>Suika figure sitting on the shelf with all the gundams >brother points him /// points her out >"bro is she a gundam as well"
>>716267 >hardcore feminist friend That's an ezpz angle for touhou It's a series FULL of nothing but strong independent women Reimu is a rolemodel for young girls everywhere Gensokyo is basically a feminist utopia
/moe/ my car has finally given up on m it's just such fucking bullshit there's no amount of love and care you can give a car to prevent it from just randomly telling you to go fucking die
>>716278 life is a perpetual non-stop endless cycle of saving money to spend on cars, so you can get to work in order to save up more money to fix your stupid fucking car
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
i’ve never owned a car join us
>>716284 Have you ever lived outside of a major metropolitan area?
i want to go to a major metropolitan area but i'm about 3 years into this shitty fucking useless degree, with 2 to go, and i just literally can not do anything with my lifeless life until this time is complete no guys i won't take a week off from class that just means i'll spend the next week doing double the work except not even that theres such things as due dates and in class stuff that you cant make up later i gotta fucking be here so that the last 3 years of my life dont disintegrate into nothingness
>>716291 I mean I probably should get one But I don't want to Not having to drive is a very happy thing indeed Driving sucks ass It makes me wanna thorw up
>>716292 By living in a city with public transport In the four years I've lived in this city I've never thought to myself "oh man I wish I had a car there's no way to get to this place without public transport"
>>716295 Yeah it's all just little towns and farms A fourth of our population just lives in Auckland
Well I also need to get my license
>>716293 Yeah, I guess in such a tiny country like yours there isn't much outside if your cities. *of your
>>716296 The sound design of Breath of the Wild really is absolutely incredible. Nintendo went beyond above and beyond to create the immersive qualities of that game and man, it really shows.
i wish i could be a sound designer everyone in my family can play an instrument besides me i didn't get that talent instead im really into the digital stuff and sound construction
Oh geez it's already past two in the morning. Where did all the night go.
>>716249 thats the one I have. quesQ is great Koishi inverted is going to be at wonfes. i want it.
>>716324 I think she's a pretty fun boss fight. Her illusion gimmick is pretty neat and I like that you can knock her off of her wire tight ropes with the shuriken for free hits. Only bad part is that the lockon system seems to get really messy when dealing with vertical combat or when she jumps over your head and onto one of her wire ropes. All in all I give her a 7/10
>>716329 I think I'll still watch because honestly the action in season 1 was pretty good on its own Like if you were to take it in a vaccumn it'd be a decent enough opening But it's so weird to see SD proportioned mecha in a life or death conflict that the audience is clearly meant to take seriously These designs are the ones that should be appearing in the comedic after credits sequences where they tell you to watch the next episode
I do like that they do the thing where they have a cutaway window to the pilots face during the action. I always just find that neat
>>716333 what do you think of the puppet string control mechanisms?
>>716334 They're cool. It ties into the magic stuff nicely. It's not really as cool or impactful as having a tactile set of joysticks and buttons but that wouldn't really fit with the magic. I'm hoping we get lots of shots where the robot's doing a fast turn or something and they have to pull really hard on the strings. Or like they're getting hotblooded and going GWOOOOOOAOOOOOAOAOAOAOAO and make the robot punch so hard it snaps the control strings
it would help if i could puree the mangos i don't have a blender or ANYTHING so as is I have to just plop the mangos in the milk and shake it up they'll deposit their flavor in the milk but they're just precipitates at the bottom afterwards.
but yeah if i could puree them and mix them with creme fraiche maybe until they're like guac consistency maybe then mix it into some milk and let it chill for like 40 minutes in the freezer
i really like mangos because i play mana-intensive heroes and the passive regen is pretty good
>>>/watch?v=Uw7jrQQK3Mc They're making a Lupin III 3D CGI movie. I kinda like how it looks. The gangly proportions of the artstyle really work well with 3d CGI.
in what way is that the one from the soul eater mangaka
No, it's a manga written by Okada Mari that's gotten an adaptation. You'd probably know her best for Iron-Blooded Orphans and Kiznaiver. It's about a small club of girls coming into sexual awareness and struggling with the emotional and social impacts that has on them.
Hmm. If you hadn't told me it was Okada Mari, I'd say that sounds creepy. But if it's Mari, I can trust it. Mari is an amazing writer, especially when it comes to emotional distress and loneliness.
>>716358 yeah, i remember reading the synopsis for the show and thought "oh boy this sounds like something to avoid" but we started watching it and i didn't realize it was that show and it was a lot better than what i expected
>>716362 Okada Mari is a really good writer. She suffered from crippling social anxiety for a long time and was a hikkikomori for years. She struggled with loneliness and bonding with other people and everyone told her that she'd never amount to anything. So she left home and went to school in Tokyo to overcome herself and prove everyone wrong. She's really amazing! Definitely one of the best writers in the anime industry right now. I'd trust anything she writes.
>>716362 Yeah, I was reading its synopsis and was feeling a little bit ... eugh, about it. But then I saw some threads on /a/ talking about it being an Okada Mari work and my interest definitely got piqued.
>>716364 Though she gets a bit silly at times hah hah. She was the writer for Ano Hana and Mayoiga, though for the latter I would definitely bet she was trying to be more than a little campy with it. But like you look at Ano Hana and then fast-forward to stuff like Kiznaiver and it's really clear how much she's improved.
>>716364 yeah, i think im going to keep going with it the show manages to trigger a lot of caution flags for me since it's extremely REAL and about sensitive stuff i felt like i might not want to watch it since it's treading a very difficult line but if they navigate this responsibly it will turn out really amazing
>>716365 Haha, she also did that clusterfuck called WIXOSS. She did AKB0048, too. She even worked on Fractale. She's got a lot of highs and a lot of lows. Most of the stuff she's done in the past few years are high-tier, though.
>>716366 If it's Okada Mari, I think she'll be really responsible with it. If she takes it seriously, I'm sure it'll be fantastic and emotional. She's made me cry plenty of times because her works are so emotional and impactful.
Oh I was going to say, she's the original author of the manga but I didn't know if she was onboard for the anime project. But she's also the script writer for it so it's definitely one of her works through and through.
Yeah, looks like she's in charge of script and series composition.
She was also the writer for HisoMaso and that was a brilliantly weird show. Also similarly about maidens discovering what love and attraction is. I guess she's been on a bit of a binge on that theme recently.
>>716367 yeah haha even the first episode got me pretty good it made me feel like i wanted to close out /moe/ and watch it by myself even though nobody can see me i still feel self conscious tearing up in front of people
>>716370 I think Kiznaiver was a masterpiece She's really good at writing about the bonds between people
wait, she also wrote Mayoiga haha
Yeah I mentioned that earlier I wouldn't be too surprised if Mayoiga in particular was her being campy and silly, but at the same time I feel she might also on occasion slip into the silly seriousness that pervaded stuff like Ano Hana. People can't always put out bangers, after all.
>>716373 I felt that Mayoiga was written with a lot of irony and satire, but the direction wasn't able to portray it properly.
>>716374 Yeah. There's a bit of anime stylization in that all the characters are pretty cute, but even in that they do a good job of distinguishing between those that are evidently gorgeous/handsome and those that are more homely. I like the slightly desaturated colour choices for stuff like the background environments too.
I thought episode 0 didn't air. I thought it was a special release that came with a magazine or a light novel or something and then subsequently released online.
That's probably what happened then. I wasn't too -I didn't really look into the details of the episode zero release.
when i was making VN stuff with renpy back in 2010 that kind of stuff wasn't an option but nowadays it might actually be worth putting stuff on steam i wonder if all my old renpy files are still on my harddrive
>>716391 It's only tangentially related to Fate. It shares a character from Fate/Zero and the first couple minutes of the
The show definitely expects you to have a good background in the Nasuverse. They're not really going into explanations of basic concepts like Mystic Codes and stuff like that. I don't think it'll be impossible to follow along, but people new to the Nasuverse will probably get confused until they get the hang of it.
my largest contact and practically only with nasuverse stuff was ton's campaign so far
>>716398 I think if you understand the gist of the Holy Grail War it's manageable, honestly. I don't have much of a background in Nasuverse stuff. Never played a Fate game, or Tsukihime. Watched the Kara no Kyoukai movies but that's a bit of a tangent to the rest of the stuff.
Knowing what the point of a Holy Grail War was is pretty much all the circumstantial knowledge you need; the rest is pretty easy to reverse engineer if you're decent on critical thinking. That might be too much active watching for a lazy watcher like PK though.
>>716400 I think you're overestimating other people. When Fate/Zero started airing, there were tons of people getting upset because they didn't know the difference between prana and mana.
of course mana is a form of prana prana is just the localized word for maryoku people were getting upset because the words were used without any explanation even though it's not even remotely confusing
Yeah, that's the kind of thing I mean you can reverse engineer with some critical thinking. Not that people -will- do that; most people are pretty lazy media consumers and rarely dig deeper than what they're being presented with.
Did I know the difference between prana and mana when I was watching Fate/Zero? Not going into it, no. But if the characters are talking about them as if they're a resource needed for Servant upkeep and magic-using, I don't really need to know the particular differences of the two. I can understand the context they're being used as in the scenes and that's what's important. The actual words are a minor component of that.
A lot of the words used for traditional Fate translations are from shitty translations for the visual novels ages ago. There are a bunch of fancy words pushed into the translation but I mean I'm used to them by now. I kinda like them
It's good that there were those old translations and I'm thankful for them, but people use the wrong terminology all the time thanks to them. People think a person can run out of mana (they can run out of Odo) and people still call the Command Spells "Command Seals" even though the official translation is Command Spell and has been for probably six or seven years. All that kind of stuff can make it hard for people to get into the Nasuverse. Most people don't even know the difference between Counter Force and Counter Guardians and they don't even know what Gaia is or how it works even though it's the force that allows Arturia to be summoned without dying
>>716404 Yeah, but lots of people get frustrated when they hear those terms and there isn't an explanation. So I wouldn't say the show is friendly to new people. Just because new people can access it with some effort doesn't make it friendly to them!
In general, the Nasuverse is pretty inaccessible. Fate/Grand Order does a good job of introducing people to all the concepts, but how many people want to put a hundred hours into a phone game so they know what's going on in an anime?
since ive been in need of stuff to focus on and have a shortage of productive things to do besides work (which i have plenty of work)
i think im gonna try to make a short VN for fun with about 40 minutes of play time just a fun little thing that's not a huge project anyone want to help me brainstorm ideas?
>>716412 Well, it's not fair to call Fate a long series. It's a big franchise. There are a lot of different stories that are only connected by similar concepts and don't even take place in the same timeline, so you can get into any Nasu series without having to see what comes before it. People usually think Fate/Zero takes place before Fate/Stay Night, for example. But Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night are entirely different timelines. The events of Fate/Zero didn't happen in the Fate/Stay Night timeline the way Fate/Zero shows them. There were differences. Similar events happened, but Fate/Zero isn't actually a prequel. Fate/Extra, Fate/Extra CCC, Fate/Extella, and Fate/Extella Link are all different timelines, too, although Fate/Extra CCC (or similar events) take place during Fate/Extra, and the Extella games generally take place after Extra, but they're not directly linked chronologically.
There are a lot of different series and virtually any series can become a starting point for you. But Nasu writes as if you already know how the universe works for most of the general and basic concepts. Sometimes something that doesn't come up often will be explained, but at the same time, nobody is going to explain Second Magic to you or tell you who Zeldritch is in detail anywhere but in Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel route.
>>716411 Do you have any starting points or ideas you want to jump off of?
>>716414 well, i have a significant amount of content in my story universe that i could easily grab something from there and start a small side story it takes place in an alternate history earth timeline and segments of it are around the mediterranean with travel
one short thing i have written down in my notebook is a russian visitor to a fishing village in the mediterranean and there'd be like a little culture festival taking place it'd be a fun setting to have fanciful foods and a lot of expositional opportunities. there's also some fun little mystery side-stories that could be done as an interactive game in a more siberian environment
but i just kind of want to get back into the groove of writing VNs so i think it'll be easier to just do something brand new so that i don't get bogged down with interwoven stuff things easily get too big and complicated too fast if you don't know how to restrain your creativity to a simple focus
collaborating with you to write stuff sometime would be fine, and to draw stuff with people im thinking i could maybe do a patreon sometime and get a little bit of support if i can regularly make good content my goal right now would just be to build a little momentum though and not get too lofty of ideas
i remember that year so vividly why was k-on so big like it was massive
Decent production values, music that was consistently popular amongst its fanbase, considerable gay undertones amongst the girls. It was also years before stuff like Love Live or Bang Dream Party or whatever so it also had literally no competition in the "Cute girls playing music" genre.
she got called out of school in an emergency her grandfather passed away and the funeral was on the same day?? umm im not saying it's not possible but i have never seen a funeral the same day
>>716420 angel beats but they kinda fucked up hard with getting a whole cour dropped halfway through it was the most disorienting and uncomfortable experience to watch that shitty pacing
Kirara 🍄
the real question should be why is k-on still big
Kirara 🍄
macross frontier came out before k-on's anime and had cute girls doing music obv macross is a great parallel to k-on it's basically the same genre i won't be taking questions
i think i primarily want to focus on puzzle elements though everything i have written out for my world is based around it being a puzzle game
whether that's actual puzzle minigame stuff or just "puzzles" like a point and click adventure with dialogue options, probably all sorts will be included
so maybe i want something to start that's light and puzzle-oriented a bit in content and has about 40 minutes of play time i think that's a comfortable play time for a low key game that i could plop up for free on steam
Kirara 🍄
haha the new danmachi is just everyone conspiring together to get bell laid
>>716421 Well at least we're supposed to eventually get a six-volume Angel Beats! VN series which will fully explore the world of the series. Of which only the first volume is out of and came out four years ago ...
>>716426 Well maybe he'd stop being such a dweeb if he did.
>>716425 Have you looked into in any way Return of the Obra Dinn? It's not really a short game in that kind of playtime but it's an interesting puzzle game coupled with an engaging mystery.
Kirara 🍄
i was thinking about watching vineland saga but when i realized three episodes came out day 1 of it airing, i felt hopelessly behind already on it so i'll probably never watch it
You've got like two weeks by now to catch up. The first three episodes were an advance airing; episode four won't come out until its scheduled date on the fourth week of the season.
do you remember when i was talking about that merlin game and about the design of the feedback and information i'd like to kind of recreate that kind of experience for the player they'll have an interface of some sort and not really know what they're supposed to do, what situation they're in, or what the significance of their actions are and just maneuvering through it a little bit reveals a path forward and gives them a sense of progress, and progressing enough lets them gain insight about the situation they're in
kind of like the opening of 17776, you know, with the messages being received and fumbling around in confusion i like that kind of setup. i really hate pointless exposition let the user experience exposition naturally, as if they're actually in the situation and information is only revealed that's relevant to the acter in the story, not relevant to the reader actor*
Kirara 🍄
> [HorribleSubs] Bem - 01 [720p].mkv >The plot of the series revolves around three yōkai (supernatural creatures), Bem, Bera and Bero, who arrive at a large coastal city and come across an evil atmosphere, which was brought about by immoral behavior by humans and mischief caused by monsters and yōkai. They therefore decide to stay in the city, fighting against other monsters and yōkai which attack humans, making a few friends along the way. Even though the three yōkai are often abused and discriminated against by other human beings due to their appearance, they still strive in protecting the human populace of the city from other monsters, one day hoping to become human beings in return for their good actions. >Original run 7 October 1968 – 31 March 1969
lots of old stuff getting remakes these days huh
I think it's neat for old stuff to get a reinterpretation by a new generation. Especially stuff that's like fifty years old; the world has changed a lot since then!
For sure, but, like, don't you feel like you're kind of missing out if you don't watch the original too? You can't really appreciate how it's been reinterpreted unless you do. >Genre Horror, adventure
Apparently it had a live action adaptation about 8 years ago, though. The Japanese can probably appreciate it as a reinterpretation easier than we can.
I understand the sentiment but it doesn't really bother me too much. There's an absurd amount of creative media in the world; I can't consume it all. And sure, there's more of a direct tie to -tie from a remake to its original or even the remakes that came before it, but like, I also can't go and peruse the Japanese folklore and mythology tales that likely build the foundations upon which series like this are built. I mean I guess I could but there's only so much time in one lifetime.
Also a different argument, think about how many versions of Hamlet have been made, even for recorded video or loose interpretations like The Lion King. I don't need to go watch the earlier version of Hamlet to enjoy a more contemporary one, hell, I don't even really need to read Shakespeare's original play to enjoy something like Kenneth Brannagh's portrayal of Hamlet. Would my experience be more enriched for doing so? Yeah, of course, but it's not a necessary component.
Kirara 🍄
wait this is the second remake there was another remake in 2006???
Kirara 🍄
Bem: Katsuyuki Konishi Bela: M.A.O Belo: Kenshō Ono Mysterious Lady: Maaya Sakamoto Joel Woods: Kenji Nomura Sonia Summers: Maaya Uchida Dr. Recycle: Junichi Suwabe Daryl Bryson: Sōma Saitō Roddy Walker: Kōtarō Nishiyama Helmut Felt: Daisuke Ono
a very exciting cast
Kirara 🍄
holy shit the music direction has captured my heart completed /// completely within the first two minutes
>>716438 I mean, I don't know about all that. I was just saying that it's one thing to say it's cool for it to be reinterpreted, but the fact that it's been reinterpreted doesn't really mean anything if you haven't seen the original interpretation. Unless you mean you like the idea of it conceptually, but even then, that doesn't really bring much to you, does it?
Oh it only just came out within a few hours. No wonder I hadn't seen it show up yet.
>>716434 I think that works well for fiction and stuff like light fantasy or realistic sci-fi, but the further you drift into the fantastical or unrealistic, the more you need to balance some reader-directed exposition alongside being aware of not expositing too much since that gets pretty tedious to read when interwoven with a narrative. 17776 handles it really well because a good bulk of it comes from a character foreign to the normal of the setting and so by leveraging their pseudo-emotional distress and confusion the author can give us exposition while kind of masking it to the reader by having that emotional connection. That's one of the reason the isekai genre is prime for potential (KEYWORD) good exposition because they're about as confused as a character can get. Rarely ever gets utlized well though.
But this is distanced from something a little more realistic because like, you don't need to explain to someone how a car's engine works for us to understand that its acceleration and capacity to drive the car up to high speeds is both an exciting and dangerous experience. That's probably a bad analogy but I'm kind of tired and it's making my brain rambly.
>>716442 I think I can get something out of it being reinterpreted. After all I am a child of my generation, and something that originally came out fifty years ago might not be as approachable to me as something more contemporary. But yeah mostly I like it on a conceptual level I think. A lot more of creative writing is reinterpretation than I think people, even the authors writing some times, realize it is. So for me there's both a difference and not much of a difference between an original work and something like Dororo or Bem getting remade half a century later by a fresh team of creatives.
>>716444 i really like using my writing to explore and mess around, not to tell or show i especially really like messing around with tone and voice
something that has always fascinated me is how the exact same situation can elicit drastically different emotions based on the tone and apprehension of the participants i like the idea of going through one character's day and preamble to a conversation, following their internal monologue along the way and having the user make goal-oriented dialogue choices and stuff and then getting the user later to peek into the inner monologue of the other character and see the way their choices caused friction with that person's apprehensions based on the information that's inaccessible at the time
maybe playing off this idea, the user starts the game as a ghost and has a tiny intro where they figure out they're in the land of the ghosts and have some extra sensory awareness from being paranormal so they can roll back their mind and think about the events that happened throughout the day and use a special skill to investigate the other people's memory and see the conversations from their perspective and you try to figure out who killed you by exploring what you did wrong and learning some empathy
i dunno, it just came to mind in talking about this but i think that could make for an engaging hour of gameplay it could easily drag on a lot longer than that but i think it starts losing impact when you take it longer than it needs to be
>>716441 Oh yeah this does have some really nice sound.
im all out if justice i just wanna go home
Kirara 🍄
>>716453 I haven't heard the ED yet but it's JUNNA So I'm really excited for it
These guys are doing the music comp for the series https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_%26_%22Pimp%22_Sessions >Soil & "Pimp" Sessions (stylised as SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONS) is a Japanese club jazz sextet who formed in Tokyo, Japan, in 2001.[1] They are known for their energetic live performances, having coined the term "death jazz" to describe their music.[2]
President a.k.a. Shacho (久嶋識史), born January 18, 1978, in Takefu, Fukui Prefecture, agitator Tabu Zombie (椨智紹), born April 13, 1977, in Kagoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture, trumpet Josei (佐藤丈青), born October 30, 1975, in the Saeki-ku Ward of Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture, piano, keyboards Akita Goldman (秋田紀彰), born July 8, 1977, in Hachiōji, Tokyo, double bass Midorin (緑川直人), born January 30, 1978, in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, drums
"agitator" haha
That's pretty cool, and more JUNNA is always good. I only watched to the start of the OP, I'll see if I can get Rika to list it for tonight maybe.
>>716457 that is quite onepunchman monster there also the logic is irrefutable
>>716449 I think that's a concept that can exist really comfortably in the VN environment too. Internal monologues and stream of conscious narration with images and sound to accompany. There's a lot you can even do with the visual tie-in to help both elucidate and complicate the mystery. The only not-really-a-problem with a mystery puzzle VN is you don't really have much control over how long the gameplay will actually run, beyond the upper limit of how long it takes to brute force it, And even if your writing conveys more of an emotional or character focused game, the existence of a puzzle will always drive some people to tunnel vision on that and strive to beat the game rather than play it. But especially if you're intending to put the game out free to play, that's not likely to really be an issue beyond some outliers.
>>716457 jellyfish are like 97% water just add 3% and make them water what's the point
>>716406 alright i'm just gonna say that this paragraph to the untrained eyes looks like some hardcore weeb shit
and to the trained eyes, it is confirmed to be so
Kirara 🍄
>>716461 you're just jealous you don't know all of the world mechanics of the nasuverse off the top of you're head
Yeah. Nasu is fucking crazy. The only reason Nasu has been able to do anything is because Takeuchi is there to reign them in. Although Takeuchi exerts his influence in weird ways, like demanding twin maids, or making thousands of his own waifu, but the two seem to work really well together.
I think Takeuchi was also the one that pushed for erotic content in the earlier VNs too.
Yeah. The reason Nasu writes ero scenes in such a funny way is because Nasu hates ero content! Takeuchi pressured them into adding it in.
That's /// Takeuchi is also the reason Fate/Prototype died and Arturia became a girl and all that. Takeuchi got Nasu to rewrite the story, basically. Of course, Fate/Prototype was like, Nasu's highschool writing, so it probably would have had to be rewritten anyways (and is being rewritten now from what I understand) but Takeuchi and Nasu made a ton of changes together.
Although I feel bad about Nasu having to change so many things they worked hard on, I think Takeuchi probably was instrumental in Nasu's success. It's good that Nasu is finally successful enough to do whatever they want to!
I really like Mahoyo and Tsuki no Sango. Shigatsu no Majou is a really nice story too
it is arguable that if saber wasn't a girl, fate would not be nearly as big
Kirara 🍄
i don't think that's arguable it's just the hard facts
the original female lead who was replaced by shirou is super cute but she doesn't have the impact of king arthur
And there's no way she could just love swords so much anywhere near the degree Shirou does.
In Fate/Prototype, command spells can be located anywhere on the body. Some people had them on their back or even on their tongue. Instead of starting on the hand and spreading up through the body.
It's weird that they made that change. They could have done a lot of ecchi content where someone has to be checked for command spells.
I believe it's possible to remove Command Spells without completely removing the arm, but mages are, you know, mages. They don't really do ethics and morality. Especially the kind in a HGW. So they just chop off the arm because it's easier.
>>716483 nah, not really mages do whatever they want. they don't really have rules or codes that bind them. jedi are the opposite, they're so obsessed with rules and order that they refuse to look at anything else mages want to reach Akasha, the Root of the world, to achieve perfect understanding of all things and obtain unlimited power, and to do that, they'll commit any atrocity that doesn't result in the secrets of magecraft, sorcery, or their family's secrets although it does depend on the family of mages, but in general, mages are like that
>>716459 that's just it though the puzzles are the storytelling device, so those two drives are dependent on each others there won't be like minigame puzzles, unless it's part of the story itself like cracking open a lock or something myst-y like that
but i don't like myst games personally so not that hard into it
>>716528 depends on how he encounters monday if there was a conceptual weapon based on the concept of monday, he could potentially use that to access monday to kill it but it just being monday, he wouldn't be able to reach the concept to kill it
>>716566 no. bang asked this question before in the context of how much would need to be paid before you'd do it even if you throw all morality out the window, it's a bad business choice financially you incur more risk than that and it's not worth it
>>716571 Obviously that wouldn't work. Who's going to pay the person who killed the hitman they hired to kill that person?
>>716569 I don't think the risk is that high in most situations if you know what you're doing. Assume you know there's not much risk.
>>716569 what would you do if it was risk free like a button that cannot be traced back to you
then the job wouldn't be interesting enough to do all the fun is in the strategy phase you're just setting it to autoplay there, why play at all
Kirara 🍄
it's not a game though it's rent and food
i would be homeless then because i wouldn't do it the emotional turmoil and stress is going to last a lot longer than the few months of rent you're paying for with it
To kill some random mook or something. A millionaire conspirator would be much more of a mission, would probably improve the planet while we're at it.
so what's the best way to kill someone for money let's assume you've been paid $5000 upfront and will get $20000 upon completion of the job And you can't say "I wouldn't do it"
>>716583 Aren't there a lot of cctv cameras around these days Still, police response times are pretty slow You've got a good 20 minutes to drive away
You guys are pretty bad at this. Most hitmen literally just shoot their mark and leave. Oftentimes in broad daylight.
>>716584 If you know what you're doing, there's no way to trace you. It's extremely easy to get away with this. The majority of murders that aren't passion crimes go unsolved for a reason.
>>716581 Cameras aren't really a problem. You can prevent cameras from looking into the car to catch you. If you walk up to the person's door to kill them and they have a camera on their doorknob, you'd just wear a mask. It's not really a big deal. Cameras become a problem when you're operating in some capacity that's similar to the way you operate in in your daily life. I mean, obviously you don't use your car when you do it. And you don't take jobs in the city you live in unless you're really good, but that's usually too much of a risk.
damn the computers are working again now I have to work
>>716586 that's a really clean hit and i dont think anyone really needs a hitman for that you got a name and an address and it's some nobody without protection then yeah someone will probably do it for 15k
usually they bring the expert in because it's something messier like if you had to find the person, learn their schedule and routine and find a breach in his security somewhere, which might involve a bribe to one of the protection
i guess there's some low ranking criminals at the bottom that you just pay em to take someone out not the professionals really though
Kirara 🍄
most hitmen are people who do clean hits for $3k-5k a pop that's just pretty normal and common hitman doesn't mean some kind of agent 47 motherfucker
>>716594 as a legitimate service, i don't know. i could perform a street surgery but im not sure if the guy would live!
i guess there might be some sort of black hat operation that might be a few-day project to break something and they need cybersecurity and crypto stuff analyzed real-time to help them do something lucrative there might be an opportunity in that of being 14,500, but i don't think that's going to happen
>>716600 sure they would if it's a midlevel cartel person they'll bring him in your office and demand you do it you'd definitely get rewarded for saving an important cartel's person's life
>>716598 It doesn't have to be legitimate! And if someone is willing to pay $14,500, they're probably not gonna go to a street surgeon, to be totally honest.
>>716594 I don't think I have any skills or things within my capacity that are worth that kind of money.
Doesn't have to be something you specifically can do. I guess I wasn't very clear.
But then how am I supposed to know what's worth $14,500 dollars? If I'm just coming up with random activities I have no good reasoning to assume they're something I could get paid that much money for. What sort of activities can get you paid that much money in that short amount of time? I don't have the experience to have an answer to that question.
i could gamble! i have made 3,000 in a night before. if we had legal online poker here i could feasibly but not so realistically make 14,500 in a couple days
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>716602 yeah I figured that's why I jokingly said sucking huge amounts of dick because I sure as heck can't do that
>>716611 Only like 250 dicks. It would probably be possible if you marketed yourself as sucking dicks and then you robbed the johns.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
ACCORDING TO QUORA.COM the average time it takes for a guy to finish is 4.4 minutes so that's, what, roughly 20 guys in an hour so at $50 a pop that's almost a thousand dollars
and then assuming you put in a standard 8-9 hour work day, take a lunch break have come coffee
you could do it all before the end of a week and have some change left over.
but what if your mouth game is better than your hand game
Fuck I just remembered that scene from the show about the start up The one where they develop a compression algorithm based on a method they came up with while attempting to calculate the maximum number of dicks a single person ciuld jerk off
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
man you know what my favorite compressiong algorithm is
yeah a couple I haven't kept track of how much exactly but I do have an estimate of the total I've spent on granblue. I'm not happy about it, but there are worse fates considering how much time I've spent in it.
should probably save them for GW character stuff since getting a gw character is probably going to be quicker for me than getting ssr justice and maria
>>716694 I don't think you missed anything. It's the clinic I'd been working until this semester. I did 3 semesters there including this one, so at the end of the semester, I have to leave that. I'm staying at the clinic that keeps me busy for probably another full year.
>>716704 Laz doesn't really like any of his crinkle toys.
>>716705 They had these cat hats at the Kinokuniya that come randomly in a box, and they're all different sea creatures.
>>716706 what kind of toys does he like i'm assuming the answer is like zip ties, lids, envelopes, springy door stops but of his actual toys?
i think little stuffed things are really good for cats and it's cute when they carry them in their mouth i think chase toys are overrated, like ones you swing around for them it's such an awkward stimulation i think
>>716708 Lazarus likes small, brightly colored stuffed toys that he can pick up and throw with his claws. He also likes donut-shaped pieces of cardboard. He'll play with string and wires but he doesn't play with any of the stuff you listed.
I have too many responsibilities to do anything like that right now. The treatment team at work is super busy, too. We need two more therapists so we can all return to a comfortable level of work. One of my colleagues in particular is pretty obviously getting burned out. If I go anywhere now, even for a week, it'll make things really difficult for everyone.
The weapon isn't even maxed out yet I can already feel the power
>>716725 Yeah, no worries, I had a hunch things were developing like that. Once everything cools off a bit with your work we should figure a good travel idea.
>>716727 That would be nice! I dunno, though. I need to visit my dad since I haven't seen him in a long time now. I was going to do it this summer (if work hadn't been like this I'd be there right now) but I'm probably going to have to put it off until November. I want to go see Fish, too, since I haven't seen her in a long time and I don't know if she's coming home anytime soon. I've got to prioritize those trips over /moe/ trips, you know? My dad's turning 60 this year so I gotta get with him when I can.
absolutely. that must be stressful, i can't imagine how you manage so much despite it. i want you to see fish too. just nudge me if im being too demanding of your time here leaning on you or anything im kind of blind to things lately without my meds my ADD is just out of control
Yeah I definitely understand. Visiting California might be fun for you too. See what the other coast is like!
>>716730 I dunno if I'd say it's particularly stressful. My stress levels are pretty manageable. Not seeing my dad or Fish isn't really the end of the world or anything. It's not adding much too my stress. And I'm having fun at work every day. I'm taking on lots of work because it's rewarding and helpful to both me and everyone else. Every day is like a beautiful jewel. I'm the healthiest I've been in my life, tabun. So it's fine to lean on me when you can.
>>716732 im leanin on everyone this time. im finally asking people for help and letting myself be vulnerable and i'm so grateful for the support from everyone
Kirara you're a photography nerd. There's got to be a term for when you focus in on an object in the foreground of a photo, making it sharp and distinct while making things in the background blurrier. But I can't remember what the term is for the life of me.
>>716740 it's scary though i think i need to lean on my client a bit and talk about some stuff i dont know if that crosses barriers or anything though let 'em know what's going on and maybe get some advice regarding taxes
it makes me feel like an incompetent business person to cross those barriers though
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
they’re delaying the fuck out of my flight guess it’s more hollow knight for me
I want to say that I appreciate the concern about me spending a large amount of time on granblue recently but I've kind of hit one of those strides where you get motivated to do stuff in a game, so right now I feel good. It'll wear off eventually.
i think jan is grilled haricots and turkey neck with okra so deliciously savory
whoakun is like a shabu shabu hotpot tilde is an unagidon
i'll have to think
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>716789 So you're saying that I'm well liked by adults with poor taste and children who don't know any better, and when anyone hears my name they die inside?
there won't be any food allowed at my wedding to commemorate the eternal bond between me and my wife, everyone must fast we will all become closer through suffering
not even punch, just lukewarm water with whole ass fruit floating around
spike it with a durian
Kirara 🍄
>>716833 that settles it. you can plan my wedding the theme is "?????"
every doorway is going to have HAPPY BIRTHDAY hanging from it on the stage where the bride and groom meet is going to be a CONGRATULATIONS IT'S A ____ sign hanging taped over the blank will be a dove
instead of a bouquet it's going to be a pinata the pinata will be filled with sand
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
how did you lose your pills
>>716842 I didn't Someone else was fucking around on the dining room table and put them somewhere.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
who stole you r pills
Kirara 🍄
>>716841 I like where you're going with this but what if ashes instead of sand
We checked the recycle, the trash, the floor, every surface in the dining room. I bet it was my sister.
She loses shit all the time I know for a fact she was moving my stuff around.
>>716845 oo, what if we build on this inside the pinata is something that is on fire so the ashes are fresh
Kirara 🍄
>>716848 too dangerous rig it to burn when it gets hit that way it doesn't burn too much before it's time
I'll see if can get free samples from my psych.
>>716849 thermite pinata no wait okay follow me on this inside the pinata is some sodium and some water and then when the pinata is thrown, the sodium will drop into the water and explodde
Kirara 🍄
>>716851 water balloons full of bleach in some, ammonia in others
>>716845 why not a simple cremation, then a party?
i would want to get married at the missouri botanical gardens it's the best one in the nation and they have a little spot where they do wedding things sometimes
catering is a chinese restaurant but they're only making french fries and chicken tenders from the kids menu
The toilet on this floor is clogged and I'm pretty sure the plunger is upstairs in my parent's washroom. I can't get there without having to sneak through their bedroom. I wish people would take care of their own shit instead of leaving it around.
have you checked out level editor any in SMM yet? im just seeing a 3D world level with lava meowsers it's really interesting; i didn't know they were a thing
they introduce a lot more dynamic and fun of a challenge than SMM 1 bowsers and giga bowsers, which were really simplistic
Yeah I was fooling around in it a bit back. It only takes from about the absolute maximum you can start Mario at to the vertical bottom of the map, about fifteen seconds of freefall to travel the distance. That's a fair bit shorter than I was hoping. So I'm back to mentally workshopping ideas I think would be neat to play around with.
you could look up SMM2 cape levels and learn a little cape tech either for slowfall or for helicopter tech to keep the fall lasting a lot longer helicopter is where you spin fly with the cape, and you're not doing the flying cape thing where mario holds the cape and rides through the air, if yk what i mean but you can keep the flight going if you land on top of an enemy and bounce off without hitting the ground
so if you had some sort of enemies placed in the air to bounce off of and follow a strict path, you could make it last a while, like maybe make coin trails that have to be collected or some on/off switches that you need to activate by keeping flight from bouncing accurately at the right times
so like, achieve P speed, spin fly to an enemy on the right side of screen, bounce off it to hit a on/off switch above it and helicopter down and to the left side of the screen with the path that's opened up by the switch, let's say red blocks and the next step down is blue blocks so you have to do it again on the enemy below to bounce up and hit the switch back on to make blue blocks disappear and keep doing that the whole way down or something
>>717042 There's actually a level in the story mode that has you not allowed to touch the ground and most of it involves slow descent with the cape while dodging enemies and narrowly-missed encounters with the ground. It's kind of in part which prompted me to start thinking about the map idea, but in the end, the slowing down involved in using the cape isn't really what I wanted either. I was kind of hoping it would let me make a map where you're falling fast for a while and need to make direction choices on a relatively short timeframe, and the slower fall the cape permits kind of breaks from that idea.
>>>/watch?v=zcdB9f6LgDc check out 17:50 here the creator made it where the snake blocks push the thwomp over while the thwomp is descended to move it into place to hit the p switch i just saw this happen now it's pretty cool
Reminds me of a story stage I played earlier where you have to use some of the simple mechanics interactions of the stage props, like
Yeah that one probably.
oh you mean that one with the levers and fulcrums? and you have to lift the dry bones up and move thwomps and all sorts of stuff yeah that's really cool.
it can also lead to a lot of really goofy stuff i would make a ton of levels with just goofy stuff everywhere like that just to see what breaks give the player something exciting to laugh about
moon how much would you pay for exactly one framed mahjong tile this guy's selling it for $40
lmao what nothing i could make that myself with a frame
That cheap Chinese Mahjong set I got definitely didn't cost me more than twenty-five dollars for the whole set. Imagine the profit return on that sort of hustle if people actually bought them at forty dollars a tile.
spend $5440 and you can have a whole set!
>>717053 It's not even in like Good condition The tile is yellow
>>717054 Yeah How much do you think that frame costs Maybe you could sell it at a yard sale
Alright /moe/ mahjong floor tilings bad idea or GREAT idea
Kind of charming on paper but i think the chaos of all those tile illustrations haphazardly set into a floor tiling would be kind of exhausting on the eyes.
>>717057 yeah it'd be so tacky and overwhelming to the eyes It's great
Make the tiles into a gacha and then offer prizes for each set that works but charge for each tile in the lucky dip
>>717075 Super, they can totally be used to boost your credibility. Oh me, I'm just somehow still awake on barely any calories to sustain me, it kind of freaks me out. Guess I can make more coffee
the truth is, we are all like eggs, waiting to hatch someday we will try to get out of our shells and someone will have to peck the outside so we can get out otherwise we'll fucking die in our shells but what will hatch from the eggs? that's obvious more eggs
let's make some turkey chili /moe/ with flatbread, avocados, and fresh baby spinach leaves
Kirara 🍄
turkey and chill
Kirara 🍄
my grandma was telling me about some salve she used as a kid to get rid of splinters so i asked why they didn't use tweezers and she said "it was the 40s! we didn't know about tweezers" ive been trying not to let it bother me but you know
Kirara 🍄
yeah but tweezers have been around for 3000+ years
tweezers more like geezers and their BRAINS THAT DONT WORK
im not sure how or where im supposed to pay the IRS on the website there's like a bunch of options and fields to fill out about how you're paying i can't log into my IRS account because i need to verify my identity with student loan number and phone number, but they can't identify based on phone number through prepaid plans so i can't log in i just have to make a payment and hope it gets credited towards my installment agreement but i have no way of knowing
kirara sorry to bother you with this but can you check on jan? i'm really worried about him but i'm so blasted with work today i can't even make a text
didnt you basically just make a text now or do tou need to head outside to make one for reception
i'd have to get up from my bed desk to get my phone, head outside for reception to send something, and id have to hawk over my phone waiting for a response which is going to cause me a lot of anxiety and physical disruption from work as i have to get up to check my phone for work productivity i keep my phone separated from my workspace
I miss walking around in the sand and hills in New Mexico. it was pretty cool being in a completely foreign enviroment. >>717146 I have to get my moving into my new house done but I might be able to in a few months, >>717146 Don't spook me down a hill when I'm looking for stars, thanks
Kirara 🍄
>>717144 i was the rattlesnakes >>717145 when are you gonna go back
Kirara 🍄
the rattlesnakes are as vast as the stars and mean you just as much harm
i wasted a lot of time trying to sort out tax payment stuff so im just now kind of getting around to starting my work i mean ive got three hours // two hours of work done but i started at like 5, or needed to start at like 5 so now im way behind
i gotta figure out what im doing for my habits of wellness group tomorrow hmm
i want to start making more money from work but if i do then i lose medicaid and last year without medicaid i got so fucked over by spending thousands on health insurance that didn't pay for anything that i paid them to pay for
Kirara 🍄
yeah they trap people in poverty with stuff like that
i know that i'm capable of making 1500 dollars a week if im in a position to do so it hurts me to do so unless im going to be living with somebody else and married for tax breaks and stuff but it's hard to find someone to marry when im in poverty and on medicaid
i can shift to 1500 a week by doing nothing excessive to what im doing now like not going and qualifying or getting new contracts it's just me right now but taking every job i can instead of half of what i can or less
Do they have a really low barrier for when they cut medicaid? Doesn't seem to make sense that people in poverty can't earn more
Kirara 🍄
lots of people with wellfare get dropped if they make too much which leads many of them to get divorced and stuff to keep their benefits because the level at which they drop you is too low for you to cover what those benefits covered
The story of Dragalia really makes my stomach roll sometimes. They had the little sister possessed by the great evil and for a while it's like "shit, she's gone." But the new chapter ends with them clearly showing that she's still in there but now she's pretty much brainwashed by the darkness. And it's just the worst.
>>717166 Blue, I saw a koishi figure at Kinokuniya.
I wish this game's storyline did not hurt me so much. I don't even really relate to it. It just hurts. Fighting your possessed dad is one thing. But then they killed him off, swapped bodies with the most important person, and took over the whole nation while slaughtering things they don't like.
Good news everyone. Seems the greatest way to get over fictional tragedy is to read about ACTUAL tragedy and boy am I fucked up today I should do something fun.
what happen
>>717182 yeah you should get your mind off that stuff go take a scrabble set down to the park and challenge strangers to a game
I wonder how strikes are organised, like the amazon strike. Do they get data and make plans for how to strike, what is effective, how to spread awareness of the strike etc. or do they just let me know and they all strike if they agree with the idea.
>>717193 they all just decide to strike how it happens depends on the union usually there's a vote for the strike with non-union strikes, wildcat strikes, the workers just do it without a formal union wildcat strikes are often more effective they don't really go out of their way to spread news because the news will spread without any special effort actually, it doesn't matter if you try to use a service that has striking workers because the workers are striking and that means the service can't do anything anyway usually we refrain from using a service where workers are striking as a show of solidarity with the workers
>>717199 dunno bout usa, since i believe unions aren't tgat big, when they even exist but here indeed a strile threat is more important than the actual strike
Kirara 🍄
strike threats don't typically work here because workers have few rights, allowing the bosses time to prepare for replacement workers can harm the strike threats are common but rarely cared about
a strike here can escalate into say bus drivers threaten strike truck drivers give their support and will join and so on untill all logistics threaten to patalyze the country for a week
that usually gets compromises hurried along
Kirara 🍄
last year a teacher strike spread to like six states it's was awesome there was also a trucker strike
but the us media does whatever it can to avoid covering those strikes which harms the spread of them
>>717203 our teachets have never gone on a sttike just threatened
>>717203 I remember that. Did it achieve its goals, I think I remember stuff about private schools rejecting intake and public schools having to deal with overflow or something.
Kirara 🍄
>>717204 most teachers in the US make less now than they did 10 years ago even teachers that have been teaching for 20 years are now making less
you’ve heard of teachers strikes and trucker strikes now how about a nuclear strike
>>717206 all techers are part of akava here so that union is quite powerful
Kirara 🍄
also teachers in the US have to buy classroom materials with their own personal money
>>717205 oh yeah, it was because they get numbers for funding and then reject people out of those numbers to preserve costs once they have the funding
for me it is an eight point star shape when looking at things without my glasses or just my left eye guess i could do with better glasses
i see everything slightly offset like you could see the text in this post, and there's like another layer of the same text sitting on top of it but slightly to the left and up and that happens when i close my left eye so it's only coming from one eye it makes it difficult to read sometimes
>>717220 that happens to me when i am tired i think my brain just autoadjsts for me
Without my glasses everything has those lines, I think I do remember being told I have astigmatism
but since i am farsighted reading without glasses is a thing i seldom do nowadays anyhow
>>717222 apparently docs in uk neither tell you that that kind of stuff is caused by it would make perscribing fixes for it simplier if they asked and then tested for it
i guess that is why when people went all "ree lenseflares in movies/games" my reaction was "but ut hapoens in nature too" >>717226 i have it, but neitger was never told of the lines
makes just you wonder why don't tgey ask or tell? i had few opticians speculate i have the condition slightly, and had they just asked about the light lines i would have gotten glasses for it years ago
>>717224 I think I was told by my optician, I just barely remembered it - that I had astigmatism but I didn;t know the lines being like that were because of it.
I think I found out in an eye test because they said I had squint.
I wanna do a project like coding or learning a language with someone. I kinda wanna learn useful algorithms and make something useful with someone learning to code with me
on rev it's pretty funny because foreigners have started buying accounts and trying to perform what they think is passable work to make what would be a huge wage in their country doing english language transcriptions
but the style guide says stuff like "Omit filler words that offer no substantive meaning to the sentence" "Some examples of filler words: you know, uh, right, well, kind of, like"
so some of the foreigners do this like ctrl-F and remove all instances of those words thinking every instance is a filler word
>>717282 Do they get docked for poor transcription or does the company just only pick the best transcription and pay for that one?
oh no they get booted for shit like that they get fired for the first offense of things that blatantly bad you have to keep certain quality score to keep your account open, and seriously poor transcripts get auto-fired and the transcripts get sent back to be redone by somebody else >>717289 Rev isn't hard at all to get an account for. but let me put it this way there are foreigners who are able to pass the account application who sell the accounts to their 3rd-world outsourcers who can't pass the application it's really dumb haha
>>717282 Why do they need to buy the accounts. Rev isn't that hard to get an account up for, isn't it?
Though honestly I can't remember what I did but I'm pretty sure anyone with a capacity to communicate in English could get through it.
mm 3€ raise to my rent I guess I won't complain that much
but seriously >A NOTICE ABOUT AN INVOICE FROM YOUR LANDLORD a message like that in all caps in your email box does give you a spook.
Kirara 🍄
yeah for real like when your boss sends you an email like "let's pick a time to sit down and talk"
if I do remember, I will rpolly send them a mail saying "hi, if you don't mind and prolly your other customers will like it, if in the future ou change thsi to "a notice about updating your rent/increasing your rent"
it is most likely anyhow some automated system or 90% automatic wiht just some employee pressing few buttons but really I don't think that title makes you think "oh it is about the yearly check to my rent" in any possible way
hm it's definitely not for everybody you have to really enjoy proofreading and listening to things in close detail, both of which are things that frustrate you i think the work itself is grating and monotonous too. most people don't have the self-motivation to sit there and do boring, repetitive tasks for so long
for instance, tilde can't even stand to do it and you see how eager he is to make walltext posts with perfect grammar and punctuation and even spelling out Nineteen-Thirty-Two the year or rather Nineteen-Hundred-Thirty-Two
I might have difficulty because my hearing is pretty shite. I don't know if without very long hours I can earn something reasonable for a part time job. Shame since I kinda want an at home part time job.
yeah, it's hard to hear stuff in this job too people aren't sending in studio-quality recordings all the time. they are sometimes, but most of the time it's people recording stuff from their iphone inside a school or at a cafe or stuff it wouldn't be a good fit i dont think. there's lots of at home jobs you can do though
>>717299 Hey, rude. Years are proper to write out in numeric form. Dates in general, you'd write out using numerals, unless you're just referring to the sixteenth or the like. But a specific date in history, like August 4th, 1968, would be written out like that.
And my issues with Rev are less the style of work and more the audio quality and degree of stuff that's in accentuated English presents a wall to me. I'm not great at taking information in verbally and having to parse an accent (even something like a bit of a Southern drawl or a bit of a Midwestern twang) can reduce that capacity down even lower. More so if the audio is cheaply recorded.
>>717301 Anything moes have experience in? I don't like the idea of going into a data entry job or whatever without some reference for it
>>717302 I know! that's what i'm saying, that it's not just that it's a long a dedicated task, and that writing sense isn't the only factor there it takes a special blend of physiological comfort zones to get satisfaction from such a peculiar job it tends to be the people a lot more sound-oriented, the people who do audio sampling and real keen music senses, than the people who are literature majors or english teachers very rarely will you ever have somebody speaking with perfect grammar anyway
Grammar's not the issue; I can parse poor spoken grammar fine. Hell mine's not that great either. It's the sound texture being completely different from what I've grown up around that makes it hard for me to understand. As long as I know what the words being spoken are I can generally follow what someone is saying, providing my attention doesn't wane once a spoken piece starts to get long in the tooth (which is my problem with taking in verbal informaiton), but if I have to additionally process what the word I just heard was that's pretty much already pulling my attention away from what's being said and it's just a real difficulty for me.
my mom stopped by work to say hi to me because there's a gun shop nearby and she's obsessed with guns it was kind of awkward but she didn't do anything inappropriate which is good
but the client who is becoming a paranormal investigator saw her and asked if she was my mother so i said yes and he said "your mom is possessed"
>>717311 yeah, how much attention you can pay to a certain task is going to depend on how sensitive you are to the stimuli involved, and also the neural pathways youve already built around it as a child i had a lot of mimicry compulsions and always paid really really close attention to subtleties in sound and what they meant, all the different tones and fluctuations and different people saying the same words differently. ive always been really interested in words, linguistics, and signalling theory about how we construct and decode meaning all those things make my ears especially sharp for this kind of stuff, and ive built a framework of how to process large amounts of auditory signalling throughout my life
my eyesight, on the other hand, i scored in the first percentile on the visual attention and visual memory scores on my psychiatric evaluation, meaning 99% of people do better on it than i do i don't really know that there's anything wrong with my eyes based on how i perceive the world but apparently my eyes just work a lot more slowly than everybody else's and visual feed is a very weak part of my sensory interface
How can you let your face get so sunburnt is that even real?
Honestly the guy grew up in the American midwest he's probably pretty indifferent to the amount of sunburn he gets. Like yeah it looks ridiculous but it's fun to get out in the sun.
Kirara 🍄
people in the midwest don't get that much sun i don't think that's like ohio and shit people out west maybe but they wear hats we wear hats here too to protect our faces from the sun that can burn you in less than 30 minutes of bare exposure
ive never seen someone dumb enough to get sunburn like that on their face neck, back, arms, yeah all the time but face? lmao
Isn't sunburn really bad for you. I doubt it is fun to have your face lobster red and probably painful
This guy I recently met, a representative from National Labs, a drug testing lab, is like, The Rock-level of muscle. When I met him on Friday, his shirt was like three sizes too small so he was looking crazy muscle. But he's one of the most awkward people I've ever met. He had the wrong time for our meeting on Friday and barely made it in time, then he got really intimidated by our treatment team which is like 8-10 people. He even said he felt intimidated. He was so anxious that he forgot what Ph and Specific Gravity is when I asked if we could get those on the UDS cups. Then later when he sent an email to me and my partner who handle drug testing, he sent a blank email to me with my partner's email misspelled. Then he sent another one with everything properly done.
Then today he sent us information to log into the online client they use, but he gave us the password as the username and didn't include a password. We asked for clarification and he corrected it to give us the actual username.
honestly im pretty sure my clinic was manifested entirely by Crazy Train almost everyone there is ridiculous in some way like this dude with world records in running who runs like 20 hours a week or some shit who is also a mining expert?? specops dude who has like 67 confirmed kills three purple hearts and a ton of other medals everyone is basically a character in an ensemble cast
Kirara 🍄
they're all like Jonathan Jostar and im out here looking like Gappy
has anyone noticed how excited people are for the new lion king until recently id only heard people talk about it online but offline, people are really excited
I am not excited It sucks and I hope it bombs
>>717353 PR firms nowadays are quite good at their job
Kirara 🍄
it's making me think that maybe it's okay for people to enjoy things i don't
if it doesn't take anything away from me, people are free to enjoy whatever
Kirara 🍄
does lion king take from you
I'm kind of interested in the Mulan remake/ They're moving away from kind of the generic Disney musical remake formula and might be taking inspiration from the cinematic style of Chinese historical pieces. Like how the Aladdin remake drew inspiration from Bollywood rountines and the like. That's kind of interesting to me.
>>717358 it doesn't but it still sucks Just look at the comparisons between the new one and the original All the energy and expression of the 2D animation is gone
>>717359 Mulan looks pretty good I'm excited for it
Kirara 🍄
i agree i dont like the way it looks but maybe it's still okay if it exists since other people like it
>>717359 aladdin remake drew inspiration from bollywood yes, but it very much was just a remake of the original disney version
with mulan they might actually do something else, which might make me interested if it is just a remake, I see no reason to watch it cartoon is so much less limited than live action and well nothing beatsn ostalgia, even if a remake was better than the original, which so far hasn't happened
>>717360 >>717361 Honestly I kind of like the 3D CGI. You don't need the exaggeration of the 2D animation to make things good. The live-action 101 Dalmations movies were pretty fun despite having none of the exaggeration of the cartoon dogs.
I think the CGI models of the animals look gorgeous in their own right and that is a draw to me too. If the music is good and the cinematography is nice I think that's just as nice as the cartoon stylization.
>>717361 If they want to dish morem oney to disney their loss ofc in my opinion at this point, disney's gain is our loss
>>717363 they were decent indeed, but they did use live dogs for most scenes anyhow but they weren't that good either hell the 101 dalmatians wasn't that good a movie anyhow
Kirara 🍄
>>717364 but to them, it would be their gain because they would be getting more of what they want
>>717363 They don't have Jeremy Irons and that is a big negative for me
>>717363 you're entitled to that opinion I just think it's wrong
Why is it wrong? What about it is an incorrect belief?
I don't think it is as nice as the cartoon stylization. The photorealistic cgi animals are incredibly lacking in facial expressions and the ability to emote and I think that this is something that would really hurt the film
>>717371 >I think your opinion on the quality of the film is wrong You can say movies are subjective but then why might as well just not even bother discussing movies
Why do you thinking it isn't as nice make it wrong, or an incorrect belief?
>>717370 There are things you can discuss about movies that don't involve their subjective aspects. I might be running a bit with what Kirara was saying earlier but that's why it's fine if people enjoy things you don't. If they think something is aesthetically pleasing and you don't, they're not wrong about thinking that.
you can have an objective discussion about subjectivity
>>717372 The quality of a movie is always going to be subjective and plenty of interesting qualities worthy of discussion are subjective Your perfectly free to say "I think this is good"" and I'm perfectly free to say I think it sucks and is bad
>>717376 Well that's what tilde seems to be implying here Y'all are some headass motherfuckers Like what I can't say a movie is bad without it turning into some meta debate on the nature of movie discussions
i think a 3D rendering could be wrong in that it goes against the intended art direction of the franchise but you could have things be wrong or right in any specific frame of reference and that's an arbitrary one
>>717375 Sure and both those statements can exist at the same time while not contradicting each other. Because my subjective reality and your subjective reality co-exist at the same time. So I'm not wrong for liking something and you're not wrong for disliking it. Neither of us are wrong. That's my issue with what you were saying.
Kirara 🍄
>>717375 it's fine to say it's bad but you said tilde's opinion (that it was fine) was wrong that's different from discussing the qualities of the movie you say it's bad, tilde says it's good, you don't agree but you can discuss it without dismissing the other as wrong
i mean the movie is objectively bad it’s scientific consensus
>>717379 Literally what I said was that I think he's wrong implying that I think the movie is bad Am I not allowed to say that
It's different things to say "I think the movie is bad" and to say "I think you're wrong for liking the movie".
Kirara 🍄
>>717383 i mean you're allowed to say whatever you want
>>717384 no it's not the second directly implies the first and vice versa If I say I think the movie is bad it implies I think your opinion on the movie is wrong
Yes it is.
>>717386 It adds on additional context. Nothing about the original statement implies that the speaker thinks other people are wrong. It only defines the speaker's opinion on the movie.
Two contradicting opinions from different people (hell, even the same person) can exist cocurrently because opinions don't cancel out their opposing opinion on their own. The second opinion doesn't even directly imply the first too. I could make an argument to say the second statement can be said from someone that thinks the other is wrong for liking the movie, but they also think themselves are wrong for liking the movie. Is it unlikely? Sure, but it's not an impossible scenario.
So the two statements are distinctly different statements. When I chimed in to say I liked the movie for its X and Y reasons nothing about that was delegitimizing your opinion that it's bad, because they're all things that I enjoy about the movie.
>>717395 Okay fine I'll shut up sorry for being me.
Kirara 🍄
this is an example of a situation in which both sides are correct
what about a chocobo made of polygons in a computer
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
i dont even like final fantasy six zeroes or i walk
Kirara 🍄
what about a REAL chocobo think about it a bird you can ride that's faster than a car
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
is it the only chocobo in existence because i bet i could get a nice price
Kirara 🍄
i assume anyone who eats all the food can get one
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
NEVERMIND too many competitors i’ll stick to selling chocobo harnesses and chocobo euthenasia kits
Kirara 🍄
but you could ride it, it'll be fun!!
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
it’ll be fun once and then i’ll go bankrupt on bird parking
Kirara 🍄
wow sam becoming canada again has changed you where is the fun loving adventurous samurai we once knew what happened
I could probably eat all that food if it were kfc menu items that I liked. But I'd need to skip a meal or two before i started eating. I'd so *also feel pretty disgusted afterwards