Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Bem DanMachi Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai Fruits Basket Episode 22-23 Granbelm Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 8-10 Kimetsu no Yaiba Lord El-Melloi II Episode 7-10 Machikado Mazoku Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai Episode 8-10 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator Episode 8-9 UchiMusume Episode 9-10
im going to cook some dinner so go ahead on enen without me im not too excited for that one anyway so it works out i'll jump in for stone in a little bit
The beat-up at the end of the last episode was -ran on a bit too long. The tonal dissonance between this guy's ridiculous, corny attitude and the cruelty of it all started to get a bit overwhelming.
it didn't have any literary value it was just sloppy and irresponsible
Edison was kind of a dick! He was constantly using his accomplishments and wealth from his inventions to influence and crush anyone that tried to compete in the industries he was involved in.
he was a businessman nothing more
No he was definitely kind of a dick. You don't have to be a dick to be a businessman.
well i meant in terms of occupation... but yeah he was quite a dick i dont like anything about him
I wonder when we'll be getting back to what Taiju and his girlfriend have been getting up to. It's been fun watching SCIENCE at work but we've been focused on it for quite some time.
im sure they've had something to keep them occupied
how do you even need cola? need something special make cola that is
okay lets start
Hm, you do need some slightly-modern cooking accoutrements to make it. I don't think you could cook up the sugary liquids with stone-age utensils.
>>743687 Well by slightly-modern I mean you'd probably need metal cooking utensils. Using wood, stone, and clay probably wouldn't really make good coke.
i don't think you need anything special i mean you can carbonate stuff by hand if that's what you mean
you wouldn't have the processed ingredients but you can do a natural kind of substitution
i would just use some cane sugar and zest and like nutmeg maybe or some other plant flavoring then carbonate it i guess maybe guarana for a bit of caffeine?
i kinda wanna try now maybe next time i go shopping i'll get some stuff and make some cola
Ganbare Nezuko!
Geez Tanjirou is strong.
>We'll defeat Michael Jackson Bold words Tanjirou. You couldn't even finish off one of the lower half of the Twelve Kizuki and you want to claim you can beat their boss?
well he probably will
Well, yeah. But he doesn't know he's the MC of this story!
Hah hah come on Tanjirou. Your imouto's fine now. Take what victories you get.
These two kind of have a Team Rocket vibe to them. Without the weak-ass attempt at being villains at least.
There's a couple of fun shows that'll be coming up next season too.
i still don't know who's gonna animate it has there been any news? i looked but didnt see anything
I haven't seen any new details about it yet, no. Maybe you can take some comfort in the fact that they're taking their time finding a studio to do the animation for it.
i can't imagine anyone besides like ufotable doing them justice and i know there's now ay ufotable has other projects coming up
Alas, poor Yorck, I knew him well
>>743743 I could see the studio that did Houseki no Kuni being able to adapt the weirdness of it well. Though they work only in 3D CGI which can be kind of weird to some people. They do some really good work i n it though. If Bones puts their A-team on it I think they could do a good job too. They have been kind of slacking in recent years though.
Oh gosh it talks.
Hah hah hah Having it talk in that deep voice about being pampered is a funny dissonance.