Hatena Illusion Episode 1-2 Infinite Dendrogram Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Kabukicho Sherlock Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Pet Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 2-3 Show By Rock!! Mashumairesh!! Somali to Mori no Kamisama
Somali was that cute show with the little girl and the golem. It might be a nice comfy closer.
>>794882 It's kinda whatever, especially running in the same season as Itai Iya. The MC has a virtual cute girl that somehow gives him his VR world super powers. Also the MMO has a persistent NPC gimmick where if the NPCs are dead they're dead for good. Honestly it's not BAD but it's also pretty unimpressive which is made poorer being in contrast to Ita Iya.
dangit i just got comfy and i forgot my gloves aaa
well let's check out that new show since we're not sure
Apparently this gets kinda QUALITY in the second episode. Dunno how that is relative to the first episode though.
eta 90 seconds
Cute characters so far though.
oh no bad maid
Oh Jiibasu is a normal person.
I was wondering if she knew he was a boy since - Oh okay she still thinks he's a girl hah hah. I had a feeling that was the case.
what a ham
Looks like ham runs in this family. At least it's a good trait for a magician to have.
>Okay I'll take you on as my apprentice >But I'm also going away so I can't actually train you
yumemi seems pretty good
She seems to have a real HAET OTOKO thing going on. It's definitely more than just being offended at being tricked this whole time into thinking he was a girl.
Oh no he's gonna have to pay for it. With his BODY
i wanna work in a mansion
Even if it meant working alongside a problematic meido like this
yeah she seems lively
should make a trope bingo for this one
You'd think when you own a house this large and maze-like that you'd eventually put together a map of the place.
it's an illusory mansion though it probably keeps changing
Make a magic map that changes with it!
this doesn't seem terrible
yumemi's pajama suit is cute i think she only wears pajamas
I'm still waiting on the hook delivery here. I mean I've got ideas of course but if they leave the shoe hanging too long it gets a bit tiresome. Actually the episode's almost over.
Oh she has a cute transformation scene. Like a real mahou shoujo.
does this count
Yeah pretty much. A bit less of a pow than I expected but it's pretty much in line.
i don't think it has a hook to deliver it kinda set the stage for what kind of show it'll be i think
Well I don't mean like a sharp hook or something like that. But like just the plot-establishing premise. Like yeah we've got romcom tropes and all but it's a light novel series this show's adapting and those generally have an overarching plot concept. Even romcom manga generally have some kind of hook, like how in Nisekoi it's the two MCs having to pretend they're in a relationship even though they start off hating each other. Or something like they all live in an old rundown boarding house that you know is going to need attention before long.
We kinda got it with the two girls talking about needing to protect their mother's artifacts but even that's kind of vague, which is what I meant with less pow than I expected.
All the other spooks we'll be seeing in this show are in the OP it seems like. But they're all just their silhouettes except for the mermaid from episode one.
She really is intensely naive. But I guess she's a middle school student - probably - so it probably can't be helped.
dangit i got episode 1 again downloading 2 now... haha i'll fix my own time since i have it running
Lots of weird things are getting stolen. Locker doors are pretty hard to take off in the first place anyway.
Wow she still gets scale-y when water touches her.
It seems like there's all sorts of ayakashi and youkai living in this school.
That's an interesting quirk of existence for these spirits. Having to obey what people believe you are must be problematic.
the art style is really cute
Aw what a poor lil' ghost. Just wants a friend.
She's being pretty smart about changing the rumours though. You can't really combat something like that by making a drastic change. But slightly tweaking the details is a good way to make it stick.
rumors are troublesome things
So an anciet -ancient powerful artifact meant to exorcise youkai now moonlights as an umbrella.
That way they preview the case of the next episode with the radio broadcast is a neat touch. Especially with the OST track in the background leading into the ED.
I wonder what the overarching plot of the second half is gonna be. They kinda tied up everything about the show's premise by solving the mystery of Jack.
the art style still sits a little odd for me everyone's kinda clunky feeling
Mycroft seems to universally be a good bit of a dick. I don't think I ever read the story or stories he appears in so I've only ever seen him in adaptations.
i really like the bbc mycroft i liked the way they set him up as suspicious before revealing his name or relation
Yeah I think Mycroft is supposed to be one of those characters that's supposed to be pretty dodgy. Has most of the brains of Sherlock but also has the ambition for power he lacks. Which even if he's not that bad of a guy makes him pretty dangerous.
i knew a guy who would roleplay as mycroft online all the time he was really into it
i thought the rakugo would be a lot cooler but it's kinda meh it hasn't seemed very significant, although i missed some eps
Well it seems in-universe Sherlock doesn't perform very well. Everyone seems to give him poor reviews. So there isn't much opportunity to show it off aside from when he knows he can leverage getting to perform it to reveal the
Oh yeah Moriarty pretty much explained what I was getting at.
that was a pretty lame clue aaaa
they gotta do somethin with moriarity idk what they're planning
The fact that we're still getting a lot of attention on him definitely implies he's not irrelevant yet. And really if they want to end this like a proper Sherlock adaptation there's little for them to do except make him the final mastermind.
Oh that's a very Sherlock-y way to solve a mystery. Deducing they're lying because they smell of a specific flower from a specific location that contradicts their location.
okay i think i must have fell asleep on this one for episode 1
i dont remember it
>>794972 Boy and his sister went to a magic school for magics, his sister tried some forbidden ritual and got turned into a dragon, he's spent the time since living as a sellsword/moneylender while trying to figure out how to turn her back
Yeah, the character design is super 90s that said This episode seems a little lower budget and the characters seem a little more generic looking
They're all in the same uniform I think that kinda generalizes them all. But it kinda makes sense that the first episode would get a bit more attention.
Plus I'm pretty sure it's DEEN animating this show, and you know, well. DEEN.
Oh I thought it was his actual sister but I guess they're just like siblings.
His name sounds like some fancy liquor only preppy people drink.
that girl looks familiar
I can respect this guy's loyalty to his onee-chan though.
But this guy is a bit goofy even when he's trying to be serious.
Weird divide of black and white magic in this world. Like I can get black magic being all these destructive spells they've been using, that's kinda in line with magic you'd expect from a generation that grew up on Final Fantasy. But white magic being time and mind control magic is weird.
Yeah, odd they usually make mind control black magic and time magic is its own thing
That's a pretty "simple on the surface" kind of magic. I'd given thought to magic systems that work through vocalization and the notion of the magic's effect not really depending on what you're actually saying but the intent of your spell has been used in other fantasy stories before. I wonder if they'll explore deeper with what it means to make effect with your words various kinds of magic.
Well you know. Mages aren't exactly known for their fashion sense.
It looks like he eventually goes his own way with these two dwarves and the girl and guy from the inn. They seem less stuff than a lot of these mages at least.