Thread #825378
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It returrrrnnnnssss Only had to go four nights absent!
DorohedoroEpisode 11-12 Ace of Diamond Black Clover Boku no Hero Academia Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Koisuru Asteroid Kyokou SuiriEpisode 11-12 Magia Record Pet Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemitaEpisode 11-12 Show By Rock!!Episode 11-12 To aru Kagaku no Railgun --Spring 2020 Brand New Animal
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I'm busy downloading. Any chance of moon tonight?
I've not seen any of Moon since, uh. Maybe Wednesday or so. So I wouldn't count on it. If there's something we've been saving that you want to watch, I think it's due time we watched it.
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black clober boku no hero pet railgun asteroid will change things around if moon appears
Rodger dodger We should be seeing a few more of the season's new shows coming in over the next few days. There's a few I'm looking forward to.
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okay black clover! okay lets start
Kuro Kusoba
They've got to be doing something with this show soon though. Either a decent length filler arc or put it on hiatus like what they do with Hero Academia.
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Bleach would sit on filler arcs forever though. If they want it to be part of the new big 3 they may do that.
Shounen Jump probably won't ever get another Big Three like it did. Even Bleach got some pretty harsh feedback about its enternal fillers. But speaking of Bleach, it's anime is actually coming back hah hah To finish the last big arc of the manga. Kubo's not-Bleach one-shot is also getting an OVA. That one looks kinda fun at least.
Guess his otouto is still being a little shit. Turns out it wasn't an elf that made him an asshole he just always was one.
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boat arc!
Seems more like a boat episode. Looks like they're already at their destination.
Watery fish lady Oh it's an Undine. I guess there had to be one at some point.
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Looks like the power level is stepping up a bit.
Yeah. They're even throwing in some new silly powerlevel measuring system too. I guess the whole thing about grimoires with more clover petals being stronger has been irrelevant for a long time.
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the japanese love numbered ranking systems and power level boku no hero okay lets start
Oh she's like a dorm imouto now.
Mirio has some real corny fashion sense.
OL Cats Oil cats
We already know a lot of the top-ranked pro heros but I guess there's still a good number of new faces.
Oh I know this rabbit lady. She becomes pretty relevant in later arcs.
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I like mount lady. seems she's weak though
She's 23rd, that's pretty high considering the listing goes well below 411 probably. Man Hawks has some real attitude.
I feel like Endeavor's neck didn't used to be this thick. Or maybe his flames covered it better in the past.
Despite being kind of a dick Hawks seems to be really competent. Guess that is why he's the second-based after Endeavor.
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Endeavor would look so plain without all his fire.
He's got a pretty muscle-y build so he does have that going for him. But yeah he doesn't have a strange flair like a lot of the other characters do. Woah this one can talk.
Rodger dodger
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okay pey! pet even okay lets start!
Petto bottoru It's nice to get a full story in one season. Most adaptations never get the chance to finish so it's cool to see this one get a full adaptation.
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Yeah, I agree. I hate incomplete stories, it's why I stopped reading a lot of manga
Hah hah wow. That brainwashing the ponytail guy did on Katsuragi really keeps coming in use.
Guess he used to be a gentler person before he got his brain played around too much in.
Huh... It was Satoru that got shot in the leg. Yeah there we go. I'm confused now who's tweaked whose memories. Guess it was Satoru.
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It's really trippy again.
Yeah. I bet this was probably less compressed in the manga. Tsukasa's ego finally got to him I guess. Kept thinking he could run away from his problems until it finally did him in.
The hair dye in Satoru's hair growing out is a nice touch. Oh they found the real place Hayashi's mental world was based off of.
Well I feel kinda bad for the Chinese lady but for the most part all the people who were kinda of awful got what was coming to them.
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Well, this was a lot different than I expected. better than expected too. railgun! okay lets start!
Sasuga Misaka.
Shokuhou is a bit sadistic. Just a bit.
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The randos in Railgun often have better character designs than a lot of the cast.
Can't be helped all the main girls are pretty hard-normal. Like the weirdest one honestly is Uiharu constantly going around with a full floral headpiece.
Oh yeaaaah. Yup Hah hah Saten and Touma randomly bump into each other.
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I wonder how many otaku are mad about this.
Well she never ends up in the Touma Harem so it's probably fine.
What a cheery, gossipy librarian. Though well it seems kind of a suitable personality.
Despite their personality issues the two girls do work pretty well with each other.
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Opposites work well together.>>825441 Saten always snooping!
Oh no Saten what are you doing.
No sense of self-preservation!
Oh this girl's one of the Mexican magic girls. I guess that explains the big sword.
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That metal girl looks vaguely like kuroko.
There's no way this is actually Yeah Kihara is way too smart to get caught by mook soldiers Hah hah he's even taunting Shokuhou through the memories. What a guy
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evil people in railgun are very EVIl okay asteroid okay lets starT!
I swear this is the third time my net's gone out when we're about to start Koisuru. This show is CURSED.
Wow, some informative SPACE science
These late-night activities they get to get up to are really enviable. Wish I could've done something fun mind that.
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That would have been comfy. I think Japan is a good place for stuff like that because it's fairly safe and you can just walk or ride a train home when you're done. Securing transportation as a kid in the US was hard.
Well they're in the grade equivalent of grade eleven; I was definitely making late-night treks across the city at that point. But I guess there's a bit of an advantage for me.
They're kinda doing real field work here. This camp is good training for kids interested in getting into the field.
Aaaahhhhhhhh I still can't get over Suzu's short hair. She was much cuter with it long!
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Oh, this is feeling a lot like an episode 12 now.>>825456 ong hair is almost always better.
They had to wrap everything up for the final episode. There's kinda been a slight undertheme of photography throughout this series so it's neat to have this kinda photo- Oh wow that was a smooth blending into the ED animation. That shot of them's been in the ED since the get-go. How clever.
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I like clever ED stuff.
Yeah it's good when it's just not the same static switch in to it.
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okay thanks for anime sorry for my recent absence
Yup yup. Thanks for coming back! After that long I was starting to get a bit despondent. I really like this anime time.