Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Fruits Basket Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Hitoribocchi JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kimetsu no Yaiba Kono Oto Tomare! Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Senryuu Shoujo
It's kind of funny how lame Silver Chariot Requiem is in body. Though its power is actually pretty impressive with how safe it keeps the arrow from people taking it.
>>704576 For such a powerful stand it sure is weak af
Being Yuki is suffering.
I like the friend dynamics this whole group has together. Like Tohru in particular has great friends but the whole squad just really meshes great together.
Gosh Kyo, how romantic.
hatsuharu looks like someone's deviantart OC
He kind of is a deviantArt OC.
Man there's so much of this series I'd forgotten about.
Yeah I know. When BokuBen started airing I asked you like every episode to post it because I'd never saved it and wanted it. Eventually someone posted it somewhere else.
I'm not going to say Fruits Basket is a psychological series or anything like that but there's some psychological components to it that it takes to heart really well and it's kind of one of the things about it that make me remember it so fondly.
>is he one of the zodiac thats obviously a girl retard
Akito's about as androsexual as it gets.
you mean androgenous?
Yeah, hah hah. I felt I was remembering that wrong and was going to check it as you typed that post. Androgynous.
well you were pretty close anyways!
Words are hard some times man. There's just too dang many of them.
Hei was a real asshole when he was in high school making fun of kids he used to lock in the party room and torment >>704627 i dunno man Akito is probably the reigning biggus dickus of the Souma family
Akito's got some shit in the past too anyway. The whole Souma family is pretty fucked up.
>>704626 Yeah, definitely, but it's not because of some kind of "born sadist" kind of thing.
I've never used a screen protector for my phone. I put one on my PS Vita once and the whole affair was not worth the trouble. And it's not like I've ever actually damaged a screen of a piece of technology I own.
>>704628 killing all those people at Hell's Gate really took a toll on high school Hei he wasn't always such a sadist >>704630 i put a screen protector on my phone once and then took it off because it bothered me for some reason the colors didn't look right i think
idk screen protectors don't even protect the fucking screen, you know? the screen is already protected by glass you're basically wearing two condoms to protect your screen dude
i really enjoyed it! we've finished what, bocchi and sarazanmai right nothing else is finished yet? >>704665 yeah you never really stop being an anxious mess you just handle it better
>>704664 Yeah, that's correct. We'll probably be seeing a bunch of the single-season shows wrapping up this week. But there's also a lot of shows currently airing that have additional cours coming up so there actually isn't a whole lot ending this week.
>>704667 noitaminA shows usually only run eleven episodes ;_; Though the show was really well paced and used that time frame really well.
>>704666 i legit thought it was gonna be a 22 episode thingy
>>704668 Probably? We could do Senryuu but unless we can't do anime Monday-Thursday this week we'll actually only have three shows by Thursday at this rate anyway.
I'll go look through movies that have come out recently and see if there's anything we can do next week that might be fun.