hmm, maybe not tonight but maybe tomorrow we have nothing tomorrow, right?
okay we're both orange let's start
If you want a bit more to do tonight we could also do one of the shorter movies that have come out recently. Both the Kono Suba movie and the Bunny Girl sempai movie are an hour and a half in runtime.
Ah I guess Sora is stuck with that dorky haircut he's got for a while if it's featured in the OP. It really makes him look like a brat. >>853560 Yeah this is good.
>>853557 Unless a surprise show comes out, tomorrow should be completely empty, yeah. Even then there shouldn't be more than one.
For reference here's the movies i've been keeping track of
I Want To Eat Your Pancreas -- ~2 hours KonoSuba movie -- 1.5 hours Penguin Highway -- ~2 hours Promare -- ~2 hours Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai -- ~1.5 hours
Oh wait there's also Her Blue Sky or something, a new movie written by Okada Mari.
Maybe don't push someone you want playing basketball down a flight of stairs though. That can really fuck up your leg.
Some sudden nutritionist lessons I guess. I'd forgotten those bars he was eating were calcium bars. I guess it's an update on the skit from Full Metal Alchemist were Ed drank milk to get taller.
The way they played in that last game really left an impact on everyone. Even other schools want to play with them now.
Looks like as per the usual the MC team is going to be going up against some real basketball monsters
They kinda had a pretty climactic moment last episode. I wonder if this one will be a bit calmer to wind down the season.
The animation during that trombe part was weirdly smooth. This show hasn't really had a lot of high-motion animation since it's usually just people talking but the tendrils on that plant were really animated.
Looks like he's going to try to rehabalitate his guy.
I've got my doubts it will work so easily.
Ah I guess him doing the ritual was a punishment for him being a total dick. It is kind of satisfying to see him humiliated like this though.
Wow now that we actually have something to compare her to Main is pretty powerful. She finished that ritual off barely breaking a sweat where that asshole guy ended up almost unconscious.
I guess it's a good way to bookend the series though. They probably don't know if they'll ever get to do more anime for this. So ending this season the way the first one started is a nice full circle kind of thing.
She kind of seems a bit of a loner. Even being bitchy with her mom because she was interrupting a good book. Coming to this world and having to experience other people she couldn't distance herself from was probably a godo -good thing for her.
Hah hah he had the slightest smirk on his face after that little trick. I guess even the head priest can be a little light-hearted.
The head priest really tries his hardest to pretend to be an asshole.
Looks like he understands how much of an asset she could be.
Oh her getting adopted is a bit of a twist. I guess with all her magic power though she's probably gonna have to go to that magic school eventually though. And she'd probably get refused if she wasn't from a noble family.