There's so much good anime You could literally drown in good anime
But I agree with Kirara if there's one show you're watching this season you should make it Kakushigoto. Though Hamefura and Yesterday wo Utatte are good too.
Arte Episode 5-6 Gleipnir Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 18-20 Kaguya-sama Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Shokugeki no Soma S4 Episode 1-12 Tamayomi Yesterday wo Utatte
It continues to be a pitifully miserable spring here. It was SNOWING on like Friday or Saturday for crying out loud. Didn't stick around but I just want it to be waaaarmmmm ;_;
>>839373 Do you think? That's a bit more edgy than a lot of these kinds of sorta-edgy but not really battle shounen series
The guy who's head is a telescope I don't think will live too long. Maybe the long-haired guy in the suit too, and those more monstrous ones. This exhibitionist lady I feel'll be an antagonist The helmet girl will either be a hard edge killing or kept around as a cute mascot.
Telescope-head is getting jeealloussss
Wow how cute. She's not even particularly monster-y she's just got animal ears.
Wow he let someone else in what a slut and also a bad idea considering he can't control over someone else
Maybe she doesn't have the same force of character Clair has though. Could be that it takes someone like her to dominate his capacity to move.
Also wow this lady didn't even need to fuck Clair for the pact she just wanted to take the chance to bang her.
It's stuff like this that makes me feel like the lady is gonna die eventually. Having Clair beholden to someone else's power is a dangerous predicament. And the lady dying is probably the only loophole to the pact.
Man that one guy is really SEETHING about that girl going into the MC.
The episodic settings in this show are really diverse. There was like a garbage slumtown, a hallucination-inducing forest, a flying fortress airship, a ... mostly normal school campus, Prince's city, and now some hidden island.
Oh it's not just any island it's a home for the Earless. I guess this girl's just another brick in The Wall.
Yeah. There seemed to be a camo pyramid hiding this island on the outside, and inside there's this really eerie always-orange sky going on.
An island hidden from view by arcane trickery is pretty commonplace for myths. Especially for the British Isles, which this series' setting seems to obviously take inspiration from. Stuff like Avalon and myths from Celtic cultures. I wonder if this hidden island is inspired by that.
It was flying pigs that brought our white whale to these Earless hippies too.
Hah hah hah CURAZY DIAMONDO What is this, JoJo.
I guess they're both referencing the same music though.
Oh the weird triplets are back again.
These three are bitching about giving away a symbol of Dada but honestly. A real Dadist would throw away anything once it became a symbol of the culture.
This episode feels like it was a completely different series from the school-set last episode. And those school episodes felt completely different from the start of the series.
Did you forget about the city episode in episode five? They ran into a guy who kinda felt like a spoof of Prince. Mu was working as a call girl in a kinda joke on phone sex hotlines or something.
I agree that each episode definitely is kind of it's own style and beast though. It's kinda neat but it makes for a bit of an unconnected storyline. Which is also neat, for me personally. I can imagine it's stuff like that which is why the show's not doing too hot review-wise though.
Quick gist is MC is an isekai protagonist born as the sixth son of a minor noble so he's really actually poor. But is also OP with magic so everyone loves him.
trying to come up with some pun/innuendo for a dragon 'under the belt' but im coming up blank oh well
Most guys usually have a dragon under the belt, I guess.
We picked up this series last week while you were pretty busy moving. I'd taken it off my tracking list after the first few episodes since the list was kind of overflowing. But we whittled the list down a lot so we were kind of at the bottom of the barrel. This show's honestly ... not great, but it's watchable. If not for all the shows that have gotten delayed because of Covid-19 I don't think we whould have picked it up hah hah.
It does however do a somewhat unique job of taking into account how lesser children of nobles often are in difficult positions because they can't rely on the property of their parents, since it would be inherited by the eldest. So they need to find other paths to success and livelihood.
Being a field medic in the middle of battle is a really exhausting task, even if you're not working with magic powers. There's a lot of mental fortitude involved.
Guess it was one of his onii-chans that had the injury.
he looks so much more immature than the rest of them there
>>839444 Most of the soldiers are probably young adults if not actual adults. I think the MC is like maybe twelve or thirteen at this point.
being protagonist-kun is tough i wonder what his age + real world age is
Oh hah hah I can see the semblance a bit.
>>839446 He was a salaryman before he died in Japan. But he also seems to have woke up in this body instead of just being reborn. I thnik he was maybe five or six? So probably around thirty years combined, I'd guess.
i dunno what happened really i was watching it but fell half asleep im still half asleep
Well I don't really blame you. Even knowing what was going on and not really tired it wasn't a particularly engaging episode.
I can appreciate that they tried to show what a battle is like from the mundane mook soldiers living the warcamp life, but they didn't really do it effectively, and didn't really show anything while doing it. So like that whole middle of the episode was kind of just a dead zone.
16? oh yeah it is 18 couldn't remember if 16 or 18 okay lets start!
I hope not everything that's gotten put on hiatus is just getting moved a season down. It's made this season fairly lax but if so then next season is gonna be positively packed to exhaustion.
Though maybe some stuff that was planned to air for it will get pushed back. The pandemic's really made a mess of things.
ready i seriously think i'll pass out on this one slipping in and outright meow
yeah everything's a mess everywhere
>>839458 We'll not wait on you too long for Kaguya then, if you're going silent. I don't think we've had you along for it and the first season was before you joined in too.
okay thanks i feel bad when i all asleep and make yall wait
I wodner if they made their hair colors red and blue on purpose.
what's the purpose?
Aesthetic contrast. Plus with the boy's yellow it kinda rounds out a primary colour triangle.
The Japanese also kinda like having a red oni/blue oni dichotomy, though that's often a personality comparison as much as a visual comparison.
Man this guy can really be a dick at times. I feel like a lot of it is him trying to push Main to improve but he does it in about the utmost asinine way possible.
Yeah. Like I get being curt about it being a fool's errand without the money to provide for them. But the thing about raising them to be good servants for nobility is pretty infuriating.
Plus I loathe people that brush off death as "a part of God's plan". It's shit like that which pushes me away from having any kind of faith.
i wouldn't be able to focus on a book like that i'd probably take on the role of orphanage director so at least i could read without guilt
>Just make them earn their own sustenance I guess we've seen child labour's a pretty normal thing in this culture but it's still kinda wonky having them put it that way hah hah
Main has really fallen into her character she's just kind of an autistic kid now
In fairness nothing in either of her lives has really prepared her for the politicking of the cathedral. That sort of thing isn't something you ever have to care about as a normal modern-day civilian. And the poverty life she lead in this new life had other priorities than dealing with the annoying whims of nobility. The fact that she kinda just bulldozes her way through the problems is a product of that I feel.
Wow a secret study. How cozy.
As someone who has a bit of an autsy insistence on doing what's right as opposed to what's situationally ideal I can approve of her tendency to not give a shit about the politicking though. It's all so stupid and a waste of energy.
I get a bit confused at times since it feels like both this blue-haired guy and
the old man priest get referred to as Head Priest.
Oh because it's Head Priest and High Priest. That's such a narrow distinction hah hah
>>839481 She can't just come up with clever ideas to make paper and money anymore. Main seems a bit out of her depths having to play the social game of the cathedral. Does make for a nice shake-up of the story arcs at least.
>>839487 Nobles in all time and cultural periods seem to make a habit of making every situation as complicated as possible. They just can't help it I guess.
>>839490 Night night, thanks for showing! See you tomorrow.
i wonder how they'd react if main invented an alarm clock in their time
They might not even have the complex mechanisms for clocks invented yet. The invention of the clock is one of those things like the printing press that completely overhauled how people work and think.
they had sun dials im sure there's a way to rig that into some sort of notification
Shirogane looks absolutely off-character without his characteristic pointed eyes.
>>839493 Yeah, I mean more their culture probably isn't ready for things like alarm clocks. They don't know how to live by the clock yet, so having the precision of alarms is going to be weird for them.
I don't really like this Shirogane hah hah. His eyes are more appealing in the smaller, sharper shape.
I feel like their secret feelings for each other are terribly kept secrets at this point
Kashiwagi is a bit special since she's close enough to the student council to get a lot of what's going on. And is wise enough to social things to get the right gist.
I think most people in this school are the kind of social dense kids of rich kids, plus don't spend a lot of time around the student council, to not get what's going on.
Oh no. Is Fujiwara gonna have to teach Shirogane how to sing.
Doesn't she remember what happened the last time she tried to teach him something? It's gonna end in tears!
We haven't been getting too many "How Cute"s this season.
Oh she remembered the disaster from the last time now hah hah.
It keeps happening.
I can't hit a note out of the blue. Though I could do what Fujiwara wants here, match the note she's producing. If you asked me what to just hit a "Re" without something to match I don't think I could.
I didn't expect it to work out that well. Shirogane seems to be a hopeless case in the things he can't do.
They don't always declare winners either they did this time though
I think they always do at a "chapter" end. Or sometimes there's a story arc between several chapters and the winner is declared then.
I say that because there was a story arc in the manga that wrapped last week that didn't have a winner declared and people were making a bit of noise about it.
Miko is kind of an autsy bitch at times but she's a nice girl. She just loves her IDEALS
She's got no clue what she's saying to Kaguya though hah hah.
>Free Shirogane from exhausting work But it's that exhausting work that gives Shirogane his sharp eyes. Kaguya should be refusing any chance to lighten his workload.
It's great how everyone but Miko realizes making Fujiwara vice-president is a terrible idea.
We had a winner that time too. They've really branched out the cast this season.
If the anime uses the plot arc I think they might for the second half of this season we should be seeing an even broader cast of characters. Plus Miko sticks around as a permanent addition to the main cast.
If you remember that thing I said about the main characters' names being wordplay based off characters from the actual Kaguya myth, aside from the obvious Kaguya the other four are Shirogane, Fujiwara, Ishigami, and Miko.
There's some other minor characters in the series whose names are wordplay off the treasures the princes were commanded to collect to win Princess Kaguya's hand in marriage too.
These two girls at the end of this episode are minor characters from the manga who have been elevated to main characters of a spin-off series too. Though I think it's just like a 4koma series that doesn't really have a plot like the main manga does.