I'm glad my heart got broken every single time by three different songs on this playthrough Really makes my social ability a lot softer, more approachable Better for everyone in my vicinity!
Kirara 🍄
what's with the pricing of newly released movies "you didn't see this two months ago in theaters, so now you gotta pay an extra $10 to see it even though we have fewer costs to provide it to you"
>>714280 Yeah, I was asked to do life coaching for a bunch of veterans in our partial hospitalization program to do solution-focused one-on-one therapy with them to help them clear any obstacles that are getting in the way of them engaging fully in the rest of their treatment. Although I'll also be doing some case management and advocacy stuff for them, like working to get someone's disability from 20% to 30%, for example.
Oh, he already did. He's getting certified in paranormal investigation soon. Apparently there's even an accrediting body that handles licensure and stuff like that. He's getting certified this week or next week, actually. It's like , well, he calls it a hobby profession. Only wants to make a couple thousand with it per year so it doesn't mess up his disability and military benefits. It's actually a really healthy way of doing things, so we're encouraging it.
>>714285 I don't know. Some accredited paranormal school. They teach UFOlogy and demonology and cryptid zoology and stuff.
It's probably fine. It's not like he's hurting anyone. He's really passionate about it, too. It's great to have something you're passionate about like that.
I'm gonna make someone cry a lot tomorrow. It's gonna be hard not to laugh. They're really desperate to convince me they don't do cocaine, but they obviously do cocaine. Last time I told them we caught them, they cried and cried and cried. "Oh, it must be because I kissed a latino man at the latino club!" It was such a pathetic excuse that I almost laughed while her makeup was running all over the place. Tomorrow, I get to tell her that we're going to evaluate her for a higher level of care because she's doing cocaine. She's probably going to refuse and we'll have to discharge her unsuccessfully.
Everyone is really excited to see what excuse she has for why she's testing positive again, though.
It must suck to suck. If she'd just admit that she's using cocaine, it wouldn't even be an issue because we could work on it.
her one night stand must have mixed some into her flour, it's not her fault!
>>714292 I do a lot of work! Right now I do personality assessment, adhd/learning disability assessment, individual therapy, group therapy, program development, program management, curriculum development, coordination with other agencies, and now I'm adding life coaching. Oh, I also do consulting. A lot of consulting.
It's a lot of work, but right now, I'm the healthiest psychologically that I've ever been. And stable.
Con salting
i need some individual therapy to help m // me cope with how bad 2.0 ended
>>714354 You still do fun hobbies. So in answer to the question "What have I done with my life", doing climbing a tonne of mountains is still a perfectly good answer.
>>714369tbanks, i do my best that was actually retweeted into my feed by a loser lolicon that whines a lot, so im glad following them finally produced something useful >>714371 blaze isnt a lolicon hes actually more into thicc
also blaze is pretty chill, he doesnt whine much at all if anything owl is a whiner which is funny because owl still hates blaze after all these ywars whereas i dont think blaze gives a shit hes too busy living life
>>714370 im probably going to regret asking this but are those two things mutually exclusive
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>714382 what, being a lolicon and liking thicc? Probably not, but what I'm getting at is that person has tastes that aren't what I'd first classify as lolicon
im not waiting for anything there's nothing to wait for! why be a wait watcher when you can be a fate watcher it's time to unlock your destiny be the one be the one all right
>>714415 this would be really good if we had our vameronasal senses but we don't there are ofc more technically recognizable features like genome and fingerprint and kidneys but i meant socially recognizable, as in ways you might recognize somebody in social settings
since i can't remember people's faces, i recognize their posture and gait. like for instance if me and jan got separated at the japanese festival or in the supermarket or something, if you ignore that i'd know what clothes he was wearing, i'd be able to spot him from the way he walks. people have super unique gaits
funny stuff today a friend sent me a pic of a bar's dress code, which was literally just a list of all the clothes i wear >no white t shirts >no stocking caps >no gym clothes >no hoodies >no sweats
>>714425 What fucking part of the world calls a touque a stocking cap.
>>714425 >>714428 I had to google both those words Who the fuck calls a beanie a tocque or a stocking cap?
>>714426 only on special occasions i only wear skinny jeans but i've put on some weight recently and my jeans aren't very comfortable nowadays i'm also old and its hot outside
I wish I was still thin enough to wear skinny jeans.
>>714430 I pretty much exclusively wear jeans, even when its 96°F out.
>>714429 just to clarify, i call them beanies, but the sign says stocking caps. i also figured non-american moes preferred the term stocking cap
>>714433 I was thinking about making jorts from one of my older pairs
>>714435 do it whaddaya got to lose i recently cut the sleevs off of one of my old t shirts, and now i can wear it as an undershirt, but without the discomfort of the restrictive sleeves
I call em beanies I feel like Kannagi might call em stocking caps though seems British to me
>>714436 Wearing my favorite pair of jeans in the winter without endangering my health.
>>714436 I feel like long sleeves are too restrictive and then no sleeves makes me feel too bare.
>>714439 no sleeves is pretty slutty i really wish there was a way to go sleeveless for me without looking like a massive douche
go full poser and just have a metal band on it, easy sleveless shirt
how come when I plug my headset into a certain usb port the audio crackles and explodes and if I plug anything else in it works fine and if I plug the headset in anywhere else it works fine
>>714468 I stopped playing for a bit because my internet was being shittier than normal and then I couldn't get myself back into the grind I'll probably try to pick it back up again some time >>714469 All I ever saw sugoi do was feed especially the enemy jungler
>>714478 she landed on his face with her skirt up and he accidentally copped a feel. there was a brief pause while they both blushed then she slapped him and called him stupid.
>>714481 Me too. She was nauseous for a spell after regaining conscious but she says it's passed. And she made it back up the stairs to the second flood -floor of the house fine.
>>714485 I would be considerably surprised if that's the case. She's not really a fan of recreational drugs in the first place and isn't really a big fan of drinking either. But she has been pretty much stationary, laying in our parent's bed watching stuff on her laptop, all day. That room's pretty muggy because of the hot weather and I don't think she drinks nearly enough water as she needs to be.
I was also talking with her for a good twenty to thirty minutes before she fainted and she didn't seem off the norm either.
>>714662 Meerkats are cute But it still sucks What happened to the facial expressions
they'll show up in the version with extended scenes rereleased 4 months later
Geez Amber Alerts always make me panic a bit. I'm fine with the noise they make but I really wish they wouldn't always come late at night or way early in the morning.
you cant always get what you wannt. but when you roll sometimes. you realize you get what you wanted three banners ago and stopped caring about
>>714683 well at the very least for your sake I hope he's sorry about doing it really late at night.
Well I was up watching anime so I was only mildly interrupted. This fucker better be sorry for being a filthy human being and having an Amber Alert sent out at 03:00 in the morning to everyone in the regional city area if not entire province.
hi kids alright dad's going to sleep now so be good okay? no drugs
>>714697 well shit I might have had some compassion and leniency for just abducting a couple of kids but Interrupting Anime night? that's over the line, man.
So amusingly in diablo lore if you play a crusader, you play someone trained under a long line of masters and students, who each took on the name of their master So the Penisnator3000, apparently was a great and powerful holy warrior thousands of years ago and his name has lived on through countless generations of students each taking on the "Holy name"
>>714704 bitch we had a deal you had to pass the controller after dying
crap /moe/ i'm having an unfamiliar stomach pain and i don't have health insurance and i live in america and i have a very important meeting at 2:30 i'm thiiiisss close to just ending it all
i need fruits ive been shopping at the familia peso across the street and they just have packaged pantry goods i haven't been to a grocery store to buy fruit and vegatobble in like a month ive been eating really crappy unhealthy stuff like freezer burritoes and grade B eggs
and that hostess bread that goes like three months without expiring for some reason which is pretty scary
At that point how much of the bread is bread and how much is preservative.
enough to still legally be called bread
Rise and shine let's get that technically-legally bread
chili mangos arrived! two pounds! they're not fresh fruit; they're dried and sweetened a bit so they're just snacks but at least there's some ascorbic acid in 'em
also my two microfiber quick-drying plush Passion Pink bath towels i tested them out and they do indeed dry me off very fast, but also dry themselves off very fast! im
im going to keep them in my room as opposed to on the towel rack in the bathroom this house is most filthy everywhere besides my room though i need to wash my sheets and blankets. how and when i do not know
that awkward wordplay aside, it causes me considerable consternation that that comment is so highly rated and responded to it's the top comment under adagio for strings why? why does some meme hunter who doesn't know what the song is get praise for simply talking about it in the comments
imagine if samuel barber were alive today, or what people may think of works in the future when the most popular critical response for a very serious piece of work is just "haha anyone else here cuz of that one meme?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
>>714758 Well even most people today don't expect a critical response in the YouTube comments. It's generally understood that the commentary found there tends to be pretty base.
The nuance of that might slip past Barber if he was still alive today though, or brought from his heyday into present day to take a look at it.
now, maybe the future is going to be a very different environment. there might be more permanence to our current internet behavior than we could expect
for example, look at the earlier days of the internet when we were carelessly galavanting around the internet from forum to forum, or message board to message board with usernames we thought little about at the time, with little concerns for our actions but now a lot of those kinds of forums are kind of petrified in time and still exist and the internet is a far more relevant place than we expected we've left such cringey breadcrumb trails of our youthful whimsy where we might have revealed to much, lied about random inconsequential things, or in more serious cases maybe in our youthful ignorance repeat some ideology that we grew up around and thought was normal, but in fact was bigoted and hateful
and those old musea of an early internet age are frozen there now. those forums still exist often times, and accessing old accounts can be logistically impossible. even if you could delete that information, the posts still remain but it just grays out the profile and stuff. and the web archive exists too there are early /moe/ threads archived on the web archive even. there will be old myspace pages up on there, gaiaonline accounts, all sorts of stuff
and i bet you in 100 years from now when the population is at 25 billion and people have advanced technology a ton, people are gonna be curious about what the early days of the internet were like and will be looking it's just pretty surreal to think about how not anonymous we thought // we are compared to what we thought
hell, my ragnarok online forum account which had a few thousand posts still exists, and much to my surprise became a point of interest for curious individuals who started screencapping and posting my posts on modern forums very bizarre experience
>>714762 well, it's not the tracking so much it's just a weird situation we're in
It's actually super easy to track someone across the internet. There might even be job opportunities related to this field! sounds like a hobby worth turning into a career
the neurology projects // well project ive been involved in the past 8 weeks or so has been pretty fun im really lucky to get stuff like this from time to time, but especially right then since i wouldn't have been able to do other work this past month and a half without my meds but medical systems are easy for me to focus on >>714770 que that sounds like a bad idea you should go get an MRI and make sure they're still there
I feel totally fine other than my tummy. It feels like gas. I don't think I'm sick. I had to take pepto this morning, though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh no you're going to explode before you do
>>>/watch?v=cTu0NVdPpPM admire sakurai in the first four ougis because Asbel is great and if you're feeling ambitious you could even see what Lee's Blue Earth references at the end
Seems like a summer thunderstorm is coming through. How nice.
sometimes is weird reading stuff fall back to the slow reading, yoy know "reading aloud in your mind" kindanthing and then suddenly in your mind you "pronounce" a word completely wrong and are extremely confused for a while
>>714810 You read this right? https://mangadex.org/title/35940/it-s-time-for-interrogation-princess
made a middle aged lady sob and sob and sob "oh, i didn't do cocaine!! the lab is lying!! why am i not positive for cocaine on the cups but i am at the lab?! you're probably trying to get more money out of me! im calling the lab!!"
when you call someone out on their lies and they desperately start lashing out in fear because they refuse to admit they fucked up it's the best that desperation is something you can't see anywhere else the pleading and begging and bargaining it's fun to see i love it it's like they're a cornered rat
Kirara 🍄
or a coyote chewing off its own arm to escape from something
>>714824 im worried when i go to my PCP that they're going to see from a urine test, or from the PHP's urine test last month, a result for ecstasy and decide that they won't prescribe me controlled substances and will try to give me concerta instead or something
it's just a false positive from my bupropion and i want to yell at doctors for not knowing this is a thing, which is their job but tbh they don't even talk to the patient about information like that so you can't even address it. the physician at the hospital just didn't say anything at all about it, so when he asked if there's anything i needed rn and i said adderall to control my compulsions, he was sitting on that information i didn't know about so he's probably just like "yeah whatever dude" never taken ecstasy in my life and never will, makes me so angry
Kirara 🍄
why would primary care have access to those records? did you sign an roi for it?
well when controlled substances are involved there's like a universal sort of record of when you pick stuff up and I imagine your regular drug screenings would be reasonably available. Refusing to give access to your history of drug screenings sounds like a quick way to get barred from getting controlled substances.
>>714831 well the appointment with PCP was established through the PHP program as a continuum of care i have not signed a release// sorry i messed up the test is from the ER not from PCP but regardless Im still taking bupropion so it's probably going to get the same result
i wish stuff would just get forwarded. it puts a lot of undue responsibility on the patient to now introduce a lot off information to every doctor visit it's more stuff to screw up
my primary care is going to be a nurse practitioner though which im actually happy about though tbh
>>714840 i did that in the ER; that was some of the first information i gave but when it comes to physicians they're generally all uninformed and pretentious at the same time they'll spend about three minutes total talking to a patient, and the only reason they even do that is to first-hand assess your responses clinically they don't actually care what you have to say because you don't have an MD if you do have an MD, they double won't care what you have to say because they're insecure about other doctors talking down to them
Kirara 🍄
all of the doctors ive had have been willing to talk about psychopharm with me i mean they're usually excited when they see i can follow along and understand it all i pretty regularly have conversations about clinical treatment with my own psychiatrist when i see him we always talk about new research and treatments and stuff
I'm pretty sure you should still tell them about what medicine you're taking because if you don't and something screwy shows up, you'll probably have a bad time.
still two and a half weeks away for that appointment though it'll be the first time ive had primary care since i was in high school there's gonna be so much ground that needs to be covered. medications are just gonna be a small blip i hope things go well there's probably a ton of stuff wrong with me
Kirara 🍄
probably not as much as you're expecting things are rarely as bad as we expect
oops i was trying to SCROLL THROUGH images but accidentally selected one thank gosh it was something safe i didn't even have a response thought out yet
i went to a PCP last when i was 16 and they had me go see a urologist who had me see three consults and then my parents interfered and decided i didn't need to see any of them so didn't consent and i haven't had ongoing care since
Kirara 🍄
i haven't had a pcp in about 10 years i went to one when i had that concussion last year and actually now that i think about it i don't think i ever followed up after my bloodwork huh
>>714856 all kinds of shit the tradition is free slurpees for everyone that comes in but we also had $0.50 slices of pizza, $1 hotdogs, $1 sandwiches, $1 any size coffee, and a bunch of other shit for people with the rewards program it used to be a cute novel thing every year now it's this big deal for the brand and it's exhausting at least we didn't run out of slurpee cups this year because we had fOUR FUCKING THOUSAND we gave out 3600 free slurpees
oh and they rehired one girl and fired a guy yesterday apparently he got arrested with an ounce of weed on him lol
Your store's still being pretty tumultuous, eh. Wonder when they'll finally stop hiring people they lose in like five days.
Also can you make anime tonight? There's some pretty good stuff to watch.
i'm not too sure there's a thing i gotta do in xiv in a couple hours so i'll stay up til 10 at least but i woke up at 1AM today and i'm feeling pretty pooped
>>714868 working 6 days a week is tuckering me out! XIV is just a nice way to zone out when i'm tired and sore and the new expansion has a really good story that's got me invested in the writing again
>random normal bow with a fucking WALL built on the curve
>>714897 always thought the model for this was underwhelming
i guess it looks more or less like the D2 icon but i thought it was bigger in your hands before
it is pretty, but >too large yeah right also >not dual wielding anymore due to no good minibows dropping alas I have betrayed my principles
also going from something like 2,5 attacks per second to 1,3... seriously but the dmg per hit is just so much better
Kirara 🍄
works of fire
also it is funny how some of the demon hunter abilties work like if you are strafe spinning, some knockback or vortex moves don't move y ou UNTILL you stop and then you just warp to the location of the knockback/vortex
and vault isn't a dodge move, it makes you invulnerable, but you still GET HIT which is kinda weird ast times >dodged through 200 insect poison missiles
>>714901 slow weapons on DH is so horrible feeling to me unless i can 1shot everything with a multishot it just feels clunky and shit annoys me how much longer it takes to build hatred in builds without infinite hate w/ permanent vengeance
>>714904 yeah with dual wielding and the +4 hated per hit you just SHAT hatred out
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh my god where's Maria he would probably love this game
>>714905 only builds i liked that had slower weapons were the yang's recurve multishot since the weapon gave you double speed multishot anyway and could clear screens with one or two hits easily and the natalya's(I think?) build that used a melee legendary and knife throw to one-shot elite packs i only used that in co-op since the mook clearing speed was ass and needed someone else to aoe though
I wonder are there any sets that would support my current skill set these are the ones I love using the most spin to win multiarrow pierces dodging and then of course DEMONS IT IS RAINING DEMONS
Only fucking mass corpse explosion is more ridiculous looking ability
õh wait not natalya's, it was the shadow's mantle the right setup with that shit and the knife toss legendary weapon let you crit elites for like 300 billion
>>714908 well natalya's is good for rain, which i think is what you mean with the demons? usually uses a different glyph though, the tracking one so you can just walk through the level and not press shit except to refresh the rain every like 10 seconds
I bit dislike how d3 is built around the sets though and that there are so few why the fuck don't they jsut throw so many sets you could technically do ANY kind of build?
Also I am bit dissappointed how low edge the demon hunter is and also how they have "my sister died" in both male and female demon hunter backstories why not have sister with male and brother with female so you basically play with the sibling that survived the demon onslaught
>>714910 <trackingf eww it has so low aoe and doesn't hit where you want it to
>>714911 they buffed the shit out of the ancient bonus ring set (gives you +dmg and reduced dmg taken for each ancient legendary you have that isn't a set item) you can be more creative with that kind of build and it's not too terribly behind the meta bullshit i think
good fucking luck getting all the items you want and ancient too though
and dakka that is what I like most I'd be usign the arrow versions, prolly the lightning of the rain of vengeance, but frost demons is just too good to not use since it freezes and slows down everything
>>714921 i was 700ish last time i played a lot, 2 seasons ago maybe
paragon's slow to level at first but once you get geared enough to clear 65-80 grifts you get multiple levels every time till like 600
>>714917 I give 0 shits about meta and what works and just on what I like doing >>714920 I am 600? 700? I dunno
this is my FIRST seasonal ever anyhow
>>714920 I only pretty much do adventurer mode with my wizard since that is my fav class I might one day do it with necro, but... just the sheer amount of GRIND
>>714924 oh no! are they squeamish about that kind of stuff? >>714923 >bounties gotta be my least favorite gamemode tbh great for leveling though and you got to do it for those caches anyways
it's not too bad on wizard, DH, or necro with a build geared towards mobility and spamming the screen with damage though
they said they're an animal lover so i guess it makes them uncomfortable. i love animals too, but if an animal dies you sometimes gotta autopsy to find out why, you know?
>>714926 yeah and how little variation there is... what I hate most in greater rifts, tho is how I always get fucking so bad RNG there I'd never finish them in time, if I didn't ahve the >pylon spawns a champion item on me damn useful for gaining an extra minute or two
>>714928 RNG is a cruel mistress i always get bored after finishing a build with decent gear and starting to push near grift 100 there's so much situational bullshit that can make clearing it in time or at all impossible
like that act5 map with those blood monsters who have a ranged attack with no travel time
fucking assholes
never gone that high meself I usually just either pop it up when drunk to waste time or something or when I get into mood to replay the story, since i like it actually
>>714931 i got there with sentry turret marauder DH, but they nerfed that and buffed the other sets since also did it with multishot unhallowed DH more recently and almost got there with inarius bone armor/cursed scythe but couldn't quite make it trying to do it with that build took like 300 hours farming gear and was still crap fun to play though
you know Kulle could be an anime protagonist in some isekai anime... Everyone thins he is evil, but he just is a bit wicked
>>714934 tal rasha with disintegration stuff just is built so that you need to have enemies bunch up so some maps with high mobility enemies coming from all direction just makes it damn hard to keep the casting cycle on miss that juicy 4x stack on deff or dmg and suddenly it becomes damn hard it is surprisingly mentally taxcing when you aren't keeping up a mental clock of when to cast what so it keeps going on few hours into it and you regain the skill, but just jumping into it and damn do you forget to cast another spell every 2 seconds wish you could get like 20+ arcane regen
wait a sec was life per hit always in paragon abilities?
Huge hunk of juicy chicken breast shake and bake'd on a bed of rice. What a nice dinner.
I should try to get my monk into decent gear the build on that was fucking ridic... >just infinite life per hit >no dmg >just infinite life per hit nothing could kill me, but anythign beyond torment 1 or 2 was just so boring as nothing died either
chicken breast shake idk
>>714937 ever since they reworked paragon in the reaper of souls pre-patch, yeah
it's not too useful unless you're resource positive and already have area damage maxed, though >>714943 it's a free like 12k i think? not gamechanging but better than gold find l0l >>714936 i've never gotten much higher than 80 with wizard it's too immobile and complicated for my grug brain
I don't get people's problems with chicken breast. It's really easy to make sure it stays juicy while baking and while it's not as flavourful as thighmeat, sure, it doesn't have nearly as much fatty greasy flavour which is a bit of a turn off for me.
>>714941 guess I just forgot about it I think it caps at quite low amount anyhow
also moon I think generally most folks don't want to watch things get dissected
teleporter + molten always reminds me of teleporter + molten + INVINCIBLE mobs in early d3... >all the mobs are immortal except the mob boss >they all teleport around with molten yeah thank you blizzard
>>714941 Yeah unless you go for somethingl ike avatar or whatever that build was
archon build that shit is gimmicky feeling though you get a minute of invincible god that deletes everything it walks past and then 30 seconds of bitch baby that can't kill a normal monster until you refresh archon CD
similar to a lot of witch doctor builds that i also hate playing
>>714947 there is some set that extends it to practically forever
oh only 485 paragon
>>714947 witch doctor was so meh your minions aren't good enough your spells aren't fun
it feels fun and interesting while leveling but at endgame it feels weak as hell and the best meta build just runs past most enemies and deletes the elites ignoring most of the monsters in grifts feels dumb
also why can't you raise difficulty in game? you cn LOWER IT but not raise just why
>>714942 chicken breast is pretty convenient it's got the most meat for the least hassle, very eatable and consistent it's easy to shred and stuff too if you're making like chicken quesadillas or something, as opposed to trying to make the dark meat into small pieces
i think chicken breast is ideal for fried chicken though. it gets crispy and juicy really well and has good flavor
i think thigh meat is ideal for curry chickens or stir fries or things like that
d2 was theo ne where yout eleport past everythin and only kill bosses
Huh apparently you can't kill the guy when he is doing the AOE sweep animation also damn torment 12 is weak why was I even doing that... maybe to harvest crafting mats
>>714954 The closest thing to chicken stir-fry I've made is chicken fried rice where the shreddability of the breast is a real advantage again. I can enjoy a variety of chicken dishes preprared with thigh meat but generally I've always found when breast is prepared similar to it, I almost always find the breast version better.
Though I also really don't like bone-in chicken all that much. I get it's supposedly so much more flavourable, but the extra work I need to go into to eat around bones is just such a pain. I don't really find it worth what I find to be marginal improvements.
my workplace trusts me so much that they gave me our bank account information it's a good thing im a reasonable person because there is a lot i could do with a budget of tens of thousands of dollars
>>714964 yeah today I also met a super big wig that im gonna be working with to utilize and improve a recovery coach app ill get to go to summits and stuff paid for by the company for it
another thing that will give me a chance to stay here after my internship there are only like 10 of us trained in the app and it'll be easier to keep me since i can manage the app at a distance than to train someone new since ill be attending monthly trainings and summits
btw i ntoiced they changed maghda she now summons more than just those club demons makes it atleast bit more interesting to kill her
originillay she didn't even use frost bombs or anything else so the fight against he rwas so easy just don't get hit by the swarm of insects and you are set
>>714977 it was a little underwhelming it was done at a field museum to a group of mostly children and was a little bit elementary i thought it was going to be something a little more rigorous and academic, like maybe an autopsy to gain insight on the disease state of the animal leading to its unknown cause of death
>>714982 i don't see any value in that and don't support the idea of vivisection
I wonder, what was the historical maximum of concurrently typed posts on Doushio? This site should keep such statistics
>>714980 Wanna see how many we can do before it crashes?
>>714979 Hrrm Honestly I think a vivisection would be more interesting. With all the stuff flowing, twitching and pulsating.
>>714980 prolly when r/a/dio was briefly done here
the only ethical reason to open a living animal is out of medical necessity either an operation or exploratory surgery to determine an issue
and that issue aside, im not interested in stuff like that academically or personally im interested in pathology reports and determining causes of death there's no cause of death on a live animal
>>714992 DDude I'm just talking about when they cut open to look at shit not removing organs.
>>714995 would you be comfortable with someone randomly pulling you off the street and doing that to you would you be cool with an alien vivisecting you
>>714993 admittedly it might be a little weird to have such strong surgical interests but it's purely academic i don't get any enjoyment out of medical gore or anything like that. i'm excitely solely by the pathology and physiological systems, and our clinical landscape for how certain diseases are managed
im also very strong on bioethics and believe surgeons have great responsibility to act ethically i don't condone this vivisection stuff i dont know where it came from and it's weird and unpleasant
>>715004 oh I'm sure >>715006 the titania theme is really catchy
>>>/watch?v=ascfjJXDWjo the shadowbringers OST has some interesting stuff in it >implying anyone will click shut the fuck up jan >>715005 the music is much more interesting than the boss i can tell you that much
>>715003 I would like to second this I just lke seeing how things work. *like
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
fuck my granblue crew is talking about pizza and now I want pizza.
>>715008 GGet pizza Also, did you get a free slurpee?
>>715010 what why don't I >>715009 why would I get a free slurpee
Kirara 🍄
>>715011 because you are a special, healthy boy and pizza will hurt your tum tum
>>715008 resist take a stand make witnesses all to your infallible will
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>715012 fair point the second I mean the first is questionable. I need to start walking/exercising again but not with my angry butt >>715015 Would you believe that there are no seven elevens around here >>715017 as expected of the champ
>>715011 Cause it's 7/11 On July 11th 7 11 gives out free slurpees.
>>715022 i have no idea what you mean quite frankly i'm going to assume you liked it i like that bagpipe or whatever it is in a few parts >>715024 you have no idea how much pizza you ate?? what if it was too much
Yeah hang on I'll get you a time stamp of one of them. It's a repeat bit throughout the song.
diablo 3 heats up this laptop quite a lot despite using like 40% of the procession capabilities games that rape the CPU at near 100% and GPU and force me to even cut down on some background programs to save ram don't get it so hot weird
>>715052 cinnamon banana pizza is a real thing it's very popular in brazil i bet it's pretty good
not chocoloberry though
yeah, i'm too tired. watch stuff without me. probably won't be around too much for a little while longer.
;_; There's plenty we can watch and still keep saving the stuff we've been saving for you at least. We've still got the finale for JoJo and Enen no Shouboutai for you. Oh and Fruits Basket.
Even saving those we've got a lot of stuff on the list though.
oh man I forgot they made a second spongebob movie >four years ago wow really
>>715072 Urgh I'm jealous I used to really want a scope hack when I was into diy electronics. *back when But I never got too into u because I didn't have space for a workshop.
>>715248 Centerlink accidentally paid me a whole bunch of money then they asked for it back and I asked if I could repay the debt on a payment plan. and they said yes.
so now it's just like I took out an interest free loan.
I was thinking of going but I couldn't see anything that I liked there it's all anime va stuff that I'm not familiar with plus I already spent a bunch at Supernova >>715262 that's pretty cool there's a local artist from around here that I know of that has a booth too I can appreciate the hussle
Yeah it's his. The Asuka, Shimakaze, Shutendouji + other, are at least all prints of his work. I don't actually know what they've got there. Oh that one of the girls from Shoujo Shuumatsu is also his.
They've got prints from a bunch of artists I don't even know the full list hah hah.
damn I don't have any of the prints I bought on my phone here's my solid snape autograph though I didn't get around to uploading but I was pretty happy with it
Yeah that's probably pretty cool I bet. I can't really get personally excited over having an autograph because I'm a dumb autist but it's fun to watch other people get excited over them.
I haven't really bought any prints. Bought a tonne of doujinshi and artbooks when I visited Japan though. I'd definitely get a lot more the next time I visit. Obtaining books kind of feels more satisfying to me. If it's a single picture I'm content to just look at it digitally.
Hah hah hah. I was half expecting her to turn around while luring that sheep only to have a Creeper pop up in her face. But the terror at the wolf was good too.
>>715278 the few times I have tried to get Centrelink haven't been successful or just too much bother in the end I just cave and get a job because it's not like I've got anything better to do
>>715292 I'll just always shop at work and get 5% just werks
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I can't believe you guys wouldn't be HYPE to see AI-chan live
Kirara 🍄
she's not alive
She's just a show, man. A fabricated character of fabricated lights and sounds playing a fabricated message for people that want to believe she's a real AI.
Aren't we all just particles with light bouncing off them in the end
>>715306 it does when most days are no fun at all.
cum is just a buzzword
>>715310 Is that really true for you though? You seem to enjoy your studies, and you look forward to your mountain climbing escapades. Maybe pick up a hobby you can enjoy while not having to travel afar, like recreational biking or fiction reading or some creative activity.
im becoming agitated at how much slower i work, and thus how much less money im making, by simply having a shitty keyboard it's such a dumb thing to be costing me productivity and i would have simply bought a new one three months ago if i wasn't told not to because someone wanted to send me theirs but they keep refusing to send it for whatever reason but are still asking me not to buy one three months later
I have to replace things myself when other people fuck things up for me. So a $30 wireless logitech comes in handy, even though it gets me killed in my hs video game.