>>85021 you want someone to tuck you in you can take a nappy nap and they can go to the grocery store and do some errands while you nap and cook some warm milktoast and tea for you when you wake up
vanilla cookies in the oven, apple scented candle lit some wooden wind chimes blowing gently with the window open cool fall air a warm meal on its way, no obligations for the day just lie on the oversized couch in the sun rays and let your eyes rest
>>85034 → > In 2014 the Bitcoin blockchain contained the signature of the DOS/STONED malware, tricking the Microsoft Security Essentials into falsely identifying the file as malware and removing it [62].
Deleting it from your system doesn't cause irreparable damage or nothing It just means you have to get it again
You don't technically need it, I THINK, to use bitcoins But you do need it to check your balance
i know a ton about crypto and algorithms i know nothing about operatings systems or programming it really sets me back being so limited on that knowledge
>>85041 This is pretty much right. It's a peer shared ledger of all the transactions that keeps track of what coins are where. P2P makes it so that everyone's on the same page and that there are little consistencies. The mining end is where it gets more complicated.
I know what it does, basically, I just have no fucking idea how
I still don't understand how you find the other people in the bitcoin system I don't get it at all I know ways you COULD do it, but like they're super stupid and inefficient
I never looked too deep into the network end. There are things like nodes and such but you connect, you solve equations through brute force checks, you get paid for your service with BTC, and they call that mining.
It doesn't matter what you call them How do you find their IP without having a central hub somewhere to contact?
You mean like a torrent tracker ? I don't know I think that's what those large nodes are about. But like I said, that's the end that I cared less about figuring out.
Yeah that, too I don't know how public discovery works I know how you could do it very slowly and shittily, but it's not the way it's done
did you not tell her you were going to be doing a video chat why wouldn't you tell someone that beforehand you're an utter madman with no sense of consequence
in a few years kids are going to be thinking the word trump was named after donald trump >>85077 there's lots of interesting news so we're all abuzz with interest
>>85086 Yeha, that happens to me often. Then I have to make the decision to whether I want to skip the alarm clock by waking up or if I want to sleep for the extra minute.
>>85101 I can't keep a capybara. Inside it would chew too much and if I put it outside it would be beaten by vicious neighborhood cats. and maybe eaten by coyotes or wolves.
A shitty imageboard with like 50 users has HTTPS and nobody gives a fuck, but a major company with millions of daily users gets a standing ovation for finally getting around to it I HATE THIS TIMELINE
I'm MAD right now
>>85110 We are actually top tier on the watchlists
There's a SZS episode about this. It's about how new things are more dangerous to people!
Something like Persona 5 isn't that dangerous to us because we have resistance that builds up over time. But since it's new to her, she may fall really hard!
>>85133 I like all the off kilter products you can get in the game gotta chug that mad bull It's for my exams
Remember, tarot are thought to be a way of divining the future, so it's more about how you translate the cards. Which is why Death isn't that big a deal because there are multiple ways of translating the card, and not all of them actually involve dying.
The Fool is considered powerful because it can imply going on a journey or the potential for great change. It's the kind of card that is thought to mean great destiny or things to come.
Chie is just young. Some girls don't learn how to be girls until a little later. A lot of tomboys are just girls that are late bloomers when it comes to changing.
Fish said something really cute about P5 She was like, "I want to figure out how to let my rebellious heart out like they do in the game" or something She was so serious about it that I couldn't stop laughing She got upset and started pouting
>>85197 Also I know P5 is worth it, I just have a massive backlog and promised to clear some of it first.
>>85199 Can anyone who says that with a straight face not be laughed at.
Though it turns out I'm set to get something like four or six hundred dollars more on my tax return than I originally thought I was. Maybe I can just get a PS4 and P5 and be happy with that.
>>85212 I was gonna get almost 1500 but then I put in my financial aid and now I'm getting 1/10th of that.
Good thing it wasn't P3.
>>85218 I originally thought I was just going to get back what I made working, since I'm under the minimum needed to actually pay income tax. But then apparently I'm getting extra money back because socialism on top of that.
My brother is getting something like 1.1K back and he only filed like eight hundred dollars in income tax.
>>85214 It's because she has no resistance! She's a total normie encountering something for the first time. She may actually be worse off than a normie becausae of the fish auts.
>>85228 Since you said something similar doesn't the same apply to you then?
A phone picture app that reads hydrus tag exports would be really handy It doesn't need to be able to tag, but being able to export the tags and dump all my tagged images onto my phone would be real handy
>>>/watch?v=QzMOpnI1ZMc I love how he says there's literally no indication in the entire ad as to what the protest is about But at the same time, he also knows it's a black lives matter protest about oppression by the police Despite the peace signs, which aren't even relevant to BLM >>85319 I dunno, a fucking anti-war protest of any kind? There are fucking peace signs
Well what else could it be really?
>>85318 Have you seen any anti-war protests lately?
He even says it himself The police are not nearly well armed enough for a BLM protest He then shows footage of what a BLM protest looks like, demonstrating it is nothing like the protest in the video
So the protest doesn't LOOK LIKE a BLM protest It doesn't get responded to the same way a BLM protest does There are no BLM iconography or slogans present
>Out of sync: Couldn't copy file into place. SK nooooooo
Gomen I killed upload
I guess we'll just hope the server drops the file after it can't get anywhere If it doesn't, image upload will be out of commission until you can get a hold of samu
I'll let him know what happened if he doesn't figure it out himself, I can't be bothered to send an email and stuff
You should also explain how you triggered that if you can. That problem has been plaguing us for a while.
>>85340 I just wonder if there's actually a manual way of causing it. We've seen it a lot but I don't know if anyone knows what actually starts it. And it would be weird if it's just something that randomly happens for no good reason.
Nah you didn't kill it or anything this is a bug that happens periodically nowadays
I gotta sleep though I'll do it tomorrow
>>85338 Rika can poke the server if she's around That fixed it last time
Duplicate detection works thought. How curious.
Wow I want a mini-me that lives in a "cookie" I wonder would he be able to play games? My humble dream is to beatmyself in a chess game
i think a virtual me would go "as long as you can simulate booze and catvids, I'm down"
Something unbelievable happened at dinner My mom made a comment about becoming a prostitute and my grandmother goes "you won't make any money like that! You're old and used!"
The maddest shade I've ever seen an old person throw
>>85381 She's really fired up about it. It's cute to see someone so fired up. We don't get fired up like that about things because we're instilled with 4chan's brand of cynicism.
>>85388 I think it's fine and can't be helped. It's natural for girls to pay attention to what guys they're interested in are into. It's female nature.
>>85403 I'm being careful not to influence her too much on it even so. It's fine if she really wants it but I don't want her to do it if she thinks it'll get her brownie points.
>>85430 Tip #3: You can save a bunch of money on eye shadow simply by getting your face punched in a good scrap. Go down to your local supermarket, find the biggest, staunchest women you can find and start pulling her hair.
No money for a new outfit? No problem. People frequently discard their unwanted clothes on the clotheslines behind their house. Start fence jumping and save.
I brought up capybaras at dinner. Nobody agreed with me that they're cute. My grandma said she stayed in a hotel with a bunch that lived in the lobby, though. In Ecuador.
>>85489 I wouldn't say that. I think I just realized that I wouldn't get any more good Onodera moments anymore. And then I had no real desire to flip through it. surprise, surprise, I was right.
Yuugh. What's with those high-pitched screeching sounds. It sounds like it's being fucking strangled. If it was smaller or the dog was bigger the dog would kill it for sure.
It's not fun again
It sounds like a balloon when you pinch the top and squeak the air out slowly. That is not kawaii.
Yeah. with something like 'pop lit' that's exactly the sort of thing it sounds like you'd study. and at least you could argue that Watchmen has some depth to it.
This is just some "oh no - society pushes us into a generic mold and we can't be free to be our creative selves. we're just robots on a factory assembly line" kind of generic bullshit.
Anyway - even if it was only 10% that would still be worth showing up for
At least it's easy.
But really, if sitting in a room having terrible people dissect what you love kills your passion, how do you expect all those manuscript rejections you're gonna get when you finally get around to finishing a written work to go over?
I'll probably tell them they have shit opinions too but at least it will be done by professionals and not a bunch of dopey eighteen year-olds who couldn't even be fucked going over the course material before the session.
[/spoiler]Like I'll ever actually get off my ass to write a book anyway
I don't care about getting MY opinions shat on. It's these great works of literature that some genius slaved over, only to have some dipshit kid whine that they don't get it or that it's boring or that it's sexist/racist/ablist/classists/heteronormative that irks me.
It's not like I think everything that I put to paper is wonderful. If somebody whose job it was too look at work and decide what was shit told me that something needed improvement, that seems like something I could EMOTIONALLY COPE with.
>>85519 Great works of literature are often boring (Catcher in the Rye) and are sometimes written by sexist, racist, ableist, classist, and/or heteronormative people.
And also up to subjective opinion. I actually enjoyed reading Catcher in the Rye but for all the values of To Kill A Mockingbird as a story I just can't find the book engaging to read.
Catcher's significance is pretty much "They banned this book some time in the past." and then you read it and you're left wondering who authorized such a thing.
>>85529 A book's significance is completely up to the reader. Which is why saying something like it's overrated is kind of fucking stupid since you don't really have a right to say how other people rate a story. The writing in it isn't bad, but a story's impact is totally up to the individual person.
Sure it's a strange book to have been banned, but that doesn't deny that the story can have significance for people.
>>85531 I think it was banned mostly because of the vulgar language and some of the more racy scenes, like how he hung out with prostitutdes and stuff. prostitutes
Previous generations took vulgarity a lot more seriously!
>>85535 While I am okay with literature discussion, I really don't have much desire to discuss his character. I just got really angry about the book in general. Angry and bitter.
>>85550 this was in high school though when everyone's dumb and stupid
It doesn't matter. There are old people who praise the book a lot and people who thought it had enough weight that maybe people shouldn't read it.
I didn't read the book until I was twenty-three. Or maybe twenty-two. Either way didn't have to touch it in high school. I found it an enjoyable read and that it didn't have bad writing.
it didn't have bad writing but it was not enjoyable
i thought it tried a little too hard it was organic enough but oversold it
but god forbid you ever critique catcher in the rye or even just point out where you were disappointed you'll just get WELL YOU PROBABLY DIDNT UNDERSTAND IT
>>85541 Anyway. It's not that I don't like to talk about literature - I do but when you find something that really resonates with you it becomes kind of personal
>>85559 i feel this way a lot with anime the shows that have been the most personal to me i dont like to watch as a group and chat about
The things that resonate with me are often not fun experiences. I feel like I read them for answers more than entertainment Enjoyment ends up being a secondary venture.
>>85568 What I mean is, what did you expect from a program about literature. Did you not expect discussion at all during the class hours of the program?
>>85569 There's a distinction between actual analysis and half-baked opinions of people who've only skimmed the material
>>85570 Where does an opinion leave "half-baked" and become an actual analysis. What sort of standard for legitimacy of their opinion is there?
>>85575 With due respect man it really sounds like you're just a bit pissy that they've arrived at different conclusions differently than you have yours. So really all I have to say is just grow a spine.
Uh It's kinda different In that one is an art form and the other is critique of that art form I would say it's more like seeing you slam slam poetry because it doesn't rhyme and you can't feel the rhythm
Watching rabble piss all over art is a bit annoying. He's not wrong. It's kind of like slam poetry.
And seeing people act like anyone who doesn't agree with them immediately makes them rabble is a bit annoying too. What sort of stupid metric is that? Are you rabble because you don't like Catcher in the Rye?
>>85592 You want a serious answer? They're rabble because they're rabble. People who qualify as rabble don't treat things with the level of care that they ought to. Literature is to be appreciated. I don't care if people disagree with me, but people who have empty heads full of pre-packaged opinions are rabble. I don't mind if people like Catcher in the Rye, but those who like it out of a sense of societal obligation can only be described as rabble. A very large portion of humanity is no better than lemmings.
And who are you to define what "the level of care" is that people ought to treat things. Literature is a massive, MASSIVE encompassing term. Are we supposed to appreciate all literature? Only the literature you've been taught to appreciate by your upbringing and education? How is that any different than having pre-packaged opinions?
>>85596 I think literature should be treated with the appropriate level of respect. And that level of respect is actually thinking about it. You're free to love it or hate it, but the author would want you to actually think about it and respect it. Which is why calling Holden a cuck is still consistent with my ideals, because I took the time to think about the work and how I actually feel about it. A lot of people don't treat literature or any other art form with the requisite level of respect.
I'll ask the same question I asked Marsh earlier then. Where does "actually thinking about it" come about? When has enough thinking been committed to have actually thought about it.
>>85602 Depth is just as arbitrary. There's no real guarantee of determining that someone has thought about someone sufficiently deeply.
>>85601 It's not about length or time thinking about it. It's about depth.
>>85601 Yes, it is quite arbitrary. I would say that it needs to be thought about deeply enough that you form your own opinions and feelings about it. Some people are incapable of doing this. They are rabble.
I think pre-packaged opinions have their uses. But when something calls specifically for analysis, it can't be handled with just that. Much like how my emotions have been sealed and shipped on CitR to be bitter disappointment and a waste of effort. I might gather more from it now that I am older but I am going to listen to my inner child when it says "Nah, fuck that."
As far as sufficient thinking goes, there's no real metric here. Some people are geniuses at conveying their opinion and relaying analyses. There's little effort involved because it needs none. Others are the exact opposite. Some are both depending on the topic. Depth becomes even more arbitrary to a certain kind of reader when you ask them to appreciate something yet refuse on principle. There's no value to certain works for certain people and the refusal to breach a line of depth is a consequence of that worth.
>>85602 Do you thinking you can determine between someone who has arrived at an opinion by their own means, and someone who has arrived at the identical or indistinguishably similar opinion through assisted means?
>>85601 you can tell how deep a creek or brook is by pushing your hand into it until it won't push any further and has hit the bottom
It's usually not hard to tell the difference between the real thing and a faker. But yes, sometimes rabble can pretend not to be.
But there's no guaranteed way to tell if it's something they've formulated mainly through what they've been told or by what they've deliberated on by themselves. So any attempt to separate those two groups is entirely arbitrary.
>Some people are geniuses at conveying their opinion and relaying analyses. There's little effort involved because it needs none. Sometimes they're good at conveying other people's opinion.
No way. Some people are undoubtedly rabble, it can just be hard to tell sometimes. It's like reading sonograms. The baby is definitely a boy or a girl, it can just be hard to tell.
>>85617 does she have human ears under her hair? making a total of four ears? or do the cat ones replace the human ones? these are the questions that keep me up at night
>>85618 >Some people are undoubtedly categorized, it's just doubt-able at times Okay.
And because I don't think I've properly voiced it yet. I do not believe that literature needs to be appreciated. It is something that you can appreciate but not everything written has worth or merit. >How do you decide wh- on a case by case basis Or with pre-packaged opinions from someone I can trust.
Yeah I guess that's another rabbit hole to go down. We kind of focused in on this one.
>>85624 You have no way of proving that. There are no means of determining that the haven't arrived at this opinion by themselves or through assisted means.
>>85627 You've had a chance to look at them? I didn't know you'd gone back to school. In Australia.
No, no, see you're doing something dangerous there. Something really dangerous. People voicing shit opinions aren't NPCs. It's worse. They are REAL HUMAN BEINGS. There's a very serious, very visceral emotion that you come in contact with when you find this out. It's usually FEAR because in the instance that you are forced to reconcile this, it's usually a very very AWFUL one. But people have very bad opinions. All the time. Every day. And they cling to them. And it brings me back to the thing that I said that probably went by everyone's head. >>85580
That's what I've been trying to say here. Acting like these people are non-consequential because you don't like their opinions is kind of... A huge mistake.
>>85628 >>85629 Describing it as not liking their opinions is oversimplifying it. I don't care about their opinions, those opinions don't effect me one little bit. It's about them having opinions that I can respect.
You marginalize other people's opinions based on an entirely arbitrary method with no guarantee of actually sifting out the opinions it is meant to. When in reality these people are very real people with very real opinions, regardless of whether it's something they've come about independently or otherwise.
Maybe if they had better opinions they'd stop getting marginalized.
>>85636 You don't need to sift people. All you have to do is sift opinions. Of course they are real people. That's why one has to be careful not to become a NPC.
Out of curiousity Marsh, do you actually stand up for the literature you feel gets treated poorly in the class discussion or do you just listen to all of it and then come back here to complain about it.
>>85638 Also never mind the fact that I was never talking about sifting people, I specifically talked about sifting opinions. Using a broken and unreliable method.
It's all about that juicy class participation mark.
So no change whatsoever, ever?
He's in it for the easy A dude
If he aced his assignments and exams portion and just showed up to each class to sulk in the corner taking the piss he'd still probably be in for a good mark.
>>85656 You obviously feel passionate enough about it to bitch about it.
I don't know man. That's like a low bar nowadays Bitching about things is entertainment in itself.
There's nothing easier than not caring about it.
Yeah but not caring about things isn't fun. It isn't not fun either, it's just the absence of fun. BITCHING about it is pretty bitchin though
>>85658 You seem to be overestimating how much energy it takes to click on that Reply button.
You'd think that but I just use the macros to reduce energy consumption when replying. More than that half the time I just don't bother with notifying who I'm responding too also.
Why is there a law limiting the number of feathers a duvet can be stuffed with. What is the purpose here.
it's probably more about the definition of a duvet? maybe they don't want giant cheap sacks of feathers classified as duvets
>>85680 Some sort of animal protection thing maybe? less stuffing means less geese to kill >>85679 hold me close until our bodies and spirits merge as one
>>85681 i can see the sense in that, but I would imagine giant sacks of feathers wouldn't make for particularly amazing duvets. So you'd imagine people would just vote with their wallets. >>85682 Hm, yeah, I can see the sense in that too.
It's a weird thing to me still though.
>>85680 came from case law they wanted to make sure that mistake didn't happen again
Was it really that common a mistake?
Is there an actual law prohibiting how many feathers you can stuff in a duvet, or is it just that you have to advertise/market it differently depending on the feather numbers
There was a tag on my duvet saying "this duvet contains less than the maximum number of feathers as required by law" or something. I saw it while making up my bed after doing washing and the weirdness stuck with me.
it's probably some old rule from the huntin n trappin local commerce era
It could just be an alternative way of saying 'this product contains the required number of feathers within the legally prescribed ranged to be sold at this price and under this product name
I'm tempted to take anything written considering law literally, and the tag said nothing about being within a range. It was very clear about being less than an amount.
Without being clear on what the amount actually is.
IV. Labelling of plumage products down fillings 1. Down fillings
Sections 29(3) and 38.1 Regulations
A dealer is permitted by the Regulations to label a plumage product as "down" if it meets either the appropriate definition for "down" or for "commercial down" (see items d) or j) of Appendix A).
The definition of "commercial down" incorporates realistic tolerances, which are intended to accommodate the imprecise nature of processing and manufacturing non‑homogeneous down and feather mixtures. The tolerances are not to be construed to permit intentional adulteration. The declaration "down" may not be preceded by words or figures indicating one hundred percent on a plumage product filled with "commercial down". In addition, the declaration "down", in such products, must be accompanied by the following statement:
"Note: This product contains an amount of feathers not exceeding that allowable by law".
The purpose of this statement is to alert the consumer to the fact that a product labelled as "down" may nonetheless contain some feathers. This statement should not be used on products containing a blend of down and feather.
The purpose of the sticker is to inform you that the product is legally considered down, even if it has fillings of feather
>>85723 were the problems... images posted by sugoi?
Sheep spam was straining the server
>>85724 sk seemed to break something, so images wouldn't upload, but the post number would go up and image duplication warning would trigger and quote the non existent posts. Out of sync: Couldn't copy file into place was the error on upload Rika did come and fix it back later.
>>85762 i've experienced dankquility a few times in my day >>85760 im trying but it's so hard with this... thing bud light lime grape-a-rita it says "grape margarita" but it means "grape drank" it tastes like jolly ranchers and cough syrup literally this is probably the niggerest thing i have ever tasted
>>85793 get some crunchy cheetos and pour chili and cheese sauce in the bag and top it with some jalapenos and pico de gallo and eat that shit with a fork it's a local delicacy
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>85794 i'm gonna be found in a ditch on the side of the freeway cause of death: american food coma
>>85797 no its a hooters knockoff where all the girls wear like bikini tops and booty shorts and on sundays they wear nothing but pasties and body paint
Hey everyone, this is your pal, Koi from Pixiv. Just wanna let you all know that we changed the star system into a simple like button. We think it'll make things more positive, yeah? Not like you ever gave anything lower than a seven.
Oh and by the way, this change BREAKS EVERY SINGLE DOWNLOADER YOU WERE USING Be sure to contact your favorite script devs! bye bye now
It's been three or so months I've had this job haven't killed anyone yet haven't died either time to jinx it hardcore >>86007 he has something like adhd not exactly brain damage
>The dab is a dance move in which the dancer simultaneously drops the head while raising an arm and the elbow in a gesture that has been noted to resemble sneezing. how interesting
I mean, I should know, I stream my torrents all the time
>>86026 isn't it only certain torrent programs can do it
I think there are some file types you won't be able to stream because of how they're put together, but yeah, your software has to have the option to download sequentially Which qbittorrent does, and so does µtorrent, I think, which is the most popular client out there I think wmv or something might not let you streamu
too bad it's GARBAGE now
Yeah fuck µtorrent If I wanted to pay, I wouldn't be pirating
qbittorrent has always and continues to be fantastic though
>>86006 ehh i guess it effects different people differently i think you could probably show him how to download anime easily but it would take some time maybe crunchyroll is easy and he'll probably be more likely to be able to devote enough attention to just go to the damn site
Speaking of torrenting I tried to use couchpotato earlier, and it just wouldn't add my torrents to the client at all It seemed to be working, it found the torrent, and it gave me a green light like "hey we did the thing" But qbittorrent wasn't getting new torrents added
They need something you can drink that turns you into a robot oh poor choice of words since I'm talking to you but something you can drink and wake up 12 hours later, having been productive the whole time.
the drugs don't really seem to change your mood much after some time taking them anyways it has something to do with the difference between the tolerance of central nervous system stimulation and sympathetic nervous system stimulation being wholly apart
>>86105 i have also had the same experience perhaps they simply didn't need it as much as they thought and upon realizing it and quitting the drug they understood more clearly how to focus and organize themselves regardless
that's makes it more exciting
>>86105 Turning into a human when you've been a robot will do that
>Hosted by Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro, the unscripted series lets the audience play the role of the jury and decide a verdict — so to speak — in a civil case in real time, in front of a former California judge. >The “biggest jury pool in history” will even decide a wrongful death suit, according to the network.
These are suits that would go to court, but both parties have agreed to let the TV Show's verdict be final, and not go to court It's not as bad as it sounds They're not replacing some court, they're an alternative
all those people who spoke about the evils of reality tv imagine how they must see us now
>>86136 her defense lawyer is making big bucks now handling high profile case after high profile case literally raking in millions for saving a child murderer
>In the first episode, viewers will determine whether Robyn Gardner died from accidental causes or murder when she vanished on a 2011 trip to Aruba. The audience will decide on a wrongful death lawsuit against millionaire defendant Gary Giordano.
>>86140 Yeah but both sides specifically wanted to let this show handle it rather than let the court handle it
Like I don't see the problem Judge Judy has been around forever dude
Baez, who served as his attorney during the criminal proceeding, will represent Giordano on the series as well.
(Though Giordano was detained in the Gardner investigation, he was reportedly released from custody due to insufficient evidence. He was never charged in her disappearance.)
>>86143 so what's the hook here why would someone even ever accept the chance to be found guilty after narrowly escaping a murder charge via acquittal the general public is dumb and easily whipped into a frenzy why place yourself in their sights
>>86146 Wrongful death is a civil suit. The plaintiffs probably had a legitimate cause of action against him in the first place, it was probably just a deal where both parties decided that rather than going to real court, they would let reality TV decide the suit for them.
>>86150 The courts And contributes to our population's misunderstanding of justice People are manipulated by the show Justice should not be for sale either
>>86152 when you put it that way i can see the logic but fail to understand the decision why go to reality tv court where you are almost certain to suffer at the hands of the general public instead of waging a real trial with a real chance of acquittal and saving your booty