but I already bought the game before that. on both steam and switch which is funny because I spent all this time playing it on Steam and dying and as soon as I unlocked Terra on the Switch, I beat it.
idk much about 2hu but that does look fun reminds me vaguely of megaman battle network
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah the eden game he's playing is very battle network and with the modding support, adding stuff like 2hus should come pretty quickly if they've already got a sprite like that going'
>>823978 The game is directly inspired from battle network. Like, that's the concept 100%
I haven't played Slay the Spire but everyone says it's both Battle Network and Slay the Spire mashed into one. but yeah, the BN aspect is exactly why I've been following it for so long
>USB drives use Flash memory, which means the the ones and zeros of your data are stored on transistors. When you save data, a binary zero is set by charging the float gate of the transistor, and a binary one is set by removing the charge. To charge it, we add electrons, and the mass of each electron is 0.00000000000000000000000000091 grams. This means that an empty USB drive (which mostly holds zeros) weighs more than a full USB drive (which has ones and zeros).
>>824002 is this from twitter? I want to see the source.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's too long to be from twitter
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>824004 it's a fun fact thing on a science magazine https://www.sciencefocus.com/future-technology/does-a-usb-drive-get-heavier-as-you-store-more-files-on-it/
mhmm what was that popular documentary I watched about those two working together The kingdom of Dreams and Madness I think it was Anno did a voice in one of the more recent Ghibli movies too
I think it was The Wind Rises? >2013 lines up with what I remember at least
It's actually really understandable to me and that's what's so bonkers. Like I can look at this and go wow. Look at me go. I still have no idea what those lightning bolts striking down on me were. when i was trapped in the top corner.
That's a lot of screen clutter hah hah Stuff like that you really need to play from the base up to really learn how to play.
I feel like this fight in general was more screen crazy than anything I've ever really fought in the game. >>824050 It's impossible to watch the whole field while you're playing, it's kinda like playing touhou vs watching a replay You can take in all the things happening in a replay. But when you're playing it's more like "okay, here's what's about to kill me, here's where I need to go to survive, and the person I need to shoot is over there, I'm going to neglect everything else and hope it doesn't kill me."
I think there's too much going on for me to really be able to do well. I'm /// My eyes try to follow everything happening at once and they get overwhelmed.
Also, outside of the later bosses, Saffron is probably the only one who goes THAT crazy on the field you don't see clutter like that in the other boss fights
Oh Magia Record is getting a second anime season. Weird for a mobage to get something like that.
Was there even actually a story to the anime? I dropped it around episode 5.
Yeah, I think it follow's what's probably the mobage storyline. In the city the series takes place in there's this band of Mahou Shoujo called the Wings of the Magius that are trying to bring "salvation" to Mahou Shoujo. The story is split between uncovering the reason for their existence and the MC trying to figure out what happened with her erased from existence sister. Plus showing off Mahou Shoujo characters because, hey, it is still -also- a promo for the mobage. I kinda found it lackluster in the early bits but this stuff towards the end has been kinda neat.
Movies about family stuff always makes me feel kind of lonely. Even if it's about a dysfunctional family.
>>824054 Oh, I see. Was it worth watching do you think? If I have limited time?
>>>/watch?v=juk4JVvcfn4 This is also something airing next season that looks pretty cool. The setting concept and music is done by Jin, who's probably most well-known for doing the same for Mekakucity Actors. Even if it really got shark jumpy by the end Mekaku at least had a cool idea behind it and the music is absolutely fantastic, so, I'm hoping this'll be fun.
>>824055 Worth watching? Yeah, I'd say so, if you like the setting of Madoka and would want more. But with limited time? Eh, that's harder to answer. I guess it depends on what else you're interested in finishing and how limited the limited time is.
For me, the announcement of another season is really nice because the anime was kind of just getting ot -to the point where everything kicks off hah hah. I don't think the first season will be worth watching if you don't think you'll ever get to the second season when it comes out though.
>>824056 mekekerino shitty had awesome character design despite everything else about it so I'm sure this will at least look visually stunning
Yeah plus it's being animated by MAPPA, who even when their quality is pretty QUALITY can still be half-decent. Dororo could definitely be wonk at times but they also did Banana Fish and some other stuff recently.
>>824055 i have a pretty close family and anime families even make me feel lonely sometimes >>824061 i don't know if it's just my own bias but i can't really remember anything really bad quality from dororo, when I think about it i remember the cool scenes much more easily, i guess
banana fish also looked good but it's not like that series has a ton of HIGH IMPACT SEXUAL VIOLENCE it's mostly just taking and pretty boys arguing haha
Dororo definitely flagged in quality towards the end, maybe around the fourth fifth. They were smart and economized what they had to make the important stuff look good, but there was also times like when Hyakkimaru was marching up a hill and the environment scale was off. I think Moon has some screenshots of some goofy moments too but I never took any.
>>824062 I get jealous of your family sometimes. I don't have family that I'm close with or anything. I want to talk to my dad because I'm worried, but then I say, well, I talked to him last week, there won't be much to talk about. You know, not being close growing up made it hard to get close as an adult. My dad is more like a friend to me than my father, in a lot of ways. My brother, I haven't seen since I was 12. That's 14 years. I haven't heard from him in more than 10 years.
I think that's part of why I take so much perverse pleasure in Fish's dad getting coronavirus, you know. It's like, "haha, you left me for your family but family isn't shit, you should have seen ths coming" sort of thing, probbaly.
>>824065 oh yeah, now that you mentioned that I do remember some off moments near the end.
i think i just forgot cause the end also had some really cool fights and stuff. >>824066 me and my dad have a kind of weak relationship honestly. he's really similar to me in that neither of us will bother each other when we're doing something else. I only see him like one or two hours a day at most since we both work a lot and have different days off too. I always enjoy when we do rarely spend time together and he's the only one of my family that really loves outdoors activity like I do but getting to do anything together is really rare. I think we both understand each other really well though. Mainly I just spend a lot of time with my sisters or helping my mom since she's got pretty poor mobility and is really agoraphobic and can't do things like go to the store by herself. I'm definitely lucky to have so much support from my family.
MAPPA's also been doing Dorohedoro this season and that's been visually fantastic too.
>>824068 When my mom left, I got to hang out with my dad every day, we started watching movies and football together, shitposting on 4chan together, it was a lot of fun. But then I had to move in with my mom and started seeing him like once every couple months and now that he lives in Arizona, I haven't seen him in over a year.
Especially in a time of crisis like this, I see so many families coming together. My colleagues are all working extra hard so they can support their kids who got laid off and stuff like that. My mom just bought me a gun but that's really the extent of what she'll do for me. And she doesn't really do it out of supportive feelings. I think the only person on my mom's side of the family that I get along with is my aunt who lives in NYC but I haven't seen her in person since my grandfather's funeral 5 years ago. She's pretty lonely like me, though, I'm the only person in the family that likes her. Everyone else talks shit about her nonstop. When my grandfather died, she said "I wish he could have seen me" because she didn't get here in time before he died, and everyone got really mad about it, thinking that she meant that she's so wonderful or something. The family pretty much openly hates her. I just wish I had a real family, people I care about and want to be around.
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](25 KB, 522x588, images (5).jpeg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Also Maybe that seems normal to Americans But to me, your mom getting you a gun seems super weird
>>824070 yeah, it sounds complicated. i wish i could hang out with my dad and shitpost together. we used to grief people in wow together when i was a neet. he never used 4chan though, he used to use bbs and irc when i was really young. nowadays he just trolls people on Facebook.
my mom would never buy me a gun haha that seems so weird to me my dad probably wouldn't either he told me to buy my own shit once!
my extended family talks shit about us because we're not far right rednecks like them. i don't like the rest of the family much either.
>>824088 My starting rolls was 150 quartz + 46 tickets, then there was the 30 from getting that 40 dollars worth then I did a 30 quartz roll from finishing america, putting me at uhhhhh 270 quartz + 46 tickets wait can I do math yeah
I don't have anyone pertinent to roll for for some time either, which is good. Much to PAN's dismay, most of what I would want are sakurafaces so aside from a certain summer one, I don't have much to worry about. Exclude the giant tits and the cyberlegs ones too, for the most part. Which basically means next goal is Kama, though there are some folks that I want a little bit, like Moriarty and Abby (for blue's sake, of course)
One of // I still don't understand why Anastasia ended up as a heroic spirit. She was quite literally a villain and even then her importance is mostly there because of her relationships with other people. And she died like the dog she was.
The little things are already plenty enough interesting to me though.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
she is the antagonist
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Right, but heroic spirits are, by necessity, people who achieved great deeds (with the exception of counter force sometimes)
you can unlock her are you really gonna harbor the daughter of the family who dedicated their life to eradicating all jews their family literally killed my family, you know! my family was still in ukraine! ' come on kill your waifu for me
Hawks gets teased in the OP so he was definitely gonna have a moment before the season ended.
I figured it was going to end with the billboard showing and then pick up s5 with Hawks and Endeavor discussing the Nomu Rumors
yeah we know you love horrible women but this particular horrible woman would have made sure that i was never born if she had her way! if she hadn't been killed like the rabid dog she was she would have killed every last jew and i never would have been born!
Yeah but arguably because her family was genociding the Jewish population Damn it Kirara wait for me to finish what I'm saying before you INCORRECTLY ASSUME WHAT I'M SAYING
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no there are records of her being involved, of her promoting and encouraging it
Are you sure you didn't mean "Damn it Kirara wait for me to FINNISH"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyways kill your waifu for me
My point is you wouldn't have been born if she and her family hadn't been eradicating the Jewish people. Just like I wouldn't have been born if Hitler hadn't marched through Poland and the Nazis hadn't invaded my granddad's town.
That's not to say she's a good person but your statement is likely incorrect.
I love you enough kirara that if this were to actually cause you distress that I would consider it. >>824133 you're damn right also if you just want to attempt to spite me you would just need to roll on the current fgo banner
>>824130 Oh, my family didn't leave Ukraine to escape the Romanov's genocide. They left Ukraine to escape the Soviet genocide. The Bolsheviks would have done revolution even without the genocide going on because they were anti-semitic. So ultimately, my family would have had to escape when Lenin and Stalin came in to Ukraine and killed every last Jew and anarchist and cossack. History as a whole would be much different, but it's unlikely that her family's particular genocide would have prevented my birth.
on it
oh yeah romanvs were bad bad by incompetence and bad because of the system they were part of
as a side note pan, when I rolled before this morning, I got both Saber and a neet who were both off-banner 5* it's a 70% chance if you get the 1% 5* servant chance to get Ana.
>>824194 wow you can work at the sober house AND get sober at the same time what a deal right? also you don't have to pay for housing you get paid TO live there
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>824195 ok i accept my going rate is 30 eggs per day
>>824206 Yeah, I heard it's pretty serious. Coughing up blood and stuff. I'd be surprised if an old dude like that with a history of heart attacks makes it through! Even if he is a millionaire
I've seen even in English player's islands people making mock quarantine environments too. And the fact that you can get a cough mask has seem to have gone under NOBODY's nose.
moe obliterated my phone battery i had to get a new charger samu you owe me ten bucks!!
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aw fuk heres eight bees
eat da bees
my phone still drained super fast after charging and it wasn't running anything maybe there's something screwy with it >>824217 oh no i'm allergic to eight bees
our track inspector who went out with a cramp in his leg weeks ago passed away from a heart attack
Ah, that's awful. Was he in decent health before that?
>>824220 damn that's shocking wonder if he had a blockage
>>824222 thats what Im thinking. >>824221 dont think so. he was walking the tracks every day so its not like he was having trouble moving or anything before. but when he went out, it was bad enough that he needed the fire dept paramedics to carry him out.
its a really bad time to have any kind of medical problem right now. especially in NY. Theres just nothing to be done.
oh i read that wrong. i DO think he was in decent health. His job consists of walking miles of track daily.
also, the CEO of the MTA is positive. i dont know how he gets a test despite being asymptomatic other than money but even with money.
People with money seem to always get tested though. Strange about that.
edris Ibiza was tested positive with no symptoms It is curious
Not really. That one probably sounds a lot spookier than it really is. You can have a virus in your system before it is populous enough to have a symptomic effect on your body.
yeah that wasn't my point, I know /// now you're thinkin with portals I was wondering about the test
Oh wait I get it now. RIP my bad sorry
>>824229 yeah, its pretty awful. he was super cool. pretty old but he was still moving. going at his own pace and not doing anything extra for anybody.
idris isnt in the us (i think) so thats cool unless he was here
The US tests are different because Trump insisted we use tests developed in America. Incidentally they also have problems with false negatives.
I choked on some food earlier. It was the closest I'd been to death in a while.
my sister is playing that animal crossing game just walking around catching bugs or fishing or diggin holes having a great time it seems
It's a very relaxing experience. Good to just soak up in.
seems like a similar feeling game as death stranding no huge stress just explore and enjoy yourself
except for the last 4 hours where death stranding becomes extremely Hideo Kojima Game
I can still feel something in my windpipe I'm kind of worried
>>824243 maybe it just feels weird cause you had something stuck and it stressed the membranes
>>824244 Hopefully I'm worried about choking in my sleep.
>>824245 everything will be daijob probably i know the few times i got something in the wrong hole it felt really weird like something was stuck though it wasnt if you bend over and cough that helps dislodge things in your windpipe
Thanks Going to bed, night.
night >>824246 >bend over and cough you can't fool me doc not this time
That's Jan not Doc
DOC sing me a song pls
mr sandman bring me a meme doo dooo do doo make it the dankest that ive ever seen ill steal that shit and post it on reddit and drown in karma from that stolen content
is battery memory still a thing or have they finally fixed that like you use your battery down to it's last legs and next charge you get lese battery overall
>Aerial Maneuvers of Leaping Lemurs: The Physics of Whole-Body Rotations While Airborne
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cats do some cool stuff too
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
> The problem was approached through vector analysis to demonstrateangular momentum (HI changes about the three principal (symmetrical)axes of rotation for a series of critical body positions that were extractedfrom the filmed sequences. One L. catta specimen was segmented toprovide the dimensions and weights necessary for modeling the variousbody positions. >segmented RIP
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>824311 This is a bit more interesting because they are rotating while jumping in order to grab branches or tree trunks at different angles rather than just falling and landing on their feet.
i got the last pack of toilet paper at the store as i was checking out someone asked me what aisle it was on and i didn't have the heart to say i got the last one so i pointed out the aisle im a monster
shoulda just told them the wrong aisle double down
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should have just told them all that's left is diapers
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>824321 KEK err kek that wasn't funny enough for an all caps kek
tell them you just saw an employee pulling a pallet in the back so they wait an hour for toilet paper that doesn't exist
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
toilet paper was so expensive i paid $13 for 12 fucking rolls i want to cry
I was going to go back to my house to grab some clothes and my razor but then I remembered my mom told me to call her before I came over so I called and it turns out both my parents have corona symptoms. She said that our physician said it probably isn't corona. Anyways I didn't go in and get my stuff. I'm not super worried but I still am somewhat.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Err, they both have different symptoms. I forgot which has what.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I hate to say this but I think I can use this to get an extension on my essay. Which I'm not sure if I need. But I never did the stuff I needed to to get academic accomodations. And this really is going to affect my ability to work. Luckily I've been staying at my best friend's house for almost a week.
>>824332 I don't believe so. Her resident discussion options are for getting villagers to change out of clothes they've been given or catchphrases they've picked up that you don't like or find offensive.
one of the contestants (Maister) disconnected during the match so there had to be a ruling on the result, but all the hosts were like "uhh i don't wanna be responsible for the outcry on reddit later" so they put the ruling to a Twitch poll LOL
>>824507 It's still funny without full context. But it roughly translates to a complaint about drilling on the left and "haha drill goes brr". Specifically complaining about drilling at am. *a complaint about drilling at 8am.
I found an amusing idol manga. https://mangadex.org/title/45724/oshi-ga-kounin-sutouka-ni-narimashita
>>824485 even my boss, who gave me a bonus of a whole twenty bucks for missing Christmas with my family to come in on my day off is giving me extra pay during this
>>824512 no thats mean she just does this when she's happy or some shit
Well if you're fine with her doing it then scratch her back or base of the tail or behind her ears. Cats won't really stop doing things unless they either bore of it or come to associate something unpleasant with the activity.
>>824516 i know haha was just being silly the cat in question just really likes me and i dont let them in my room so when she manages to get in she gets crazy for some reason she only meows to get my attention supposedly they say she doesnt talk when im not home >>824517 i doubt a lot of people but someone roleplaying as a terrible OS gijinka is extra doubtable
The evil part comes from the fact they have an unlimited license to use anything you ever say on discord for anything they want. I think it might also be an exclusive license too but I'm not 100% sure about that. It's all in their terms of sservice.
Yeah most of the bamboo set seems to use a lot of young spring bamboo despite it being a relatively uncommon drop from bamboo.
>>824622 huh she gave it out as an example of DIY recipes that require seasonal materials I didn't even have to talk to her, she gave it out during the daily announcement thing I already had recipes that require seasonal materials too so I dunno why she gave me more
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is it possible to change the outside aesthetics of my house
Should be, eventually. Once you get the not-town hall Nook will let you swap out your mailbox and change your roof colour at will. After my most recent house renovation he added doors to that too. I guess by the time you're max size you'll be able to do the entire facade
>>824628 Yeah, weird. I don't think I've got the full spring bamboo set so I would figure she could at least give me more of that. Maybe there's less to it than I expected though.
The hedgehogs have set up shop on my islaaaannnnd Best girl finally arrives
I know there's been "zen" models in previous games. Ultimately it'll have the same general shape but the design of your outside house walls should change.
I got zen fencing from the miles shop and imperial fencing v japanese
looking forward to getting more good furniture too i want a meditation room
Ah shoot I guess I forgot to pick up the zen fencing when it was in my shop. I've been looking for a nice stone walling since I kinda want to make a very modern Japanese little town and I want something to imitate those thin stone walls that always separate lot from lot.
>>824635 if i mail you some, will you be able to build it after that? or no bc you won't have the DIY recipe?
Yeah, I don't think getting the item makes you learn the recipe. It's not a problem though, I'm in no rush yet. The idea I've got wants some terraforming too so I'm kind of idle mode until I get to that point.
>>824640 The Direct says it unlocks "Once your island is all decked out", whatever that means, but yeah, down the line it's a feature you can get. I'm pretty sure it starts with you being able to lay down various texture paths like dirt or stone, or sand, in case you want to make streets or paths. But eventually we're supposed to get the ability to make or fill in water, as well as build or flatten the various layers of solid ground. A lot of people have even before the game came out been meticulously planning how they want their island to look. I've not quite been as thorough, but a decent amount of my daydreaming the past few weeks has been envisioning what I want to do with it.
>>824642 Wow, neat. I'd like to move my houses around a little bit to give myself a residential area and then some other orchards around the island. And I just got a recipe for an onsen so I'm gonna add an onsen somewhere.
>>824644 Is your unease making it hard to sleep? If you're tired and can sleep, that's an easy way at least to figure out between those two.
unease isn't keeping me awake. i am and i am trying to get through the day slowly and it simply is not possible thanks to our 4 year old disease carrier
>>824646 Yeah, the onsen is cute looking. I wanna make a little secluded hot spring retreat in the corner of my island.
>>824648 Maybe it's a cultural values thing or me being an antisocial ass but, it's no t your kid. And health concerns are pretty valid for isolating yourself. Could you lock yourself in somewhere and get some alone time?
There are two options Either with me or with my mom and guess who's sick right now?
Well, you, potentially.
And my mom, definitely.
She has symptoms
Wow Rook is E X P E D I E N T All that time at Amazon must have paid off.
though not having a skirt probably is, wow. i've never posted that one before >>824664 maybe >>824668 same
Eh it's fine. I don't have a skirt right now and I'm not being lewd.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>824667 He's really good friend with that one artist fuck I can't remember his name the one that draws himself as remilia and does those autobiographical comics and did those doujins pairing Kogasa with really bad ass and sexy scarlet sisters *doujin
then you must have missed the other Comiket repo The guy who drew Koishi magnum made fun of them. Imizu
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also ryuchi's stuff often doesn't get approved on danbooru which is bullshit
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>824676 Imizu Unknown? I can't remember if I read it or not, was that an h doujin? or just borderline I tend to not read h doujin with characters from series I like
I feel like every time I think of the things from the past that I couldn't obtain, I have to remember that it's possible to get now.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
There was a raw provider I used to be kind of close with on steam and I had forgotten about him I went to look for him on my friends list and he was gone I searched him on steam and got no results I'm pretty sure he didn't change his name
>>824695 I lost like 5k today trying to double down on a bad idea I am paying plenty. Should have bought in the other direction like I've been doing last week. oh well. like tears in the rain and coronavirus in the air
>>824715 pretty sure if I want money, I'm going to need Bernie to win. As that would be the brick on the gas pedal sending the stock market into the drain.
how is the president thingie going on anyhow? on pause? biden winning? bernie winning?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the democrats are doing absolutely everything they can to hide biden as much as possible while using what appear to be pre-recorded videos for most of his statements on ongoing things bernie refuses to point out that biden clearly has dementia while the democrats are propagandizing that biden merely has developed a stutter the propaganda machine is effective and the media is doing everything it can to slander bernie who - being a little bitch - refuses to rally against the system that is rigging it against him biden is winning and is expected to win
>>824718 if you want to make money over night, make a Findin' Biden book, kinda like Where's Waldo, and have him hidden among a bunch of greying dudes in suits.
that said bernie was instrumental in protecting unemployed workers from the GOP stealing their unemployment checks during coronavirus bernie is a pretty respectable guy, but he just doesnt have what it takes to be president
>>824729 nah biden's supporters are literally the same, typically even more inflammatory but the media created a "toxic bernie bro" narrative early on, so
>>824726 I think if he got rid of those people, he'd do a lot better those revolutionaries are scaring the ordinary folk who'd vote anyone who is not biden or trump at this point
he doesnt have revolutionaries on his payroll. he just happens to get some of the nonsense ones every now and then with a twitter account that's way too loud
I do in a way have to pity the european populist party second heads the first founder guys are always the same time
populist crooks, who say whatever gets them elected and then do nothing and attract quite interesting characters, both into the party and as voters/supporters
then you come in as the successor, wanting to actually do something and you look at the trash fire you are given
also I bet the previous head just fled with the party treasury that happened here for one party amusingly
>uncle, why is your toy angry >*gestures at everything*
ah, looks like I made the right choice cutting my losses at 6k, it continued to go down yikes Sometimes, not making a move is a good move I need to remember that
ofc there was that guy they found OD'd in a ditch the other week and a month or so ago, I hear, there was a large bust of some drug dealer in the other appartment complex
never noticed meself
Mount & Blade II is out on early-access after so long. ... And also managed to BREAK STEAM earlier today with everyone trying to buy it.
>>824749 wonder if they rushed it along a bit, to make it into the corona boom
>Also, you can breathe a sigh of relief because there won't be a delay... In fact, quite the opposite! We have decided to bring forward the release of the game to 10.00 am UTC, March 30th. Seems intentional, considering this news came out last Friday.
I got a deadline extension on my essay (technically everyone did) and now I can't bring myself to focus on it today because I now have time to do other things.
>last monday get a text: "is client name going to groups?" >reply "she has not entered the program due to illness and is expected to begin in several weeks" >today same person texts me "is client name going to groups?" >reply with the same thing >immediate get an email "the latest insurance auth says start date of 3/11... is that when she's expected to start?" THAT WAS IN THE PAST
>WHO has been moving toward acceptance and integration of traditional medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. In 2022, the new International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, ICD-11, will attempt to enable classifications from traditional medicine to be integrated with classifications from evidence-based medicine. This and other support of WHO for such practices has been criticized by the science-based medicine community as it has generally criticized the use of alternative medicine.
I'm not entirely against traditional medicine but I believe if it is to be used it should be tested first. But unfortunately a large part of the traditional medicine movements is rejecting evidence based medicine. *a *some traditional medicine movements
>>824759 I guess this weird isolation everyone's doing is messing with everyone's sense of the date.
>>824764 no, the president is telling everyone not to isolate or quarantine unless they're elderly and saying everyone should go to work and church
>>824762 There are a lot of problems with the evidence based medicine movements, too. To the point that it stifles a lot of treatment that is effective. This is just a reaction to that. It went too extreme in one direction.
Yeah but think about those numbers 11/16000 that is some obedient peons
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>824765 Yeah there are, but that doesn't mean all evidence based treatment is bad.\ Chinese traditional medicine encourages harvesting endangered animals for body parts and drives a big chunk of the endangered animal trafficking industry.
I think in general, if it is evident it works, it is better than "it might work" many traditional medicines have been tested to utmost ridiculous limits, and the result is "it can work in some cases" I like "it work" simple as
A big problem with it is that the vast majority of evidence based approaches are validated entirely on one specific population and rarely account for all of the real life confounds that happen. The studies become so rigorous that they become entirely detached from reality.
And then many traditional treatments are very spiritual in nature and inherently cannot be adequately evaluated using western conceptions of the scientific method. When you try hard to validate things that can't be validated, you end up with something like psychology, which barely works sometimes, where people are pretending that you can actually measure internal constructs that nobody other than the individual can ever experience.
Another issue is that western science requires that you figure out why it's working much of the time. If you can't justify that, people dismiss it, even if it's shown effective. Many traditional methods - even when shown they work - can't adequately describe how they work because of the extremely personal nature of those treatments.
>>824767 oh and this the wetmarkets were not just to eat, but for traditional medicine too
>>824769 the spiritual part is where you enter "this is a very effective medicine, it will cure you, but cause extreme nausea" and it was sugar water
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>824769 >very spiritual well you technically can't verify if something is actually spiritual or not but you could totally test traditional treatments that are spiritual in nature if the people testing the methods just treat the spiritual components as a black box.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>824769 there are plenty of medicines whose methods of actions are unknown. hrmmmmmm I need to think a bit
Just because you don't understand how it works' doesn't mean you should dismiss it but I think, in general, everyone should first go "it works" before "it can work" or "it works and this is how it works" instead of "it works, but who knows how it works"
if the option is available but if the options AREN'T available, then alternate medicine, if it isn't a scam, is an option to try
The fastest growing area of psychology research right /// will soon be spirituality and more traditional methods. There's a lot of backlash to it. Tons of psychologists refuse to acknowledge meditation - by itself - as an effective treatment for various disorders, despite evidence that shows it works.
Other times, there are hundreds of studies showing something works but none of them are considered rigorous enough to be taken seriously by the old people on panels. Because of that, the methods are dismissed immediately and better research doesn't get conducted on it.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also I didn't mention this but I fucking hate uh shit I can't remember what its called that stupid thing where they say putting a little bit of something that is bad for you into water is good for you. that stupid thing
i mean if it is going to be useful in treatment, yeah, it has to be an inherently spiritual meditation otherwise it's just relaxation which does nothing to further a person's treatment and only provided momentary easing from anxiety
>>824784 vomited on it >>824783 The spiritual part is an inherent issue in this, I think whikle you can be spiritual and atheist it is easier when you have some religious thought as part of your core being
It's unfortunately impossible to measure. It is something different for every person. Spirituality looks different to everyone and is experienced differently for everyone. It impacts a person's life differently. There are plenty of attempts to measure it, and those studies all say that spirituality is an important part of any healing process - although healing can take place without it.
But you can't actually empirically incorporate spirituality into treatment for a "rigorous" study because it will never be able to put into words what is happening.
See, I think rei here is fundamentally a person to whom meditation wouldn't work atleast if it does require this hard to define spirituality
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>824792 he's using a definition different from what I'm familiar although yeah I can't meditate anymore I used to be able to
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm not going to get into a debate because I don't know enough about this subject (I'm aware it doesn't always stop me). But at the very least I think you are underestimating the power of human language and just because no one has been able to do it yet doesn't mean its impossible. You can get measurements of feelings, its just less straightforward.
I mean, I'm highly trained in psychological assessment and do it regularly. I know you can measure feelings, but a measurement of a feeling and a feeling are entirely different things. It's not a matter of language being inadequate, it's a matter of human existence being inadequate. The experiences every human being have are deeply intimate to each person and even if you had every single perfect word to describe that experience, I could never truly understand that experience you had, because my own experiences would get in the way. I wouldn't receive your experience, I would simply have my own experience of your experience. That's just the nature of humanity. It's an existential limitation that prevents us from ever truly being able to measure any psychological construct accurately.
We settle for approximations because they're the best we have but often times these approximations are not good enough. We measure depression and anxiety all of the time but any valid measure of depression will correlate with the scores on a valid anxiety measure between .5 and .7. These are just approximations and they approximations are so similar that our measurements are only really good enough for general inferences about what's going on. Not every person with depression has anxiety or vice versa, but if either of those score high enough, the tests will show the person has both even if that's not true.
Ultimately what we do in psychology is confuse the finger for the moon. If I point to the moon, you look at the moon - you have no illusion that my finger is the moon that it's pointing at. But in psychology, we are always confusing what points to something and what that something being pointed at is.
One of the benefits of traditional methods is that it doesn't pretend it can measure the things it can't. In the west, we rarely do that because our science is based in analysis and categorization in many ways.
>>824812 Yeah they have a prime opportunity to skip work I'd do it but unfortunately this is the first time in months I feel completely healthy
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right? everyone is like "i don't want to work" but they wont do the bare minimum to get out of work
Might be a case of "I don't want to work but I don't want to be penniless more" for some.
ToN is important I'm sure he has sick leave
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>824813 i mean blue is making thousands of dollars a week in the stock market ton lives with his mom y'all can take a break from work without anything bad happening! on the other hand by going to work something really bad is probably gonna happen
when you can talk about losing 6k like it's not the end of the world, that means you have a lot of money nobody who is struggling for money at any level could just move on from that
>>824833 well it's not really the UN doing it it's the US doing it using the UN as a bludgeon >>824832 that's more than im making per year right now and i have a master's degree
Well, I'll be making like $120k a year in a few years. And I'll do it by helping people! Stockbrokering is kind of gross, it's feeding into a system that kills millions of people.
>>824842 well the answer is you can't because the enemy can walk through my lines as if they don't exist
god I hate this kind of Ai cheating
it used to exist but it used to also KILL the unit for doing that nowadays >well we can't remove the AI from derping like that, so let's make it a feasible strategy sega games
No, Blue knows how I feel about it. Blue has the right to live his life how he sees fit whether I agree with his methods or not. >>824850 Ehh, I don't agree with that. The game is rigged against all of us and we will all be more successful if we cooperate than if we turn on each other and try to get ours.
>>824851 Don't you find that a little strange though? >you're feeding into and indirectly responsible for mass murder but you're fit to go through with it whether I agree with it or not
>>824852 How is it strange? I don't have the right to command other people to live in a way that aligns with my own values. Doing so is pointless. I trust and believe in Blue anyways. Other people can do things I don't agree with without me turning on them or trying to change their mind.
All I can do is give my perspective, and if they take that into account, cool, and if they don't, that's their right not to.
>>824815 my mom is broke and is no longer working due to covid and i used all my sick leave having a tumor we would be FUCKED if i wasnt working
>>824853 If I thought one of my friends was contributing to mass murder in a way that could be easily avoided then I'd definitely feel a bit uneasy about it I wouldn't rag on Blue for it just because we live in a society where it's almost impossible to live without contributing to some sort of evil and I don't find the scale of what he's doing egregious enough
It's fun to rag on Blue for playing the stock market and if that pressures him to stop, I take that as a good thing, but I'm not gonna tell him to stop.
>>824855 I do feel uneasy about it. But that doesn't mean I'm going to try to convince him to stop. That's not my decision to make.
My work with the FBI was used to perpetuate terrible conditions for Native Americans all over the country. I'm directly responsible for a lot of bad stuff that's happened to people, and my work has indirectly led to people dying or being sexually assaulted. But when I was doing that work, I wouldn't have stopped just because people told me to. And because of that, I can't justify just not being friends with someone because they're doing something I think is bad.
>>824857 I am purposefully pushing a hyperbole, but by that logic, the person who invented rabies vaccine is directly responsible for global warming and indirectly desponsible for Covid-19
as was amusingly named John Snow, who first came up with how to counter e-coli
I mean, that's really not a hyperbole, it's just a really bad analogy. Everything is connected through causality, but some things have more direct causality. My work was explicitly used to deny protections to people. That's a direct causal link to the revocation of protections that led to additional suffering.
>>824857 how far would you be willing to push that? If I came out and said I was going to kill some for a giggle surely you'd stop being friends with me then
>>824861 did you do your work knowing it would cause suffering?
No, but that's not a relevant aspect of the conversation.
>>824862 Not really. I have people I would consider friends who have killed people. A person that I'm very close to has broken a lot of people's bodies beyond repair for money. I don't like what they did, but I understand what they did and accept that they did what they did. I have hurt people pretty badly, too, in ways I won't and haven't elaborated on before here.
>>824871 No, but I have no doubt that if certain contexts arised, they would do it again. Just like I'm sure I'll hurt people again some day if the context arises. This is just how life is.
you do know ton isn't a pedo and he is "also" a lolicon, as in into 2d and not an actual one
>>824874 I don't have a problem with it but there is a stigma associated with his interests. Anyways I regret bringing it up. I think we should keep talking about it. *stop talking about it Jesus
>>824877 Don't think so judging by all the people I see walking around This lockdown is shithouse I was expecting the streets to be deserted but everyone's going outside to see the empty streets
>>824881 No rights for annos this is a namefag board