If you want someone to develop good taste, you have to get them started somewhere. Once they're moving along, that's when you push them lout // out of the nest to fly on their own.
>there's this new short animation that's come out form some experts at Stanford >it really helps you change your perspective on things. I think it might help >it's called Boku no pico
He was somewhat low functioning and wasn't able to reliably complete tasks like taking out the trash, walking the dogs, etc. He was in his 30s but he was basically 12 years old. His parents brought him to therapy because they wanted us to fix him and even though that was impossible and we weren't trained to work with that type of autistic person, the clinical director at that mental health center refused to turn him away because he was a consistent source of funds, even though doing that is unethical.
Dealing with autism is easy. It's the low functioning that made it impossible!
I've worked with some autistic kids, teaching them about feelings and shit like that. Playing games with them on the floor. It's not really my favorite kind of work but it can be nice to play games with kids sometimes.
How does feelings jenga work Is it like you pull out your feelings and the point where the tower collapses is a metaphor for when you become a shell of a person?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>824975 Maybe you should try 10 hours of runecrafting
>>824976 It's just Jenga, but every block as a feeling written on it. When you pull out a block, you read the feeling on it and then you tell a story about a time you felt that, or you can talk about a movie character feeling that, or something like that. There's a few different ways you can do it. Kids respond really well to it.
We had a computer at home since my mom was in college, but it was from like 2000. All I really did on it was go on forums occasionally (in secret) and play Adventure Quest. I got my own computer in high school, though.
So technically I had a computer when Runescape was still big and I could have probably found a way to play but I don't think I even knew what it was back then.
well my brother broke up with his girlfriend again apparently because of this covid stuff she has the symptoms but can't get /// some of the symptoms
and can't get a test because she's not eligible or doesn't meet the criteria anyway she's apparently going around warning people she has covid when she might not and it's coming back to my brother and people are giving him a hard time for it
if you don't mind me saying your brother is finnicky
probably he's in highschool though and high schoolers are stupid
I greet people and tell them to bow before me I wage war with them and tell them to bow before me and if I don't want to go all the way to genocide them, I tell them to bow before me
>>825081 I don't know she's bipolar so maybe he's just looking for excuses other than that ah well
>>825089 I mean "has a highly contagious and deadly disease" isn't a bad excuse
>>825089 I don't know if I could ever date a girl with bipolar. Not to be ableist but I think I'd rather date a neurotypical girl. I have mmore than enough mental issues for one person. do have several bipolar friends though. *I do
how many friends do you have on the spectrum, out of curiosity?
>>825093 Irl or including online? I'll only list people who have confirmed diagnoses.
I have trouble differentiating anons. I can usually spot tilde but if other people start capitalizing the first letter of their sentences I >>825100 Yeah just noticed
punctuation motherfucker don't you read it
Anyways I don't want to cause drama >>825102 I'm aware Anyways I'm pretty sure tilde is on the spectrum.
there is quite more to tilde than capitalizing and periods
>>825101 >don't wanna do the thing >does it anyway
>>825101 I don't mean this as any ill-will towards Tilds, but do you think someone who WASN'T would keep on being consistently mindful of whether one person is interrupting them or not and if that ONE person is doing it, just stop posting altogether
And if anyone else does it, they don't reacth at all
>>825110 No I mean he bitches to mme when I reply to one of his incomplete posts.
>>825111 you cut in to EVERYONE I usually just cut into people that take fucking half an eternity to finish their posts
>>825112 Because of his fixation on wording things perfectly he takes a while to type stuff sometimes. I don't really give him shit about it anymore. Anyways I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me very much so I've been making a concerted effort to curb ccenter behaviors that I think people on /moe/ find obnoxious.
>>825178 Yeah you're right. All my anime buddies have been absent now for at least four or five days. I just want to watch anime with friends. It's making me lonely.
Oyasumi /moe/!
>>825179 I'll watch anime with you for the right amount of bells of course
>>825176 that's fine because nobody but solipsist man actually exists
i think therefore i ham
Solipsist man Solipsist man Does whatever A solipsist can
anime... that's not a name I have heard in a while
>>825185 what if this virus and locust plague in Africa is signaling the coming of the apocalypse and it's heralded by the false prophet, Trump, whose followers wear his Mark on their foreheads by way of Maga hats and the trumpets the good book talked about signaling the horsemen actually meant Trump/Pence
Shit, I just realised something I bought a wireless keyboard, but it's usb, not Bluetooth so I won't be able to use it on my phone or a tablet Guess I'll just use my ds Pokemon keyboard for that
>>825187 JAN due to popular vote, you just joined the merry band of Archaon, son of evercho, the everchosen of Chaos in his crusade to liberat world of order as his FINAL champion
I feel like Arifureta and Shield Hero MCs have completely swapped mentalities I feel like Shield Hero should have had the "i'm going to fucking kill everyone" mentality Arifureta MC started with for falling off a cliff
Well Shield Hero is also a story about Naofumi returning to being a decent human being despite all the abuse that gets piled upon him. I think his character arc is actually really endearing and well-done. Where as Arifureta really is just a power trip MC hah hah
I mean he's fine, it's just, considering the bullshit he gets, it'd make sense for him to have that kind of mentality. Where as Arifureta MC gets pushed off a cliff by one classmate and should have had Naofumi's "I want revenge on just that one asshole" kind of mentality.
Arifureta's MC didn't really have anyone to slap sense into him so his revenge plot just kind of goes on. Naofumi has Raphtalia as a constant morality compass and it helps him from going to much into FUKUSHU territory. Also Naofumi might've only talked about getting revenge on the bitchy princess but from his actions early on he was happy to trod over anyone that gave him trouble. He was just as much "fuck everyone" as Arifureta's MC before he started getting some stability from having to care for Raphtalia.
I mean Naofumi clearly hates on them all for shitting down his throat, but even from the get go he still has that sense of "I'll do my 'job,' anyway, but it's going to happen how I want it to" As opposed to just saying fuck them and letting them suffer without
That's kind of more a sense of duty than anything. Maybe Naofumi's just more mature than the other guy -- I mean, this one at least isn't really a maybe but eh. But like, damning an entire world to destruction isn't -really- worth revenge on a few people. Also defeating the Waves was the only way for Naofumi to get back to his Japan, which while boring, at least wasn't a miserable experience for him. So he did have a good incentive to grit teeth and get through it.
spear hero more like simp hero am i fucking right
naofumi should have just bought a sword and started stabbing niggas
1) buy sword 2) weld small buckler onto it 3) ??? its technically a shield so he should be super good with it mate
>>825225 He couldn't even TOUCH swords let alone wield them.
>>825227 you literally don't have to touch something to weld it to something else
haha spear hero more like wow you're a fucking loser dude what the fuck hero
they sell marble blocks in the dwarf place for 325k and the GE price is listed as 340k so I thought I'd found a genius money making plan but it turns out nobody buys them They're just sitting there.
chihayafuru is flawed, often in the same way many high school / sports / shoujo anime are but endearing and fun, much more so than the average anime so i think i'll finish it
yeah i'll have to snatch it after my groups are done i hope they brought it to my front door so i don't have to go out to the mail box mailboxes are DANGEROUS
Well, they were telehealthing in from a hospital room. Apparently there's a two year wait before she can even get on the LIST to be considered for a liver transplant even though hers is basically gone
idol dancing is ridiculously physical idols make it look so effortless 20 minutes of dancing and im so sweaty i guess i haven't been keeping up on my exercise recently but im still pretty in shape
idol dancing is just two in tents dude
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's so much fun though honestly more fun than running once i know the moves and dont have to watch the screen it's gonna be so lit
>>825296 is it even worth training agility past 90? the difference in run restore between 90 and 99 is 0.1% per second and it would take dozens and dozens and dozens of hours to get the levels
one of my apparent ancestors was a shithead captain who shanghai-ed islanders and made them work on his ship he was murdered on his ship iirc
>>825299 is it worth it in terms of benefiting you in other content? not even the slightest. is it worth it to get that sweet 99 on your stat page and the money from rooftop courses? yeah, it's good money and one of the easiest skills to max.
>>825316 oh yeah you're a bit of a dutchie don't they have some fucked up repayment system err for countries they colonised?
>>825317 of course dude women love a guy with maxxed out Runescape stats
maxxed out runescape stats? unzipsclock
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just got called senpai by a stranger on a dating app no weeb shit in my profile why is my life like this
Weeb-ness has kinda proliferated the Internet enough by now that there's a lot of casual weebs out there. Might give me pause but I don't think this one is that strange.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
maybe you just look like a weeb they can tell by your face.
the monster encycopedia girl is haunting you she casted a hex
>>825302 >>825302 mushrooms on the track you can not kill them in a way that matters
I've done something the finger on my right hand from probably jamming it into a trolley which is a bit weird, the four years I had as a trolley boy on the weekends I never did that
>>825321 gonna be really awkward when she shows up to therapy for the first time at your work a month later
Part of the problem with workspaces isn't even the distance people socialize at. It's the additional problem of being in one space with dozens of other people for hours on end. They're touching things, you're touching things, people are just everywhere touching things.
Every time I leave the office I have to either kick the door open or use a paper towel to touch the handle
>>825329 Yeah there's germs everywhere People touching the kitchen area Touching other peoples desks Touching documents that get passed around to other people Touching the printer So many high contact surfaces
deliverys at work guess some bright spark realised literally every order is touching that screen and it's easier than us cleaning it every time someone signs
yeah that's what I mean before they just had everyone touching it with their cvid fingers
i wash my hands hundreds of times a day get on my level covid fearing casuls
I've sanitised my hands so much my knuckles have little cuts on them now
hand sanitizer is really bad for your skin i was mixing some sanitizer to put in bottles out of the concentrated stuff and ended up with my skin peeling off haha
Yeah, everything is oaky. Just thrown way off by all the stuff happening lately.
>>825343 Seems to be getting to a lot of people at this point. We're what ... two? three? weeks into it by now. It's such a sharp veer from how people normally function.
i just got to the part where arata sends a text to chihaya wishing her happy birthday via taichi's phone, and he steals an indirect kissu by eating cake from her spoon and the pure shoujo in my heart squealed very loudly
never thought these images would be relevant again
i don't know if my poor heart can handle unadulterated shoujo chihayafuru is like a mix between a shoujo, a sports anime, a high school club drama, and no wait that's mostly it but yeah the multi-facted approach is making it pretty fun
can your heart handle being jebaited for years on end team arata or team taichi?
well fortunately i don't have to wait forever because i'm watching it after it's aired! arata hasn't been around much yet, and so far they seem to be hyping up team taichi pretty hard but the only ship i'm into is platonic bang x porkbun-kun
he's not perfect! but he seems alright arata reminds me too much of myself and is therefore a little bitch but like i said, he hasn't been around much yet
i think it's funny how differently i watch anime and view characters than i did when i started watching it 10 years ago i'm such a different person than i was then, and one of the biggest changes i can point to easily is how differently anime hits me i feel way more critical and yet way more accepting of flaws in the same way
o yeah i agree i didn't know anything about human relatinoships when i started watching
a lot of vocal stuff was lost on me when i was younger appreciating good voice acting relies a lot of understanding emotional responses to social situations and i had absolutely none of that 10 years ago
if only i had been allotting my character stats properly from the beginning i lost too many to idling my STR and AGI are way behind where they should be
>>825461 Don't you want a girl who can laugh at your despair
Spear is a simp, bow has brain damage, and sword is slow come on sword you're like RIGHT THERE with pieceing it all together
They really just don't see this as a "real" world. It's all just roleplay and fantasy for them. Except maybe Spear-kun he's just a total dumbfuck. But Bow and Sword kinda just want to run around being video game heroes.
I just mean over the anti-shield hero propaganda Spear is too busy begging for a spare crumb of pussy Bow just constantly 180s over it between "this is wrong" and "actually no fuck the shield" And Sword is just almost there, so fucking close, it's like he's putting a really easy puzzle together but it's all colors and he's colorblind
Propaganda's insidiously effective man. Plus after being pushed to the point of breaking Naofumi does kinda lean in to the character they paint him as. And the more monstrous powers he gets certainly doesn't help either.
Yeah but you'd think after he goes "wow this bitch is going to kill melty and claim its for the brainwashing" and then bitch goes "okay im going to kill melty because of the brainwashing" the two would be like "okay, hold on, that's not right, you're fucking stupid, bitch" But instead they gasp and go "oh no how could you do this stop im so invested please no" And then Bow gets jostled by some guards running by and he just takes it like a WIMP
That's what I mean that it's just roleplay and fantasy to them. The princesses are just NPCs man some times they do weird shit. If you only view it as a game then isn't it more fun to watch it play out?
Honestly that's like one of the biggest things I'd criticize, at least up to now, is that Naofumi is constantly driving the point that "this isn't a game, actions have consequences" and then you have scenes with Sword on the boat where he's like "I GET IT, I FUCKED UP" and then girl with fans shows up and he's like "what this isn't like the game" like dude you just said you understood it isnt a game why are you like this
also im on episode 15 and if raphtalia doesnt gut this mother fucker i QUIT
Just bear with it man. Like three minutes of patience.
It's too late, it lost it's impact when Naofumi talked her out of it Naofumi now a Kirito-tier isekai protagonist out of all 4 isekai I've seen
I'm half joking, by the way, I don't think less of the show for this one moment but I really hate this troupe/cliche of "i'm getting my revenge! but actually I won't because of the moral high ground, oh but you've conventienly died by my hand in some accident, oh well" shit like just fucking pick the high ground or the revenge don't take both with your having your cake and eating it too bullshit
He still died because he had the gall to attack her when she turned her back. Sure the actual dying comes from a fall but I'd still argue it was by Raphtalia's, though by her self-defense rather than vengeance.
That's what I mean by hating it, though. If she was taking the moral high ground they should have left it at that and left him to the mob or whatever. But giving her the high ground and the kill is stupid. Not just her, but in general. It's a bad troupe imo.
She's a trained warrior by this point, trying to attack her is dangerous at best. She's free to take the moral high ground but still respond with her trained instincts to a threat. If you focus too much on the fact that it's a trope it's easy to gloss over the actual details. Narrative devices and tropes don't matter to these people, they're gonna behave in accordance to their beliefs and instincts.
Now see this is how he should have 'died' to begin with What little character he's shown is that he's a scheming coward, him trying to blindside her after she'd just raw bested him makes just about no sense He should have just bolted when she took the high ground and gone straight to the monument to reap his fate instead
they have them? they had a meido cafe in Melbourne but I went there and the maids were off and only the regular dudes were there they talked to me about 4chan
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
apparently http://animesydney.org/maidcafe/
okay this time you're coming here and we're going there this is my revenge
My favorite professor who has influenced my clinical work so much just announced that he's retiring because he was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment And his memory is getting worse He's only like 64! It's really upsetting
He's the only professor that really supported me. We have the same philosophical backgrounds and we're both Jewish. He would always start off every class with a bunch of really bad dad jokes.
I wouldn't have another opportunity to take a class with him anyway because I'm virtually done with classes but it's so sad. I have been thinking about trying to catch up with him for a while now but with the pandemic I haven't been able to. And now this. I know he'll still talk to me and stuff if I reach out but it's so sad. I was kind of hoping he would be there to support me for a long time.
>>825517 Yeah, my stressors have reduced my memory a little bit and it's weird. It's like, is this the client that got fired? Or the one whose wife left him? I used to remember everything a client said without fail and I still do if something triggers recall but it's harder right now. Maybe being through telehealth is part of that.
>>825516 damn i want some ramen or something like the good shit
The person who normally does payroll is out for surgery. And the person who has been handling payroll paperwork in his stead is the same person who complained to the superintendent that he wanted this week off instead of next week (which is why I'm working despite my gang being off) So I have been doing the work line ups, the work documentation management, AND payroll. It's a good thing that we haven't been doing any of the serious rail inspections like UT runs because if I have to write broken rail paperwork on top of all this, I'd be upset.
And the reason I brought that up in the first place is that my short term memory is shit and so in trying to organize papers by what kind of paperwork it is, and who did, and when it was done, and sign in sheets, and suddenly my desk is full, and I'm putting stacks on top of the printer, and unused desks, and which page was I on, and where did these verifications come from, and why didn't the walker write their name or date on this, and did I leave yesterday's payroll on the other desk or the printer?
I don't recall what the trick was I think they had a similiar weakness when taking off as flies have, ie. being able to move in just one direction initially
still plauged by sea bass though what a horrible curse
plagued even
Other fish may come and go The long arm of history may bend however it pleases But sea bass are eternal
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>825538 still ded ill hold this whole month if i have to
a professor made me go to the doctor because i'm still coughing from my sinusitis
so i went and they told me surprise i still have viral sinusitis
and then the doctor was like "hey your ears got lots of wax do you want us to clean them?" so i said sure why not and then a cute and very friendly nurse spent like 30 minutes rinsing my ears and getting excited about how much wax was coming out and bragging about how good she is at cleaning ears
all in all, a surprisingly nice experience
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow there really are eggs everywhrre
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is it ok to eat an egg that grew on a tree???
Clean near clean ears
>>825567 Is it okay to eat an egg you chopped OUT OF A TREE
I haven't found eggs please give eggs
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had to close the game and start again and then they were all ovet the place
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i've got earth eggs leaf eggs and a SKY egg
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and there's a donny darko looking motherfucker running around dancing at me
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and its threatening me
kill him
The rabbit is kind of terrifying
I've got a peppy cat villager and she accurately described this holiday as fucking WEIRD because eggs are literally everywhere.
>>825583 oof maybe you registered it in a different life! how are the options today
What's also kinda funny about the Bunny Day rabbit is, a lot of the older animals that used to host these events have retired or whatnot. Daisy Mae took over from Joan, C.J. is doing the fish business instead of Chip, Flick for bugs instead of ... the old guy, Tortimer seems to have finally croaked it.
But the rabbit is undying.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a void in a costume
these egg outfits are cracking me up they look so dumb
The rabbit gave me a Bunny Day bed recipe for taking to it. It's just a pile of eggs roughly in the shape of a bed. Because that sounds comfortable.
>>825589 I'm up 6k today, made back most of what I lost from my bad put so i'm feeling good don't know if I want to make a move tonight
>catch lionfish >I caught a zebra turkeyfish animal crossing what the fuck
i got cherry-blossom bonsai, picnic, and cherry-blossom-trees wall
do you just get them randomly while catching petals? >>825601 bunny man is gonna turn you into an egg and toss you into the sea
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got them from balloon presents
I got one from either a balloon or a bottle, can't remember. Just cherry blossom flooring though, aside from the picnic Isabelle gives you
oh, all my balloons have been sky eggs I did get an egg recipe from a bottle
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got two sky eggs balloons and then a normal balloon with 5 iron a sky egg and the
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
normal balloon were out at the same time so they might have separate spawn instances also got an egg recipe from a bottle
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>While the order is in effect and because traffic is expected to be lighter than normal, DeSantis has ordered $2.1 billion in transportation projects be accelerated. Those projects include the Howard Frankland bridge project in Tampa Bay. wow the governor actually did something smart just finish these 3 year long construction projects while everyone is inside
hopefully the construction workers won't get sick though
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.wfla.com/community/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-in-florida-what-is-considered-an-essential-business/ ...this is a list of basically every possible business and employment
>>825610 In terms of Covid-19, construction sites are actually often extremely risky spaces to be in. Workers are often working shoulder to shoulder and it's not like they have infrastructure in place to get a proper cleaning done when they've all been handling the same tools and materials. It's not really a workspace that can effectively work while social distancing. I agree accelerating construction while everyone is inside is smart but construction sites aren't the safest place to be if you want to avoid catching Covid-19.
Unionist activities have already been fomenting in western society for a few years now, obviously more so in places like France. This pandemic too has helped a lot of people realize they are in fact essential workers and some have begun protest striking or talking union language. So maybe it's only due time.
>>825625 but the additional problem with Covid-19 is touch contact. The coronavirus can survive on surfaces if not cleaned/sanitized for like more than a week, so even if you're wearing gloves, you're gonna get it on your gloves, and if you're careless about removing your workwear you're gonna risk transferring the virus through touch from the clothes to your body. Then all it takes is a careless face-touch and it might enter your inner system. This is the real issue with workspaces and why they benefit from outright shutting down in this situation if possible. Even if people are distantly socializing, they're still gonna be touching all sorts of stuff in the space and then other people are gonna be touching the same stuff and all it takes is a few careless mistakes and people get infected.
>>825642 Nope, Rika was absent both Sunday and Monday so I didn't get to watch anime AT ALL until today. Hopefully we can get to it soon I really liked the first episode.
im gonna have to go buy a bunch more meat tomorrow since we're going into stay-at-home-modo they're syaing i can still go shop but even so
Shops consistently have stayed open since food supply chains are pretty much the definition of essential. Yeah if you were bemoaning about toilet paper earlier then prepare for even worse now though. I was listening to a guy from ... one of the Carolinas whose local grocery store is only open like three or four hours a day because that's literally all the daily stock they get. It gets sold through in that time so the shop closes since there's nothing to sell.
we've been on stay-at-home order for a week or so now, grocery is still open you may not find much when you go depending on panic buyers though
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nooooo it's over
>>825658 time to bully them off the island file a complaint with isabelle
i'm essential and the shop is by my work so i can do whatever i want too i'm still staying at home mostly though
the stores here have remained fairly well stocked aside from certain things dry grains, rice, beans, and flour have been gone every time I've been shopping, which sucks because I really want to make more bread
When I was at the store the other week I checked by the pasta aisle since I like keeping pasta around. Every decent box/bag of pasta was sold out, aside from macaroni and spaghetti, for some weird reason.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bought like 10 pounds of rice and i can't bring flour into the house rn bc passover starts in a few days
naisu I still have ~5 pounds of rice >>825663 weird I've been going to a smaller store instead of supermarkets, it seems to have more stock of pasta
Alternatively, look into if you've got any bulk goods store nearby. They might sound unsanitary, and some are, but others are taking steps to be sanitary. The chain here doesn't even let shoppers touch the utensils and bins anymore, you get an employee that follows you around the store and does all the work for you. If people have been steering clear of places like that, they might still have flour and other bulk dry goods in stock.
>>825665 smaller stores can still have stock because nobody knows about them also asian groceries have stock because racists are racists and also think they'll get the virus from Asian stock
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the asian grocery stores all have stuff here still
oh yeah, I should check out h-mart I need to get some kombu and bonito flakes anyway >>825666 not a bad idea I got a 70lb bag of steel cut oats almost a year ago online and I'm still eating out of it, I could probably just get a big bag of flour too storage might be tough though I don't have a lot of room
H - M A R T We finally started getting a few H-Marts here in the past couple years and they're great.
hentai mart we have one called s-mart back home
>>825667 lol typical more gyoza wraps and shimeji shrooms for me
>>825698 i think it might have been you who told me to watch it
oh that got an anime i was reading it a while back and stopped how nice >>825694 oh no >>825693 tomorrow at open 9:30 tonight's my last night of work so I gotta be sharp. It's also payroll cutoff week so any mistakes that come back tonight, I have to fix quickly. Or else paychecks are getting thrashed. I need to rethink how my check gets divided again I probably shouldn't be putting in money towards my 401/457 while the market collapses.
>>825699 Yup, precisely. I stopped after a few times to make sure I didn't recommend it into your garbage pile.
sometimes I need a break from garbage and want to watch something actually good.
>>825700 You should pick up reading it again. Or just go watch the anime it's really good. I've peeked in on chapters that get translated on /a/ and it's good.
in fact, it's probably a good time to hike up the payments on my student loans and also start funneling money into my new accounts
you know what car needs is a spoiler helps them drive better
>>825718 >thumbnail did someone really make a car with amarble kitchen counter design >expand image i want to go back to the time when my initial idea was the worst idea
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I think its bullshit that those hoodies and shirts are banned at conventions.
yeah next thing you know they'll make people shower total facism
i mean if you're wearing ahegao shirts kids are gonna see it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>825732 for me personally, yeah I have no reason to interact with children I don't have any nieces of newphews *nephews
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
anyways its cropped porn so it doesn't have anything bad on it that's even more ridiculous than people complaining about shirts with the word fuck on them
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if it bothers a lot of people i don't think there's anything wrong with asking them not to wear the shirts i mean, it's a shirt why is it so important
and you complain about anime being popular when it's only stupid normies who wear those clothes
it's not just the normal ones
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nobody would be upset or consider it censorship if you kicked someone out of a movie for talking during it
I should make the Smiling Isana collage into a hoodie
Would you tweet it to the mangaka if you did
i dont think i would
I have so many aches in my body I wouldn't know if I actually had symptoms
>>825736 Actually if you paid more attention you'd know that I complain a lot about anime being popular. >>825738 That's a terrible analogy
it’s considered rude to talk during a movie it’s also rude to wear cropped porn
i like anime titty as much as the next guy but please dont wear even one ahegao
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>825743 what makes the analogy terrible is it impossible that the shirt may be distracting and offensive to people in a way that detracts from their experience
>>825746 yeah why would you do something that bothers a lot of people solely for the purpose of bothering them
next you'll tell me people should be allowed to go in stores with no shoes, no shirt and get service
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>825748 If they don't like it they shouldn't look. In regards to "it makes many people feel uncomfortable" A shirt that says "I don't believe in god" would be offensive to many people, should people not be allowed to wear a shirt that says that?
>>825755 they should if it's a business on a pier or beach otherwise that place will lose business
>>825756 fucking foot fetishests ruining america >>825758 I would agree with beach, kind of, but not pier please dont walk barefoot on piers that sounds awful
>>825757 >they shouldn't look ez to do that surely, if you don't want to see something just never look at anything you have to look at it first to know you don't want to see something man
this just in offensive things aren't real hahahahaha just like close your eyes hhahahahahha
If it had nudity on the shirts or cum on the faces there would be an argument.
there’s a difference between a shirt that says “i dont believe in god” and a shirt covered in stuff
>no pantyhose, no purchase >no leggings, no looking
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>825757 if you go somewhere with the purpose of offending people with your shirt, you're a itty bitty petty little bitch it's completely reasonable for a private venue to enact a rule preventing people from being purposefully inflammatory especially when it comes to something as small as a shirt
>>825767 >No tights, no taking >No kneesocks, no knicking
>>825767 if there are no leggings, I'm definitely looking
>>825772 they also don’t look good fashion disaster
>>825775 I think they're funny whether or not they offend people. You're making a pretty broad generalization if you think everyone who wears those does it to make people uncomfortable.
why would you wear something so unpleasing to look at if not for people to see it it’s a big “look at me” sign
they remind me of those bootleg hoodies that all the poor kids would wear to look designer or some shit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>825777 if they know the shirt makes people uncomfortable and that a lot of people don't want to see it and they choose to wear it despite that, they are intentionally making people uncomfortable at this point today as we speak all of these people are aware that it makes people uncomfortable
>>825782 They are making people uncomfortable a a result o their decision, that doesn't mean its the purpose behind it. Disregarding the private venue part (which is the reason why they can ban it) People have first amendment rights and they don't end where other people's feelings begin. For example, I have a tshirt that many people find offensive and many other people find funny. Should I not wear it?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it means that they are intentionally making people uncomfortable
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>825783 the first amendment is a thing that was made up who the fuck cares doing something just because you're allowed to even though it causes other people discomfort is petty as shit who cares what's "allowed"
>>825785 So people shouldn't do thinks that make other people uncomfortable? Protesting makes people uncomfortable, should people not protest? Feminism made people uncomfortable
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's completely different and you're very obviously being petty which explains why you care so much about the shirt s
do you know what a protest is what the intents of a protest are and what the purpose of one is?
feminism at least is was /// you know what this is tired your equating actual causes with "I should be able to wear lewd anime girls in public"
i should be able to own slaves because i want to, it's my first amendment right man
no wait my second because i can then bear their arms
>>825791 No, it makes them uncomfortable s you can't.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you are one petty motherfucker
>>825789 Yes, >>825794 I have incredibly strong feelings about censorship and personal expression.
more like one autistic chimp
If I had to pick a chimp, I'd pick the bonobo an autistic bonobo ape
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>825795 and a striking lack of understanding in other matters see >>825790 wearing a shirt that causes people distress for the sole purpose of wearing the shirt which intentionally causes people discomfort is completely different from, say, a protest in which people are trying to secure human rights for themselves
>>825798 So freedom of expression isn't a human right? I'm not willing to die on this hill but I am willing to argue about it for a while.
Yes you're right and therefore these conventions, the people going, and the people running them have the human right to express you can't come in with your stupid fucking hoodie We've come full circle
>>825800 If you were actually paying attention that *then you might've noticed tthat we stopped talking about the context of conventions.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>825799 this isn't a matter of freedom of expression lol
otherwise you could say that i can expose myself to strangers because it's freedom of expression
>>825858 if kongou's a dragon yeah (the text bubbles are making her horns look like her headgear huh)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
when is kancolle hopping on the vtuber train in order to try and save themselves
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
P5R is a lot different from P5 even at the beginning the story is the same right now im still on the first palace but they redesigned the palace and added a lot of new scenes