>>713195 how about you give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free I SHALL TAKE THE WRETCHED REFUSE OF YOUR TEEMING SHORE
I'mma create a new imageboard. The goal is to implement all design ideas for imageboards that I have in my head, and try to make money from donations and proof-of-work (JS crypto mining) CAPTCHA. Do you think people will want to go to a yet another imageboard now? , if an experimental one There will be many new features. But maybe people will think all those features are complicated and will abandon my imgboard.
I have absolutely zero interest in a new imageboard community but I'm not other people.
But I think doing an imageboard project with the intent to make profit off it is going to make you frustrated in the long run.
>>713227 The idea is not to make it a single community, but more like a city. Threads by themselves will not tend to one kind of a forum culture; posts will be diverse in their affiliation to a culture. Instead, you will be able to utilize "filter tags", which shape how you see threads. A moderator in a filter tags can hide posts in that tag; anyone applying that tag will see those posts hidden. Thus you can: - implement your own moderation style if you don't like any particular one; - step out of any moderation if you dislike it or want to discover more content .
That doesn't sound like an idea that would work out. In a functional sense, yes. But a website will not suddenly become a city-level congregation. It needs reason for that. And on top of that, the tag censor will lead to very confusing threads.
Never mind city-level congretation, it //er whoops. Never mind not suddenly becoming, it might very likely never become a city-level congretation anyway. Internet communities don't really form in transparently rational ways; there's myriad factors involved in one of them shooting from obscurity into popular usage. More so, the imageboard framework isn't really a popular medium anymore. 4chan and its Japanese inspirators endure because they have staying power now, but there's a reason places like 8chan hasn't really caught fire in the same way and the population of is generally considered "4chan but even more scumbag human". >>713232 That's why it's not IN THE SAME WAY. Gosh Blue. Like sure people meme on 4chan being a hive of Internet degeneracy but it's way more serious with the tone they address 8chan.
Even looking past the imageboard format, other Internet communities rarely show success when they try to muscle their way into a niche that's already occupied by a dominant form leader. Reddit's had attempted clones too and they've pretty much become the same as 8chan compared to 4chan: take all the worst parts of it, extract and concentrate, and that's the community that forms around them. Nothing's really accomplished unseating Twitter despite its multifarious garbage aspects. Discord managed to fill a niche that it got lucky that people desperately wanted filled; an alternative to Skype that was less fucky with your PC and not a pain in the ass to use. There's a reason despite its emergence success there hasn't been any new apps that have become as big as it has, and even when pre-existing services like Steam attempt to play ball with improved social features they largely go unused as people stick with Discord.
tl;dr: You're probably not going to find activity success, let alone profitable success, by trying to wedge a new service into a niche that's already filled by a service that, good or bad, has plenty of engaged and active users already.
>>713226 JS crypto mining is kind of scummy I'm not trying to put down your stuff at all, but it looks pretty gross when a site uses that i think it would be hard to retain a userbase
i just don't see a demand for new imageboards there already exists reddit for people who crave those overspecialized communities imageboards don't really have a bolstering enough population to fulfill that level of categorization
i would certainly like to see more activity within the overall imageboard communities but i just don't really see it happening. meguca was able to get a lot of activity by hosting radio on fridays, so it had a weekly primetime activity, but witht // with that also came a big decline in the community interactions as it got pulled progressively more towards /pol/-type trends
Well the fact that there was also an "anything goes" policy towards content on Meguca from the start definitely accelerated that. If you're not going to control content on a small-scale public forum like an imageboard you're likely to quickly find the people that are drawn to it first are some pretty unsavoury types. This has happened over and over again.
hmm, i feel like that's potentially misplaced causation I obviously can't say for sure, but I think the content was a byproduct and not a force of attraction
the population already had a lot of undertones of all inclusiveness, which in itself isn't at all a negative thing but a lot of initial interactions with the community lead people to think they're in a similarly-minded community the population of the community giving either positive feedback or no feedback is kind of a difficult thing
>>713269 That would be useful against wall decks, there's a lot of cards that let them attack and deal damage with their toughness instead of their power. >>713268 I would definitely play that.
So cast and play are subtly different but since they both require your opponent (s) to control more lands (or whatever) than you its redundant. But if your opponent controls more creatures than you, they can still play them with spells and abilities (or triggers) that make you play a creature, same for other nonland permanents except for enchantments But this card by itself completely shuts down a zur the enchanter deck.
as an instant i guess you could mitigate all damage
Play it after your opponent attacks and untap all your creatures and use them to defend you Wait Uhhh Shit the prevent all damage makes the untap kind of useless I guess if you're in a multiplayer game (like edh) it would be useful. Especially in the deck my friend is building that has a combo that makes all spells cost WUBRG and all spells cost WUBRG less.
instant coffee
Kirara 🍄
i think we have a legit case of dissociative identity disorder at the clinic or at least things look like it
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>713303 i haven't really idk if anyone here plays it i am aware of the game tho rex and pyra right
>>713303 i think we have a few people who played it, but they're not here right now i don't really know much about it but ive seen people talking about it here
>>713319 You can put +1/+1 counters on non creatures Technically Or at the very least, non creatures can have +1/+1 counters on them. Which comes up when non creatures are turned into creatures and have +1/+1 counters put on them and are then turned back into whatever thry were originally.
i was looking for a stuffed foam durian or a durian pillow that you could set out on a table at group or something since i said i was gonna send you a durian
but there's like 100 listings for durian pillow and they're all the same exact thing, ranging in price from 2 dollars to 30 dollars so i feel like it's something mass produced and probably has lead paint or something so i don't trust it at all and i dont support that kind of resaling approach
so im just gonna tell you about it instead since im not gonna get any of these >>713332 best gift for kids ages 3 months and up
imagine having a 3-month old infant and just tossing a durian in the crib with him
Kirara 🍄
it's a vegetable fruit
Kirara 🍄
and a pillow cushion
Kirara 🍄
imagine being smothered with a durian
how some kids carry around a comfort blanket, there will be kids carrying around comfort durians everywhere they go
i had to go buy some dirt kratom yesterday i forgot to specify powder so they gave me capsules they're easy to take in capsule form but i don't feel anything, like i think you need the water from toss and wash to get it absorbing otherwise it's just gonna be dry powder sitting in your gut doing nothing
guess i could just jump to 3rd volume where wn tl ends, but I kinda wanna know the difference between the wn and ln
fuck the police
new york please department
Kirara 🍄
one of my clients is getting certified as a paranormal investigator and he's extremely passionate about it
wow one of my cousins, last i heard, was gonna go back to school so she could get a degree in paranormal psychology i don't really know what school offers that but good luck i guess
Kirara 🍄
this dude is a former bodybuilder and military man it took me off guard because it was so non-stereotypical you know haha
so he's gonna get trained by a currently certified paranormal investigator?
i want to buy some cute socks on amazon i will have to wait until payday but i can start looking now
im going to start looking now and get it ready though
i also want to get some snacky things im open to suggestions
maybe some hard candies or maybe some of those dried asian snacks i like those asian things that are like a bag of trail mix sort of, but it's got like whole dried fishes in it and stuff, those are neat
okay i got two pounds of chili mangos that's a good snack i think it was 15 dollars for 2 pounds i think that's reasonable now i just need a salty azn snacks
maria do you remember when i was talking about cringey youtube comments trying to farm likes and you said you didn't know what i was talking about and asked for an example? (i'm not saying the image you just posted is an example but it reminded me)
okay check out all the most liked comments in this video: >>>/watch?v=yr3ngmRuGUc like people trying so hard to come up with a meme to get likes but they mostly don't make any sense at all
Honestly this is an allstars collection of terrible youtube comments
The "babe come over" joke has been repeated so many times in this comments section lol
>>713367 It's one of those things that is no longer a joke It's just humour by association People recognise it as a funny phrase so they assume you can shove anything in and it'll be funny
I'm on data so I don't know what actually happens in the video The best part is that I bet Kimmy wasn't even the first person to post the helicopter joke with russia in that comments section
>>713365 that soviet one makes me unreasonably aggravated i'm almost convinced it's intentional because it doesn't make any sense not only does it get the extremely outdated and oversatured reference wrong, it still wouldn't make sense if he did get it right
there were a lot more when i saw this a couple days ago, maybe some got pruned off now there were a ton that were like this one: Helicopter: “flies without moving rotors”
Physics: “wait that’s illegal”
like a whole bunch like tha tbut i dont see them now.
>>713365 the video is just a helicopter takeoff where the camera speed has the same // camera has the same shutter speed as the rotor blade rotations so it looks like the helicopter is lifting off but the rotors are staying still
>>713379 propably the one hymn here with most variations made out of it I can think of many pop/traditional twists, several reggae/ska, maybe 10 metal/rock versions and atleast one techno
btw sammy, when you are zoomed in the "lock to bottom" doesn't work
just a thing I have noticed the past few days with my laptop being too far for me to make out the text and forcing me to zoom in lock tobottom don't work
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
brb rewriting 8 year old code
well doubt it is a big issue, but just wanted to point it out
though if you ahve it on "only enlarge text" it works, however that fucks up some of my extensions so I don't use it
Oh yeah ToN did that way back when. Cardgames are cool.
its a shame yugioh has degenerated so much i still like the waifus but the card game is ng
what happened to it
>>713393h with general powercreep set aside, with the new link monsters they revamped the field like they did when they released pendulums
but when they did pendulums they made two new slots for them, you could still play other decks without them even mattering
but with Links they changed the field completely your pendulum spots are gone and now occupy two spell/trap zones
but the worst part is adding the extra deck monster zone, which each olayer has one of. you cant summon extra deck monsters to your normal zones UNLESS you use link monsters and point to those zones witb their gimmick
so you completely invalidate like all of synchros unless you use links it forces the new stuff onto you in a way that grosses me oht
but the guy didn't say he climaxes each time maybe he just keeps holding it in then goes back to it when he has free time again if he does that at the end of every hour he'd be at 8 times by the end of the business day
>>713450 There was an advance showing over the weekend. Dunno if it means there'll be an episode four out next weekend or if thing will just be quiet until television airings catch up but I'd expect the latter.
did u eat more from the taco truck after finding out he jeffed off 8 times a day
Kirara 🍄
no actually i was going to because a client told me how amazing it was but i didn't have a chance to yet then i get the client and im like "haha fuck"
I bet next you'll have a client that hires your client who is becoming a paranormal investigator.
Kirara 🍄
haha that would be hilarious paranormal-kun lives in another state though he'll go back there after treatment
>>713463 I think doing that kind of thing for money is illegal in Illinois.
if his libido is out of control that he wants that stimulation 8 times a day instead of masturbating he should try taking 10-minute snoozes (or whatever time would have been spent self-stimming) you can have a pretty good time in those dream states
From skimming stuff in a cursory search it seems that some of them in Illinois are tourguides for haunted tours and also local history experts. >>713466 I knew he wasn't from here, I was just mentioning it. Honestly I think that should be illegal everywhere in the US. Fortune telling and psychic readings for money should also be outlawed desu senpai
to all the killer and all the hundred dolla billas
>>713455 i can confirm it is extremely difficult or impossible for me
Kirara 🍄
>>713465 nah he's fine he reduced it to 2 the other day he was super proud
oh no i wasn't saying as a way to fix that issue i just feel like he could have a better time that way i take a lot of naps, especially on really busy days
>>713467 he's a good guy, he says most of the paranormal stuff is bs and he's not gonna take fake jobs, just the real stuff he's super passionate about it, he doesn't want to scam anyone
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
>>713420 industrial barrel of vasoline in the back of the truck
>>713474 lotion is an irritant you should use water based or other soecialized lubricants
>>713478 you're not even open to the idea that the paranormal exists in some form?
>>713476 vaguelt >>713480 regular soap is actually kinda sharp you can hurt yourself its also kind of an irritant dont recommend body washes are similar but not as bad
>>713481 Well I'm not entirely sure how to properly express this But basically If its real It wouldn't be paranormal It wouldn't be supernatural And from whst I've read Paranormal claims don't stand up to scientific rigor And while there may be bizarre things that science can't currently explain, I don't think its fair to say that they're because of ghosts or spirits or angels or demons or psychic abilities or werewolves or magic or vampires or aliens.
>>713482 detergents are biphilic they're lipophilic on one side and hydrophilic on the other so the molecules orient themselves around the cellular walls of your tissue in that way and litterly tear the living tissue apart that's why we use it to kill bacteriums and we use it on our skin because we have dead skin that shield against that interaction but if you got any inside your body it would be bad
don't use detergent as lube
Kirara 🍄
>>713483 that's why you gotta investigate gotta find out if it's a demon or a fairy or whatever i guess idk
>>713486 haha no but when he said he was getting certified for it i thought he was kidding but i was afraid to laugh in case he wasn't and thank god i didn't because he's so excited about it, bless his heart
On a related note, I've bern going on /x/ a lot recently. *been
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>713484 thanks mom, I wasn't going to but now I definitely won't
hey should I eat microwave chicken parm for dinner or should I go out again I like going out for a short drive to nab some god forsaken meal
sensei is def best blue and brown are both really good too anime math seems to have gotten the least attention throughout the show so it's not really surprising
>>713524 Holy shit that nep Jesus dude I hope your mom doesn't go in there
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
she rarely leaves her bed let alone her section of the house *unless at work
>>713522 She's gotten some pretty intense shippy scenes with Nariyuki in the manga. I just think she's a bit out of popular opinion when it comes to the magazine's readers.
Furuhashi is kind of a best friend that you also kind of crush on, and she's got a bit of that Yamato Nadeshiko aesthetic to her. Uruka is super sweet and a good cook and just so endearing. And Sensei is a master class in how to make an adorable character. Compared to those three even if she gets shipped hard in the manga it's just not enough to outpace those three.
wow visually the op of Edgygunboy sure is good, but in terms of telling you about the anime or composing good action or whatever... the fuck? whoever directed/put that together should be fired
I dunno, I think between that and hanging out with your normally I think I'd prefer, but it's a thought. PAN and I haven't come up with what to do for my vacation, and I should honestly make it cheaper than last year's probably.
well the meditation retreat would certainly be cheaper but are you sure you're up for it i mean i think it would be good for you but it's not exactly fun and you gotta take it seriously you know
Drive up here and I can take you guys to my family's cottage. You meditation nerds can go off and meditate in nature and come back to food and shelter at the end of the day.
>>713613 nobody is going to pressure you lmao nobody gives a fuck what you do as long as you aren't disturbing them people will say it's sad that you left later when you're long gone nobody is gonna do shit while they're meditating
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>713614 they made one it's my hole it was made for me
It's a hole six feet deep.
Kirara 🍄
even during normal zazen i have seen people get up and leave it's totally a normal thing that happens
I'm using a sticc test team. It's a nice change of pace
Bad News for sam That sonic erotica series he was training his neural network with ended. >In its complete state, Sonic's Ultimate Harem counts 360 chapters and 1,663,117 words. It is: -2.2 times longer then the King James Bible (783,137 words) -11.5 times longer then The Iliad (145,145) -3.5 times longer than The Lord of the Rings trilogy (481,103) -almost 2 times longer than The Complete Works of Shakespear (884,421)
>>713643 >9999999 Uh Are damage values inflated in this game or does
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there are some attacks to are just meant to kill you if you don't reduce them with 100% damage reduction
Avatar has one that does like 999999999999999999
Kirara 🍄
i died
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but nier's autorevive passive also gives a heal-based-on-damage-taken so that combined with MC cannot die if he's over 25% when she's in backrow is a big meme
Kirara 🍄
still got second place 😎
Kirara 🍄
oh boy a supreme merit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'll be spending 100 of those soon yay
Kirara 🍄
i am hoping to get 5 more eventually to make an ssr seraphic weapon
serotonergic weapon
Kirara 🍄
but for now i must go the land of dreams beckons me to come
>call from woman asking about SA eligibility >ask her how much she earns >"0" >ask how much her partner earns >"$180000" >tell her she isn't eligible due to her combined income >"I think that's really unfair I think it should be based on my individual income instead" some people
>>713706 Actually it's called an eidetic memory and also it doesn't exist.
>>713863 Until you see real lesbians. I tried the benkyou dekinai manga but it's 2harem4me after 3 chapters, plus "official english translation" isn't worth it with all the frills and superficial software & registration bs >>713676 I did this a lot when I was a drunkard
nothing can eat a whole durian it's mostly inedible besides the custard part encasing the seeds the flesh of the fruit and the shell are completely inedible
im sure they could eat the edible contents of one durian if you scooped it out for them but i don't think they would
Kirara 🍄
herons are just wing snakes they can unhinge their beak to eat pretty much anything
>>713874 yeah they're pretty crazy ive seen one eat a big duck i know they eat the ducklings and juveniles but i thought there's no way it could eat a big duck it'd suffocate or something but no their breathing tract is separated from their esophagus and incompressible so even if the duck gets stuck the heron is fine and can just keep dunking its head in the water until it goes down
i was wondering if they could eat a groundhog i don't think they could but who knows
why are you covering for everybody well, ganbare don't let people take advantage of your willingness to help you need some time too
>>713880 Sure but Jungo is the real most handsome boy egalitarianism or the merit system pick one Neutral is for pussies also I don't have everyones fates high enough for the Daichi ending lol
Kirara 🍄
>>713883 because i like to do groups and covering today and tommorow ensures we can continue operating smoothly because everyone can go to the training, which ill get later i offered to cover it all, nobody asked me to
>>713885 oh there's a training going on i just assumed it was a "hey can you cover i don't wanna do this" kind of thing since that was going on at the PHP thing we had a bunch of shit stand-ins because both of the normal counselors were off the same week and nobody was there or something
what's the training for
>>713886 I did that on my first playthrough it was pretty great Second playthrough I screwed up and ruined everything by not having an ideal so everyone was stuck in the void[/spoiler
>>713889 I was really leaning towards Ronaldo until he whipped out the gun
>>713888 oh same lol go have sex with yamato dumb anarchy guy tried to kill makoto he doesnt deserve to live
good news is the second story goes off an even more ideal ending than the best daichi ending so yoi dont have to worry about which one you go into it with
>>713901 I like to pretend that my actions in these games have real world consequences so I can't bear to pick anything else
man the triangulum stuff is really good, i look forward to you playing it the new music is top notch, in part because while the original ds2 stuff is great, they got meguro to do the new stuff
be sure to ng+ and pick the new superboss option that isnt alice
it's the following along that's the problem i can't read or follow directions or keep track of what's going on
that's happening a lot with my transcription work unless im working on pathology reports or biopharma stuff i get done with the stuff and have no idea what was even talked about it's making it really hard to get enough work since im exclusively taking medical things
don't forget to like comment and skinscribe >>713917 it might be okay i have a habit of finding things to worry about when there's nothing >>713918 good morning bloop
these dumb meathead in kamen rider build that uses his FISTS to fight everyone is so cool but he has no JUSTICE i think he's gonna become JUSTICE though
i can totally just put my phone number into the tracker for USPS and have them text my phone when the package is delivered even though i'm not the person who placed the order im the recipient but litterly anybody could do that that doesn't seem super secure
>>713921 the digital reconnaisance involved to acquire the tracking number is not the most complicated thing and while you could say getting the tracking number would give you all that information anyway so it makes no difference, it's a little bit different to receive notification of the actual release of the delivery
ive worked at UPS before loading packages and i could easily recognize a package sender that would have contents of interest, and ive got the tracking number and address right on the box that i'm physically handling that physical security flaw is super exploitable but those actually are less of the concern
i have a lot of clothes back in saint louis that im never gonna get back a lot of dress shirts and my only suit several pairs of slacks
a lot of those things would be expensive to replace and i have a bit of a clothes shortage as it is being that i only have two suitcases of stuff
i was supposed to go thrift shopping with someone from group but it's weird everyone gets your phone number and wants to stay in touch during group, but as soon as they/you leave group you just never hear from them again people are such flakes
i was on a business call and someone started knocking on my door really loudly so i took them off speaker phone and just expected the person on the door to go away but they kept knocking so i had to answer it and it was a maintenance guy at the wrong apartment i couldn't figure out how to put a call on hold so the person had to listen to me explain that my garbage disposal is fine to the maintenance guy haha
that's awful maintenance people never care about what trouble they're causing people
they once had to clear out some other tenant's storage unit at an apartment complex me and my ex had but they got the wrong storage unit so they emptied out our storage unit instead and just left all our shit sittin out in the open not only very humiliating but very distressing too
>>713949 That seems a little harsh. It's not like he knew I was doing something important. He thought I called and asked someone to fix my garbage disposal, so the information he had said that it was fine to just come over and stuff. I'm sure he didn't want to cause me any trouble.
no kirsra it was a PERSONAL ATTACK the man has a vendetta because you always clog the toilet
>>713941 Cute! This girl looks like she tried hard to get praised. I mean this the good way
>>713952 i think it's troublesome if they stay there and continue to knock when there's no response he could have checked to verify he has the right apartment before potentially waking someone up who might work night shifts or interrupting people who are busy
since i work at home i get a lot of troubles from people who just think like oh well you're home so you must be free i have a troubled history with maintenance people i guess!
at that same apartment one time they just come into the apartment while im not there to do maintenance check unannounced and unscheduled and my ex was there could have been in the shower or naked in bed or something and vulnerable stuff like that makes me really distressed
i have an autoimmune disorder that makes my nervous system really shaky and my bones really hurty kratom eases the physiological anxiety and the bone pain so i can function and work
it also gives me an appetite so i can eat enough food to be healthy and helps me relax it's a pretty handy supplement. i used to take valerian root, but kratom works well without the stomach cramps and visual artifacting that valerian root caused me
Is that really what defines human bathwater. The amount of non-lack of human DNA.
>i said it was bathwater, and indeed it's water from my bathtub does she say anywhere that she was in the water and even then how do you define in the water it's more like the water is on you than you are in the water
Amount or non-lack even.
Kirara 🍄
it seems dubious
Kirara 🍄
>>713967 she said it was used i believe idk i haven't really been paying attention
Even if she said used she could probably claim it was afterwards sanitized and/or filtered for privacy reasons and they still probably don't have a leg for this lawsuit to stand on.
Kirara 🍄
semantics isn't usually enough to get you out of legal trouble though
but at the same time the claim of molecular testing is dubious at best
I can't believe everyone cares for this bell delphin shit so much, products like this are common as hell in japan, at least I thought weebs would be unaffected by this useless hype
Fifth post being typed simultaneously
Kirara 🍄
sorry for what? my daddy taught me not to be ashamed of my
>>713975 i think what's attracting attention is this guy's endeavor to sequence her genome and then trying to get a class action lawsuit going it's all theatrics really but here we're just discussing the legality of it probably
>>713973 Ironic, since semantics are also what are often enough all that's needed to get you into legal trouble.
>>713978 She got a whole lotta money from donations, more than I will ever get and ameri bullshit sueing culture is like that, nothing strange in that reaction. I'm telling you, from an euro standpoint, everyone on the other side of the big water is a weirdo at least if not a retard
Kirara 🍄
i didn't even know who she was until like a week ago i guess i still don't i just know she sold bathwater or something
Yeah like I know her face now and the stuff she's done in recent weeks but I still don't know who she is besides that. And that she's apparently also marketing her urine for like ten thousand dollars a small jar now.
>>713980 You really need to chill a bit with your whole "Ameri bullshit" bit, mate. Like we get it man no one disagrees that America sucks but you're a bit of a one-trick pony with it. And I'm not even American.
Also I doubt your country is free of the dumb shit that plague tge the kind of context you slap your "Ameri bullshit" brand onto and if we wanted to selectively highlight it we could do a similar riff on your country and Europe as a whole.
people trash talk these kind of efforts like it's outrageous to dole out these kinds of products for money but really, like, X dollars for bathwater or XXXX dollars for bottled urine, whatever, it's really not about the products the marketing and promotion that goes into building the kind of rapport that allows you that kind of opportunity is where all the work goes into it
camwhoring, for instance, is actually not easy. it's a lot of social media marketing, a lot of community outreach and engagement and a lot of time and freedom commitment she could just as easily be selling T-shirts that she's worn one time, shoes, hand-made drawings, or just about anything else and get people buying it out of support for whatever reason the person chooses outreach to a kink community and feels comfortable with that it's not like it's exploitative. everyone's consenting adults let them do what they do
>>713984 that's not TN if you were thinking it was we have had some newposters visiting and they're not all the same person either oh PK right, sorry PK
Money is so important that people coming up with weird or unusual ways to earn it, doesn't strike me as strange. It takes a lot to earn money to live especially if you have nothing and especially is a lot of work if your money earning is based on presence and the moment you become irrelevant you lose revenue.
>>713984 I'm going to be short and blunt : you are dead wrong. But I don't intend to take this further. Just whatever
>>713985 No I know it's a new person. I'd address PK directly if it was him.
>>713987 I'm not dead wrong though. You're making an argument with zero evidence to your claim, which isn't an argument, it's a "Nah nahnahnah nah I'm not listening".
I need to do some tasks but i have zero motivation.
>>713988 You are still dead wrong. I have immense background in countryballing and other dumb /int/ stuff. I won't make arguments here, this isn't the place for that. Get on a board related to that and be astonished. I'm just surprised the whole scene is on its head because of the bathwater while we still haven't reached the "used panty" vending machine state
>>713990 If we're drawing arbitrary guidelines as to what this board is and isn't a place for, let's say it isn't a place for your "Ameri bullshit" shtick either. Dumb /int/ stuff isn't really evidence for your case that America's the >>713993 Excuse me can you let me finish my post before you interject like this. I know it wasn't your main point but I wasn't addressing your main point I was making a point about the "Ameri bullshit" bit you repeat.
Dumb /int/ stuff isn't really evidence for your case that America's the ass of the world compared to places like Europe, because /int/ in general is biased towards a view that America has become flanderized towards an "Americe fuck yeah" personality while the rest of the world looks on with morbid glee, which detracts from the fact that three hundred million people are not going to hold a concordant view and belief system that would create that and /int/'s way of watering down international culture spheres and politics often results in uninformed and often outright incorrect assumptions about countries, which is my point in saying we could easily cherry pick the bullshit of your country out and form a "Country X bullshit" gag in the same form, not just of your country but any country.
More so you act like this bathwater shock is strictly within America when it's an Internet phenomenom and reaches much further beyond America into any Internet user that can understand English. So yeah, it's wrong to attribute it to "Ameri bullshit" because there is no evidence to say it's strictly an American phenomenom and evidence to show it reaches further afar.
>>713992 It wasn't my main point either. Good god, just shut up already
>>713989 what do you need to do >>713995 that was a long pause on "break up" haha >call SO >Hey, can you come over? we need to break up ... >sorry, call dropped. we need to break up these cardboard boxes and take them out to the dump
>>713994 Break up countless cardboard boxes, clean up the kitchen so it is presentable since my landlord is coming over tomorrow. work on my Essay, clean up the house in general. I really feel bad about my lack of will to do things until the last minute. >>713994 I was trying to think we of a none too hyperbole word for innumerable boxes. I thought millons was way too much. >>713996 AGHH I know. he comes over constantly. He keeps measuring the kitchen now.
it seems like your landlord is coming over like every other day what is with you and landlords constantly with the landlords why is he measuring everything? tell him to go measure his own asshole to make sure he can still pull his head out of it
Those time-travelling backlinks / replies links always amuse me
>>713996 He is gonna do up the kitchen but they need to come back again to do measurements they somehow forgot to do two weeks ago. it is a tiny kitchen. I feel a little stressed because I'm so inefficient. I should have finished this essay ages ago and done my packing mostly by now
>>713992 I hope you have a good kb and love typing bc I haven't read the half of it
>>713999 Well I'm done now so you're free to go look at it.
>>713998 Maybe he keeps re-measuring your kitchen because he's trying to find your druuuugs hidey-hole.
>>714001 Maybe he keeps coming back because he has no plan and is just inefficient. he came over once just to say hello and I thought he was going to inspect so I made sure everything was prestine and ready to be checked. fjsdgvkndfv
Maybe he just enjoys having his tenants writhe and panic like that. Like in sheer sadism.
Is there a decent library or cafe you could set up in that would at least maybe give you space to work on your essay? That feels to me at least like the highest priority in the things you need to do.
Getting the essay done is highest priority. I suck at working outside of my house. I suck at working inside my house. I just need to be strict on myself rather than build up stress and try to avoid that stress
it seems like (text equivalent to) "<sup>[<i>citation needed</i>]</sup>" is impossible to produce here. damn this board
>>714004 Yeah I definitely know how that's hard to do. I don't know if knowing you need to be strict on yourself is particularly valuable though. Like I've found that just being aware of that never really opens up the route to actually achieving it.
But stress is really good at attracting more stress. Like some big ball of stress so dense it pulls more stress into its gravitational field. And then you start stressing about being stressed and of course that only adds more stress to the pile. Stress sucks, yo.
Making money off e-boys must be the easiest thing ever fr
>>714009 so you're trying to get normal brackets, but italicized inside? and you can't do [citation since it eats the input right oh okay you can [citationneeded] like that?
boop I don't actually know the text things on moe :boop **boop** ** boop ** eh
>>714038 The markup here W language here is limited and messy
[citationneeded] >>714030 yeah things need an overhaul it's mostly a bunch of started ideas that just got plopped in randomly and not really finished >>714041 yes i used a little trickery by putting spoiler tags in between the brackets and the text so that i could format it without the space
>>714040 did you do that by just typing a message normally in the browser?
author needs to learn how to parse text
>>714040 wow, surprising, this is really out-of-the-box
#boop I remembered this >>714045 That made me laugh, goddammit.
whoa there kannagi calm down
cont. >>714043 there is no resulting markup too from that
I DEFINITELY SEE THEM NOW but when I grab stuff from mobile, you can do it really quickly by just press and holding and then hitting save image I just thought she was waving from the bed, as expected of me, I guess.
I didn't notice at #1 from // #1 oh I typed W way too much
I didn't notice them at first. then moon made that comment and now I'm laughing because of how many there are and the handcuffs to the bed. it looks like a normal cute image in thumb sasuga blewd
what gets me the most is that the handcuffs appear to be handcuffed to the vibrator
I'm challenging myself to quickly put together a little clear spec. on Doushio's horrible markup language . Where do I publish it? Here, any threads will go down and sink. would
>>714067 No worries it's always fun to aw I don't have my REALLY BLUE snip where I thought it was. But yeah it's fun to see a REALLY BLUE moment.
Oh wait I got one.
>>714069 I'm not sure! Samurai does all of the backend stuff. the github stuff is here https://github.com/lalcmellkmal/doushio if you hadn't gotten that he's around quite frequently lately so you could just pop into that other thread you made and ask him stuff there i think
I like Tsugu because she's got this harbinger of disaster feeling She's always smiling and things always look great and somehow I feel like I'm about to get hit by a comet or eaten by a ghost. She's like the moment right before a screamer video screams. but perpetually
>>714072 I just looked that up about her. Her videos look so weirdly peaceful.
Makes me think of those manga where the rest of the world is gone and transversing ruins while living a normal life.
>discord peep tells me to grab a gtx 1070 >it's over $700 RIP
I guess their price hasn't deflated much yet since the cryptocurrency bubble shot them up. I got my 1070 shortly after they came out and I think it might've been around 600 CAD. Wanted a 1080 but the good ones were like 900 CAD, which would have been fine, but there was such a stupid shortage of them that it wasn't worth waiting on.
I have a 1060 and it works p. well. although I got it a while ago. I understand graphics cards are now expensive now because of bitcoin mining or something related.
They're ... well, not a good option for crypto mining but as far as commercially accessible hardware for it goes, they're the best easily accessible option. People would buy like a dozen GPUS and put them together in a rig for crypto mining. Dunno how popular that is nowadays though.
I have a 1050 but I'm starting to get nausea from 60 fps It's cutting into my SANITY
I don't game enough anymore but it is nice to have.
>>714098 a knife isn't an ideal form of protection for a lady she has to be in range of getting overpowered in order to use it and having it taken away or used against her mace will fit in that bag just fine bear spray even if it's a country gal
I mean, this probably isn't the best thing to mention But on the news there were two women who were arguing and one of them maced the other. And the lady who got maced pulled out a knife and stabbed the other one.
Happened yesterday or something. I can't stand watching local news.
well then, mace or a hand taser knife is more for things other than protection tbh like cutting some annoying ass zip-ties
>>714063 I miss the Alps. It was really nice when all I've seen in the horizon was mountains with snowy peaks. It's a passing dream by now though. I barely have money to go around even after taking extra jobs haha.
You wouldn't want to get stabbed, you can feel your muscles weaken and writhe while you bleed out, unless someone is fortunate enough to be nearby to stop the bleeding.
>>714114 mace was just an early brand name that has become general use like kleenex, aspirin, zeppelin, etc there's also the foam things too and not just aerosol though
you're not gonna bleed out unless an artery is struck it's certainly possible but it's not likely bleeding out is prett hard to do and a major artery at that
people can survive direct stabs to the heart if pressure is applied after the incident and they're taken to the hospital people are pretty sturdy
my colleague with forearms thicker than my skull is offering to gym with us but some clients he does gym stuff with told me they do 100 reps of everything every time they go and the idea of that terrifies me
>>714119 People are equal parts pretty sturdy and pretty fragile. They can take quite the amount of damage but even a little damage in the right spot and we all fall apart.
>>714122 blunt force tends to be a lot more immediately lethal you can trip and land in a bad way and sever your spine at the neck or crack the base of your skull open around the brainstem but when it comes to stabbery it's pretty hard to die you gotta be stabbed a lot and then you gotta be restrained for a long time so you aren't able to get any help
damaging the flesh and even the circulatory system isn't very effective or expedient the only fragile parts are our brains and our throats and really only the brainstem. you can live without a lot of the extra parts but if the part that keeps you alive stops working, or if you can't get oxygen to that part, then you're pretty fragile
>>714121 You gotta do the reps to be the MACHO MACHO MAN
>>714124 if i went macho macho man mode id look like the guy in dumb bell i wouldn't mind a way to exercise that isn't cardio since i can't run very much anymore but i don't want to go that hard
Code in Doushio's formatting functions drives me mad
Kirara 🍄
I think i might be able to get out of work early today i was pretty productive since i ended up not having to take one of the groups made some phone calls scored a WIAT scored a BASC
It falls waaaay better in the price bracket for sure It also comes w/ Wolfenstein Youngblood and Control lol when I get the blood money at the end of August it's over for the PC friends in my lobbies
what's something sweet 2 eat i don't really do sweets but i what the fuck is that ton m and ms arent bars quit pullin my legs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
m&m's chocolate bar
>>714151 Maybe some kind of sugary pastry like a fruit and cheese danish? I'm really fond of danishes. I'll snack a fair bit on fruit gummies like Fuzzy Peaches or Sour Cherry Blasters when I can get them from the bulk store on sale.
i really dont like corn syrup stuff which seems to be everything >>714159 that doesn't sound pleasant at all i don't understand you people i ordered dried chili mangos on amazon but they won't get here for a couple days
the only candy bars ive ever really been able to eat are like payday they are just peanuts on peanut butter though
syrup is like pure concentrated sweet sap, when i have it it's like i can feel the syrup pumping through my veins if im gonna have like pancakes or their thai equivalent i put condensed milk on it sweetened condensed milk like that dulce de leche kind of thing. that's a good kind of sweet
i like pecans a lot too not too big on tucans though
[/spoiler] test
Refresh this page and >>714167 will have "[/spoiler]" beginning on next line instead of ending first line
update on taco-kun, the masturbation dude he's had sex with almost every woman he knows to the point that he can't go anywhere without seeing someone he's had sex with which is incredibly uncomfortable for him
also he takes his taco truck to homeless camps and gives them free food and stuff he's really cool
>>714174 Probably doesn't help with his masturbation problems either. If you're going around always seeing reminders of your sex life I could imagine that might get you feeling a bit in the mood.
Kirara 🍄
apparently the only thing anyone ever told him he's good at is sex that's the only thing in the world he has any confidence in
I've missed out a bunch of this topic already but from what I gather a dude with masturbation issues lives in a taco truck and has sex a lot?
>>714178 Oh, that's a much more depressing side to it. People probably need more satisfaction to life than just being good at sex.
Kirara 🍄
>>714179 he masturbates 8 times a day also he lives with a friend but otherwise yeah
he's a vet on medical discharge because the bus he was on flipped and broke his shoulder but he's only on 20% disability so he can't get health insurance benefits through tricare im gonna try to get him up to 30% so he can get tricare
>>714180 i wouldn't discount the value in that sex is a very intimate form of communication where people deal with a lot of vulnerabilities inside them it's definitely a valuable thing to be good at
Masturbating that much is probably abusing the biological euphoria like abusing drugs for dopamine or something. I don't really know. I wonder if doing it that much fucks you with dependance or something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
heh discharge
It's 95°F right now Luckily the humidity is low
>>714182 I'm not knocking the values of being good at sex. But if it's the only thing about you that you feel is responded to positively by others then I would imagine it must be a depressing state to be in. Or you've made being good at sex your life's objective and maybe you're fine with that but circumstantial details lead me to believe otherwise for this guy.
he has really low self-esteem his mom abandoned him on the side of the road when he was 3 gang members used to beat him up all the time and if he had to go to the hospital, his dad beat him for costing him money sex was the first thing he was ever praised for
it's no surprise he became preoccupied with it
Humidity is only at 40%
Goddammit I think its hotter here than where Kirara is.
This entire month is projected for rain All of the last two weeks of June was rain god I love it to death Who is experiencing some droughts right now lol looks like my charm worked
>>714204 well i dunno about making you feel shitty but those sugarless things can make you feel the opposite of shitty i think we went over this before
You're Brit-ish; just drink yourself some tea.
>>714204 >coke zero just check to make sure there aren't any ones in it
There's this girl in some of the groups I covered today who like starts giggling and avoiding eye contact whenever I address her directly. I'm not sure if it's because she's socially awkward or if it's me specifically.
I can make avoidant people a little uncomfortable because I'm comfortable waiting for them to answer as long as necessary so they know I'll just sit there and smile so they can't wait me out.
>>714215 I dunno. She maintains conversation well and doesn't have any evident communication difficulties. She doesn't react that way with other clients, either. But she might with other clinicians.
Her reaction seems like a schoolgirl kind of reaction. But I think the circumstances of the situation make that unlikely because she doesn't seem immature enough to still act like that and she doesn't seem like someone who would have a reaction to someone after only seeing them a few times. So I don't really trust my gut with it because I might just be letting my ego tell me people are attracted to me instead of looking at it realistically.
>>714220 They added a thing in FaceTime that edits the video to make it look like the person you're chatting with is giving you eye contact
test 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789>>123456 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890>>123456 →
yo wtf hahahaaaa
>>714222 creepier than the undead bot sending messages in a dead persons persona
>>714227 https://soundcloud.com/theanthropocenereviewed Try this one, it might be nice to just off-hand listen to.
>>714227 it's not a podcast but i can recommend this for destress/falling asleep to >>>/watch?v=WqHpOKJ8u0s this channel in general
Kirara 🍄
saido chesto
Back in air conditioning
In attempt to precisely document Doushio's markup language, I have reached the dice stage of parsing, written 3275 chars, 562 words, 46 lines of documentation