i just got an email from walgreens, just got off the phone with them i placed an order to get my lorazepam filled on the 30th and have it mailed to me because im fucking crippled seven days later they send me an email that it couldn't be filled bc the script expired it expired on the 5th they won't fill it, i dont have that doctor anymore, i'm // so upset this is their negligence and all they'll tell me is "sorry, it's expired so we can't fill it" yes i know, that is why i placed the order on the 30th, before it was expired, knowing that i'd have a transition in care this is so much negligence on their part. they could have informed me they wouldn't fill it in time so i could take it to a physical walgreens and fill it sorry
idk this is like the worst possible time for that too it's a potentially fatal drug to abruptly stop and their negligence here could kill me, seriously injure me, or at least compromise my mental health if i wasn't poor and disenfranchised i'd try to do something legal about it
Kirara π
yeah that sounds like something you could sue for
Kirara π
i can't get a break at all every day something else is breaking me in half and i'm suffocating my only friends remaining off of /moe/ im just gonna go to the er they're probably gonna tell me i need a referral
Kirara π
is that the sparrow ED? i saw on their site that they do emergency mental health and psychiatric care
He went for mostly mental health reasons. He's been struggling a lot lately and the pharmacy just denied him his benzo script which is really problematic.
I'll keep calling the place he wanted to do PHP at to find out some info for when he gets out Idk how long they'll keep him but hopefully they'll get him his medication at least
finally i am home thought about getting trashed but decided to only get mildly tipsy as an alternative with a 12oz can of wine these things still seem gimmicky to me
A ... can of wine? I mean I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but that's a thing?
Do you at least have a decent bit of time off now?
>>695463 i guess? it's not too bad if you disregard the metallic taste drinking from a can imparts it's economically unwise for the amount of wine you get it seems
>>695473 not really sure myself i've only seen wine in 750ml, 1.5L, and 4x187ml single bottles in addition to the big box for alcoholism my only good guess so far is so you can take it to places that don't allow bottles and/or hide it with a soda can cover but the singles are usually plastic so i'd imagine they'd be easier to hide and allowed at like the beach if glass isn't
>>695475 they sell 12 or 24cl bottles here bit rare for non-sparkling but they do exist 24cl is quite useful, since it is exactly 2 glasses good for a good toast for a couple
>>695478 that's kinda interesting, they usually define 1 glass of wine as 187ml/18cl here for whatever reason >>695466 i still don't know what this means
Kirara π
>>695480 see >>695477 it means dogs and elephants are different it's very meaningful
>>695482 murrica likes big drinks and guiding people to alcoholism the standard beer size here for single cans is 24oz/700ml rarely stores will sell 16oz/475ml singles too but they gouge you on the price vs the bigger cans >>695481 i kind of understand the moral they're getting at but that's gotta be one of the worst metaphors i've ever read
>>695483 today one of my clients gave me a metaphor to describe her relationship and it was like "there are two cups of water next to each other, and you're putting red dye in one of them. every time we fight there's just more red dye. you can't separate the water and the red dye. that's what's happening in our relationship, things are just getting less and less clear."
>>695485 that's so dumb it would have been better if one cup was pouring into the other cup or there was only one cup the other cup didn't do anything in the metaphor
Kirara π
>>695486 it was such a bad metaphor she's pretty dumb though
>>695485 maybe there are two cups representing two people and she just said there's red dye in one because she views herself as being more clear than the other person
>>695488 wouldn't it make more sense to be like "there's a cup with red water and it's pouring into the clear water cup" or something then?
>>695490 Well no because only one of them is becoming less clear and the cause doesn't necessarily have to be one of the cups it could be an outside factor
Kirara π
>>695488 but the problem presented in the metaphor isn't that there's a difference of some kind the only thing that appears to be relevant is the cup with the dye otherwise you'd revisit the clear water cup at some point in the metaphor
>>695514 agreed but i am sure he will come through i have but the utmost respect for his willpower >>695515 rip the beer guys that deliver to my store break shit a lot too i almost feel like it's intentional sometimes but they're probs just in a hurry to finish their route
i sent him a text but now that i think about it he probably won't be able to see it if he's in the hospital probably i haven't really talked to him too much lately or talked much lately
it is what it is i gotta deal with it I'm living for no gain nor pride regardless my free time gets squandered if I'm not earning anyways, so this is logically more optimal
if a girl makes you cry just let me know, i'll beat her up for you
>>695519 i think the designers made talking intentionally hard so people wouldn't do it too much
a crybaby not sure what changed >>695524 i like a challenge
i did it btw i bought nier automata at full price i'm pretty sure the graphics are worse on the digital (and maybe this is the case for most console games and i'm just now getting the memo)
Maybe? I haven't played a game on console digitally in ... maybe ever? Pretty much all my PC games are a digital download though but that's a different bucket of fish.
yeeeaaahhhh theres not exactly a lot of scenarios in which you would play a console game on both disc AND digital
If true that is a good encouragement for my preference to buy hard copies of console games though.
yeah i main reason to get this game digitally was to make infallibly certain that i could never lose it also it'll be more difficult for anyone to find out that i like embarrassing weeb games
Display your weeb treasures with pride
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
so like i miraculously dodged all the lines lucky
Are you just going to Amsterdam for pleasure, Samu, Or is it a work trip?
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
itβs a combini iβm meeting a coworker there and were gonna hang and maybe work
Seems cool. I've never had a chance to visit Europe; I'd like to travel some times.
they carry any and all new goddamn games and like i gotta reserve it before it launches its how i got metro exodus on release day, i just refreshed that shit every day and copped it number motherfuckeing 14 i got that Code Vein game on #20 lol imma play that weeb shit day 1 LOL
God bless the public library Anything to get people in there huh
https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=75551 majsoul room for whoever if they want to join, one slot left
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Fairy Gone Kenja no Mago --Episode 8-9 Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin RobiHachi Senryuu Shoujo Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Oh shit hah hah wrong copypasta.
>>695571 >australia got in over us The stars of the southern cross will be drenched in blood
Really like South Africas hairstyle here. and the beads and stuff on his lil samurai dress Canadas is pretty nice too I like the way he wears that great red leaf USA is a qtpie
Sure is nice being one of the Commonwealth Crew that DOES get noticed.
those goddamn tents are too hard to put away >accidentally spell godamn > hosanna comes up in the suggestions
My Internet went down in the middle of my dealer hand ;_; I had a feeling it was going to go out but I was hoping it would make it through that East game.
I thought of a galaxy brain tactic >smash dat riichi button >turn on autocall for wins >disconnect >everyone who's used to Tenhou will assume that you being disconnected means you can't call a win and discard your risky tiles
our internet at home needs a dns flush every now and then don't know what that means but I've tried a few things and that's the most reliable solution
Yeah the router unplug/replug resolves my problems pretty handidly. But it can some times come on rather unexpectedly and mess up things I'm doing online. Which makes me stressed out about bothering other people.
Sophie is pretty fun. I quite liked it. I think maybe Rika has played it too.
I'm kinda curious about Lulua but I can't afford to get it.
how have you been kannagiagiagiagiagi-san
Guess who didnt wake up for work at all
Oh no.
Today was an Ultrasonic train run. I cant get in contact with my supervisor so hes probably still out there at one of the defects. Fuck man. I slept for 10 hours
koi koi koi koi
marsh how dare you die right before i get on
My parents are in Georgia. No knocks on my door today lol. Fuck.
>>695706 Alright, been pretty busy with uni and moving house.
I just got finished moving It is by far one of the most tiring and stress-inducing practices that humans perform and I do not suggest anyone do it unless they must
Moving is the absolute worst There's so much stuff to do
I ended up moving in the last few days of my lease It was absolutely terrible To say that it was likely the worst week in my life is almost ridiculous when you consider that at least 6 of the worst weeks I've had in my life were during the last 52 of them
i like the design but >In 1944, during the Second World War, he became an axis and declared war on the Soviet Union. In 1945, the Soviet Union occupied Finland, and in 1947 peace with the Allied Powers restored sovereignty. the fuck is this fake history?
>>695771 >>695773 that's the art for my samurai campaign char i just decided
i wonder could you skate in maidfuku i kinda doubt
Kirara π
>>>/@sarahhollidayyy/1135955264736309248 every time i see a viral tweet with conte nt describing a heartwarming situation, the OP is selling crystals or some shit in the thread
>>695824 It feels dystopian to imagine an AI just picking appropriate meme responses in the future. or I guess worse people with no humour, just tired and typing meme responses.
>>695825 It really is innit The way some memes have such precanned responses to them, I doubt it'd even be that hard >key word detected: jojo >uploading randomly selected image from corporate JoJo folder And you've even got likes and retweets for automatic feedback on audience engagement
>People with no humour Imagine they get some old marketer in his 50s and tell him "hey man just do the memes"
>>695823 Yeah I'm not looking forward to it Also hisashiburi
I get no lands no lands still more no lands I get 1 land I die
Do you play EDH?
I made a Grand Warlord Radha EDH deck recently. It's pretty good. I also have an EDH deck built around a card with destroy target player. Unfortunately it's not very good.
>>695839 Objectively the best word to pic is Γ ngstrom because Γ is considered to be a distinct letter from A.
>>695840 Isn't Γ ngstrΓΆm the swedish spelling? I'm not sure if it's reasonable to use variant spellings from other languages the players aren't using.
rip i dled it on uplay so i gotta do it AGAIN on steam rofl yeah this game is something else, I'm level 198 on xbox and 134 on ps4 finna miss my dope skins but it's worth it for the complete change in playstyles everybody has on PC sheesh it's crazy to keep up with
>>695862 my record is 5 times with Redisent Evil 4 and since there's a switch version coming out, that actually forces me to buy a switch lmfao anyway here's a clip of my dumb ass usuing a gamepad like a scrub >>>/@Solari__/1136512811914240002
>>695863 well you do you crush your head all you want! >>695865 i bought dark souls on ps3, ps4, and pc twice i think that's the most times i've bought a game oh and switch so 5 times
>dying to someone playing with a gamepad on PC shamefur dispray
I think you just funded Great Rune I like to think I funded the RE2 remake but it was a while ago i made all those purchases so I prob ended up funding resident evil 6 FUCK
>>695886 my day is going pretty well i woke up to a completed commission because the artist is a damn trooper and was eventually awake enough to appreciate it after tomorrow ill have a nice weekend but tonight i get to ha ve my nerds go through the final dungeon of the second campaign.
>>695888 I decided to rewatch ryo ohki tge other day and it just so happened that a really good 1080p encode had been released the same day, Err for ova series 1 and 2. Last time i had checked ova3 hadn't been released on bd yet but now it gas *has And then i watched OVA 4 And was kind of disappointed
because those numbers should be around 50 the t-scores over 65 is considered a clinical elevation the higher they get the more fucked up something is and most people only have 1 or 2 elevations at most that's 8 elevations 9 actually
Does that mean they have everything?
Kirara π
not really have everything but their life is pretty much an unimaginable hell
What does this test diagnose?
Kirara π
it's the mmpi-2 it doesn't diagnose anything, it's just a tool that is used to look at psychopathology hs is hypocondriasis d depression 3 hysteria 4 psychopathic deviate masculine/feminine paranoia psychasthenia schizophrenia (not the disorder) hypomania social introversion
it measures social alienation, emotional alienation, lack of ego mastery, bizarre sensory experiences, etc it can hve relevance for the disorder schizophrenia but there's also a content scale called biz, or bizarre mentation, that taps into psychotic symptomology sc just measures constructs commom in the schizo type disorders personality stuff
i wish this was that weed that has the white things that you blow off of it. but a cotton is nice too >>695935 it's still cute. just a different kind of cute >>695936 are those called dandelions too? I thought it was just the yellow ones
it was nice this morning and then suddenly stormy as FUCK a minute ago and now it's sunny again
it's been a bit like that here recently sunny now though
/moe/ i don't get any signal in my bedroom and i've already missed one important call so i'm sure i'm missing tons of other important calls and my life is over
>>695968 are you able to see a reason that it wouldn't be recognizing this basic Try Catch
Right now, it runs exactly as its supposed to, as long as the user puts in a number. If they put anything else into the textbox, everything explodes.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>695973 add a function that tests if the input is a number and have it display a message saying "Input invalid, please input a number" and have it give another prompt for input
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
but shouldn't the Catch do that automatically if the first part can't execute?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>695975 honestly I don't even remember how to use try catch but for programs I write that require a specific type of user input I always put in a sanity check
Kirara π
lightning just hit like 200 feet from my car
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Kirara π
just happened again lost service for a second that time yikes
where the fuck is marsh I want to know if my advice solved his problem or not
Kirara π
>>695983 you can use it to strengthen real life skills by putting them in situations where they would need to utilize relevant skills for example you could have someone roll speech or something to talk to an npc and they have to act out a bad roll (showing they've learned what not to do) or they act out a good roll (which reinforces skills through role-play which is already established as an effective method) and you get to have fun doing it
>>696007 not really just random subjects i've told you at least two of them that I remember and those were from a year ago and three years ago respectively
>>696009 the worst shit in dreams is dream fighting I was gonma have a sick fight with someone in my dream last night but none of my attacks did anything So boring
>>696014 though i have had that thing where you're trying to run but it's more difficult like you're underwater happen to me before >>696013 more like john wick i was a contract killer i stabbed a couple of them to death though
I've been trying to find the perfect bottle to have the maximum capacity of water and so far I can fit 1.5-2L in here but the bigger bottle barely fits
garfield eats the planet whilst enjoying the agony it causes
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
any of you guys ever see Tenchi Muyo GXP? I'm trying to find out which release has the best subs because the first one I downloaded has dubtitles and I want one with good subs
perhaps when you wake up, you'll still be in a dream. and it will feel like hours, even days. maybe you'll see the end of the universe, nothing but blackness in all directions, writhing and squirming in non-euclidean ways. that's always interesting to see
I'm okay! I had a weird dream. I was hanging out at home and my neighbor got kicked out of her house so I let her stay at mine for a while, and she was playing with my son(?) then we went out on a walk and I narrowly avoided getting trampled by cows, but then an oxen with a carriage flipped over on me and I was trying to climb away, when an even bigger animal ran into the oxen, then a rhino ran into that one, and I couldn't stand up, and then I woke up.
Thats a heck of a dream! Sounds like natures revenge.
I had a weird dream too. I dreamt I was in an terrace house kinda place and was very confused why I was there and just acted like everything was normal. Dreams are weird things, our brains construct odd stuff
I watched some anime with moe, had unhealthy breakfast, got high and now watching spiderman homecoming and just paused when it got cringy. So pretty alright so far.
Mindfulness comes from zen but westernized mindfulness isn't really that good compared to zen. Mindfulness is about skills and zen is about living. My zen teacher really dislikes mindfulness, haha.
You should try zazen, though. It's really good for you.
What is airdrop? that sounds so futuristic being bombarded memes
>>696308 airdrop is oh no, I'm thinking of something else?
Isn't it that thing where like, it connects you to all other devices using air drop and you can send each other files? Like you have a digital space you drop the file into and then the other person picks it up as a p2p transfer.
>>696312 I thought you had to manually select which files to download from the local airdrop but I guessnotlol
Depends on the test. But they look for biomarkers. For example, there are biomarkers associated with alcohol. ALCO tests can test for alcohol used in the past 12-24 hours. EtG can test for alcohol in the last 80 hours. THC300, the standard for THC testing, can test for 20-30 days back. How far back it can test depends on how long it takes for a drug to fully metabolize out of your body.
I heard that you can detect THC in hair in terms of months I dunno how accurate that is though
Even that I love you so much In the end they will all say "Breaking someone elses heart again?"
>>696357 it was like 5-10 in mmonday and then in wednesday 25
>>696358 ππ» >>696359 loud cartoons at incredibly high speeds
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>>696312 you can configure airdrop so it only accepts files from people whose contact info you have but lots of people leave it on βwiiiiiide openβ