anime Sorry time slipped by on me, it's so late without me realizing
Yeah! Time really did get away from you, eh. Share some of that fun with us!
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. DanMachi Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Episode 6-7 Isekai Cheat Magician Kanata no Astra YU-NO Episode 18-19 Lord El-Melloi II Episode 5-6 Machikado Mazoku Maou-sama, Retry! Tejina-senpai Episode 6-7 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator Episode 4-5 Vinland Saga
Well they landed next to some water so that's a bit of a blessing at least. At least that looks like water. But man they've really got some repairs needed without the materials to do so.
I was wondering when things were going to get hard. So far they'd been jumping from planet to planet with little trouble. At that rate they would have gotten back to familiar space before the series was even close to done.
a planet with enough atmosphere to have a gust to blow the ship would have an atmosphere that can radiate heat to the equator and other side
i dont know how sharp their science is but there might be stuff living over there
me too quitterie
Oh I kind of get Zack. It's always when other people are panicking that I feel I can be the most calm. Maybe it's because it lets me quit the anxiety loop of always thinking something is wrong when someone else affirms it.
oh this is a pretty crazy decision to think about
i would probably do it! even if nobody ever comes
OH poor aries that's an unfortunate realization
Oh it's more than just another ship it's the same make as theirs. I mean I can definitely see fairly plausible reasons for why there'd be another one here but it's still a weird notion.
are they going to find quitterie in the hibernation tank oh gosh this is getting weird
At the leas
Oh gosh that's kind of spooky.
At the least they could maybe scavenge some parts from this ship and maybe get their's operational.
oh it's not quitterie good haha they're not goin that crazy with the story
I guess time travel is going to be how they manage to keep it.
okay vinland okay lets start
Bin Land saga
okay tilde you were wondering about this opening animation weren't you
Like this bit right here or the actual show's OP animation?
the motorcycle bit
Yeah I was, but I did hear about what it is a while back. Seems like it's some financing company that's recently taken to funding anime and the motorcycle thing is kind of their logo in a manner.
well, the starting splash says VINCENT maybe it's related to the motorcycle company and theyfund a studio for that ad placement? i dont know, just a thought
Hm, VINCENT might've been a part of their name. The post I saw on /a/ talking about it did say who the company was but I've forgotten the details by now, hah hah.
the angst rock makes a little more sense now edgy white boy music
Yeah. Thorfinn's had a rough life. And he's only like ten or twelve or something.
He's a scout for the enemy army, it's a romance that could never happen.
It's neat that they're establishing the language barrier between the various peoples in Northern Europe.
ah i guess that's a big reason behind the razings
More than anything I feel bad for the old woman.
poor kid doesnt even know what he's done wrong
Well that was depressing.
i thought it was good really organic depictions of the characters' mindsets and interactions i like that kind of attention to detail
I mean yeah as a piece it was really well done. Like especially that heavy sigh Thorfinn gives right at the end there. But it's something I just feel sad for. There's a lot of hurt involved in war.
Yeah they've got a very classic anime eyecatch feel to them.
hahaha i really feel for her
hahaha there are so many balls flying around they keep increasing
This girl has some INTENSE tennis skills wow.
i feel this way every time i take my laptop off its stand if it breaks that's my life and career on it!
I kind of get a similar feeling of protectiveness when I get new electronics. That first week or two always has me feeling like the slightest bump is going to ruin things.
She got herself a mahou shoujo transformation. How cute.