Thread #85807
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recreators LWA alice to zouroku tsugumomo 1 and 2>>85810 yes we watched that yesterday
did you guys watch snk
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/10 (月) 06:37 No. 85811
ranma 1/2 gundam: final frontier hoshi no boshi
>>85811 gintama cat soup texhnolyze eden of the east
gimme that alice i'm all about that shit
>>85809 Oh I wasn't even planning on watching Tsugomomo. I guess I'll download it.
i'll get all of it though
tsugu might be lame but we can try it
i can't find recreators oh no
dont fail me anidex
it failed me
try creator in search
oh the dastardly hyphen
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>>85815 I don't even know anything about it. Are we ready for recreators?>>85825 How almost is almost? okay let's start
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I am.
>>85824 i was meming someone up elsewhere i'm ready
uh rip
This is apparently from the author of Black Lagoon. Or at least I read it in a threado -thread on /a/, hah hah.
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lets do like 4 shows today maybe save the second tsugu ep if we dont dorp it
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im fine with that>>85830 im super stoked to hear that though
Yeah I think it's cool too.
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>>85831 I think that's a good plan.
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oh god this music
I've actually heard it's reverse-isekai.
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wow this is really cool
>>85837 reverse-isekai
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>when mom almost finds the unconscious girl in your room
This show has a good robot
She's cute.
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>>85842 >>85842 >>85842
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If getting sent off to a fantasy world is good, that means getting sent to our world is pretty bad, doesn't it?
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Oh, her ribal seems to know what is going on. A show like this where both the heroine and her rival get stuck with protagonist-kun would be amusing. Also she broke his window.
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>>85845 she broke his dick too
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she seems like a fun girl
Hot damn.
huh her iris grew
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Wow, that girl has magical rocket launchers.
why cast fireball when you can just summon a fucking nuke
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Wow, his waifu became real and then she just ditched him.
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Oh, then she broke into his house I guess.
she broke his dick his window his heart and broke in what will she break next
well that was itneresting not really kinda
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i liked it the music especially was good
Yeah I thought it was pretty cool.
i fucking hate working at SevenMart
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okay let's alice okay there's everyone let's start
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i like this girl
i had to use the restroom and my sister was in there panic mode ready now wait what about bang dammit he said >>85813
Arisu>>85863 Wow are you an anime MC.
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poor bang he got ditched
Can we maybe trade over to Tsugomomo. He does want to watch this.
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wait what is the problem he said ready now
ohg lets watch tsugumu then
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oh that's Jan not bang You guys look a lot alike these days. Where is bang?
i will alice give me a minute please
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>>85872 we are at the op right now we'll wait at the end of the OP just lmk when you there>>85871 wow what are you saying
seriously whatever i'll just watch myself
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>>85872 Are no Don't be difficult. Are you asking for a normal minute or an ika minute? Should we watch something else or wait at the end of the OP?
me and tilde are playing dota probably like 15 minutes awayu
oh lets just watch something else first
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okay in that case let's watch tsugumimino or whatever okay let's start
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>>85879 >this show >>85881 wait are you tilde what are you doing playing dota and anime ultimate multitasking??
This show is gonna hurt.
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This show seems a bit retro.
It's based off a pretty ecchi fighting series. But the anime seems to be a half-baked adaptation.
doesnt sound very good was that Shinji
thats not shinji thats uhh what the hell is the name of tenchi's little brother from the newer tenchi muyo ovas kenchi
>>85880 Super ultra multitasking.
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That was fast.
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you know a shows gonna be great when it starts with kyaa baka hentai
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look its the same fucking guy
what the fuck am i watching exactly
what IS tsugumomo
is she his guardian ghost
a sentient wig just knocked that kid off a building and he got saved by a yokai
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She just extorted him really badly!
okay NOW i'm rady
At least he tried.
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brocon oneechan is the best
Tsugumomo's manga has some really pretty art and it choreographs some amazing fight scenes. But the anime adaptation is probably not gonna get the best of either of those.
this nigga has a power glove
Who the fuck sleeps with an obi. That's like going to bed with your belt.
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i dont really wanna watch that anymore but if you want to i dont mind
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i like the character designs and well thats it actually
I guess it didn't totally bastardize the manga so whatever.
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unless tilde or rika like it i'm probably dropping it but it doesn't seem terrible
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We've watched worse. okay are we all ready for alice? okay let's start!
It could get worse! Or maybe better, I dunno. You can be a bit of a pervert at times.
okay re-ready for alice >>85918 you can be perverted while also being a good anime
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ready oh it's only 23 minutes this time that makes me legit sad
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>>85924 i know right
tilde did you watch masochivilisimieum ye t
i would watch 45 minutes of this every week
>>85926 Nope.
>>85926 whats masochiviliseoeoemoeism
>>85929 some harem that has decent designs but is probably gonna be bad
also has a good opening
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She was a test subject but now she's a NEET living the dream
no way will gramps let her live the truneet lifestyle for long
this op is incredible i like how she sings along to the lyrics in some scenes
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You have to appreciate NEEThood while it lasts.
i'm kind of sad that there's going to be action and drama i'd prefer just comfy
uh oh
uh oh....
oh no
She's Spidergirl.
I kind of expected Sanae to be a bit estranged from her grandfather. He was kind of on eggshells when the topic drifted to her in the previous episode.
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I thought Sanae was dead from the way the old guy talked about her
>>85943 he just seems sad all the time because his children are dead
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She seems pretty great so far!
Sanae is a good girl
Oh fuck.
sanae is great
>Now we're buried in pigs together
Jillian Jillian Jillian Jiggs. It looks like your room has filled up with PIGS!
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She reminds me of this girl.
>>85953 >>85953 this
Nandya kore ya
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pic related its sanae
Except not actually because her seiyuu is still on hiatus treating some kind of illness ;_;
Oh shit they live near Harajuku. There's some nice neighbourhoods near there.
And now Sana is Yui from Yuyushiki.
I haven't had pancakes in a while. Hah hah she's such a brat.
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Sanae is a good onee-san.
summoned piggies must eat summoned pancake
She's going to teach Sana patience and due work.
sanae is a nice girl i can't wait for the bad guys to kill her for drama
rika would drop it
Drop it like it's hotcakes.
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>>85968 Yes, I would!
>dropping AOTS
It sounds like Zouroku picks fights with kids on a regular basis.
>>85976 he just can't stand the crooked youth of today
has she lost control?
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>is this the south pole? I've never been here before.
Well that's probably the truth.
do cats know that they're blocking the anime
they know
Oh fuck the pigs.
oh god
i like this show
this show is my favorite
i can tell it's aots from the first episode
>>85989 Maybe if it wasn't airing in a season that also has Uchouten Kazoku in it.
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>>85990 i'm telling you it's my sixth sense
>trump >translated as cards
>>85992 Trump is what most Japanese people call playing cards. Like if you wanted to suggest playing a card game like Go Fish or Old Maid you'd ask if they want to trump.
>>85995 ohh that makes sense
how come they don't have their own word for playing cards
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That was pretty good. It was nice to see Yukari again. Let's watch LWA okay i believe that's everyone let's start!
Because playing cards would have been an import item back when they first showed up. So the word would have originated from a loan word from another language. Oh, so a trump is a card that is given a higher rank in a card game, usually specific to a suit. You know, like how in a lot of games, the spades suit would be considered a better card than the same card of a different suit. Because pretty much any card game you play is going to have a trump card or suit involved, the Japanese loaned the word to describe any standard fifty-two card deck of playing cards. Thanks Wikipedia.
wait pee
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little witch!
New OP/ED this week.
Akko's got all these friends surrounding her and Diana's been downgraded to stalking her from the shadows when her posse isn't around.
Oh geez McGonnagal isn't the person to handle this situation.
wow laborer's union
wow they're all pawning the hard work off on her
She's not even young anyway. She's like, mid thirties.
just because she's the youngest
It's a roomba.
it's a roomba that has infinite power and can fly
technomancy is the future
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Seems kinda lame though.
>>86024 just wait until they start strapping magical knives to their magical roombas
Oh no poor Lotte.
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>not just taking a cold shower when the heat is out
They're all posh British gir- Oh no Akko.
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>>86031 this besides i used to heat water in a fucking pot to bathe with when we had no electricity or water
Hah hah Akko. She's really good at beating Diana in all the things that don't matter.
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>>86037 because she has HAATO
Oh wow it's a SPY. An INFILTRATOR.
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This technology stuff is sure to end badly.
She's talking really fast and trying to sell something complicated.
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>>86045 she's a good salesman which means she is probably a bad person
I know eh.
Wow the faerie creatures are on a rampage.
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haha, the bitches were framed!
The magitech system was making sounds in the classical ending bell chime.
evil robot fairy
technomancy is amazing
Poor Akko.
One of Croix's little robot elves was the one that lead the striking party to the injured flame faerie. She's totally the one that doused the little guy to show off her device.
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It looks like technology saved the day. I'm sure it will end badly in the end though!
>>86066 she TOOK MAGIC from the other faeries to save that one she can absorb magic with her robots and use it as she sees fit this is definitely dangerous
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Looks like she's up to no good already!
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how could anyone with ragyo eyes be anything but PURE EVIL
Poor Ursula.
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i like croix
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i can't wait to see what her master keikaku is
Maybe she just earnestly wants to save magic. But she just doesn't care about the damage along the way.
>>86077 >tfw you want to advance magic into the modern age but grumpy old ladies won't let you >have to devise a coup to do it
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100% chance she is up to no good.
thanks for anime
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yes this was good i liked almost all the shows save SnK for me next time お願いします
>>86080 Well she might be up to good but not necessarily up to right.
>>86083 ok
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>>86088 ¡gracias!
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