Hi hello There's nothing new today, which is kind of a relief I guess. Does mean no more Watashi, Nouryoku though.
Ahiru no Sora BokuBen Episode Ah whoops. Episode 10-13 Chihayafuru Enen no Shouboutai Episode 23-24 GranBlue Fantasy Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 13-14 Kabukicho Sherlock Episode 11-12 Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 21-26 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 6-8 Val x Love Episode 11-12 Beastars
I guess this is the last anime of 2019, since I won't likely be here tomorrow night and I wouldn't expect you either. I think whatever we don't get to before the new stuff starts coming out I'm just gonna toss out. With maybe a few exceptions.
That said we've still probably got like five or so days before stuff really starts coming in anyway.
I can't imagine this is gonna be too heavy. The climax of the arc was definitely last episode.
Oh yeah there was that at the end of the last episode though.
I think that is something that happens with prey creatures like rabbits though. When faced by an inescapable predator some times they will bolt straight for the predator's mouth.
Legosi's getting to the heart of what most nice guys never really wrap their head around.
This girl's still determined to get some TAIL
Haru really has it rough though. All these wolves chasing her around.
With Louis out of the picture this love square has become a love triangle awfully fast.
Even if they're basically secondhand getting free basketball shoes is a pretty good deal. Those can be quite pricey.
Nao's probably had them doing ... uh, those running drills where you run to a line and run back to start and then a line further and then back to start. I think my gym teacher in high school might've called them suicides? I really don't remember it's been more than a decade. But they're good for building stamina for quick starts and stops.
Also I heard Enen is gonna have a third cour but it's not gonna air until Summer 2020.
And speaking of split cours I wonder when the rest of Fruits Basket is coming out.
Looks like some time in 2020. I don't think I've been seeing anything for it for Winter 2020 so maybe come spring.
It's neat to see them having some of the stooge characters break out from their gang. Kono Oto Tomare! does some similar things with its three stooges.
Oh Tobi is stirring the shit again. Though he's making some reasonable criticisms. But yeah it's also kind of some high expectations for newbies to the sport.
I wonder if kids are really this into basketball in Japan. Though I guess I don't really know what they do for like, neighbourhood games like this. Maybe baseball if you've got a proper field nearby but you can't really do that in a busy city park. Especially these small parks like this.
basketball is a lot easier as a pickup sport you kinda need a team ahead of time to do baseball
baseball is very popular, but I bet they have kids into basketball too there seems to be a lot of basketball anime at least
>>786779 or not a team, but enough people to sort into teams
I wonder how well they took to soccer. I know in a lot of the world it's super popular because all you need is a ball and something to mark the goals. And in those small parks you can probably fit a decent kid-sized field in.
>>786780 Yeah, I know how popular baseball is, but you need a lot of space for baseball. Like you can't really do anything more than playing catch in a park like t he one the kids were playing basketball in there. Or well you can try sure, but you're likely gonna smash in a window. Stuff like basketball or soccer's probably easier for kids to do in a smaller footprint.
yeah and baseball is dangerous to do in cramped suburban/urban environments too basketball you can do in your driveway
bokuben 10 okay oh waiting for moon okay let's start!
Reaaaady. Oh yeah this is a direct continuation of the stuff from last episode. Still kinda weird for a primarily gag/romcom series to have this long a plot arc.
china is tryna make a speial economic zone on the moon
What are they gonna do there, mine the moon?
commercial services for other countries
it'll be moon shenzhen
I can't remember does Furuhashi even know how to cook. I think that was more Uraka/Ogata's thing.
im sure she took a home economics course
Well that answers the mystery.
Furuhashi gets a lot of the "Already family" fanservice. Cooking food like she's the wife, having to pretend to be siblings at a hotel, brushing teeth together. ... And now ... washing his back... Kind of a weird turn of events.
Wow guy you don't just take a girl out into the middle of the woods on a first date.
i think i did that had a picnic and identified species of snails and hiked it was ok
Oh this is a sentiment I can really get behind. People that really get into talking what they're passionate about do the best job of selling how interesting it is.
He doesn't want her to do math either. He thinks she should just stick to what she's got what seems to be a natural affinity for literature and the arts.
this depiction is a little over the top i think like he really has to force it
i guess he is living in his wife's shadow though so that's totally possible
More so since it seems she was totally not a talent at it like he assumed. He seems to have been pretty natural with it but now he's got to digest that she wasn't at all good with it at first.
bokuben 11 hmm yeah can you get it or do we need another? okay lets start!
uh i dont have that
Yeah I didn't expect a double feature of it. Do you have the speeds to get it quickly or would it be better to go with Sherlock, which is what I assume you've got.
Good good I wonder if Rika's gonna continue to sit up there or come join us. Guess not hah hah
Ovaa zere
I guess we'll finally be getting a Nariyuki development arc.
Wow his internal thoughts there were pretty excited to see what she's so embarrassed about.
Oh boy another one of these.
Hah hah that's a pretty sensible interpretation of those kinds of myths.
Her class is really bullying her into this role. How terrifying.
Both the dads we've seen in this series have been real weirdoes.
I wonder what the average Japanese highschool enrollment is like. If there's maybe twenty-five to thirty students to a class and their school has at least classes A through F that's six classes per grade so 150-180 students per grade. So maybe 450-540 students in a school? I guess a thousand servings of noodles would be a tall order then, yeah.
make an udon pit like a ball pit and charge a fee for entry
He's really taking on a lot of extra work hah hah. Those banners he's carrying around makes him look like one of those banner-carrying soldiers in feudal armies or something.
Oh gosh.
She's pretty cute in that.
Wow Nariyuki.
I guess that's one of his banners off his back at least.
I mean an outfit designed for a highschool girl is obviously not gonna fit perfectly on an adult woman.
i dont think memories from high school need to last a lifetime
There's been some really good faces in this episode. Lots of Very Angry faces.
Aidoru raibu
swimming in noodles??
Don't you want to just take a deep dive into all those soft noodles?
Oh yeah this show's pretty thorough with its recaps. That'll be useful.
>>786851 I don't, but it's just something instilled in me from benefitting a lot in the past from making good time. By now it feels nice to have a bunch of extra time after anime rather than feeling like I'm heading to bed too late.
I wonder what the difference between Tosho-kan and Tosho-shitsu are. I've seen both translated as library now. Maybe Toshokan is reserved more for like, literal buildings devoted to books?
Wow why do they all HAET CHURCH
That's some weird classism coming from a peasant.
>>786853 library as in a building versus a library room reading room
Yeah that's what I assumed from how they called that room a Tosho-shitsu. The concept of a library being a full building is a relatively modern invention. For a historically analogous library in our world to this world's development, a single room like that is probably accurate.
>>786857 Well, you know how opulence and church oft times goes hand in hand.
Books really are way better for word economy than pretty much all her writing tools prior to paper. Tablets are neat and all but they really can't keep too many words.
Oh shit a holy grail.
Wow she all but dove into him there.
I really like Benno. He's a good balance of frank grumpiness and good-natured spirit.
haha you could hear the plosion on the mic with that
Yeah the dubbing for this show has a bit of a low-quality sound to it. I guess they must be using a cheap recording studio.
it was just him being really enthusiastic i think he's doing a good job
I think it's Koyasu; he's a consistently solid and enthusiastic seiyuu. He was the voice of DIO in some of the earlier JoJo's arcs and he really nailed the necessary tone.
I guess I was pretty much right on the money with the sickness in the end. The Devouring is the nutrition-lacking peasant body unable to handle their magic ability.
Myne does get really tunnel-visioned way too easily. She totally forgot about her promise to Lutz as soon as she saw a more direct way to get to read books.
I saw an illustration of what I think was an older Lutz from the novels and he ends up with this absurdly dorky mushroom cap haircut. Reminds me of my brother when he was way younger.
we have one more? yeah i think so
One more episode of Honzuki or one more tonight? Because yeah there's an episode fourteen of Honzuki but that's the fifth show for tonight.
yeah one more honzuki i mean that's cool
I think there might also be an OVA episode out in the next few months. And then there'll be a season two in spring or summer 2020.