I was going to be offended by the word Motherfuckers in some closed captions but then they censored the 'ck' so it said Motherfu**ers and it was totally fine.
Why would you be offended by the word Motherfuckers
this guy was training next to me we had some good bantz going he said something really kind like >it's people like you that make this game worth playing laughing at my dumb jokes and then i just said goodbye , teleported away and block listed him
idk why maybe i felt like i couldn't keep it up and if he got any closer he'd discover i was just a faggot uhhhhhhhm.
I can be normal. I swear Just not in this game, apparently.
>The United States Department of Health Human Services (HHS) has bought almost all the supply for the next three months of remdesivir, an experimental drug made by Gilead Sciences which showed encouraging preliminary results following a trial on a small group of very sick patients with COVID-19. The US secured the entire stock of the drug for July and 90% of stocks available for August and September. Experts say this could mean remdesivir will not be available for use on patients for most of the world until October. ahhhhh
>>853463 you can also do falling nair into falcon kick and it's a true combo kind of a useless one but really funny you can even kill off the falcon kick at certain % if you land it near the edge but falcon can kill off of anything near the edge really
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>853465 lol wat i should try to play him always liked playing him while non sober pretty ass at him online tho
>>853466 i think he might just be pretty ass online tbh like fox
>>853460 Yes But that's the second mother base. The first was in the carribean.
does it flow into the slaughterbutcher bay? and begin at lake genocidegore?
>Delaware's creeks and rivers are slow-moving and there is deep mud associated with marshy rivers. Dutch "modder" = mud, a false cognate to "mother." Modder Kill = Muddy Creek or Muddy River. The word is still used in Dutch, such as this Dutch video of a tractor stuck in mud ("vast in de modder"). so it is mud river river
>Roblox | San Mateo, CA | Full Time | ONSITE (Remote during Shelter In Place) We are actively hiring and all interviews are currently done via phone & zoom.
Roblox is ushering in the next generation of entertainment, allowing people to imagine, create, and play together in immersive, user-generated worlds. We are recruiting across multiple teams and positions. Our top priority roles are:
Because of their age and regular use, all the cupboards from the kitchen and bathroom on the main floor of this house are really worn, so we've had someone come by to take them all off, the doors I mean, to go repaint and touch them up. It's made for a very stark look going into either room and having all the cupboards open to the air.
>>853624 they gotta build up the excitement and tension and also don't wanna just 6 paragraph combo you out of the gate maybe
>>853624 read too much art of the deal they want to lure you in before telling what the task is which is actuallt a goidcway to fail at deals and life
>>853634 Not bad, just been watching and reading stuff I guess, trying to fk with stocks here and there, and trying to weigh out when everything will go back to normal Anything new with you?
are you something/something/in the right headspace
or british clones why did they never add a proper flameTHROWER into kf2, is beyond me what fun is some gas spewer gimme napalm and 100m range that is joy
Wow The fucking fighting game community is imploding. Mr Wizard (the guy who created Evo) recently got accused of betting a 17 year old that his penis was smaller than average because he was asian. I think like $20 or something. This was like 20 something years ago though. But sexual allegations are coming out against tons of people right now.
>>853720 no lemon britts changed to lime when lemon got unavailable due to war with frsnce and spain
Don't forget the battery acid and red dye number 2.
it is a drink made to combat sailor drunkness and to make algaefilled drinking water more palatable
>Grog contains one or more of the following: kerosene propylene glycol sulphuric acid artificial sweeteners red dye no2 rum acetone battery acid scumm axle grease and/or pepperoni
and interestingly enough was served in the british navy as daily ration until 1955 or so
It was invented by the British navy.
they also had press gangs, while having no forced conscription, which is smusing
those being gangs of forceful, literally, recruiters for the navy who forced you into naval service many times outright kidnapping people from the docks into service
pass out drunk and wake up in the atlantean ocean fun times shanghaiing also takes its root from here
>>853727 Yeah we know There was a war because of it.
>>853758 why would a 480p 12 second video require more than 4 MB compress or die
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> Finland's air force removes the swastika from logo after almost a century bruh
so die traditions
and so nazies won again
also how slow news day is it? that is like decision from 2015 or 17 or both to slowly remove it from the in use emblems, tho keep it in some legacy ones
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's no such thing as a slow new day in 2020 everything is news big or small
>>853773 symbol of luck from count rozen who gave us our first aircraft
i am of the opinion that each time we ban and remove swastika, we give the symbol more power in its nazi meaning
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Carl Gustaf was interested in mechanics; his subsequent fascination with flying machines was likely influenced by his uncle, who was a fighter ace during World War I (and later head of the German Luftwaffe). count rozen's uncle was a literal nazi
ofc if it isactually in the nazi angle then it clearly is a nazi swastika, then yes remove
>>853787 pretty sure it is an ancient symbol really anyway lmao
i wonder how long macdonalds has been around
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
note to self use power stanced hammer and sickle build in ds2 sometime
oh yeah new worlder's anything older than 10 years is ancient over there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah yes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
predictably the goalposts move to "my culture is AnCiEnT a classic
well since you equalize a symbol from 19th century with a symbol from 4000-6000 bc it means that ancient is relatively recent to you and you don't subscribe to common archeological era terms
it's a symbol associated with a bunch of shitty people why not just use a different symbol with the same meaning if that's what you're going for
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>853795 so you're gonna stand by your assertion that the swastika bein inherently linked to nazi germany is just a passing fad eh because that's what you're still writing down >>853798
no I am saying that the more we link it to nazi germany by enforcing that by removing it from everywhere the more permanently we stain the symbol in their colour thus giving it power
Okay but how about we just let asians use it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes lets all TaKe BaCk ThE SwAsTiKa
>>853799 they use it anyhow cause they don't give a fuck about our sensibilities
>>853801 And they've been using it since before the Nazis did.
same with our airforce
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
still doesn't mean shit i've been to kyoto seen all those shrine symbols doesn't mean it isn't forever a nazi symbol
>>853804 Actually I hear they've been removing those from maps.
>>853804 it will remain a nazi symbol yes but the more you enforce this view, the more people associate with it and thus it gives nazies a more powerful symbol in history and more lasting footprint
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>853807 this is the twisted backwards reactionary logic actually it's YOUR fault for interpreting it this way you give it power
whereas in reality, deplatforming works
I won't agree about the swastika but I do think that the "OK" symbol should still be used.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>853806 oh interesting >>853807 wtf does power even mean in this context
deplatformign works, eh okay
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like, clarity as a concept? idk this sounds like more Dark Side voodoo nonsense bruahaha my power grows Strongerrr build more holocaust museums
i really don have interest in this kinda shit when I am poked by a hot poker in my lower back nonstop
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>853809 OK symbol is timeless, I don't think that can be tainted too many meanings in it is it the 1920s? is it a dog whistle? is it the circle game? could be anything
whats wrong with just letting go of the swastika why is it so important? because it has history? history means nothing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
change bad if we let the progressives win we'll be forced into the streets tomorrow
>>853814 A suburb of Chicago wasted a ton of money because one of the middle schools had a yearbook wth pictures of the kids making it and they had hundreds printed and they trashed them all and redid the yearbooks without the pictures with it, then the highschool did the same thing. They wasted tens of thousands of dollars paying for all the books getting reprinted.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>853817 my highschool paid a lil extra to have some thick ass whiteout applied to each yearbook to get "fuck mr <principal's last name>" vertical acronym removed same result less money
when it comes to finnish architects alvar aalto is the big name tho Engel prolly has largest impact, as he designed the old city centre of helsinki when russia changed our capital there
Huh The woman who designed the VViVietnam memorial was an undergraduate.
Err Undergraduate student
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viljo_Revell this one is relevant to you canadians
>they're listed in the order they died or went missing Oof Well I'm sure people can find who they're looking for.
revell is really on the more brutalistic side of design tho than pretty but he has few good designs too
(puts in noise cancelling earbuds) ah yes i am now Fully Congested
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it gives me that congested feeling PLUS there are these weird subtle artifacts at the low end of the sound spectrum it sounds like very large and heavy objects are being shuffled around low butting noises. noise cancelling is a trip
It would be easier to make one that shoots down houseflies because they're easier to see though. Oh wait i have te perfect webm for this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you kiddin what kind of video camera can track a mosquito see one let alone track it in real time
>>853914 You'd track it by sound and then have the camera zoom in on where the sound comes from I'm also not sure what their body temperature is but thermal is also a possibility
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there is like no matter in a mosquito, temperature is likely negligible it is nearly impossible to see a mosquito in all but the brightest lit area, and the human eye is real good at it good luck zooming a camera responsively into one
Huh, there's a start up from Israel that makes a machine that spots mosquitoes and then points at them with a laser so you can squash it.
It of course uses neural network bazed computer vision. *based Well, I'm assuming thats what they mean by "Uses AI"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok i admit if a mosquito is sitting still on a white surface then eventually a camera with a zoom lens that is scanning the room will see it Eventually
You're thinking about this all wrong. You just have to sacrifice a bit of accuracy for the sake of power. If the shot is big enough, odds are you'll hit the mosquito
I found an interesting paper https://www.osapublishing.org/captcha/?guid=8BAA3C80-7681-4368-9B17-4ED7CC19CA2C This seems like overkill But you could definitely get the direction its coming from with microphones.
Lidar combined with audio detection could also work But really its better to bait them and then have something kill them by the bait because that doesn't neccesarily require a complicated system of sensors
Oh I thought of a much simpler targeted mosquito killing apparatus. You detect the direction with microphones and then blast that general direction with mmicrowaves. Thanks for the suggestion marsh.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have my doubts about the accuracy of sound based triangulation, doesn't really work indoors not without a fuckin genius neural net like a human's and even they get confused >>853924 now that's just plain unsafe
>>853925 I don't neeed position for the microwave one, just direction.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want a ray gun that zaps a bug out of the sky not a cannon that gives my firstborn bone cancer
>>853927 Microwave radiation is non ionizing so it wouldn't cause cancer, it's a common misconception.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
actually well. if the apparatus was in a fixed room it could have a training period where it learns to echolocate based on a little drone flying around the room sprinkle enough deep neural nets on that and you could get decent directional detection
Another common misconception about microwave ovens is that the frequency of microwave they use corresponds to the specific frequency of water mmomolecules and that's why it causes them to be excited but that it not the case, they don't actually work that way. I did a project in college where we calculated the frequency of water's vibrational modes.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>853928 what's it gonna do to kill the mosquito the
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh it'll still blind you and roast your skin
>>853931 Fry it >>853932 It's not highly collimated or anything. It wouldn't take much to kill a mosquito because they're so small. Oh collimated means uh Like it doesn't spread out very much Light from a light bulb isn't collimated but light from a laser pointer is highly collimated.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like a great way to get cataracts idk it's gotta be precise and focused onto the target alone, no one wants microwaves powerful enough to cook a tiny object pointed at them
>>853934 Dude it doesn't take a lot of energy to fry a mosquito Let me go look it up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if it's focused then no but if you're doin this wide beam shit then the beam has got to be absurdly powerful cuz the surface area on a mosquito is like a milimetre squared
The point is that it isn't focused because finding the position is hard
Oh yeah I forgot how small they were for a sec My bad
Well if it were Hrrrm It's 4am I'm too tired to think about this It was a fun exercise though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one day we'll build this auto ray gun and make like a trillion dollars
there's no anime at least i have kamen rider and ultraman
Nope I've been curating a list of movies to watch since we were likely gonna be out of stuff this week. Though I guess Rika just decided to AWOL instead But there's a good five or six movies I've been keeping tabs on.
There's the new Okada Mari movie, Her Blue Sky, the Kono Suba movie, there's I Want To Eat Her Pancreas. There's an adaptation of a novel by the author of Tatami Galaxy/Uchouten Kazoku, Pengiuin Highway.
>>853955 It's a very nice adaptation. Very compressed, since they put like fourteen volumes of anime into one season, but it's tender and caring with its characters and generally is as wholesome as a relationship drama series can get. Worth watching if you're curious.
owww bathing hurted
well now the question is how do i get out of the tub without feeling that again
i know a way but i dont think you wanna hear it
well solution was easy take the bath use lessened weigh in water to go in a sitting position getbup
whats u do to hurt yourself? fall from yhe ugly tree?
snapped my back
>Happy 4th of July! Markets are closed today! ???? ????????????????????????????? BUT IT'S THE THIRD??? BITCH ASS MARKET GIVING THEMSELVES A HOLIDAY
is there any anime bluski has watched this season will you watch the nagatoro anime
>>853969 lol no i have watched nothing. and I barely got to watch the shows I wanted to group watch with my group watch group because we're always so sleepy
I don't even read Nagatoro. My memory of it was it being too mean-spirited for my tastes. So I'm probably going to pass on that one
>>853978 Do it loser It was such a good adaptation. A bit compressed since they had to get to THAT moment for the climax. But still really, really good.
Oh Horizon Zero Dawn on Steam comes out August 7th. That's sooner than I was expecting.
And Death Stranding on the 14th this month. How nice.
AI: I am an AI created by OpenAI. How can I help you today? Human: Add 34957 to 70764. AI: 71492.8 Human: What is the length of your hair? AI: My hair is zero feet long.
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no :( im gonna get a haircut today they better not mess it up!!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no straight razor plunged directly into skull oops
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oops :( i wish they had straight razors i could get that close shave but nope theyre just japs not coreans the coreans are who do the real hair cuts
you ever wonder why most colonists had 0 creativity when it comes to naming >we came from X so this place shall be New X >our king is Name so this place shall be Nametown
Ugh it is so damn annoying how in mass effect 1, if you play soldier there is no point to taking the mix classes with you leaves garros out of the missions always or well same applies to pure biotic/tech classes
oh yeah todays the 4th of july meal maybe ill get a lil summin summin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dis is the winter of my discount tent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> “I’m Princess Celestia, of Equestria.” the alicorn said, “It’s nice to meet you. And I’m very sorry for your untimely demise.”
> “Heh. You’re telling me.” the Professor laughed, shaking his head. “I’m dead. I’m… dead. Do you know what that means?”
> “I have an inkling.” Princess Celestia said, wincing.
> “It means I don’t have to worry about even numbers anymore.” he said, nodding. “I don’t have to worry about probabilities anymore! I don’t have to worry about the upcoming war anymore! I don’t have to worry about anypony anymore!” he spread his hooves out at his sides, “I don’t have to do anything anymore! It’s beautiful!”
I'm doing alright enough Finally moved out and stuff, so that's a big plus Got a car too! Still not actually a job though so that's still fucked but y'know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my summer car congrats!
sk but the k is a c
thank I really like it
It's kinda fun driving to """""work"""""
I don't get paid, but I do work It's depressing, but it's not like full unemployment was better, y'know?
At least I get out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
getting out and about in these times is a luxury
sk but the k is a c
Eh, Norway's more or less open at this point, I'm pretty sure Everyone's using hand sanitizer like it's their last day on earth, but like, shit's normal more or less now Some restrictions on big gatherings and stuff, but that's about it
Oh, yeah I never ended up getting too far though Iunno if my pirated version had some insidious DRM or if I was just missing something, but I got to this like, wasp-like hive queen kinda boss, and it seemed to be effectively immortal, so I gave up Later I have actually gotten it through Legal Means, but I haven't gotten around to progressing at all
I do like the game on a mechanical and aesthetics level though I dunno, I just get bored easily of games I love on the face
My favorite games that kinda like, stick with me, are games I very rarely am in the mood or mindspace necessary for playing Like subnautica, or outer wilds Those kinda "alone with your thoughts, exploring" games are games I really, really love, but I have to be in such an alien state of mind to actually sit down with them, I often end up dropping them and never picking them up again
I did finish both those two though Subnautica because I couldn't do anything else once I started, I just played that forever until I Wait, no, I think I ALMOST beat it, but the last part where you construct the rocket was too grindy, and I'd already actually kinda... gotten everything good out of it, so I ditched it
I watched a speedrun of Subnautica and I was done with it immediately after
sk but the k is a c
Subnautica's appeal has literally nothing to do with the actual progression, and everything to do with the progression within the progression Progressing through the game is meaningless Progressing your base and experience is literally everything
sk but the k is a c
You upgrade your base, you make it nicer each time you come back You add containers and you add food growing stuff, and flowerbeds for resources, and you do all this stuff And really, you just forget you're playing through a story or anything, you just do it because you wanna add new stuff to your base or improve your submarine or P R A W N S U I T
You start by making the base! The game doesn't communicate to you at all, but enjoying it revolves entirely around the base
The best part of Subnautica for me was the exploration. The first time I stumbled upon the Underground River I got chills.
>>854109 My base was never more than functional, I definitely spent more time in the sub diving deep into the lowest depths of the ocean. That was what was exciting for me, getting to see the magma caves and stumbling on the alien constructs since I had no ability to understand the hints they gave to find them
sk but the k is a c
Well yeah, the exploration was great, but I feel like it meant so much because of the base you return to between expeditions In a way, the submarine cheapened the game for me
In minecraft, everything I make ends up being function over form precisely because it is directionless In subnautica, I had direction, and I came back to the base between things, so I wanted to make it a home Which sounds like it should be reversed, but it mechanically just being there to facilitate stuff made it feel more legitimate to me It was a return point and stuff In minecraft your base is "whatever you want", but there's no goal so like... everything's just temporary
I can't say I like Subzero that much tho I should love it, but it's just not the same
Or maybe the problem is exactly that it is the same
I'm looking forward to playing through it. The fact that it's "the same"is fine with me because the parts of it that are different are going to be draws for me. Like I'm not looking for a groundbreaking new experience the fact that it's just more Subnautica is enticing to me.
Well yeah, our enjoyment of the game seems to have been radically different, so what makes it unegngaging for me might make it perfect for you
sk but the k is a c
it does have some cool exploration, I can tell you that much, but it feels more... boxed in Exploration in the original felt very natural, like I discovered stuff
But in below zero, it very much feels like I'm """discovering""" this area or that because the game just told me to Much more restrictive
most games are really waht you make out of 'em is why I like aimless strategy games I make up the story and all dat jazz
also hi sc
>>854114 Honestly the first Subnautica has that kind of instructed discovery too, it's just poorly implemented.
>>854117 It does, but it allows you to discover stuff and get stuff out of it without being told It's directed, but it doesn't feel like you're being told
A lot of the story beats, I got to because there was a crack or a drop I'd dropped a marker on earlier, and when I got an upgrade I went "fuck, I'm gonna go check that out now" And suddenly I'm in GHOST PLANT CAVERN with blood oranges the size of my head growing on vines andI can take those and make a thing
>>854124 same i just got a bunch of discord notifications from different servers about game night and stuff happening tonight and I'm just like 'who cares about the fourth of july, it's the third, i wanna take a nap'
Yeah well I'm gonna sleep
i'm probably not gonna sleep but i should
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wanna get a haircut but theyre not open for another hour
>>854123 how'd that go again Genetically Engineered Catgirls for Domestic Ownership?
I'm not some bastion of high morality, either, but like There's fucking limits, man
Can't I just be catgirl And not be owned
sk but the k is a c
Even "owning" a pet makes me feel weird
sk but the k is a c
Speaking of, I kinda do wanna get a cat But my apartment is legit just the second floor of a house, so letting said cat out and in would be a bit of a bother, what with my own door and the dowstairs, outside door Hard for it to let me know it wants back in
I just don't like "indoor cat" as a thing But I do want a cat
didya know by the way New guidelines for gender stuff in Norway psych evals no longer a necessity >>854140 it'd have to be a real big ramp I'm on the second floor after all
It's not even like, a big place but I never needed a lot of space, I just need a computer, a bed, a fridge, a batroom and some way to make food
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>854138 some kind of cat flap in the window and a cat ramp hmm im stayin at my parents and they have an outdoor cat its the bes
sk but the k is a c
haha, a a, a bathroom, not a batroom I am not a bat person
sk but the k is a c
I honestly wish I didn't have a lawn to go with this apartment I'll legit never use it, but I have to cut it
Whoever went "let's make all this perfectly good soil into a tiny carpet of tiny blades of bullshit instead of a giant, magnificent megaorganism" were out of their goddamned minds
sk but the k is a c
moss doesn't even need to be cut
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk if moss is strong enough to get walked on all the time also it needs shade
paid 25k for a new gun and from the next lootbox I found a way better weapon sigh never buy weapons unless it is on Normandy rule should ALWAYS apply, dumkopf
>>854132 Hard to say mass effect is an old game, but it would pretty much align with the initial >>854130 meme who knows