is cindy nindy worth finishing off we're on the last episode aren't we? but i don't feel like giving it a slot but if we get it out of the way it'll be done with
I like seeing Sawamura play baseball a lot more than seeing Sawamura not playing baseball
he fugged up
My dad some times puts the hockey broadcasts on the radio when it's on and I can hear it a bit from my room. These sports commentators are reminding me a fair bit of that hah hah.
He talks about not giving up runs but he sure is throwing a lot of balls this game.
having the batter at three balls is a big mind game they're hesitant to swing
Sure, but that's less useful if you're not in control of your pitching. Even if they're hesitant to swing, if there's a good chance your next pitch is going to be a ball, it doesn't really matter much.
he goofed! we need a kaiji track playing over this
zaWA zaWA zaWA zaWA
what did you guys think about kono oto i liked it it was fun i read like all the manga forever now i wait
Hi Ika is that you.
>>713725 I really enjoyed it. Though if I didn't know it was getting a second season in the autumn that end point in the last episode would have been really confusing to me. So I'm looking forward to that now.
>>713725 i enjoyed it a lot i like hearing the sounds too though and the manga doesn't let you do that too much
I kind of like how that glasses beanpole guy has become a pretty ardent Sawamura supporter. Sawamura was real nice to him right fromt -from the start and it paid off.
Sawamura's really capitalizing on his chance to clean house.
i havent watched much this season yet like 2 things dr stone and arifureta arifu was pretty disappointing it's probably a bad adaptation i h eard really good things bout the novel
>>713737 sawamura is on the rise in the manga too i think nooooooooooooooo >>713736 ok
There's some pretty fun things. Dr. Stone is probably gonna be pretty good. We've yet to do Arifureta but I'm expecting some dumb edge.
>>713735 we haven't touched arifureta yet but yeah there's some interesting stuff so far! kanata no astra is indeed looking promising.
>>713737 it was a satisfying episode they take their time
>>713735 Do you want to watch Black Clover tonight? I know you probably haven't been keeping up with it but either way it's a shounen and it recaps what happened in the past two months at the start of the episode anyway.
>>713741 No I mean at the start of the episode it always has that "WHAT WE DID LAST EPISODE" but really it always sums up the arc.
Yeah! I want Ika to watch anime with us again!
I'm almost certain he hasn't been keeping up with YU-NO though and that one's probably hard to follow by now hah hah. It's gotten pretty zany.
Also come around tomorrow we'll have a couple episode ones of new stuff this season and episode twos of things that'll probably be easy to jump into even if you haven't seen the first episode.
i dunno i think my anime motivaton in general is pretty low maybe im burnt out
If you just want to come around for a few shows that's fine too. Also if you haven't been keeping up with Kimetsu no Yaiba you should catch up in that one too. It's been consistently good.
>>713748 yeah that and jojo were like the only things i watched probably
We still haven't seen the last episode of JoJo hah hah. Jan got addicted to the new content for FFXIV and we've barely seen him since. We've also been saving Enen no Shouboutai for him too. You'll probably like that one too it's a manga from the author of Soul Eater.
She was the "I have crazy magic power but no control" character at first. After she got over that problem was about the same time she got flanderized into being Asta's tsun harem member. Occasionally she'll get a highlight as a magic nuker or a support character but it's not common.
i kind of wish we got the commercial break too i want to see who has the black clover ad slots
Yeah that could be kind of fun. Maybe not every week but a monthly check-in or something.
Though these days HorribleSubs rips from CrunchyRoll for shows like this and they get the episode straight from the source, so there's probably not even commercial breaks in the video file they receive.
Man she really doesn't care about elemental superiority.
Pft. After stating such a declaration to have his imitation sword just get broken in half that sure is lame.
The other two combat members of the bad guys' Elite Four were way more of a problem for their opponents earlier in the series. This guy comparatively has been kind of a cakewalk for this lady. Though they both had aces up their sleeves and final forms and we haven't really seen anything like that from him yet. So maybe that'll come along next.
it looks like it's all this way I guess Yuu isn't having the problem
im okay without subs if everyone else is or we can switch to something else
She's probably just not paying much attention.
But also look at the episode length hah hah.
oh gosh haha why is it 90 minutes long
Looking at comments on Nyaa it seems like the sub timing is way off. They start at an hour into the episode runtime, which is why the show is roughly the length of an anime episode plus sixty minutes.
The lackey guy has a bunch of silly text shirts. One earlier in the episode was "WIN". And he was just wearing one that said "CPU". I guess they were computer shirts in the end.
Oh the episode jumped straight to the end despite the timer. Man someone really fudged the rip of this episode. I guess it was a pretty one-off episode so a good one to screw up on.
okay what was the show you wanted to sneak in? vinland saga/
okay then cinderella
ep 12 right?
okay elts start!
Vinland, yeah. If you're worried about time though it's all right. I think we can catch up even if we're only doing 4.5 episodes tonight.
>>713823 I was suggesting Vinland for a show inbetween this one and Cinderella. We're a bit late in the night so it might be nicer to close off with 4.5 shows.
Yeah, episode twelve of Cinderella. Should be the last episode.
i'm all for a girl's baseball team and all but please don't wear eyeliner to the field it's not reasonable
They could really do with some more practical uniforms too. Skirts are cute but all that bare leg in a game that involves a fair amount of sliding on coarse ground is asking for a painful time.
>>713846 If you can remove the audio from it you might be able to. I don't think 4chan boards permit Webms with audio with the exception of the board specifically for GIFs and Webms.
Oh that's an MP4 actually. I think 4chan might just refuse all of those period.
the three-minute montage of just still images was a bit ridiculous for a last episode haha i'd say it was the last game, but i think it was actually the only game