Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Episode 6-7 DanMachi Episode 5-6 Dr. Stone Dumbbell Episode 6-7 Enen no Shouboutai Fruits Basket Granbelm Isekai Cheat Magician Joshikousei no Mudazukai Kanata no Astra YU-NO Episode 18-19 Lord El-Melloi Episode 5-6 Machikado Mazoku Episode 5-6 Maou-sama, Retry! Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai Episode 6-7 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator Episode 4-6 UchiMusume Carole & Tuesday
that list is pretty gross didn't we watch machikado 5 though?
Oh we might've, yeah. I noticed I had Vinland hovering around too and we'd watched that already too. So there might've been some stuff left over I'd forgotten to clean out.
They split the party earlier than I expected them to. Wonder how they'll handle the parallel plots of Senku and his new squeeze and Taiju and Yuzuriha.
Well their relationship is off to a good stard.
Start even.
She's got a bit of a Kawaii Uguu face.
yeah that's what i whatted about last episode
Yuzuriha's kind of got one too but it's not as crazy as this girl's.
Augh that alarm BEEPBEEP in this OP always catches me off guard.
Yeah, it's strange how all the guys are tough and the girls are so kawaii.
It's kind of the style of the artist. I've read manga he's done before and he's got a real thing for super-toned buff guys and soft, cute girls.
50 liters of water would weigh 110 pounds idk about this
>>733204 Too be fair Taiju was ridiculously strong for a young adult too. And they do use Senku to show how absurd the people who are lifting heavy stuff are. You'd think even if he's kind of a brainiac he'd be able to carry stuff that's normal weight.
This shed seems like it will advance science a lot.
It's a lot of metals that Senku doesn't have to spend time gathering himself. That'll help a lot with prototyping inventions.
Wow Kinro is a RURUS nerd.
Hah hah I like collecting all the materials in MonHun too.
A lot of the villagers have natural minerals for names. I'm guessing Kohaku and Ruri might be ones too? But I'm not well-versed enough to get that I think.
He's smart and methodic like Senku but has a better capacity for empathy it seems.
Antibiotics are good to have but he should really make sure they're actually applicable to this girl's sickness.
oh neat i wonder how he bacteria and virus ecology has evolved though 3700 years is a long time! we have to anticipate how they're gonna change over the next three months
Yeah, antibiotics may not be the solution to a chronic illnesss!
>>733227 Yeah. It's probably beyond the scope of this series but microbial culture is probably something that would evolve drastically over that period of time.
Okay, so Kanata has already been done. WHat do you guys want to slot in spot 3?
get one of those accelerators out of the way maybe? or that other monster transforming army show we've been neglecting for so long
I took that second one off the list a week or so back, hah hah. I do have all the files still though if we want to do it. I'd kind of like to finish it but it seems to be low-priority. Maybe once we hit the dead period between seasons it might be easy to go back to some of the shows we've left at the wayside.
oh okay, im okay with that it wasn't a bad show! i dont mind leaving it off though
I was thinking maybe Maou-sama or an episode of Lord El-Melloi personally for tonight, though.
that's fine too
>>733230 Accelerator, Lord El-Melloi, or Maou-sama, Rika? Which one sounds most exciting to you?
hmm Let's get El-melloi out of the way that's something all three of us want to watch
ep 6 right? ep 5 okay lets start
Episode five! There should be episodes out up to six and we're two behind, so episode five.
got it
This is the first multi-episode story arc. I think the previous episodes might've been anime-original content. Or at the least side story material they adapted, instead of the main novels.
it's a cool opening
Yeah it's got a very Fate/Zero OST feel to it. Which makes sense since Kajiura returns to compose the OP and OST for this series. She's involved with a lot of Type-MOON adaptations.
>Kairi For a grizzly dude he's got a pretty girly name.
He was the Master of Mordred, Saber of Red, in Fate/Apocrypha. It's kind of neat to have characters move between different series like this.
>>733259 Have you been managing to keep yourself well-hydrated at least?
>>733261 im tryin but im cold sweating so much that i dunno
He's gone from hot stuff to hobo awfully fast.
he still has his name it wouldn't be hard to go off that alone i imagine
Yeah, pragmatically, even without any pseudo-liquid currency, he should be able to sustain a brand.
Oh the person stalking Angela is a new character. I kind of had a feeling it would be the guy that's trying to date her or someone else we'd already seen.