it is actually fucking hilarious playing dawn of war and then hearing a random ALIEN BEANS
I actually wanted to read my cringe ass convos w/ dash back in 2014 so see u in the archive
yeah but that got wiped in 2015 or somethin
Christ, that was when I was on BO3 even more ugly shit there
lol the first post I see is when you rocked a name I rocked a name for all of 2 days until it sickened me to my core being, like I was some attentionwhore or some trash only me tho LOL
if you don't filer out anno posts on /moe/, what are you doin
I find it way easier to handle the heat when I've got an open window and a fan rather than the aircon running. It's a more relaxing experience for me than just the sluggish cool of the A/C.
Finally turned my twitter trends to Tokyo because anywhere that speaks english has nothing but trassssshhhhh i fucking swear
is there another trigger anime coming out >>711306 yeah there's really not much that interests me there >>711308 I've never thought of pointing my location there hmm >>711309 that was just Moon that conversation thing generated a person called Tears who has
I knew that but doesn't change the fact 0 people will listen to that dope shit
>>711310 cybelle did nothing wrong >>711316 when you do this it makes me not want to listen to it i already was but now i dont want to
well it's an OST, so it would have like no context to you. I just like it a lot because it makes me feel like everyone wants to kill me, but I still come out alive regardless. Invigorating.
>>711332 send me a PR baby https://github .com/[...] >>711340 no that’s not it i’ll prove it send me ur social insurance # and last three places of residence
parker brothers made it in 1995. the original was made in the late 70s and just represented gameplay through LED lights which was actually really cool for the time in 1995 though, gameboys already existed and stuff so electronic handhelds like this were kind of obsolete
but they were also really cheap, presumably, so that's something i got for a birthday one year tbh i thought it was actually super cool because the gameplay was pretty simple and i was able to see how the electronic circuitry worked to compose a game whereas with gameboy stuff it was a little too polished, so the game experience is smooth but the inner workings are pretty well hidden. that's good for most people but i always liked being able to see under the hood so to speak
only having 10 simple games meant replay value for me was getting too familiar with the basic games and figuring out the logic and design behind them for 10 bucks or whatever i learned an awful lot from that little thing how much is 10 bucks in 1995 now i wonder that's almost 17 dollars now
Oh if you're talking about the broader field of those handheld electronics, yeah, I'm familiar with them. One of my grandparents had a five-card poker one at their place that I'd always look forward to fiddling with when I visited. I had a couple that were basic board games too, and ... I swear there was one in particular I put a tonne of time into as a kid that I can't remember which it was anymore. They were always single games on a device though, they didn't have the multiple games like that one did.
well i did mean merlin in particular, but yeah in general too
>>>/watch?v=dDWCbY126ng here's a video of someone showcasing the games from it i really love the interface though. they made little mathy games feel so warm and cozy in really aesthetic ways a lot of the stuff doesn't tell you how to do stuff or what anything means, but it's intuitive in the way it uses sounds and visuals like the castle keep game just uses three tones to let you know higher, lower, or that you got it right. there's nothing telling you what the objective of the game is or what the sounds/visuals indicate
and if you weren't able to intuit what it all meant, then playing around with it for a little bit gives really good feedback response a bunch of arbitrary actions make no change, but then you suddenly do something that gives a different feedback, you learn pretty fast what caused that to happen. for a child, that kind of learning is super valuable and the really silly 8-bit merlin voice is super wholesome too
i'm really happy i had something like this
>Death Mark gets a sequel holy shit Aksys
>>711349 Yeah that's kind of neat. I'd have probably gotten frustrated as a kid without something to read up on the rules of some of the more abstract games; I didn't have much patience for things that didn't frontload me with explanations. I mean I still don't for some things, hah hah, but at least with games I have enough surrounding knowledge to have a decent sense for trial and error.
At AX?
7/5(fri)FAKKU×MOGRA PARTY2019 at ANIME EXPO 2019
Oh right yeah I forgot they do MOGRA at AX now. Maaaannnn I've got friends who are over there RIGHT NOW damn nit.
>>711351 i wish we had more "figure it out" style games at the moment not high intensity puzzles or anything, but just throw the user in blind and design a system that's fun to learn blind i think people innately really love having that curiosity and rewarding feedback pairing that feedback with some aesthetic sound design to indicate progress and incorrect response (without the incorrect response feeling like frustrating failure) is a really powerful experience
The MOGRA stream went down for me just as they were transitioning into that fucking PON PON song. Truly Twitch knows what is best for me.
it extra bothers me that they have the longest name out of anybody there
Hah hah I have the Twitch chat minimalized whenever I'm watching anyone so I can't even see it aside from the in-stream feed. It's shit like that which is why I always have it FINE MOON MINIMIZED and why I wish they wouldn't put in-stream feeds like MOGRA's into streams. I'm a compulsive reader so even if I don't want to look at junk I'm often reading it before I can catch myself.
>minimalized i think you're misutilizating that word
they all look like they're having a lot of fun i wish i could remember what it feels like to feel good about yourself
>miku starts playing >the green glowsticks come out >the wotageis pop up in front
Oh there's a secret guest for the AX MOGRA night. Wonder if it's PORTAA ROBINSONNNN
>not porter what a buzzkill
>>711375 I think the chat's being silly at the moment. The second time he showed up as a guest for MOGRA he was Not Porter Robinson.
Good Mornyang Kannagi
<3 welcome kannagi
. Mogra Saturday?
>>711381 They're doing a stream at AX in America at the moment. Guess it's replacing their usual Anison Matrix.
Oh, Mogra really has become a lot more popular now. What site was it on before twitch, I can't remember the nane
Yeah, the jump from Ustream to Twitch really helped give them a signal boost. I think they were also featured on the mainpage of Twitch at least once so it drew in a whole bunch of extra attention.
That said it's not like they're able to just do this themselves; the MOGRA night at AX is sponsored by Fakku!, so they're probably the ones fronting the travel and reservation costs.
Man time flies. I Thought their early streams were on a japanese streaming site. But my memory isn't great, I remember that some people found A bunch of DJs. Like legs-chan.
Well they moved from Ustream to Twitch; I'm not at all familiar with them before ...2013? 2014? By the time I was regularly tuning in Yun*Chi wasn't performing regularly with them and that other female DJ that dressed up as Yotsuba a lot had dropped out too. So I don't know their history before that; maybe they were on a Japanese streaming site. Ustream is a pretty niche site still though, even with Microsoft trying to do with them what PS4 did with Twitch.
D-YAMA's set really feels more like a standard MOGRA set. Pandaboy's felt to me like he was panda-ering to the western crowd a bit, playing stuff that's been kind of popular overseas or is just, well, old. As if North American otaku don't keep contemporary with anime culture in this day and age!
While Tenchou is just playing his usual aidoru music and videogame mixes.
Would it be weirder to hear someone in casual conversation use dated slang like that in this current year, or to hear someone talking as if they were smack out of the 1600s England?
>>711404 their songs don't have words for a reason I guess
>>711406 I mean I'm quite fond of chiptune so I'm not bothered by a lack of vocals. And I'm sure the guy is probably a decent bloke really. He's just probably high on the rave energy and probably at least one other substance.
Oh shit they're doing fu_mou's Green Night Parade. Good taste.
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
aheavily photoshopped Olivia Munn says, adopt a puppy today!
>"Three earthquakes happened and we're still here" Geez fucking louise Los Angelos.
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
is a tech job worth it sammy you're leaving one right so there's some downsides somewhere? i could just pick up more contracts and make okay money doin what im doin but i'll never have BENEFITS as a contractor
I can't put this mogra music anywhere in my head What do you guys like in this?
It's a lot of anisong music and other otaku music stuff like games and VNs. A lot of those songs are fun to listen to or memetic because of their popularity in otaku culture. A lot of the DJs are also big aidoru fans, so it's pretty common to get a lot of Idolmaster or Aikatsu music, which draws in those fan bases. Some of the DJs are really good when it comes to transitions too, knowing which song will slide seamlessly or stylishly into the next. MOGRA's normally situated in Akibahara so they're usually on the pulse of otaku culture and their monthly anisong matrix sets tend to feature a variety of contemporary anisong and classics.
Personally I tend to find this current DJ, Wildparty, a bit more wubby than I prefer, but occasionally he pulls some really cool stuff out. I haven't seen some of my favourite staples, like kei or Oblongar, show up for this show yet, but I might've missed them. PandaBoy was on earlier, who's kind of well known in the western otaku community.
mogra is pretty hit or miss with me. a lot of the stuff kinda misses the mark for me, but i think it's a really cool effort they put together it's mostly supported by its fans, so it's fun to be part of the community that's making it happen
i don't expect everything to be great anyway. if i listen and there's only two things i really like, then that's still cool because i spent some time to find two new things i like
which is kind of funny since the story it replaced was "what the major parties need to learn from clive palmer" just what do we need to learn from these people
That no, being a meme-y shitlord will not actually win you a proper election.
there's a lot of new stuff out isn't there or there will be by sunday at least? it's going to be fun
it's weird that we got two of almost the exact same show but the one last night was a lot better than the demon lord one i think we have the next fruits basket too already
Yeah, tonight had airing like six things we're either already watching or something I'd be interested in watching. And I'm seeing another three that will air for tomorrow night, though I don't know if they'll be stable releases yet. Even further ahead by Sunday there'll be a definitely other show, maybe a second, that will air for then too. So at most, eleven shows that'll air between Friday and Sunday night. Though JoJo is probably ending this week or the next, so for most of the season, only ten shows. I'm seeing like 28-30 shows I'd consider watching just from scanning the airing schedule alone, and even at four shows a night every night of the week that's still pretty much over the top. That said there's a good chance some of that stuff isn't worth keeping on the docket. Still I think there's a good chance we'll have to crunch five shows once or twice a week to keep on top of the good stuff.
Honestly maybe even more than that if this stuff is actually all enjoyable.
I'd watch Granbelm with you guys but my laptop is dead lol
Well it airs for Friday night for us so it's unlikely we'd have more than Moon and I for the day it airs. We usually break until our Sunday night usually these days.
i just bought a desk on amazon recently so the algorithms all see that and are now sending me a lot of advertisements about desks it's a little backwards considering i already bought one
I had that with computer parts for the longest time. "No Amazon, I bought my PC fan less than six months ago, I don't need a second one. Keep recommending me fountain pens, that's kind of fun at least.
>>711439 Oh do you guys not watch anime on the weekends? Well if I'm home from work on time I'll watch and if not I won't
You're not really missing out from what the streams I've seen. You'll survive.
no I'm gonna die cause I missed an alpha that probably had one whole level in it
Kirara 🍄
did you play the Iceborne beta yet
no I have only been playing FFXIV since the expansion came out recently and RuneScape on my phone
Kirara 🍄
iceborne beta wasn't very good anyway it was balanced so poorly that you could wail on the "medium difficulty" enemy for 20 minutes without killing it because it was nothing but HP the snow place they showed and monster designs seemed good though
nice i did see team darkside put some memey video out for it already though
lmk how much the shipping is if it's like 10 bucks or something then i feel like i should go ahead and order two bags so im not being wasteful uh, yeah go ahead and order two since it's a good sale surprise me with the second bag or just make it two of the same
>>711469 i don't personally believe in extract or the raw mitragyna the alkaloid spectrum of the full thing i think is important. i think there's probably stuff in there that works in harmony that keeps you from getting sick in the way you'd get with extract
i can take like 30 grams in a day and not have any problems at all from it but i'm sure i'd get that skin-crawly nausea if i had the raw mitragyna
oh shit i owe you a dollar how did it get to be that much, it was 117 when i had it in my cart i'll pay you back the dollar when i come to your wedding
Kirara 🍄
wedding present is a box inside of a box inside of a box and there's just a dollar inside and a note that says "i'm paying you back"
i wonder if i'll get married one day when i think about it and realize that my "side" would be completely empty because i have no family to attend it makes me pretty insecure i feel like nobody is gonna trust like that it's a lot of red flags when a person's separated from their family. especially if you're marrying somebody who has a close family, which i would like to do since i would like to feel like part of a family that would be nice
how old is a cougar when i was in group stuff a few weeks ago someone said they're almost a cougar and i said they still have like 15 or 20 more years and then other girls got really unsettled by that saying that's way too young and compared cougars to Blanche from the golden girls, like 70+
that doesn't make any sense to me cougars are fit and strong they can leap 15 meters 70-year-olds can't do that a cougar is like 40-50ish right
have you ever felt something but then felt uncertain about it like you keep feeling it but then you think about it from a different perspective which you sometimes occupy and you don't feel it at all infact you feel that what you were feeling before was mistaken but then when you return to the first thoughtspace you still feel it even after that knowledge comes into awareness
A long time ago, Concept X was something you were often distressed or apprehensive about because your interactions with the concept had been unpleasant at times. Your apprehension towards it meant you were watchful of it, though, and paying attention to its development. After time passes, you see in Concept X some promising properties because you've noticed it's become something you're fond of instead of apprehensive of. So you think it might be a good idea to invest your resources into Concept X as something you want to continue with in the future, and a fairly committed investment such that it's going to occupy special resources that you won't be able to allocate elsewhere or undo once invested. But then you return to a thoughtspace you occupied in the past, for some presumably necessary reason which you may need to do frequently, and in that thoughtspace exists vulnerability from Concept X's transgressions i // in an older timeline. Those vulnerabilities become relevant again and you find yourself not only apprehensive about Concept X, but also irritated by its pattern of development and believe that your sense of promise was misled, or a naive interpretation that didn't consider the fullest scope of the situation. But after you've done your business in that thoughtspace and return to your common resting space, those feelings are alleviated and Concept X's promise appeals to you again.
Both times legitimately feel like the other experience is myopic and irrational. How do you reconcile that? Are they both probably just misled false vacuums? Probably.
Why do they need to be reconciled? Human experience is naturally like that and naturally contradictory. Both experiences are equally valid and correct.
The two thoughtspaces don't need to be reconciled. The scenario has to be reconciled with your course of action, though. Ultimately there's a decision there to approach Concept X with intent to invest in it, or to reserve your investment for elsewhere.
It's totally fine to have all sorts of contradictory thoughtspaces, and we always do, but a lot of the times there's no externalized form for them to be exclusive. Two parts of me each think the other one is mistaken. Not mistaken about Concept X, necessarily, but mistaken about which part is going to have priority in the future scenario for its consideration of Concept X to be relevant.
I'm ultimately wrapped up in several different potential futures for myself, and which one is going to happen will dictate a lot of how I need to prepare myself for it, as in any of the scenarios the success hinges upon my advanced preparation.
It's hard for me to relate to that. I think I understand what you mean, but my way has always just been to move forward in one direction. There's never been potential futures for me to prepare for. I just move forward and make changes if changes become necessary when they're necessary. Sometimes I'll have a plan but I put all my eggs in one basket. If my basket breaks and I lose my eggs, I'll just get a new basket and put all my eggs in that one. I'm not necessarily opposed to failure because I've never had a failure that didn't open up something new and interesting for me. I just want to do what seems fun and interesting. That's my main concern, you know, and I'm a whimsical person, so all that decision making and plans bog me down. I just decisively move forward.
You have the freedom to move forward unfettered. I don't. My conditions for survival are so precarious at this point that they hinge upon careful anticipation and promise. I don't have the ability to move forward unfettered for two reasons. One, almost every path forward has suicide right around the bend and I'm trying to take that option off the table. Two, and more importantly, there are no inherent motivations for me to move forward in any direction within this probability space until the potential future promise. I have nothing which brings me a sense of self value at this time. I've been robbed of almost all my self worth and potential, and in order to act meaningfully I have to operate with the intention of arriving at a space that restores my self worth and self love. If I don't project forward, there's only bitterness about the things I've been deprived of and operating under those emotions is not going to be meaningful action.
What will happen if I operate under bitterness is that I will obsessively seek validation, and become increasingly bitter as people gradually drift further and further away from my bitterness, which reduces my potential avenues for validation and increases my sense of persecution and feelings of being mistreated. That is what I mean by not being able to act meaningfully under that space, and that is what I mean about projecting forward and hinging upon future promise.
I have to believe there will be a time where I will have a dynamic with someone where I can receive the validation I need without leveraging bitterness and victimization in order to do it, and my anxieties around those things which I am currently pressed to complain about will dissipate.
It sounds nice to just move forward decisively but if you imagine in any way that's something I'm capable of doing, it's only because I hide so well just how awful things really are.
Some rando cover band come to my middle school once and I've also participated in orchestra ones
Hrrrrrrrrmmmmm The first one didn't count, by participated do you mean you played? Cause if so that technically counts but isn't in tge soirit of what I mean.
I want you to understand that in 7th grade the orchestra classes were divided in two due to class size, but 8th grade they were one single class. We both picked viola independent of each other. We are unmei
Kirara 🍄
red rope of fate
>>711523 Did that modest mouse concert happen yet?
Kirara 🍄
i think it's in October it's not a modest mouse concert, though they're the opening act for another band
One of my colleagues I'm really fond of got pressured into taking a promotion with the company that owns the clinic. They told her that her job was being made obsolete soon but they have a promotion she can take. She got the offer on Thursday and she has to move to Tennessee on Monday. Or at least start staying there on Monday. She's going to be making $13k more a year which is quite sizable but the circumstances seem pretty uncool. Our clinic is owned by a sort of start-up that runs addiction centers, but we're the only already established clinic, so we're the only one that is making them any money. They seem pretty bad at business, too. They closed down a clinic that's part of our network after only one year, and they refused to have more than 2 clinicians working that entire clinic.
Guess who's retarded and signed up an hour earlier than they were supposed to and got their shift taken by someone else
Got a different volunteer shift but this one isn't paid.
Kirara 🍄
wtf Arnold Schwartzenegger is in Stranger things 3
Noice Does he play himself?
Kirara 🍄
no, he's playing an Arnold Schwarzenegger character some indestructible badass with a gun he's a villain though
It feels weird to think of him playing a character in something made now that takes place in the 80's.
Kirara 🍄
right? i almost didn't recognize him at first
Kirara 🍄
lmao they're straight up parodying Terminator arnold in the fucking 7-11
>turn on tv to set up laptop >back to the future 2 running nice timing
Kirara 🍄
ofc they're gonna do a stranger things 4 nothing ever ends surely there's no problem with a bunch of people playing 10 year olds for six years who will even notice the kids have aged
it was pretty obvious they were not 10 anymore in ST3 especially when they showed flashbacks to season 1 >>711548 NO LOL
>>711546 some do, but not anymore everything has to be milked untill they bleed to death
>>711552 that's not exactly a time skip that is even remotely significant though these are still adults playing 10-12 year olds
July 1985 even.
Kirara 🍄
for some of the characters, the age discrepancy wasn't that noticable, but a few of them it was really obvious a few of them play characters their own age too
overall s3 was decent but very strange it felt a little like they were out of ideas i think ending it at s2 would have been ideal for the story but maybe they have a plan and s3 will make more sense once i see where they're going with it
>>711477 I've seen this post and wanted to reply but work and whatever. A friend of mine recently complained about the same. His gfs family is really close to her, but his family is ofc not all that great. He complained about the weird feeling about eating together and such. You will just need to get used to it. I don't think it's a red flag or anything, if they get to know you personally and see ur ok, then what could go wrong? I have a good friend who actually had and has a good family but that doesn't mean he's oblivious to other cases occuring in other families. Just prove you unfucked yourself . Side note: my situation is the same. Guess at least we know how not to do the family meme amirite
Oh the Ballroom e Youkoso manga finally resumed after its hiatus. The mangka had to take like a year and a half off due to health concerns. It had a really fun anime I hope we get more of it now that there's more manga coming out.
should i spend $16 + delivery & tip = $21 on two Chipotle burrito bowls, one for lunch and one for dinner
or walk over to familia peso and buy two cans of meatless chili and a bag of cheese for $5 i also have a frozen family size Banquet 'Backyard BBQ Ribs'™ which aren't really ribs and aren't really BBQ but do probably belong in the back yard I risk overdosing on sodium if I attempt to eat that though
The chili and cheese is really tempting to me at that price. I'm fond of good food but I'm also fond of being sparing with my money. If the cost of the Chip pot tell is not that big an issue though I'd probably opt for it. Though I'd also maybe look around for some better food options; though I figure with how long you've been there now you probably are pretty aware of the food geography over there.
You're really not selling me on this frozen meal as an option in the slightest, hah hah.
These things. I really get distressed that they call them ribs.
Here's a review directly from their website, in the first five reviews listed: >I can't believe How Disgusting this was. I thought I was chewing paper mache. I love the Banquet Salisbury Steak meal so I thought I would try this. No Flavor meat tastes funny like its cardboard. So lousy I wouldn't even let my dog try it and my wife said the same thing. We threw it in the garbage. Yuck !!!
Charles from Florida says: >It's amazing how they made a Patty that tastes just like CORN! It taste like corn on the cob after all the corn is gone. Now take that piece and but BBQ Sauce on the cob and eat it and that is exactly what it tastes like. After reading the ingredients I now know why there is hardly any meat in them. But they sure didnt forget the corn.
>>711587 I love to cook. I wish I could really cook something.
>>711585 Yeah, the food products at familia peso are not super great quality so I'm really not doing myself favors by buying their foods, canned or otherwise. You can expect anything that's meat to have 30% water added for weight because that's allowed for some reason. I can definitely afford to spend $20 from Chipotle, but it really distresses me just on principle. I can cook food so cheap by simply having a usable kitchen and having access to a grocery store. There's something in me that dies a little bit when I pay four times as much for a restaurant to make me a meal that's half as good as I would have made.
ameri food is super gross. Please consider cooking something.
>>711586 Yeah, i can understand. It's not as big a problem for me because I know I'm not particularly experienced with some stranger -some more exotic or preparation intense foods and so if I was to try making it myself it might not be as satisfying. Or meals that require some more niche ingredients that I don't necessarily have easy access to. For those I don't mind putting in a bit more extra money for food from a restaurant or food joint, but even then, four times is a little bit much, hah hah.
I use that line all the time in RL everyone in the US does it would be weird if you didn't.
>>711590 Yeah, I'm fine spending the money for it, and if it's a day that I'm working, I actually end up spending more by value if I didn't have something delivered just from time loss. I make about $25 in an hour of work time, so I could rationalize my off-work hours as half that value. If I'm gonna spend an hour to do grocery shopping and to cook then it's going to be 20-ish dollars of value for off time, and 35-ish dollars of work time. I could buy cheaper stuff right across the street but I'm really not doing myself any favors with that processed crap.
It really comes down to stubbornness of whether I'd rather feel upset about an OK meal that I paid someone else to make instead of having the joy of making it myself or to feel upset about a terrible and cheap meal but at least nobody benefitted from my suffering
oh wait I have a 50% off marcos coupon again idk why they keep sending me these i can buy four FAMILY SIZE salads for 5 bucks each im not gonna order their trash pizza but maybe a sub or something
chip pot hole sounds likea british dish separated like that
>>711606 >Maybe this time, THIS TIME, is the time this fucker doesn't put us in the red on one order alone
Though really if they're a restaurant chain they probably order so much in bulk that they can more than afford to have a sparse handful like you that order an absurd amount at 50% off. Especially since there's probably way more people that aren't that deal-conscious bringing them in a lot on a coupon like that.
>>711609 it's a chain but each store is owned independently so they manage what deals they take and don't it feels like it's a local messup
>$2.00 for a side of guacamole man this kinda stuff. it's nice but it makes me just want to go buy a bunch of avocados instead and then i get to do what i want i hate being wasteful with money even if it's a couple bucks. not getting to cook makes me exceptionally irate i need to fix this soon
Does guac have a decent fridge life? I know avocados don't keep all that long. Though that said for two dollars you could probably get the ingredients to make way more guacamole than you'd be getting with that side.
instead of burritos, i'd like to get some pita bread and stuff them with avocado slices and goat cheese and toast them just slightly or just slice up avocados and put it on top of the burrito (actually a burrito bowl with tortillas on the side bc you get more)
Man I'd take a pita something over a tortilla something probably any day. Like no hate on tortilla but I just like the texture and taste of pita bread way more.
I was already kind of hungry on account of not having anything to eat today but this food talk has definitely accentuated it, hah hah. Maybe I should just order an early pizza and eat a bit now and a bit later at night.
$20 is enough to get everything you need to make two pizzas from scratch, including making the dough from scratch it's a lot of fun to do with somebody and you each get to make your own custom pizza and share it i used to put avocados on it before i'd bake it and have roasted avocado and summer sausage pizza those were really good
>>711610 naw meatballs + taters from ikea a lot better
>>711616 okay let's not get carried away, making pizza is ass explain the avocado meme please tbh: I think Sobryakov was cute in youjo senki Avocado pizza still sounds not very good >>711621 >it kind of has to be round in order to cook evenly that would be true if you were to make it in an actual fire based oven. Electric ovens have flat rectangular heating elements .
There's no meme! We were just discussing avocados and it reminded me that I used to make avocado pizzas. Making pizza can be really good! The dough is a really important part of it though. If the dough is tasty, the pizza will be tasty.
one of the best dishes I have ever eaten was a fish stew sechuan style basically just fish floating in a broth of sechuan pepper it was so hot and spicy and delish
does finland cuisine have any naturally spicy dishes
>>711632 very spicy i like pretty much anything more if it's spicy
>>711632 i don't really like spicy my tongue is all fucked up
Kirara 🍄
>>711639 usually spicy food originates in places where it's hot cold countries don't have as much use for spicy food so thailand, india, venezuela, senegal
>>711638 me too it's tough when i cook for people though i make it so there's barely any spice at all but people say it's way too spicy, and i can't even taste it it ruins you
>Get within a minute of walk to the pizza parlour >Realize I forgot my wallet at home Fucking fuck
>>711642 WEll... the spicy foods originate from where spicy herbs grow... and where food is aplenty when you live dreading next famine due to long winter, the culinary culture tends to be less developed
>>711644 i would think it's still developed, just developed towards preservation i like food preservation a lot, so pickled foods and brined/smoked foods and stuff, there's a lot of stuff you can do
you guys have a lot of vinegary tastes in your cuisine don't you? i like that kind of thing
the hot countries, spice helps people cool off. when you eat spicy food, you sweat more and it cools your body down. it's pretty important in those countries, not just a culinary luxury
>>711647 coconut milk and lemongrass are really good for dampening it for thai food and curry stuff, those help a lot
if it's spicy stuff like chili, cheese helps a ton
Also having a large high society helps too and an affluent middle class >>711645 well if you look at russian, eastenr european and nordic dishes, they all tend to be stews, hotpots, soups and stuff simple root veggies + meat, made with long cooking time it isn't untill industrial era and modern era that those traditional dishes began to evolve and stuff like polish kitchen or finnish kitchen began to look at for example french kitchen and go "hmm maybe we should do some more fancier foods now that we can"
>>711632 I do enjoy pretty spicy food, but it's hard for me to tolerate it without some kind of dampener like milk or a good starch.
>>711642 i got this spicy snack meat stick and gave my dad a bite saying it's "pretty spicy" and he almost drove off the road coughing and choking he thought I tricked him but I didn't know he'd have such a visceral reaction haha
>>711645 >not just a culinary luxury Well I am not meaning just about having the high society that develops the fine dining, but also the sheer fact that hot and temperate places just simply have longer growth season and more bio-diversity that alone givesyou more options than just turnips and peets
Kirara 🍄
... fireworks again
>>711650 people were setting them off last night here lol >buy 4th of July fireworks >don't even use them all on the 4th
>>711650 lmao it's the sixth who are these dunkasses people still doin that here too
>>711649 i like turnips a lot i like a lot of winter crops they're really a blessing, having stuff that grows in the winter
But would be fun to buy some traditionalist chef's cooking book at some point to see how we used to spice things salt was plenty enough here, but spices... Imagine bringing pepper to fnland in the age of sailing, why would you even much more richer markets to bring that shit
wonder what all local herbs and stuff the people used to add flavour into their dishes aside from the ingredients
>>711662 yep! if the ground is too frozen, the turnips will also freeze and will stop growing but they will thaw out later and continue growing as if nothing happened
in fact, not only are they fine after a few frosts, you want them to frost a few times it improves their flavor!
>>711664 yeah that is how we do fall crops they are planted in fall and basically rest untill spring or rot rye, potatoes, turnips etc in this case the freeze isn't the problem but actually spring coming too quickly
>>711665 Strawberries are kind of similar. You want to plant them so they get to experience a light, usually the last, frost of the season, before they begin the process towards fruition.
>just realised I have freespace on my laptop and I could have played it on a 50 inch TV damn missed opportunities then again I don't really have anyway of having a good gaming position so maybe that is for the best
oh kirara and other people willing to listen to my nonsense and the music that goes with it I found a ZUNtrack I didn't know existed and I love it >>>/watch?v=Axr8OyC2iIg it's so good
true dat but really, it is becoming an issue atleast here people LIVE too long, with the last 10-20 years them beign too dependant on care and medicine and that those people don't really even live, what with their brains ahving turned into mush
I wonder how climate change will hit ANZACs actually finland will actually turn first a lot more COLDER before the global temperature rise will even it out, id the gulf stream indeed perishes
I would imagine that the southern hemisphere, what with australia being relatively close to Antarctica, would have similiar currents that get nuked
>>711731 I don't get how some can stand long nails hand or toe they get in the way of everything, easily crack at most unopportune times and just gather all kinds of gunk underneath
is long nails a name for a thief or a shady person in english or something similiar?
>>711732 Cleaning the stuff under my fingernails is an idle hands thing for me. I'll even do it when there's not really all that much nail to clean under. So having longish nails is kind of nice for me because it makes it easier for me. I also like to play with my long nails, bending them by pushing them against my thumb.
I wonder where the term comes all I can think of is, that a person who has long finger nails doesn't work much and at the same time doesn't care about their hygiene like a rich person would so they must be some kind of thief or shady person
or it could just be something like "using long nails to grasp at things", but I would lean on the former
My mum asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I said: "Listen, lady. There are only two things in this plain of existence i care about lifting heavy and cute anime girls"
so i got a steam gift card and a container of preworkout.
all im getting for my 26th birthday is like $5000s in bills for the health insurance ill have to buy since i can't use a family members' insurance after im 26
I dunno mine does my pop still does occasionally get me something, but never really that expensive shit but so in turn both me and my brother get hem stuff for christmas, parent days and bdays
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
my mother occasionally tries to get me something small but I do also live with her so we have a more routine connection than I imagine some people have at my age
>>711748 when I turned 25 I told people around me that I wasn't interested in doing anything to mark the day. At all. No gifts or meals or anything like that. I didn't care enough and didn't want anyone making a fuss.
But things were a bit different this year. just because of all that other family stuff. People wanted a kind of celebration so i let them do it.
>>711756 Canada does, hah hah hah. Granted insurance here is only applicative to eyecare, dental, and ... maybe pharmaceutical costs? Maybe also some other focused health practices like orthopaedic and stuff like that. Not sure.
I'm actually gonna get insurance through my school. I don't make enough money to get on Obamacare. It's gonna be like $2000 a semester, so $6000 a year. But it's Cigna and Cigna is pretty good insurance. >>711757 Yeah, I let people do stuff for my birthday. It's weird, but it seems my birthday is more important to everyone else than me.
My university's paid student services has a pharmaceutical insurance for all students that covers 75% of drug costs. Thankfully I'm not on any particularly expensive drugs but it does make the cost of the SSRIs I've been taking pretty much an irrelevant cost.
>>711762 and they should, if you're rich, you should pay more taxes my gross income for 2018 was $2000. i should not have to pay $6000 for insurance i can, but i shouldn't have to just means i am gonna take out an extra loan
>>711760 this about the birthday was a hard lesson for me i didn't care about my birthday so i didn't want people taking any extra effort out for me, so i told people not to do stuff for my birthday it took me a while to realize that i was actually being selfish by doing that, and not letting other people have a simple happiness of doing something for my birthday so in trying to be nice and considerate it i end up being pretty rude
>Heat event ends this evening >All temperature highs for the next week aside from tomorrow are 0-2 degrees lower than current evening temperatures Yeah, definitely is ending.
How long are they going at it... or did just someone buy WAYYY Too many fireworks
Armor Breaker Flexible melee or ranged attack Triggering Roll : Natural 16+ hit Effect : The target takes a -2 penalty to AC and PD (save ends). This penalty doesn't stack with named conditions like weakened or stunned. Spirit Power: Sundering Strike. Use this power when you trigger armor breaker . Increase the defense penalty by 1. Adventurer Feat: The penalty is now cumulative with named conditions. Champion Feat: Sundering strike now increases the penalty by your Wisdom modifier. Epic Feat: The penalty lasts until the end of the battle, or until you apply it to another target.
wait a second
Below the Belt Flexible melee or ranged attack Triggering Roll: Any roll below the escalation die, once per battle Effect : The target pops free from all engaged allies (including you), and it takes a -4 penalty to AC and PD until the end of your next turn. Spirit Power: Painful Reminder. Use this power at the end of your turn when the penalty from below the belt would expire. The penalty persists until the end of the battle, but roll a d4 at the end of each of your turns. On a 4, the penalty increases by 1. On any other roll, it decreases by 1. This effect ends if the penalty drops to 0. Champion Feat: Roll a d6 instead of a d4 for painful reminder , increasing the penalty by 1 on a roll of 4-6. would these two stack?
>>711804 >: The penalty is now cumulative with named conditions.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh ok
I guess the named conditions is there to point out it DOESN*T stack with stuff like that including the -10 that alchemist can do since those aren't namedconditions
I'd call the cops, but I do wonder are they bored enough to do anything about it
Fireworks are legal in Florida though. And yeah I doubt the police will care.
Kirara 🍄
most fireworks are legal and the police won't care not around the 4th
>>711822 Yeah anything that requires a permit is obviously illegal but consumer fireworks are legal. If I said guns were legal somewhere I'd obviously mean legal guns.
Kirara 🍄
well people drive to georgia to buy fireworks that are illegal in florida all the time
>>711829 Ignoring that fireworks, without proper permits, are only allowed 18-23:59:59 on 31st and 00-02 on 1st of december and january respectively here
they'd be disturbing public peace, breaking your home peace, and shooting fireworks too close to habitation (most likely)
and even if none of the above was breached, you could still just call the cops on them for disturbing your sleep
Yeah. Cops will pretty much laugh at you unless you're in the rich part of town if you complain like that. They have to go check it out but they won't do anything.
>>711839 Yeah, cops have pretty much full discretion over when they're going to enforce the law. Florida Supreme Court even recently ruled that cops don't have any duty or obligation to protect people unless the people in question are in police custody.
I guess that is why your police force lacks respect since it has to go both ways in the end
Harrying Barrage Flexible ranged attack Triggering Roll: Natural 16+, when the escalation die is 2+ Effect : The target is harried (save ends). While the target is harried, you can use an interrupt on its turn to decrease the natural result of a single attack roll by 2 or 3. Spirit Power: Oathshot. Use this power as an interrupt when a harried opponent attacks one of your allies. The target must reroll the triggering attack roll and use the result of your choice. Epic Feat: When you modify or reroll a harried target’s attack roll, it takes 30 damage for each point on the current escalation die.
Lol some seeker abilities are going to be damn amusing
we got a new beer flavored with prickly pear cactus sounds interesting
>>711838 >ruled that cops don't have any duty or obligation to protect people unless the people in question are in police custody So did the federal supreme court.
Unerring Shootist Once per battle as a quick action, you can make your next ranged attack a called shot. Roll a d6 in addition to your d20. If the d6 is lower than or equal to the escalation die, and your attack hits, your WEAPON dice for that attack are maximized, and you can use any trick shot you have available regardless of the natural roll or the escalation die. Spirit Power: Double or Nothing. Use this power before rolling for a called shot. If the d6 is equal to the escalation die, your attack is also a critical hit in addition to the normal effects of the talent, and you can increase the escalation die by 1. Adventurer Feat: Increase the number of trick shots you know by one. Champion Feat: On a successful double or nothing , increase the escalation die by 2 instead of 1, and it becomes a d8 for the rest of the battle.
Wait, does this talent make it possible to have escalation up to 8? I guess so
>>711887 it's not someone there are at least four people who don't seem to be connected at all, at varying distances from me, every night all nearby but clearly not together
fireworks are not even that interesting one night of fun? sure. reasonable. if you are launching them every single night for several days? buddy, take a long look at your sad, pathetic life and grow up
yeah firework displays by pros can be fun for ever, but... yeah good luck having those on consecutive nights
Kirara 🍄
people who can do this night after night without regard for the people around them are probably less developed socially than chimpanzeea
>>711895 7am is fine with me it's annoying but not entirely unreasonable most people with normal jobs are awake around that time although 8:00 would be much more reasonable
people compare the music for his fight to ar tonelico music
Kirara 🍄
what's that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I dunno but I can understand the feeling behind his muisc and have heard this style before
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah after a quick search it seems to have a thing for nonsense lyrics which shiva also has
Ar Tonelico is an oldish series of GUST, the studio that makes the Atelier games. They're well known for having some really, really good music. One of the main vocalists is Shikata Akiko, who did a lot of the vocal music for Umineko. Shimotsuki Haruka is also one of their main vocalists. If you're familiar with that kind of eerie, choral music that Shikata Akiko likes to sing in, a lot of that is similar to the music of Ar Tonelico.
>>711902 It's less nonsense and more Ar Tonelico has a complete phonetic language made for the world the game takes place in. You can substitute the phonetic syllables of the music in Ar Tonelico for Japanese syllables and it becomes perfectly understandable. Kind of like some of the vocal tracks from NieR: Automata.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>>/watch?v=kDPXUVtiyZI yeah it's the same kind of feel I'm pretty sure you can confirm for yourself if you want
So how many quick actions could you possibly take in a single turn in 13th?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
up to three
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Target: A nearby ally
Effect: The next time the target rolls a d20, set the natural roll of the die as 10 + your level instead of rolling it. You can specify the type of roll, such as an attack, a skill check, a save, or a death save, or leave it to any roll.
Adventurer Feat: You can target an enemy with this spell, and set the die roll as 10 - your level instead.
Champion feat: You can cast the spell once per day per Charisma modifier, but the target must be different each time.
this would be a fun one then...
>take 3 quicks >these 3 allies will crit with their next attacks
>>711917 CHeck out custom class "seeker" I realised that many abilities between seeker and fateweaver can turn just ngihtmarish for the gm
>>711914 not really they're not bad though >>711916 it's alright i feel like i've tried this brand of chips before but i'm not too sure >>711918 hmm got a link?
especially how fateweaver has some abilities that deal say 15xescalation die and seeker can turn escalation die into 8 and then you can use focus to double the damage "hey i just dealt 240" damage on you with no roll
oh the 7,50 deal for tomb raider 2 included all the DLC I am okay with this
>>711921 This is cool Looks right up my alley actually Flexible attacks are great, I probably had more fun in combat with Fighter in 13th age than almost any other character Having two characters to manage made it more interesting too. Honestly I don't think most tabletop classes are complicated enough to feel very fun in gameplay, though. The main thing that makes it interesting to actually play is freeform storytelling and combining your party's abilities to solve problems, to me. I can't really fault a system for not being as engaging and complex as like Ogre Battle or some shit when it isn't really about that aspect.
>>711932 Try playing something without classes, like GURPS.
>>711932 oh yeah the on site version is out of date, the googledoc linked in the description is the actual one that is class I will play in ton's next campaign btw
Well shit A one ton giant fell on me and we fell 65 feet together
Okay it exploded and I took a lot of damage but it exploded and I'm still alive. But covered in giant guts.
>>711933 Well, I wouldn't be opposed to it, would just need to learn the rules and know anyone hosting a game my schedule actually permits. I don't have a lot of friends who like tabletop, the only other group I know outside of /moe/ games is usually DM'd by a guy that hates my guts, haha.
What's GURPS like, though?
>>711938 That's a lot of work, though. I'd have to put forth all this effort talking to new people and behaving myself and shit. >>711935 >>711936 How are you even alive after having a literal ton fall on you?
>>711937 You could definitely find people online to play with.
>>711937 This is a higher level game so i have a lot of health, also i rolled well on hp and the dm rolled really low on damage.
welp benchmarking tomb raider overheatead my computer and the fan noise began jesus TB wasn't kidding when he said this game isn't optimized at all...
>>711939 >dm rolled really low on damage ToN rolling for any boss literally > >gives boss triple health and enough damage on most attacks to one or two shot any given party member >boss gets toasted anyways >>711941 That shit doesn't hardly hit 60 FPS on my machine and I get 160FPS in Overwatch, 100 FPS in FFXIV during open world quests with 50+ people spamming shit, etc It looks pretty good though just not sure why it runs so bad
>>711942 My friend's dice are fucking cursed I rolled his d12 three times and got three every time. All his dice have rolled under 10 for every roll today.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>711942 remember when I gave a boss so much health to compensate PAN wanted to leave
>>711945 wait which one was that was it the final boss recently?
>>711947 I thought that fight was fucking great. I wanted to finish it properly but I guess I was alone in that.
>>711948 That was the best part! We were balls-deep in a fucking 6 hour boss fight and there were still more forms. Maybe I'm just retarded though. I thought fighting Adamantoise in FFXV before they let you just use the ring on him was fun.
PAN and Kirara were hating it They liked the battle royale until the bones showed up then hated it then liked teaminig up to fight it then hated Death Aspect appearing
I was having a lot of fun fighting a boss for the first time since like Owl (Satan) in campaign 1. Though it did kind of bum me out when I found out everybody else didn't like it.
That generator boss with the metal gear was a pretty good idea I think, it was kind of a shame Set 'em Up let us ignore the mechanics.
>>711952 By this point it's tradition. Our group bullied him so hard for no reason in the first campaign he literally ragequit playing and only came back when he got the chance to kill us all after we mollywopped the "final boss".
He probably deserved to get to kill us but my character was basically indestructible and unhittable by that point and canonically gained eldritch power and couldn't die anymore. The other characters had some bullshit character development going on too, though I don't' remember why Aurelia survived.
>>711949 Sometimes making your players mad is a good thing.
>>711951 PAN actively wanting to find ways to not play goes against every fiber of my DM being though.
>>711954 If he doesn't want to play then let him not play. If you have to make someone play that's not going to be healthy for the group in the long run.
That's kind of what I did for Owl, let him die while nuking the antagonists he wanted to get rid of, and then appear as the end boss to get revenge. Except I kind of have a deeper attachment to PAN, and I can't exactly have him appear as my secret end boss if I'm doing the secret end boss right then and there.
Kirara was also not having a ton of fun because it was taking so long and he needed to sleep.
>>711956 Yeah I know all about your deep attachment to pan. Also letting players play bad guys isn't neccesarily a good thing. My dm let me do that and I literally ended a campaign. The party deserved it though.
i think the final boss fight was a fun one and pan just was upset he didn't get to dual rape satan
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>711950 Aurelia didn't survive was the thing she became a ghost
Olivia/Satan/Owl died but demons don't permanently die so they were fine. Cordell was defeated but is more immortal than my immortal characters. Aurelia died and became a ghost. Alack died and assumed his true form as his own god Cag died but Cag in Granblue canon dies and while being a soul crafted ANOTHER BODY with alchemy and yeeted herself into it.
cordell is a concep lol
biggest fault in 2.0 was just how gamey it felt aside drom dragons being all eaten by charlie practically nothing happened off screen also free 0 time travelling
>>711961 Well, I kinda expected him to not appear directly in this campaign, haha. He punched out Satan and his corporeal form was supposed to be obliterated at the end of the first campaign, I thought. ToN's more in control of his character than I am really, he was gonna originally be some kind of god the swamp people worshipped until he got reused as the guy controlling Saber for the grail war.
It's not unreasonable that some kind of avatar of justice could reconvene his physical form if he wished to, though, so it made enough sense to me.
>>711963 I kinda liked the travel time a bit since it gave us more chances to do that travel montage thingy or make pit stops in random dungeons. The scope of the plot in the second campaign was too great to make it reasonable though, I think.
>>711963 i don'tmean filler, but say we travelled to tons of places while tgere was a war going on and nothing happened in the war
>>711964 this was kimda fault of having necromanya in the fight too aside from bit annoyed at being chopped in half, since the party accidentally allowed her to fully reincarnate as she intended, why would she do nothing but tgank them and then go do death stuff
Once the idea came to mind, it felt more interesting to have someone like Cordell enter the grail war than some rando who also happens to have enough magical power to summon a servant.
I dunno but the guy who might know is around. >>711964 sou
I might try to sprinkle some montage when the destination is really vital. But I'm going to try and expect for you guys to get slammed by some space pirates and knocked onto a random asteroid instead of going where you're supposed to.
Hopefully. >>711970 Hello yes I am the big basic RPG man
i just never felt the world as alive and it was reaöly like playing some basic rpg
>>711968 I didn't know if it had any chance of happening but prepared something just in case since I knew Alack and Cordell were pretty difficult to fight and thought we'd get our asses kicked by them eventually after figuring out Alack was Saber. Cordell would have wished for Olivia to never be able to drink alcohol.
In case you haven't figured it out Cordell likes to fuck with Olivia.
If it had happened I would have laughed. Big laugh.
Still can't believe Olivia didn't have another form though. My master plan was to backstab her and get her to enrage or something to kill the other boss easily.
maybe i should write uo tge short thing i had in mind by next week lol so we have a game going on already
>>711975 the bone golem was super deadly tho death was just amusing bht kinda weak
>>711975 she had another form in that shed come back at 666 hp and then survive at 1 hp after getting owned again and exploding based on how much you damaged her at that point
>>711977 Yeah the Bone Golem was real strong. Just what I would have expected from a giant bone mech. It probably should have Coup De Grace'd Chaska/Ghost Voices though. Considering in-character wise my character thought yours was making a mockery of death and hated you after the orphan thing, and killed you besides. I'd probably have thought it was about right for him to get killed there, and he really just sought death regardless so it'd be a good ending for him. >>711978 Man that sounds cool as hell. I wish everybody didn't hate how drawn out the fight was getting. I wanted to see all the forms and what Death Aspect could do and shit. Was having a lot of fun in that fight. Feels like I got cheated out of a really overblown dramatic finale cause people were impatient. Can't really blame Matt or Pan since they either lost a lot of sleep before another busy day or were just not having a lot of fun, but I wanted to see it through.
Death had actyally summon minions too still
>>711983 from her point of view tge whole world made a mockery of life by not having true death and undeath existing naturally
>>711983 oh yeah btw remember the gandora puzzle maze there were several puzzlws ment for soili that just fizzed out due to her not being there it was amusing
>>711983 death aspect would have also summoned the three skeletons soili had and gained 300 temp hp from jt, and while having that hp would passively damage melee attackers
i really wanted to kill someone with the health snap tho...
>>711985 Chaska had a pretty simple view towards life and undeath, so he thought reanimated undead were being robbed of their ability to move on to the afterlife, where he believed his people had moved on to and wanted to reunite with them in. A great plain flourishing with life that never wanted for creatures to hunt and provided everything you'd ever want from the land. >>711986 That place was pretty awesome ToN's visual design of dungeons could really use some work since he lost his grafics design expert girlfriend but the mechanics there were cool
I had some stuff going on that night and missed a couple of the rooms though, but it was still a fun gimmick and I liked it
well if china campaign evrr happens you'll learn a lot more about bright child vrings /brings joy to family
>>711989 in alchemy souls are just fusion of two opposing energies and it is completely natural for them to get reused into new forms of life
>>711990 well if you find some people or can run it with one person I'd probably play Wednesday and Thursday are the only days i'm usually available for normie timeslots cause I'm off but I'm pretty much always around after 11pm CDT google says that's like 7AM in finland I guess? >>711987 >passive damage to engaged enemies that would have fucked up our party lol half of us literally can't attack at range and the other half just had really gimped range attacks
Chaska was out of heals by the time Death showed up too I think, and he was the only PC with any recovery to give out by that point I think
It would've been funny as fuck if we all died on the final boss
>>711994 Didn't you post that pic already? oh wait this one has a foot in it
welp... whoever ,ade this fan didn't want it to be taken apart
now to hope it works to some extend
also i can get a new ine from ebay ir amazin for 10-15€ just the wait time...
We killed 32 dudes in 8 rounds.
Samu 🎸 !KW2DbpWwls
welp it is back to normal noise seriously i bet if i could remove the fanblades i could dust it proper that would be it but noo we gay manufacturer no remove blades
it works is bit annoying have to order a new one for FUCKS SAKE I hate that computer sparepart/repair shops have died out here
it is bit annoying, but constant so it will become a whitenoise eventually but I will have to replace it since two fanblades are broken and it clearly has some dust in the machinery that I can't remove since you can't remove the fanblade
bit sad I can't play tombraider but I don't dare to overstress my computer when my cooling isn't at 100% efficiency
>>712013 Oh, nice. It gets really intense towards the end. The last few cutscenes are probably my favorite experience in Final Fantasy. Hit me harder than anything in XV and I thought that game had some great cutscenes first time around.
what annopys me WORST is that I could have just taken it out dusted it with compressed air and not tried to disassemble it and then put it back together PROPER this time instead of loosely like I did last time thrown it back in and I prolly would have been set for few months but nooo I had to try and macgyver it and broke it slightly Why do I do things?
welp I can get it cheap from china through ebay, but... 14-30 day delivery
I don't like summer. Though it rained and was really windy earlier so it's only 75 degrees out right now and I don't mind that level of heat. Still got my AC on to make sure it's like 60 degrees in my room so I can get good sleep. It's really tough for me to sleep unless it's super cold for some reason.
Winter here is really nice with the 20 to 40 degree temperatures over the course of the day. I wish it was like that all the time!
Yeah same I sleep much better in the winter
I sleep best when it's nice and warm. When it's too cold I get sluggish and reluctant to get out from under the covers.
Even sixty degrees Fahrenheit is probably a bit on the chilly side for me sleeping comfortably. If I wasn't under a duvet I'd probably end up sleeping poorly.
>>712023 I seem to consistently wake up when it's too hot. Waking up a bunch while trying to sleep makes me feel bad when I wake up for good.
I'm kind of tough to wake, though, I suppose. Many people have told me as much.
You could probably yell in my face and I wouldn't get up if I didn't want to.
>>712023 Only my head needs to be cold for me to sleep well It's because I have insomnia and the way most insomnia works is that something is preventing the brain from cooling off (which is a natural part of falling asleep) properly.
>>712025 I'm not really hard nor easy to wake up. If I'm in deep REM sleep I can sleep through some sharp noise but a shake would probably jostle me out of sleep pretty easy. My problem really is that my brain is often pretty disorientated on waking up. I can hold a perfectly coherent conversation right after waking up and people will leave me feeling I've presented a properly woken person, but on my side I've got no recollection of the conversation and can go right back into sleep off it.
>>712027 Pushing me hard enough would probably shock me awake but I tend to roll around and thrash in my sleep anyways, according to Matt and Moon I still do haha
I think most people can get "woken" and talk a bit without actually remembering what they did. Often I'll wake up for work and say something but fall asleep again and not remember what I had said at all. Maybe that's a bit different from waking up and moving around and not being really lucid though.
Once I'm on my feet I'm there, that's for sure. If I'm still laying down most of the time I haven't actually woken up at all.
I'll stay pretty much still as stone when I'm properly asleep. Though it's not uncommon for me to reach that point of near-wakefulness and turn over onto my side or back and fall asleep again like that. Especially if I'm drowsing for like nine or ten hours; every time I wake up during that I'll turn a bit.