Thread #710566
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anime! i wasn't sure if we were having it tonight jan is here so i assume he'll be joining us! why does everyone else get plain monochrome yukata but shigure gets a fancy floral one
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Yuudachi and Shigure are the most popular ships in the class, and the two with kai ni upgrades. Well, the two that had them at the time the image was made. Probably one of those reasons.
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do anything fun for the fourth?
Hi sorry I'm here now.
Fruits Basket UchiMusume Uchi is an isekai.
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just two? is that all? come on tilde... you're letting us down
Only one new show aired tonight I think.
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hmm was worried this might be the case haha no jan?
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he was posting a moment ago but he is offline on discord. i'll use my cellular telephone, hang on.
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yay janrela acquired this basket of fruits is starting to get overripe it's attracting gnats
>>710577 Just two shows maaaan. What's fifty minutes of your life compared to the thousands you're putting into FFXIV.
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ah neat we've got jan
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fruits basket!>>710582 the warrior of darkness is fated to watch fruits basket for the next 24 minutes! okay lets start!
>>710579 no mom you dont understand im the warrior of darkness
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im a worrier of darkness and right now im worried about the fruits in this basket going bad help us finish the fruits while they're still ripe
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Cute gardening outfit, but the skirt is a little short.
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that's about how short my gardening skirt is
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im wondering about this -kichi suffix is that a dialect thing?
I'm not too certain. It might be an affect of ranking.
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>>710592 maybe he means kichigai as in he's MAD ABOUT KYON
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I don't like his earring but he looks pretty cool otherwise.
>>710597 didn't this happen at the festival in stl
He's a bit of a fun character. I'd forgotten Yuki's brother was the Snake though.
>>710599 it always fuckin happens to me
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do we really need a backstory for his hair haha
I'm pretty sure it's all made up anyway.
it doesn't make sense anyway. snakes don't have long hair
>>710604 he just likes lying about stuff
of course snakes are going to lie it's not like they can stand up
No Moon gosh that's LAYING.
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It looks better braided
Hah hah hah. I'm remembering what a fun character this guy was now.
>>710609 lying is both lying and lying as in reffer ing to someone who lied or someone who lied
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okay uchimusume! no idea what this is just need tilde okay there's everyone let's start!
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this is also an isekai? hmmmm i gotta start work at 4 today woo 12 hours though at good pay>>710617 we just had one of those. i guess we'll have two.
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uchigatana musume
It's an isekai about a guy that gets a daughter or something. The full name in English is something like "If It's For My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat The Demon Lord".
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>>710617 didn't we literally just have an isekai about a demon lord who gets a daughter
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Yeah, looks like another isekai with a super strong protagonist.
>>710618 Yeah this one'll be from the hero's perspective!
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are they supposed to be related series? like two perspectives in the same world that would be kind of neat.
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rocking that generic as fuck isekai protag look
>>710621 I don't think so, hah hah. That would be neat yeah.
>demon lord trying to secure a world for his son >hero trying to kill the demon lord to save his daughter nobody wins
that little girl looks a bit dirty and unkempt
homeless children are usually a bit dirty and unkempt
Oh this isn't an isekai I guess. There's a lot of them airing this season so I guess I lumped it in iwth them.
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It's odd that isekai is so common that it's a surpise when the protagonist is actually from the world he lives in.
Yeah, pretty much. I'm always happy to get more proper fantasy though. The bit about the in-world language being used is neat though.
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Yeah it's such an un-fantasy name hah hah. It's not even something you'd expect out of a JRPG.
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fairy gone has taught us that japan doesn't understand western names at all
The LN this is adapting was seventh place on a ranking of LNs in Japan last year. So it's popular in Japan at least.
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seems like a cute daughter series dressed up as something else
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we've had two cute daughter shows two nights in a row specifically two cute lost filthy daughters
Well Raphtalia in Shield Hero was kind of the same at first. Though Naofumi bought her as a slave. But she was a tiny child that wouldn't have looked much different from this girl.
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h-hewwo bawtendaw i wanan order two beers
Oh gosh this is a nice bedroom. I've always kind of had a thing for roof-ceiling bedrooms like this.
raphtalia is a squirrel or something though maybe a groundhog i dont really know
I'm pretty sure she's a squirrel hah hah.
>>710640 shes a squirrel
so she's a devil too i guess that makes sense if her dad was
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twintails to hide the horns is a good idea.
>>710643 Yeah. I guess more than just a Demon Lord there's a whole race of Demons for it to lord over. This DAERU also uses the demon language for casting magic so I wonder what's up with that. Especially since the lady was able to cast magic earlier and she can't understand Demon so there's multiple systems of magic in place.
Kind of feels a bit like a fantasy world Usagi Drop.
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she's pretty cute while i would really love to have a daughter at some point, I don't especially want a latina daughter
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anime trying to brainwash me into wanting kids filthy elevens at it again
They've got a negative birth rate man they need PROPAGANDA to get them reproducing again!
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yeah this is definitely one of those daughterfu shows
It's kind of sweet. Fiction is good at portraying kids as cute without going to deep into how much of a damn nuisance they are.
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>>710651 i think it gets exaggerated a lot by people kids aren't that terrible of a nuisance other people's kids are though
>>710651 except mitsuboshi colors that was the best daughterfu propaganda i've evere watched though
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pretty interesting okay thanks for anime!
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thanks for anime that was really short>>710656 >>710657 i think rafty is supposed to be a raccoon by the way i was being facetious when i said squirrel i think a groundhog girl would be kind of fun though haha
Oh man tomorrow has some fun stuff line up. Dr. Stone, Fruits Basket, the new anime adaptation from the mangaka of Soul Eater, that show Maria was interested in watching, a new show writen by Okada Mari. Written even. Shame we probably won't get to watch any of that until Sunday though hah hah.
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i liked that one thanks for anime IM GONNA GO BRING SHADOWS
>>710655 Oh yeah raccoon I don't know what I was thinking. Though more of a raccoon dog/tanuki than an actual raccoon.
tanukis have the iconic characteristic of having really big testes i bet raphtalia does too
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I think that iconic characteristic is specific to male tanuki Moon.