. I might just not turn my PC off when I go to sleep and
Honestly it seems like the speeds have just been getting slower and slower the more they're used. Now they've gotten so slow I can't even maintain a stable connection
Hm, I don't think it's throttling. I think it's just garbage. I paused the download and I'm not seeing a particular improvement. Maybe there's a really low bandwidth cap like these rural Internet services tend to have and I blew through it in a n hour because, well, I'm accustomed to normal Internet service.
I guess for the time being I'll just hide thumbnails to minimize where I can, and hopefully nag my parents into complaining to the ISP. They're paying for certain quality Internet we're clearly not getting after all.
It is a bit weird. Yukinoshita isn't really the kind of girl
Ah I guess that makes sense though. This whole thing was Iroha's idea and she wants to be the prom queen anyway. So Yukino got relagated to playing the role of prom king.