i don't really see LSD getting legalized, at ;least in the US i honestly doubt marijuana will be legal in all 50 states by 2045, utah and arizona will hold out
it's ok the US won't exist in 2045
>>861277 this is probably not true but only by technicality
My friend's dog apparently eats frogs in their yard on a regular basis.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>861276 at least they let that chemist out... i say at least but he's been in prison for 20 years and they only let him out cuz covid would probably kill his 76 year old lings
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>861273 i wonder what a society where everyone started the day on LSD would look like
assuming you couldn't build a tolerance
Pretty shitty because I'm sure people would take too much.
hopefully one with exclusively automated public transport
>>861290 someone on my block has been // well I guess I don't know if it's been the same person people on my block have been shooting off fireworks nearly every night since the start of June, it's starting to get really annoying
>>861297 Have you asked them to stop? That sounds horrible.
I don't know which house it is exactly they're not setting off a bunch at once, they like to drip feed it over the course of a few hours
You should make a noice complaint.
I should sit on my front porch drinking beer until I see which house it is, then start throwing firecrackers in their backyard at 4am
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and then ya start blastin
>>861302 can I give you tips on how to do this better
I have a very rich history of abusing fireworks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no i see bab
what year is the vacation year that we introduce ton to drug s
the fucking meme kind taking things out of context, stretching them into the absolute and making them into the funny kind
or how ever you want to make them
I am a global minority, afterall
Oh that reminds me. You'd probably know more about it. That original "Finland doesn't exist" meme, that originated on 4chan or some chan-like board, right.
finns are infact not just even a statistical miscalculation on global scale but you can just take CHINA or INDIA and take their population countings and count their errors
as long as you keep the ogg in control it is alrite
like it's absolutely POURING down I looked down a street and thought " is that fucking street flooded" only to realise I was driving straight into floodwater
I'm giving it one more episode to do its thing, but if Appare doesn't soon get to the actual titular wild race so Appare can develop a character beyond "literally never wrong, always perfect", I'm dropping this admittedly beautiful looking show
you thinking of actually quitting without another job lined up, or are you at the "thinking of lining up another job" stage?
i suppose the sensible thing would to line something up but like was is there out there
what is there out there work could probably snap up my job in an instant the way things are
Oh, I'm not saying it's easy or anything, I was just wondering if you were thinking of actually going unemployed or if you were just looking for another job
oh right I suppose being unemployed is tempting I don't think any employers gonna be like hmm 2020-2021 why's there a gap here?
unemployment is real harsh, is all Honestly the 'rona saved my ass cause I'd have zero government bucks coming in for the last month if not for that shit getting extended due to it
I think it's one of those "dress splayed out behind her" things and she's standing much closer to the edge of that floor than it seems she is. I've got two of naoto's Comiket books and they normally have a pretty good knack for proportions.
even if i give her some epic heels she's still got giraffe legs
giraffe shigure
>>861407 I'm saying she's standing much closer to the edge than you're presuming there. I'd draw it out and demonstrate but I've got like non-existent upload up here so I dunno if I've got the patience for something I might not even be able to show.
the way the dress falls is pretty important here in that if the artist drew the dress to fall more properly, she could easy just be standing far back on the platform but they didn't so she has 10 ft legs
I think the dress has a long train that's splayed out behind her on the flat of the surface. It's not an uncommon concept for wedding dresses.
I wonder if I could maybe just mount up my TV on the wall in my bedroom and use it to watch movies from bed
i dont see why not
should i make a milkeshake or go buy a milk tea
i'm craving some kind of dessert treat
it's only afternoon, maybe i can find donuts..
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
milk tea milk tea
alright samu https://teapioca.zenfoody.com/#/menu what looks good here the BlasTeas are just their name for milk teas that come with boba
my favorites are the honeydew one and the boba one wait honeydew one and the canteloupe one why did i say boba there that was weird but this time i think i'm gonna get the traditional black tea
how about uh oh man they have vietnamese iced coffee
honeydew and canteloupe are good i often spring for mango if they have it or i'll do a plain/brown sugar/hk-style one if i'm feelin it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
vegan semen hell yeah
thai or thai with coffee hmmmm
30 min wait hmmm
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why would there be such a long wait
now i really want horchata ice cream man that sounds so good
man now i REALLY want horchata
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just found out my brother went 35P (Cryptologic Linguist) instead of 18X (Special Forces Enlistment Option) which was his main choice he had been talking about before he left i'm so glad he chose what he did intelligence jobs transfer so much better to the private sector and they're so much better quality of life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
crypto linguini sounds tasty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
horchata would be a good project name for some javascript (pronounced yavascrip) app
hwoke up to rain today about to go tobed to the sound of rain
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got no AC ): 28c inside now makes me so lethargic
It's probably around 25/6C indoors here. I could stretch the truth and say it's not making me particularly lethargic but I did nap the day away earlier hah hah Though that's probably in part the fact that I can't sleep well at all at night up here.
>>861459 Does Laz seem like he's handling the heat okay?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, laz seems alright he lived outside for years since he was feral so this temp is probably fine although if it goes up any higher it might be a problem
Plus domesticated cats do come from species that for the most part commonly lived in hot climates anyway. As long as they've got somewhere out of the sun to hide the day away and they've got water and food they can probably survive uncomfortably hot temperatures for us human beans.
props vote of gratitude is one of my favs even though it's a departure from their usual sound comingtagetcha , bang on, number of microphones history repeating all amazing decksanddrumsandrockandroll is a really solid album
chemical bothers and sharpnel is like some blend between dancign and vibing, with sharpnel being mostly noise vibe and chemical mostly like, subdued noise dancing
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2mello has a lot of lofi too even some atmospheric horror music
honestly I feel like sharpnel doesn't get enough respect
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jazz too
but it's niche I guess
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you like cibo matto
never heard
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
check out Le Pain Purdue
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well their most known song is Birthday Cake I really like Blue Train and Artichoke and Lint of Love
this sounds like the soundtrack to someone's drug trip in a movie
sharpnel has a lot of REALLY GOOD tracks like Gate Openerz You should listen to Gate Operenz, it has a really like SAVIOR sound It feels good to listen to
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh nice
lately ive been listening to a lot of Will Wood and the Tapeworms
there's actually a lot of music i can't listen to anymore because it can trigger dissociations lol
o no cause of teacup?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no there's just some music that's really easy to dissociate to and i dissociated with them for years so i have to listen to them in places where i won't get partial dissociations
huh Mosdt of my life music has kinda been the thing keeping me from disconnecting like that well noisy music
I think it's why I fell in love with techno music so fast
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
black moth super rainbow is one of my favorites but it's so easy to dissociate too 2017 was like 70% me dissociating when i wasn't working and BMSR was very helpful Dreamend too
oh actually that reminds me Have you listened to G.L.O.S.S? >>>/watch?v=Fhz9LXX5AkE They have 2 albums, and one's a demo album
iunno somehow this one album, this single music track on yotuube helps me temporarlily redirect my hatred of my own transness outwards instead of at myself
I can understand and cope with anger
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all this makes me wanna get high and listen to some music
that's why i used to steal toner from work and sell it on ebay so i could afford booze and pills but it helped that i had someone else pay my rent 2016
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everyone does lol especially old people you can get some and trade them up or down to get what you want if you're like i was and picky about what you used
I mean I'm not judging anyone for stashing away drugs or nothing, I still have ritalin around but keep it with you
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not a stash they forgot it was there
Except they're not stashing them for good times later you numbnut. Yeah. The biggest problem with the NA opiod crisis is that they are being overly provided in excessive numbers. Doctors will really, really easily give people an overabundance of painkillers.
h... how do you forget
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
because you don't use them you throw them in your medicine cabinet and never think about it again
but you see them the next time you grab a paracetamol
Who takes whole stock of a cabinet when grabbing something entirely different from it? Do you look at how many eggs are still in your fridge when you grab a beer?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>861580 yeah this painkillers are everywhere here not anything special
Are americans the kind of people who see prescription painkillers in their cabinet while grabbing their ibuprofens or whatever and go "oh well whatever"?
Well what is your presumed proper response to it? "Oh I've got prescription painkillers better use these for my headache!"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah? most people don't want to use painkillers
I mean my personal response is I litearlly have and keep stashes of everything I get prescribed because I hate being sober But I think you're supposed to dispose of the remaining pills at a pharmacy
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that wasn't a thing until recently and nobody cares enough what's the harm of having some pills lying around? >>861591 not a stash
so they're keeping a stash!
Not your kind of stash man. It's not a terrible idea to have some strong painkillers on hand in case of an emergency.
Would you like to know what I did with the painkillers leftover from m- oh yeah we can let the pasta know that uh I had a bigass tumor cut out of my chest last year that was rad
anyway I did not keep the leftover painkillers.
eat it
see ton does what he's supopsed to cause he's a square
He literally works in a hospital too. Most people are more removed from the healthcare environment.
yeah it was non-cancerous we gucci I had a follow up CT about two months ago and he was like "yo there's this dense part over here let me check that out" but decided it was better to wait and see rather than biopsy it, and then I told the guy who cut me open about it and he's like "oh yeah remember when I had to sever that artery over there? that's probably what it was" so I let my guy here know that too. >>861600 damn dude I'm destroyed
>>861592 I'm not saying it's wrong I'm just saying it is a stash
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but yeah SC people forgetting they have painkillers is normal probably the majority of households in the US have narcotics in them
There's a prescribed bottle of some kind of liquid form of codeine with my fucking name on it that was/is sitting in my bathroom's medicine cabinet since like 2005 or something.
>>861602 it's probably the same here, but I think it's like households I don't think it also covers like vacation homes
Honestly I'm oprety sure having a second home for the winter is a very american thing
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not many other countries have a place that's so diverse in temperatures during winter
not many other countries have a 1-99 90-10 distribution of wealth either
You don't need to be absurdly wealthy to have a winter home. Like I said before both my grandparents pairs could afford trailer park homes down in Florida. And they were middle/middle-lower class working families. Not all winter homes are megamansions.
dude having a trailer park home as a second home is just depressing
I would recommend you try it before you start making asinine assumptions.
wait hold on at least let me get this part correct a trailer park home that's a lot at a trailer park, where you supply a trailer, right? like a house on wheels for your car? like the germans
No, it's a pre-fabricated house that gets put up in like three days. They're simple houses and cheap as hell but they're still houses. >>861614 Because they initially were meant for trailers but eventually people realized there's little difference in having to tear down a trailer and tear down a cheap house.
OK i have a newfound respect for trailer homes It still seems like a depressing "second home" though
you shouldn't trailer parks are for the white trash!
But it's not "really" a second home it's more of a winter home. You're only there like three months of the year tops. Why make it all fancy and expensive?
like you're wealthy enough to actually just go somewhere else for half the year, but it's a cheapo plywood structure in some sorta dump that's a bit depressing
I feel liker your second home should be kinda nice, or at least by the sea or something, you know? Like you're there as a vacation, maybe the amenities aren't all that but it's a nice thing outside of the city
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
winter is only like 3 months it's like a vacation basically
Plus communities can often be kind of nice. My grandparents obviously lived in one more retirement-people-focused so there was a community center which put together community events and had a pool. My granddad's had a lawn and garden he kept with a grapefruit tree. And it was a short jaunt to go to the ocean.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah there are nice trailer parks
dont let them trick you there aren't good trailer parks its another meme like competitive grocery juggling
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my middle school was a collection of trailers
that's basically what my high school was i mean they were buildings but looked like just big trailers
Honestly though trailer parks do have considerable problems since while you can "own" the house you set up in one, you don't own the land you build it on. So it's a house you own with pretty much no resell value that depreciates faster than a car does. So trailer parks do kind of serve as ways to continue to trap poorer people in environments they can't move upwards out of, as well as being kind of environmentally unfriendly since these aren't houses that are really meant to endure for decades or a century. They make a lot of waste as people leave them behind and they get rooted out by the next people.
it's hard to not come off as a prude when saying this but the US really does surprise me all the time like a high school made of trailers? a middle school?
I understand you gotta make do with what you got, but like like come on you gotta know what I'm getting at here even if I can't word it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the middle section was trailers and the outer sections were essentially just REALLY long buildings.
really long rectangle buildings with shitty foundations like a trailer of the "seven" core buildings only like, what, 3 of them were more traditional?
like ALL our schools are... buildings with foundations and stuff and running water
They're attached to the ground and stuff
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
our buildiings also had running water
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we had running water
yeah they have running water and electicity and stuff when i saw foundation i mean the only thing preventing those buildings from sliding down the many hills the campus was built on was shitty concrete pillars that were already showing major wear
Sorry I keep forgetting when you say trailers you mean like, those prefab house things Not like Things youj attach to a car or a big truck
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
RVs have running water too you just connect them to a water main
Yeah they can even have septic tanks for your toilet. Plenty of North American campgrounds have spots you drive your RV up into and hook them into to drain it.
I think you're underselling our school a bit. It wasn't THAT bad dude. They were full on buildings, no weird smells, filled with lockers to jam your garbage in, all that. Nice two story side building with a gym and room for band/orchestra. I'd say it was pretty neat. Has a cooler aesthetic than one large brick building
we had lockers at our high school too but Id on't think anyone ever really used them >>861659 we had like a backpac and like, a daily plan so it was only a few books every day?
I mean, I didn't even bring any books ever, because I stopped caring about doing any school work around like grade... 5 but that's just me as a mistake
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
did they just carry all their textbooks?
That's what bags are for.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah but I couldn't fit 7 courses worth of textbooks in one bag along with the note binders for each
My high school had four periods of classes a day and they'd alternate days which classes were on which. I only ever really needed to bring four classes worth of textbooks -- if the classes even needed textbooks -- and I'd only really ever have a few notebooks or one binder tops. Also you must've had a pretty small backpack because unless we're talking like three-hundred-page hardcover science class textbooks I could easily fit my entire semester's materials into a backpack.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean I made it pretty minimal, I'm pretty sure I only went to the locker at like lunch and end of day or something I dunno it has been quite awhile.
actually I can't remember clearly if it was all at home or if it was all in my locker and never touched must have been in the locker cause I always had my books for class but I also broguht my backpack home
I used my locker for the first couple years of highschool but eventually I got tired of having to maintain it so I just carried everything around with me. Plus in the last year or year-and-a-half I used a messenger bag so I had considerably limited space for my shit and still managed fine.
Maybe the real lesson here is students shouldn't be required to carry like 10kgs of educational materials for their daily education.
i never used my locker because i wasnt a fucking plebian >>861657 idk man the only buildings that weren't awful were like 1, 5, 6, and 7 1 only because there wasn't really anything in it classroom wise
I know I stopped doing my homework at like grade 5 or 6 >>861670 what the fuck is a school resource officer >>861672 I mean I was literally told not to (do it all on the same day) so I just lost interest and never tried again
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did y'all have school resource officers
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I feel like there was occasionally a police car out front but I dunno
There was an officer from a local precinct who would come in and talk to students but no, there wasn't anyone full-time at the school. Though I also was pretty much always uninvolved with people who would require the cops to talk to them so I don't really know what kind of police presence there was at my high school.
>>861669 i only ever did homework if i completed it before i left that class for the day
Until grade 5 I did all my homework on monday so I had more time for fun the rest of the week but for whatever reason, this miffed my teachers and they told me to not do that and instead do it the day before it was due, and my inability to manage stuff like that properly just made me give up and I just didn't do homework anymore
I unno if that's my fault for being a degenerate or their fault for not letting me do it my own way, but either way, I dropped outta high schools o there was a fuckup somewhere >>861676 Oh naw ACTUAL police came to my high school twice tho Once because of EL DROGAS and another because, I'm pretty sure, my step brother threatened a kid there and a teacher with a baseball bat (my step brother did not go to my school)
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
school resource officer is a cop dedicated to your school
Yo Kirara that's another issue with that turn 10 and relive your life thing Imagine having to put up with all the stupid garbage you did as a kid again I'm specifically talking about school and not uhhh your home life but I suppose that's also a good deterrent
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah lol that cop was a dick handcuffed me to a railing once
also yeah im pretty sure we had a cop or two that was always at the high school
if I got to be a kid again I would absolutely probably put someone in the hospital
I'm 28 now I know that 1. they can't jail a 10 year old 2. they can jail me in 18 years 3. this asshole will never piss me off again if he can't fucking breathe on his own for a month
same myself
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did put people in the hospital as a kid
I think I'd take the rewind time to age ten. There's a lot I could've done better but didn't because I was a dumb kid that probably didn't mature at the same rate as other people.
silica gel girl never saw it coming
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah that bitch taught her
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rewinding would mean i lose all my meaningful relationships no thanks
>>861683 I put one kid in the hospital mostly cause my dumbass teachers told me the best way to avoid getting bullied was to stop fighting back, and also they punsihed me for fighting back fuckers
>>861687 I mean I'd probably Catarina it and make an elaborate plan for all the things I absolutely needed to do to get back the things I had to give up. I took at least the whole point of keeping your memories to mean you'd be able to re-establish the meaningful relationships that were worth the difficulties or suffering. But also trim out the things that haven't exactly been worth it. I can definitely think of some things which fall under the latter.
I'd have PAN and basically no one else I have now. I didn't really keep contact with anyone besides PAN. >>861692 Did you get replaced or do you mean the evolution of your brain.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
having pan means you'd probably have me eventually at least
well realistically speaking, probably going back to 10 years old is a bad idea for me
Sure I know stuff I can exploit, but I also know things that might just make being 10 years oold and powerless again hell I dunno if I could cope with knowing I'm trans, but also I'm 10
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one problem is that you might have the memories but you would lack critical thinking skills due to brain development you wouldn't be able to behave at the level you do now
>>861698 On the other hand there are advantages to transitioning at a younger age.
I mean it'd take some work, but also I literally know it can be done and I can throw my life at it >>861718 You don't need to do every step on your own, there's already a society
Would you know where to go to mine out the copper and other metals needed to design one?
>>861729 I'm pretty sure all the base components of it can be gotten like,,, practically anywhere? Communicating what sulfur is might be difficult tho
Hint: It smells like rotten eggs
what the fuck are eggs
I'm sure the Nordic people of 0CE would be at least familiar with eggs. And they eat rotten food these days as delicacy I'm sure it was necessary for survival back then.
>>861737 I dunno about synthesizing, but I know there are ways to get a hold of it, and really you don't need a HUGE bunch just to get the wheels of this stuff rolling you know
Like if you can show the society in question, a society constantly at war, that there's a way to make a metal ball go ZOOM and crush a spine, there's a lot of incentive for them to throw resources at you to figure out how to make more balls go zoom
>>861741 Oh I didn't really mean this one for the sake of getting rich This would be for power
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can you even really get rich with an invention in 0CE most inventors were already rich or died poor
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not much power in a guy with a musket your soldiers will be useless unless you can mass produce everything
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
power as in control or power as in literally electricity
Norway wasn't a capitalist society by any means, you didn't really get rich by inventing stuff I think But military tech, that I'm pretty sure would land you a great spot next to the ruler who, considering the the tech we're talking about, would soon rule a lot of stuff, as a highly trusted and valued asset
>>861743 Power is in the ability to live my life to my own satisfaction
SC, someone already wrote a book about yur scenario
Really though, you don't need a lot of like, huge leaps in tech for it to be a HUGE leap for 2K years ago I dunno how to make a microchip or nothing, but I have a rough idea how to make electricity You can do a LOT with a generator, especially if you're the only domain with a generator
Electricity honestly is the lame "hack" to go for in technological leaps. The real one to go for is the steam engine.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
electricity is where humans went wrong anyway
nah the one to go for 2k years ago is the sharper stick
The steam engine is way easier to produce than consistent electricity and has far more immediate practical uses. And once you've got a steam engine it's easier to maintain consistent electricity anyway.
Like just the ability to harness the power of a river to spread it across several implements through an engine connected to a grid or something, that's huge and that's not a SUPER COMPLEX kind of thing, even if it'd need some serious work >>861758 I mean by grid I just mean like, a stretch of wires from the generator to the machines
An electrical grid is way more difficult to implement than just a generator and wiring. >>861757 Yeah I know, and I'm telling you that's not how eletrical grids work. There's more components to an eletrical grid.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
electricity on its own is pretty worthless took another 30 years before it was used effectively for shit other than lights and you can use torches for light
>>861775 Unlike the ANGLOS our languages are significantly different, but somewhat similar to that of many many centuries past, and there's a good chance I could, at worst, get basic thoughts and intents across and build on that
>>861778 Yeah I guess I could feign dumbness or something. It feels at least to me I'd seem less suspicious of a person if I could only speak infantile sounds rather than try and talk to them in a fully developed language. This isn't like the Vikings making the voyage to Newfoundland where they all came as an obvious social group, or the European colonists. I think one random white-skinned person suddenly appearing in Iroquois land speaking an entirely alien language would be pretty spooky to even the most friendly of natives.
taht said again I don't actually know if this place was even really that populated at the time we're talking about 1300 years ago, sure yeah there were motherfuckers skulking around 2K? I dunno tbh
Oh looks like it wasn't the Iroquois that would've been here in 20CE, they displaced the Wyandot/Wendat people around 1600. Though there seems to be somewhat minimal cultural differences between the two peoples.
honestly a single pale bareskinned monky showing up in the middle on nowhere and communicating in a fully developed language they can't understand is probably like what they'd expect a deity to be
well maybe not the pale part, but deities are weird or at least can be weird
I think that's a kind of primitivist assumption to make.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>861784 im sure you learned everything you need to know in my cthulhu campaign
Some Indigenous people might've believed in an Earth-Mother like personification of the land around them, but that's not a god in the European sense. They didn't deify or worship her, but just believed she existed.
I believe asteroids exist but I don't worship them.
honeslty if it's 2K years ago maybe just the literal basics of agriculture would go a huge way into securing me a fairly decent life
>>861787 Part of history in public education here is to educate students on the local Indigenous peoples that lived in the area. It's of course somewhat framed as "what was here before colonists arrived" but from what I remember it wasn't overtly primitivist. We learned a lot about the Iroquois, but I imagine other parts of the country would teach students about other tribes. There's not much value in teaching kids in British Columbia about them after all.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lets just reqd farley mowat and forget about all dat old tings
i don't get it cause when you post stuff like that it makes me want to leave your messages unread but when rook posts stuff like that i think it's funny
messed up part is I can't really process time values well just after I wake up, so I sorta looked at the time, it was probably 8, and went "Oh I can go back to sleep, just make another alarm for 2 hours from now" And so I did And an hour later, I wake up, I look at the time, I go "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, rush to the shower, get dressed And I look at the time again, it's 9:24 or whatever, but I'd processed that as "it is now less than 30 minutes until 11:30
like it's still an hour and a half until I need to leave
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
check out this very short and very special AI Dungeon story
And there's the alarm
Damn it Samu you jinxed me. My headphones cable was working fine up until you asked if it was what was breaking the other day. Now it's giving me a whole lot of grief.
Thankfully it's a detachable cable so I could just easily get a replacement. But I'm kind of in the middle of nowhere and I don't think my parents have mail set up for up here. I'll probably have to get it sent to home in the city and have someone bring it up here.
elon on them shrooms and Grimes' vouce gon be the gps turnleft
Another night, another night of miserable sleep quality. The mattress in my room up here sucks and unless I'm lean unless I'm landing on it pretty much already falling asleep it takes like hours of tossing and turning on a stiff mattress that creaks and springs beneath me as I feel the distinct lumps of springs beneath me digging into my back or side. The couch out in the living room is much more comfortable for sleeping on but then I'm sleeping out in the open which means I can't really relax properly and people just can't really keep quiet so there's a lot of distraction in the hours I keep that are weird relative to other people.
>>862005 I haven't moved here permanently or anything I've just been shuttled off here for like two weeks while my parents try to sell our house in the city. Not that we have a vehicle you can fit a flat mattress into I don't think. So no, I'm probably stuck with the shitty mattresses they've got up here or the couch.
is the old mattress on the way?
that sucks and I think you said you thought your parents were a bit too optimistic on getting it sold? if it ends up looking to be more than two weeks you could ask for a mattress topper or something
Already have a topper and it isn't doing much, hah hah It's not like my mattress back home is some exquisite-soft memory foam mattress; it's just ... I don't even know what's in it, but all mattress, no spring. >>862006 Common sense to me would dictate a pandemic and economic shutdown would be a difficult time to sell a house but apparently the housing market is as hot as it always is here, so who knows. My best hope is they get an amazing offer ASAP and don't need to have it be an open house for the whole two weeks but I figure they'll still refuse to let me go back anyway. What I'm really expecting is they've either been lying or fudging the numbers or are just misinformed and are in turn misinforming me and we won't be able to go back as soon as the two weeks are up. That's more or less been the story of this whole fucking mess so far so I'm expecting the pattern of bullshit to continue.
>>862019 this never used to be something I worried about but this whole fiasco has brought out the hyperchrondriac in me I'd imagine it's done the same to a lot of people
>>862021 Well don't worry too much. By any indication the symptoms of actually being infected with Covid-19 come in bulk rather than just an increase in temperature. If you're feeling a bit hot there's probably another reason for that.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>862012 thought this was sandstorm for a second there
While I'm sure you'll find 30 different ways to respond to this, on top of having to dig to even understand what it is I'm looking at, those nips are kinda chotto
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuckinnnn LEWDDDD
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Cat becomes first animal to test positive for COVID-19 in the UK
thank you twitter headline writer
The arrogance of humanity to not presume themselves animals is always a little funny to me.
to live as a cloud i will collect my water and when i have enough i will rain down and i will be born again as a cloud
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will be put into a box of metal made of metal and filled with electricity then electrocuted to death. then my soul will be transferred into a new body made of metal electricity, many times stronger than before. i will become powerful enough to take over america
it's good shit and i hope to someday be trained in it why are you gonna do emdr
i cant think of anything i'd need emdr for it's primarily ptsd treatment right my brother started getting it earlier this year, though i don't know how the pandemic impacted that i was wondering if it really worked at all since ive heard its controversial and it doesnt sound, to me, like it would do much
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's extremely effective it's weird nobody knows how it works but it does ive seen a lot of people have their entire lives changed by it it's like magic
i read something from the person who created it and it was basically like "yeah i was walking in the woods and noticed i felt less sad if my eyes were moving" and i was like dude this has to be a shitpost
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she was moving her eyes between two trees or something yeah honestly emdr as a whole sounds absolutely fake and cultish but it really is real it's even approved by the APA as evidence based practice now
hopefully it works out/worked out for him then i dont even really know what he's getting it for though i can hazard a guess