New Horizons performs remarkably well even when you've got eight people over Internet I'm watching a stream of it and there's like no noticeable weirdness.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's getting dark i might have to activate my trusty flashlight or something
It's been nearly three hours now. How long does it take those nimrods to get an alleged utility pole upright again.
I did actually buy a weight set from Rebel since i knew there was a good chance of this happening.
homegym masterrace
Truly it's the best to get fit without ever having to be in the same room as other people. Like not even because of Covid-19 the thought of being in a public gym like that sounds nightmarish to me.
>>820865 yeah but even the best equipped home gym isn't going to have as much variety. unless you want to really blow the bank and designate your entire garage to it. I mean, this works for the time being, but it's not a real substitute
I have absolutely no interest in putting on muscle or anything like that. I'd just want somewhere to be fit. My needs don't need a fully-equipped gym.
>>820869 you could probably just stick a piece of cardio equipment in front of a monitor then watch some of those japanese cartoons while you increase your heart rate
>>820862 yeah didn't you read it's non essential also a huge breeding ground for bacteria and the like either way
>>820872 Unfortunately the cardio bike went up with my folks to the cottage last weekend. But it'll be warm-ish enough soon. Probably warm enough to just go biking in the valley.
>>820868 ya got yer bench press, yer squat spot, yer pulldowns what else do ya need?
New Horizons is sitting at like 211,000 people watching as the most-viewers game on Twitch. It's really kind of crazy I expected people to be into the game but not like THAT into it.
Is it normal for outtages that aren't caused by like crazy weather to go on this long? Most power outages here don't go on for more than a few hours at worst.
>>820854 what is with people and not being able to just say 'oops my bad I was wrong lol' it isn't hard at all shit
>>820892 the one and only time I went to Florida was also the only time I've seen a city wide blackout maybe it's just Florida
in my experience, many americans will never back down or admit fault
my experience is contrary to your experience
>>820895 i don't have this experience in person in Texas hell one guy even thought i stole from him once and apologized to me profusely when i showed him i didn't on the camera
yea idk i've met lots of good people too
>>820887 dude every single discord channel I'm in is talking about it it's huge idk why
probably because everyone is stuck at home and needs stuff to play, on top of AC being a well loved series for a long time now
the doom eternal memes probalby boosted it's popularity too
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>820892 i mean all of our power lines are above ground so there's a lot of room for failure
>>820899 Almost none of the ones I'm in are. Though I guess it doesn't really matter I don't talk in almost all the channels I'm in unless it's being used to coordinate video games. But of the two that I do talk in, there doesn't seem to be anyone talking about it.
Granted with like three exceptions I have not joined a Discord without the intent purpose of using it for team communication in games. I'm not really good at joining already present social groups.
>Here's a recipe! I thought it smelled good, so make sure to share that smell with others! >Recipe is for a cardboard chair
ac had a bit of a boost with their mobile game too
It is a pretty solid system. With a library of both major and indie games that's honestly pretty solid. Still, should probably make sure you're in a good financial situation before making a multi-hundred dollar purchase on an entertainment device.
I really need to stop repeating my emphasizers and adjectives.
this pandemic bullshit is stressing me out dude
Maybe I'm just emotionally tapped but I can't really get stressed about it. I guess my family's in a decent position regardless of being able to go in to work or not. It must be a lot worse to worry about employment. If anything I probably should be worried about it since I'm running low on money fast and finding work is probably going to be difficult come summer.
I'm down to my ten contracted hours because they've shut down the online delivery department for the meantime until they figure out the way forward so they've just got us doing odd jobs in store
Ten hours a week?
mhmm not a lot but we're usually a lot busier so it's not usually this bad
>>820912 my mom is really sick and they just shut the place my sister works at down cause someone had the virus there and people are acting fucking on edge and shit it's stressing me out
could be mistaken but it looks like it has some history the name is funny though
>>820934 Oh, well its Georgia so I wouldn't be surprised.
I just love they have "Go Cumming" and "I love Cumming" on a board game without second thought
>>820939 My friend wants to buy it but they don't sell it on Walmart's website. It's not even listed I found a bbunch of other city monopolies and many of them were labeled "in store sales only" but not Cummingopoly. It's not on amazon either.
sounds sus methinks maybe they just wanted to make a viral tweet and put something together
I absolutely believe it exists though.
Hrrrmmmmm Maybe it doesn't
Not getting any results for it except for mentions or screenshots of the tweet. It could maybe exist if it's super new though. That would explain the lack of results. I might try calling the Cumming Walmart tomorrow.
I swear any time I want to listen to music in the background the desktop trick doesn't work and then when I simply want to watch a video it'll be stuck in desktop mode
Ugh Fucking perplexitees got rid of most of their designs.
when im lyin in this bed at 5 am there's a large frondy plant nearby whose leaves kinda look like someone standing with their arms up kinda like jesus on the cross
>National pandemic crisis >Growing percentage of the population either with severely reduced income or outright no income >Rogers: "Hey we're raising prices on home Internet next month, have fun!"
we should import bernie sanders from the US if they wont use him
Just stick him at the front of the NDP and MAYBE they'll be relevant again.
i went to the LUTHIER and they want to charge me a small fortune to tune up the violin and buy a new bow thankfully the price quoted is in canadian doll hairs
You have a violin?
yea i took it out of storage as i left
i took lessons as a kid i dont really play much at all anymore tho
Neato I've been wanting to do music again recently but the keyboard's all the way downstairs. And I don't really know what I'd play. These indefinite desires don't really do much for motivation.
play KAKUSEI from the Promare OST
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this telehealth shit sucks this stupid software barely works half of the people can't get into group and instead of taking it easy and working at home im at work - again - feeling totally overwhelmed and pissed off
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im breaking out in 10 minutes i wonder if i will get caught the world may never know
>>821125 So much proprietary distance work software seems really clunky and difficult to use. Maybe that's why a lot of places just shut down instead of setting up work-from-home infrastructure. Don't want to deal with the hassle of using awful software.
The Critterpedia in AC has a nice little owl stamp beside the name of creatures you've donated to the museum so you can easily reference if something you've caught already's been put in. But for the first five fish/bugs you give to Nook instead of Blathers they get added to the museum but don't get the owl stamp. You have to bring Blathers a copy to look at and have him tell you about the creature to get the stamp.
>>821125 about to be like alright losers, here's the plan there's this app called discord
Yeah hah hah I was half thinking of mentioning shit like Discord, or really, even Skype is probably better I bet, for organizing a group VoIP chat.
lol this OnCall Health software they want us to use is some stupid, dinky little startup with fewer than 50 employees it's no wonder they can't keep up with wh with us
we might just say fuck it and use zoom corporate told us to use oncall but fuck that it's utter shit
Yes Kirara Become Zoomers
>>821132 health care startups are always fucked idk what it is about that sector Looks like it's gonna be an official postponing of the 2020 Olympics. Not really a surprise, more suprising it took this long for the IOC to make the smart decision.
At least Canada got to claim gold in being the first country to say they wouldn't be playing in a 2020 Olympics.
>>821135 There's a health care start up that owes my dad $200,000 worth of back pay. He sued them and won and still never git *got any of it. The only reason I want them to be somewhat successful is so that they can pay him back.
Make sure you're happy with it! I don't think island names can be changed.
Or y'know, just let it be. This Animal Crossing gives the player a lot of customization and access to the fiddly bits but the game still has the series' kinda zen-like philosophy of "some times you don't get the perfect situation, and that's okay"
names are honestly meaningless to me idk i can't really bring myself to care about them at any level they're mostly for others at this point so i just chose a name i thought people would enjoy and would say something about me without thinking too much about it
Fair 'nuff Video games are pretty much wholeheartedly a selfish endeavour for me so whatever I do is gonna be because I like it. I wanted something a bit weird and out there for a name that wasn't just me throwing random syllables into a pot. And I'd seen a list of some Gaelic translations a bit earlier so I was able to come up with a nice little name that actually means something.
He mostly just sits there and answers with one word answers. Even though it's not therapy unless the client's talking...
I didn't have any power yesterday so I failed to get myself a working space to do telehealth from home. So now I'm desperately trying to hide my weeb shit from frame before the session starts. This is my life now. Hiding like 10 nendos from a sex addict.
Whenever you think life can't get more absurd, it always finds a way to surprise you, eh.
We're only at the start of these interesting quarantimes too. How's life going to get weirder
Provincial government here's said they're not going to give public schools the okay to open again at the previous set date of -set week of April 6th. Odds are we won't have classes for the rest of the school year, I bet. Dunno if colleges and universities are gonna re-open either since we end like end of next month.
More and more people are going to be communicating from their rooms or offices like you are for this. I wonder what that intrusion into their private space is going to do once it settles into the long-term.
yea i think the 3 week thing was tentative at best
Yeah, guess no one really thought the pandemic would blow over in three weeks. Excepting, of course, a few select idiots, y'kno
>>821125 bro just do therapy over discord it works
Disco(rd) Therapy
at least discord voip and video actually fucking works
>>821170 Yeah but then Discord would have an unlimited royalty free license to everything said in the therapy session Possibly also an exclusive license too.
Not having cafe access anymore kinda sucks. I'd gotten really turned on to americano by the cafe near my campus having an early morning special discount for them. Plus small cafes always have some interesting, flavourful niche coffee varieties. This Loblaws coffee we stock at home is much less satisfying.
>client talking about heavy subject, a little emotional >lazarus just pops his head into frame and starts staring at the webcam
Hah hah If I was doing something similar I'd have to close the door to my room, because otherwise inevitably my cat would come marching in for an all out conversation with me. You know how she goes. I like having my door open, not like wide open, but open, so it would be a bit off to me.
Haha, my apartment only has three doors inside. One to the bathroom, one to the half-bathroom, and one to my room. I can't do telehealth in my room, though! There's only a bed and dresser in there. And a hammock.
>>821173 therapy cat phd in cat mainly Chase Ball Therapy
The near-total halt in travelling has thrown Air BnB owners here in Toronto into some real chaos. You can see a whole lot of new rental apartments popping up vacant as the landlords realize they can't get people in them through Air BnB anymore. But they're still at the stupid rental prices that have shot up precisely because there's a lack -a shortage of apartments/condos in the city BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL PUT ON AIR BNB As this goes on there's a good chance no one moving in at those prices will drive rents down.
Anyway the point of this was that I was gonna say odds are if I move out anytime soon the best I could probably get is a studio one-room apartment so I'd best find one with good windows. I guess I get a bit claustrophobic if I'm in a small, totally enclosed space for longterm periods of time. Maybe not really claustrophobic, but stir-crazy? But if the rental prices do crash then maybe I could get a decent one-bedroom non-studio place. I guess I'll see when time comes.
>>821177 oooof hopefully that will lever down soon
>>821177 did you see that Hitler-adjacent looking guy swearing destruction on AirBnB because of cancellation policies
Hah hah nope Was it a landlord getting furious that AirBnB wouldn't let him rent his place?
Also unrelated but have you see -- and by see I mean hear -- these? >>>/watch?v=e80_ANYKUcY >>>/watch?v=ea-ThJDGJ1Y The OP is really energetic and the ED is pretty smooth and relaxing.
maybe you're good at big numbers
OUR thoughtful touches they love
With FIRE burning through our VEINS
Holy fuck this guy.
>we are not data lmao I love where the video cuts off EVIL, UNETHICAL, AND IMMORAL ... extenuating circumstances policy
Everyone is data!
this is like my right wing acquaintance going 'ok i admit socialism is good when shit gets real BUT'
>BUT if socialism was eradicated then things would never get to the point where shit gets real!
People get scared when their source of income gets pulled out from under them. I'm not saying they shouldn't have done this, fuck this guy. But I can sympathize with the terror that incited all that anger.
Maybe they're hoping he'll pull a Jesus Christ and come back from the dead.
>>821188 you just gotta tell him that shit is real for a lot of people all the fucking time. all the time fam
also, I should have known but here's a great picture i should have known this was a jfif, so here's NOT a great picture
Turnip prices are supposed to change twice a day in Animal Crossing, one price set at the start of the day, one set in the afternoon. But in New Leaf and now the one day I've monitored them in New Horizons I've only ever seen a single set price all the day through.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how do i get to make all the cute clothes i see on twitter
get the pro designer app from the nook miles store
It's like 800 miles it's really easy to save up for.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmmm i haven't reached the first 5000 miles yet do i get a nicer tent once i pay back nook?
here's a screenshot of a great image that immediately changed context upon looking at the bottom right corner
>18+ only Hmmmmmmmm
>>821200 Paying off the miles will take you straight to the first house.
>>821204 Unfortunately, no, the only tent seems to be the one you start with. I've seen one review say the game "bungles its camping start" and while I don't know if I totally agree, I do find it weird that they put this emphasis on the camping aesthetic when you can technically be in a house the day after you start.
You also only get hammerspace storage in your house after you upgrade to the, well, house, so the game does kinda encourage you to move into one. But as far as the tent you start with, nothing will force you to move out of it into the house. You're free to keep it as long as you want.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can i live in a tent forever if i want to like, a nicer tent?
>>821207 probably wont especially if things go 'back to normal'
>>821208 Honestly while I know you're a camping stan I think you'll really like having the house. You can customize the wallpaper and carpet and clutter the rooms with your personal aesthetic of furniture. I think even being able to upgrade to a deluxe tent would be kind of a weak upgrade. At least it //Scratch this I was typing without thinking.
This is really the only part of the game that it pushes you along in, it definitely wants to move away from tent life to small village life. Which is kind of weird considering they made it a whole mechanic.
oh we got idoru island now? we gotta do a big moe gathering
well, time for a nap. then work then see how much closer I am to retiring from work >>821211 don't worry, i'll be your well off friend who tells him how it works
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>821212 it's called area 11 rook told me to irresponsibly buy it SO I DID
that rook, what an absolute supervillain
Pornhub | Adult content | Montreal QC | On-site Come work at a top 10 traffic site. We are looking for: -Senior Product Manager -Technical Product Owner -Senior PHP Developers -Communications Manager Must be willing to relocate to Montreal. Email me your CV: [email protected] and please mention you saw the post on HN. More info on
>>821216 Gosh Samu you're gonna be working on-site at PornHub?
>>821219 every day is a ride on the edge of the knife of being fired
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why can't i give tthis bastard tanuki all of my bugs at once
>>821221 It's a simple but effective way to ensure two things 1) That players don't give him duplicates (he only wants one of each kind) 2. That they don't give him more than the specific number I'm not going to say before things change up a bit.
Unless you're talking about selling them to the kid in which, you should be able to?
Oh we've got some Bergeron cheese in our fridge. Not smoked though.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice i have smoked mozzarella here
yes adn then i Püt it on chop baguette
You know what's kind of funny? I didn't really notice the villager doesn't have eyebrows until someone pointed out you can use the facepaint ability to make a design for them. Now I can't get over the fact.
i need to learn how to make canape breads
>>821232 Well good thing you've got all this downtime with little to do for the next few weeks, maybe months!
Lord why the fuck is 7 eleven an essential business fuck this shit dude
I barely gave the terrain of my island much of a lookover. I've got a clear idea of the kind of place I want to scupt so I was more focused on getting suitable non-moving fixtures for that than the actual hills and rivers of the place hah hah
>>821284 Could the gas station attached to your place run without employees being stationed nearby? I think gas stations get to be classified as essential businesses unfortunately .
Man that really kinda sounds like a plausible sci-fi near-future setting. Pandemic decimates Western civilizations and the East steps in to fill the power vacuum. Cultures begin to get all weird and fuzzy as dominating languages and philosophies intermix.
oh uhh idk my schedule this week is all over the place nothing is known everything is uncertain the future is a writhing mass of question marks drawn by the devil calligrapher themselves probably sunday
>>821302 s’all good fam enjoyee your animal crossing and make sure you dont work too hard
2020 has some how become the Year That All Our Sci-Fi Nightmares Came True
January had near WWIII I'm sure February had something I'm just forgetting March had this whole pandemic and the world economy heading full-throttle to a cliff's edge Who knows what April might bring
>>821304 kojima predicted fucking metal gear and death stranding
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>821305 >>>/watch?v=vDUYLDtC5Qw you are the kind of person that likes this and i think it's funny so you'll probably like it
now just wait till he predicts silent Hills
Silent Hills is what's gonna come of the suburbs Death Stranding was the world overall Silent Hills will narrow in on the disasters at home
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my life is already silent hills
It's getting a bit like that here. When I was walking to and from the store, I think I could really feel the lack of ambient noise that just comes from living in the city. Y'know, sound that's travelled so far you can still kinda hear it but just barely on the edge of your perception. When you live around a lot of people it tends to build up to be a kind of super-quiet white noise when you're outside. But things just feel so STILL now. It's kind of eerie.
>>821312 when I got home last night it sounded like Christmas day not a god damn sound
it was spooky tbh
i live like one block away from a highway and it was silent
Yeah, there's a highway that runs through the valley near my house and there's a lot of that white noise coming from it. Normally, at least. Not much reason to be driving your car around these days.
it was nice and foggy last night too so i got that real silent hill experience
>>821308 The current policies on fever scans on entering the workplace mixed with people saying and doing innane things that obstruct me from doing my job make this too relatable.
>>821327 I'll make sure to give you my COVID since I'm a super carrier immune to the virus
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alright left 4 dead 2 ellis
>>821324 Wonder what the upswing of 20s-30s who normally just eat take-out or freezer meals whenever they don't have someone making food for them that now have to discover home cooking is going to be like. I guess freezer meals will still be available but people can't get take-out or go out to restaurants anymore. That's got to have some effect on their need to cook.
>>821332 fuck is that supposed to mean man you saying I'm a redneck just cus i am a white boy from the south
ain't that the most rudest thing we got told yet Keith?
A hwhite boy from tha' South
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hello gordon
I may have severely misjudged the amount of onion that a Spanish onion has. There is a lot of onion that is going to go into this fried rice. Not that it sounds like a bad thing but it is a lot of onion.
>>821336 don't you dare appropriate mah cultyer ya damn yankee >>821338 fried onions & rice
>>821370 Were you specifically singled out to stay or was it just random draw? Like I get work sucks, but I don't understand what about this situation is getting to you like this.
>>821383 I wonder if maybe it'd be better to just like Put a hundred dollar foodgrant on everyones payment card and then they wouldn't bother calling us up about it Rich people would be too lazy to bother using it anyway
>>821384 That's right Every beneficiary gets one giant chocolate easter bunny It has to last them through the lockdown
That's kind of like something I read someone in the States arguing for. Said whatever monentary sustenance the government is going to give people, just give it to them now and take it out of their taxes -with their taxes next year if they weren't someone who needed it. Because the calculations for who needs it right now are accounting for taxes filed last year, and, y'know. A lot of people lost a lot of jobs REAL FAST all of a sudden and that doesn't show on last year's taxes.
Honestly you could consider that for things like UBI People will say "but oh what about the people who don't need it getting it" But we already have taxation anyway just update it in line with that
The ones who lead the calls for stuff like "people will just abuse this system and mooch off welfare" are usually the kinds of people who hide money in offshore bank accounts to avoid paying taxes so fuck 'em really. >>821387 Honestly the things they're talking about now pretty much -are- UBI. If it actually goes through Covid-19 will be the largest practical experiement for UBI ever. And maybe give some more concise answers to if it's bad idea or not.
Maybe if this goes on long enough we'll see some war-time economy shenanagins Rationing, maybe some industry nationalization
>>821389 Yeah I can see it happening. Very large scale UBI experiment. Although you could argue that it's under abnormal conditions since no one's working, or at least a lot less are working
>>821391 Whomsdt would be going to war with each other? USA and the commonwealth vs China? I could see Trump maybe starting a war with some smaller nation to try and tie things up in the election. Drive up employment, scare people into not changing horses mid race.
Or just have a war and end up with some earnest war-time economy shenanigans. I'm not supportive of a war in the slightest but there's a lot of scared and lost people right now. It's a whole lot of dry wood just waiting for a spark.
Though at least it won't happen until the pandemic is over so we've another few months of peace heyo
>>821390 Well the principle argument of some UBI supporters is our economy is rapidly accerlating towards mass-automation which, pandemic or not, is going to put a lot of people out of work. So by that metric, this is actually a somewhat parallel set of conditions that supports their argument.
Of course the flipside is that not only are people not working and earning money, right now a lot of places are not operating and not taking money. BUT the flipside of the flipside is that since only "essential" businesses are still in operation, this is a good environment to perhaps figure what a reasonable amount of UBI would be needed to cover people's "essential" commercial needs.
tl;dr I'm not a fucking economist I don't know SHIT
Unrelated but I was vaguely aware that I posses a lot of books but I didn't realize I owned a LOT of books. There's really too many of them I don't know how I'm gonna get them all moved within a year. Or more importantly, to where.
I invented the economy in 1932
I have also not read a book since 1932
Your loss. There's been some pretty good ones since then.
i want to go home please i need to just retire or something
should make a bot that posts Mr Crab saying "Give it up for day x!!" it already exists but not specialised for this >>821423 okay I won't then well I probably wouldn't either way
It's hard, I can understand you've got a lot to worry about with family members
>>821461 I wouldn't believe it's mandatory. But a lot of people are going to these drive-through test clinics because they're worried about if they have Covid-19. The police are probably there to make sure things don't get hairy.
yea just blockin the road and directing traffic
Oh gosh Saharah brings so many RUGS This is one of my favourite new design features they're so good for partitioning rooms.
well that wasnt positive in the sightest but not much I can do, time for morning nap
wow, none of that information came thrpugh. im upset. ugh. im tired watch out for market stuff
if congress okays stimulus, the high price of calls might be worth still buying now
if not, price might come right back. or at last foat down a little
either way weveryone's waiting for Congress
tldr: calls may still be good for astrong day trade but thats agamble in itself ( a gamble that everyone buying calls is betting on succeeding) but the future is still shaky so 30 day range of puts might still be very good. especially as their price dips. if stimulus fails to bolster due to greed redirection... puts become money
i'm betting on the crash.
always bet on crash always bet on teh jokah
>>821474 sorry for the drops >>821478 my put is in may so ima steel my tendons
Yeah they can be a bit disappointing. Or is that what you sold it for, or what the number beneath the icon for it is? If the latter, that's how many Miles you'll get for seling it. Selling it, even. All the Hot Item's I've had so far, hay beds, wood-block ... somethings; have all been in the range of like 400-800 Bells per item. Ain't great but they're usually pretty easy to make and a good way to burn through resources if you hoard them like I do.
price was 100 bells lmao
Ripperino In New Leaf the stuff that could come up as Hot Items would include blanket groups like "Wallpaper" or specific fruits and fish/bugs. So some times you could get a decent like boost in profits on a good day.
least im only like 7k away from payin off the house
whoa they were gonna put "U.S. Digital Dollars" into the stimulus bill but they took it out
>In the long term, the card infrastructure should be converted into a permanent, Treasury-administered digital public currency wallet system, to serve as a privacy-respecting ‘eCash’ complement to universal Fed Accounts and/or Postal Bank Accounts for All,
They realized it would be intruding a bit too closely on the Australian DollaryDoo
What would that be though, a state-sanctioned crypto currency? Or just a government-honoured digital currency? Because how is the later different from 80% of currency transactions these days anyway.
i think the latter yea some kind of modernization effort for the Fed to print and distribute money faster
Man I dunno. Shifting state currency to a digital format sounds pretty dangerous. Like sure the States can probably manage one of the most advanced security measures to keep the information safe but still.
no oof here. this is actually a good thing. since I hd the put first ad bought the call hoping to ccompensate not losing money is better than losing hard
!C0.PerkELE capitalism ho
i spouse that's true
I am dubious of any place that calls themselves Gilead
i got blathers and my house today and a ticket to a mystery island where i found a pig girl and also a squid that i gave to blathers
I am very fond of Blathers. He puts a lot of personality into the little mini-lectures he gives on whatever you hand over. After the museum opens proper you can mass-donate anything from your inventory that it doesn't have yet, but doing so will skip over the Blathers lecture. I can't bring myself to not donate one at a time hah hah, I love listening to what he's got to say.
Even went back and caught copies of the stuff that was already in the museum because I'd given it to Nook so I could hear those lectures too.
>>821517 He doesn't like the ones with legs because too many legs, he doesn't like butterflies because scaly wings, things with more eyes than binary vision needs is creepy to him, the ones that are carnivorous inspire in him a sense of dread. It's a blanket haet but he does have some pretty unique points of terror for each general species!
>>821529 i realized i have all this empty beach space so yea i buried like 14 coconuts today
yea i like playin girl characters too more style options and fun to look at
It's extra-funny in AC because the choice of playing with <BOY ICON> or <GIRL ICON> has like absolutely NO relevance on the game whatever. You can dress in whatever you want, change your eyes and hair to any style you want. I'm pretty sure a lot of the dialogue is tinkered too to ensure as little reference to pronouns as possible too. There's super scarce pronoun references and that's like the extent of the impact of the icon you pick.
>>821532 I usually play female characters too because the guys aren't manly enough for me lol
can i get more color pallets for custom outfits eventually the pallets i have seem so limiting
Yeah, it's kind of unintuitive, in the pattern designer once you've gotten the pro designer upgrade from the Nook machine, press X to enter the tool swap at the side of the canvas and go up to the two two tools. Change Palette will allow you to cycle through a variety of pre-established palettes, and Change Color will allow you to individually select the colour you're currently using and change its Hue, Vividness, and Brightness, which should effectively allow you to find whatever colour you desire.
The limitations are you can't use more than one palette for a specific pattern, as you might see changing the palette will replace every colour on your canvas with the colour now occupying that palette slot, and the same will happen if you change a specific colour. So to sixteen different possible colours for your pattern, fifteen if you need transparency for whatever reason, but those sixteen colours can be tailored to whatever you need for your pattern.
I think I skipped a few words at the start of that last sentence but you should get the idea.
Oh that's a nice kimono yeah. I've already seen more than one of Shinobu's outfit and one or two Tanjiro outfits. Because that template is really good for kimono-style patterns you see a lot of weebs living out their dreams with it.
i spent like 3 hours this morning trying to recreate shimarin in AC and failed because i couldn't get the colors right but now i will be able to! arigato maybe after work i'll do it since i'll have time to spend 3 hours if i need to lol
i looked at some scarves that people have made in AC and they look hard to get right but i'll do it and become shimarin
I'll also mention eventually you'll get the chance to build a tent on your island that will stay a tent. Its purpose is to kinda "store" a villager you like and want to convince to move in, like what you did with the villager you saw on the mystery island. But if you want to use it to roleplay a bit of a camping scenario, it might be useful.
sometimes you just get a raw F smash you hate ta see it oof it's huge
>>821545 do the folks i invite set up tents somewhere on my island or do i gotta build houses for them?
You'll have to "help" build houses, which is limited to choosing where you want the lot to be located, and then crafting three of both indoor and outdoor furniture for them. Nook will give you all the recipes you need so all you need to do is pick location and supply the resources for crafting.
gotta admit this is comfier and more engaging that i expected, by far
If your impression of the franchise was formed by Pocket Camp then it definitely was way off the mark! The mainline Animal Crossing games are just about being laidback and paying your eternal debt to Tom Nook
>>821554 nah i just didnt think i'd be able to get super into a game that doesn't provide me with new objectives constantly
Ah fair enough. It really doesn't work for everybody. I had a good hunch there would be stuff you'd like about it, but it's a game that's really hard to convey the charm of. Like I think you mentioned a while back, any time someone tries to vouch for Animal Crossing it kind of ends up sounding like they're talking about doing chores.
Hint: If your island rocks are all tapped, you can buy more Mystery Island tickets from the Nook machine and go exploit these other untouched islands for their natural resources!
this morning i just lied in my hammock for a while and played it was very comfy
Yeah I bet. I've started taking my Switch to my bed, not that I rarely play before //not that I play, aside from a rare occasion, before falling asleep. But it's nice to just grab it and do a few things as I'm waking up.
Plus it's probably more wholesome than flipping through my phone.
oh yeah thanks for that rug tilde!! it's perfect!!
>>821567 coronavirus is an immediate threat to my life and the lives of my loved ones and introduces enough uncertainty into my life that it could delay my Psy.D. by an entire year and cost me $50k
same, tho not the last bit
I am absolutely in deligh t to have people I know playing Animal Crossing so I can just go "oh I know who would like this". It's a long way off but if you can stay on board until autumn rolls around it'll be prime Mushroom Season. I've seen in the Directs there's like a whole bunch of mushroom varieties that start popping up on your island.
Coronavirus let's me be the neet that I have always wanted to be!
But on another note, do you guys know of any fourms or boards to discuss gardening with? The virus gave me a lot of free time, so I wanna spruce up my little garden.
>>821570 oh shittttt mushroom seasonnnn im gonna get so many mushrooms
Also for pattern design utility This is a semi-copy of the pattern designer with a few extras, namely the ability to upload and convert images from your computer to patterns on the canvas. Naturally this works better if your image is quite low-rest -res to begin with but it can kinda work with more detailed stuff. It's less relevant for clothing since that has a lot of wrapping and parts of the canvas that need to be fiddled with when putting it on a 3D clothing model.
If you go into the menu though you can browse through other creations though and can use those for reference in understanding how the canvas translates into the clothing piece.
The editor can also generate you a QR code which is less relevant for New Horizons since getting stuff from a QR code into New Horizons is kind of weird but technically possible. But you could still go full autism and just copy pixel for pixel from your PC screen to the Switch.
god damnit hot water is warm again i wonder if it is the dostrict or just our appartment
>>821571 if there was a critical mass of gardeners here i'd open a board
>>821573 don't you have to use a phone app to get them into new horizons or something?
Yeah, the Nintendo Switch mobile app, if not already, should soon have a New Horizons subsection Wait Samu was talking to us through it last night so it must be out. There should also be a function to snap the QR code with your phone and pull it into the game with that.
yea it works for local chatter when someone visits
i ran out of cheese so i'm now eating baguettes toasted in oil and seasoned with salt and pepper
Looks like Toranna and Montreal are sharing the same weather landscape recently. We've been par for par on temperature since you got there I think.
>>821584 Just keep two metres away from people, don't touch unnecessary surfaces, and move quickly and efficiently. Figure out what you'd want to buy before leaving.
>>821592 summerrrr thank god i can just stay inside and do social distancing
It SNOWED here Sunday night. I woke up Monday morning to a thin layer of snow on the ground! I mean it was gone quick but still. It's almost April I want cold to go and STAY GO
my dissertation chair ignored my request for a defense date for two weeks and then replied yesterday - the first day of the week i intended to defend now i am no longer able to schedule it for this week so i didn't reply to that email yesterday while i work out my schedule
she texts me this morning "We are waiting on your response. Where are you?"
People that make you wait on them tend to be the most impatient, eh. To give her a bit of a benefit of a doubt maybe the pandemic tumult made things get a bit hectic and made it hard for her to get back. But even then she could have apologized or, y'know, just written back earlier that things are unpredictable and scheduling may be difficult.
right NOW >watching promare while leading group therapy on telehealth
I have to keep turning on turtle mode in my torrent client otherwise the internet is entirely unusable i miss my old nyc connection that thing was a beast
It's a shame I can't get audio feed out of my Switch into my PC without it producing this somewhat high-ptiched whirring noise. Would be nice to be able to put a stream of something easy to half-pay attention to while playing games on it. As it is right now I have to pick between wether -whether I want to listen to my Switch or listen to my PC.
listen to your heart
That sounds like a terrible idea.
cancelled my amazon prime take that, economy
We're crashing this economy one subscription at a time
my mans got access to way too many streaming services he doesn't pay for them all luckily but like Stan, Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon prime video ad and some cable things it's ridic
oh no >>821622 senate is talking about doing more telehealth
then i commend nintendo on their quick execution and condemn their taste
it's weird how various essential functions don't work while the airport gates are open
They're understandable if you've got people over, at least when you take into account Nintendo by all accounts is horrible with netcode. I doubt they want to work through all the particulars of keeping things from breaking when they can just say "No don't do that".
yea but they've gone too scared i cant even do a nook shopping order that's an entirely local and deferred action!
Once you can communicate with friends you can use the Nook Shopping to direct-send them stuff. That's how I sent you the hoi shirt. It's contained within the same method as buying it for yourself it just adds a new button.
What they COULD have done is just said "Yeah you can't push the gift button while your gate is open" but they just chose to shut it all down instead.
oh thank god i finally bought the inventory size upgrade
Wow gosh That was like the first thing I went in on. I NEED my inventory space I like to take everything with me.
More importantly, would they even know it's a problem. There's a lot of people that are going to have to discover how to talk through a computer I feel. It's not even a generational thing a lot of younger adults don't really do stuff like that.
haha i opened a Volare youtube vid and people are like 1 year ago: damn this makes me want to go to italy so bad and walk around on the beautiful streets
Well a year ago Italy wasn't thick with a plague. Time sure jumps up at you.
That first one is super catchy. Second one is pretty good, too.
Yeah I really like the OP. The ED's got this good lay back and mellow feel to it. >>>/watch?v=hHhC-eJuT0g The ending animations got this real good loopable GIF of Michiru running too.
I think the entire first half of the series premiered on Japanese Netflix earlier this week so there are people making subs for it already. I'm gonna wait until the broadcast date has passed to see if there's some official subs. We've got a tonne of anime to watch right now anyway.
i'm super behind on all my anime like two weeks ): not counting the stuff i had to drop for time's sake
I'm keeping track of a lot of stuff that's probably not gonna get finished before the season is over, mostly because I like ... keeping track of things. When that gets subtracted out there's only like a dozen episodes on the list I think. With the season in its last week or two I think we can get everything we're still watching done with.
I think next season might be a slight bit on the smaller side since a lot -no that's an exaggeration, a few series have had to announce sudden delays thanks to Covid-19 Re:Zero was supposed to get a season two but that's been moved to Autumn. I've seen news of a couple other series that have had to do that too but they're not coming to mind right now.
i successfully taught a group of like 5 people how to do an origami butterfly and a penguin it was difficult but i managed
i mean the show
>>821688 Well the next season still has Tower of God which no matter what Blue tells you is going to be fun. There'll also be more Kaguya-sama and Honzuki. Not everything is cancelled!