Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Bem DanMachi Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 1-2 Fruits Basket --Episode 1-2 Granbelm JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Joshikousei no Mudazukai Kimetsu no Yaiba Lord El-Melloi II Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] Okaa-san Online Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Vinland Saga
Well what do you feel like watching? That moon probably won't mind missing an ep on.
Moon'll probably catch up on whatever we go on ahead with regardless, but some safe bets are probably Dr. Stone, Accelerator, and Arifureta. And I'm interested in Bem so I kinda want to do it tonight either way. If we're looking for something comfy to close out on, Joshikousei is a good fit for that, but Accelerator might be kind of SoL-y and more relaxed than the usual Raildex fare. Honestly anything on that list aside from Araburu and Fruits Basket Moon would probably be fine with us going on ahead with, and would probably understand if we did Kimetsu since that's consistently a must-watch show.
Also maybe it's time to stop holding Fruits Basket and Enen for Jan. We've given him a good two weeks to show up!
Apparently this is a remake of a fifty-year-old series. I don't know if it's been updated to modern aesthetics or if it's like Dororo //Er, Dororo is a bad example. Or if it's like Fruits Basket and keeps the time period of the original.
Yeah. A bit campy but still fun. The production values are pretty good too.
Yeah, ready now.
I wonder when chronologically this takes place in the Raildex series. Accelerator went through quite a bit of character development in the last anime season after all, and he'd be a different character if this took place after it rather than before it.
Looks like it's starting off shortly after the Sisters arc. Which I think at the end of was when he got shot in the head.
At least he'll still have his soft spot for Last Order. That's one thing that's remained consistent
It seems like it was a disguise and I get the actual value in doing so, but having your research facility's focus being "researching air" just sounds really lame, hah hah.
Hah hah Accelerator's reading Heavy Object, which is also written by the author of Index.
>>716956 I'm prettyyyy sure it's generally a little more lighthearted but maybe it's a bit like Railgun was, balancing some SoL stuff alongside actual plot content.
He may be a little too rough for this new civilization.
Considering the Little Mermaid turns to seafoam at the end of the original faerie tale, maybe he doesn't want to have his imouto be like the Little Mermaid.
it's like pretty late, so we probably don't have time it's my bad for bein late sorry
Honestly with the cultural penetration of Slam Dunk it's not that surprising that someone in Japan who's never read it might knwo -know a famous line or something like that from it.
Oh she's a bit of a Vocaloid fan.
Oh gosh I feel a spirit connection with this girl.
haha parsley what girl
she's so chuuni haha
How do you eat parsley that noisily.
Apparently rock-papers-scissors originated as the American interpretation of the jan-ken-pon game they saw Japanese kids playing during post-WWII occupation.
oh noooo girls you gotta calm down look what youve done
At least they did a good deed.
Wota has a cute at-home outfit. I like the hairclip and glasses combo.
im working a lot more so sleeping a lot less i set an alarm usually, but if i sleep through it i sleep through it so i must be tired don't freak out if i don't show at the start though, just start and i'll show up sooner or later rika's been pinging me which causes a loud thing on my phone to go off but lately ive been sleeping right through it
I'm hoping you can find some happy balance between work, sleep, and leisure. It's something that's been eluding me a bit recently and it's a bother for me.
anime time is pretty quality leisure time i need to prioritize it rather than procrastinating on sleep then oversleeping it i keep trying to sneak a couple hours in before sleep to stretch the day out longer, but i dont really do anything useful with it and it cuts into my useful hours
work 10-12 hours, exercise, maybe an hour of mahjong, sleep, anime, then studies from anime end until work unfortunately ive been cutting my studies out of my schedule lately and getting straight to work afterwards if i keep diligent with work, i can make a whole lot more money than i currently am. i don't want to make too much and lose medicaid, though, until im really going strong