this here's a thread all about how my main man claude crit upside down
Wow A new thread!
My university email was refusing to load for like ten minutes and trying to troubleshoot it was starting to get to me. But all I had to do was click the login button to open in a new tab and it went smoothly. I don't get it.
>>732669 iβm not a doctor but maybe check if all your limbs are intact
how's your digestive tract doin did it fix itself
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
yup! i woke up and felt normal again super weird smoked a ciggy and nothing happened haf two coffees, a bahn mi, and everything proceeded normally kinda weird tbh
>>732679 I can't be certain but I am aware that one existing theory on how to improve living conditions on Mars is to nuke its stagnant core and reboot it, creating the magnetosphere the planet currently lacks.
Alternatively the nuclear winter of sorts from the nuking may help build a more dense atmosphere that could possibly be relied upon to help terraforming projects on the planet.
I do believe both prospects are pretty much theoretical and we don't really know if they'd even work in practice, and that they both come with drawbacks beyond, well, the concept of dropping a nuclear superwarhead.
>>732687 yeah, pretty much this. There's thoughts that if nuking the planet would give it atmosphere. I don't remember exactly how the theory works.
>>732690 Well one of the bigger concerns of making Mars habitable is the fact that unlike Earth, it has an inactive, non-spinning planetary core. The Sun gives off a lot of radiation beyond light and heat after all, and that radiation carries enough energy to essentially vaporize the gases that make up an atmosphere. Earth's magnetic field, which it has because it has a spinning metal core, is a protective field against that kind of radiation, and is (on top of other benefits) why we've been able to keep our atmosphere in lieu of the -despite the Sun's intense energy. This means any attempt we do in terraforming to actually build a livable atmosphere on Mars is likely due to fail long-term unless we can build a magnetic field around the planet. But (and this is where we leave known science and enter theoretical) if we were to impact the planetary core with enough sheer energy the force would potentially cause it to reboot and start spinning, which, due to the reliable laws of electromagneticism, would cause it to start generating a magnetic field again. Oh, and I say things like reboot and again because as far as I remember, we do know Mars -used- to have a magnetic field, or at least its core used to be active, and at some point in its ancient history as a planet, it stopped, and we don't actually know why.
The alternative is kind of a controlled creation of a greenhouse effect like we see us undertaking on Earth, only instead of making the atmosphere too thick with the byproducts of nuclear fallout (which would at that magnitude create nuclear winter on Earth), the act of doing so would increase Mars' meager atmosphere to a point where it could actually retain heat radiation from the Sun like ours does for us, which would drastically improve living conditions on the planet since Mars on a whole is waaaay too cold on the surface to comfortable -comfortably sustain life, regardless of whether it can actually breathe or not.
Either way the BIG PROBLEM with both of
these theories is, well, like it says on the tin, they're theoretical. We don't actually know if the greenhouse effect would be a project we could keep controlled or if we'd just create a second Venus in our solar system once the effect begins to run away. And while theoretically a sufficient blast of energy would drive the core to become active again, this isn't exactly science we have experience affirming in practice since it's pretty hard to test drive nuking a planetary core. Plus both experiments would require some very, very intensive nuclear warheads, and there's plenty of obvious concerns about the manufacture, deployment, and aftermath of such powerful explosives that I hopefully don't have to elaborate on here.
All in all it's a risky project with a lot of problems and the result is what? A Mars that hundreds, if not thousands of years down the line is possibly habitable to human beings? Is that really worth it? Or are proponents of these choices just more interested in potentially fucking up a second planet in our solar system just for the sake of having said we did it. I don't even know if terraforming Mars for habitability is a good idea, let alone one we should engage in reckless, unproven experiments to achieve. This is the kind of thing we should be cautious and deliberate about, two things that don't really go hand in hand with nuclear bombs.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
giving it an electric field doesn't give it an atmosphere all the hydrogens have already photodissociated or remain as deuterium
there's no reason for any of this stuff when we can create controlled colonies you don't need to worry about atmosphere escaping when you're keeping it contained and self-subsistent expansion from that stage is easy
we don't need mars to be a habitable planet in order to thrive there
Yeah, I know. Sorry I probably should have elaborated about that. We'd still have to build an atmosphere on the planet regardless. But any attempt to do so will be difficult without a magnetic field to protect it from exactly what you're saying just happening again.
>>732695 Oh yeah, in terms of actually inhabiting Mars I do agree that a contained habitable environment is a much better option than trying to make the planet liveable. But terraforming has an allure in the way humanity's collective ego finds bending nature to its will enticing. And for all the dangers, nuclear detonations sure sounds flashy and exciting.
I can understand why people find these prospects enticing but I personally can't abide by them.
terraforming can be a natural side effect of habitation over a long time trying to terraform it so that we can go there doesnt seem realistic it's too heavy of an investment without any payoff to keep it going
Yeah, I think terraforming is inevitable once we've got people on the planet anyway. But it makes far more sense to study it up close and personal, examine the mysteries of the planet physically, and make a decision on how to engage in terraforming off that, rather than coming up with theories based on what we can see from what information we can gather from examination and probe-provided information here.
i missed my kratom delivery yesterday while i was sleeping so i have to wait for it to come today i am otherwise out and i dont wanna go through another day without it bleh
I guess waiting up throws a bit of a wrench in your routine?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>732704 can you instruct them just to leave the package?
My peer Mentee broke up with me today he said something like >well it was very pleasant meeting you, but I don't think there's an reason to do this again
>>732709 well it was a bit of a weird dynamic to begin with. the guy was a mature aged student in his 50s I think he was just looking for a chance to network. He didn't really need help with anything (which is what the program is designed for). So It wasn' t really going to go anywhere.
Well sounds like you could probably be better redirected towards a student that could use the resources you can provide then. Better to help someone you can than be unable to help the person you're stuck with eh.
oh shit astral chain comes out august 30 i thought it was way later
I guess two months is Nintendo's minimum for Actually no I'm dumb Astral Chain isn't a first-party game Platinum can release it whenever they want.
It looks cool though I'll be definitely keep it in mind. As far as JRPGs go I'll probably prioritize Fire Emblem though when I get back to getting games.
I've definitely been looking forward to Astral Chain. I hope I can finish Fire Emblem before it comes out! I don't think I can, though. Especially since I have that meditation retreat coming up.
I probably said this already but when I was in the Argentinian Andes one of the local porter/kitchen hands was watching Lain on his phone
Yeah, I think I recall that story. The thought of people watching Lain on their small handheld screen has this feeling subtle irony to me. It's kind of wild how the Wired in Lain has a lot of parallels to modern social media despite the series coming out in 1998.
i wish i hadn't done cash on delivery now i gotta sit here and wait for the mailman idk if he'll be here at 10 or 12 or 3 or 7, it could be whenever and i need my kratom since SOMEBODY doesnt want me to have my prescribed anxiety pills
Apparently a dude I knew growing up died yesterday in a car wreck. He was a passenger, and another kid I knew was driving, they were on their way home from the bar, and they got into a wreck. Passager died, driver is in critical condition. Driver was a dick when I knew him, but the other kid was a decent kid. What a shame.
It's crazy to me that these two remained friends from grade school into adulthood but I guess that's probably actually normal for people who aren't like, online denizens.
yeah i still have online friends that i had when i was like 12 but i don't stay in touch with anyone i meet irl for more than like a week
Maybe once a year or every other year, I see the folks I went to high school with. Like three of them.
Right now, my oldest friend is probably Pan and I still haven't met him face-to-face, haha.
Something about being friends with someone IRL for like 15+ years just seems impossible. It feels kind of stagnant. But that's an irrational evaluation of it.
this delivery attempt notice they left says i can go pick it up at the local post office but the location it gives is 72 miles away i wonder if it's just wrongly labeled slips and it's actually at this post office or if it's being delivered from 72 miles away because the nearby one doesnt deal with CODs or something
>>732750 If they failed to deliver it and left a slip, that would mean they bring it to the local office to wait. If it's USPS at least. It wouldn't make sense for them to ship it elsewhere to wait. USPS delivery slips should have a QR code you can scan to request them to attempt to deliver again, as well.
>>732752 today i hope i requested redelivery today >>732753 i didn't do the QR code but i did it from the tracking page it's been requested to redeliver today but it hasn't been updated to "out for delivery" like it was yesterday at 7:59am, which it's 8:37am now
Thdy don't have a standard time at which they head out, a lot of things hold them up and make them inconsistent in terms of time. Sometimes they just don't update it, too. You might be able to contact the office, I think they have a chat thing on their website.
yeah that inconsistency is what is making me restless it could be here in an hour and a half or in 10 hours i gotta just wait for it
it came yesterday at 12:20, but since it's redelivery it might get tacked onto the end of the day ive had things come at 11:00am before
it's cool that i can buy kratom COD without a hitch though but man i really get restless when waiting and missing it yesterday means ive been out
Kirara π
I've never gotten mail before 1pm but yeah not knowing makes it hard to do anything
>>732769 I like it, it has some additional features, the advanced settinggs are in a text document you have to edit yourself though. So I'm not sure if you'd like that.
Kirara π
>>732770 I don't mind that since I wouldn't have to change it all too often. I'll check it out, thanks
Supports a bunch of other formats too
Cool I think its also pretty efficient memory wise too but I could be wrong
Kirara π
I've been using Adobe reader so it's probably more efficient than that.
it's past 4 now and no mail truck nor update on the tracker ive been waitin since 9 im wasting my whole day i wanna go to the post office and pick it up but i dont know which one it's at
>Wake up and complain about sleeping too much around noon >Immediately fall back asleep for another four hours Man I really need help not sleeping.
>want to not sleep all week >want to sleep today so I wont be tired in the evening 0 for 2 im just not winning
i did a projective test on a client and i was worried it might break them because projective tests tend to fuck people up really bad if they have serious psychopathology but almost nothing phased her i even decided to push and give her the thing that always fucks people up and it did nothing she blocked almost every trigger and painful emotion everything was extremely happy and lovely and there was no darkness super manic
she's also hypersexual so i was expecting a lot of it to be sexual in nature but none of it was
>job interview for position >not listed in the ad that more than half of the job is doing something completely different that requires standing for hours another position eliminated for cripple-chan
This morning my mom called me to tell me this kid I used to know died. The car they were in apparently went airborne into a tree. My mom was mad that it made her late for work.
>>732806 Nah I've understood the fragility of life intimately since I almost died due to negligence in first grade. That awareness has been with me for a long time. It's still a shame, though.
>>732810 Maybe. To me it's still bizarre that people can spend years, decades striving towards all these lofty ambitions or worrying about the petty, trivial mundane details of everyday life Then the guy driving the car in front of you makes one stupid mistake, or you get hit with some crippling illness and suddenly all of that just ceases to matter. that's what seems surreal. Here one day Gone Tomorrow.
>>732812 That's kind of cynical, don't you think? There's a lot of value in dying. In being dead. All of that stuff you worked for is gone with you, but there's still value, just in another form.
Of course it does. USPS runs every day of the week. On Sundays, they only deliver packages, though.
I've assumed it doesn't run on weekends in the past but more recently I've gotten packages delivered on Saturday. But that's also how it works up here and that might not be consistent.
Looks like they do though/
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>732814 Not that the person loses value but everything they themselves previously valued stop mattering
>>732817 What makes you say you can understand value with conscious perception? The value we understand is just a story we tell. Is true value something we can understand as humans?
That reminds me of the time Fish's dad, a multi-millionaire, told me I didn't understand the value of a dollar because I was hesitant to make wasteful purchases.
>>732828 Yeah See But Unlike the rest of you losers, my Story is Canon.
>>732826 you don't newsflash man a dollar ain't worth shit when you got millions of them
Man one of these peppers I'm slicing up for dinner tonight is one of the more gorgeous peppers I've ever seen, man. Like, it's got a nice size, a good weight, the inside is well hollowed without weird gunk.
I know what it is, how is it related to my question.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>732858 Oh I'm the furthest thing from awake right now. I did 83 hours awake with >4 , sorry no less than 4 hours of sleep, 2 semesters ago. thought I was gonna die, or at least felt like it.
Also I just acquired $30 worth of Euros and Swiss Francs.
Kirara π
it's a shame it wasn't usable money
I collect currency. Although I was actually hoping for coins, I didn't expect to iwe him this much money. *owe
Also I don't remember what word it was but he complimented me on my German pronounciation. Err, my friend that just got back from visiting his parents in France.
>>732876 can i come teach them anime math and how to breach security
Kirara π
sorry but no child of mine is going to go anywhere near that "math" stuff that's the devil's language
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yee haw mc supports are done
Don't do math kids
Kirara π
I cant wait to kill gilbert in this playthrough
Wow dude don't kill your neighbour.
i can't wait to get my gosh danged package why have a reschedule delivery feature if you're not gonna use it USPS im gonna have to go the WHOLE WEEKEND without kratom oh no
>>732895 you can harvest persimmons easily and without waiting too long it's just gonna be a bitter one that sucks it takes 100 years or so for a persimmon tree to bear sweet fruit however normally you just graft a sweet persimmon branch onto a bitter persimmon tree and that solves the problem
I thought we were just competing for house renown or something and Hilda said she was a good dancer. But she's far too good at killing things to be a dancer.
>>732922 I hope you and Fish manage to work it out, you're a good couple.
>>732924 Deshou? She doesn't want to put the work in, though. She still never said happy birthday, too.
>>732926 Marianne is the ideal dancer in my opinion. Because it gives her sword avo and sword dance which become ridiculous when you give her Blutgang.
>>732925 Well to be honest, I think it slipped by on her and it was too late by the time she was reminded about it. I know it is bad to forget birthdays, but I forgot my mom's birthday this year. I also forgot mine. Sometimes these things happen when you're busy.
I haven't talked with her much lately, but I can tell you that when I was talking to her I had no doubt that she was 100% in love.
Don't let things fall apart because you're both stupid and retarded about feelings.
>>732925 >>732927 Marianne seemed like the best choice out of the gold deers. I only chose Ingrid because it was my first playthrough and didn't know what I was doing, so I just chose someone I thought was hot.
>>732933 Well, she cut off contact with me for like a week after she forgot my birthday and then pretended like it didn't happen. That's the frustrating part.
I'm making daily attempts to talk to her and she usually blows me off.
>>732935 Well, please try to understand! She's probably stuck in a processing loop because she doesn't know how to deal with it. She probably doesn't know how to fix it.
I think a lot of guys, especially guys don't you, don't understand the natural inclination that women have to passivity! A lot of girls will sit and wait for something to happen, it's ingrained in you from youth since your role in the dating game is to wait for guys to come to you. She's likely an especially bad case of passive since she's had a silver spoon her whole life. I don't think she is very good at taking charge, even of herself of her relationship.s
It is bad that she is blowing you off. But there's a good chance that it's because she doesn't know how to deal with things.
>>732936 Well, there's nothing I can do if she doesn't know how to do anything but avoid me. She doesn't want to visit me, she doesn't talk to me on the phone, she barely texts.
>>732939 I have forgiven her, yes. I'm more upset that she cut off contact. Although I'm used to it now.
I think there is stuff going on, yeah. I just don't know what. Maybe her dad is doing something. Maybe she's over me and doesn't know how to tell me. Maybe she's dead and someone is using her phone! Who knows.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Speaking of Dedue >Dedue
Kirara π
he's so perfect the only perfect character in the game my beloved dedue
I'm unfortunately unable to give good advice when it comes to cutting off contact. It kicks me into needy mode if I don't get regular contact and communication.
>>732944 Me too. I need attention from my loved one! At least a little.
Some of the girls at work think my relationship is probably ending and keep trying to set me up with people they know.
I'm probably the one that would cut off communication because I'm a dumb idiot that doesn't know how to sustain conversation and just go quiet unless something comes to mind.
i think it probably does that to everyone it's good knowing other people get needy too sometimes
>>732945 i wish somebody would set me up with people it's so hard for me to network
>>732945 hmm Well if Fish isn't working out, it wouldn't be bad to talk to some of those girls a bit.
I thought I heard a woman shrieking so I went to check on my mother just in case, but she wasn't the source of it. But then I was in the kitchen and heard the sound again and realized that time it was just one of those electric motor mini-cars for kids from next door.
>>732951 Do you think so? It seems a little bad to do that while I'm technically still in a relationship Plus, dating new people is a lot of work. I was hoping to just get married and never have to deal with all that.
Make a few more attempts with Fish. If it doesn't work out, you probably should. Distance is tough in relationships. If you aren't working to resolve the distance issue, I think it's bad to continue.
Dating shouldn't be work. If it is work, then that's the not right person. If it clicks, it won't feel like work. You'll still get bad feelings, but the source of those feelings will only be from the fear of losing what you've got if things are clicking properly.
>>732954 Yeah, but finding people is a lot of work. Trying them out, I mean. It's effort! Maybe I'll just wait around until something comes my way again.
That's true, but it's pretty easy still if you follow my rules. You'll know immediately if it clicks the right way because it won't feel like work. And of course, no sex unless you think there's a chance that the relationship will actually work!
Sex always complicates thing, especially if it's someone you don't have a future with. If you get horny come home and take care of it yourself.
Typically any girl that isn't socially retarded will be able to read what you want really well. The best way to get a girl is to not be looking for one. Want other things!
Kirara has a lot of hopes and dreams that don't revolve around girls and sex, it's likely why girls are drawn to him.
Yeah, I've always been fine without a significant other. It's just an extra thing for me. I just pursue my own self-fulfillment. Girls and sex are nice but they're not usually super important to me.
I just take what I want and keep moving forward.
I'd pursue my own self-fulfillment if I actually knew what that was.
Yep, just keep riding your horse and as long as you're going somewhere, some girl will come along and try to hop on. Guys have it easy in that regard. Generally having direction/goals/competency will get in your way of finding a mate as a girl.
i have good hopes and dreams but i can't really focus on them well without having a consistent source of validation from someone i get too sensitive and need some positive reinforcement
I'm just lucky that I developed into a person that is seen as desirable without purposefully trying to be like that. I've just always done what I wanted to do. I'm pretty independent.
But that kind of thing probably makes it hard for people like Fish to be in a relationship with me, too. I can handle almost everything on my own but Fish has a need to be relied on that I can't fill very well.
Naan bread really goes amazingly well with curry seasoning. It makes the perfect edible mop for all this liquidy sauce.
my life is too problematic and confusing i need someone with direction because i dont have much of my own, but that in itself is pretty unappealing im clever and resourceful and durable but ultimately im a support class i can't really do too much on my own, and without someone else to help i feel pretty useless
>>732968 Well, that need is something a lot of girls have. It's not necessarily a need to be relied on, but a girl wants to see a side of her guy that no one else gets to see. That's why girls like assholes, you want a mean guy to be nice to just you. In your case, she probably wants to see the weak side of you that nobody else gets to see.
>>732971 She totally gets to see the weak side of me. There's a lot that I'll only talk to her about. I think she often has felt vestigial in our relationship, though, like she's relying on me but I won't accept her help (which is primarily financial).
>>732973 I have a friend who is selling her horse soon.
>>732970 I can kind of sympathize. I mean I do have my own direction, I think, but I'm often at a loss on how to move towards it, which I feel creates a similar unappealing feel.
>>732972 Well, I hope it works out. Try talking to her. If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll give her a nudge. She's probably cause up in one of her loops.
>>732979 I try talking to her every day! She just doesn't want to talk. Sometimes I'll even text her "can we talk?" and she'll reply (hours later) "No"
Not knowing what you want is a really foreign concept to me. It's easy to figure out what I want. I just lock on to whatever feels right. If something feels right, that's what I want! And sometimes that changes and that's fine.
It's far easier for me to figure out what I don't want than what I do. Unfortunately there's far too many things out there to just eliminate the "No"s to find out what I do want.
Or maybe I know what I want and I'm just not in the mood. What do I need to get peace? I gotta move out and get a different workplace for starters. But I already know neither of those are guaranteed to give me peace.
I think if you're looking for the thing you want, you're making a mistake. There are a thousand different lives I could live just as happily as being a psychologist. The world is full of fun and wonderful things!
>>732987 oh that's an easy one the state of being unbothered i get to enjoy peace a lot but it doesn't last and it's easy to see when it's about to go away. living in NYC is expensive so moving out isn't going to solve more problems than it creates
i had a dream and goal once of working at IBM Zurich and getting to live there i think even now it might be possible but i wouldn't enjoy it as i am now i need to be my best self in order to feel it
>>732985 Have you ever done any career/interest assessments?
No, I don't think so. There might've been something like that one day back in middle school, I feel like there might be a vague memory of an online assessment provided by the government. But I also think I might've even missed the day that happened? Either way that would have been over a decade ago and I'm a way different human bean nowadays.
Would you be interested in taking a career/interest assessment, then? Specifically this:
>>733001 Same question to you, have you ever done a career/interest assessment? And do you want to?
I want Senko-san
>>733000 I wouldn't be disterested in it, and since you've provided it I don't really have a reason not to.
Ideal Career Field: Shitposting Necessary Character Traits: Shitposting
>>733004 Not impossible You get do that if you get hired by the national shitposting agency
>>733000 Oh I see it's not actually provided on the site.
>>733007 Well I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious, but I'm also a fundamentally skeptical person, I guess, when it comes to formulized assessments. But I guess there isn't really anything to lose, except fifteen dollars.
No, this is a professional assessment. It's not something you can just find online. If you're interested in doing it, I can facilitate that, though. The cost of a score report is $10.90 so I would be willing to do it for you for that price. Normally it would be $50-100 for that assessment.
This is an assessment I use with a lot of clients who are feeling lost and looking for direction in their life occupationally. People who want to start a new chapter, or whatever.
>>733000 I feel like you've offered this before and I feel like I should have taken it before. >>733003 This and that are two different things. Do you see how this woman cooks? Bless.
I don't think I've offered it before since I didn't have access to a Q-Global account until recently. I can have that assessment sent to a client's email address so they can complete it there and then I get the results and I can go over them with you.
Now I can do this stuff through work since I have full access to all that stuff there. But I can't really buy the reports with my work credit card if it's to help my friends. Not that they'd ever know, but still.
>>733006 So you want it? I can set it up tomorrow.
>>733010 Does that mean you want to give it a try?
>>733010 There are plenty of other characters like her that don't look like children. Like Mahoro for example.
>>733011 Hm, I guess my only other curiousity would be if it's got universal applicability, or if it's tailored to the work culture of the United States. Though Canada and America have pretty similar cultures in that aspect, I feel there might be some aspects that don't quite line up.
Even that's not really what I'm thinking though and I feel it's kind of hard to express well but I feel there's some things an assessment tailored for American culture might not quite mesh well with cultures of other regions.
The test is used widely in the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe. It essentially rates you in terms of skill and interest in six occupational domains and then further breaks those domains down into skill areas, and then further breaks those down into specific occupations. It rates you in terms of skill and interest in each category and gives a rating of whether or not something should be pursued, if skill development should be encouraged, or if you should avoid that.
The test can sometimes be influenced by severe depression. A client recently rated himself as having no skills whatsoever in any category including ones I could objectively verify that he had skill in. His interest scores were also suppressed, but his passions still were visible.
>>733026 Cool, I'll send it tomorrow. Is your ibluethings email a good place for it?
>>733025 Yeah, I'll bite. If it's something that might help, I guess I should probably take advantage of it. Do you have an email you can use for me? I think I might've given one to you or Rook or Jan in the first Philly trip.
>>733040 my acronym dispenser is broken but the scanlation team is dead no more DKThias. At least according to the website, which doesn't exist. We're a year and a half behind of chapters right now\
i guess having 5 range would make things harder than I'm thinking but isn't the magic negation only for the squares that have a shield? Just break that part of the barrier and you can crit and magic through it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>the brave axe units are coming for my booty
Kirara π
the important thing is that you use windsweep a lot
i have used it hundreds of time byleth's combat art is windsweep the one they get at C rank
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's called Sublime Heaven
Kirara π
no, that's the creator sword combat art i'm talking about windsweep the combat art for swords that only bylth gets >>733074 ... you failed to get c rank sword for mc?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh you're implying I mastered swords whoops
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
orz I dont' even recall windsweep No I have like B but I guess I didn't intelligently swap out combat arts
...I don't remember a Windsweep either. oh wait, is it just called something else though? because I kinda remember something
Kirara π
it is literally called Windsweep it attacks once and prevents counterattacks
I really didn't use MC for much outside of finishing snipes and Sublime Heavens post awakening so I guess I wouldn't know
Kirara π
oh, windsweep is swords A rank for byleth it's the best combat art in the game though although Edelgard's relic art gives her a second combat action sometimes
Kirara π
anyway, everyone pretty much gets different skills from ranking up for A rank when it comes to combat arts
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I've kind of noticed but my MC has like B+ swords and B+ reason
Kirara π
>not getting S+ rank in your primary weapon couldn't be me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
My primary is magic and sword Also I thoguht I had more time
Didn't we all.
Kirara π
>>733083 divine pulse that shit back to an old save
anyway it's way better to focus on one weapon, for every character every character should ideally have a specialty that they have at least S rank in by endgame everything else is just for passing certifications
>having a primary weapon My primary weapon was Socialism
Kirara π
hammer and crescent sickle? so axe and lance
Lances are pretty much longer spears and spears are GOAT weapons so seems good to me.
>>733090 oh but she's way crazier than sanders bernie out here craving blood
Sanders isn't as left as bow knight bernie
all about that Crit...ical infrastructure oh, I did have Windsweep. Never equipped it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Bernie finally mastered sniper which I was waiting on to let her be bow knight good thing horses fucking suck on this map
Kirara π
after iearned how to // learned how to manage my attack speed, the way i played changed a lot i worked to get everyone some heavy armor rankings at least c for everyone most people got ranked in flying too although that's not for attack speed management managing weight is super important but they never explained the weight mechanic to me
>>733142 no money, no work more expenses disabled, chronic pain gained weight
only have one friend why not lmao
you're perfectly capable of making friends you're more personal than the platform you're trying to use socially though have you tried VRchat or some other social platforms you dont actually need VR in order to use it ive seen lots of people around there who seem perfectly happy to have a friend like you
GG thanks for playing Tilde I'll play again if anyone wants
Are the other two people you know or randoms from threads?
Like I said earlier I I'll happily step out if Moon wants to play.
I don't mind Mahjong that much but I still kind of get a little out of it playing zero-sum games against friends. Something about beating friends in a game doesn't sit that well by me, and a bit of me will always feel bad losing to friends even if I know they don't feel like they've particularly "won" over me. I'm just a kind of petty person hah hah.
>>733149 Games are no fun to me if people aren't trying to win If a friend wasn't trying to win against me, I'd feel a bit disrespected So if I win or lose, it should just be taken as a given that it was the best possible result since it's just a natural outcome of play Good luck boys and or girls
>>733149 i think it's interesting because when it's people you know, it's a lot more about reading you know them and their tendencies the issue is i dont have my meds and the kratom that was supposed to arrive today didnt arrive so i can barely sit still for 10 minutes without feeling agitation
i end up starting mahjong games and closing them within like 10 minutes even ifi // if i am in first or something
Yeah, I understand that. It's pretty dependent on the scale of competitiveness. Like with DotA I can get pretty competitive so those feelings are accentuated by that emotional state. It's why I hate the thought of doing in-houses with friends because nothing about it really feels fun ot -to me anymore.
But Mahjong doesn't quite have that same competitve vibe and has a bit more of a relaxed feel for me, so it's not as bad.
yeah, by that same token, if you know their tendencies and stuff you can really go all out and not have to play reserved you dont gain anything by playing reserved against friends who know how you play because you dont have information to conceal the gameplay can be a lot more raw if everybody is seriously playing to prove themselves against each other even without a gain/loss reward for performance
>>733150 Well I'm always trying to win, but I'll admit I'm not going to always min-max my win chances. Especially in a non-serious environment like a game with friends I might try out goofy ideas or take risks I wouldn't bother with if there were actual stakes involved. But min-maxing for the sake of winning just feels boring to me. Being flashy and taking chances comparatively is much more fun.
i started that game with TWO honor tiles then got dealt nine in a row
Ouch. I actually got a nine-terminal draw in the first game I played with Maria and his friends. Started with eight and I was thinking "Do I really want to try for Thirteen Orphans?" Then immediately got the ninth and was all "Fuck this"/
>>733155 I don't remotely believe I'm lucky enough to get Yakumans! I'll restrain my risky behaviour to dumb Riichi calls and not fretting too much about potentially dealing into people's Riichi.
I think the artist for the series is someone of particular tastes in the first place too, so in an unfortunate sort of way it's probably moths to the flame in a sense.
no! i mean they made her fat who would want to do that why is there a fat tilarna im dying
Ah, hah hah. Well she's a girl who up 'till now has had a diet consisting of food available to a fantasy medieval world. Imagine suddenly changing that up with the kind of food she can find in a big city.
i don't think she'd care all that much for sweets she's got a great sense of smell and stuff i think sweets are so popular among humans because our senses are pretty weak so sweet stuff seems extra stimulating
i bet she'd like natto and durian
I bet she'd be interested in the intense savoury flavours of the modern world. She's nobility in her world so out of all the population she's probably has the best odds of enjoying their international spices and seasonings but even then, unless their magic has helped them maintain a global trade environment she probably doesn't get to enjoy dishes that employ ingredients that need varying biomes to grow and flourish. Historically in our medieval era, most cultures didn't enjoy particularly extravagant flavours. Some might've had a handful of notable flavours but it was really after global trade opened up that we were able ot mix and match cuisine. You'd have to be hella rich to get your hands on foreign ingredients back then.
I guess we'd have to see what her home nation's food availability is like before we could really guess at what sorts of flavours she'd have never experienced before.
i dunno, you had local extravagance stem up from necessity the spices necessary to help people manage intense hot climates like india and SEA a lot of khmer food is really extravagant in flavor and it's still the kinds of hunter gatherer foods you'd see prehistory like when you're gonna cook snails in a bamboo cask straight in a fire it's not gonna be so tasty or easy on the stomach they came up with lots of stuff to make unpleasant things palatable
it's really cool, i honestly wouldnt mind living in swampy areas where you can trap eels and snakes and cook all your food outdoors in a little open pit
I don't think I'd be able to enjoy living in a swamp due to it being, well, a swamp. Nevermind the cuisine adaptation I think the environment would just be kind of difficult for me.
swampy like rice paddies not like florida
Hm, that could be better, yeah. I still think I'm happiest in more of a Goldilocks climate. Not too wet, not too dry. And while I like warmth I'm pretty good at enduring any kind of temperature at least. Though a cold swamp sounds like a proper miserable experience.
rainforests are pretty neat you can live in the canopies pretty comfortably there's more than enough to accomodate a healthy diet just from simple foraging
There's a whole world out there, far from wages! You can live off the grid or become someone who raises sheep in the countryside. Or a farmer. You could become a carpenter, or an inventor, or a doctor.
>>733334 no one does that. Talent is a meme. Artists practice and practice they don't just start good
>>733335 Living off the grid sounds nice, but I'm not sure how feasible it is in practice. >>733336 Practice requires a much stronger work ethic than I have.
It's completely feasible. A lot of people are living off the grid. Some legally, some illegally. They typically get away with it and can live satisfying lives.
Of course there's /// Of course you can be a wage slave and still be happy, though. You can live in an oppressive system and still appreciate your life.
I think I'll be happy as long as I have enough money for my hobbies, but I don't really know. >>733339 You're right, I've always wished I had a better work ethic.
>>733341 People who say things like "I'd be happy if only I had x" will still be /// will be saying "I'd be happy if only I had Y" after they get x. It becomes fulfillment based on things.
People want a nice car and think it'll make them happy, but once they get it, they park it in two parking spaces because they're afraid someone will scratch their beautiful new car. Now that thing that was supposed to make them happy is causing them pain. Now they need something else to be happy.
We have to learn to be fulfilled based on ourselves! It's unstable to depend on others or things for your happiness.
>>733344 People will always have wants, that's unavoidable. But for me, I'm pretty content with my current life but I just know I can't go on living off my parents' bank account forever.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>733343 aw didn't get yamato ending first try? >>733344 bask in the afterglow of my marriage until I figure out which route I want to do next
>>733354 Every Australian has the right to bear neptunia games and this shall not be infringed YOU HEAR THAT YOU GOTDANG LIBERALS, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
>>733357 I'm gonna kill you And your family! and your cat! and your friends! and their friends! I'm gonna get em all! And I'm not gonna let anyone stop me cuz I got a dream! Let's do our best!
normally when i fantasize about cute people it involves cuddling or softer ideas but when i see kizuna ai i immediately want to have aggressive relations
my laptop appears to be dead it turns on but wont boot up i just got that new laptop that i was going to use for work but i guess i have to watch anime on it now
My parents are leaving me home alone while they go travel the world
yet another step along the way to Becoming and anime protagonist
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>733407 Dude a bunch of really cute girls are gonna start living with you soon purely platonic of course. Maybe you'll get a peck on the cheek at the end of the show
yeah just invite a bunch of people over and be like "yeah I own this place"
>cop: do you know this person? >hmm, is it even possible to ever truly know another person? is there a difference between a stranger and a friend. what do you think, officer?
There's this lady at work who always tries to bants and then she feels bad and apologizes. She's so good at bants, too. It's really funny. Like someone told her they were taking me with them to the abandoned building next to our work and she was like "matt? what's he gonna do" but then she apologized to me and said she hoped it wasn't too mean
>>733432 Honestly what are they gonna do if you just walk out with an apple under your shirt
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>733433 Aw fuck yeah Free leftovers from a kid's birthday party at Maccas
>>733436 If the fruit branch is hanging over the fence it ain't their property
>>733434 i know how she feels ive tried bants and people can't tell if im messing around or not because my deadpan is too strong
>>733434 finding the limit is hard you always worry if you went too far and they were just too polite to tell you
it was while i was stranded in colorado i was driving through and there was a blizzard and i got stuck at a rest stop for three days because the roads were too bad i had to eat jelly beans from the vending machine for a couple days! it was neat i dont think ive ever had jelly beans prior to that there are a lot of flavors
>>733444 do they let any kids on board shit in the cockpit too?
Can you imagine if there was an army of little life forms inside you and they thought against invading armies of other little life forms That'd just be nuts
>>733464 You don't have to be a wake You can be whatever you want to be >>733465 That was nice Like damn did you see it let go of the bars, before grabbing them again
Kirara π
just because you aren't sleeping doesn't mean you're awake
Can you imagine how fucking badass it'd be if an anime character had a powerup where they got powers by burning their skin off, revealing an iron skeleton underneath
>>733474 Yeah pretty much Remember that season finale where Kagami dismembered Konatas joints by releasing her blood all at once in a high pressure jet stream That was awesome
Now my favourite episode of Lucky Star is that one where Miyuki faces her fear of going to the dentist and rips her teeth out all at once to stimulate her ultra instinct mode Really inspiring stuff
Kirara π
it's too bad the second season was so fucked up
>>733477 I had nightmares after that scene with Tsukasa and the deer
Kirara π
>>733478 the one where she wore the living deer as clothing? yeah, you can't unsee that made worse by their dedication to foley i still can't believe they got away with mutilating so many animals and people
>>733479 Yeah dude the cut where she zips open the deer jacket and she's holding the beating heart, that was masterfully done
>>733480 i mean as a horror show, it was really magnificent but the viewers just weren't expecting that going in and the severity of it all tanked the DVD sales
>>733486 for season 2 you could really feel that they were willing to sacrifice commercial success for the sake of their art everyone was so passionate about it that half the studio was forbidden from working on s3 a real tragedy that rarely gets spoken about in favor of "lol what season 2?" memes
>>733488 Really makes me mad that Kyoani was forced by the markets invisible hand to make cutesy sol shows when really all they wanted to do was make violent horror anime
i really dont wanna have to pay 10 bucks each way to lyft myself to the post office just to find out it's not even there i hope they fuckin deliver it today where the hell were they yesterday when i scheduled the delivery
>>733491 haha, i can feel your disappointment all the way from florida
>>733490 can you contact the post office? some of them have an online chat and they might be able to locate the package for you
>>733489 Honestly, it kind of signaled the end of an era. Now all we have is moeshit.
>>733493 im gonna wait til they open at 9:00 and see if it's been updated on the tracker as prepped for delivery or not i spent the whole day waiting for them yesterday and didn't get anything done
Kirara π
fair enough
ok made my tax payment for the month
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