Choyoyu Episode 5-7 Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-7 GranBlue Fantasy Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 15-20 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-7 PSYCHO-PASS Rifle is Beautiful Val x Love Episode 5-7 Watashi, Nouryoku etc. Beastars Episode 5-6
shouldn't it be houkago 6 and 7? we haven't watched 6 yet have we
Fantajii I'm a little confused, I thought we were supposed to get an episode last week that would be a Djeeta episode. Maybe they're keeping the bonus stuff for after the season runs its course.
okay ready gomen slow download
Time for Spooky Island
What cheerful zombies
ghost and zamby
The little grumpy one is even worse with supernatural stuff than Lyria.
Eugen always talks like he's an old man around all these youth but he really doesn't look all that old, really. But maybe being around late-teens/early-twenties is enough to make a forty-something feel old.
i like that cat
Yeah it's pretty cute. I think it's more of a fox thing in the game's CG. I seem to remember having a talk about it not long ago.
The developers for Cygames' mobage seem to have a real fondness for making zombies pretty developed and characterized, rather than just mindless mobs. There was that zombie loli girl from Bahamut that was a part of the main cast. Somebody on their writing team has a real thing for zombies or something.
A hundred years is a long time to be entirely forgotten.
Wow Black Knight trusted Orchis to those two goofs and they got her fucking KILLED. Good job.
This is more like yakuza shenanigans than mystery.
Yeah. There were a few Sherlock stories like this though, where he didn't really solve a mystery but instead used his talents to carry the narrative. Though I guess it's pretty moot either way since he was barely relevant this episode.
The mangaka for this series has drawn what she envisions Legosi and Haru would be like as human beans. People seem to be kind of iffy on Legosi but I think he looks pretty charming. The jaw and hairline is nice.
this isn't related to anything but thanksgiving is coming up soon i just realized
Ah it's the bitchy half-half rabbit again.
>>772452 Yeah, two weekends from now for you guys. Ours already went by last month.
Haru is a pretty tough rabbit though. It must feel nice to fly off the handle at them like that though.
Hah hah Legosi can be a real relatable character at times. He means well but he's so awkward.
Oh come on man you're in the theatre club. Couldn't you have at least gone with "What's in a name?" Or whatever the line was in Romeo and Juliet it's been too long.
They've all got to live with their animal instincts, eh.
We still haven't been formally introduced to that blonde-haired girl from a couple episodes back. Visually she kind of reminds me of this girl from Gamers!, though I doubt there's much similarity past that and liking games.
What a handsome lady.
A little bit like Scrabble dice. The Japanese Hiragana must make for good games like this though. You can contain pretty much their entire syllable lexicon in a fairly limited set of characters.
i like word games
>Confusing just wanting to be nice to people with them being subtly sadistic
This guy really has some defining eyebyows.
Hexagonal board games always makes me think of Catan. Though they're used a lot in 4X video games these days too, like Civilization.
What's with all these girls practicing their dogeza.
That's a sweet resolution to the problem she was having with being alone.
Sea bathing is a really weird way to call swimming in the ocean. I wonder if she's phrasing it that way because she thinks swimming in the ocean would feel weird to them.
They're all getting custom-made swimsuits too eh. I guess with Mile's insane abilities she can probably make some easy.
aaaaaa i wanna go to the ocean or at least a gulf or lake