Dorohedoro Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion Itai no wa Iya nano de etc. Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitamita Episode 11-12 Show By Rock!! Episode 11-12 Somali to Mori no Kamisama
All these Artifacts they've been chasing this episode and the last have really chuuni names. Violin of the Earth God, Ring of the Thunder (Lightning?) God, something else of some other God. I know there's a trio of gods like that in Japanese folklore though, one that rules over earth, one over thunder, and then whatever that last one is. So it's just a reference to that but it's still really chuuni.
This show has the problem where the protagonist is outshined by some of the side characters.
It's pretty normal for the male lead to be rather dull but Hatena isn't particularly remarkable either. She's been getting better but it's still in progress.
I don't know if their dad's going along with how their mom keeps pushing back and pushing back reunion or if she's kinda abusing his trust too. Either way it's kinda mean how they keep ditching their kids.
It's kind of a neat style. In a more engaging series or a more enthralling character it would probably be a lot cooler.
Oh hah, they don't even know when they're gonna air the final episode. I guess between the pandemic and that this series was already strained they've hit a snag.
Become Meguca I think this is the final episode of this. The plot is still kind of only getting wound up though. I can kinda see where they're gonna end it but there's really a lot of threads that'll be left unanswered.
Guess you just gotta play the mobage to find out!
She's talking kinda stilted. Is she still a Witch?
Instead of having Katou Emiri lecture us on the nature of Mahou Shoujo and Soul Gems, we've got Kugimiya Rie doing it for us.
Oh another Kyubey that actually talks. We've had the baby one all this time I'd forgotten the others talk hah hah
Still not entirely sure how this ties in with the movie. Did you watch the movie yet?
Not yet. This doesn't really tie in with the movie though. The timeline of Magia Record apparently takes place in one of the earlier timelines Homura went through. A point before she had to mercy-kill Madoka in that one scene that turned her from Moemure to proper Homura.
Honestly she's kind of got a good, if selfish, motivation.
Guess it wasn't the last episode. Thought I saw an END in the title of the Erai Raws version.
Oh this week's endcard was done by the other common SHAFT character designer. I can never remember their name.
They did the character designs for the new Higurashi adaptation that's coming out soon.
oh yeah someone finally used an anti-armor ability against her.
Hah hah hah just as expected. She had a skill to endure at 1HP
I saw an illustration from one of the LN volumes that had Maple's stats on it. Her defense stat was in the like 45,000s but her HP was only 200. So yeah, anything that can ignore DEF is probably gonna one-shot her.
It's fun to see these crazy powers but I do think it would have been better if Maple stuck strictly to defensive stuff rather than offensive. Though I guess a Counter skill is quintessential defense.
Bit is honestly understating it. I get what Payne is sayin though. Can't really blame Maple for being totally unfair when she did everything fairly. Pick your bones with the dumbass developers that don't balance their game!
I'd kinda like to see more of this fire lady though. She seems pretty moe.
This is a very tone-dissonant scene. The terror of seven Maple Kaijuu put to peppy anisong music.
When they bring him back from going Terminator though, he's gonna be in an awful state. Missing an arm, more of his exoskeleton's been cracked off. He's gonna have to do something about that exposed core too probably.
I really wonder if these golems have some kind of history with humans. The one in the flashback was caring for humans too.
Well he seems ... okay. All things considered. Looks like the spines formed from his exoskeleton all broke off though. He doesn't really have much of it left.
Yeah, he's really messed up. He needs to get help or do a repair arc.
Golems seem to be irregular at best, even in this world of weirdness, though. Where are they gonna find someone that knows how to fix golems, or the parts to repair with?
;_; That's not something Otou-san can do easily anymore
Yeah. If Kirara and ToN ever run out of things for their weekend watching sessions I'll point it out to them. I don't think Kirara was watching it at all this season.
im sad about madoka i wanted to watch it with moe oh well
name 3 anime from the last 3 years i should watch because i'm very bored
That's a really wide time period to pick from!
u can do it i believe in u
if all else fails i'll probably watch chihayafuru
Hm Megalo Box for one Granbelm Banana Fish
Bonus Round Asobi Asobase Dororo Fruits Basket
what is Granbelm?
Girls fight in magic mechs to become the super witch. There's some Madoka vibes in there but it really does stand on its own. It's got some real good sound design.
the screenshot makes me think "the new madoka"
what about banana fish?
does megalo box break convention pretty heavily after the first half of S1? i felt it was something i'd seen enough of before when i started it
Banana Fish is an old manga that got re-imagined in modern day about a Japanese guy visiting America who gets caught up in a tangled story of mobs and drugs. It's pretty stylish and has a high level of quality.
I don't know if I'd say Megalo Box shakes things up too much. If it's not something enjoyed from the start it's probably not gonna be too satisfying by the end. I really enjoyed it though.
That's kinda why I threw in the bonus round though.
i'll give banana fish and granbelm 3 eps and see and chihayafuru too