>>710055 It'll get a nice salt bath, it'll be invigorating. Also, I have this mood tonight >>>/watch?v=7ylY0-fyASU#t=5s So odd. Maybe pull an all-nighter then
>>710101 These are some good vibes, too bad it's so short. I'd like a salt bath, but I don't have it in me to do an all-nighter, even though I like the idea of using that time.
>>710126 Yeah, it came up in my feed so I thought someone here would dig it. Well, then get a healthy shift of sleep. Wake up energized and motivated. I'll take it from here! Stay serene, famygdala.
What if I don't have any just ice.
>>710134 maybe you'd have some if you believed in it
>>710153 Yee This is someone who haa trained on actual fighter jet training simulators.
>>710152 What a cool bug. Board 500'd on me earlier bros, does that happen regularly? >>710138 >>710130 >>710077 Good pix Good morning everyone btw, but as I see almost everyone is from other continents, so it's a morning only for me.
That was probably a Cloudflare issue, which means it happens as often as Cloudflare for your area goes wonky.
We've got a few people from Europe, so it's morning for them too.
honestly that's probably the worst time in japan's history where they tried to do everything they could to get rid of what made japan japanese because they so desperately wanted to be westerners
>>710194 to indicate a pause, I guess. If that's necessary for a certain delivery.
But who can say for sure this kid's IQ is on another level after all.
Kirara 🍄
this dude is like 57 and he's claiming he's not gonna watch an anime about lesbians stranded on an island trying to learn how to survive because it's a mockery of western literature
I think I might travel more over the summer. Once I get my essay done and my stuff sorted, I'm gonna grab a train around to new places, I wanna use my camera more too
Kirara 🍄
where will you go
Where ever the trains take me I could go up to Scotland actually
The other day a client was trying to trick me by using someone else's pee to fool our urine drug screen. She came back and the temperature was so low the cup didn't detect it. Urine is about body temperature, you know. It usually is about 92-96 degrees Fahrenheit in the cup, and the cup measures 90+. It was so cool that I couldn't even detect any warmth with my hand holding the cup. So I made her do it again, and the same thing happened. She was like, "I can't control how cold my pee is!" so I explained that if the temperature of her urine is truly so low, I'm going to have to call her an ambulance because she is dying. She decided to try again and this time, it was warm enough to detect, so she probably used her real urine that time.
It's really silly. They think we're stupid sometimes, like we don't know the tricks people use.
I bought this headset from the opshop that is kind of a more practical Google cardboard with headphones for what it's worth it was a nifty bit of fun that has got me interested in buying a proper one maybe one day
my room is the perfect dead spot haha too far away from the router to get good wifi not far enough out to get good mobile data
>>710221 Cop a range extender. Mine is fucking amazing. I don't have a hardwire to my PC, living on the top floor and all, and the only router being on the main floor, so this shit was a lifesaver. No fucking way I'm putting my computer on the main floor. Hell NO. Even the thought disgusts me
>>710234 if you live w/ people they'll see your screen more frequently pretty much all the reason I NEED famygdala
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
oic yea i used to have that problem too now having worked in open offices for too long i just have no fucks to give also i turn the thumbnails off on my phone
>no thumbnails more like Android can't load that shit LOL jk you prob have an iPhone well with network infrastructure upgrading and shit old phones will be left in the dust waste of money. tell me when that bendable waterproof phone drops
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
/moe/ is still like a 2005 era site when it comes to bandwidth requirements heh
>>710237 i usually don't even bother with a bed just throw some comforters down on the ground it's good enough
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
>>710242 i just do the “press really hard on a link to open it in a lil pop up window” thing and play roulette with all the pantsu and shit that suddenly appears on my screen at work
it's okay those are swimsuits
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
suit up bb
should i go homu and have a shower or should i go rogue and wander around BK
>>710276 This updated again. https://mangadex.org/title/37909/asobinin-wa-kenja-ni-tenshoku-dekiru-tte-shittemashita-yuusha-party-o-tsuihou-sareta-lv-99
did you see that english-speaking virtual youtuber that did the mahjongsoul video that had a lot of cringe in it iirc they spent like a shitload of money on the gacha too
Hah hah, nope. I don't watch a lot of virtual YouTuber stuff, mostly just rarely thing other people link.
well, if you had done a youtube search for mahjongsoul it's one of the higher up results and it's titled "moe plays mahjongsoul" or something like that so for us it's very coincidental and accidental clickbait kannagi found it too i recall
in terms of vtubers, ai is like naruto or dbz something that everyone can quite easily stumble on and start watching
>>710298 Ah I see. I've never looked up MahjongSoul on YouTube either. I guess there isn't a huge glut of MahjongSoul content on English YouTube so stuff like that has an even higher tendency to drift to the top.
we should just set up a weekly game with floop and maria like an hour a week or something just to keep the rust off or kannagi
Yeah that might be nice. Having an extra one or two people is convenient too; means if life has someone busy on -at the game time, another person is at arm's reach.
yeah there's kinshi, kannagi, ran, and i think maria has a couple backups too
i wish i could be straightforward like that im not built that way though i had to be evasive and deceptive towards my family in order to survive so i am not good at being straightforward
Kirara 🍄
so did i but it wasn't me since ive been away from them for long enough ive been able to be more genuine and earnest
>>710338 This manga is good https://mangadex.org/title/35149/belial-sama-wa-shitennou-no-naka-demo-xx
>>710340 yeah im getting to that point too i think i'm starting to be more genuine with my feelings and stuff but a lot of the damage is already done probably
>>710407 zfg is pretty comfy but im not feelin it at this time thank you though >>710406 nothing's really doing the trick right now, so im not sure.
fireworks will be starting soon and then it's going to make everything worse >>710409 that's kind of a thick bird a hug from a thick bird in a fluffy sweater sounds pretty comfy
it's okay. i think i'll just do some cleaning or something i appreciate the link i'll check it out later
the anthropocene is probably not the age id choose for immersion though i like to get far away from people systems and get some completely detached systems
Whenever I eat onion it's almost always cut up pretty finely or has been cooking in something soup-y or stew-y. So I always forget that the larger hunks of it have a real prickly flavour to them. It's a little bit overwhelming, hah hah.
Kirara 🍄
lol the opening scene of stranger things 2 starts with russians doing an experiment and speaking in russian and very obviously being soviets but then just in case you somehow didn't figure it out the fill the entire frame with a soviet flag it's so blatant that i can't figure out if it's bad directing or intentional ironic directing
don't overestimate the general audience people can be pretty clueless
Kirara 🍄
like they zoom out to establish that the scene takes place in the Arctic which is a reasonable establishing shot but the soviet flag just kills me
Lazarus doesn't give a fuck about the fireworks he's just comfy, ignoring it
My cat's usually fine with them but she's also been jumpy about them in the past. I think she hid out under my bed around Victoria Day.
Kirara 🍄
man i dont remember so many of the characters in stranger things there's a bunch of characters i dont recognize that are being presented like i should know them am i losin it
>>710458 ok >>>/watch?v=cvfC2iYjkNw It's reimu related for one thing but it's also (redone on his music cd) the first real theme of touhou if you don't include Touhou 1's title screen The thunder effects are really nice
>>710472 until the 7th i can do a money order if it's troublesome did you need any of that money back though i should send you back some instead of making an order probably
>>710474 no, im good on money im doing really solid i was just hoping i could do the order in the morning if that's okay im like brain dead and just got in a fight with a stranger outside about fireworks haha
oh yeah for sure there's no urgency
oh no like a serious fight or just a dumb fight these fireworks here are pissin me off i want em to stop
oh kirara as a slightly related note, for almost every step of the summon you'll get another scene invovlving Maria Theresa. That's how the evokers go it's kinda neat.
when those scenes unlocked though I got all of Niers at once because my Death was already essentially finished
This late at night there's a good chance ordering tomorrow morning would result in the same delivery send-out on their side anyway.
Kirara 🍄
>>710477 kind of dumb but i did lose my shit and threaten someone some asshole across the pond in front of my apartment was setting them off and i screamed out that i was trying to sleep and they need to fucking stop and they said fuck you and we were shouting at each other and he started coming over so i showed him i had a large knife and that he needs to fuck off i totally lost my cool
>>710477 Do you have earbuds or something like that which might help. I know there's more of a bassy reverb to fireworks that buds wouldn't really do much for.
unfortunately earbuds don't make them stop exploding yeah i can tune out the noise but that's the least of it it's that air pressure boom along with the explosion that is so painful i dont know how people do it
>>710480 that's scary i hate fourth of july parties people are drunk and loud and always end up fighting and yelling and doing dumb shit
It's kind of the opposite direction for me, I don't -er no that's not the right word. Like, I'm aware of -why- people can't enjoy the experience of fireworks because of stuff like PTSD or other experiences. And if I was trying to sleep like in Kirara's situation here I'd probably be kind of bitchy about it too. But I don't have the experiences that make me dislike fireworks like you do or veterans have. So while I can understand that there are distinct causes for the dislike, I don't have the actual connections to really understand it.
sometimes someone else gets something that you think you deserve and they didn't really do anything to deserve it and don't appreciate it or care about it
whoever designed this experience did a really bad job
it makes you think about why it is that your efforts either aren't being noticed or aren't cared about i feel like i'm always slipping between the cracks of society just by poor coincidence, but all the time for everything
i don't know how to make myself more visible i invest so much effort into my efforts and have to whine and fuss so much just to get the things readily handed to other people without a second thought
Kirara 🍄
it is taking everything i have not to go hurt these people
>>710490 i know how you feel they're stressing me out a ton too sorry you have to deal with that
>>710502 reminds me of 90s here, before fun was banned or rather regulations and rules were slapped on fireworks, where they can be launxched and do on
amount of eye injuries, burns and housefires went down in few years by like 90%
Kirara 🍄
i want to hurt these people so badly it has been years since i have felt such visceral and violent loathing for anyone
Kirara 🍄
next year ill buy fireworks of my own and as they launch them ill shoot my fireworks at them that'll teach them I wont actually do that but im really mad
>>710507 as domeone who has been shot with fireworks don't do that
Kirara 🍄
honestly if these people blew themselves up right now and the only thing that could save them from dying was me i don't know that i wouldn't just go to sleep and let them die i am extremely not in my right mind
>>710509 death would be a mercy better to suffer through life with ine eye less and 2m in medical expebses
i don't care if people fire them off somewhere that isn't residential we literally have a place in the city that is designated for activities like that
Yeah it's pretty stupid. If people 'round here want to set off some fireworks a bit for Victoria Day or Canada Day or New Years, I don't mind, but they pretty much always stop by eleven, which is the noise curfew.' The fact that they keep that in mind more often than not makes me content to not be irate about them.
Kirara 🍄
maybe i should skip work tomorrow i dont have any clients just paperwork
why don't Americans just delay celebrations until the closest Friday
ive been worrying myself sick lately and these fireworks are making it so much worse i feel like im gonna explode these feelings are too much im becoming physically ill from it
Kirara 🍄
>>710514 because americans are subhuman scumbags without any semblance of what it means to exist in a world with other people
Kirara 🍄
im calling 911 and reporting these people im going to claim they're firing the fireworks at people and homes
are you in range of their wi-fi i don't like the police i would just find another way to serve them justice
Kirara 🍄
i dont care about justice. i don't need to get them back. i need to make them stop so i can sleep
Whatever it takes.
Kirara 🍄
i need a massage i wonder if the masseuse will be at work tomorrow
>>710519 pay me $2000 and I will make them stop forever
Looks like I've fuckin made it. see you losers later. once I collect my winnings I'll have better friends. actors and super models it was nice knowing you.
i dunno where i have to turn off 18+ in the pixiv settings but i got a pretty disturbing image under the tag
it looked like some alternate challenge where instead of balancing the tapioca on the boobs, it seemed to be sucking the tapioca balls up through your penile tract and it was a girl doing it too
i really like italian wedding soup too and mexican soups are really good as well
i swear to gosh im gonna lose it im so anxious tonight
Split pea soup is definitely my favourite soup. I'm not huge on a lot of soups and the ones I do like tend to be the thicker ones like that. My mother has a really good sweet potato ginger soup she makes in autumn that's awesome too.
split pea soup is one of those hit-or-miss ones. if it's good, it's really good and if it's not good, it's pretty unappealing.
i do this rice porridge with ginger and bird it's more of a porridge than soup but it's really good and it's bedrest food when you're sick too, really hearthy like that
ive never had a sweet potato soup i dont think i love squashes a lot though. squash soup is really good at the hospital for the lunches i got hubbard squash as a side then butternut squash soup as the soup almost every day, except when it wasn't offered some of the other people were like food normies and don't know what vegetables or foods are that aren't burgers or fries so they had the soup or squash randomly some times and were like "ugh hospital food, wtf is this"
i got a lot of extra foods because people were whiny about not wanting their hospital food but i thought it was all pretty good except the chicken salad sandwich i got. the chicken was fine but the bread was bone dry
>last online 16 days ago thug mode and that's some old 2014 purple blockhead ish takes me back to when some games were good before they went to absolute trash rip
oh god you have to get those fucking cards for this i need to sell these things and make my pennies
uh no, just play starbound, install the summer sale soda mod, drink 4000 sodas and say hello to your free points, stack them the fuck high or spend it on levels like my dumb ass you can get discounts doing this lol but I already spent all my money on drugs and alcohol 3 days ago
Or just don't play the silly summer minigame because do you really need more useless accessories to your Steam account.
>>710693 haha >>710694 yeah i jokingly called her a groundhog then i'm like "or maybe she's a squirrel idk" and they both corrected me saying "yeah she's a squirrel"
even if they didn't say her species, you could tell she's a tanuki from the size of her testes
she's a groundhog >>710697 did you watch senryuu shoujo kannagi you'd like it >>710698 you've been flakin out on anime ya nerd you missed some finales i missed a couple too would you like to watch them or have you already
i missed the mystic nose of death perception ep and uh something else
>>710699 I haven't I'll have to check It out. I've been super busy lately. Once everything Is settled I'm going to binge watch anime in august >>710701 Oh it's one of those. Also nice owl
It can be a big time sink when you consider that I used to spend probably 10 hours a week watching anime. I have to stay healthy, so I don't sacrifice my sleep like everyone else does, too!
Combinez Zazen and anime. Saves time
Kirara 🍄
then you're not doing zazen, you're watching anime!
this guy who REALLY wanted to give me his old keyboard for my birthday still hasn't it's been three months and he keeps saying he's going to send it he still hasn't
i would have bought one myself months ago and been working a lot faster if he just never said he would in the first place god it's such a pain in the ass i said i didn't want any gifts and he INSISTED and this is why i don't want gifts and stuff it gets my hopes up and i always end up getting hurt
i literally average like 8 dollars an hour higher with a decent mechanical keyboard my headphones are all fucked up too they're literally held together with duct tape at the moment
>>710725 yeah, a bit. keyboards with lower actuation pressure mean less strain on the hands over long periods of typing. things with high actuation have a little bit better control and tactile feedback so you get a little bit more controlled response, but typing for 8 or 12 hours it can really start to wear you out.
im currently using a shitty laptop keyboard which not only has high actuation pressure, but also has flat keys so there's almost no controlled response it's very unpleasant to use and it slows me down significantly
super low actuation keyboards feel so light and smooth, but you can inadvertantly stroke keys prematurely or accidentally, and then you have to spend time and effort backspacing and stuff. backspacing and pressing shift are forms of hyperextension for the fingers and you should do it as little as possible because it starts to hurt your tendons pretty bad after a while. that's one reason i never usually capitalize on /moe/. when im transcribing, i use auto-capitalization and i have autocorrect to auto-capitalize most abbreviations like usa, nasa, et cetera
>>710729 spearmint is good im not personally too fond of chamomile it causes some sort of allergic response in me im not sure why
>>710765 That pineapple on pizza is a good choice?
>>710766 I wouldn't do this, unless you want to die
>>710766 I think I'll need supporting evidence and sources and stuff which I probably won't find a lot of in regards to pineapple on pizza especially in regards to it be ing a good choice
>>710772 are you thinking about it you know you're just gonna get in there and 12 year olds are gonna stomp you and make fun of you for sucking
I actually bet that people who are good at fortnite especially LACK any degree
>>710777 I'd be lying if I hadn't considered it when I saw it but yeah. The necessarily skill to be a good enough player to teach others is probably not worth it.
Also I'd have to get the Epic Games Launcher and man I REALLY don't want to do that.
>>710777 You have be strict Hold a ruler and rap their fingers if they don't get keys right like old days piano teacher
I actually would totally be down to have a lesson in playing Smash from a pro
>>710779 I watched a youtube video once where some guy on Fiverr was offering League of Legends lessons and some professional LoL player saw it and signed up for it pretending to be a noob ofc went and destroyed the poor guy for shits and giggles, but it was all in good fun
>>710768 I'd search my uni journal database now but it's down for maintenance
>>710780 my point is they're probably better at it
>>710779 there's a big reason i don't do dota coaching, even though i could and have been asked to i don't want to be spending an hour with somebody coaching them through one single game which has so many variables in it that i can't control as the coach and their experience is ultimately going to fluctuate from those variables in a bunch of ways to where the session may not be meaningful for them
i can go in a game and tell them how they could/should have considered map positioning before making X choice or Y choice and where the optimal spot to farm was, but if they're in a bracket that doesn't punish simple mistakes then it's hard to convince them that they're making a mistake
if it's team coaching with people i know it's different, but those dota coach platforms where it assigns someone to you and that buy a session and then rate you afterwards and can choose to have a different coach or to end the service or something, i don't like those conditions of engagement. it's terrible. and those are adults i don't want to try to tell 12 year olds they're playing fortnite wrong they'll just be like "whatever you dont know what youre talking about look how i wrecked these four guys!" (proceeds to get kills on four afk players)
>>710765 Persuade the advantages of moving to lab-grown meat as opposed to traditional slaughtered meat/
persuade that tornadoes can be used as a public transit
>>710784 I think, especially with kids, it would be important to transfer those experiences in which they do well into motivation to improve on their weaker components. Like if they're getting kills on AFK players but then get shot trying to sift through all the junk those players dropped I think I'd encourage the initiative to go after easy victories but recommend they keep moving or learn to eye up loot from a distance to gauge on whether it's useful to pick up. Or if they're struggling with players that are also involved in the game it would be good to have them focus on going after targets that know how to use cover or can actively build walls.
Teaching kids is more about cooperating with them than instructing them, unless there's actual respect between the kid and the educator, which, unless I'm some public pro streamer or if Fortnite has some kind of system in place for showing off how good you are, I'm probably not going to get right off the bat.
I think I could do the teaching kids part fine, but I really don't want to invest the time into learning Fortnite enough to be a good educator.
oh wait I don't get to pick a topic for my 3rd speech at all The topic for the whole class is technology's effect on safe driving And we have to write our own speeches around it not gonna lie, kinda cringe professor
>>710803 that's not interesting at all. is he trying to decide on investments by having y'all research for him I should be an English teacher. y'all look this shit up and let you all argue and then I'll know where to drop my money
These fuckers are paying fifteen to twenty dollars an hour to teach kids Rocket League, Fortnite, Overwatch, and Minecraft, but no DotA. Damn it people.
>>710812 Kind of, yeah. The battle royale gamemode that pervades all these games like Fortnite, PUBG, and others kind of got its Internet fascination in Minecraft battle royale game modes.
>>710812 well unless you go and read the wikis on how to forge shit cause lazy, you could pay someone to drill those into you and other basic gameplay stuff, but...
>>710822 I think it's that same price on PC now anyway. It was ten dollars back in pre-release. You also probably can't get modded content on PS4 and that's lame.
>>710825 I wonder can you even customize character models on consoles
>>710824 i watched a blimy bloke talk about it on youtube basically he said that they made it less empty, so rare structures and stuff are more common and easier to find which i don't really consider a plus >>710828 ooohhh actually it's not that bad I've played it on my friend's Switch and it was quite enjoyable if i do say so myself
>>710827 Naw, I mean more the building stuff it is already quite a task even in creative mode just slapping those blocks in place now imagine doing it with joystick and limited button prompts and no mouse and keyboard shortcuts etc...
>>710826 I believe they have model swap function for console editions. I don't really know how it works but you can change up your model.
>>710828 I imagine the console versions have a shortcut like the middle mouse button on PC, that if you're on creative will instant give you the block you're looking at. So all you need is to already have your palette and it's really easy to have them.
>>710827 Yeah well Magicka works on consoles too, but it isn't anything like pc try to 0,2s cast a lightning bolt on the fucking controller you can't
>>710832 Is clear you havn't tried to build anything insane on the console in mc then just doing it without 1-0 buttons would just make me groan to bored quit even with the 10 shortcvut buttons you still have to switch them out and so on
I think most autist thing I ever did in minecraft was trying to build a multi-stage cannon like you walked into the cannon, it exploded you into air and while you were in the launching pipe, it exploded several times as you flew upwards to give you more height
spent like 40 hours total on just getting the timings correct to notice, it doesn't actually affect your total speed and final launch height at all
>>710841 Hah hah, that would be fun. Considering the population diversity here though I'd probably not be playing much Riichi Mahjong though. More people would probably want to play Chinese Mahjong.
>>710842 >>710846 >>710847 There was a super feature-light pre-Alpha version of it available. For free I mean. That would have been probably over a decade ago though. Nowadays there isn't a non-pirated version available for free though.
also black and white 2 is a fun sandbox game with infinite cruely potential
another fun thin I built was a rollercoaster/minecart ride with lots of complicated features then I filled all the carts with pigs and pigmen and placed a sign "A machine for pigs" next to it and was content
>>710851 Is it standard in Chinese Mahjong to have the wall diagonal like that or are they just being super lazy?
>>710853 I think you can have how you want as long as it isn't messed with unduly? Not sure
>>710851 can't the guy out of picture frame see the tiles of the person left of them?
yesterday i was talking a 6yo and his mom about his alleged inattention and i was asking about if there's anything he does for fun that interests him and she's like "he plays video games a lot" so i asked what a lot means and she's like "he plays for like 10 minutes at a time"
Wait I was wrong again /moe/ I do get to pick the topic for my speech. I'm gonna do E-sports and sacrifice all my cool points in front of my peers
>>710864 I found out my uni has an esports society and a team that has played overwatch competitively
I think E-sport relevancy and popularity is an inevitability that we may as well get used to. Soon we'll be seeing pro overwatch players doing commercials on ESPN the same way you see Lebron James.
They already do promotional and advertisement content for Twitch streams. >>710869 Yeah I'm saying that already happens in the medium that most people that watch esports partake in.
I Think it is likely. Imagine a new space jam but esports and esports players
>>710880 I take it they play extremely lame characters
>>710881 Yeah I've been doing the offline content the game comes with. It helps for learning the features it comes with. I took a look at the stage maker a few nights ago but it was late and I was tired and I didn't have the pen stylus so making stuff was kind of a pain.
I've been processing some stage ideas in the backburner of my mind though.
A friend of mine was complaining about how people post videos of fireworks on social media every year So I posted a video of me and my friends' faces while we were watching the fireworks
>>710883 a simple thing to make might be to do a rising lava level and set a collect X coins thing and have like three or four different rooms that have some easy coins to get and some difficult 30x coins or something that involve running down and doing something dangerous before the lava reaches it and have an overlap where you don't need all of them but just maybe one or two of the big difficult ones stuff like that is kind of fun
>>710886 that sounds fun! i worked both days fireworks are kind of loud
>>710887 i'd much rather see pictures of food than pictures of fireworks fireworks aren't very exciting inside of a picture
>>710887 Why would someone complain about that? I have a quite amusing pic of me from last new year's, with a firework igniting "flare stick" in my mouth like a cigar while opening a bottle of don perignon
Videos of fireworks are kind of dumb because sharing them with others is silly since it removes the feeling of experiencing the full sensation of them. And recording them for yourself is as dumb because honestly, NO ONE goes back and watches old fireworks shows they recorded.
YEah but why complain about it? the idea is to share that this is what we are doing, what are you up to? etc it isn't exactly ment to portray the experience as is and even if some thinkg they can with their phones record the fireworks excellently, why bother complaining about it?
>>710890 record the fireworks using a drone duh don't just record them from the ground that's lame
>>710888 Yeah that's an interesting idea. I'll put that one in the percolator.
I had a bit of inspiration from a kind of Minecraft challenge map I've seen before, where they have you spawn at close to max build level and you have to drop down the -down almost the full buildable height of the map to land in a safe, often very tiny square. The map will have obstacles you have to dodge while falling and since fall damage is a thing it often kills you and makes you spawn back up at the top of the drop. There's a couple mechanical differences between Mario stages and Minecraft though that I'd have to tinker with in order to make it fair and fun I think though. Like for example I don't really want to kill people in a Mario stage based on a drop they might make on random choice if they're playing it for the first time, so I'd have to figure out a way to punish that random choice fairly. My current thought is having them fall into boxes that can't reach the clear zone with a door that would transport them back up to the top of the drop. But I'd also like some moving threats like Thwomps or those spike pillars, or even maybe enemies. Stuff to make the drop more engaging than just basically a gravity-driven maze. Maybe if I have a chance to experiment around in-engine I can make it work though. This has all been stuff I've been processing in my head so far.
>>710891 My friend's post more specifically stated "I just want to let you guys know right now that NOBODY is gonna watch the 10 minutes of fireworks that you post on your snapchat again this year"
Firework videos are junk data, my friend. The chances of people watching it go down significantly if everyone else sees the same thing at a different angle at the same time.
>>710893 the reset door is a good idea. you could either have the ground itself (besides the part you want them to land on) be one-way gates or have one-way boxes throughout the air with doors in them, which take them back. if you have the ground be gates, put a conveyor underneath it to move them back towards the door so they get there fast and intuitively know where to go.
other obstacle ideas could be to have some p-switches scattered around the air on donuts or something, and have hitting the p-switch be a failed attempt so they have to use a reset door and try again. you can set an objective up where hitting a p-switch causes something important, like a key-holding enemy, to fall through a coin wall and be inaccessible or a variety of other things.
you could give them a shell at the top of the cliff and have some ? blocks on the way down that they have to try and hit with the shell, or maybe on/off switches or something to hit with the shell
you could actually have flying koopas scattered around and make them get a shell and hit an on/off switch every "level" of the drop or else they end up hitting p-switches or otherwise failing their descent. that might be neat
you could also make them climb back up to the top each time on a mildly challenging ascent just for thematic purposes, and make the textures change as they get up higher so there are the cloud platforms and even the sun, since there's a sun now that might be fun
>>710906 Yeah I'd thought about a manual climb back to the top too; I'm just worried about it being 1, boring, and 2, time consuming. While I'd rather avoid punishing people with deaths for choosing the wrong path (e.g., landing on spike floors or other things like that), I think I want to make time a factor. So like if you take longer than you'd need to make, as an example and not a final number, five successful drops fromt -from the start to the landing zone, you've run out of time and that'll cost you a death. It would encourage people to think about which route is the correct one on the fly while falling and minimize the time spent standing on a ledge thinking about it. Which is more appealing to my sense of challenge.
>>710912 Why would you want to avoid punishing people?
>>710912 for the "ascent", you could have five of those blue skull platforms set out and using them will zip you back up to the top quick but after five, there's no more trips back to the top so you're hecked those things move fast too.
however, i think using a reset door resets those as well, so maybe there's a better way to do it than using any objectives that need resetting i think doing something like giving them some on/off switches they have to hit with shells or something would be difficult enough that it's not likely to be done in one try but not too much of an ask for a person to go back and get whichever one(s) they missed within four more attempts on/off switches would have to be wholly redone each time, so maybe ? blocks instead and it's not anything really skillful tech like shell jumps where your average player is gonna get frustrated with it
tech levels are really fun to make too, like basically a how-to level where you let the player try tech out in a safe and resettable environment that they're likely to come across in other levels. there's a lot of cape tech and spring/shell stuff that takes a bit of practice to do
>>710915 yeah five was just kind of an appropriate sounding number i think i'd get kind of disinterested if i had to do it a sixth time or more and there's no harm in punishing with a death. people get lots of lives, and they'll likely get three lives when they beat your level, so using up to three of their lives is more than fair
>>710916 streamers dont really choose the levels they play unless they're viewer levels they just randomly get thrown a level from the pool
Oh shit that's a REALLY good suggestion for it. Five's still an arbitrary number but yeah. I'll experiment around with it when I'm done looking for jobs.
Just make it worthy enough so that I see a streamer playing it
>>710914 I'd be fine with the ability to clear the drop resetting if you fail it. My ideal vision, as silly as that sounds, would be a drop you complete all the requirements to land in the clear zone done in that one drop. And if you mess up you'd have to re-do the actions from the top of the map. The kind of thing that if you're a bit lucky and make good reactions you could clear the drop in one go at it, but the challenge is in not messing up and having to go back to the top. You'd be able to learn from your mistakes of choice (which I don't want to punish with death because death at literal randomness is poor game design) and refine your fall trajectory. If I can make it a good map I'd think doing the drop in one go wouldn't be incredibly difficult, but having a polished fall plan would allow you to shave seconds off the time and approach a perfect stage time all the same.
that girl is OUTSIDE on CONCRETE without shoes her hosiery is going to get roughed up what is she even doing that's very inappropriate for a young lady
hosiery is destined to get roughed up it is not particularly durable It's best to just let it get damaged and rock a punk-rock look
>>710929 yes i am well aware that's what im trying to convince these NERDS about but i don't think any of them have ever touched pantyhose in their life and probably never will!!!
panty hoes
>>710917 i think i'll have a better idea once i see what you have started i don't think im visualizing your imagined drop
>>710882 wow okay 1v1 me i’ll pick up simon just for you
>>710932 In fairness neither do I! This is currently pretty much all conceptualization I don't have a visual idea of it yet.
>>710934 i really just wanted to know who yall main so i can feel like im around likeminded people because i dont have enough friends who play smash in real life
I'mma main Banjo-Kazooie when they come out later this year. Those games were my childhood jam.
Yeah that's pretty Imaishi-poi. It's neat that they're giving Trigger work like that though. Trigger's got an international reach that a lot of animation studios can't seem to figure out how to get.
i had a rough time today i was super productive but im so discombobulated and tired our psychiatrist gave me some vitamin thing that was supposed to help me stay awake but i don't know how effective it was it worked for an hour or two but now im even more tired i only slept like 4 hours last night
>>710974 last night didn't ease up huh dang i only had a short nap then had to start working early then i had another nap for an hour once i bought myself an hour of extra time by working fast i wanna sleep but now it's just the wrong hours and my body won't
since i don't have work to distract me im just gonna worry myself sick again and not be able to relax i wish i was information then i could just distract myself
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hey kirara remember back in bloodborne when you were playing the DLC for the first time and you had to fight Abigail Williams that was great >>>/@kankan33333/1147174376397164545
Artillery, from catapults and trebuchee to cannons to modern pieces has always been the very core of making warfare from men to machines from man to man fights to doing it mechanically and easily
in artillery the romance of turning war from something that was viewed as "braver" and "honourable" into just a slaughterhouse grindfest that it became in ww1
im gonna be a life coach for war vets gonna have up to 10 clients for it well, 10 minimum, i mean 3-6 weekly, the rest bi-weekly, ill be seeing them to help them solve problems with solution-focused therapy and motivational interviewing
>>711018 Is that in addition to all your other clients and duties? Is it aa lot Of work? Still sounds interesting
it's a lot of work! i work like 50 hours a week for free im gonna use some of the hours i have reserved for assessment for it ill just have to cut back on assessment and space it out more no more full test batteries in a week, we'll have to split it up
ill probably be able to get a paid position here though as things are now if i were to disappear, everything would probably fall apart we're running on a skeleton crew and im keeping together everything by filling in all of the cracks and im filling the cracks with things that they would be hard pressed to find a clinician who can do all of those things
You've dug your roots deep!
>I've done all the work you needed now pay me bitch
eventually ill have to leave because this is my practicum, and ill use that as the opportunity to get hired ill start off doing my full work and then ill offer to train some of the new interns so they can handle a few of the major things i do while im on internship for a year
during my internship, they'll have to keep me employed because im one of like 10-15 people that exist who knows how to satisfy the requirements of our memorandum of understanding with a certain agency their relationship with that agency has been shit for 5 years but ive pretty much turned it around in a few months so they'll need me to stay on to manage that program ill train the people who do the clinical work while i do all the administrative work which will prevent anyone from being able to take over my duties
after my internship is done ill be able to transition back into the job there but now with a doctorate most of this is already done, ive already pretty much been informally offered a job managing that program while im out on Internship
The only downside is that it means living in Florida longer.
But after a few years and I've completed my postdoc, I can work at a ton of different facilities that are part of our network and would potentially be able to take a treatment center director role in my early 30s.
>>711035 How long does it take to convert to Florida Man
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
sassy lady stumbling all over the sideqalk >i’m tryna get fucked up too so get me one >snaps phone shut
>>711035 All of North America will be your OISTEIR
>>711037 Did she tell you "Hey! I'm walkin' 'ere!"
>>711036 Florida Man exists because of my Stand, Crazy Train. I don't know how long it takes for its influence to spread, but I'm pretty sure it can't drive me mad at this point.
>>711058 i have all the keys to the building so i can get it if i need to but i don't know if i want to go tomorrow because it means i can't use my laptop in the morning I should probably go now even though i can't keep my eyes open very well
I wonder how is it to work s the official santa claus do you even have off days? what can you do in your private time, your looks aren't that easily recognisable due to make up and lack /and beard in your public visage, but your voice?
but imagine if someone went and used up some anime icons and so on for EVERY NPC so it would be damn hard to pick up what is an important character and what is just Neil P Char
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sue watches in abject horror as the party meets someone and a party member cleaves her in twain
Kirara 🍄
well on the bright side almost every significant NPC is going to be stronger than most of you usually so if you just randomly attack one you'll probably regret it
YEah that is kinda benefit and issue of rpg even taking in superpowers and magic, if someone of relatively close strenght level does 100% blindside you, the hit will be either fatal or near so but then again, doyou REALLY wanna allow your players that...
Kirara 🍄
one of the most stressed rules for samurai in the hagakure is to always be ready to fight and to do nothing to make yourself vulnerable unless necessary also if someone chops your head off, you should have enough time to draw your blade and retaliate before you die
But yeah, you'd expect the warriors and lords to be quite alert at all times during a time when assassinations and backstabbings were a daily occurance
Kirara 🍄
>>711171 he grew up immediately following them which means he was pretty much raised by the most samurai samurai and his dad was 70 when he was born so his family was super samurai too hagakure is obviously biased by the fact that it's an angry old man complaining about other people because he was forbidden from self-immolation by his lord but it's still a good book about bushido and is generally considered to be a good representation of samurai culture
Mmh, even herodotus is somewhat reliable historian, since when you actually consider some of his writings, they basically were based on playwrights and public story tellers, who WERE at the battles he wrote about ofc coloure d a lot and from a hellenic point of view Carlin's podcast about the persian empire King of Kings puts him in a fun light, since I've been listening to that the past week "Ancient movie director"
Kirara 🍄
quite a bit of what herodotus says isn't possible to back up with parallel sources everything tsunetomo talks about it backed up other than his discussion of private affairs
Numbers are bullshit and so on and many "this guy said this" is basically him just dramatizing it up for the "shot" I am just using him as an example of a very biased source, that still has credit to it as a comparison
i need more katanas nothing but katanas i got a ton of katana characters in earth and water i should get that kabuki lookin earth guy that swings a katana around with his hair
Kirara 🍄
although i am closer to nio or whatever her name is i just need the rare weapons i got 4 already
you get them from token boxes so just farm a little and whammo
If you want to eventually 5* one of them but don't want to do the hellish grind, get 8 of the weapon so you can do the GW character unlock twice, which will take another gold bar but you don't have to have 1000 champion merits lol >>711207 correct
Kirara 🍄
oh cool you only have to do rare weapons once right? i should probably go ahead and do that to get it out of the way oughta get that mushroom summon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think all of the rare weapons might be in token boxes now? Or at least you have a chance for them but farming them is only a little painful
Kirara 🍄
the summon increases chance of rare monster to like 50% right? or is it by 50% it's been years since i looked at this
i probably shouldn't go fight them while im too tired to do anything
Well hopefully you're so tired even the noisy bastards won't keep you up.
At least you can sleep in tomorrow.
Kirara 🍄
alright, i should probably get a gun they want to share a lot of explosions with me i am a friendly neighbor and will return the favor
>>711216 no i dont "sleep in* i wake up at 5:30 every morning
Would the law enforcement now enforce a noise curfew since it's no longer the Fourth?
Kirara 🍄
after 10:00 there is the potential for them to do so but id still say it's unlikely
Kirara 🍄
>>>/@Teacupchan/1147309751656701952 they're so loud that even my phone inside my house picks them up clearly the phone doesn't get them as loud as thy actually are but it might give you an idea they're like 30 meters from my bed
Kirara 🍄
ohhh!!!! i have a metaphone!!!!!!!
Kirara 🍄
you don't know what a megaphone is? 📣
I know what a megaphone is! I just don't know what a metaphone is.
Kirara 🍄
>>711220 you need some regulations and enforcing of where to launch fireworks